#bro…… this show will be so fucking emotional and everything. then it’ll hit you with some of the most cringe you’ve ever experienced in your
problemeule · 1 month
back on my bullshit
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harestigm · 2 years
Ppl say I’m nice, but actually I’m so mean. I’m so mean that I feel helpless. And it’s not the “oh I’m mean I want everything to be about me!” It’s the “I’m annoyed and traumatized and idk how to regulate my emotions and I try to keep the turbulence in but it comes out in spurts so I end up hurting people” like bro pls just be normal. Stop doing the thing you do where you ignore ppl on purpose pls. And there’s a lot of mixed feelings and emotions about this anyways. Bc I speak my mind and can show emotions online (have a feeling it’s connected with masking irl vs. masking online) but irl I just am completely blank and only interact and say things to people when they speak to me or when I feel like I have something good to say which in the end isn’t really anything good at all because it’s so hard to communicate to people with the words getting mixed up and either coming out jumbled or just coming out in weird gibberish. Makes me feel like an incompetent child. And then with just how my work looks down on neurodivergent ppl. There are some parts that hate them, others who think it’s funny, some who think we should speak up abt it, and some who just don’t care because all of us collectively know I’ll never be able to land what I’m trying to get across to them on the bullseye, it’ll probably, actually, just be directly on the side of the board. I wish I could just fucking function. Hit me like a tv to turn it back on again. Pause and unpause your forever loading YouTube video so I can work again. I hate my brain, it makes me feel useless, and I hate it even more because it makes me forget, and I hate it even more because it’s bad at making decisions, and I hate it even more because it won’t shut up. And I hate it even more because I’m so tired. And it makes me think everyone hates me I sound like a child I know, but I just want to communicate effectively. I cant even communicate to you how distressed I am over this. Because distressed doesn’t feel like the right word.
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Hi! I love everything that you write and heh I am a fan! 😄 tbh this is my first time requesting something on Tumblr! If you don't mind and if I am not being a bother...can you write about how the guys would react If MC suddenly starts making meme references? I don't know how I got the idea but I am REALLY curious. And love you! :D
Hiya! Tyvm for the kind words, and apologies that this took a while! I hope you have the chance to enjoy it regardless ❤️❤️❤️ Love you too, sweet pea! I promise to get to the next request you’ve sent ASAP~
Aight but this would be hilarious because the range of the reactions is just ungodly. I will be putting this under a cut after Napoleon so I don’t clog up everyone’s dash, but all the suitors are included below otherwise! 
Comte is the one that recognizes a few, but didn’t really stay in modern times long enough to be as well-versed as a Gen Z kid might. Regardless he finds the wittiness and absolute chaotic fuckery to be delightful, and will 100% support the harmless nonsense. It never fails to get a laugh out of him
Mozart that first day be like: “Buzz off MC I hate you” MC, because she likes swinging bats at wasps’ nests: “Well that’s not very cash money of you” Mozart: ?????????? Comte, giggling in the bg like the secret fae he is This one’s just because I’m petty, but after the events of Comte rt I just imagine them encountering Vlad again and MC’s just “I lived bitch.” while Comte is flipping him off behind her lkjahgkjhdsg
Comte @ Leo when he finds the latter under his desk: Had it not been for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you.  MC: wheezing from the hallway as she’s about to give him his letters
MC: So how was your day, honey? Comte: Good, good--briefly had to go beastmode upon the punk that pilfered my lint roller MC, biting her lip to keep from laughing: So does Leo still have his kneecaps? Comte: for now.
Comte, @ literally anyone upsetting the MC: I won’t hesitate, bitch
Comte: Be careful with my emotional baggage, it’s designer
MC: What if I was evil and ran towards you at very fast speeds Comte: My arms are strong, I would catch and hug you
Leo and Dazai are the ones that don’t have a single reference point but are filled with so much dumbass chaos energy that they just. Understand immediately???? Nobody knows how or why, but they just catch on so fast--adapt the language in a matter of weeks. Never underestimate the power of combined boredom, depression, and humor
I swear to god I just see MC taking them their Blanc/Rouge and being like “here you go sir, one enslaved moisture” and they just go fucking hog wild from day one. MC starts impersonating Theo when he leaves the room around Dazai, like fake deep voice “you all only hate me because you do not like me and I am mean to you. grow up.” Or like the MC meets a baby on her travels with Leo around town and she holds them and says v seriously and sagely “So you are Baby? I have heard tales of your exploits.” and Leo about loses his shit right there. They both think MC is the funniest person alive--they’ve never been more eager to throw a ring at someone in their entire life.
Also a bonus for my beloved Dazai:  MC, facing even the slightest inconvenience (like dropping her fork) in the most dramtic voice possible: Life is not daijoubu. Dazai: wheezing
MC, after watching Theo turn down a woman at the bar in the meanest way possible: bro quit letting the darkness consume you u r scaring the hoes Dazai, literally rolling around on the ground, half-drunk and dying:
MC, walking alongside Dazai and stopping to stare at her reflection in the River Seine. Dazai’s expecting some sad or twisted shit, since people often feel comfortable talking about those things around him, but instead she just: “Oh, it’s you. The source of all my problems.” And he about falls into the river from shock HAHAHA
At this point don’t be surprised if his next book is about an absolute madlad woman similar to MC
Napoleon finds it to be a delightful quirk more than anything? He doesn’t really understand it, but he finds it funny when they change their voice for effect or speak in exaggerated tones. If it’s just comprehensible enough for an outsider to understand--or Sebas gives him context--chances are it’ll send him into a laughing fit
For this one I just imagine MC singing that Ratatouille meme song obnoxiously bad while cooking, and Napoleon and Comte are just so wildly amused by it bc it makes zero sense and it’s only vaguely French at this point
MC @ Napoleon while they’re cooking brunch: Can I offer you a nice egg in these trying times?
MC, conflicted because she’s tired and wanted to sleep in but also got to see Napo’s cute sleeping face for a few hours: For my next stunt, I’ll wake up at 5AM on the day I can sleep in. Sebas: Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise MC: early to bed and early to rise makes me a massive bitch Napoleon: laughing in agreement
Isaac is the type to be bewildered and concerned at first (especially when he hears the more nihilistic ones hoOOOoooOO BOY) but eventually begins to understand it’s some bizarre attempt at humor (that hurts Zack baby). While some part of him laments that it reminds him of Dazai and he’s secretly jealous of how she and Dazai bond over it, he will sometimes join in the chaos when the mood strikes him and he’s feeling mischievous
Isaac: How are you feeling? MC: Oh, I’m not Isaac: seconds from dialing 911 Isaac: Are you okay? MC: Oh yeah dw I just suffer from that syndrome where your neutral expression makes you look like you’re an angry serial killer Isaac: say sike rn
Isaac, tutoring MC and correcting something:  MC, muttering while redoing it: The risk I took was calculated, but man am I bad at math. Isaac: unable to help a laugh
One time MC was avoiding Isaac for fear of hurting his feelings and he just confronts her like: Isaac: back by unpopular demand, me! What’s wrong, MC pls MC was so hecking proud of him
Isaac, telling MC about a recent discovery he learned at uni from another professor: bones typically heal stronger after they’ve been broken--so long as they’re set properly, of course MC, looking him dead in the eyes: So what you’re saying is that I should break every bone in my body until I become superhumanly powerful? Isaac: please do not, no
Mozart and Jeanne are just. Totally lost. Why are you talking like that??? Why are you making “crab hands”???? They don’t understand. Maybe never will. They reach a point where they just kind of laugh and shake their heads, endeared by the oddity after they’re used to it and have determined it isn’t a threat/insult. 
MC: It’s a cold and it’s a brooooken, Waluigi. Waaaaluigiiiii...waaaahluigi..... Mozart: surprised, then starts snickering and playing along on the piano
Arthur, asking MC very personal questions out loud because he is an idiot sometimes: Soooo MC, are you a top or a bottom? MC: I’m a threat. (If he asks a second time, the response will be “Wouldn’t you like to know, weatherboy.”) Jeanne, fighting a smile:
MC, about to punch an asshole: Your free trial of being alive has ended Jeanne, seconds from laughing for the first time in 100 years:
Also, because I genuinely can’t help myself. You know that knight meme like “Parry this you fucking casual.” I cannot stress enough that it is literally the personification of Jeanne’s entire character. I’m not even joking.
Arthur and Shakespeare are utterly fascinated by the rapid evolution of wordplay and the sheer hilarity. They will ask all about these so-called “memes” and ask for examples of them if MC can show them (either somehow accessing her phone or drawing them). MC draws Arthur the knife cat meme and he about a s c e n d s at the hilarity of it all, points and yells THEO IS HOLDING THE KNIFE. He is correct. They will be delighted and follow along eagerly, and--god forbid--will make their own based on late 19th century struggles.
Is this where Shakespeare got the idea for “What, you egg? stabs him” and “You are a saucy boy.”? I’m too scared to ask. Don’t even get me started on “The Fool jingled miserably across the floor.” That one is just too on the nose...
I can’t even imagine what would happen to Shakespeare if MC like translated vines and memes into Ye Olde English around him. Imagine she’s at one of those noble balls and hears rumors of these two guys living together and they’re so obviously gay and he says “And those gents w’re roommates.” And in the most false surprised tone ever MC just replies “oh mine own god, those gents w’re roommates.” Imagine having a wife that’s just as hilarious as you are and hits you with all the force of a bag of wet mice every time you speak in retaliation, he’s going into palpitations.
Every time Arthur does smth stupid MC just: “I Pretend I Do Not See It.”
Vincent is tickled pink by MC’s penchant for finding joy and/or amusement in nearly everything they do, and he smiles gently when he sees them muttering and laughing to themselves. He wants to be able to join them in what they love, but he has a harder time following along and understanding the darker humor sometimes. Mostly gets confused??? Please give him the easier ones to mimic and laugh when he tries--or just include him in your jokes MC. He’s babie your honor...
But he also. Will not. Stand any kind of self-deprecation or borderline verbal self-harm. He’s usually very easygoing and calm, but for whatever reason that stuff makes him go deathly quiet and upset.
MC, after something goes horribly wrong, hugging Vincent: Oh Vince, we really in it now Vincent: giggling a little despite his worries, relaxing
MC: Theo stop simping for Vincent that’s my job
MC, when Theo leaves the room and she gets Vincent all to herself: The evil is defeated.
MC: And this is where I would put my will to live...if I h a d one! Vincent: ;-; MC: oh shit, oh fuck, I was only kidding Vincent wait (MC was subsequently lectured and loved on for many hours)
Theo is conflicted because on the one hand, he loves to see you smiling and having fun. On the other, you’re clowning as hard as Dazai and Arthur and he can only handle so many monkeys in his circus. Most of the time he will roll his eyes and be the straight man of this comedy, but you might find him cracking a smile--or accidentally letting a chuckle slip past his lips now and again.
MC, after meeting Theo: I’m a nice person, but I’m about to start throwing rocks at people.
Theo, those first days: Oh? You’re approaching me? Instead of running away, you’re coming right to me? MC: I can’t beat the shit out of you without getting closer.
Theo: Every time I ask MC to explain “vibe check” to me she hits me with some kind of improvised weapon
MC, after the “incident” (you know the one): This year, I lost my dear lover Theo Theo, in the distance: QUIT TELLING EVERYONE I’M DEAD! MC: ;-; sometimes I can still hear his voice...
Sebastian is last because oh boy. OH BOYYYYY I LOVE HIM. Okay so the way I see this happening with Sebastian is just. So wild. Because at first he’s t r y i n g so hard to be the proper butler man. He does not meme. But then he starts to drift closer to what Niles from The Nanny was, where he’ll quip and joke in private or when the situation is just beyond the amount of absurdity he can handle without making a snarky comment. Everyone in the house can’t fathom how Sebas and MC got so close so fast, but there are points where they’re just “Are they even speaking English anymore???” It’s 11 times funnier than normal because Sebas almost never smiles or laughs when memeing, the deadpan quality of his playing along sends MC every time
Has ABSOLUTELY said “HEY. PANINI HEAD. ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME???” jokingly when MC made a mistake in the kitchen. They laugh about it for y e a r s
MC: I can’t date someone who keeps a lamb as a pet, that’s so weird Sebas, brushing Lotte in front of MC: MC: MC: Okay, I will make an exception because she looks very polite
MC and Sebas, fully aware of the fame some of the men will reach in modern times: We will watch your career with great interest.  (I s2g that’s like half of Sebas’ rt right there I’m crying)
Sebas rt with Lotte be like that 500 dollar Mareep meme: “sometimes a family can be just a boy, his gf, and their 500 dollar two foot tall Lotte”
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hey so “find me” dropped on premiere and i just watched it, so you know what that means??
it’s review time!
(super rambly as usual) spoilers under the cut
before i say anything, let me say, IT’S FINE, Y’ALL. as predicted. people are gonna be dramatic bc there are daryl/leah scenes, but like...we been knew? and some of them were rly important caryl-wise. (tbh, the episode was kind of boring and just a set-up for other stuff, lmfao)
okay, review:
opening credits, which i think most of us have already seen, were cute. obvi there was some weird tension with daryl that leads to the coming-to-a-head thing at the end, but their banter is still cute af
they went fishing and daryl’s reaction to carol was adorable, and there’s an important parallel later on, so bookmark this
similarly, there’s an important parallel to carol’s “the dead catch up to us eventually”/daryl’s “i ain’t gonna let it”, so bookmark that, too
dog is the instigator for the flashbacks, so if you wanna blame anyone, blame him. he races to the cabin, which for some reason daryl, who spent five years in this forest, seemed surprised to see? didn’t you literally map out that whole area, my dude? whatever
cue flashback!
i might have the scene order mixed up, but i think it starts with daryl being all sad by himself, and then dog as a puppy shows up and he’s like “!!! a dog!!!” which is v cute, and then he runs back off. we don’t meet leah yet
we see carol and daryl having a conversation while standing on opposite sides of a river for no reason except to probably symbolize distance or maybe covid, lol. the conversation basically goes:
carol: things are different
daryl: yeah
carol: how long are you gonna be out here?
daryl: -shrug emoji-
carol: i get why you’re out here, and i’d join you if things weren’t...
daryl: different
carol: yeah
daryl: yeah. anyway, it’s gonna rain, and also i’m having emotions, so ttyl
the end
at some point we see daryl sitting with an extremely unhappy face while it pours rain on him in the dark, and i want that as a reaction gif IMMEDIATELY 
also the rain destroys his “where in the world is rick grimes?” map, which makes him v upset and scream-y, and we get the idea that he might be going a bit bonkers being all alone looking for a dead (or, ig, kidnapped by helicopter) man
in present day carol finds the note, and is like “oh dunk, she lived here??” so she knew about leah, and daryl’s like, “i already told you everything,” and carol’s like, “no you didn’t,” so we go back to flashbacks (but i’m still not sure what parts carol didn’t already know?? whatever, it’s not that important)
i’m just gonna hit the highlights of the flashbacks bc they were not that thrilling:
first time daryl meets leah the dog leads him to her cabin, and leah ties him to a chair and holds a gun to his head being like, “what are you doing on my land?” bc apparently you can claim whole forests during the apocalypse, and daryl says very little, and eventually she lets him go
next time dog finds daryl and he brings her back and leah is like, “the dog likes you” and they’re kinda flirty, and then daryl says very little and leaves
next time daryl is surrounded by walkers and leah shows up and helps and they hide in a tree and are awkwardly close to each other and daryl cannot handle the close physical contact so when the walkers pass he says very little except to tell her to never come back again, lmfao
the next flashback is my favorite bc daryl just fucking
goes to leah’s cabin and throws a fish at the door???
i laughed for ten years
he throws a fucking fish and then stands there for a minute like “is she gonna notice that i gave her a fish??” like, no, dumbass, you didn’t even knock, you just threw a fucking fish at her fucking door, what is wrong with you??
no wonder it’s taken him and carol so long if he thinks throwing fish at people is a smooth move. boy has NO fucking game
anyway, leah gets him back by finding him and throwing the fish at his head, being like, “wtf, don’t throw fish on my porch?” which, fair, leah
IMPORTANT CARYL PARALLEL (from here on out known as “caryllels”) #1: so earlier i mentioned the carol fish thing, and apparently the same thing happened with leah, where she speared a fish on her first try and daryl was like “tf?” v blatant “we are supposed to be thinking about carol and daryl’s relationship during this scene” sort of thing
leah’s backstory is bland. had a family, they got eaten or disappeared or something. she, her adopted son, and dog’s mom got away, but the kid was bit, and died the same day dog was born, bc ig when god closes one door, he replaces your dead son with a puppy, or however the idiom goes
leah asked daryl who he lost, and he says, “my brother”
god i miss rick
i hated rick for so long and now i miss him so much
but i digress
IMPORTANT CARYLLEL #2: leah and daryl have the same “the dead get you eventually”/”i ain’t gonna let it” conversation as caryl had earlier, only daryl is playing the role of carol in this scenario, so again we’re supposed to be comparing the two relationships. lemme get through the rest of the summary and then i’ll tell you my opinion on what that means
fuck what even happens next?
i have these out of order bc they were all the fucking same, but the two of them get closer, and there is the vaguest suggestion of sex ever. you literally only see daryl’s hand
then jump-cut to them sitting at the table being emo, ig bc daryl was gonna go back to look for rick for a bit, and leah is like “who do you belong with? your brother you won’t stop looking for? your family that you left? [side note: that seemed rather pointed, like, “hey hoe, you abandoned your family, that was kind of a dick move”] or me?” and he says he doesn’t know, and she’s like “yeah you do, now choose”
jump-cut to caryl scene where carol finds him at the river and says that she won’t be visiting as much, and daryl’s like “k” and they have a brief argument where daryl’s all snippy, like, “what? do you want my permission for you to move on with your life? i’m not still emo about the fact that you’re moving on with your life, and i also don’t think it’s contextually significant that every time you show up in my flashbacks you explicitly mention that you’re married and have a kid,” and carol is like, “bro, you need to Get Your Shit Together and come home”
jump-cut to daryl having what i’m assuming is an epiphany that carol/fam have all moved on while he was out being emo, and so he decides to go be with leah, except, plot twist! she’s gone. the picture of her and her son is gone, but dog is still there. daryl leaves the note, which says, “i belong with you, find me”
for those freaking out about the wording about the note, may i remind you that she specifically asked, “do you belong x, x, or with me?” so he was just answering the question
aaaaaand back to present day
carol is like, “what do you think happened to her?” and daryl is all -shrug emoji-, and then she’s like, “...do you think she might have just...you know...left?” and daryl gets rull offended, which was kind of funny
(she probably just left, bud)
carol tells daryl to stop thinking that when people leave it’s bc of him, and connie’s name gets thrown into the mix, and daryl gets a “oh here we fucking go” look on his face, and it sets him off
he said basically what we were already spoiled for. “you just want to run, you don’t know when to stop, i shouldn’t have taken you off the boat bc you still just want to run” etc
and carol looks fucking HEARTBROKEN, which hurt me, and she goes into the other room and we end the episode with daryl staring forlornly out of the window 
the end
so quick analysis
i think the significance of this episode is supposed to be so we have an understanding of why daryl is suddenly so !teamfamily, and !teamfuture, and how badly he wants carol to be there with him. at one point, one of them even says, “this isn’t about leah, or connie,” or anyone but the two of them. the title “find me” feels significant, bc the whole episode is daryl grappling with where he’s supposed to go, and what his purpose is, and by the end, he says to carol, “i know where i belong,” (implying, with her and the fam), pulling us full-circle. in the first flashback onward he is lost, but by the end he is found -cue amazing grace-
daryl and leah were flirty, but to me it felt very much like something that was just being used as daryl character development. we barely got anything that juicy between the two of them (except the fish throwing thing, that was amazing), and i still don’t think that it would make any sense, regardless of the showrunner, to pair daryl up with some rando after having so many other choices that people would have preferred. i don’t think we’re meant to #endgame ship it, so much as we are supposed to be like, “oh, ok, daryl learned the power of family and stability and leveled up, -you know what that is? growth gif-” as a result, i literally have no idea what leah’s role is gonna be in s11, but i don’t think it’ll be a huge plot point
so now we firmly know where daryl stands. he is all about moving forward, not looking back, and doing the best he can, and he’s frustrated bc when he took carol off the boat he wanted her to be in the same place as him so that they could grow together, but she wasn’t and isn’t there yet
so my guess is that what’s next for carol’s storyline is her reaching that same zen-level daryl’s at
once they’re both there, then they get to ride off into the sunset and make passionate love under the moon casting shadows over the vast desert wasteland 
tl;dr: idk, episode was fine, if not kinda boring. lots of caryllels. can i go back to writing my vietnam war au now? 
the end
(stay hype, stan kang, and get daryl to call carol sweetheart 2k21),
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silverlightqueen · 3 years
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Her 🦋
‘I could go up out to outer space with her, all I need is one more day with her.’
