#brotp of all time I'm eating glass
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"I need you down there to be you so that I can be me" I'm normal I'm normal I'm normal I'm normal
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demispark · 11 months ago
Alright, I'm giving you a Cassette beasts character too! And who's better for this than Aleph, the Bill cypher wannabe!
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favorite thing about them
- He's such a strange guy! For most of the game he kinda just rolls up to an archangel after you beat them and is like "you're my friend now, we're having soft tacos later!" and eats them.
least favorite thing about them
- Alongside Lenna and Helia, he's one of the few bosses you can't rematch :(
favorite line
- Conquest is besties with Capitalism (Mammon) and Consumerism (The Nowhere Monarch), they're all terrible together :3
- Should I put his divorced wife in OTP or nOTP?
random headcanon
- His like glass triangle head is easily breakable. It doesn't really hurt him all that much, but he'll just go "Well now, that wasn't very nice of you!" if you break it mid-fight. He's just weird like that.
unpopular opinion
- The Cassette Beasts fandom is made up of like five people, what popular opinions do we have about this guy that I can even disagree with? I'm gonna say that my unpopular opinion is that he isn't that great of a villain. He just kinda shows up to be strange and ominous but does not really affect the plot in any meaningful way until the end of the game.
song i associate with them
- Arrow of Time, of course! I think Deus Ex is his theme, but I'm gonna be honest I don't remember at all what that song sounds like-
favorite picture of them
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I know I'm the one who made this but I think it's really funny okay
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carneflower13 · 1 year ago
perceives those character questions... how about ur man seymour anddd.. homura. variety. you don't gotta do both if you don't want
favorite thing about them: Oh god do I have to pick just one thing?? I love his hair, I love his glasses, I love his clothes, I love his voice....I love how sweet he is to Audrey and to his plants <3 I also love how he was immediately convinced to kill orin when he saw him hurting audrey like YESSSSS KING!!! THE GUY SURE LOOKS LIKE PLANT FOOD TO ME!! He is also so SO sopping wet and pathetic and that only makes me love him even more.
favorite line: "Hi, Audrey! You look radiant today~ <3" OR "Twoey, that's disgusting." OR "You watch your language!"
brOTP: i guess him and twoey but only in AUs where twoey is actually nice and isn't trying to eat the world. I would like for him to have more actual people to be friends with!!
OTP: Him and Audrey, obviously. Literally they made me believe love is real <3
nOTP: Seymour/Twoey or Seymour/Orin. He does not deserve that kind of suffering.
random headcanon: He has autism (just like me!) and his special interest is plants/botany, specifically weird and exotic plants (His monologue in "da-doo" could be interpreted as him infodumping). Also, he's prone to sensory overloads bc he gets overwhelmed easily ;w;
unpopular opinion: hmmmm. idk. i think some people give him too much credit for his actions. some people like to act like he was some secretly fucked up mastermind from the beginning but he's literally Just Some Guy who was talked into killing people by a giant plant bc his life sucked and as far as he knew, he didn't have any other chance to make things better. he was living in poverty and stuck in a dead-end job. he was desperate. did he make mistakes? yeah of course he did. but like. idk. i feel like everything was more twoey's fault than seymour's.
song i associate with them: "Put Your Head on My Shoulder" by Paul Anka. Its from around the same era the movie takes place in and I can picture him singing it for whatever reason.
favorite picture of them: LISTEN i have a whole folder of pictures of this man its impossible for me to pick just one BUT:
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this recent addition to my collection is pretty cute <3 he looks soft i just wanna kiss his cheeks and give him a big ol hug
aaaaaand now homura
favorite thing about them: SHE IS LITERALLY SO COOL. I like that she seems cold and distant but is actually feeling SO MUCH beneath the surface. I also like when she uses her guns or her time-shield thingy. OH and the sassy little hair-flips she does sometimes!!! ALSO she kicks kyubbey's ass all the time it's great. I also have a weakness for characters who have distinct "before" and "after" personalities (Homura's being her shy pre-magical girl/time loop self and her serious self that we see for most of the series)
least favorite thing about them: Her whole deal at the end of Rebellion is kind of weird I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it (I think the main series ended on a well-enough note) but her demon design is still pretty cool. Also she kind of gets into Madoka's business a lot like showing up at her window in the middle of the night?? It's funny but also girl what the hell are you doing?
favorite line: Uhhh I don't remember any of her actual quotes from the series so here's one from the legendary video Meduka Meguca: "MEDUKA DON'T GOOOOOOOOO"
brOTP: I feel like if her and Mami had a better, less antagonistic relationship they could be good friends.
