xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
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Waiting for 7am to see what angst awaits me next
Edit:Maybe don't read it at work @brookabeejones
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Batmom - literally anything Batmom lol
When Batman stopped mid fight and swore softly, Superman and Wonder Woman both turned to look the direction he was looking.
"Did they send for reinforcements?" Diana asked.
"No," Bruce said gruffly, punching a goon just a little harder.
"Another villain?" Clark guessed.
"Worse," Bruce huffed. "My wife."
"You have a wife?" they yell in unison.
"Yes," Bruce said after a moment and exhaled slowly. "We got married last week."
"And you didn't at least save us some cake?" Clark asked, only slightly not teasing.
"Honestly. I thought we were friends," Diana added. "I didn't even know you were dating anyone."
"It's not like that," Bruce said, thankful they couldn't see his cheeks darken under the cowl. "Sparrow," Bruce barked, "Where's Robin?"
"Robin is at home finishing the homework I told him to finish yesterday," you answer primly. "And before you ask, yes. I do in fact, know how to diffuse this kind of bomb. And yes, I did find my tools. Please stop rearranging my desk."
Bruce felt his frown deepen. He wasn't sure to start with that this was a good idea. And as he watched Clark and Diana trade a look over your head, he was even less sure.
"Could someone point me to what I'm diffusing please? Given the circumstances I think proper introductions can wait until we're not in mid peril."
"Agreed," Diana said, grinning. This pleased her immensely, watching the way Batman squirmed in the face of someone undaunted by his barking and snarling. and as she looped her arm through yours cheerfully, leading you to a bomb, she was convinced she needed to be your friend.
Brue could see it. And the sinking feeling in his stomach only intensified.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
I've been dying to ask this: Scruffy!Verse first smut after the poison one. I'm feeling so many things with your Scruffy!Verse, you're amazing!! Thank you so muchhh
Jason had only been gone five years. And sometimes it felt like everything was different. But- the more things changed, the more things stayed the same- kind of.
He looked down at you, your kiss swollen lips and the carmine blotches on your neck and chest, and smiled. Even after all this time, he still felt like it was his job to take care of you.
"So," he rumbled, shifting to sit up and holding his arms out so you can straddle his lap if you want. Thrilling a little when you do, bonking your forehead gently against his. "I have a question."
"Hmm?" you murmur, bending your head to sink your teeth into his pec, right about his heart. Returning the favor and leaving a mark on him, relishing the deep lusty moan he didn't bother to stifle.
"Do nipple piercings really make you more sensitive or when I made you come like that was it just the drugs?" He smirked when you flustered a little and slid his hands up to cup your breasts, stroking his thumbs slowly over your nipples.
"It feels good," you mumble, "really good. But making me come like that was probably drugs."
"That's a little disappointing," he pouted, "Had me thinking I was really on to something."
"It still feels good," you hint, not wanting him to stop now that he was doing it.
Jason grinned, understanding orders when he heard them. Idly wondering, as he watched you squirm a little on his lap, if you'd think it was weird if he bought you some new body jewelry- he liked the idea of giving you something no one else could see. "Let's make you feel good, baby," he purred.
When you shiver in want and whine, he softened. Just slightly. His first time(s) with you hadn't been sweet. Or gentle. He'd fucked you, and it had felt good. But, that's not what he wanted tonight. He wanted to feel loved. To feel safe.
And as you looked up at him, all doe eyes and pleading he buried his face in your shoulder, hugging you to him gently. "I just want to come home," he murmured, not sure if it made sense. But he didn't know how else to explain it.
"So come home," you tell him, lifting his head out of your shoulder and kissing his forehead. "I've been waiting for you."
He smiled and swept you up off the couch. As comfortable as it was, it didn't smell enough like you. And all he wanted was to forget anyone else existed.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Okay wait I love this whole gardener batmom detail. Maybe you could write something about the stages of the garden? I can see her letting it kinda die off when she was mourning Jason and then the baby. Bruce almost crying seeing her slowly go back out there when she started to heal from it. Coming back after Damian and finding out Alfred (or even Bruce) kept up with it.
