lost-inthetrees · 7 years
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You know how you get into a relationship that’s comfortable but it’s just not quite up to par but you settle anyway because reality tells you “oh, there’s no one who’s going to be perfect or exactly what I want so I guess this is as good as it gets.”? Yeah, fuck that. I found him. We can do everything together because we actually LOVE the same things. We had a fucking blast being dorks at the Renn Fair(didn’t even have to convince him to dress up), we cosplayed to the theater the day the mlp movie came out (he’s already a brony) and we go on stupid spontaneous trips with my sister (who loves him more than anyone I’ve dated). It’s been 6 months today and I still can’t believe I’m this lucky. I love you so much, @baramakara. 💚💖💙#baraandtrees #6months #bronycouple
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bronycouple · 13 years
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lost-inthetrees · 7 years
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Ready for dat pony. 🦄💖🐴#mlpfim #mlpthemovie2017 #bronycouple #fuckilovemybf
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lost-inthetrees · 7 years
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When you live with someone who is as nerdy as you are, you get to decorate your room like this. He actually has more pony stuff than I do 😛 #newplace #bronycouple #baraandtrees
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Josh and I are legitamently writing our pony music now.
I have lyrics for a Derpy song, a Princess Cadence/Shining Armor song, and a Pinkie Pie song. And he is writing music that will probably work with a Rarity idea we have.
This is exciting. My goal is to release something by the end of winter break. :D
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Bronycon is go.
Josh and I will be attempting to live tweet Bronycon this weekend. (When I say attempting, I mean that we may be so enthralled that we forget to tweet.)
My twitter is OnceUponAWhim and his is JoshBrems.
If you want to follow, follow us there. It will be awesome. We're pretty legit.
(My Twitter is private in an attempt to stop my parents from internet stalking me, so just request and I'll accept you asap. <3 )
Also, if you are at Bronycon, look for us! Tomorrow I will be Chrysalis and Josh will just be himself. XD Sunday we are going as Flim and Flam. :D
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