Phases - Hwang Hyunjin X Chase Atlantic
Rating: M (heavy angst and suggestive content)
Warnings: discussion of suicidal thoughts and severe depression, childhood trauma (absent father, daddy issues), discussion of sex, discussion and use of drugs, substance abuse/addiction and alcoholism, extremely toxic relationship, emotional manipulation and verbal abuse, fwb, sexting and sending nudes
Word Count: 4.6k+
a/n: and here is the second part of phases, my hhjxchaseatlantic series! please proceed with caution bc this fic is very heavy and touches on some very sensitive and serious topics. I really hope you guys enjoy this, lmk what you think and hmu if you wanna be on the taglist! the biggest thank you to the loml @silverlightprincess for proofreading this and bigging it up so much lmao I love you sis! x
taglist 🦋: @diue​ @shesfuckedinthehead​ @danyxthirstae01​ @linours​ @titleisyettobemade​ @jikooksgirl19​ @silverlightprincess​
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A loud ping from Hyunjin’s phone resonates in the hazy room, the other boys exchanging knowing glances, and he ignores the way his hands itch to reach into his pocket and see if it’s her. ‘Aren’t you gonna check that?’ Changbin asks, fingers fumbling as he tries to roll yet another joint. Hyunjin’s surprised the other boy can even see straight, let alone roll a joint, but he manages it. It’s not his best work, but it’ll do.
They’re sat in the private bar on the top floor of Changbin’s dad’s hotel on the outskirts of the city, surrounded by windows that overlook the skyline. None of them have particularly well-paying jobs – they have more than enough to live, but they splash it all on drugs and drink and fast cars and pretty girls who want Fendi bags, but thanks to Changbin’s dad, lavish nights filled with the oldest alcohol and the best weed are a regular. Changbin’s dad helps fund this lifestyle and they can’t be grateful enough towards him for it.
‘It won’t be urgent,’ Hyunjin says offhandedly, but he feels his skin lighting up with energy. It’s like nothing else is allowed to exist in his mind or body when he thinks of her – she pushes away everything else, even the marijuana mist that hangs in a heavy cloud over his mind. He’s already beginning to sober up, his senses alert and tuned into her. She’s not even here, and she’s all he can feel.
‘What if it’s your girl?’ Chan teases, dimples denting his cheeks as he hands Changbin the lighter. ‘She’s not my girl,’ Hyunjin replies mildly, the boys all looking amused. ‘Then why’d you go running whenever she texts you?’ Minho asks, gentle laughter running around the room, and Hyunjin pushes down the shame, rolling his eyes and curling his lips at the corners, trying to seem nonchalant.
‘He doesn’t go running. He leaves her waiting like a dick,’ Jeongin says, Hyunjin flipping him off half-heartedly. ‘As he should. She ain’t shit,’ Jisung says with a grin. ‘You say that, but you’d go running if it was you she was texting,’ Seungmin grins at Jisung, the latter nodding instantly. ‘Of course I would. I’m not a fucking idiot. I just feel sorry for him. They’ve been fucking around for years and she still hasn’t caught feelings like all other girls do. If there aren’t any feelings involved, it gets boring,’ Jisung says, not realising how his words feel like weapons to Hyunjin.
‘Are you fucking crazy? It’s way better without feelings. It gets messy with feelings,’ Minho says as Chan passes him the joint, fresh smoke already beginning to blur the room, and Hyunjin nods. ‘Exactly. The only reason we’ve been fucking around for so long is because there aren’t any feelings. That’s why we work so well,’ Hyunjin lies, his phone pinging again.
‘Well, I admire you. I’d have caught feelings for her by now,’ Felix says candidly, the other boys bursting into laughter. ‘Don’t laugh! You lot would’ve caught feelings for her too!’ he says defensively, raising his voice over the laughter. ‘Yeah, I definitely would have. I think I’d have wifed her by now,’ Changbin grins, and Hyunjin feels the jealously bubbling up inside him. He hates it when they talk about her. She might not be his, but she’s more his than she is theirs. They have no right to talk about her like that.
‘Yeah, but how do you wife a girl that doesn’t wanna be wifed?’ Chan asks, all of the boys letting out noises of agreement. ‘True. She’s actually living the life. Always decked out in designer, dick from Mr Handsome, free drugs from his friends, boujee apartment in the city, sexy group of friends and an easy ass ‘working from home’ job,’ Jisung says, sounding jealous, and all the boys start laughing again. ‘She really is. I’d swap lives with her, no hesitation,’ Seungmin says, more laughing filling the room.
‘Check your phone then, Mr Handsome,’ Felix nudges Hyunjin, and the boy lets out a little sigh, taking his time as he gets his phone out of his pocket. Her name is on the screen, no emojis and pet names or anything. Just her name. She’s sent him two texts, and he tries to hide his eagerness as he unlocks his phone to see them.
come see me when you’re done with the boys
give them my love and bring me some molly pls xo
‘Wow. Not her trying to emotionally manipulate the guys into giving her molly,’ Felix laughs quietly, looking at Hyunjin’s screen, and Hyunjin can’t help but laugh too. She’s one of a kind. ‘She sends her love to you guys,’ Hyunjin says, knowing he won’t even have to ask for the molly. They’ll offer it, like they always do. She’s got them all wrapped around her finger.
‘She’s cute. We should link soon,’ Chan says, handing the joint to Jisung and punching him gently when he nearly drops it. ‘Yeah, the same thing happens every time we link. We get a booth in a club, last for about ten minutes before they kick us out for doing lines, and then those two disappear to fuck and abandon the rest of us,’ Minho says drily, motioning to Hyunjin, who’s busy trying to formulate a laidback reply.
‘Tell her… only if she’s good,’ Felix says under his breath, knowing Hyunjin’s situation better than anybody else (Hyunjin’s never told him, but Felix is wise beyond his years, and very observant), and Hyunjin types up the response. Only a few seconds later do the three little dots appear, and Hyunjin imagines her in his head, lying on her bed and typing with that cute little smile on her face.
I’m always good
I love being good
for you
Hyunjin feels his blood heat up more and more with each text she sends, Felix chuckling amusedly as Hyunjin’s fingers ghost over the keyboard. He never knows what to say, never knows how to be cool and collected around her. ‘You’re on your own, bro. She’s too good at this,’ Felix murmurs, and Hyunjin nods in agreement, desperately wracking his brains for a response, ignoring the current conversation the boys are having.
Before he even begins typing, another text from her comes through, and it’s a picture. His heart speeds up as he waits for it to load, itching to see what she’s sent. He has a folder on his phone dedicated to all the pictures she’s ever sent, and he visits that folder more often than he’d ever admit. When the picture finally loads, he feels his heart stop for a second, Felix so startled that he begins choking, and Hyunjin hits him on the back, eyes still locked onto his phone.
She’s in her bedroom, the lights all off, and she’s stood in front of her mirror, her body illuminated by the flash from her phone and the city lights streaming in from her window. She’s dressed in her completely sheer Dior robe. And nothing else.
‘Fucking hell,’ Felix says when he finally gets his breath back. The boys are all distracted from their conversation, looking over at Hyunjin and Felix with curiosity. ‘What’s going on?’ Jeongin asks, and Felix and Hyunjin are both silent for a moment. ‘She sent me a picture.’ ‘Let us see!’ Changbin says instantly, all of them looking at him with disgust. ‘No, you fucking creep.’ ‘You showed Felix!’ ‘I didn’t show him.’ ‘Yeah, I looked at the screen just as the picture loaded,’ Felix says, the boys all raising their eyebrows at him. ‘What a coincidence,’ Jisung says drily, Felix beginning to defend himself.
Hyunjin quickly becomes distracted with the picture again, unable to believe how lucky he is that a vision of beauty sends him pictures like this. He still isn’t used to the feeling of having someone so… perfect trust him enough to bare herself to him. And he doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to it. How do you get used to something so… extraordinary?
‘The picture must be good. He can’t look away from his phone,’ Seungmin laughs, all the boys looking over at Hyunjin again. ‘At least… describe it to us,’ Changbin says, Hyunjin shooting him another dirty look. ‘Bro, just go watch some porn or something,’ Chan says, everyone bursting into laughter as Changbin shoves Chan. ‘I don’t want details. Just the gist of it,’ Changbin says, like a dog with a bone, and Hyunjin rolls his eyes.
‘It’s a mirror picture, and she’s wearing a robe.’ ‘Oh. That’s it? Bro, you’re down bad if you’re getting horny over that,’ Jisung says, and Felix bursts into laughter, Hyunjin unable to hold back his own chuckles. ‘You guys haven’t seen it, though.’ ‘If she’s fully clothed, it can’t be that sexy,’ Minho says, and Hyunjin and Felix laugh again. ‘The robe’s see-through,’ Hyunjin admits. When it comes to her, his pride and jealousy regularly battle, and leave him torn between showing her off and keeping her to himself.
‘It’s see-through? Like totally see-through?’ Jisung asks with wide eyes, and Hyunjin nods smugly. ‘And is she wearing anything else?’ Changbin asks, Hyunjin shaking his head with a grin, the boys all looking shocked. ‘Wow, she must really trust you, to send you a picture like that,’ Chan says disbelievingly, Hyunjin feeling smugger by the second.
‘What the fuck are you waiting for? Go to her, stupid,’ Jeongin urges, Hyunjin chuckling. ‘There’s no rush. She likes the long game,’ Hyunjin replies mildly, the others all shaking their heads in disbelief. ‘You’ve got it so good,’ Seungmin says, voice laced with envy, and Hyunjin can’t help but grin in response.
aren’t you gonna tell me I look good?
did I make you hard in front of your friends, jinnie?
are they all jealous bc your girl is so hot?
I bet they wanna fuck me like you do
only you get to fuck me though, jin
I only want you
only wanna be good for you
He stays with the boys for another hour, but his mind is elsewhere completely. The texts she sends him every few minutes fry his brain, and he feels himself getting needier with each one. He needs her. So many addictions in his life, but he’d give them all up for her. Fuck Mary Jane and Molly; she’s his favourite.
I’m thinking of you, jinnie
always thinking of you
And those texts are the ones that push him over the edge. Not the ones about how much she wants him, how good his dick is, how wet she is for him, but the ones that make him think she cares.
‘I’m heading off,’ Hyunjin says, getting up from his seat, and the boys all laugh and cheer. ‘Coming back after?’ Jeongin asks, and Hyunjin shrugs. ‘Probably,’ he says, pulling his jacket on. ‘Here, bro. I’ve got her favourites,’ Changbin says, holding a little plastic packet out to Hyunjin. The boy takes it, and he wants nothing more than to crush the pills into tiny little pieces. But he puts them in his pocket instead, their weight on his heart like bricks.
Hyunjin doesn’t waste any more time, driving like a madman to her apartment in the city centre, praying he doesn’t get a ticket but knowing that it’s worth it for her. He has a pass for her apartment block’s car park, and thankfully his usual space, the one beside her space, is empty. She has Hyunjin to drive her around most of the time, so her barely driven black Audi A5 with its D&G interior is in pristine condition. Hyunjin has a keycard to get into her apartment and he taps his foot impatiently as he scans it, the lift slowly moving upwards. He practically leaps through the doors when they open, stepping straight into her living room.
The lights are off, allowing a clear view through the floor to ceiling windows that look out over the city, but Hyunjin doesn’t care about that view. The view on his mind isn’t in here, and he exerts the last of his self-control as he heads towards her bedroom. When he reaches the open door of her room and she comes into his eyeline, his breath catches in his throat. She’s sat on her windowsill, looking out over the skyline with a wineglass in her hand, and he knows it isn’t wine that she’s drinking. It’s never something as weak as wine.
She looks like an angel, face serene and thrown into dim light from the city, and she’s not wearing the robe anymore. She’s in underwear, just a plain black Agent Provocateur set, but she looks like the most beautiful girl in the world to him. Practically everything in her room is Louis V, but she’s worth more than it all. He walks towards her slowly, and she knows he’s there but doesn’t look over at him. As he gets closer, he sees the black lines of mascara across her cheeks, her eyes red and swollen, and he isn’t sure whether it’s because she’s higher than a kite, or she’s lower than she’s ever been before.
‘Are you high?’ he asks her softly, and she lets out a gentle laugh. ‘No.’ ‘So you’ve been crying?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘You gonna tell me why?’ ‘No,’ she replies, voice like silk, and Hyunjin lets out a gentle sigh. ‘You can’t keep it all bottled up.’ ‘I can, and I will. I wanted you to come here to fuck me, not to be my therapist,’ she says tiredly, Hyunjin silent.
‘Did you bring my molly?’ she asks, and he just stares at her, waiting for her to look back at him. To actually look at him for once. ‘Hyunjin?’ Silence continues to fill the room, and after what feels like an eternity, she looks at him, her eyes shining with tears. ‘No.’ ‘You didn’t?’ ‘No. I brought you enough for a week on Tuesday. It’s Friday today.’ ‘I know what day it is. My health isn’t your problem.’ ‘I know it isn’t. But you should still have some left.’ ‘That’s not your concern. If I ask you to bring me something, you should bring it.’ ‘Stop being a fucking brat.’ ‘Stop being a fucking dick.’
He wants to scream at her, grab the glass from her hand and smash it against the wall, flush the pills in his pocket down the toilet. But he doesn’t. He just stands there, staring at her, and she stares back at him.
‘When was the last time you were sober?’ ‘For fuck’s sake, Jin, I can’t-’ ‘Answer the fucking question,’ he says angrily, and she flinches at his tone. ‘I… I’m sober now.’ ‘You’ve been drinking. When was the last time you were properly sober – no drugs or drink?’ She’s completely silent, and Hyunjin remains silent too, waiting for her response.
‘On Wednesday.’ ‘I’m not fucking stupid, stop lying to me.’ ‘I’m not lying!’ ‘I swear to God, I’m walking out of here if you don’t tell me the truth.’ ‘Then leave.’ ‘Don’t tell me to leave when that’s the last thing you want,’ he murmurs, and she just stares at him, eyes shining with tears.
‘Last week.’ ‘Stop lying!’ ‘I don’t fucking know, Jin! Maybe last week, maybe last month, maybe last year, maybe longer! I can’t fucking remember! I can’t even fucking see straight most days! You think I can remember when I was last sober? I’m never fucking sober!’ she screams, her voice shattering the silence, and Hyunjin feels his heart ache at the tears spilling down her face.
‘You’re slowly killing yourself.’ ‘You think I don’t know that? I’m not a fucking idiot, Jin! I haven’t got any delusions about my health!’ ‘If you know you’re dying, why don’t you stop?’ ‘You’re not an idiot either. You don’t need me to explain that to you,’ she says tiredly, as though all of her energy has suddenly flooded away.
Hyunjin’s eyes fill with tears at the realisation. She’s doing it on purpose because she wants to die.
‘Why? ‘What?’ ‘Why do you want to die?’ he asks softly, and she laughs humourlessly. ‘I told you; I don’t want a therapy session. That’s not why you’re here.’ ‘You’re insane if you think I’m gonna fuck you now,’ he says, the girl just staring at him.
‘This isn’t a film, Hyunjin, or a book. I’m not gonna magically decide to open up to you and cry on your shoulder and you hold me whilst I sleep and then you take me to DAA tomorrow and help me get sober. That’s not how this works. That’s not who I am, or who you are. You fuck me, or you leave.’ ‘I’m not gonna fuck you when you’re like this. I’m not a fucking monster,’ Hyunjin says harshly. ‘I might have to disagree with that,’ she murmurs before taking a sip from her drink.
‘You’ve had enough for tonight,’ Hyunjin says, the girl raising an eyebrow at him as she continues to drink. ‘I said that that’s enough,’ he spits angrily, and she flinches again, taking the glass from her lips a moment later. He holds out a hand to take it, and she hesitates before handing it to him, Hyunjin celebrating internally. It’s a step forward. It might be a small one, but it’s something.
He puts the glass down on her bedside table before taking a seat beside her on the windowsill. ‘You can leave.’ ‘I know,’ he says softly, and she doesn’t reply, looking back out over the city with tears streaming down her face. They sit in silence, looking at two different views, and Hyunjin feels like he could live in this moment. Her walls are up, but she’s letting him in, even if it is just for a little while.
‘You should go.’ ‘No.’ ‘Hyunjin-’ ‘I’m not leaving.’ ‘But why?’ she whispers, so much loneliness in her voice that his heart drops. ‘What do you mean?’ ‘Why are you staying? We’re not having sex, and we’re not in a relationship. You don’t have any obligations to stay,’ she murmurs, lips quivering as she speaks. ‘I know I don’t have any obligations, but I won’t leave you – not while you’re like this.’
They fall into silence again and it’s so heavy, weighing down both of their hearts. ‘No one ever stays,’ she says miserably, and he tilts his head questioningly. ‘My ex-boyfriends always left. My friends always leave. You always leave. My dad even left. So why are you staying now?’ she asks, and he’s devastated at her words. This is more than she’s ever told him, and he never expected to hear that this is her trauma. She’s got daddy issues, and that’s why she is the way she is. She’s a drug addict, an alcoholic, ridden with mental health illness, all because of her dad.
‘I’m all you have left, other than drugs and money.’ ‘That’s all I need.’ ‘If you’ve got what you need, why do you wanna die?’ ‘It’s all I need to survive. Not to live.’ ‘Don’t you want to live?’ ‘Of course I do. But not like this, not… haunted. Not weighed down. Not numb and empty, all the fucking time. I can’t escape. It’s all I am… when I’m sober. If I stay drunk, and high, I can forget it all. The second I start coming down, it all comes back, and it hurts so much. I just wanna feel… not even happy. Just… alive. For once. Without the help of alcohol and drugs and designer clothes. But they fill the emptiness inside me like nothing else does.’ ‘There’s so much more to life. Love, friendship, memories, nature, achievements.’ ‘I know, but my brain doesn’t work in that way. I could be… stood on top of the world, and I’d still feel like I want to die.’ ‘Let me help you,’ he replies, and she laughs.
‘You do help me. You help me fill the void my dad left behind. You’re an asshole. You might call me a good girl and praise me and baby me and treat me like a princess sometimes, but you’re emotionally unavailable, and you shout at me and get angry with me, and you’re never here when it matters which is good because I’d get attached if you were, and you’re horrible to me when we fuck, and you make me feel like I’m not good enough for you when you text other girls in front of me and check out every girl that passes us when we’re on a night out, and you never respond to the nudes I send you which makes me feel like I’m fucking ugly, but that’s okay because you’ll come and fuck me and I feel the validation that I need, and you never stay the night which makes me feel like you only ever want me for sex, but it’s okay because at least you like me enough to fuck me in the first place. You told me once that you won’t call me yours, but it’s okay because I’d rather my body be yours than none of me at all.’