I could give a 50 slide PowerPoint on this topic. Thanks for a new obsession.
Jason looked out the window and frowned, "Hey, Alfie?"
"What is she doing?" he said, pointing out to where you were tearing half-dead plants out of the ground and tossing them into a waiting wheelbarrow.
"Ah," he said, glancing out, "It appears Miss Y/N had deemed the growing season at an end- She's putting the Vegetable patch to bed and getting it ready for winter."
Jason frowned, "You don't do that?"
"Haven't for years," the butler chuckled, squeezing his shoulder and returning your wave when you noticed you were being watched. "I might do some weeding. And I'm happy to help her with the planting. But Miss Y/N is much better at all this than I am."
"Should I-"
"I'm sure she'd be happy for your assistance," he said smiling. "It's a rather tedious task."
Bruce watched, amused as you explained to Jason about companion planting, pollinators, and composting. Lecturing patiently and answering questions as he helped you sketch out the plans for the garden this year.
"Cherries grow on trees?"
"Yes. And with some luck, my cherry trees, Strawberry bushes, and Apple Trees will all give us some fruit this year- Some of it we'll keep but most of it I'll have picked and given over to food banks."
Jason nodded seriously, considering that. He remembered eating from food banks. Everything was canned. He didn't think he'd ever eaten a cherry that wasn't in pie filling or a can of fruit cocktail.
"It's not much," you acknowledge, misunderstanding his silence "But"
Jason patted your hand and looked up at you, "People will like it anyway," he said confidently. "Like when we made the birthday cake kits. And the spices and stuff."
"Think so?" you hum, brushing an errant curl out of his eyes.
"Uh- huh," he said grinning as he looked back down, "Hey-"
"What Jaybird?"
"Shouldn't you put the corn over there?"
You look down at your plans and frown slightly, double-checking yourself and smile, "Good catch, dude."
Alfred looked down at your desk. There was a finished garden plan with little addendums in Jason's handwriting. Things he wanted added- or removed. The boy had HATED carrots and so those were conspicuously absent. But in their place were radishes and sweet potatoes.
The air outside was getting warmer- time for you to move your seedlings. But you hadn't been able to even think about it. Without your faithful assistant to help you this year- your heart just wasn't in it. On a good day, you could shamble along. Going through the motions. But this- this was not that day. And there hadn't been a good day all week.
So he gently rolled up your meticulously drawn map and tucked it under his arm. You didn't have the strength to do it- not right now. But he'd be damned if he was going to let you feel like you let Jason down later when the fog cleared and you could feel anything other than pain.
Jason would understand- All of Gotham would understand, if he was being honest. There would still be apples and honey and berries- But Jason loved helping you do this. The donations and the starting little community gardens in empty lots.
The community gardens would still be seen to, thanks to your small army of intrepid volunteers and school children. But your Garden- your little safe haven wouldn't. Not this year. Not unless someone gave you a hand. And so, he headed to the greenhouse. He couldn't stop the pain- but at least he could do this.
He stopped at the door of the greenhouse, listening to the voices inside. Arguing in hushed tones and smiled a little. Evidently, he wasn't the only one that noticed the change in temperature and missed the smell of soil being turned over.
"Gentlemen," Alfred said, smiling a little when they both, Dick and Bruce turned, looking guilty, "I believe this has everything on it that we need."
Alfred didn't miss the flash of pain in Bruce's eyes as he noted the handwriting. "Everything?" Dick asked skeptically.
"Between this and the tricks Miss Y/N's taught me- I think we can make a good go of it," Alfred said nodding, unrolling the plans carefully and pinning them to the table.
"At least until she can do it herself," Bruce said nodding.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Wait but can I request being Bruce’s date to a wedding? I just want all the in love feels 🥰 whichever drabble verse you think fits best!
"We're going to cause a scandal," you murmur, adjusting his tie.
"Nonsense," Bruce snorted. "This is a society wedding. Half the dates here are paid for- and this is a real date."
