okpeachwa · 4 years
Destiel Theories/Thoughts/Shaky Predictions/Hopes (Trying For Positivity) Part 1
Castiel - I have a feeling Misha and everyone have been very sneaky in terms of their wording in interviews about the last episodes (oh Jack, at least I hope so). In an online article from TVLine he says: “It was super emotional. Just the way the shooting days lined up, I happened to be shooting Castiel’s last scene in the show at the very end of the day on my very last day of shooting. So my last scene shot was Castiel’s last scene in the series.” He also says: “I’m really happy with Cas’ ending. It’s sad, but it is kind of exactly what I would have hoped for.” And lastly: “The only real regret that I have over the years from Castiel is he got to be human for a little while, [but] I just wished he played on that playground for a little longer. I wish that Castiel had gotten to experience being a human for longer, because it felt like that was a really rich well to draw from, and we kind of missed out on a little bit there.” Now (applies clown makeup), this whole interview made me think that maybe, just maaaaaybe, he wasn’t talking about episode 18. He doesn’t explicitly say (or have I missed something?). And the wording is very interesting....I mean, right? As far as Cas’ ending being sad, could Misha be talking about maybe Cas becoming human and living out his days with a certain hunter??? I mean the Empty must never want anything to do with Castiel ever again after all that’s happened (wasn’t it mentioned that after Jack went nuclear in there the Empty has become unstable?). Why wouldn’t the Empty just keep the angelic grace (perhaps to heal itself and finally sleep) and toss Cas back out so he can spend the rest of his days with Dean? Sam - I hope Sam has a significant part to play in getting Dean to confess. We all know that Sam has known that the angel and his stupid brother have been in love with each other for forever (even before they knew probably). I think God’s ark for Sam this season (doubting himself, losing hope) applies to his whole journey across the show. He keeps doubting himself and losing confidence when he needs to dig in and find it the most. Dean always kind of cuts in (making Sam feel even more inadequate and thus starting the vicious cycle again). But not anymore. Sam can finally find the confidence within himself to speak his mind when his brother’s and best friend’s happiness are on the line. Because he has free will and they are his family. He will look his brother in the eye and tell him that if he doesn’t go save that angel right now, he will personally kick his ass. In S15E4 (the same episode Becky gave us that ?maybe? foreshadowing for Ep19 & 20) at the end in the Impala Dean explains that when he was feeling hopeless and wanting to give up on life Sam was the one that brought him back. By saying that what they did still mattered. Saving people. They don’t do it because “somebody has to” (I mean yeah, but nah). They do what they do for love. Always have. So yeah, I think Sam is going to remind his brother that they can and will save Cas. Because that’s what they do. Dean - Dean also needs to round out his arc. He needs to love himself and find happiness in “being” just like Cas. He’s going to realize (when Sammy gives him a talking to if he hasn’t already) that he can’t just not say anything. He ALWAYS does that emotional constipation song and dance and now is the time to knock it the hell off! Now is the time for him to nut-up and finally speak his truth instead of keeping quiet and regurgitating what he thinks he’s supposed to say. Pretty sure that’s why he didn’t react as much as his heart wanted to when Cas said he loved him because ~years of trauma~ (terrible Dad, hero complex, etc).
We haven’t had a good ole Dean monologue in awhile, and I personally am ready for the badassery to commence. I crave the goose bumps and the tears.
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