She’s sobbing by the time she finishes speaking, struggling to breathe properly, and Hyunjin’s frozen in shock. He’s an asshole? No. He’s a guy who’s in love with her and doesn’t want her to know it, because she’s always told him that she doesn’t want his love, she wants his dick and his drugs. But maybe if he’d ignored her wishes, and openly loved her, she wouldn’t be so fucked up. She wouldn’t crave his worthless validation. She wouldn’t be so lonely that she wants to die.
‘But I’m-’ ‘No. Don’t you dare deny it and say some stupid fucking shit to try and manipulate me into thinking you care. You don’t have to. I know you couldn’t give a shit about me, and I’ve known for so long, and it doesn’t matter,’ she says, furiously wiping away her tears, and Hyunjin shakes his head, taking her trembling hands into his. ‘No, you don’t understand. I’m only like this because you pushed me away. We were so good at first, I used to openly adore you, but you pushed me away and told me that you didn’t want that from me.’ ‘Yeah, because I’m fucked up! I turned you into an asshole, and then fell in love with you! More fool fucking me! Can you just leave now?’ she asks, pulling her hands from his and looking away. His heart sings at her confession that she does love him, that this isn’t one-sided, but it quickly quietens when he sees the look on her face.
‘I’m literally trying to tell you that I’m in love with you too. I want to be with you, and do the things we’ve never done. Restaurant dates, and staying the night and laying with you, and shopping trips that don’t end up with us fucking in the Chanel back room – not that I’m complaining about that, obviously. But I just want to be with you. We could be so good together – just give us a chance. Things don’t have to be this way.’ ‘They are.’ ‘But they don’t have to be! Just give me a day. A day to be more than your dick appointment and your dealer. All I need is one day with you, and I can make the pain better.’
‘No, Hyunjin. Just go,’ she says quietly, the tears gone and her voice calm. She’s shutting herself off again, pushing him back out, and it makes him panic. ‘Don’t do this. This is your chance to be happy, for us to be happy together.’ ‘No. Leave, like you always do,’ she murmurs, and he can see the city lights reflected in her eyes, the galaxy held between her lashes.
‘I only left because you wanted me to.’ ‘I still want you to.’ ‘But you love me.’ ‘They don’t cancel each other out.’ ‘That doesn’t-’ ‘Make any sense? I know. I don’t make any sense. I want love, but I’m scared of it. I hate my dad for abandoning me, but I only ever want guys that abandon me so if you stay, I’ll fall out of love with you, or I’ll push you away like I did when we first started fucking so that I can carry on loving you. I was never treated right, but I only ever want guys that treat me badly, so if you treat me right, I’ll get bored of you. I never got love from my dad, so I’ve been running from it my whole life, and that isn’t gonna change. I’ve driven myself insane for years, trying so hard to understand why I’m like this, but I am, and you should just accept that instead of trying work me out.’
Hyunjin just blinks, trying to process her words. Where does he win? The only way he can have her is carrying on being the asshole he’s been for the past few years, but there’s only so long he can keep that up when he’s falling more and more in love with her by the day. But if he openly loves her, she won’t want him anymore. Hyunjin makes a vow that if, by chance, he ever encounters her dad, he’s gonna beat the shit out of him. And he also makes a vow that he’s gonna help her, get her to therapy or DAA, because there’s no other way he can see a positive outcome.
‘You should just leave.’ ‘How can I leave you like this?’ ‘Because I can’t love you if you stay. I don’t love people who stay, and I never have. So… go. Please,’ she says, no emotion, no nothing in her voice, or on her face. She looks like one of those ancient marble statues, passive and cold but beautiful. And Hyunjin knows that he doesn’t want to live a life without her in it, so he does the only thing he can tonight, the only thing that won’t push her away.
‘Fine. I’ll fucking leave, since you keep fucking telling me to,’ he says harshly, the girl flinching at the suddenness of him pushing himself off the windowsill, feet landing heavily on the floor. ‘Came here to fuck you, and you’re fucking crying instead. You’re such a fucking mess. I should have brought your fucking molly. At least you keep your fucking mouth shut when you’re rolling. Never tell me to come over if you’re in your feels again, ‘cause I don’t wanna sit here and listen to you whine about your shitty dad,’ he mutters angrily, loathing himself for the words he’s using against her, the kind of words he’s subjected her to for so long, the words that made her fall in love with him.
Despite his brain screaming at him to not look back before leaving, he does it anyway, and when he sees her reaching for her glass again, eyes filled with tears and lips curled up into a sad smile, he feels his heart break into a million little pieces. He should knock the glass out of her hand. He should tell her how much he loves her, and how he’s not gonna give up on them. He should force her to get into his car, take her to rehab, and tell her that he won’t stand by and watch her slowly kill herself. But he squares his shoulders, ignoring the clink of her glass against her Cartier rings, and leaves her bedroom with the weight of the world on his shoulders and her face in his mind.
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emiliaheartfeel · 3 years
Chapter 7: Bro Code
AN: Atsumu did a shitty thing, that I do not condone. Hope your ready to feel smad!
It’s been two weeks since you started ignoring and avoiding Atsumu. You didn’t even reply to his message and he has been too stubborn to apologize. It’s starting to get on Osamu’s nerves because avoiding Atsumu included avoiding Osamu. He hasn’t seen or heard from you and Atsumu has been a bitch the whole time too. The coach had to bench cause he was being down right cruel to his own teammates. Osamu can’t talk to you and he hasn’t wanted to ask Atsumu, but this had gotten ridiculous and the team agrees. Kita calls a team meeting after practice one day. Atsumu is extremely bitter and becomes even more annoyed when all heads turn to him.
“What happened with you Atsumu?”
“I don’t know what your fucking talking about!”
“You have been rather irritable as of late”
“What he means is you have been a bitch.”
“In a sense, yes”
“I am always like this”
“Like hell you are man”
“Why don’t you all just leave me hell alone!”
Osamu can’t take it anymore and lunges at he’s brother in pure fury. This already was more intense then their usual petty fights. Fights about you always were. Osamu has Atsumu pinned under him hands in his collar holding him down. Both Aran and Kita are ready to get involved but Osamu sends them a nasty glare.
“What. The. Fuck. Did you do?”
“I already told you I don’t know what you are talking about”
“Bull fucking shit. Y/N is so mad at YOU she isn’t even talking to me”
“She chose you,”
“Three months ago she chose you,”
Osamu is lost now. What was Atsumu on about. Confusion is all he feels as he watches Atsumu looks broken. Years ago Atsumu was the first twin to tell the other he loved you Osamu revealed he did too a few months later.
“Last time she was in town she came to me to talk about you,”
“I don’t understand she barely even said goodbye when she left.”
“Because I had slept with her,”
Osamu’s mind goes blank for a moment before he pulls his fist back in punches Atsumu in the nose hard enough he feels a crunch. Aran grabs his arm as he pulled again to hit his twin again. He looks feral and Atsumu looks torn and ashamed. He’s not even fighting back not making eye contact with anyone.
“You! What!!”
Atsumu doesn’t answer finding his hands much more interesting. The team is stunned into silence this wasn’t the petty bullshit they were expecting. This was deep and personal.
“Answer! Me!”
“She loved you... Loves you”
“She came to me nervous a few nights before she was leaving to ask me a question”
You were in the Miya house in your pjs when you are pacing in the hall. Your right foot goes to rub up and down you left calf a sign of pure nerves for you. Atsumu raises an eyebrow at you with an annoying teasing smirk.
“What’s up, Supergirl,”
“What? Finally confessing your undying love to the lesser twin,”
He knew. Knew you had a crush on Osamu. You had told him a year ago, but you hadn’t acted on believing it would make your relationship with both the twins weird which Atsumu fully agreed with.
“Haha, no it’s something else...”
“Come on, you can always tell the great and generous Atsumu what’s troubling you”
“I don’t think I want to”
“Oh! She doesn’t want my advise! I am not good enough to give you my advise! Oh the betrayal. That promise when you were 8 and sobbing on front porch and I told you I always got you. That means nothing to you appare...”
“You dramatic bitch.”
*overdramatic sigh*
“Oh my god! Fine...I....to...Osamu...”
“What was that?”
“I want to give Osamu my virginity!”
Something in him really broke. Knowing you loved Osamu was and not acting on it was one thing, but this would definitely lead to you and his brother dating. He couldn’t handle if you two actively together. He couldn’t watch you be with another man.
“What’s that look for”
“I just think that’s a bad idea”
“Tell me have you really thought this through”
“Yes I want my first time to be with someone a love and trust,”
“Then let me do it!”
He knew he was running purely on emotions and needs a cover and fast. He’s panicking this isn’t how he imagined confessing to you. He had even thought about ever confessing to you.
“We love each other and you trust me”
“You know that’s different!”
“Not really it’s going be completely yours decision everything. Think about how weird it’ll if he says no or worse he says yes and doesn’t have feelings for you. Having sex with someone you love, but doesn’t love you is a new kind of torture that I don’t want you to go through!”
“How do you know he doesn’t love me!”
“I just do!”
“He told me!”
“I don’t believe you!”
“Atsumu I just love Y/N she’s like the perfect little sister!”
He know it was fucked up. He knew he was breaking her heart and lying to do it.
“Obviously I am not saying you need to have sex with me, but I am your safest bet,”
“I need to go home,”
“Let me walk you then”
“I don’t think that’s necessary”
“No it’s not but I need you to understand I am not trying to actively sleep with you. I just don’t want you to get hurt.”
BULLSHIT! He was a liar and a horrible friend.
“Atsumu I just found out the guy I have been in love of with for years doesn’t love me and his brother, who looks exactly like him, offers sex. I am going to be fucking hurt! I need time to think and get over Osamu. And rethink shit about my virginity,”
He knew this wasn’t gonna be good for you. You already looked destroyed and all he wanted to do was hold you, but he knew that might just confuse you. Though the really dark voice in him wanted you confused, cause maybe then you would finally pick him. He couldn’t go that far. Everything had to be your choice.
‘But is it really her choice. You lied so she wanted go to Osamu, to make you seem more attractive more desirable. You are soliciting sex from the girl you claim to live because you are jealous and maybe this is the closest you’ll ever get to her loving you. You thought if you can’t have love, lust is just as good.’ He thought to himself. Guilt riddled him before you were even out the door.
“Y/N forget I said anything. You should love and trust the man you give your first to.”
You walk out and don’t back in until a few days later. Osamu isn’t home again. You knew that and Atsumu knew you knew it. He’s hesitant to even approach you, but it is clear he is who you came to see.
“I need to know this won’t change anything between us,”
“What won’t?”
“That if I give you my virginity. Your still my friend Atsumu. I can’t live my life with out you. You were right I didn’t think it through. Even if Osamu did love me it doesn’t mean we wouldn’t eventually fall out of love and then he would just be out of my life right. I need you by my side even if he isn’t.”
It almost sounded like a love confession to Atsumu, but he knows better. You are so desperate to keep Osamu in your life you have torn yourself a part to hide that you loved him. You just assumed Atsumu was always going to be there, you just need him to say it. It not like Osamu where you won’t even risk it. Atsumu, he knew you could live without him you just don’t want to.
“No matter we are gonna be weird with each other we both have to have faith in each other, but Y/N I was talking out my ass. It annoyed me that you were gonna have sex with Osamu over me. Yeah it doesn’t make sense but you know how competitive we are. You don’t got to do this. We pretend this never happen and have a sundae night.”
“I am sure Atsumu.”
That’s what he told his teammates and that’s how it went down. Osamu is livid. Aran is holding him tightly as Kita had put tape over his mouth so Atsumu could tell his story without interruptions. Everyone taking it all in.
“Wait then why is she mad now?”
Atsumu pulls out his phone and shows them the texts he sent.
“You are an idiot”
As soon as Osamu signals he is calm enough Aran slowly and with hesitation let’s him go. As he turns to his twin face hardened and swallows tightly.
“She can never know you lied”
“It would ruin her, Atsumu. You are her confidant and you took advantage of her. She can’t know. We pretend it never happened, we follow our bro code and neither of us go for her ever. We be the best big brothers we can. Nothing changes between us.”
“Shut up! You did a terrible thing and should be treating her like a goddess until one of you dies. You barely deserve to be in the same room as her. You are lucky I don’t break your hands.”
“I know”
AN: I don’t think I capture the amount of heartbreak Atsumu actually was suppose to be in but boy is suppose to seem fucking broken. Doesn’t excuse his action but he insecure scared baby that just wants love.
AN: Sorry this chapter took a little longer. If I don’t have you in my tag list just message me! I am so so nervous about how you all are going to react to this chapter and the next ones. Also there are more then 10 chapters this is just volume 1 🙃.
Please Comment!
@kaleidoscopekai @je-suis-argent-miel @liferuinedby5idiotsand1genius @poppi144 @idontevenknow129 @ssuna @im-the-music-whore @kac-chowsballs
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cyclogenesis · 3 years
i have to tell you that the second i saw cal and ash on that mountain getaway a couple weeks ago, i thought about how desperately i would love a sequel to your turks & caicos fic set during that trip. (this is not a request, i promise, i just wanted to tell you bc that is one of my fav fics of all time)
Aw anon!! 🥺 Gosh I hadn't even thought about that when I was in my feelings about the mountain getaway pictures, which is wild because I am just remembering now that I started a fic after the honeymoon comment initially happened (like, very soon after, because @elliebirdthings was at that show and told me about it and we were freaking out haha), before we knew that they went to Turks & Caicos, and I had them taking that trip to a cabin in Maine.
Just for kicks, because this message made me smile and I love you for that, here's the beginning of that fic. It's unfinished obviously (not even any kissing!), but there's some nice stuff in there I think. This fic was going to be titled A whole fucking lifetime of this after the American Pleasure Club album which was a title I should have kept, goddammit. Also randomly in here I have them driving to the cabin while listening to My Bloody Valentine, who Ashton later called out as one of his main influences for Superbloom.
1600 words of unfinished Cashton under the cut! 😘
The day after the last meeting about the promo schedule the dressing room conversation turns, as it does, to plans for the break. It’s a month out, but they’ve to a man developed a fetish for planning their free time carefully as soon as the schedule’s set. Planning things makes Ashton feel like a grown-up. He likes renting cars. Sometimes he scrolls through AirBnB for hours just to see what’s out there.
“I’m going straight back, we got Dodgers tickets,” Michael says.
“I remember when you used to say ‘we’ and it meant you and me,” Calum says. He wiggles a little from where he’s snuggled against Michael on the couch like he wants to get away, but of course Michael doesn’t let him. Ashton thinks he probably wasn’t really trying.
“Aw, you’ll always be my first love,” Michael tells him, squeezing Calum to him more tightly. “You wanna make out just for old times sake?”
“I do not,” says Calum, but he lets Michael give him a big kiss on the forehead, his face squinching up happily.
“I just wanna get away for a bit, no work or social media or anything,” says Ashton, ignoring their tomfoolery. “A little cabin by a lake somewhere.”
“Oh yeah?” Luke says. “Where are you and Cal going this time?”
“Maine,” Calum says, at the same time as Ashton says, “Why would you assume we’re going somewhere together?”
A small silence falls over the room.
With dignity, Ashton says, “Calum and I are going to Maine.”
“Just get out in front of it this time,” Michael advises. “Let everyone know it’s another honeymoon. Take control of the narrative.”
“How many times can you go on a honeymoon before you have to acknowledge that you’re married?” Luke asks nobody in particular.
“It’s a bro trip,” Ashton says firmly. “For bros.”
“It’s very bromantic,” Luke says. “It’s okay, I’m not hurt I wasn’t invited. I love going back to LA and jerking off alone.”
“It’s nice that we’ve all got plans,” Calum says. He’s settled peacefully back against Michael, Michael absently petting his hair.
“It’s not a honeymoon,” Ashton insists.
Whatever, Ashton called it what he called it, okay? Might as well control the narrative.
Over drinks at the bar after their last show Calum asks, “Where would you want to go on your honeymoon, anyway? Somewhere new?”
Ashton pokes at the ice in his cocktail with his straw. Aren’t they supposed to not be using straws anymore because of the ocean or whatever? Ashton loves the ocean, it’s very important to him. Also this cocktail sucks. “Can I try your drink?” he asks. “I don’t love mine.” Calum has something with ginger in it, and bubbles. Calum slides his obligingly over, and Ashton passes his own over to be fair.
“I like yours better,” Calum says after a sip. “You wanna trade?”
Sometimes Ashton does believe in soulmates. “Yes, thank you.” He takes a long drink. “It would be nice to spend more time in Italy. Not one of the tourist-y parts though, somewhere quiet. Up north, maybe, one of the smaller towns.” He tries to picture what it would be like: olive groves, blue skies, stone churches. An old villa with lemon trees and a view of the hills. He’s so used to traveling with the band or just with Calum that it’s hard to picture anyone else there with him. They’re all as prone as anyone to get swept up with girls to the exclusion of most everything else, but Ashton can’t really imagine a future without seeing Calum all the time, without talking to him every day. Maybe he and Calum could just get married around the same time and they could all go on a honeymoon together.
“Yeah, that’d be pretty nice,” Calum says, looking wistful. Ashton wants to take a picture of him, capture the way a curl rests against his temple, how the blue neon lights behind the bar hit the glitter he let Ashton smear on his cheekbones before the show. They made a no social media pledge for this trip but Ashton’s bringing his camera anyway. He has to keep in practice, doesn’t he? Anyway, it’s important to capture these memories.
“Maybe we should just go,” Ashton tells him. “Why not? Who knows how long it could take for me to fool someone into living with this forever?” He sucks down the last of his drink, feeling sorry for himself now. What if he falls in love and she moves in and Calum stops coming over in the morning to walk to their favorite coffee shop together, and stops picking Ashton up so they can go hike Runyon, and stops bringing Duke over like he owns the damn place and doesn’t care about the dog hair that Ashton has to hoover off his couch pillows? That would be terrible. Worst of all, what if it was Ashton that suddenly wanted those things to stop?
“I’ll live with you forever,” Calum says, too busy flagging down the bartender to intuit Ashton’s emotional crisis. He gestures to Ashton’s empty drink. “Another one of those, right?” His own is still half full. Maybe he didn’t really like Ashton’s better after all.
“Yeah, thanks man,” Ashton sighs.
Calum bumps his knee against Ashton’s, the barstool squeaking beneath him. “Ash, you’re gonna find somebody if that’s what you want. Anyone would be the luckiest person alive to be with you. Maybe we could do Italy after the tour wraps, we’ll finish in Spain so it won’t be far.”
The thought cheers Ashton a bit; that’s a decent amount of time to get on AirBnB and see what he can find that’s available. It’ll be nice to have something to look forward to, Italian sunshine and limoncello and the quiet.
“Mike and Luke will definitely give us shit though about planning another honeymoon while we’re still on this one,” Calum says.
“Let ‘em,” says Ashton.
It’s not a long flight but it’s a bit of a drive from there to get to the cabin. But Calum said he wanted something remote and quiet, so it’s worth the wait, the drive in the dark. There’s moonlight, anyway, and Calum took the wheel, getting them the rest of the way there in their little silver Prius rental. He puts on My Bloody Valentine and sings along, low and comforting to listen to after so many days straight of playing, of promo. Halfway through the trip Ashton thinks he sees a shooting star, maybe thought he dreamed it until he felt Calum’s soft nudge of knuckles against his arm, heard his quiet, “You see that, bro?”
The way gets bumpy, thick with trees, dark and hard to navigate once they turn off the main road. At the end of it all there’s the cabin, looming in the dark, lights left on for them and the key exactly where it’s supposed to be. It’s past one a.m. but they still give the place a wander, stopping at the largest bedroom facing the lake. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows Ashton sees trees, darkness, the black glitter of water under starlight. Calum asks, “You want this one?”