"Yes but-"
Bruce bent his head and kissed you tenderly, careful not to muss your makeup, "They can think whatever they want," he rumbled. "Because you sleep naked on silk sheets and have the richest man in the world wrapped around your pretty manicured fingers."
When you give him a look, Bruce chuckled. "There's my girl," he teased, "Like you can't brazen your way through anything." He paused for a second and brushed his fingers over your necklace- a dazzling piece he'd picked for you. Designed to compliment your coloring. The stones picked specifically to offset your eyes. And your dress, a modest affair. Even toned down, people were practically breaking their necks to look at you. And it pleased him immensely.
It always did.
"Besides," he said, tucking your hand into the crook of his elbow, "It would look even stranger if I were to come alone- especially now that you live with me."
You nod. He had a point, but that didn't mean you enjoyed this. It felt like you were a zoo exhibit. At least before- when you didn't have to be respectable you knew how to answer the impertinent questions. But now? As a live-in who knew his kids? And maybe potentially a fiancee? Did you have to let him defend your honor? If you smiled and made an innuendo or just flustered them into oblivion was it too much?
None of the lines were clear anymore and it made you press a little closer to him.
"If I wanted a society wife," he rumbled, leaning down close to your ear, "I would have had one."
"Just be yourself, baby," he soothed, "That's all I need- if it was too much, I would have found less."
"But what if-" You break off and bite your lip before making yourself stop that too. Never let them see you sweat- they could smell fear like wolves.
Bruce stopped and tilted your chin up carefully, waiting.
"What if I'm not enough?"
"Baby girl," he said, smiling a little, "I don't know if you've noticed but- you're everything I ever needed. I'm just irritated that I didn't find you sooner."
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
For some reason, I’ve always pictured Jason ending up with a Baker!reader. Maybe they open a “pay what you can” place in Crime Alley?
Jason wasn't sure how you worked so fast, but, as always, he was impressed.
Donut slid from fryer to cooling rack to case. Bread slid into it's neat cabinets. Cookies. Pies. Filled the cases as easily. You were quick and tidy. And like always, when he strolled in after patrol and dropped a kiss on your head, you lean against him.
"Think we'll sell out today?" he mused, watching the snow pile up.
"We always do," you muse, parceling up donuts for him to take to the manor.
"True- you need anything?"
"Nah," you hum, "Tara ran out to grab us some coffee beans. I just put the last of the coffee on. And when I get home I'm going to bed."
"Want me to stay?" he asked, taking the box and dropping the $20 he knows you won't take into the tip jar. At Daisy Lane, you paid what you had for what you walked out with. It meant you ran on a shoestring. You, Jason, and one other scrap of a girl you'd once busted going through the dumpster were your only staff. But $20 was $20 and maybe it would encourage people who could to give a little more.
You wave him away and lean over the counter to kiss him, "Just have a bath ready?"
"Absolutely," he agreed, savoring the sweetness of donut glaze that clung to your lips- a tiger tail, if he wasn't mistaken. "Quality assurance?" he teased, licking his own lips slowly.
"That and I woke up too late to eat before I got started- this time change is kicking my ass."
He scolded you, wagging a finger at you and turned to wave to the gaggle of little girls who'd come in for cookies on the way to the bus stop. "See you at home, babe!"
One the street, he jogged across the crosswalk, carrying his box in his hands. And when he turned, he smiled. In the middle of the grime and filth- Daisy Lane shone like a bright new penny. The light blue awning and soft yellow lights shone against the still-dark morning, leaving a radius, however small, where the shadows couldn't touch.
How Appropos then, that he'd found the Batmobile parked there. And Later, found you. Bloodied and broken but unwilling to stop fighting. The best things in his life had started here and he wasn't sure he wanted to know what that said about him.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Alright - a fluffy batmom request. Could we get Bruce and batmom taking one of the kids back to school shopping? Maybe Jason since he liked school?
"Jaybird," you laugh, "Get whatever one you want-"
"But it all costs too much!" Jason chewed on his lip, agonizing over shoes. He'd salivated over a pair of sleek red high tops. Basketball shoes.
