#bro this was so fun im crying and shaking gdjsgsys lmaoooo
l0ve-weenkun · 2 years
The Snow Blooms on the Forest Floor
i also did a writing trade with a homie!!!!! ofc ofc, im sure u know who im gonna write abt for da homie >:3 (Aurelius lmao) i really hope u like this!!! had a lot of fun writing this and thinking abt ideas for it :3
Spring has finally arrived in the Raine Tundra! Somewhat. As expected, there's still snow practically everywhere, but at least it's not 10 inches deep! The weather is slightly warmer, and the ferocious snowstorms that happened ever so often have died down into small snow flurries, replacing typical spring showers. Now that the temperatures are warmer, snow flowers, typically called powder flowers, are in full bloom over the forest grounds, and you couldn't think of a better time to call Aurelius and spend some time with him. You pulled out your cellphone and dialed his number, hoping he would pick up.
"Hey, Aurelius! It's y/n."
"Oh! Hi. Is something the matter?"
"No, not really. I was just wondering if you were busy right now?"
"I was just about to make some food. Do you need anything?"
"Perfect timing", you thought.
"Would you... Like to have a picnic in the woods? Spring has really melted the snow a lot, and uh, the weather has been a lot warmer lately. Figured now would be a nice time to be together and catch up a bit... And the powder flowers are in bloom now too! I'd love to pick some with you!"
"Powder flowers? I've never heard of those before. Do they only bloom in the spring?"
"They do! And they're beautiful. The petals are edible too, tea made with them is a real treat in the fall."
You heard silence from the other line, and a million thoughts raced through your head.
"Does he not want to come?"
"I'd like a picnic, it sounds nice. I just started cooking some skewers so I'll add a few more for you too."
"Oh! Ok, great! I'll meet you at the bear shaped rock in the middle path, I know a perfect picnic spot. Does that sounds good?"
"Yes. I'll meet you there in... An hour?"
"Yeah, an hour is perfect! See you there!"
"See you."
"That was way more nerve-wracking than it had to be, holy shit."
After you got a grip of your jelly legs, you gave a small, enthusiastic dance, excited for what's to come. After changing into something decent for going out, you began packing up some of your favorite drinks and snacks into a woven basket, along with cups and a purple and white checkered blanket, your preferred picnic cloth. Putting on your snow shoes, you grabbed the keys to your home and walked outside the door, but before leaving you called out to your father.
"Hey dad, I'm going out to pick powder flowers!! I'll be back later on!!"
"Stay safe, y'hear? Maybe call up that big mountain guy to keep you safe!"
"...Bye, dad!"
You shook your head and rolled your eyes in disappointment, hearing your father chuckle from the other room as you closed the door and began making your way to your meet up point with Aurelius. After you were far enough from the house you gave out a small laugh yourself.
"Oh, if only you knew, old man."
After a while of walking, you could finally see the fabled bear rock in the distance. It's a fairly big rock, in the shape of a bear standing on all fours, covered in a thick layer of moss with a thin layer of snow on top of it. Once you got close enough to the rock and examined it a bit, you could see small budding flowers on the moss, and it brought a smile to your face. This rock has been here for ages, and it's a very well known checkpoint for tundra dwellers, so much so that it's become your favorite place to meet with Aurelius when you can. In the distance you could hear walking, and you turned to face the sound, the smile on your face growing even bigger as you watched Aurelius' figure get closer.
"There are flower buds on the rock! Spring really is here, this rock almost never gets flowers."
"Is that so?"
Aurelius finally got close enough to both you and the rock, and took a good look at the rock, before looking down at you, a soft expression on his face. He silently admired your figure before mentally changing the topic.
"Oh, you're right. Hopefully they'll bloom alright, it's still cold."
"If the flowers are budding now, they'll likely bloom in the coming days, so they should be ok! Now, then, shall we?"
You gave him a smile as you led him deeper into the forest, the sunlight peaking through the tree leaves leading you both to your destination. As you continued along the path you began to see the budding powder flowers emerging from the ground, and you began to take more cautious steps, not wanting to crush the delicate beauties. You looked towards Aurelius and you watched his silent, awestruck expression as he stared at the forest floor, attently staring at the blossoms before him. It brought a smile to your face knowing that he was so interested in the spring beauties, and it filled you with joy knowing that you could spend this moment with him.
Once you approached the small pond in the center of the forest, you stopped with a content sigh, and gazed at the beautiful nature around you. Powder flowers in full bloom as far as the eye can see, the soft hues of periwinkle and baby blue enchant your vision as a gentle breeze flows, making the elegant flowers dance and sway, their sweet aroma reaching the furthest corners of the forest. Once again, you looked towards Aurelius, curious as to what he thinks, and you watched as he took in the view with you, a smile on his features as he breathes in the fresh spring air.
"You picked a beautiful spot, y/n. I never knew the forest had such a hidden beauty."
"Honestly, this is the only time of the year when the forest looks this nice. Any other time and it's all snowed over, or there's a few Miramon trying to destroy everything. Springtime is the only time when I can come to this spot and relax, the scent of the powder flowers mixed with the warm sun just melts away all my worries."
As you spoke to Aurelius, you began to set up the picnic, placing the cups down, bringing out the drinks and snacks. Aurelius soon followed your actions, finally unpacking the skewered meat he ever so kindly cooked for you, the savoury aroma mixed with the sweet aroma of the flowers and created something new, and it smelled wonderful.
You both sat down and began eating, talking about the little things in life, the nature around you accompanying you ever so dearly as you spent time with your beloved mountain man. You educated him on powder flowers and their origins as well as told him a few recipes they can be used in. You two spent the whole day simply sitting in the forest, enjoying each other's company, and for the time being, it felt like it was just the two of you in the world, sharing the same loving perception of perfection at it's finest. You watched as Aurelius picked a single powder flower from the ground, examining it closely before he opened his mouth to speak,
"The spring weather is beautiful, y/n. The sun's radiance peaking through the trees bounces off of you in such a manner that makes the snow, and my heart melt. I'm glad I got to spend this day with you."
You, just like the snow on the forest floor, melted on the spot.
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