Ashton looks further and just sees more darkness. “It’s kind of unnerving at night,” he says. “Anyone could be out there.” The other bedroom has smaller windows, but the point stands. “Do you wanna just watch TV or something in here and then decide?”
“If we get axe murdered here I hope our ghosts come back and leave a one star review,” Calum says, but he’s already shrugging his duffel off his shoulders and kicking off his shoes.
The host left them a bottle of pinot grigio so Ashton pours up a few glasses while Calum strips down to his boxers and gets in bed. The boxers have cartoon pugs all over them. “I can’t believe that’s the lingerie you’re wearing for our honeymoon,” Ashton says, handing him a glass. “I also can’t believe those boxers even exist.”
Calum raises it to him in a salute and takes a sip. “These boxers are fantastic, but I guess if you want me to take them off…” he trails off, eyebrow raised, thumb hooked in the waistband pushing them down past his hipbone, then further until Ashton can see the crease of his thigh.
“No, no,” Ashton says hurriedly, “I’m just saying, what’s wrong with a nice pair of footie pajamas? Keeps you warm. Keeps you modest.” Nevertheless he shucks his own clothes except for his own (very grown-up, perfectly normal, in a flattering shade of dark green) boxers and joins Calum in bed. Calum’s already stopped paying attention to him, too busy trying to figure out how to work the remote. He finally gets the screen to flash on, and Ashton stays quiet, sipping his wine while Calum flips channels, finally landing on something in black and white. Cary Grant comes on screen but Ashton still isn’t sure what movie it is; Calum seems interested enough, setting the remote down between them, so he doesn’t complain. The wine goes down easy and Ashton does too after not too long.
He rolls onto his side and sees that Calum’s eyes are already closed. It doesn’t look like he’s asleep yet; it always takes him a bit, leaving him in a dozy stage for about ten minutes during which he might respond crankily to any communication or with adorable mumbling affection. Ashton turns the sound down and says, as quietly as he can, “TV off?” Calum’s eyes don’t open, but he nods a little. “Okay. You want me to go sleep in the other room?”
Calum moves then, a sleepy shift of his body, fumbling a hand up and blindly patting the sheet until he makes contact with Ashton’s hand on the remote and squeezes it, links their fingers together like he can’t quite figure out how to make it work. It feels nice. “’S’okay,” he murmurs. “Stay here.”
Ashton didn’t feel like getting up anyway.
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valkyrieofsmut · 4 years
Captive Love   19
UF!Sans x Reader (or Frisk if you wanna)
Summary: Sweetheart enjoys flustering Papyrus, and he tries to educate her in the greatest of performers; Mettaton... Aka, share his interests with her. Also... other stuff happens.
A/N: Important stuff! So! While looking through stuff, I looked through the bookmarks to this story (on Ao3, for multiple reasons) and saw a comment in the bookmark saying that they weren't sure why she hadn't gotten her voice back, yet. This is honestly a good question. I guess it wasn't clear enough, I mean, a lot of stuff has happened. I tried to put the speech indicators to show that her voice is getting better, but then she'll yell and scream at Sans or someone on the phone (her idiot boss) and it'll get a bit worse. Also, I did a count of the days (quickly scanning through the whole file so I could be a little off) and at the beginning of the next chapter she's only been there for two weeks (13 days actually) and only been awake for 10 of them. Even if we give the benefit of the doubt and say three weeks (pretty sure that's the time frame I was aiming for about the point they had sex), she's basically gotten her voice back, its just a bit wobbly and squeaky. I dunno 'bout the rest of y'all, but last time I got sick (actually right before I started writing this story) I lost my voice for about a month and a half. I started getting it back after a month, had two weeks of the squeaky voice of a dog toy, and then a week of where it was mostly back, but still wobbly and had to clear my throat a lot because of it cutting out and squeaking. This is for informative purposes, not to be a jerk. Even though I feel like a jerk... lol God damn it! Do you know how hard I tried not to make it so he had a sock thing?! Maybe a preference or soft spot, but not an all out fetish. Like, 'ooo, yeah, those're sexy,' sure, but not, 'oh god, I'm so hard 'cause you're wearing socks!' *sigh* I fail at life... Enjoy an about double length chapter!.
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Papyrus tries to be... friendly? Maybe. Is that what he's doing? Yes.
Contrary to what Sans had said, the two spent the time until Papyrus came back not having sex, but cuddling and making out. 
“SANS!” Papyrus called from downstairs, knowing too well not to go near his brother’s room unless he was interested in an accidental show. 
Sans pulled back from the kiss he was tangled in with (Y/n), glancing to the door before giving her another kiss and climbing from the bed to go down to his brother. 
(Y/n) laid back, biting her lip and smiling. 
Ok… so it hadn’t started out great, but, really, even if she left now, the sex was amazing, and she wouldn’t have a problem messaging him. Who knew about a relationship, but what they had was pretty sweet. 
A sudden realization hit her. 
What did Sans think of relationships? 
Was it something monsters did? It seemed like they avoided showing that they had feelings or emotions at every turn, and she could see how having a relationship would blow that out of the water. 
Did she want a relationship? 
Yes, sex was nice, and it was nice spending time with him, but… it was entirely different than having a relationship. Right now, they were basically almost friends, with benefits. Maybe closer to fuck buddies who liked hanging out. 
It was a strange gray area to be in. 
(Y/n) stretched and climbed from the bed, hurrying to grab some clothes and head to take a quick shower to wash the smell of sex from her. 
How long had it been since her body had felt so well used? So nicely taken care of? 
...How long had it been since she’d been a willing participant in it becoming this sore? 
She shook her head to get that thought out of her head. 
It didn’t matter, anyway, that bastard was gone, and she was here. 
She needed to enjoy her life. 
She instead focused on washing up, bemoaning that her legs had gotten so hairy and that there was no razer around here to shave. How could she have forgotten to tell Sans to get one when she sent him out for everything and the kitchen sink? 
After her shower, she went into Sans’ room and found the bag he’d brought back on the off chance that he had gotten one and she’d just missed it. 
No luck, though she did find a pair of really cute over the knee socks. They looked like they were either from a halloween display, or from a store that sold punk and goth type clothing, having a print of tiny scattered skull and crossbones, and a bit of lace and back ribbon at the top.
Well… at least they’d cover the hairs on her legs and she wouldn’t be so self conscious about them. 
She pulled on a shirt, the pants she’d originally been wearing, and did her best with her hair before she walked downstairs. 
Papyrus was making a lot of noise in the kitchen, and Sans was nowhere to be seen. 
He must have gone out for something… 
(Y/n) went to the kitchen and stopped next to Papyrus. 
He looked down at her with a suspicious glare, but she responded with a friendly grin. 
Papyrus quickly looked away with a bit of red growing over his cheeks. 
Embarrassment… that’s right; being nice flustered him. 
A mischievous grin lifted her lips. 
This was going to be fun. 
As Papyrus started trying to make the shepherd's pie again, she stood near, pre measuring things and handing them to him. 
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING, HUMAN?!” He demanded, his hands going to rest on his pelvis. 
“He-ping,” she told him, then shot a huge grin. [helping]
Papyrus' sharp teeth gritted hard and he turned away with a glare. 
(Y/n) held back her laughter. 
So much fun. 
As Papyrus was starting to layer, the door opened and Sans came back in. 
Sans entered the kitchen, seeing (Y/n) helpfully handing a bowl of mashed potatoes to his brother, whose skull was glowing across his cheekbones and nasal ridge. 
He stuffed his smokes in his pocket and strolled over to where (Y/n) was grinning at him. He gave her a devious grin back, his sharp teeth flashing at her, and let his tongue trace his golden fang suggestively. 
Sans stepped behind her and wrapped his arms around her, nuzzling behind her ear. "c'mon, sweetheart, stop botherin' my bro an' come in th' other room wit me. i got an idea 'f how ta entertain ya." Sans chuckled at her obviously flustered form against him. “c’mon sweetheart, give ‘im th’ potatoes an’ come wit me.” 
Papyrus took the bowl of potatoes from her and made a disgruntled and disgusted noise as Sans guided (Y/n) to the other room. 
He sat her on the couch and sat next to her, pulling the remote out and putting on a show. 
(Y/n) sniffed the air, noticing a heavier cherry and vanilla smell around Sans. 
"What's that sm-ll?" She asked. 
"what smell?" Sans asked, looking over at her with a brow ridge up. 
"It's on you, like… vanilla, and cherry," she told him. 
"oh," Sans hummed, pulling out a slightly worn box to show her. "that's my smokes."
"You smoke?" She asked in surprise. 
"yeah, sometimes," he murmured, his eyelights flashing to the kitchen. 
(Y/n) mentally shrugged. Smoking was bad, but who knew if it even affected him the same way… He wasn't doing it around her, and at least the smoke smelled good. 
Over all, filed under 'not her business'. 
After a dinner filled with Papyrus shooting them disgusted looks from his spot across the table and telling them the 'thrilling adventures' he'd had that day, Papyrus made them stay downstairs to watch Mettaton shows. 
"boss, i don't wanna watch any mettaton stuff," Sans complained. 
"heh, i know what'd happen," Sans commented, giving (Y/n) a suggestive wink. 
Papyrus gave a put upon sigh and wedged his way between them on the couch. 
"hey, bro, what're ya doin'?!" Sans complained, shuffling out of the way a bit so he didn't get sat on. 
"then let us go up ta my room, bro," Sans sighed, managing to hold back his irritation. "simple as that." 
"NO CANOODELING!" Papyrus declared. 
He spent a lot of the shows explaining to (Y/n) how their star, and sometimes only actor, was better than anything humans could possibly have, often spending half a segment explaining the ‘complicated and far superior’ bits. 
After enough time had apparently passed, Papyrus decided it was time to go to bed and ushered them all upstairs. 
As soon as the door closed behind them, Sans let out an irritated breath before looking up at (Y/n) and letting his sharp teeth curl into a predatory grin. 
Heat shot through (Y/n)'s belly, her heart rate going up. 
"c'mere, sweetheart," Sans beckoned her to the bed as he reached it himself. "i have a feelin' yer tongue's been away from mine fer too long…" 
(Y/n) felt a bit of embarrassment mixing with the excitement that was filling her, heat starting to build already. 
"aw, c'mon, sweetness," Sans drew his voice out temptingly, the low tones somehow reminding her already wettening core what he'd done to it earlier and making it clench. "no need ta be so shy noww." 
(Y/n) slowly stepped toward the bed, fluttering filling her belly. 
“there ya go,” Sans praised as she got closer. “that’s it, sweetheart, c’mon closer,” he told her as he knelt on the bed and moved to the middle, sitting on his knees. “wait, this’s gonna be easier if ya take those pants off b’fore ya get up here,” he commented. 
A wave of trepidation fell over her, and she thought through what was happening, trying to be completely sure she was ok with what was about to happen. 
One round of sex and a day of making out, you could… maybe still be friends. Any more than that… who knew… 
“what’s wrong, sweetheart?” Sans asked, his expression turning more toward question than the suggestive thing it had been. 
(Y/n) paused, then reached for her pants and started taking them off. 
“mmm, there ya go, sweetheart,” Sans commented as she started crawling toward him on the bed, his expression slipping back to that one of suggestive intent. 
She made her way up, then paused in front of him, biting her lip as she reached under her shirt and worked her bra off without taking off her shirt. Her attention was drawn back to Sans at the lustful noise he made as she threw it to the floor behind her. 
“i didn’t know ya knew magic, sweetheart,” Sans chuckled, leaning forward and grabbing her by the hips to draw her closer to him. His hands slid down her thighs, moving around them, then up the backs to take her panties and start dragging them down her thighs. 
As she lifted one knee so he could get them off, he caught sight of the dark fabric on her calf and twisted a little around her to get a better look. 
Yes, there were little skull and crossbones distributed every so often over the black of the fabric, a bit of lace nearly hidden behind her knee. 
“fuck,” Sans murmured softly, his phalanges lingering over the soft fabric as he helped her off with her panties. 
(Y/n) looked at him in question, following his gaze, her leg registering where he was touching. 
He’d bought those… maybe not even purposely for her… 
Here she was wearing them, and if the tent in his shorts was anything to go by, he wholeheartedly approved. 
Sans tried to stop the drool from dripping between his teeth as his fingers took in the feel of her soft leg inside of the socks, tracing the muscles that filled out the fabric and looking sexier than he had imagined. 
He hadn’t even dared to hope that she’d willingly wear them, let alone put them on herself, yet here she was, calves covered in the socks, looking sexy enough that if she pressed her knees together, her legs would look good enough to- he’d have to hold on to the backs of her thighs so that he could brace himself to thrust, keeping her feet together with his knees and her knees together with his hands- 
Sans blinked his sockets to clear his fantasy, gripping the backs of her thighs and pulling her up into his lap, pausing only to get his shorts out of the way. Then he was pulling her up over him, her knees on the outsides of his hips, angling and positioning them both so that as he eased her to sit down, she felt the head of his cock brushing against her. 
(Y/n) bit her lip, her body giving all the signals that it was interested and ready, and one of his hands slipped between them to guide his cock, brushing against her wet folds until he found her opening. 
The hand on her hip gripped harder as he encouraged her down, sliding into her, and his face turned into a grimace of pleasure. 
“nnn, fuck, ya feel jus’ ‘s good ‘s last time…” He told her through gasped breaths. “fuuuuck, sweetheart… ya a’ways this hot an’ wet, or is this jus’ fer me?” He groaned as she sank down, her thighs finally meeting where his shorts had crumpled around his femurs. 
“Sans,” she whispered, her hands clenching around the back of his shirt, grabbing at his ribs and making him growl needily. 
One of his hands buried itself in her hair, tangling and fisting in it to point her face to his, his teeth pressing against her lips and parting them to let his tongue meet hers, and she moaned, her hips following the motions he was guiding her through to get a bit of movement going. 
It was a bit awkward due to the angle, and only served to make them both want more. 
Sans' hand moved from her hip to give a rough grope to her ass, holding her against him as he turned and laid over top of her. 
His pelvis stayed against her as he knelt up, his hands running down her calves, the roughness of his phalanges catching a little at her socks. 
He gave a squeeze to her calves, then lifted them up over his shoulders, nuzzling them, his hands stroking over them. 
His hands slid down to her thighs, gripping them tightly before starting to move his pelvis. 
He rocked gently for a moment, but soon leaned forward, pushing her knees closer to her chest as he did, and it seemed to open her up to him more, making her able to feel every inch of him as he moved inside her. 
Sans held her thighs tight against his ribs, keeping her calves on his shoulders and nuzzling against them as he thrust. They felt so soft under his phalanges, against his cheekbone-
His eyelights stayed on her as he panted for breath, thrusting into her rhythmically. He could feel her hands grabbing and twisting around his shorts, trying to pull him into her as her hips gave little bucks trying to meet his. 
She was so cute- the socks were adorable, and they made her look even cuter… 
His tongue reached out and traced over her calf, making him grunt as she clenched around him. “oh, sweetheart,” he groaned softly, nipping at her calf. 
A noise escaped (Y/n), but she tried to swallow it, trying to keep quiet as he sped up. 
Sans gripped her thighs tightly, pushing into her faster and faster, his pointed teeth digging into her sock covered calf, his tongue brushing over it. 
(Y/n) gasped, her mouth dropped open as she tried to stay quiet, her body bouncing as he pushed into her harder. 
“fuck, sweetheart- ya squeezin’ ‘round me like that- ya like what ‘m doin’ ta ya?” He asked, watching her face. 
(Y/n) nodded, her hand tightening in the fabric of his shorts. 
She nodded again as she gasped for air, trying desperately not to make noise to piss off the other skeleton in the house, starting to get light headed at how much oxygen she was taking in. 
“nnn, fuck- y’re so sweet, sweetheart,” he told her, gulping in air as he tightened his hands, holding her steady as he pounded into her. 
She was going to have bruises there, though it couldn’t seem to matter to her mind. He was hitting every perfect place inside her- it felt so good- he felt so perfect inside her- every spot lighting up with pleasure- so amazing- 
And then he bit her calf again, his tongue trailing over the sock that made her seem even more adorable and sweet. 
“Ungh-” (Y/n) squeaked, holding back the other noises as she came, her body tightening and pulsing around Sans as she softly moaned his name. 
“uuuuuuugh, sweetheart- tha’s right, come fer me- nnn- ya feel s’good- fuck- fuckfuckfuck-!” He growled out as he fell over the edge and followed her into bliss, his jaw clenched tight to keep quiet. He didn’t need his brother bursting in and ruining the mood. 
As they came down, Sans leaned forward and kissed her, his tongue and teeth moving with her mouth, small noises leaving them both. 
Sans chuckled after a moment, his hands squeezing her ass with her legs now wrapped around him. 
“What’s so funny?” She asked, watching his face. 
“nothin’, i jus’ feel bad fer humans ’s all. any guy who doesn’t get ta feel ‘is girl keep pullin’ at ‘im like this, really. can’t ‘magine. jus’ feels so good. c’mere, sweetness,” he coaxed, though he was the one who did all the work of wrapping his arms around her and rolling so that she was again on top of him before he gave a content sigh. 
“Their loss,” (Y/n) murmured back with a chuckle of her own. 
They started drifting off, but (Y/n) would swear she heard Sans say, “‘m glad i found ya… some a th’ best luck in my life…”
 A/N: Uh... In case it wasn't clear... Yes, Sans was thinking of pressing Sweetheart's calves together and fucking the space between near her knees... um... while she was wearing the socks... I- I don't know... I was going to have him just think about licking or nipping, but, in the moment that's what came out instead... Sans does what he wants when I write, apparently... Sans: damn straight i do, doll!
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imaginewithmgk · 4 years
It’ll Be Alright
Tumblr media
prompt; be alright - dean lewis
link to music video
summary: y/n and colson have a fight that doesnt end well because of something y/n did and then they see each each other at a party two years later
word count: 2,246
warnings: cheating, swearing, drug & alcohol
I look up from the ground To see your sad and teary eyes You look away from me And I see there's something you're trying to hide
“Y/N?” I ask my girlfriend as I hear her walk into the bedroom we share. My eyes stay focused on the notepad sitting in front of me, reading over the lyrics I’ve been writing all day. She doesn’t respond so I look up to meet her eyes. They’re filled with tears threatening to spill down her cheeks any second now.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” I put my feet on the ground next to our bed and stand up, I cautiously walk over to her.
“No! Stay there please,” She croaks.
“Did I do something?” I ask her.
“No, i-it’s not you,”
“Don’t call me that,” She lets out a long sigh. “Please,”
“Okay, please tell me what’s wrong,”
“I-I I don’t know how to tell you,” I can tell there’s something she’s trying to hide. We’ve been together for so long that we practically share a brain, so many people tell us how alike we are and because of that, we are a perfect match.
And I reach for your hand but it's cold You pull away again And I wonder what's on your mind
I reach for her hand, to offer some comfort, but as soon as my fingers meet hers all I can feel is coldness. Not literally, figuratively. She seems to be emotionless, numb. I am usually met with nothing but warmth when I touch her but this time is different. She pulls away quickly and turns around, running a hand through her hair.
“What’s on your mind Y/N? Please tell me,”
“I-I can’t,”
“Yes, you can. We share everything,”
“I know we do Colson,” She huffs.
And then you say to me you made a dumb mistake You start to tremble and your voice begins to break You say the cigarettes on the counter weren't your friend's They were my mate's
“I made a dumb mistake,” Y/N admits.
“What do you mean, dumb mistake?”
“I-I just made a mistake, okay?” Her voice trembles.