And now he was trying to convince himself what he really wanted was a less expensive pair of plain shoes. But you knew what longing looked like. Just as surely as you remembered what it felt like.
"Jay baby," you murmur, sweeping hair he wouldn't let you cut out of his eyes as you knelt and gently took the box from his hands. "I don't know if you noticed, but. You live in an almost literal castle... And some poor clerk is gonna have to mop up the puddle of drool you left by the display."
When he unconsciously glanced that way to see if you were serious, you grinned and chucked him under the chin.
"Just try them on, Jay," you cajole. "Take them for a test drive."
And when he nodded slowly, leaving the more cost-effective pair of shoes with you to go explain to a clerk what he needed, you wait.
He carried them like he was going to break them. And when he sat on the bench to try them on- You quietly slipped the black shoes back on to the shelf and knelt back down.
"Whatcha think, baby?" you ask.
His answering smile was all you needed to know. "They feel good."
"Then those are the ones, huh?"
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
When was the moment that Alfred approved of batmom?
"Madam," Alfred drawled, looking down at where you were busily rearranging his vegetable garden, "May I ask-"
You look up with a sheepish smile, "Companion planting," you explain. "Some of these plants don't really play well together and If I move some things around they'll grow better."
He blinked at you for a second, and felt himself smile a little, "By all means," he said.
"I'm sorry I-"
He waved your apology away and took a knee, "I never did have much of a green thumb," he admitted, "It's mostly just a hobby."
"Luckily," you hum, "You just put them in and so I'm moving little starts- But Corn, Cucumbers, and squash can play nice together. And I think I'm going to put in some marigold and bee balm."
Alfred nodded, "Unusual talent for a spy."
You smile a little and shrug, "I was raised in a cult first- we grew all our own food."
"Well." He doesn't really know what to say to that. For the last few weeks, he'd avoided speaking to you past what was necessary to be civil. And, you had returned the favor- though he suspected it had more to do with respecting the fact that he disliked you.
But you didn't seem to expect an answer, giving him a kindly little lecture about companion plants, natural ways to remove pests and the benefits of rainwater and composting.
"Is there an ordinance that would prevent keeping bees?" you muse, spotting a place that would make a good spot for a bee hive.
"Sure. Gotta love a good pollinator- and Local Honey is good for Allergies. It might help Dick's perpetual sniffles."
"I'll look into it, if you like," he said, amused.
And when you beam at him, making him wonder what you had looked like as a girl, he couldn't quite dislike you as much as he had. "Would you happen to know anything about roses?"
"A few little tricks- Rose hips were a good source of vitamin C- and made the fruit teas we got nice and tart."
"Well," Alfred said, picking up a trowel to help you rearrange his seedlings "Feel free to have at those next. They've been in a shameful state and our gardener cannot seem to perk them up."
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
I beg of you - more batmom content 🥺
"Madam really," Alfred sighed, setting a mug of tea down. "The world will not stop spinning on its axis if you take a day off-"
"Hello pot," you say, taking the mug with a smile. More fond than irritated.
"Listen here young lady," Alfred scolded, taking a seat, "all of this-"
"Alfred," you interrupt gently, "I'm fine. I'm tired, sure. But the work needs done and it's better than just fretting."
"You were very sick. We were all so worried- it's going to take time for you to recover and," he trailed off when Bruce appeared in the doorway. His expression stormy. "Master Bruce will you please tell your wife that all this," he gestured at your worktop, "Is unnecessary at present."
"Honestly," you protest, flustered at being ganged up on as Bruce crossed the floor. He didn't look less irritated, but his eyes softened just slightly.
"You need rest," Bruce agreed, picking you up easily- trying not to worry about how fragile you felt. Usually, if you didn't want to be held, he couldn't hold you. But now he was holding you as easily as he could a kitten. "I'll take it from here," he told Alfred.
"Very good sir," the butler said, exhaling slowly, relieved. Even if he knew you were frustrated and embarrassed at being hauled off for a nap like a child. "Shall I have your dinner brought up or-"
"I think so," he said, turning to take you to your shared bedroom, bending to kiss your head.
