Question of the day
Why do we mourn relationships that never even happened? I'm finding myself doing this when thinking about Bristol Man. He seemed so lovely, normal, friendly, interesting and, well, perfect that I could've even overlooked a third arm! I'd have found good use for that perfect third arm.
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The perfect goodbye
I decided to end the tumbleweed situation with Bristol Man (aka Mr Normal/Perfect) with an honest message about where I think we’re going - or not. I explained that, as much as I’d wanted to meet him, I don’t believe we’re really going anywhere in terms of building any momentum, adding that it’s most likely due to location and busyness. I ended that he seems really nice and I wanted to wish him well rather than have a tumbleweed situation.
His response has made me want to meet him more - he thanked me, agreed with me, saying that he’d wanted to meet me too, and he wished me all the best.
The perfect goodbye to something that never happened. I wouldn’t expect anything less from Mr Perfect…
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Out of my court
It’s been over two weeks since I last heard from Bristol Man (aka Mr Normal/Perfect) having left the ball firmly in his court. When he last texted, he still seemed very interested to meet, explaining he had to postpone due to an important job interview plus moving house, but would definitely be in touch again when less busy to arrange a date.
Things aren’t looking good. I know I should just leave it, and yet I want to get that ball back across to my side of the court; I’ve never been good at waiting.
*trying really hard not to text him right now*
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