OTP: Her and Madoka of course! <3
nOTP: I have no idea.
random headcanon: She is autistic and also a lesbian to me <3
unpopular opinion: ummmmm i don't know lol i don't really interact with the pmmm fandom much
song i associate with them: "In the End" by Linkin Park. I'm pretty sure I saw an AMV with her set to that song way back. Plus, the lyrics fit her situation pretty well
favorite picture of them: This one speaks to me
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jugglingjujube · 10 months ago
for the character meme: camilla or pal or a character of your choice !! < 333
Let's go with Camilla because I'm always ready to talk about her
favorite thing about them
she is so funny. Camilla has a very dry sense of humor and is going through it for the whole series but when she's comfortable with someone she is constantly sassing them. she even does it to pash.
also she is so cool and smart and strong and handsome
least favorite thing about them
I have no least favourite thing about Camilla. Everything she does is perfect in my eyes. Nuance and critical reading is for every other character. This is my tragic flaw actually.
favorite line
Telling Nona she thought eating breakfast was sexy.
although this is a close second
“I saw your corpse.” “Well,” said Camilla Hect steadily, “don’t tell everyone, or they’ll want to see it too."
Because that is a wild situation and she's just happy to see Harrow again and cracking jokes about how people want her dead
brOTP: Campal
OTP: Campaldulcie
nOTP: I ... don't think I have one? I'm sure if you started pairing her with non-palamedes men I would find some
random headcanon
This was a post from a while ago
Headcannon that when Pyrrha asked what Palamedes looked like, Camilla drew a beautiful lovingly accurate portrait from memory.
When Nona asked what Palamedes looked like, she drew a tall stick figure with big glasses.
unpopular opinion
She's a liar! Palamedes and Dulcinea are all about the truth but Camilla lies all the time, even to them if it means protecting them!
This isn't a moral judgment, I just don't see people talking about this much. Also her being aroace in canon and whatever is hot in fanfic isn't unpopular i think.
song i associate with them
King and Lionheart by of Monster and Men
I could probably pick a better song than the one on all of my otp playlists since i was 16 but i'm so picky about character song associations
favorite picture of them
probably this one or this one
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Lupin for the character asks?
Why I like them: he’s so SILLY and devious and mischievous and watching him commit crimes for the thrill of it all is so FUN and I just love him a lot <3 plus he's got that spicy extra layer of Sadness to him that we catch a glimpse of every so often... it intrigues me... i wanna crack his psyche open like a walnut. he's just so intensely layered and complex and i fucking love that. he has lots of issues but he's funny about it. he's like a Looney Tunes character in a very-much-not-Looney-Tunes setting (most of the time, anyways), he can do whatever he wants and it's fantastic. love that for him <3
Why I don’t: HE'S SO FUCKING HORNY......... LIKE SIR.. PLEASE.... also he is just str8 up an asshole for no reason sometimes lol i'm not about that [smacks him with a broom] Stop.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): THE SCENE IN CASTLE OF CAGLIOSTRO… the one where he sneaks into Clarisse's room at night, introduces himself as a thief, returns her ring (or so we believe), tells her he cannot leave until his job is done even though, by her words, he's putting his life at risk… he tells her that she, herself, is the treasure he wishes to steal away… his little theatrics as he describes what being a thief is all about… Clarisse, unable to bring herself to hope, all too aware of the Baron's stranglehold on her life… Lupin lamenting her lack of faith in him in one of my favorite lines in the franchise… the way he hangs his head, and then shakes and grasps his hand as he summons a flower from seemingly nowhere, and kneels before Clarisse to present it to her, saying, “Right now, this is the best he can do,” with a smile, handing off the flower to her and trailing a string of tiny flags as it leaves his hand, one at a time… the clear joy on her face, and his goofy smile… the way they laugh together…. LIKE, he clearly knows that he can't do much to defeat her fear of the Baron, but for now, he can give her this one tiny joy… I am going to Lose my MIND. literally the only scene in anything, ever. OH ALSO second place goes to the scene in Eternal Mermaid when he and Jigen talk on the beach at night about why they’re thieves… that one rotates in my brain 24/7
Favorite season/movie: yeah i'm basic as fuck, Castle of Cagliostro has my favorite Loop ever. he’s so soft and so sad and yet still such a devious little bastard, but with that extra level of endearing Miyazaki charm to him… chef's kiss. perfection.