"Bruce-" you protest, eyes over bright. "I can handle-"
"I know you can," he said quietly. "But if you don't slow down and let yourself recover, you'll never get back to fighting shape." He didn't say that he was worried you never would. Even with the best medical care and a literal army of people who desperately wanted you to recover and be the mom they loved so much.
"You have no room to-"
"The kids miss their mom," he said softly, laying you gently on the bed he'd already turned down. It's a low blow. He knows it before the words leave his mouth. But he can't be too upset when it has the desired effect. "We need you," he breathed, kissing you softly.
He leans down and wipes tears off your cheeks tenderly before laying down and pulling you into his arms and resting his had on your head, carding his fingers through your hair gently- anything to get you comfortable enough to sleep for a while. "It'll all get done. And it'll all be fine. Just take a nap with me."
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
I’m sure you’re getting a ton of ideas for the bff story but here’s my little thought contribution lol - maybe Bruce going to his parents grave and telling them all about the baby and all his emotions about wishing it was his. Or maybe Alfred going and filling them in? Just an idea. You’re truly doing the Lord work with this series!!!
Y'all are going to make me sit in the corner.
Bruce tried not to think. He always tried not to think. To just go and pay his respects. To meditate on why he did what he did. But he couldn't today.
He'd spent years training. Learning to control his fear- but he'd never known fear like this. The terror that gripped his chest like a bear trap and would not let go when he'd seen you, alone in your kitchen, backed against the island as Harvey Dent paced the floor and ranted.
This time he'd been there in time. But next time?
"Dad I don't know what to do," he breathed. "If I push her she'll run. I know she will- But."
He sank to his knees, ignoring the dry, dead grass, scorched by the heat that stabbed into his legs. "How do I do this- I love her. I love Emma- you can feel her move now. And Alfred, mom you'd be having the best time teasing him."
He smiled a little, wiping away frustrated tears. "She's not my baby but- god I want her to be." Tears keep coming and he just lets them fall. Tonight- and for as long as Bruce could convince you to stay, he knew you were safe. You were in the manor, in your room. Hopefully asleep. It had been a rough night in the emergency room, you'd been so scared. And all he could do was pace, helpless to fix it for you as they ran test after test to make sure nothing had happened.
"Even after everything," he said after a long time. "She still has the brightest smile, mom. You'd be so proud of her. She lights up a room just like sunshine." He took a shaky breath and wiped his face.
"I'm going to marry her," he said finally, nodding to himself. "I just can't- she won't do it now. I know she won't- but. She waited for me once. Now I guess it's my turn."
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Okay but hear me out - sugar baby getting Bruce something? Like cufflinks or a tie or something and he’s wow so touched bc no one’s ever thought to get HIM something before
When Kate opened the door for him and took his coat, Bruce smiled his thanks.
"She's waiting for you on the balcony, Sir," Kate said, eyes slightly narrowed. Her voice was neutral but he could feel her assessment and couldn't shake the feeling he'd been found wanting. I pleased him, how easily you inspired loyalty in your staff. It meant they were treated well.
"Thank you," he said simply before walking through your townhouse, taking a moment to admire your decor- you certainly cultivated an aesthetic. Elegance and decadence. But somehow also warm and inviting. Right down to the fillers you'd used in the vases.
The artwork was nice- he suspected you'd designed your rooms around it. As you should. You were a talented artist and it deserved to be shown off.
"I see you've settled in nicely," he said, coming to kiss you hello.
You hum and stretch lazily, accepting a kiss hello and giving him a sweet smile as you bask in the late afternoon sun. Bruce smiled, kissing you a little more insistently. You definitely knew how to display yourself to your best advantage. And you weren't shy about it.
The nude lace, artfully covers anything 'scandalous' making this just barely a dress instead of straight lingerie. Your lips painted the perfect shade of red reminding him irresistibly of sweet cherries, tempting him to want a nibble.
"I hoped you'd like it," you murmur.
"I like this dress too," he rumbled. "You're a living piece of art."
