purple-ana16 · 1 month
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Bring back the LAES channel please!
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Hello! If you were unaware, in one of Davis' latest streams, he told everyone to make noise about the Lunar and Earth show (Respectfully!). If you're not caught up with what happened with Laes, then I'll summarize it.
Laes, or The Lunar and Earth show, was wrongfully terminated due to scam allegations. These, of course, are false allegations. But they believe that it's possible that the cause of said wrongful termination, was due to a specific knock off Temu Lunar plushie. Yeah.
So Davis told everyone to respectfully make some noise on any social media platform you can, using tags like #Bringbacklaes and #bringbacklunarandearthshow, alongside many others that I'm prolly forgetting, to get Youtube to notice it!
It's possible that I'm wrong abt some things, so if you see anything that's incorrect or that I should add, then please do tell me!
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alex-issad · 1 month
Hey so I'm angry at YouTube now over what I learned they did yesterday, from what I learned apparently the reasons the Lunar and Earth Show got deleted. So one of the reasons YouTube deleted the channel was cuz they accused the voice actors of partaking in scams relating to Lunar Plush bootleg merchandise of one of their characters being sold on TEMU. But Davis made it clear on his Twitch Stream that him and his colleagues were not taking part in that and they were accused of this. And the second reason which Davis pointed out was because of one of their characters called "Dazzle the Deer" and over the fact that they revealed their backstory about what happened to Dazzle when she was alive and called "Evelyn" which which involves Sun getting possessed by BloodMoon and murdering her, and YouTube deemed it to violent resulting in what is happening now. Davis also said they had three requests sent to YouTube already to try and get the show back up and running but they were all denied, he made it aware to us that he only had one request left and if it gets denied then the Lunar and Earth Show will be gone for good. So he asked us his viewers to get the word out to try and make everyone aware of the situation any way possible on all platforms we have. And since Davis doesn't have an account here on Tumblr and there's a lot of people I saw here who are fans of the show i wanted to help by starting here so I wanted to make awareness of this to try and get people to make noise and get YouTube to reinstall the Lunar and Earth Show so it's not gone forever.
Davis Explaining the LAES situation:
- https://youtu.be/VWFG0LO9oU0?si=-NY8vzCip0QzKLeh
Spread the word!!!! Hurry!!!
Ya'll please spread the word, we will lose the show if we don't. BE RESPECTFUL.
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darknessofroses · 1 month
Lunar and Earth show spreading the word
Apologies for the sudden post
Since there has been some misinformation surrounding the Lunar and Earth show, I am going to try and spread the word on the subject to see if Youtube will see this
Apparently the temu Lunar plushies were possibly, and I'm not saying it is, the reason that the show had gotten terminated, and Youtube had probably thought that the two were linked. But I'm saying this nicely, The Lunar and Earth Show has never been a scam site
So I am asking you all to spread the word on this platform, Twitter or other platforms to try and get Youtube to see, but don't harass them or be mean about it, it won't make it any easier for Youtube to bring the show back faster or at all
I'm not good at these types of things, but I'm trying
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fnaffan17 · 1 month
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Guys I found the cursed plush 😭
They are all almost sold out😭😭😭😭😭
This is so infuriating... The show didn't even do anything wrong
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 month
I'm CrystalSapphireStar❄️✨🌸🐺 On Twitter, Thank You For Liking My Post, You Are Free To Repost It! We Gotta Bring The Lunar And Earth Show Back! #BringTheLunarAndEarthShowBack
prepare to make some noise folks.
Be respectful, be courteous, but make some fucking noise y'all.
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purple-ana16 · 1 month
Youtube, bring the LAES channel back!! PLS
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purple-ana16 · 1 month
This channel was really special to me and As one of the thumbnail artists this was also my first job ever, I hope it gets back soon ❤️‍🩹
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purple-ana16 · 1 month
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purple-ana16 · 1 month
There seems to have been a misunderstanding that caused the Lunar and Earth Show to be terminated for deceptive practices. This however, is not the case. The show has done absolutely nothing wrong, and the situation deserves to be looked at closer. It has been over two weeks and there is still radio silence on your end YouTube. PLEASE bring attention to this issue.
Tho remember to be respectful with this, for further info you might need to check Davis' stream
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purple-ana16 · 1 month
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Please bring back the Lunar and Earth Show!
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I like using my time for important things
(Also, wasn't temu lunar being the reason tlaes was terminated only speculation? Regardless, I made this-
to cope, y'know)
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fnaffan17 · 1 month
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I'm so sorry for Davis and the others.... I watched the stream and poor Davis... 😭❤ they only have one chance left. Plus they still take their time to make more for us....
I appreciate them soo much
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