Favorite line: “When times change, I adapt to them. That’s how I’ve always lived. But Jigen Daisuke is the only man who never said a word and just accepted me no matter who I was. He’s the only stable thing in my life. And maybe that’s why I’ve been able to stay true to myself. So it’s simple. No matter what he decides to do, I return the favor by accepting it just the same.”
Favorite outfit: HMMM he has a lot of excellent outfits… I’m a big fan of part 5’s blue jacket and pink tie combo :] also his sick tech monocle... such a banger
OTP: JIGEN AND LUPIN BIG MARRIED!!!!!!!! they are in love and they are married and they kiss each other on the lips <3 additionally, Lupin's dating Goemon, and also he's married and divorced Fujiko like twelve times lol. ALSO I don’t ship it but I accept the truth of the fact that Lupin and Albert definitely dated. or at least fucked.
Brotp: LUPIN AND ZENI.... they care each other so much ;___;
Head Canon: just gonna list headcanons until i run outta steam because i have so many ANYWAYS he has ADHD, he's trans ftm but didn't have top surgery cause he's genderfluid/genderqueer and actually likes his titties, he was raised by his grandpa for a few years, he definitely needs glasses, he's the second youngest in the gang after Jigen and Fujiko, he's bowlegged, he can play both the piano and the violin, he falls in love easily and often but moves on and gets over heartbreak fairly quick, he forgets to eat and sleep sometimes to his own detriment when he gets wrapped up planning a heist, AND finally, i like the idea that he had a near-death experience once as a kid which is why he's Like That
Unpopular opinion: the way ppl draw lu/zeni makes me mad uncomfortable sometimes LOL ask again if u want a full breakdown on that, it's too long to put here. also just in general shipping those two makes me very :\ cause i feel like all the "hints" towards it in canon are just thinly veiled homophobic jokes and despite not having official ages or anything Zeni is clearly supposed to be at least 15+ years older than the Lupin gang... they literally call him Pops???? idk i'm just very much not a fan lol.
A wish: I wish he would have a full-on breakdown onscreen <3
An oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen: don’t ever make him like… assault someone………… the manga is fucked up yes I know but in the anime Lupin canon………… please do not :\
5 words to best describe them: horny, silly, driven, fun-loving, and... hmm..... monkey :]
My nickname for them: LOOP!!!!! <3 I call him Loop like approximately half the time lmao, I just think it’s cute :D
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jgnico · 3 years ago
Maki zenin (for the ask! <3)
favorite thing about them
I feel like saying her personality is such a non-answer, but honestly she's one of those characters that I would love to be friends with and idk how else to say that, so... her personality.
least favorite thing about them
This isn't really a negative about her, but I hate that Maki never got to tell Mai that she was her motivation for being a sorcerer.
favorite line
"I'm still not good enough." (ch 148) Honestly I love this entire moment for her as much as I do this line. She's being offered headship of the Zen'in Clan on a silver platter, not strings attached, no struggle involved and she just... Can't accept it. Because it's not really what she wants, not if she can't make things better for Mai, not if she hasn't proven to herself that she deserves it. So she turns it down, because despite what she tells everyone, she doesn't care about being the Head, not truly.
Maki & Yuuta. That and I really like her and Megumi's back-and-forths.
Nobamaki! I love them!