"Someone's feeling romantic this evening," you hum, smiling as you reach up to loosen his tie.
Bruce smiled, letting you make him comfortable. Enjoying the feminine fussing of being settled. Given a drink, having you take his tie, and settle yourself in his lap. Your dress riding up on your thigh as you straddle his hips. "You bring it out in me, what can I say," he laughed, nipping your lip.
When you give him the slow smile that made him ache, he exhaled slowly. It felt good, being here. Being close to you. The outside world fell away. Drowned out in the smell of perfume- the one he'd had custom blended for you. One of the first little gifts he'd given you. The feel of you in his lap- nothing else mattered right then. He only had to enjoy you. Enjoy being taken care of. And later, enjoy being in your bed if the evening happened to go that way.
"I have something for you," you murmur.
"Oh?" he smirked, sliding a hand up your thigh, raising an eyebrow.
"I mean that too," you huff, kissing him quickly, "But no. I found it for you when I was out shopping."
"Oh." This time blinking in surprise. He'd had these arrangments before but- none of them had ever bought him a gift. They'd worn lingerie for him. Sure. He liked that. He'd always liked a woman in something scandalous. But no one had ever bought him something. it wasn't something he'd ever expected.
He listens to you open and shut a drawer. Your bare feet pattering back to him as he held his arms out to put you back in his lap. "I found it," you chirp. Presenting him with a tiny little box.
"What's this," he rumbled, taking it. Tiffany. Expensive.
"Just a little something," you murmur, biting your lip. Hopefully he liked it.
He slid the box open gently to find a signet ring. The delicate engraving of his initials intertwined with yours. Illegible to anyone that didn't know. And he smiled, kissing you tenderly.
"It's absolutely beautiful," he said sliding it into place and kissing you again, swatting the swell of your ass. "You shouldn't have."
You shrug sweetly, "Thought maybe it would keep you from forgetting about me," you pout.
"I don't think that'll ever be a problem," he rumbled, nipping your lip.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Got told I’m going to hell today at work :) bc a woman waited five minutes for some cookies :)
Could I get Bruce comforting reader after a bad day at work? Maybe even a little “I’m staying home from patrol bc you need me” action?
Thanks bestie
Bruce knew from the second you collapsed into a chair with a groan that it had been a bad day.
"Y/N, you good?" Jason asked, looking up from his book.
"My day started with someone holding their eyeballs in their hands and it was all down hill from there," you sigh.
"Ew," Jason said, crinkling his nose.
"Yeah. It's never a fun time," you sigh.
"What I don't understand," Bruce said, putting your feet in his lap, "Is how it got worse."
"Surgery didn't go well," you murmur, looking away.
"Jay," Bruce said, looking to where the boy was shifting his weight. Not sure if he should say something or not, "Go ask Alfred to make some tea?"
And grateful to have something to do, he half sprinted out of the room.
"You gonna be okay?" he asked softly.
"I'm just tired," you murmur, not looking at him.
"All the same," he said, "I think Jay and I will stay home tonight. He's getting behind on homework and you need- well frankly I don't want to leave you alone tonight."
"You don't have to-"
"There's some things the GCPD can handle for a minute," Bruce said. "Sure. They're gonna fuck it up but. You need me."
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
What do you think the moment Bruce realizes he wants to like spend the rest of his life with reader is? I feel like it’s be the most simple thing, like seeing that he’s their lock screen, or realizing they know each others coffee order or something.
Although a good “you care about my kids” or “you almost died” are also contenders. Love to hear your thoughts!
Bruce looks up from checking his phone when he hears the rustle of fabric at the top of the stairs. And he can't breathe for just a moment.
The silver gown you're wearing shines like moonlight in the light for the chandelier and the jewelry he'd picked out for you- moonstone and silver, only heighten the sense of otherness. Bringing even the boisterous kids in the room to silence. "It's too late to change, I think-" you answer, flustered and glancing at the clock.