“What mistake Y/N!?” I raise my voice, becoming impatient with how she’s acting.
“Don’t yell at me p-please,” Her voice breaks. “I was really drunk, it didn’t mean anything!”
“What didn’t mean anything!? What the fuck are you talking about?” I am yelling now.
“You know the cigarettes you found on the counter yesterday?” She turns around to face me with tears running down her face. The sight breaks my heart.
“They weren’t mine. They were someone else’s. Someone you and I know,”
“It doesn’t matter who. It just matters that they were there,”
“What the fuck are you talking about Y/N? I’m sick of you beating around the bush! What fucking mistake? Whose cigarettes? What did you do!?”
“I slept with someone,” She finally admits. I swear all feelings leave my body but as soon as they’re gone, they come flooding back and hit me like a ton of bricks.
“What?” My voice cracks. I meet her eyes, hers filled with tears and mine filled too.
So I still look back at all the messages you'd sent And I know it wasn't right, but it was fucking with my head And everything deleted like the past, it was gone
Baby <3: i love you so much!
Me: i love you too girl x
Why the fuck am I looking over our old messages? She’s the bitch who cheated on me. I know it’s not right but not being with her is really fucking with my head. She was my one and only for so long, she was a part of me. Without her, a part of me is missing. I switched over to my Photos app to see all of our photos gone, just like our past. I deleted them after I found out what she did. Even though what she did killed me, I can’t help but miss her, miss the times we shared together, miss our photos, miss our late-night conversations, our cute texts to each other throughout the day. I miss everything.
And when I touched your face, I could tell you're moving on But it's not the fact that you kissed him yesterday It's the feeling of betrayal, that I just can't seem to shake
“I can’t believe you,” I choke out. “How could you do that to me!?” By now I’m just letting the tears out, I don’t care what she thinks.
“I was drunk! I know that’s not an excuse but I wasn’t in my right mind,” I walk closer to her and place my hand on her cheek. I can tell she’s moving on, or am I just telling myself that? It’s not the fact that she slept with someone else, it’s the feeling of betrayal that I just can’t seem to shake.
And everything I know tells me that I should walk away But I just want to stay
“Everything is telling me to walk away,”
“I know,”
“But I just want to stay,”
“I know Colson,”
“Why did you have to fucking do this!?” I scream and throw my notepad on the ground. “We were perfect,”
“I’m sorry!” She cries.
“Sure you are,” I face her. “That’s why you went and fucked someone else!”
“I was drunk!”
“That’s not a fucking excuse,” I hiss. “Just fucking go! Leave!” I point to the door. She practically runs out of the room, leaving me to my own thoughts. I drop to the ground and take handfuls of the blanket that once lay on our bed. What just happened?
And my friend said "I know you love her, but it's over, mate It doesn't matter, put the phone away It's never easy to walk away, let her go It'll be okay”
I concentrate on my feet, one in front of the other, slow and steady. I am so fucking drunk right now I can’t focus on anything but the simple task of making it to my couch. I finally do and drop onto it.
“You good bro?” I hear Rook ask me. My body sways in every direction possible as I try to look up at him.
“Do I look good?” I chuckle.
“Not really,” He laughs with me as he sits down on the couch next to me. “Want a drag?” He offers me a blunt, to which I greedily snatch out of his hand and take a drag.
“Thanks,” I say in between blowing the residual smoke out. I hand him the blunt and do my best to grab my phone out of my pocket. I unlock it and go into my contacts to look for the only thing that’s been on my mind for the last few weeks, her.
“Don’t do this to her Kells. Don’t do this to yourself,”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” I snap.
“Yes, I do. I know you love her, I know how much you love her but it’s over,”
“It’s not over! I want her back,” I plead as a tear runs down my cheek. I sniffle and aggressively wipe it away. I hate showing weakness, especially around my boys, but the alcohol has warped my emotions and brain so much that I have no control.
“It doesn’t matter, put the phone away Kells,” Rook tells me as he attempts to grab it out of my hand. Due to my current state, he successfully gets it and puts it down next to him. “It’s never easy to walk away Kells. But you have to let her go. She’s the one who fucked you over! Not the other way around,”
“I know,” I place my head on his shoulder and let it all out, all the emotions I’ve been bottling up for so long. He puts his arm around me and lets it happen. This is why I’m so thankful for my brothers.
“It’ll be okay,” Rook reassures me.
It's gonna hurt for a bit of time So bottoms up, let's forget tonight You'll find another and you'll be just fine Let her go
“It’s gonna hurt for a bit of time, probably a lot of time in your case Kells,” Rook says. “So have a blunt with me and let’s forget tonight bro. You’ll find another girl who will mean more to you than Y/N did I promise. You’ll be just fine. Remember that you’ve got me, Slim, Baze, Ashleigh, Dom, Mod, Pete and a truckload of other people who love you and will ride with you until the end. Look at all the shit you’ve been through and you’re still here man. You’re a fighter. You can let her go,”
“Love you man,” I hug him properly.
“Love you too,”
But nothing heals the past like time And they can't steal The love you're born to find It'll be alright
*two years later*
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“Come on! This party will be so fun!” Y/B/F encourages you as you slouch on your bed.
“I can’t be bothered, I have to work,”
“Just take one night off Y/N! For meeee,” They whine.
“I guess,” You shrug and get up off the bed. “What should I wear?”
“That tight black dress, with the sheer white cardigan and your black heeled boots!”
“You already had this planned out didn’t you?”
“Of course darling,” You laugh together.
“It’s so packed,” You breathe out as you stare at the random people filling the house in front of you. You have no idea whose house it is or who’s at the party but you didn’t want to disappoint your best friend.
“Come on,” They grab your hand and drag you inside. You say a few hello’s to the people you recognise before inevitably making your way to the alcohol and making yourself a drink.
“Okay don’t freak out,” Your best friend says while walking up to you.
“You can’t say that and expect me not to freak out,” You laugh.
“Well,” They pause. “Colson is here,” Your body froze at their words. It’s been two years since you drunkenly cheated on Colson and you have regretted it all everyday since. You lost all communication with him that day so you don’t even know if he still hates you or not. You run your fingers through your hair and let out a sigh of frustration. You turn around, planning to leave the party, but are stopped by a body standing right in your path.
“Y/N?” Your eyes lock with Rook’s.
“What are you doing here?”
“Uh my best friend forced me to go out,” You nervously scratch the back of your neck. You used to be really close with Rook, hence why he was the one that hated you almost as much as Colson did. After all Colson is his best friend, his brother. “What about you?”
“Colson got invited so me and a few others tagged along,”
“Oh okay,” You look down at your shoes.
“Rook! Bro, there you are!” You hear a familiar voice. “Who you talking to? Ooh, a gir-“ His voice stops as soon as he sees you.
“Y/N!?” He exclaims.
“Hi Colson,” You blush. You will forever be nervous around him, not because he scares you but because of how much you feel for him. You had thought for awhile that you had moved on, that you had buried the feelings you had for him but clearly that is not the case. As soon as you locked eyes with his vibrant blue ones, all the feelings came flooding back.
“W-what are you doing here?” He asks.
“I’m here with my best friend,” You point towards your best friend who is downing shots with randoms. Normally you would be filming it or teasing them at least but not in this case. Not when the ex-love of your life is standing right in front of you.
“Hey, can we talk outside or something?”
“Of course. Lead the way,” He grabs your hand and instructs you to follow him. The feeling of your hand in his is all too familiar, the tingling sensation in your fingertips and the feeling of comfort or home.
You make your way out the front of the house with him and sit on the curb. He sits next to you and leans his head on his knees.
“You okay?” You say softly.
“Yeah it’s just crazy seeing you I guess. It’s good though, don’t get me wrong. I missed you,”
“I missed you too,” You lean your head on his shoulder.He moves his head so he’s looking down at you. You notice his eyes begin to flicker down towards your lips and back up to your eyes, is this really going to happen? You think to yourself. He begins leaning his head towards yours. You can practically feel your heartbeat making your whole body shake in nervousness, it feels like your heart is in your throat. He brushed his nose past yours and let his face almost rest on yours. You missed this feeling, the feeling of his hot breath on your lips and the eagerness to make connection. You decide to take a chance and lean your head up. You finally press your lips onto his and the past two years feel like nothing. Nothing matters except the fact that you get to touch him again.
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control [jeremy h. x squipped!reader] pt.7
wow it took 30 years didnt it. i did it, fuckers. please give me attention-
anyway, heres the final part :) do i know how to proofread? no. thats it thats all i was gonna say, i just dont know how to proofread.
warnings: uhhh none i dont think
              In the middle of August, the Ninja Sex Party dropped their newest album “Cool Patrol” and the two of you were in love. You were in Jeremy’s room, lying on his bed beside him sharing headphones as the album played, and it all felt so teenage rom-com that Jeremy was half-distracted the entire time by you and lost different lyrics because of that. “Orgy for One” played and you nudged Jeremy before mouthing “you” to him with a playful look in your eyes and a smile that set his heart racing. He laughed, and nudged you back just as playful before the beginning to “Danny Don’t You Know” brought the two of you back into reality. He was emotional, and so were you, and there was something about sharing an emotion with someone that was intimate enough to make his heart skip a beat. 
             Your phone buzzed after a while, and you sat up, pulling an earbud out. “Fuck, Jeremy-” You stood up quickly, scrambling to get your things together, “-my cousins were coming over to do that picture thing since we didn’t get a chance before - I gotta go, alright? I’ll text you in a bit.”
             He wouldn’t remember what he said to you, or the dumb joke you made as you were leaving his room. He would remember how the minute you left, he added “Heart Boner” onto your playlist with a devious little smile as if he were getting away with something. Just a little joke between friends. After all - you had that little moment together, how could he not not? 
             An hour after you left, Michael showed up with a plastic bag filled with Chinese takeout for three - eyes widening when he saw your absence. His smile fell as he looked towards the bag in his hand, frowning slightly as he began to delve into his thoughts. For what felt like minutes, the two boys just sat there in silence as Michael finally untied the bag to pass his friend his portion of their meal, frustration evident in the way he furrowed his brow and refused to look him in the eye.
             “They had a family thing,” Jeremy said. “Didn’t [y/n] text you?”
             “No,” Michael said, “they did not. I said I was coming with food and-”
             “It’s tradition,” Jeremy countered. “Y’know? It’s that little... sign-picture-thing. Some sort of family tradition their parents started when they were little.”
             Michael rolled his eyes at the sappy expression crossing his best friend’s face as he placed what had been your meal on the dresser, before collapsing back onto his bed - tilting his head back to maintain eye contact. “That’s cute and all, but what do I do with their orange chicken?”
             He shrugged, turning back to his computer to close out Spotify. “I dunno - we can go by their house later and see if they want it.”
             He heard his comforter shift and assumed that Michael rolled over onto his stomach. “But I have egg rolls for them,” he whined, voice muffled slightly by what Jeremy could only guess was Michael laying his face in his hands.
             A quick booting down of his computer. He shrugged again, chewing the inside of his cheek. “Just don’t eat them?”
             The moment of silence could have killed a man. “Jeremiah.”
             He spun to face him. “Michael.”
             They maintained eye contact for a moment, before Michael shifted so that he was now sitting up - pulling the plastic bag closer to him. “So did you two fuck yet?”
             A thousand broken words slipped past his lips as Jeremy struggled to say something - a question, a swear, something that didn’t make him look stupid. “Why would you ask that!?” he tried to ignore the way his voice raised an octave.
             Meanwhile, Michael seemed to have no problem with disregarding his panic. “So you haven’t.”
             “Uh. No? We’re just friends?”
             “You sure?” Michael asked, not even giving him the chance to answer as he looked away. “I don’t know, dude, you’ve been pining for a fuckin’ while now. Why don’t you just ask them out?”
             “I don’t like-” he paused, before shaking his head. If Michael knew, then he knew - there really wasn’t any point in denying it any further. “I don’t know, I like Christine still-”
             “You can like more than one person at a time, Jeremiah.”
             “I know, but...” “I don’t even know if they like me still.”
             “Dude. Bro. Homie. Broseidon. Buddy. They wanna fuck.”
             “They’re at least interested in you,” he said with a mere shrug of indifference, “do you just not see how they look at you?”
             “I don’t-” Jeremy started, and then he stopped, the words he wanted to say sticky and catching in his throat like honey. “I don’t think-” He paused, shutting his eyes, “Michael, I don’t know why they’d still be into me. Like... they did the whole...” He tapped at his temple, “thing because of me.” He hesitated. That wasn’t entirely true, was it? “Or... they did it slightly because of me. I just - I don’t think they’d, uh, y’know... want anything to do with me like that.” 
             There was understanding in Michael’s eyes, lit up before he looked away to the carton in his hand. He dug through it with chopsticks, letting out a sigh, “Dude, I get that, but... they like you, dumbass.”
             Jeremy laughed it off. “Yeah, sure.”
             “I mean it!” Michael countered, before dropping the topic, “I’m gonna eat your food if you don’t.”
             “What-” Jeremy popped open his order, “fine, okay - but this conversation isn’t over, Michael.” 
             “Mhm. You’ll accept it later.”
             “That’s not what I meant!”
             “You really suck at hiding your feelings, y’know?”
             Two weeks later, and Jeremy wasn’t sure how to feel. 
             There were strings of these little... moments between the two of you. He realized how much time he was spending over at your house after Michael teased him over it, how often the two of you studied together and how flustered he’d get when you were close to him, how many times he found himself grabbing your favorite candy from gas stations just to make you smile. One Sunday night, he was sitting at the end of your bed with a pillow hugged to his chest, spending another night at your house while Michael was off spending time with his family (not that Jeremy wouldn’t have been there otherwise - he stayed over every now and then just because he wanted to. Movie nights were good. Dinner was good. Being around you was good). You sat at your desk, legs crossed awkwardly in your chair in a position that looked uncomfortable to him but you showed no signs of discomfort as you continued to draw. The two of you had been talking, and Jeremy had just sat there fascinated with watching you draw after years of not recognizing your progress.
             A question hit the air, heavy and loaded. “Would you have taken it?” You didn’t move to face him, the soft sound of your tablet pen tapping back against the surface as you scroll out and fumble giving away any nerves. “The... the SQUIP,” you went to clarify.
             But he understood, and he spoke quick: “no.” He shifted slightly, holding the pillow closer to himself, “not after what it did to you.”
             “But if you hadn’t known,” you said, pausing for a moment to gather your thoughts, “if... if it had been you, would you have done it?”
             “I mean... I don’t think-”
             “You can say yes, Jeremy,” you finally looked back at him. “I’m not gonna be mad or anything.”
             His shoulders slumped slightly, a bit relieved of the thought. “Okay, then... yeah. I mean, yeah - who wouldn’t?”
             You turned back to your work. “Yeah. Yeah, right? It sounds good. Like... you have a pill that’ll solve everything and tell you the right moves to make... who wouldn’t want that?”
             That’s when Jeremy realized you’d been doubting yourself. Blaming yourself for saying yes. “I think a lot of people would have taken it.” 
             “Yeah... I think so, too.” You stopped drawing after a moment, turning around fully to face him, “can I confess something?”
             He nodded slowly. “Oh. Uh. Yeah, sure?”
             “I don’t keep the Mountain Dew Red because I’m scared it’ll come back and destroy everything and leave me fucked,” you said in a rush of words, shutting your eyes for a moment. “Sorry. I just needed to get it off my chest but... I think it’s better this way.”
             “Hey, no,” Jeremy reached out, fingers brushing over your shoulder. “Michael and I would find more.” 
             You fumbled with your pen, it falling to the floor as you swore softly under your breath. Jeremy reached for it just as you did, foreheads clashing in cliche fashion as you immediately push back. A moment later, he offered your tablet pen back to you.
             He spoke after you took it. “Hey, uh, c’mere for a minute.”
             So you dropped your pen onto your desk and pulled your chair over to the bed. Uncharacteristically calm and soft, he took one of your hands in a motion less Jeremy and more... you... you weren’t sure. It wasn’t entirely Jeremy, that much was confirmed.
             “There was this stuff that mom used to way when I was a kid,” he said quietly, dragging his thumb over your knuckles. “It was this whole...thing about how the ‘loudest voice has to be yours’ when you’re doubting yourself and shit - I don’t know, it just kinda stuck with me and... I’m glad I’ve gotten to know you, because you’re... different? Like - you keep going, and, uh, you’re a big nerd who laughs at my stupid jokes and... I’m glad you’re you, I guess?” 
             You cracked a small smile as you pulled back from him. Before he can question whether he crossed a line, you answer, “I’m saving this. I can’t focus on art with your sappy ass saying shit like that.” You stood, tucking your chair under your desk as you sat on your bed. “Fuckin’ sweet dork,” you mumbled as you pulled Jeremy into a hug.
             He stiffened up for a moment, only to wrap his arms around you after a moment. He smiled into your shoulder, saying a muffled “Shut up” into it as you giggled.
             You pulled away with a smile. “Why don’t you make me, Jeremy?”
             One of his biggest regrets was not asking to kiss you right then and there.
            Days later, you were in his room for once, sitting on his bed beside him. You were tired, far more than he was, looking at math problems that were blurry to you as you stifled back another yawn. Jeremy had stretched out, awkwardly leaning against his headboard as he tried to stay away until you finally resigned for the night - shutting your notebook and tossing it towards your backpack with a noisy clamor. You leaned against him, mumbling words long forgotten into his shoulder - likely about hating numbers - only to whine when he sat forward a moment later. Soon enough, he returned to be your pillow once more, laughing softly as you curled into his side contently and making some joke about how you only wanted him around for this reason.
            “Nope,” you had hummed, “too bony. Bad pillow.” 
            He snorted a little, reaching up to tuck back a strand of hair out of place. “You seem happy.”
            “I am,” you hummed. “Since it’s you.”
            He reached up, gently tugging you closer to him in order to worm an arm around you. “You’re tired.”
            “Sorry I kept you up.”
            “That’s okay,” you mumbled into his shoulder, shifting slightly to be closer to him. “Math is stupid.”
            “It’s not stupid,” he countered, “you just aren’t good at it.”
            “Thus making it stupid, Jeremiah.”
            Eventually, you went quiet. At first, Jeremy thought you’d fallen asleep, but you sat forward slightly, looking up at him and it was almost like there had been magnetism between you. You had leaned forward, and he gently reached up to guide your face to his, and the two of you kissed for a soft, quiet moment. Soon enough, you had drawn away and cuddled back up to him. He wasn’t sure if he fell asleep first, but he remembered how warm you felt against him and he remembered feeling nothing but warmth in his chest as he eventually dozed off.
            There were a few things that hit Jeremy when he woke up. The pain in his back from falling asleep half-sitting against the headboard of his bed, the weight on him that confused him for a moment for a millisecond before he felt your hot breath tickling his skin, face buried in his neck. Then the memory of the night before - of a clumsy kiss he’d been craving for so long, and the way you kissed back and maybe that was his imagination? He wasn’t sure, but the thought was enough to nearly make him jolt - but you were enough to keep him as still as he could be. He looked at how peaceful you looked, and he felt his heart swell at just how warm you were against him and the memory of your lips haunted him as he felt his skin grow hotter. If remembering kissing you was enough to make him completely flustered, anything more would probably kill him.
            Eventually, you woke up, groggy and sleep-ridden still at first as you sat forward and rubbed at your face. “Jeremy, I hate to break it to you-” You paused, yawning, “-but you aren’t a great pillow.”
            He chuckled at that, sitting forward. “Hey, uh... sorry to, uh, ask, but, uh, do... do you remember anything about last night...?”
            You stared at him, uncertain at first before you thought back on what had happened. You threw your notebook at your bag. And then... It came back to you, striking you hard and fast. “Oh.”
            “I- I’m sorry,” he stammered, “I just - I was tired and I wasn’t thinking and I shouldn’t have...” 