I don't think I have one tbh.
random headcanon
With the exception of her glasses and cursed tools, Maki looses and misplaces things all the time. Keys? Nowhere to be found. Chips she was just eating? Gone. Her phone? Might as well no longer exist.
unpopular opinion
I think people focus on the Zen'in Massacre way too much. There's so much more to her than that.
song i associate with them
Invisible Chains by Lauren Jarengui
favorite picture of them
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invisible-library-stuff · 6 years ago
So, Kai's already done. Have you done Irene? (I'm gonna try until I find a character you haven't done yet).
Seems like you won’t have to try much more lmao
-Favorite thing about them:
She is just so??? Resourceful?? I’m always looking forward to what she is going to do next. No exit? Are you sure? Irene just straight up explodes her way out she’s incredible
-Least favorite thing about them:
I don’t know how to explain that, but it’s like she never has time to anyone. Even when she is not on a big-time rush, she gets tired of what people are telling her in .2secs. Can you imagine trying to hold a conversation with someone like that? Still love her lots tho
-Favorite line:
Ohhhh there is this thing she says on book 2, I’m glad I highlighted it on my kindle ‘cause here it is word by word: “Oh, I admit that not all stories have happy endings, but people prefer what they are used to.”
I really want her to make up with Bradamant. I can’t bring myself to hate any character in this book, even the ones I may be supposed to hate (I’m talking about Silver, I Really Love This Hoe). I mean, if they actually pair up, no trust-issues, then I’m sure Alberich already has a set date for his doom.
I said it once and I Will say it again
Kairene is a power couple and is craved deep within my heart thank you
I??? I guess I don’t like Irene x Bradamant. Apart from that, Irene is like a Joker or something. She pairs up very nicely with everyone else.
-Random headcanon:
I’m sure that during highschool Irene was that kid who was absolutely amazing at everything she did. She was the best in every single club, but still quit all of them. Not as appealing as her books.
-Unpopular Opinion:
Alright, I’ll admit it holy shit I like those rare Irene x Silver moments. I know I am very dedicated to Kairene, but d a m n. I don’t think they’d be a serious couple nor would any of them commit to a long term relationship, but who says they can’t make out once in a while? (Ignore her Library brand please).
-Song I associate with them:
The Tech Thieves - Flowers
No reason behind the lyrics I just hear it and think of her
-Favorite picture of them:
I’m doing a mental picture again. The ending of book 1 was simply astonishing. She was attacked by glass birds, the floor tried to eat her and a lot of other things I don’t even remember were simultaneously or previously trying to kill her. And yet, she wins. She might’ve looked weak, but she was actually showing off just how strong she can be
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puropoly · 6 years ago
i'm gonna b predictable and ask ur opinions on beyond
Thank you for being predictable and giving me exactly what I want
favorite thing about them
Listen my heart BURNS like a thousand suns for the second letter of the alphabet, but it’s a little tricky to answer a question about a character whose characterization is made of 75% headcanon, so I’ll have to answer between those parameters…
THAT SAID, I love so many things about him, it’s hard to choose just one. I’m just very prone to love characters that are clown-esque in nature, and B is as performative and strange and awkward as a clown who tries to be creepy and terrifying but instead of that falls somewhere in the middle of the spectrum of “actually creepy” and “ complete buffoon” and God, I just love him for that. He could grab a knife and claim he’s about to murder someone and I’ll be like “haha, classic B, what a meme lord, I wonder what he’s up to this time!!” as he effectively murders someone, with me laughing in the background.  I just can’t take him seriously
least favorite thing about them
Just how much of a wasted potential he is. I know LABB is intended to be a mystery novel, but half the time I was reading about all the mumbo jumbo about inverted q being a b, and different ways  to add numbers to get 13 as a result I was wondering about B, and Wammy’s, and his tragic background. I just think there could be more than just LABB to flesh out his character and it’s a shame that didn’t happen
favorite line
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A probably, I like to think they were best friends who had each other’s backs. Just two freaks bringing out what little humanity is left in the other. Ah :’(
A!!!!!!! two best friends can also be in love bitch!!!!!!. I am drowning in this OTP right now
But you know? since A is canonically …feeding the worms, I think B is versatile and fun enough to be shipped with anyone. Just extremely unpredictable, haha 
uhhm I can’t think of any really.