"You look fine," he managed, clearing his throat, "I- no one would ever know if you didn't-"
"Right," you mumble, accepting Dick's hand to get down the last few steps, "I suppose I better-"
"Fine," Stephanie gasped, "Bruce what's wrong with you? She's fucking gorgeous."
"Yeah!" Dick and Jason said together, exchanging conspiratorial looks.
"Honestly Father-" Damian started, sounding disgusted.
"Language aside," Alfred said, holding out your evening coat to help you into it, "I agree with Miss Stephanie." He tutted, "Honestly master Bruce 'Fine' is a paltry adjective-"
"It's not like all she did was brush her hair!" Tim scoffed.
"Right? Hours of work and all you can say is fine?" Bab's yelped indignantly.
And that, was the moment he realized he couldn't ever let you go. He couldn't let you run back and hide under all your programs. A quiet little mouse trying not to be stepped on by giants. From the moment you swept into his office to upbraid him for mishandling his charities and underutilizing their potential- his life would never be the same.
It only took hearing his family offended on your behalf.
"I- I don't- I just-" you can only stand there stammering for a second, not sure if you were pleased or if you wanted to fall through the floor.
And Bruce reached up, adjusting your coat and smiling at the stray tendrils of hair that are already falling down. Adding a sense of whimsy to your ethereal beauty. "Beautiful," he amended, "You look beautiful."
And when you look up at him slowly, giving his the smallest smile, he wonders how quickly he could get a ring made for you. And if perhaps, you'd like a fall wedding.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Could I request a Bruce x reader where reader is so incredibly overwhelmed - like to the point of tears and Bruce has to have her step back and calm her down? I think we can all agree Bruce would pride himself in being able to “fix” things.
"Sweetheart," Bruce said, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing gently, "Stop. You can't keep going like this."
"It's fine- I can-" your voice breaks and you have to take a deep breath to try and keep the emotion in check.
"Stop." he repeated. "Killing yourself won't change anything-"
"You're the last one that can-"
"Not the point," he said quickly, not relinquishing his grip on you, tightening up just a little. The pressure was helping- that and the warmth. Your skin was chilled- there was no telling how long you'd been down here slaving away. Looking for any little detail, any piece of evidence to exonerate your father.
The pressure- feeling safe and protected- was draining a lot of anxiety. And after a little while, when he pulled you into his lap, and you went without more than token protest, he wrapped you in his arms. Thrilling a little when you snuggle into the knit of his sweater.
"How do you do this?" you murmur.
"Do what?" he chuckled, stroking your hair. He'd successfully taken your foot off the gas, now all he needed to do was slow you to a stop. You need rest. He'd take up the search after he had you where he wanted you
"Smell so good and find really cozy sweaters," you murmur, tracing the pattern in the knit with your fingers.
He took your hand and pressed sweet kisses against your palm and your wrist- reminding you of less- chaste feelings. "Cashmere and remembering what cologne I like best when you're wearing my shirt," he rumbles softly against your ear, laughing softly when you laugh.
Maintaining pressure on the rest of you, he reaches up and starts rubbing the back of your neck slowly. "Bruce I've got to-"
"No you don't" he soothed, "Right now you've got to rest. I promised Max I'd take care of you. And he'll be incredibly angry if I return you sleep deprived and sick."
"I'm so tired," you whimper.
"I know," he said, kissing your head, "Just sit with me for a while, huh?"
And when you make a soft wordless noise, he smiles a little. Resting his cheek on your head as he held you, grateful that needing a nap was a problem he could fix.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
My life has been in absolute shambles since discovering your blog. I am refreshing Tumblr every hour just to see if you’ve posted anything. Dad!Jason has not left my brain since it entered. Pining Bruce adopting his best friends baby the moment he learns they exist? Never knew how much I needed it till now.
Seriously though, life’s rough sometimes. Your writings are a safe space - a shining beacon. I just want you to know how appreciative I and so many others are for you sharing your talents and providing us a little escape. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself, and finding your own moments of joy. Have a great day :)
I'm currently crying. I'm glad you find a little bit of an escape here in my little pocket of the hellsite.
Thank you for reaching out, I appreciate it, so much 💜
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