#bring back teaching childeren
my4ththerapist · 26 days
how do we feel about an educational kids cartoon about space and a young star battling with the concept of mortality and identity
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stargirlvampire · 2 years
Jason his reaction to creative S/O
Jason Voorhees
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When he first stalked you he was confused and curious what you were doing. You were alone and not with those anoying people that he was about to kill. He decided not to kill you when he figured out that you were painting scenery. Once you had finished your painting and decided to wash the brushes, he came from behind the bushes and looked at your painting. It was one of the most beautiful things he had seen. He then knew he wanted to make you his.
Once you spend time together for a few months he gets the courage to ask by writing if you are going to teach him how to draw and how to paint. When you say that it will take a few months to teach him, he gets excited because you agreed.
When he managed to learn alot from you, he shows you his own creations. When you compliment him on his skills he decides to once in a while do paintings and drawings with you.
Everything you draw for him he hangs on the wall and the fridge. He also keeps some in a picture album so he could look back at it.
Watches every time when you try something new and also gets curious about it.
Decides to show you his needle skills and wood cutting skills. Blushes behind his mask and smiles when you compliment his wooden figurines that he made.
When you decide to do a diamond painting he wants to put it in his cabin because he thinks that its fancy looking.
When he sees you making a beautiful garden, he wants to help you all the time. He gets excited when the flowers,herbs,fruits and veggies you both planted start to sprout. He also is happy when you give him gardening hacks to try out.
Sooner or later he draws a drawing of you and him. It looks like a childeren's drawing but it looks cute. When you compliment him about it and decide to hang it on the fridge he blushes and smiles. Then he proceeds to gently hug you and kiss you.
He eventually falls inlove with you. Not only because of your creative skills but because you are kind and supportive.
Brings different types of flowers for you. You usually put them into water but they die overtime which makes him sad until you explain that you can use resin to keep them forever. Once you show your resin art he gets curious in how it is possible to keep those flowers in a state that they don't get corrupted.
When you make a resin hockey mask with flowers in them, he hangs it up where he sharpens his machete.
Is very worried that you might hurt yourself if you use dangerous objects like crafting knives, wood burning tools and so on but then gets relieved when he sees that you are good in using those tools.
Some of your creations end up at the shrine because he wants to share your creations with his mother. Pamela tells him how beautiful your creations are.
When he kills trespassers, he sometimes looks for art supplies and if he finds them he gives them to you.
Lets you shop for art supplies and other supplies as long as you return. He will stalk from the bushes to watch you. He is ready to attack anyone who bothers you or who tries to hurt you. Sometimes he sends messages asking what type of things you found or if you are okay.
When you show your devianart profile he is impressed by the art you made. He also likes the art of other people but then gets insecure about his art skills. He feels better when you tell him that it takes years to master and that each person is good at some things and bad at some things and that he needs to discover which form of art suits him.
Wants to learn cross-stiching because his mother could do that and it seems like you can do it as well. Soon he is able to do it himself and rewards you for all the skills you teached him.
When he hears you sing for the first time, he falls inlove with you even deeper and it makes him better when you sing.
Since doing creative things with you. His violent behaviors and his PTSD rarely comes out now.
Uses blood to leave sweet messages on walls and wood around the camp for you to find.
When he sees you play on a keyboard he enjoys it as long as it isn't too loud. He eventually learns to play it himself.
Will make flower crowns for you.