            And he slowly trailed off when he saw the way you were looking at him, voice caught in his throat as your gaze flickered from his eyes to his lips and then back. He heard you whisper something - “fuck it,” he was pretty sure - before you started going in for another kiss - and he leaned forward to meet you halfway, a hand sliding into your hair as you grow closer to him. The night before had been gentle, sleep-ridden and warm - and now the two of you are awake and clumsy and so wonderfully alive during this messy kiss. His teeth had clashed against yours, your forehead bumped against his, but you correct. A little less force, a little more gentleness, a changing of an angle - the tiny ways to make things better and less awkward.
            In a bold move you definitely didn’t expect, Jeremy’s hand falls to your hips, pulling you closer to him by your belt loops (a cruel reminder that you were asleep in jeans). His kisses grew slightly more frantic, more hungry, more needy - the tiniest little whimper slipping past his lips once you finally pull yourself back, breathing softly as you stared at him. His hand slipped back to your jaw, thumb grazing your jawline slowly and gentle.
            “Jeremy?” you whispered, staring at him, “wait, you-”
            “I... I know we were gonna try to be friends, but... I think I like you.”
            You stared at him, flustered as he tore his gaze away from yours - a pretty rosy hue decorating his skin, blotchy and creeping up his neck to the tips of his ears. 
            “I, uh, I mean, I didn’t... I never planned on, uh... I just - I don’t - I, uh, I think you’re... a big nerd. You... you laugh with me and you, uh, you care about things - and you... you remember things about me - and, uh, other people do but... you’re just... you’re different.” He trailed a thumb across your skin. “You... feel like home. Even, uh, even if this... doesn’t really go anywhere, I - I’m glad that I know you and- I understand if you don’t, uh, don’t actually want this to go anywhere but-”
            And you laughed. At first his stomach dropped, anxiety taking over as he grew nervous over the thought of you rejecting him - but something about the way you laughed made his heart flutter, one hand steadying yourself on his shoulder while the other hid your face.
            “I... I don’t really know how to explain it better, but... can I, uh, can I kiss you again?”
            And you laughed again, reaching up to brush back hair from his face. “Yes, Jeremy. You can kiss me again.”
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Possess Part 2 Chapter Seven: The King Boo Exorcist
Over the next few days, they settled into a sort of rhythm. The morning and midday hours belonged to Luigi which meant hanging out with Mario and sometimes Peach now that she knew what was up too. The evening and night hours were King Boo’s which meant wondering around town and/or the forest outside of Peach’s castle before spending some time with the castle boos. Or in one instance, King Boo managed to convince Luigi to let him drink the evening and part of the night away; it was hard to resist the urge to dull the mind and forgot everything for a bit.
King Boo’s turn always began as soon as they were on their way to E. Gadd’s lab. Mario always drove them while they napped in the backseat. The frequent trips to the lab allowed them to keep track of the progress E. Gadd made on the KBE. It was far slower than either of them was pleased with, given the stakes, but it was something.
A week into it E. Gadd had a bit of a different report after reading over the results of his scan. “It’s accelerating,” he said, frowning at his laptop.
Everyone in the room froze. It was King Boo who broke the silence. “What do you mean?” He had a good guess but he really wanted it to not be true, to me a misunderstanding instead. Luigi couldn’t agree more, so much so he couldn’t separate his feeling from King Boo’s.
“I mean, your souls are starting to merge faster because the more they merge, the easier it is for them to do so. I’ve suspected it from the very beginning but I didn’t want to say anything until I knew for sure.”
Luigi gulped, turning his head to look at the KBE again. Neither he nor King Boo knew much about such things but even they could tell it was still a good way from being completed. … Meaning release from each other was still a few days away at least, probably more. … Assuming it happened at all.
King Boo growled. Of all the people for him to end up like this with, why’d it have to be someone so anxious and worried about everything because those feelings got to him too now. He was supposed to just be aware of them but instead they made him all worried and anxious that’d he’d be stuck in this meatsuit for forever.
You think you have it bad, what about me? I’m stuck with an evil asshole who tried to kill me and enjoys making me suffer. That was so much worse and so unfair. Luigi hadn’t asked for any of this. Right from the very start he’d just wanted to live his life and have nothing to do with ghosts of any sort. He wouldn’t ever have had any beef with King Boo in the first place if King Boo had never trapped Mario in a painting that first time. So, King Boo had no right complain when it was entirely his fault in every possible way.
‘If you’d just let me turn you into a painting at any of the times you were supposed to none of this would be happening either.’ Or Luigi could’ve just stayed the fuck out of it to begin with and let King Boo have Mario then…
No, I’d never let you take my bro. Fuck you for trying! Luigi wasn’t a hateful person, he’d never hated anyone before, but he was far beyond his limit as this point. If he could, he’d kill King Boo on the spot with no regrets, heck it’d probably feel really good.
King Boo scoffed. ‘Even if it was possible, you wouldn’t be able to do it. You’re too weak and pathetic.’
I beat you three times! I could do it. And oh how he wanted to, the only thing stopping him was the fact that it was impossible. I could mop the floor with…
“Luigi!” Mario stood in front of him, gripping his shoulders and looking at him with a concerned expression. “You okay?”
Feeding off each other’s rage in a loop, Luigi’s body was shaking with it, his hands balled up tight enough to hurt a little, his jaw clenched. Having realized this, he was filled with the urge to hit or smash something. How much of that urge was his, if any, and how much was King Boo’s he actually couldn’t tell. King Boo didn’t care, he wanted to punch Mario. He would’ve too if Luigi hadn’t stopped him.
“No, I’m not okay,” Luigi forced out. “I hate this.” The anger and the urge to damage or kill something with it was scary. He wanted it to stop and he wanted to go home.
“I know, I’m sorry.” Mario put on an encouraging smile. He was really good at those but it still didn’t help much. “E. Gadd’s doing his best to fix it though so it’ll be okay. I know it’s hard but just hang on a bit longer, you’ll make it through this, I promise.”
“What if he can’t fix it though? What happens then? What and… and who would we even be at that point?”
The question, not spoken aloud until now, brought silence from everyone, even King Boo. No one knew for sure what exactly would happen once their souls were fully merged, only that that there would be no going back from it.
“Don’t worry about it,” E. Gadd finally broke the silence. “I’m an expert in this stuff, I’m confident the KBE will work.”
He sounded so sincere and for him, caring. Luigi desperately wanted to believe him and would’ve without a doubt even just a few weeks ago. But after all King Boo had put him through on top of this soul merging thing, he couldn’t quite fully believe that things could take a turn for the better at this point. It was like the universe or god – if such a being existed – got some kind of cathartic enjoyment out of watching him suffer.
But he nodded anyway, forcing out a “Thanks,” to cover up the fact that he was still scared and angry that he was scared.
After that, E. Gadd did need one more part for the KBE. They tagged along with Mario to pick it up from the fellow he’d ordered it from which resulted in a long car ride and not much more. King Boo had been hoping for an adventure in part for a little bit of excitement and change of pace but also because he’d heard of the other adventure Mario and Luigi had gone, they sounded like they could be fun.
You wouldn’t like them; they involve being a good guy and saving people. Luigi told him as they lay in the backseat of Mario’s car during the drive back.
‘We’d have joined the bad guys of course and helped them win and then we’d double cross them and turn them into a painting.’ That way the only people winning would be the two of them. Chaos for the sake of it was fun and King Boo was bored of playing nice with people he didn’t like.
Luigi could only sigh at that. An adventure might’ve been fun though, but with King Boo along for the ride it was best they didn’t have one.
Soon, even without E. Gadd’s declaration about their souls starting to merge faster, they would’ve been able to guess it for themselves. Thinking the exact same thing at the exact same time, once a rare occurrence, began happening more often. Their emotions affected each other more and more, often bleeding together entirely until neither of them knew where theirs ended and the other’s began. And sometimes, very occasionally but it happening at all was worrying enough, neither of them were at all sure who a thought or emotion had even originated from.
“I’m scared,” Luigi admitted to Mario one morning after breakfast. He was extra miserable because he was still a little hungover; more and more did he give into his own desire to forget backed by King Boo’s. He held the line steady at nothing beyond alcohol though and in making sure Mario never found out.
King Boo scoffed at his admission but didn’t care enough to interject. … You’re scared too, you just don’t want to admit it. … King Boo could only growl in response because it was true. ‘It comes from you though.’ All of it for sure… maybe, King Boo wasn’t entirely sure anymore and he hated that that was the case.
Mario had of course replied with an encouraging smile like always. Luigi felt bad for not paying attention but it was hard to do when his mind was so busy with two people’s thoughts.
“You need anything?” Mario asked. If he knew Luigi hadn’t heard him, he showed no sign of it.
“I just want this to be over with.” More than anything, they both did.
“It will be soon.” It indeed should be because the KBE was almost done as they’d seen yesterday. If it didn’t work though, would E. Gadd have time to rework it to make it work? … Hopefully they wouldn’t have to worry about that.
Two days later E. Gadd himself greeted them at the door instead of Gooigi and Polterpup. “It’s done,” he said, his voice brimming with excitement.
They’d of course expected this soon but it was still great news. “Finally,” King Boo said as they stepped inside. He fast-walked to enter the lab proper where Gooigi and Polterpup were. He ignored them and went straight to the KBE.
Painted red and taller than Luigi by several inches, it had as cylindrical shape. There were buttons, a keypad, and a screen on the side facing the rest of the lab. What seemed to be its front had a mechanical opening, currently closed, and a large red button next to it. Not knowing how it worked, neither of them dared to touch it yet.
Mario and E. Gadd took a bit longer to follow, only a few seconds but enough to make King Boo almost hiss with impatience. He wanted out of this body now. And Luigi wanted him out now.
“How do we begin?” they said together, looking at E. Gadd.
“Before we start,” he said, his voice much more somber now as he strode over to stand before them, “I must warn you that this might not work.”
“We already know that.” King Boo hissed, not liking the reminder. There was no way to know it would work until they tried it.
“Yes, I know but what you don’t know is that if it fails it’ll make it worse. Instead of pulling out King Boo and breaking the link between your souls, it could pull them closer together instead. I’m not sure what the chances of that are, I don’t know enough about this process to say, but I don’t think they’re too high. I do feel the need to warn you of the possibility though.”
Any chance at all wasn’t good given the consequence and honestly both of them would’ve preferred it if E. Gadd hadn’t told them about it at all. But they didn’t really have a choice; this was their only option and only hope to be free of each other so… “All right, how do we begin?” they said together again because they were perfectly united on this front even if it was now a little scarier.
“Wait!” Mario cut in before E. Gadd could answer. “Before you do…” He ran over and… hugged Luigi.
They were both taken aback by it but Luigi recovered first, returning the embrace before King Boo could try to escape it. … He hissed in disgust back thankfully it was over soon.
“You’re almost free,” Mario said. “Everything’s going to be all right again soon. So, don’t worry about that, okay? I know this’ll work.” He was saying it to be comforting but still seemed to truly believe it. And well… how often was he wrong about these things? A few times sure but not often so if he believed it would work then Luigi did too. Everything would finally go back to normal after this, he’d be free. … King Boo would be to and he was so looking forward to it.
‘I can’t believe I just let Mario of all people encourage me.’ It was gross but whatever, it wouldn’t matter soon anyway.
“Thanks,” Luigi said, giving Mario a smile. “You’re the best.”
“All right, now that that’s done,” E. Gadd said as Mario stepped back to stand by Gooigi again. “Let’s not waste any more time and get this show on the road.” He was back to being excited as he always was whenever he finished an invention.
Turning back to the KBE, he pressed the big red button by the closed opening, making it open with a slick mechanical noise that could’ve come right out of a science fiction movie. Inside was a plain white hollow space and a padded chair bolted to the floor. Attached to the chair were straps, quite a few: on the back, armrests and even legs. It looked like something one would see in a torturer’s chamber.
Despite that, E. Gadd gestured for them to enter. “Hop on in and sit down, I’ll strap you in.”
They didn’t like it but they’d do anything to be free of each other at this point. So, with little hesitation, King Boo sat down.
“This is going to be unpleasant by the way,” E. Gadd said as he began strapping them in, starting with the forehead strap that held their head to the back of the chair. “There’s really no way around it though and I’m sure both of you are you willing to put up with it at this point. But still, I’m sorry I have to put you through this Luigi. Not you though King Boo, you deserve it. Now,” he clapped as he stepped back, “test your bonds for me please. Are they too tight? Too loose?”
Luigi tested them and found that he could not move much at all anymore, really only his fingers and toes. It was disconcerting and already growing uncomfortable but it was without a doubt worth it. “They’re good,” King Boo said, eager to have this done.
“All right sonny,” E. Gadd said as he stepped back further, exiting the machine entirely. “See you on the other side then, hopefully sans King Boo.” He pressed the button again and the opening closed, cutting off Luigi’s view of the lab and its occupants nervously watching.
He took a deep breath as the KBE hummed to life around him a few seconds later. Just a little more awfulness and he’d be free at last, he could handle that.
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Title: Big Brother- “The New Kid” Part 2
Pairing: Yoongi x OC aka Tessa Ft. Tae (Brother) Ft. Jin (Bros BFF)
Warnings: abusive language, slight bullying, fluff, angst, lots of cursing, slow burn/ build-up
Rating: 18 and over
“TESSAAAAAAA!!!!” I jump up at the sound of Tae yelling for me from downstairs. I leap out of bed and rush down to meet his call. “What’s going on?” I ask between breaths. “Check this out.” He waves me over, calmly now, from the kitchen window. I take my place beside him and peer out the window to see Yoongi in the backyard at Mrs. Mark’s place mowing the lawn. “Don’t be a creeper Tae. Is that what you hollered for? You scared me!” I punch his arm. “She hired help,” Tae looks over at me like a hurt kid, “Why? I was helping just fine. Maybe I did something wrong.” I roll my eyes. “Oh god Tae. He’s her exchange student. I saw her yesterday. He just moved here; he’s going to be staying here. She doesn’t need your help anymore.” I open the fridge and find nothing to eat. “We need to do a store run.” I say to the back of Tae’s head as he stares out the window again. “Hello,” I call out to him, “Earth to Tae!” He turns to me looking puzzled. “So, like, he’s gonna live with her? That’s weird no?” “Why is that weird? She’s doing something good for someone in need.” I cross my arms and stare at Tae who looks as if he is solving a math equation. “So, he’s some poor kid looking for a handout?” “No, you’re just some poor kid looking for a handout. He’s is an educated mind in need of a helping hand.” Tae scoffs. “We should go say hi.” He suggests. “I introduced myself yesterday. Let’s focus on eating. We need to do a store run.” “You’re right sorry.” “Cool, so let’s make a list and get some stuff done.” I pull out a piece of paper and a pen. I look up and see that Tae has left. “Shit, Tae!” I call out.
I head out the front and towards the back of the house. Tae is leaning on Mrs. Mark’s fence waving to catch Yoongi’s attention. I see Yoongi appear at the fence stone face and sweaty with a black cap on backwards. He dries his face with his sleeve. I catch up and jump in front of Tae. “Hey Yoongi!” He nods at bright wave. Tae shoves me over. “I’m Tae, Tessa’s brother, she was telling me that you just moved here and will be living with Kelly. So, what’s your deal man?” I shoot Tae a ‘What the fuck’ look. Yoongi looks at me and then Tae, not a wink of emotion on his face. I chuckle nervously. I look back at Tae whose eyes shift from me to Yoongi. “Well? What are you a mute?” Tae looks at me. Yoongi licks his lips looking rather annoyed. “Mute? No. I just have hard time understanding your dumb down slang. I have no…uh…. Deal as you say.” He gives a small smile and I can’t help but laugh at his sarcasms. Tae’s face shift and I straightened up. He reminds me of my father when he’s mad. “Well Mandu, I’d be sure to not have a deal. I’m not exactly the type of guy you wanna fuck around with, get me?” Yoongi scoffs. “Mandu? That’s good. I have never heard this one. So…. original.” He looks from Tae to me and walks back over to the mower, starting it up again and moving back across the yard. I punch Tae in the side. “What the fuck Tae? You’re such an asshole!” I say walking back towards my house. Tae follows behind me. “Oh, I’m the asshole. That kid is a fucking asshole, he seems like he can handle himself just fine. You saw how he egged me on.” “Leave him alone Tae, I’m warning you.” I shoot him a mom look. “Now get ready, we are doing a store run!” I shout heading up the stairs.
Tae and I drive over to the supermarket in our moms old Rav4. Dad fixed her up and gave it to Tae as a gift. “Why do you think Mrs. Mark’s didn’t tell me about this Yoongi kid?” Tae asks suddenly as we park. “Who gives a fuck Tae? She has other things to worry about. At least it gives you more time to focus on football and getting that scholarship. That is what’s important right now.” He doesn’t say anything as we walk into the market. We walk around and fill our cart with the essentials for survival. “Tessa, Tae, hi!” Mrs. Mark’s appears and waves us over. Tae seems to straighten up. “Hey! How are you?” I ask. “We met Yoongi this morning.” Tae blurts out. “Oh, yes! I spoke with Tessa about Yoongi, and I have been meaning to talk with you as well Tae.” Just as she goes to explain further Yoongi appears with an arm full of things and loads them in the cart. “Oh! It’s my new friend, Yoongi!” Tae says brightly reaching his hand up for Yoongi to high five. Yoongi chuckles suspiciously but obliges. “Tae my friend. They have Mandu here. In the frozen section, I hear you are big fan.” Yoongi says with a smirk. Tae chuckles and looks over to Mrs. Mark’s. “Maybe I should come by during the week and clear the gutters. We can chat and what not.” Tae says to her. “Uh. Well, Yoongi has been a huge help already so, uh, maybe we can grab lunch and I can say thank you for helping me so much this summer.” Tae nods.
I can’t help but feel the tension rise up in Tae, twin senses. Just as I go to interject in their conversation, I can’t help but feel watchful eyes on me. I turn to see Yoongi staring in his famous pose, right hand holding his left arm. I make my way closer to him. “I’m sorry about what Tae said earlier. He can be a jerk sometimes. He means nothing by it though.” I whisper. He nods and looks me up and down. “So, Tessa, what’s your deal?” He teases. I can’t help but appear taken aback by his use of Tae’s line from earlier. Suddenly he bursts out laughing. I can’t help but join in, it’s the most emotion I’ve ever seen on his face. “We should hang out tomorrow. I can show you around town.” I blurt out. He composes himself and looks over at Tae. “Big brother won’t like that.” He points towards Tae. “I’m older actually, by two minutes, and fuck Tae. He’s not the boss of me.” He looks at me again stone faced. “Twins,” He nods, “I don’t know. I will text you.” “Fair enough.” I say. “Tae,” I interrupt his and Mrs. Mark’s conversation, “Let’s get home.” He nods clearly annoyed and we all go our separate ways. We drive back in silence.
After putting away groceries, I hit my laptop and start writing. I am off to a great start when I hear the faint sound of music from my window. I walk over to the other side of my room and sit at my vanity. I lean down into the window sill to try and see into Yoongi’s window. I can hear the music better and immediately know it’s coming from his piano. “You hear Picasso over there?” I hear Tae from my bedroom door. I lift my head slowly and shake my head. “You’re an idiot Tae. Good thing you don’t need a brain for football.” I respond. “What? You don’t seriously like that kid Tess? He’s a weirdo.” He says, plopping down on my bed. “Why,” I shrug, “He is just getting acclimated to a new everything, you on the other hand, are a fool who has no clue that Picasso was an artist not a pianist.” My phone vibrates. ‘Ok stalker. Tomorrow.’ The unsaved number says. I look over to Yoongi’s window to catch him waving at me and then walking away. “I need the Rav4 for tomorrow.” I blurt out. “Uh. Uh. I’m meeting Jin tomorrow.” He shakes his head. “Ok, so tell him to pick you up in the morning.” I argue. “What do you need it for?” He inquires. “Do I ask why you need the car Tae?” “It’s my fucking car!” He shouts. I scoff. Suddenly an idea pops into my head. “Mrs. Mark’s asked if I could take Yoongi out tomorrow. I feel bad but I guess I’ll have to tell her no.” I sigh. Tae’s expression changes. “Really? Sheesh. Alright Tess. Maybe she needs a break from that kid already.” “Maybe,” I reply, “So, you’ll lend it to me? Have Jin come get you?” “Yes, Tess. You can borrow my car but just a few hours.” “Yay!” I exclaim and hug him. “Gross. Pay me back by making dinner, how about that?” He shoves me away.
