#brother if theres one thing about me its that i’ll take the academia in my hero academia very seriously
strelitzicae-arts · 7 years
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I made a voltron sky high boku no hero academia AU! I’ll put all their powers and outfit designs notes under cut in case you can’t read my handwriting. Feel free to use these designs and idea, just credit me and either @ me or msg me that way I can see whatever you make. However, please ask before reposting the above artwork.
Okey lets start with all my long convoluted explanations.
Power: She can sense, drain, and replenish energy. I chose this cause she restores the Balmara’s energy, and her arc has a lot to do with “healing” (recovering from the death of her people). I didn’t want to give her a straight up healing quirk though, so I decided to have her be able to both heal and steal energy.
Outfit: Her outfit is pretty basic, I tried to mash her dress and wonder woman’s outfit and added a cape. She has a little tube thing with a button on it that, when pressed, turns it into a staff. She uses this to fight when she has to, but avoids actual physical conflict as much as possible. It attaches to her belt.
Other stuff: I designed so that she just graduated (around 17-18) and is a sidekick to a hero, but is planning to go solo soon due to overwhelming public support. She also interns at Altea Academy, the school she went to and that her father runs. 
Power: He was born without a power, but after capture by the evil organization GALRA he was given an artificial quirk. He is now able to manipulate metal, and usually metal bends his arm into a weapon to fight.
Outfit: He has a mask that he usually wears, and of course the metal arm. His markings on his outfit don’t mean much, they’re more of a reference to voltron’s colors and look cool. The purple sleeve covering his non-robot arm is also more for style.
Other stuff: I’ve been playing around with a bunch of ideas for him. I think he should start off as a police investigator, he wants to help people and set a good example for his adopted brother Keith. He learns something he shouldn’t when investigating GALRA, and the GALRA capture him and use him as a test subject. After a person from the Blade of Marmora (a vigilante organization) saves him, I think he either joins the vigilantes, or becomes a librarian or smth at Altea Academy to hide from GALRA.
Power: He has xray vision (or something that gives him good vision to see what others can’t). I also thought about giving him water/ice powers but I decided against that because it was too obvious and didn’t give me something to fill my sniper Lance cravings. Basically when he uses his power he gets a light blue sheen over his eyes and his pupil turns neon blue. When using them he can see vitals of other people, things far away, or just see a person’s body parts and internal organs.  
Outfit: He has a pair of pilot goggle that belonged to his late grandfather, he wears them for style, to protect his eyes, and to help keep others from realizing where hes looking.He has two handguns and a sniper rifle, he attaches them to his belt. He also has a bunch of pouches holding ammo. He has a breastplate under his jacket to help protect him, he did it to appease his worried mom. I like to think his mom and little sister helped design the outfit, while his dad and older siblings helped him make the guns.
Other stuff: He has a huge family, but was the first to develop a power. His family was ecstatic when he said he wanted to be a hero, and are very supportive. He just barely missed the cutoff for Altea Academy’s hero course, but is still in the general studies course and in the same class as Shay. Keith and him were in the same class at Garrison middle school, but didn’t get along. After Keith got into the hero course when he didn’t, the animosity grew even if he didn’t intend to take his frustrations out on him.
Power: He can reinforce other objects. He is a strong boi and helps others, so I thought more of a support skill would suit him. Of course, he can fuck up some bitches when he needs to, but usually he creates shields etc. using his power.
Outfit: He also has some pouches to hold stuff. To fight, usually he reinforces his gloves and throws some heavy punches.
Other Stuff: he also tried out and didn’t make it into the hero course. He took it much better than Lance though, and is an engineer in the support course. He and Lance are neighbors and childhood friends.
Edge Lord Keith:
Powers: He can manipulate flames. He can also make them, but it drains a bunch of his energy so he usually carries a lighter, and increases the flames intensity. After a few incidents, he started focusing his flames on either his blade or sword rather than let them needlessly burn everything.
Outfit: All his clothes are frayed, and he has a bunch of flame designs to match his birthmark.He has two sheaths: 1 carrying his katana, and the other carrying his blade. Very edgy.
Other Stuff: He is the adopted bro of Shiro. he has a flame birthmark. His mom was a vigilante in the blade of marmora, and gave him her proof of membership (the blade) before she was murdered by a double agent GALRA. He and Lance went to Garrison middle school together, they got into a bunch of stupid arguments, and Keith had a bit of an attitude, so they didn’t get along. Keith sorta regrets it and wants to apologize but he also thinks that would be p awkward so he’s conflicted. Shiro getting captured made him want to be a hero.
Power: She can combine items to make new stuff. Thats p much all there is too it. I chose it based off her episodes on the forest planet where she made stuff with that headband thing. 
