#brought to you by me reading screenshots of tweets telling the pope that he's not a real catholic
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Basque Text - Week 2
Here’s the prompt for week 2, courtesy of this prompt by @writing-prompt-s:
When you entered cryogenic sleep, you expected to wake up in a futuristic world. Instead, you wake up in a dusty cave, a man wearing dark robes staring at you in horror.
I tried to use imperatives but I have literally zero clue how to use them outside of knowing how the verb chart works so let me know. Also this story just sort of went places, idk I’m not really in charge here.
–Non nago?– galdetzen dut. Oso iluna da.
Gizona ni begiratzen ari da. Harritua iruditzen zait. Harrituta, edo agian beldurra du ere, segundu bat ondoren oihu ozena egiten duelako.
–Nor zara? Non gaude? Zer gertatzen da?
Ez dit erantzuten. Gero, hiru gizon beste agertzen dira koban.
–Jainko esnatu da.– murmurikatzen die lehengo gizonak. –Kontseilua prestatu ezazue!
Hiru gizonak arin desagertzen dira.
–Nire Jaun, ez haserretzea eskatzen zaitut. Hilko gaituzu laster, mesedez? Sufrimendutik askatu gaitzazu!– Belaunikatzen da, dardatzen.
–Ez gaitut hil nahi. Ez dakit zer gertatzen dela, zergaitik Jainko naiz? Gizon bat bakarrik naiz.
–Baina, nola esaten ari zara hori! Heresia da! Ez zara kontseilukoa? Kartzelara joango zara oraintxe!
Eta horrela, kartzelatu dute Jainko.
#the end came to me in the last 3 paragraphy tbch#brought to you by me reading screenshots of tweets telling the pope that he's not a real catholic#in case you want to know what was going on in my head#like i guess this is about people wanting their religion to conform to what they want but it's not deep enough to really be about that#it's just a silly little story that's all#basque creative writing challenge#language practice#language month#basque#basque:general#basque:writing#basque:practice#basque:challenge#general:writing#general:practice#general:challenge
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