The following morning, I am up and ready early, trying to sneak pass my drunk father, who once again is passed out on the couch. I head into the kitchen and grab a couple bottles of water. I make my way to the door. “Where you headed girl?” My father grumbles, sitting up and rubbing his head. “I’m going out with friends.” I say. There’s a knock on the door and my heart drops. “I have to go.” I say to him. He doesn’t object and I run to the door. I slide out and see Yoongi standing on the porch. “I didn’t know you were coming over here. I would’ve come to get you.” I tell him. “It’s not proper for the lady to pick up the man.” He says. I laugh nervously. “Well, let’s just go.” I whisper and hurry over to Tae’s car. “Why do you whisper?” Yoongi asks, looking around. “No reason.” I jump into the driver seat and he into the passenger seat. “So, where are we going?” He asks. I nervously move the gear shift and hit the gas and we careen towards the house. “Woah, woah! STOP!” Yoongi yells as I quickly hit the brakes. “Sorry.” I say and move the shift into reverse. “Do you know how to drive? Is this your first time?” He questions. He is in full panic mode, still bracing himself in his seat. “Like riding a bike.” I smile as we speed off. Yoongi eases now but side-eyes me the whole time. “So, tell me about yourself? You must miss your mom and dad?” I poke, curious as to his personal life. “I call my mom one time every week. To check in.” He replies. He opens his window slightly and the rush of wind blows his hair around.
“Only once a week. That isn’t a lot. She must be worried. New country, different language. New people.” I’m really prying. “No. She is a busy woman. I am getting older. She wants me to get a good education.” He states plainly. “How about you? Tell me about you. Most popular girl.” He quickly shifts the focus. “Well, I grew up here. It’s me, Tae and my dad. My mom passed away a year ago. It has been hard, but we get by. My dad owns the car shop in town. Tae is going for a football scholarship this year. He’s good, like really good. The school is whatever. Like most I’m sure. I think you’re gonna fit in just great honestly. It’ll be nice to get some fresh meat in this boring old town.” Yoongi doesn’t say anything. I continue. “I figure we can grab breakfast and walk around town. There are a bunch of cool spots to see and a shopping complex.” I look over to him and get nothing. “Earth to Yoongi. What’s going on in that big brain of yours?” I ask. “I am not so interesting,” He says, “Not much to tell. Not like you. So much insight.” “Look, if this is going to work, I am going to need a little more than clipped responses from you. I want to be friends. So, just be yourself. Tell me something no one knows.” I implore. “I like pancakes.” He says and I begin to worry that this may have been a terrible idea.
I grab a parking spot outside of Taylor’s Diner, a local spot in town that a lot of the school kids frequent. We grab a booth by the window and are given menus by Gladys, who’s been a waitress here since I was little girl. “Hiya Tessa. Who’s your friend?” She smiles at Yoongi, who gives her a small tight smile. “I’m Yoongi. Nice to meet you.” He says and I am shocked that he even responded. “Well, welcome Yoongi. It’s great to meet you. Any idea of what you’d like to eat or drink?” He looks down and then back at Gladys. “Iced coffee please and pancakes.” He closes his menu and hands it to her. “Perfect, and for you Tessa?” She looks at me. “Uh. I’ll have the same.” She nods, takes my menu, and heads off. “Wow, I think it’s the most you’ve spoken ever.” I say sarcastically. “It’s not polite to be rude to elders.” He says to me and looks out the window beside him. He swallows hard and begins to pull nervously at his ear. “What’s wrong?” I ask. “Big brother.” He replies. I look up and Tae and Jin enter the Diner. “Well, well, well. Tessa! You get more gorgeous every day I see you.” Jin says sliding into the booth beside me. Tae slides in next to Yoongi. “Jin meet Mandu, our next-door neighbor.” Tae laughs. He goes for a high five but Yoongi just ignores him this time. “Why don’t you knuckle heads get lost?” I spit at Tae. “I had to check in on my girl.” Jin says, putting his arm around me. I shove him away. “Not even in your dreams.” “Hey Mandu, I better not find out your messing with my girl. Got it!” Yoongi doesn’t say anything. He just stares at Jin as if he could kill him with just his gaze. “Fuck off Jin! Tae!” I look at my brother. “Alright, alright. Let’s get out of here. You two have fun. Don’t fuck up my car Tess.” They get up and Jin points two fingers at his eyes and then one at Yoongi.
Yoongi whispers something. “What?” I ask him. “I said they are assholes.” I feel my face flush. This is not turning out well. “I’m sorry.” I say. “Why you are always sorry?” Yoongi utters. I am taken back by his comment. “Here you go.” Gladys says dropping our food and coffee off. I take a deep breath to keep from crying. “My brother isn’t….” I go to respond. “Yeah, he is,” Yoongi cuts me off, “Maybe you don’t know your brother the way you think you do.” He shoves his plate away from him and stares out of the window again. “I can’t eat unless you do. It’s rude.” I quip, trying to turn this breakfast around. “I guess you will starve.” He says to the window. “I am really trying Yoongi but you’re not making it easy.” “Oh no, imagine a world not made easy for the most popular girl. Such a tragedy.” He looks at me with red eyes and I can see he’s hurt. “We can just leave then if you want.” “No, someone made this for us so let’s eat. Celebrate friendship,” He cuts and shoves a huge piece of pancake in his mouth, “I love pancakes.” He says sarcastically with a hard swallow.
After paying the check and leaving the restaurant, I point over to the end of the road. “The shopping complex is that way.” I say. “We should get back.” Yoongi says, pointing to the car. “Uh. Ok.” We head to the car instead. This time I successfully get on the road without trouble. “I hope that we can do this again. I know today was rough but I would like to get to know you better.” I say to Yoongi. He just nods. “Thank you for breakfast. I owe you.” I pull into Mrs. Mark’s driveway and let Yoongi out. “See ya.” I say. He hops out and slams the door, walking into Mrs. Mark’s house. I pull out of her driveway and into my own. Once up in my room, I get on my laptop and facetime my friend Alice. “Hey girl! How’s your summer?” She exclaims when she answers. “Good. Getting a lot of writing in. Can you believe this is our last year?” “Oh my god! I can’t wait!” She says brushing her hair out of her face. “How’s Italy?” I ask. “Gorgeous girl. I met a man.” She giggles. “A man?” “His name is Arnand. He’s tall, dark, handsome, ugh, everything you read about in the books. He wants me to move here next summer and live with him.” I bust out laughing. “That sounds insane. How old is Mr. Everything?” I inquire. “38 but that’s not really old.” “Oh my god Alice! He is way too old for you! What will your mother say? She’s gonna freak out!” “No way! She will give me shit for a week and then ask how much he makes in a year, which is a lot by the way. He’s some hedge fund guy. Besides, I don’t have talent. I need a sugar daddy. I’m not smart like you or athletic like Tae and Jin. I have nothing lined up for after high school. This face is my money maker.” She circles her face with a finger. “Still its creepy and you can do anything you want. You just gotta focus on one thing.” I try to assure her. “Ha-ha. Yeah right Tess! Why have one thing when you can have them all?” She twirls around with her phone making me dizzy. Alice has always had her head in the clouds. “So, how’s the shit town?” She asks me. “Uh, same ole. Mrs. Mark’s got a foreign exchange student from Korea to move in with her. He starts this year at the school. She asked me to befriend him and show him around.” “Is he cute?” She asks and I immediately blush.  “I don’t know?” I reply. “Yeah, he’s cute. So, what’s the problem? Is it Jin?” “What no? Jin and I are over, and you know that. He’s just, I don’t know, weird. He hardly talks and when he does, he’s sarcastic and dry. I don’t know. He’s hard to read.” “I see, so Tess has met her match and she uncomfortable.” My eyes pop open at her accusation. “Oh Tessa, my baby, my bestie, my love. Just get over yourself. You miss out on so much because you’re so stuffy.” I scoff. “I am not stuffy.” “Oh yes you are! You think because you’re smart and beautiful, people should just fawn over you. That works for some like Kim Seokjin, but you are going to meet people with actual brain cells that are going to force you to do some of the work.” “Whatever.” “This is constructive criticism Tess. Don’t get all offended.” “I have to go.” I blurt out. “Okay, well don’t tell anyone about Arnand and give that foreign boy your number! Love you Tess.” I smile and disconnect the call.
I pull my phone out after thinking about what Alice has said. ‘You are a puzzle, but I am going to solve you.’ I think for a second too long and start to delete it. ‘Don’t forget, you owe me!’ Before I think too much, I send it. I look towards Yoongi’s window from my desk. My phone vibrates. ‘Stalker.’ I start laughing. I finally save the number in my phone. Maybe Alice is right. I am used to getting my way. Jin made things way too easy. Maybe what I need is a challenge. Welp Min Yoongi, challenge accepted.
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trensu · 5 years
Episode 14: The One where LWJ Sings to WWX, y’know, Like a Bro
And first thing he notices is that he woke up with his forehead ribbon on his forehead where it’s supposed to be (it’s right there in the name) 
Wwx: oh yeah, i put it back on you while you were sleeping. I know how nervous you get when you’re not wearing it.
(You can't tell me that LWJ does not low-key have anxiety. Nobody's that much of a stickler for rules without being constantly anxious about breaking them. That's just facts)
Also, lol, the minute lwj wakes up, wwx is all “ah, must be 5am.” HE’S KEEPING TRACK OF TIME WITH LWJ’S SLEEP HABITS LOLOLOL
Now wwx and lwj are talking Important Escape Details
Wwx: yeah, went back into the pond and it looks like the Murder Turtle blocked off the escape route
Lwj: you shouldn’t be going into the pond with your injury
Wwx: i’m not that delicate!
And then he turns it around and asks lwj how well the medicine was working on his leg (it’s all better now, i guess?? idk he seems fine now. wq’s medicine is MAGIC)
Here we learn the official name of the Murder Turtle
Lwj: it’s like a xuanwu but not
Wwx: xuanwu?? *proceeds to describe what he knows about it*
Lwj: *is impressed and surprised*
Have more faith in your soulmate lwj. He reads! Sometimes! When it’s important!
Wwx: aren’t xuanwus supposed to have sharp teeth? Like Grrr
But also, he’s disappointed that the xuanwu didn’t have sharp teeth?? WWX, THE THING TRIED TO EAT YOU JUST YESTERDAY. BE GRATEFUL IT DOESN’T HAVE SHARP TEETH
Wwx: it doesn’t even matter what it is! It’s a big monster and if we kill it we’ll be Big Damn Heroes
So EXCITED and EAGER and he has this MISCHIEVOUS LOOK ON HIS FACE. Obviously he’s suffered brain damage
Wwx: and, ah, if it kills us, it’s okay bc it’ll be an AWESOME death lol
Lwj just stares at him LOL
His face is like, “this guy? This is the guy my heart decided to fall for?? Really???”
Okay so now they’re being all sneaky and gathering up bows and arrows that surround the pond and then they go back and get to work on fixing them and preparing for battle
We get to see lwj practicing the chord assassination technique like a BADASS
They come up with a plan!! Wwx will go into the Murder Turtle’s shell to coax him out of it so that lwj can then, idk, decapitate it with his Killer String.
(that’s...not how actual turtles work, but bc this is a magic murder turtle, i figure the rules don’t apply)
So obvs since wwx has to go inside the shell and lwj has to stay outside the shell they gotta communicate right and Ancient Fantasy China does not have good cell reception
Wwx: listen to me
And with that verbal cue, lwj does this thing that makes his fingers glow with spiritual energy and then taps wwx’s forehead which then has a little burst of the glow for half a second.
It must be a link that only lets them hear what the other wants them to hear otherwise wwx would’ve found out lwj is smitten with him right there and then, omg, that could’ve saved us so much heartbreak later on
But we’re not gonna think about that right now bc i don’t want to short-circuit my keyboard with tears
YUCK, wwx is inside the Murder Turtle’s shell and it’s SUPER GROSS
Wwx: ewww, it stinks so bad i wanna puke *chokes back bile*
And now he’s bumped into some dead bodies 
Oh noooo, now he’s found the Screaming Sword of Resentment that screams bloody murder at him
He grabs it and stabs Murder Turtle in the face which makes Murder Turtle mad enough to get out of the shell
We’re going to continue to ignore the bad cgi and ridiculously over the top fighting moves
...and the way he floats horizontally(??? somehow??) as the Murder Turtle tries to shake him off
My poor bb is hanging on for dear life while lwj does his Killer String thing
His brow is all scrunched up and his mouth gets all pinched and firm. SO DASHING LAN ZHAN, GO SAVE YOUR SOULMATE.
But oh no! The resentful energy pouring from the sword is getting to wwx!
Uh oh, I did not like the look of that grin on wwx’s face
Lwj shouts his name, he’s so worried!!
And now we see wwx use resentful energy for the first time ever!!
In a badass move he starts levitating all the abandoned swords and staffs that littered the shore AND USES THEM TO STAB THE MURDER TURTLE IN THE THROAT
Murder Turtle flops over dead and takes wwx down with him INTO THE POND AND WWX IS UNCONSCIOUS!! NOOOOOOO
Lwj, ofc, rushes to his side as soon as he hits the water and rescues him
He gets him out of the pond and takes him to dry land
Lwj: wei ying, wei ying! Wake up, wake up
Oh gross, we cut to the Evil Wen’s lair 
C’mon nobody cares about whatever’s going on there. Get us back to the important stuff!!! I am Done listening to evil wens ranting
Wwx: lan zhan, is it dead?
Lwj: yes
Wwx: yes? (he says weakly, in disbelief, MY POOR WWX)
Wwx: is it dead? (why’s he repeating himself, WWX ARE YOU OKAY??)
(I mean, obviously he's not what with the murder turtle thing but I don't think he can afford to get more brain damage at this point)
Lwj: yes, it is.
Oh and now wwx is telling lwj about all the screaming voices he heard from the sword and asks him if he was dreaming those up
Lwj reassures wwx that he did not dream up those screams
(Somebody should probably check him for a concussion,jic. I mean those screams were real THIS time but you never know!!)
(Maybe concussions don't exist in Ancient Fantasy China, idk)
Wwx is all pale and shaky!! MY POOR WWX!! Lwj is rightfully fussing over him
He lets out a weak laugh (BC THAT’S HIS COPING MECHANISM, DIFFUSE THE SITUATION WITH HUMOR, MY POOR WWX) and is like “who knew that one day i’d get to see the 2nd jade of lan look so worried?”
Lwj doesn’t respond but he does look away briefly LIKE HE’S AFRAID OF WWX SEEING SO MUCH EMOTION ON HIS FACE
WWX: lan zhan, i didn’t think i’d survive this
Lwj: wei ying, you have a fever
And then he brings wwx’s wrist close to start pouring in some spiritual energy
WWX: that’s so soothing lan zhan
Oh jeez, the way he sounds when he says that...
And omg the way lwj looks in the blue glow of the spiritual energy transfer
WWX: how boring...why hasn’t jc showed up to rescue me yet?
Uh, rude much? Lwj is right there
Also, jfc, there’s no Heterosexual explanation for that flashback sequence…
Wwx: it sounds so nice, so nice, what’s the name of the song…?
And when wwx wakes up again, he’s out of the cave!
But instead of seeing lwj’s godly visage, he wakes up to that peacock jzx and is like “you??”
Jc shows up!
Wwx: where’s lan zhan?
Jc: he left
Wwx: he left?? But he’s still injured!!
Jc: so is everyone else!! And he went back to gusu so…
Wwx: but he--
Now we got to go through Plot Things
We’re at Lotus Pier!! (where wwx proceeds to pass out again!! Get used to it guys, he does this a lot)
Then the yunmeng sibs have a beautiful moment together
Okay, we’re gonna pause here BC WWX IS SO FREAKING ADORABLE??
He gets all pouty and asks jyl to clean his face for him bc his arms are too tired and jyl does it bc she loves her brother
Lol, wwx is like, i wish you’d been there in the cave with me jc, lan zhan almost bored me to death
What a liar, lol
Like he wasn't completely enraptured by LWJ's presence the ENTIRE TIME
Oh yikes, we’ve got some screwed up family dynamics in the Jiang Family courtesy of m-yu and jfm.
For the sake of my sanity we’re gonna gloss over that
Now that the parents stormed off, wwx does his best to console jc (bc his parents, double yikes)
Now watch me as a break down sobbing when wwx makes A PROMISE HE WON’T BE ABLE TO KEEEEEP
I’ll be your right hand man, he tells him. Gusu has the twin jades, but yunmeng will have twin heroes, he says
After wwx says those things about the twins, he looks up at the sky wistfully and asks jc “do you think we’ll ever see them again?”
“Them” he says, like he’s not completely talking about just lan zhan
jc’s like how the heck would i know???
And we end the episode with wwx still gazing at the sky, dreaming about his lan zhan
I mean, we don’t see it, the dreams or thoughts or whatever, but we kNOW IN OUR HEARTS THAT’S WHAT HE’S DOING
This was a Very Heterosexual episode. For that I give it 10/10 stars. I would watch that flashback sequence with him singing over and over and over and over and over and ov--
Return to Masterpost
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scruffyssketchbook · 4 years
what are the relationships between each of the pairs of twins? as in, John to Dawn, Daisy to Roger, Chiki to Al, etc and viceversa. Aka, how do they feel about each other?
Author chan: hmm, well Vay and Blizz- Blizz loves Vay and has a strong brotherly attachment to him and his well being, and openly shows this. Tends to use the “tough love” approach, which, tbh, annoys the heck out of Vay. Meanwhile, Vay is usually cold and distant to Blizz, but deep down, unknowist to him, has a huge soft spot for him. Blizz: What I feel about Vay? *smiles brightly* He’s my bro! I love em! He has some issues he needs to work on, and has been through a lot, and I just wanna support em and see him grow! Vay: ...Blizz? *Vay Pauses, thinking* ...He’s always nagging at me to do things like talk to the all the evil eevees in our brotherhood (Vay thinks all Icedrops are evil) and is never around when I need someone. He only approaches me when he is bored and is a massive idiot. *he turns away, annoyed* ... I just. keep having flashbacks to how things were before he lost his memory. I want that Blizz back.
John and Dawn- They were close as kits, along with Oliver, but as time went on, they drifted apart. John is not exactly the most interesting vee, and both of them are always busy. She has a closer relationship to Oliver at this point, but doesn't notice. John: How.. I feel about Dawn? .... I wish she’d talk to me more, I guess. But I understand that she doesn’t have time for me... *he sighs, sadly.* Dawn: John? Oh! Me and him are thick as thieves, haven't seen him in a while, I wonder how he is doing.
LKD- Kevin is usually the one who cares about both of his brothers openly. Levin doesn't see how much he needs both of them,and tends to take them for granted. Devin has a very wild and sporadic imagination, and that tends to make the other two shut his ideas and thoughts down, a lot. So, despite liking his bothers, he usually feels inferior around them.