Outfit. That screen goggle thing can show her possible item combinations and their results. Her breast plate has a battery powering that, the knobs don’t do anything yet, but shes planning on adding a speaker system to her outfit to rickroll her enemies. I didn’t draw her a weapon, but she can pretty much make a weapon whenever she needs one. Eventually she probably will get one similar to her weapon in the show.  
Other Stuff: She was always plannig on joing Altea Academy’s support class but decided to do the hero course test too cause why not. She did better than she thought, but didn’t get in. IDK whats going on with Matt, I think he was either captured along with Shiro, never left, or smth else.
Random Stuff:
Altea Academy is basically UA academy from BNHA
Lance, Pidge, and Hunk are all moved to hero course after shenanigans
Alfor is principal of Altea Academy
IDK how lions play in to this, I think it could be something like Lance, Keith, Pidge, and Hunk being designated “call when people attack” squad (aka Voltron).
Keith, Hunk, and Lance are 15-17, Pidge is a year or two younger than them (she was moved up a few grades). Shiro is around 5 years old than Keith, at least 18 to be police investigator.
All BOM members are vigilantes, most used to be GALRA
A vigilante killed Allura’s mom, she doesn’t trust them. 
GALRA are after something at Altea academy, a secret, Alfor’s head, a student’s quirk, idk theres a bunch of stuff there to want.
I tried to make Shiro’s mask look like a lions face but without details and stuff. Just imagine its a lion mask.
If you can’t tell, Keith is biracial (half asian, half white) and Shiro is Japanese. I suck at skin tones.
I think I might make this a fanfiction, but please feel free to use any of this stuff. Again, credit me. And please please please message me if you write or draw anything for this AU, I would seriously cry of joy if anyone drew something for this small little AU.
I’ll update this post if/when I write a fanfiction for this AU.
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helio-hermit · 7 years
Good Things: 
-I am so H A P P Y
-I am in a very healthy healthy healthy relationship with a capital R! We are proper dating wow. I have a boyf. He’s beautiful and scottish and accomplished and ambitious and it’s really so so blissful. He adores me for my smarts first and foremost and thats what I adore most about him, he respects me as a creator and I respect him as one as well and its this really nice mutual support system of growth. I never feel bad for messaging him, I never feel bad for needing time alone, I just exist with him and its really refreshing to have a secure attachment with no anxiety and deception and power moves you know? 
-I feel really good about my body lately and my sense of self
-I haven’t been very vocal on here because I’m stressed to all hell about essays I have three due so so so soon but I know I can get this accomplished if I focus in. 
-So the boyf and I finished our play this past Monday and we received a standing ovation <3 Everyone really really liked it and I’ll shop the script around but damn did it feel good to see people engage so heavily with my script and with his acting! Theatrical power couple I tell ya. But people think I’m a really good writer...and damn does it feel good to be allowed to relish in that for just a moment. but i gotta keep working to get better and better!
-I’m stressed to all fuck but I think I’ll be okay. I just have a slow work ethic right now and I need to start applying to Central and RCS and other drama schools for directing. 
-the bank is holding all my money for some dumb reason :/ so I can’t buy basically anything so I’ve just been living off of paypaling pad thai to my house ahaha. 
-My best friend and the boyf have a performance tonight at the art school doing some 20 minute theatre pieces and thats so damn cool. I’m excited to go support the fuck out of them. 
-I really wanna read and write but I CANT TILL ESSAYS are over and applications. 
-Life is funny and weird and I’m like...emotionally invested in this boi but I’m not like obsessed with him? Like i don’t get nervous and I’m not butterflies all the time. Is this what mature bonding feels like? Like he’s just my friend and we kiss and its nice not to be so emotionally unstable about something for once you know? Like I know he likes me. I like him and thats all that I need. Validation is take it or leave it. I just live, and its nice to feel that way about something for once since I’m so volatile haha. 
-I feel a little blah and useless but i know thats just because my show closed and i dont know who I am without a creative outlet. 
-its so cold in my house I dont wanna go to the library today but hey ho-- academia awaits amirightladies? 
-Tomorrow I am going on my first real date with R (same as boyf). We are gonna watch the play I assistant directed and then we are gonna get some coffee that I can’t buy because bank so I hope he treats me to a lil latte and then I wanna take pictures of him in the greenhouse because he’s gorgeous. 
-I just need to stop feeling so lethargic and get my SHIT TOGETHER is all. 
-theres so much more to create. 
- As of now: I have done, New Works, Fronting, Blood Brothers, Thermos, Closer, Love in Death in Govan and Hyndland, Who Put Bella in the Wych Elm?, The Weir Sisters, NTN, and Production Managed Baby Blues: so thats 10 shows this year I’ve worked on <3 not so bad eh! 
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