random headcanon
A MILLION, but one of my favourites is that once during halloween at Wammy’s, (i like to think halloween was a HUGE thing in wammy’s, even more than Christmas, and they had scare contests, obviously againts roger’s will) he and A went to the forest with her recording camera to record their own blair’s witch project parody, or as B liked to call it “wammy’s witch project”
unpopular opinion
I think that him walking on fours and eating a jar of jam is nothing but an hyperbolic mockery of L and not real traits of his. I do think that he likes to eat with his hands, because it’s weird and gross enough to call other’s attention. Also, practical
song i associate with them
I have a million more, but this It’s pretty much his theme song in my head
favorite picture of them
You know since there aren’t any, I keep thinking about one of @13eyond13 ‘s headcanons of A having a photo of B sitting in wammy’s chapel with the light reflecting from the stained glass windows creating a super colorful image. I love this idea jlkdsgire ;_;
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kalboykiyay · 5 years ago
Tagged by: @fumiko-matsubara thanks, dear!
Rules: Tag 9 people you'd like to get to know better!
Three Ships:
• ReynxSharla (Xenoblade Chronicles). This is probably my favourite ship ever. Sharla is my favourite character of all time and Reyn is just... He's so sweet and down to earth. They care so much about their friends, though in different ways. They just... I love...
• Chiba/Hayami (ChiHaya/Assassination Classroom). These two are my second and third favourite characters of all time respectively. I just appreciate when they're onscreen together and I like reading fics about them, that aren't too unrealistic, because I like that they don't seem like they'd be overly affectionate as a pairing. It's refreshing.
• Strawberry Shortcake/Huckleberry Pie (Strawberry Shortcake [2003 relaunch]) this one is more so in a BROTP sense, because for the first three seasons, all of these kids are like... Ten... But I used to ship them when I was much younger, probably like seven or eight years old because I could do that if I wanted. so this is probably my original (BR)OTP. These days, I watch the show for the nostalgia, it takes me back, so the trip down memory lane is appreciated. But now that I'm older, I'm noticing more stuff about these two that I didn't notice before.
Last Song: Painted Dreams by Unlike Pluto.
Currently Reading: Eh... I'm not really reading anything at the moment, unless you count that book I need to finish, The President and the Assassin by Scott Miller.
Currently Consuming: Just finished eating two slices of cheddar cheese because we need to go grocery shopping.
Currently craving: hmm... Many things, but I'll say that Key Lime Pie with a glass of milk would be great right about now.
Tagging: Hmm... I dunno who to tag really... @fiorafriday and @melvinandlugnut only if y'all are interested!
Tagging game!! I didn’t wanna reblog the long post here haha, so I just answered them like this.
Tagged By: @xlittle-graciex (Thanks!!!)
Rules: Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better!
Three Ships: Hmm... an otp I have always and will always adore is Hal Jordan x Carol Ferris (Green Lantern), they’re literally my parents and I love them. A ship I’m currently very attached to is Midorima x Takao (Kuroko no Basket). I used to hate them, and I’m so mad at myself for it. They’re really sweet. And lastly, I’m in love with the pair Chiba x Kaho (AssClass). They’re SUCH a rare pair, and it’s crazy how much I think about them considering they never come close to interacting in canon 😂💜
Last Song: Burn It by Agust D and MAX
Currently Reading: I have so many like...actual books that I wanna read, but I just haven’t 😭 I am re-reading my volumes of Tokyo Ghoul though, as well as one of the extra light novels. Mainly for nostalgia
Currently Watching: Glee and Total Drama...again lmao. I’m also watching Ever After High bc it’s actually so interesting for a kids show 😳
Currently Consuming: Mango Juice!! And Krispy Kreme donuts haha
Currently Craving: A chocolate milkshake ;-;
Tagging: @fumiko-matsubara, @assclassmeraki, @assclass-conspiracies, @assclasssideblog, @assclass-dump
I don’t have a lot of people I can think of off the top of my head haha. Pls don’t feel obligated to do this ofc 💕
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