Levin: Kevin’s fine, I guess. Devin’s also fine, I guess. Dunno what else you want me to say ‘bout ‘em. Kevin: ...Levin.. seems distant. I cant have a decent conversations about emotions with him. And Devin kinda seems like he doesn’t want to do the things we do. *sighs* I worry about them both. Devin: ... Kevin is nice. He l-listens to me an’ stuff... AN’... Levin... *his ears droop* I dunno, I have a feelin’ he thinks I’m n-n-n *pauses and scrunches his face* NOT a big part of the team *he sighs in frustration*
Daisy and Rodger- Daisy and Rodger have a really close relationship. It wasn’t always as close as it is now, due to Daisy always going off with the bad crowd as kits, but after events happened, she started staying with him more.  Ofc, their relationship isn’t perfect. Despite how bland he might look, Rodger has ambitions. He wants to be involved in the politics of the Eevee box more, and do something about the current very bad, terribly awful situation that the eevee box is in that I cant say, but. Dusk dismisses him, in favor of Daisy. And this makes him kind of super Jealous and does affect their relationship, tho, he doesn’t realize it. Daisy does realize it tho, cause its pretty obvious to everyone but him, and tries keeping him in the loop of the things that she does.
Daisy: Rodger... has helped me a lot recently... Like... he is the one who suggested I’d make a routine! and he has supported me a lot!! Despite me always worrying him... I! ...I... I always want to show my gratitude for him.. but I dunno how...  Rodger: I... worry about her... a lot. One day, she walked up to me with this... haunted look in her eyes, with blood stains on her fur, and collapsed, saying that it was her fault over and over again... She hasn’t been the same after that, and wont tell me what happened... I know about the spy missions she went on, I know about the night her powers manifested, I know that she is Dusk’s favorite, but... I dunno... *he puts his head in his paws sighs* ... I’ll just try helping her the best that I can. She is my sister, you know? I want her to be happy. But, it kinda is clear that she was happiest before she evolved.
Mac and Jack- You know those super close twins that constantly impersonate and act like each other for fun? yeah, that’s them lol Mac: How I feel about Jack? Jack: Why do you want to know? Mac: Do you want a snack? Jack: Or play in a big show? Mac: Maybe if we talk Jack: it’ll be a bit clearer Mac: But that would mean Jack: You’d have to come a bit nearer
Mike and Tike- They are really, REALLY close. The two have been through a lot, despite appearances, and Mike does everything for Tike to be happy. They are like best friends, it seems one sided on the outside, because Tike is always the one jabbering to Mike with bearly any reply, but when they are alone, they both talk sa whole bunch to each other. Their care for each other rivals the care Blizz has for Vay and Eve tbh. Mike: ... Tike: Eh? How I feel ‘bould ol’ Mike? He’s da best bro evah! Don’t take his silence as a bad thin’, Yo He iz just not uh talker, well shiiit, dude talks ta me, just not everybody else. Mike iz strong, he beats up those mad stupid greenpaw wimps wif nahh questions asked tight like. ah bet you'd wants uh bomb bro like him cause he iz just dat tight dude. Like when he wuz getting picked on fo' his teef, guess what? Bof o' us beat up all dem asses! naw-BODY gonna pick on ma mckin' bro! n' dude be da one Who the fuck thought o' da bodyguard scam! like, awww, sho, we's cant "hit" eevees normally, but if we provided protection n' they couldn't pay us, then yeah biatch! We's gots free reign ta muq dem up! plus, Plus, we's can muq up dem fools beating down on our clients too. Mike also gots us into being bomb buds wif LKD! We be so tight now!
Chiki and Al- Barely have a relationship. Their personalities are so opposite from each other and they never formed a bond with each other as kits due to their opposing natures. They treat each other as just litermmates, and to their knowledge, that is what they are. Not twins, just littermates.
Chiki: Al...? Ah! He’ my littermate! We worked together as nurses for a while, but we are not close. ^^ Al: ... She’s nice enough... I guess. 
Noriko and Dario- Still in development...
Ren, Gwen, and Ben- Still in development, BUT! Are very, VERY close.
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punkinroses · 5 years
Yugioh Season 4 Quotes Prompt Meme
I am stressed, tired, sick of my job and needing a brain break. Yugioh Abridged is my go to for that at the moment. So. Have a sentence meme thing. Feel free to reblog, change pronouns, etc. Go have fun kids. Be wild. Be gay. Do crime. Love you
“The whole saving the world thing really eats into your study time.” “But my teacher gave me, like, a bunch of gold stars! And an A+ in trying.” “I already know everything I need to know about mathematics from playing card games.” “I was also thinking about doing some of the drugs later.” “(name)’s hand is on fire!” “That sounds like a commotion! .......Yes. Definitely a commotion.” “Well, I’m sure the city can defend itself.” “Those neutral motherfuckers. I never cared for them.” “How the hell did you people get in my house!?” “I’m not sure I like the rich douchebag channel.” “We figured you had more of an emotional connection to these.” “Damnit, (name), we agreed I would do the monologuing.” “My spirit guide has once again served its purpose.” “It’ll be called the bitch ass retirement plan. Named after you, ya bitch ass!” “That’s some OP bullshit right there.” “Broseph...Brosephine...Bro DiMaggio.” “I’ve got shoulder pads!” “Now what are you gonna do, Bromeo and Juliet?” “It’s not often I get to hear the worst insult ever coined by a human being.” “Yeah, they once sucked out Channing Tatum’s soul as a joke.” “I have nothing else in my life, please!” “So you’re someone I haven’t seen in a really, really long time? .........Are you my parents??!!” “Stop abusing the concept of friendship!!” “You must have spent YEARS researching this! Even though you can find this exact information on the back of any Yu-Gi-Oh! DVD!” “King of doors, bitch!” “That’s two points for Middle Earth, zero points for (name).” “I was not prepared to watch this today.” “Okay, so, you’re a lost cause.” “If even one of you makes a Sharknado reference, I will end you so hard.” “Try this on for size, you Sauron-looking motherfucker!” “I thought we had an agreement! You agreed to not be a little bitch, but now you’re being a little bitch!” “Maybe they’ll take someone’s soul that we don’t care about this time.” “Goddamnit, you never help me, ever!!” “Alright, douchebags! I’m sick and tired of us not being on top!” “These meetings get fucking weird.” “How much more specific can I get? SOMEWHERE in CALIFORNIA.” “I wonder if there are card games on the moon.” “I knew it. This is just some cheap trick to get me to come see you, so you can hit on me with a bunch of cheap innuendos, isn’t it?” “And, to think, people call you a diluted egomaniac.” “That’s not possible! I’M the adorable one!” “For some reason, cruising for chicks has caused me to become severely injured.” “I would be so turned on if that wasn’t such a huge waste of trading cards.” “I’d like to spread some vegemite on those things.” “You left me on a blimp with a known psychopath, while I was in a coma, so you could go off and play video games.” “So, in other words, since we’ve never seen your balls drop, we can assume it hasn’t happened?” “My douche-senses are telling me that (name) is mocking me somewhere.” “Should I remind you to tell them to go fuck themselves when we get there?” “He will eat you with his crocodile face.” “Okay, did you have to include the part of the story where they insulted me?” “Hey, a sword! I can stab people with this!” “Seriously? That was your one Koala joke?” “Try believing in the heart of the cards.” “Quiet, you sorcerer.” “If you’re seeing this, (name), it either means I’m dead, leaving behind a very fabulous looking corpse, or my soul has been captured.” “Maybe it had something very kinky on it and 4Kids had to censor it.” “I’ll leave that up to the fanfic authors.” “I’ll write a highly unfavorable research paper about you! With inconclusive findings!” “I feel like I should be concerned, but I just can’t stop thinking about how Copernicus is such a stupid name for a horse.” “You know that thing takes people’s souls and I found it on a dead guy, right?” “That was acting, children! Bravo for me!” “According to my research, I’m in a crapload of pain.” “Learned that trick from playing Super Mario World.” “I’ll just be over here wibbling to myself. Please, pay me no mind.” “Okay, everyone. I’m going to go scream into a pillow for the next five minutes.” “Are you telling me that we can't build an elevator into space?! Because that sounds like something a guy who doesn't want to keep his job would say!” “And let me tell you one last thing. All those times I got angry and declared that I would have my vengeance on you: I WAS FAKING!” “I'm glad we spent all our money on this bag of potato chips and generic brand soda.” “By the way, I memorized several dozen dinosaur puns, just so I could use them in this.” “The only reunion that’s about to happen is my size ten up your buttocks!” “Dorō! Monsutā Kādo!” “You're right, (name). I lost control. At the end of the day, this is just a game.” “We’re going to disturb the spirits of the dead! Yay!” “What the fuck even is this season!?” “Won’t somebody fetch me some ice cream!?” “I’m old and I hold a stick. That automatically makes me the wisest person in the valley.” “It’s a good thing I played all that Assassin’s Creed!” “It’s a good thing I played all that Banjo Kazooie!” “Oh, thank God, because I really wasn’t listening to any of that. Any of it.” “Now, I have to go back down there and challenge that vulture to a card game.” “Okay, (name), I’m going to level with you; I may have lied about the pizza.” “It makes me look really bonkers cool while I kick the shit out of you.” “Actually, he says his name is Cornelius Jr. and he wants to play basketball, just like how his father wanted him to.” “You can talk to snakes!?” “Hey, are you sure it’s safe for us to fly straight into that strange weather phenomenon?” “I guess we’d better confront whatever villain of the week that is.” “Well, these buttons look important.” “We mostly get by using our street smarts and ingenuity.” “No, I'm mad because I never wanted to know what one of Hideo Kojima's wet dreams looked like, and now I do, so thanks for that.” “I swear on my life we didn't keep a single flying war machine of death.” “Well, it would be way more intimidating if its face wasn't so damn adorable.” “Yeah, they’re dead. Dibs on their crappy broken stuff!” “Did you guys notice that this episode had the exact same ending as Bee Movie?” “I'm also glad we're not going to Florida as it means that we are not going to Florida.” “OK, but wait! I'm almost to the part where we met two ghosts in the California desert who just happened to be related to the guy we're fighting. Oh God, you're right; it's all just bullshit, isn't it?” “Breaking stuff will fix it!” “I'm bi a lot of things, but lingual is not one of them.” “Welcome back, asshole.” “Hey (name), wanna reenact a scene from Back to the Future Part II?” “I'd rather throw myself off the roof.” “Damn you, Microsoft Flight Simulator!” “Yes, but you had to steal my catchphrase to do it! Is nothing sacred to you?” “That is the single most offensive thing anyone has ever said to me.” “OK, children, from now on, everybody uses the Buddy System. When I say "Go," I want you all to choose a buddy and form an everlasting and inseparable bond between them 'till death do you part. OK, go!” “(Name), remember, whatever happens, you mustn't become an evil little sh*thead.” “Suckers! Consider yourselves ditched.“ “Well if any other anime in existence has taught me anything, most of the drama tends to happen on...the roof.“ “Just my luck. Dork Fest continues.“ “No! It's got a scythe. The deadliest farming implement known to man.“ “This heavy-hearted metaphor was brought to you by Da, a subsidiary of Doy, Inc.” “OK, this is also total BS. When I came back from the dead, I didn't get a chorus of heavenly music and a light show.“ “It's a good thing I'm so buff or that fall would've killed me.“ “(Name), promise me you're not going to embarrass me in front of the U.S. Military.” “ Guys, I think we took a wrong turn, because I'm pretty sure this is the Chamber of Secrets.” “Those aren't Funko Pops! They're much more disturbing!” “Yeah, makes your measly five thousand years look like a five thousand years of being a bitch, bitch.“ “Okay, but why are we in space?” “I have no idea who that is. You are talkin' fucking crazy right now, man. Are you okay? Do you need water? How long were you in the desert for?“ “For the record, I was dressing up in suits of armor before it was cool.“ “(Name), this is like, the third time you've tried to murder one of my friends, stop it!” “Nah. As a teenager with unlimited access to the Internet, I get to do that every day.” “As I was saying, (name) is a damn handsome and valuable person. Thank goodness for them.” “They died as they lived... pissing me off.” “Okay, who let the posh shithead in here?” “I'm so happy you escaped the cold embrace of death so that I could experience your deathly cold embrace again!“ “Wow. My eBay sensors are tingling.“ “You know, we really have no idea where this portal will take us, but I have total confidence in this decision.“ “None of this matters to you! You're already dead! Blah, blah, blah, omae wa mou shindeiru.” “Glad we came all the way up here so that we could not know what was going on.“ “Does this mean I can take back all the nice things I said?“ “I'm not doing any of those things. I'm just enjoying being with you.”
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maiuoart · 5 years
Collar HC’s
Feel free though to do what you wished, too! These are mainly collected around, I just enjoy making meaning behind the damn collars... Seriously, I wanted actual meanings with them!
This will be a key item for Darkening Days; I see many Fell verses surround by the meanings of Collars the more I got used to their worlds. Some have gotten me to an irkful and even sickful mindset with their twisted or lack of information.  Other fandoms have it themed to a very weird degree for me, personally. However, it didn’t mean ALL of them were bad, per say...
So, my whole thought process when seeing a collar for the boys; Red or Mutt; is “Why would they need collars? What would be the point?”
Well, Read below to find out more about the 4 different kinds I have came up with...
Protective Collars;  This is the type Underfell Red and Swapfell Mutt wears. The kind that have a Label of Protection due to their brothers.  Stronger Monsters will protect those they care for; It’s the ‘Fuck with them, you fuck with me.’ kind. Family or very close acquaintances will have these on them as the collars will radiate the stronger aura to warn off others. Smaller monsters who seek protection will try anything and everything to gain a protection collar, but it normally barely happens unless their sly about it. The collar in question will match the Stronger Monster in theme, color, and aura just to make sure everyone knows who is protecting the weaker. They are limited to giving collars out, however. The more they have others under their care, the more it takes from them. The best is to only have an amount no higher than 2. Depending on how strong the Protector is; They can have up to 4 and not be affected. Anything higher and it will drain them quickly, causing everyone to become easy targets. Some will still find these collared monsters as targets, but trying to get close to them will just become your own death warrant if you so chose to ignore the warnings... Due to the fact anyone radiating bad intent gets sent right to the main protector in charge. You’ll only have mere moments to try and kill or run. The way to get these off is if the lesser has grown in strength or has betrayed the protector in some way. That will either end with them being dusted right on the spot; Or, more than likely, released in front of everyone for revenge. 
Yet for me, for both My versions of Red and Mutt; It’s a quiet understanding that their brothers want to watch out for them, help protect them even though they could protect themselves. So they allow to be collared just to help ease their brothers paranoia. ‘Sides; It shows that they actually care for them. Fun Facts!; UF!Sans/Red, the ever proud asshole, reacted differently when Edge had told him to wear his collar of protection. They actually fought, going to a point where the brothers broke out into a brawl at home. Red begrudgingly took the ‘Damn stupid thing that he won’t ever fuckin’ need’ just to appease his brother after a huge feeling of guilt hit him afterward. I mean, for fucks sakes! Boss just tossed it at him! The hell was he goin’a do?! Say ‘Yeah’!? Hell no, Boss may scare him sometimes, but ain’t like he needed the fuckin’ accessory to be a bitch. But found out later on that; ‘Hey... Not so bad, i can actually fuckin sleep in peace for once.’ Not fully overlooking the thoughtfulness of the meaning during the time, but not really admitting it either. Either way, it became a slow meaning of pride to show it off; ‘won’t admit it, bu’ my bros the coolest thinkin’ ‘bout me.’
Mutt and Black are closer; Mutt took the collar with more pride than anything, feeling proud his brother wanted to protect his family. It was a quiet agreement that even though Mutt could watch after his own hide, the thought and meaning behind ‘Under Protection’ meant a huge deal to them both. Mutt did, however-... Add a few things for secret reasons. It’s more wholesum than what you’re probably thinking, gutterminds! Shoo! I won’t say how the Swapfell brothers are connected just yet; Rest assured it’s nothing in the odd way, though! It’ll be told more in the story~ No spoils here ;) ♥
Relationship Collars; These are more silk based. Can be anything more dainty, soft against the skin, really the kind that can be real forgetful in their place; Their that comfortable! They vary in many ways; Plain, flashy, whatever matches their mates the best. Most times the collars to these match with their mates main Soul trait colors. Either with gems, the fabric itself matches, or anything like that!  They react to their mates emotional status; Easily able to send back and comfort them however they may need. It keeps them close, their bonds strong, and their Souls radiating to each other with all the love and affection they need; Doesn’t matter if their bodies are snuggled up or their miles apart!  Truly a romantic type; Will never fade or tatter away, no matter how many times you wear it, if you shower with it, work with it.  There are many ways this collar type can be taken off though; The couple have a falling out, their bond becomes so faded it falls off itself, or if either party takes it off themselves. 
~!!Be advised!!~  If you want to take it off for mundane reasons, make sure to keep it close to your Soul or put it somewhere else on your body so that your mate does not freak out about the sudden disappearance of your Bond. Better yet, do it while in front of them while explaining yourself as you’re doing it. Always remember; Communication is key; Anyways you can!
Master Collars; Collars used normally with the Strongest and Deadliest Monsters. It’s the literal Master/Slave kind. The type where it connects and locks using the Stronger Monsters Soul. Their fully metal, bulky, and just plain uncomfortable. If the Boss Monster at all thinks the lesser one is useful or they just seriously like them-... And they don’t like them back? Well. You can call this the ‘Yandere’ collar for sure. They are also limited to how many they collar, however they can collar up to 10 others, not risking their own lives for the ones who they deem worthy. It is said to be a better solution for those who are ‘Protectors’ who want to protect many, all at once without the fear of dusting themselves in the process. Though this can also be dangerous; The ones under these collars are prone to giving their own Souls and lives up to the ones in charge against their wills if a fight occurs and their Master gets harmed. The weakest ones will drain the fastest while others will pay for the rest. The only ways that this collar could ever be taken off is; The Stronger Monster doesn’t desire the lesser one anymore or either party dies. ...Creepy collar.
Device Collars; Things may happen to where one will fall victim in becoming, not a Slave per say, but to work off a debt of a certain intelligent being who works with devices and other similar items. Probably also can call it the ‘Debt Collar’. These collars are made for tracking workers in certain areas of the Underground. They are heat resistant, water resistant, and more. Anything you can think of, they will not break. They are remote controlled; Able to keep everyone in check with a shock if so need be. They are limitless as they do not need any Soul or Magic to keep them going, unlike the rest of the collars listed above. Made with a metal similar to what humans have called Graphene, it can stretch and wrap around ones neck with ease. It will have some smooth features, but normally it will look like it is in parts. It will automatically lock in the back with the numbers of the debt one could not pay off, or simply because the person in control is just that insane to make it so high that they will make sure not to lose any of their workers... Each time they work; It will numbers will be deducted randomly. The wearer won’t be able to see their numbers and check how far til their end goal is. It is, however, a very horrible choice if one is killed by another with these collars on. Due to the person who has invented it, the collar will latch onto the one responsible for ‘Taking Their Worker Away’ and become in all the debt that the dusted creature was in, overtaking their place as punishment.  Normally with a genius in charge, the symbol of the Royal Scientist decorating their metal collars, almost everyone stays away. Those who are so desperate to be a willing lab rat or other type of worker will actually go and sign their Souls away... These collars are normally never able to be taken off; Though if the Royalty does not need them no longer, then they will be freed to be unleashed. But only when they are done with them.
Okay! So that should do it for the 4 main ones! If you ask about someones special collar... Hn, won’t say I’ll let you know ;) Wait for the story and guess if you think you can! ♥
I also wouldn’t mind if peeps like, want to help make them better and help change them to more interesting things??? I don’t mind bouncin’ ideas off; These are the main ideas that have popped up and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about them for weeks now!? And it might be the main reason I started the story...
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