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tjb1619 · 5 years
Here is the next chapter! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it! ~Chapter 3~ Standing up from sitting on a medium-sized rock, I check my drawing of the outside of the cave-a hole about the size of a small bedroom in width in the side of the cliff face on the northern edge of the forest near my uncle's house. Satisfied that I got enough detail in my drawing, I close my sketchbook and put it and my graphite pencil back in my bag. 'I want to show this to Matt; make him see for himself that I am seeing a cave where I said it was. Now,' I added, taking a deep breath, 'let's see what is in this cave.' I walk towards it, stopping at the entrance. "Hello?" I call out, the sound reverberating off the cave walls. "Is anyone there?" I listen, hoping to hear.....something. Nothing. Not a single sound. Slowly, I walk in, taking one step at a time, and keep one hand on the wall. 'I wonder how far this goes?' 'Please, watch your step.' I stop. 'Huh?' I look around, to try to pinpoint where the voice came from. "Wh-who said that?" I ask, partly curious, and partly nervous. "Who are you?" All of a sudden, the room lights up. When my eyes adjust to the sudden light, what I see is astounding. 'Wow!' My eyes widen at the sight. Dragon eggs. More dragon eggs than I can count and each one is different. I see a light blue one; a darker blue one; one that is half light pink and half dark pink. I see a multicolored one; one that is a solid midnight black. I see a rainbow egg; a glitter rainbow egg. Plus, there were also a lot that were hidden behind other eggs. As my gaze travels across the room, I am stopped by a multi-colored dragon the size of a small house lying in the center of the room. I then realize this dragon was the reason the room was lit; the dragon was glowing. 'Yes, I know. You can barely contain your excitement.' Suddenly, I realize this dragon's-female-voice was the one I heard in my head. "I am sorry to intrude," I start, slowly walking up to her while avoiding the eggs. "I saw the cave's entrance and was curious." 'You were also scared.' she says, still speaking into my mind. "Yes," I agree. "And the reason for that is-" 'I know the reason, child,' she interrupts. 'No one can see the cave. Except you. Why?' "I-I don't know." I stammer, gripping and twisting the strap of my bag. "Will you help me find out why?" 'I would like to know myself.' She sits up straighter. "What do I have to do?" I ask, letting go of my bag strap. 'Are you sure?' she asks. "Yes." I respond, standing up straighter, placing my hands down at my sides. 'I cannot guarantee that it will not be painful. Now, are you sure?' "Yes." I say, after a moment's hesitation. 'All right then. I will look deep into your mind and soul,' she said, looking directly into my eyes, 'but, to do that, I need you to close your eyes.' I comply. 'The next thing is that you will need to brace yourself and be prepared. Now, empty your mind. Think only of your breathing.' I follow what she says, only focusing on each breath. Within minutes, I feel calmer, more relaxed. 'You will feel a slight nudge into your mind, and, when you do, do not be afraid. Embrace it, accept it.' At first, I don't feel anything, but then I feel something pulling at my mind, my concsiousness; like someone very carefully pulling a blind person in the right direction. Every part of me wants to push away and resist. Instead, I remain calm and embrace the tugging, open up to it. When I do, I almost fall to my knees. I am hit with magic so powerful that it can wipe out entire armies in a single spell cast. Magic that can torture. I scream in pain. Then, I feel magic that is gentle enough to heal even a fatal wound, calming my mind and body. I feel magic that is powerful enough to rapidly heat up or cool down an entire room. Then, all at once, it all disappears and my mind is once again my own. When I open my eyes, I am lying on the floor of the cave in the fetal position, breathing heavy and soaking in my own sweat. 'Well, well, well,' she says, seemingly impressed. I start to sit up, slowly, to make sure I don't feel sick. "What was that?" I ask, still breathing hard. 'That dear child,' she says, sitting straighter, 'is natural magic. Everything you felt you will one day be able to do with enough training and practice. But only if you have the right guidance.' "Guidance?" I ask, standing up. "What do you mean? Are you telling me you are going to teach me how to do all of that?" 'Heavens, no.' she says, putting one foot over the other. 'I can't be next to you all the time. I will give you one of my children.' I raise an eyebrow. 'Walk around. Look at all of my eggs. One of them is bound to hatch. That one will be your lifelong companion.' I walk around, carefully looking at and holding each one. I do so for several minutes, but not a single dragon is born from- CRACK! I turn around. I don't see where the cracking egg is. CRACK! I try to follow the sound, but it is hard to pinpoint the exact location of the egg with the sound bouncing off the cave walls. 'Move two paces to your right.' I listen to her and follow her instructions. 'Now take four steps back.' I take four steps back and, out of the corner of my eye, I see an egg that is different shades of purple all blended together with cracks in it. 'This is the one.' I thought, kneeling down to get a better look. 'Bring the egg closer to me. I would like to get a better look. It is not everyday that I have the opportunity to see one one of my childeren hatch.' Very carefully, I lift the egg and walk over to the mother dragon, setting the egg down where she can see it. As soon as I have set the egg back down, it starts to crack once again. Sitting down, I watch as a small white dragon emerges from the egg. As soon as the dragon is free from it's shell, I know in an instant that it is a female. In that same instant, a name flashes in my mind: Ayethusa. 'Her name is now Ayethusa. She is your companion and will help you and your magic grow and become stronger. Treat her well, and she will return that in kind.' "Thank you, ma'am." I say, looking from my new companion to her mother. 'Just call me Mother.' she says, sincerity clear in her voice. 'And you are most welcome, child.' Suddenly, I realize I have a lot of explaining to do to my uncle. "Crap." My shoulders fall. "What am I going to tell my uncle? He doesn't believe this cave exists, let alone that a dragon and eggs reside here. Plus, he wasn't too happy about my using his money to buy my emerald necklace." 'You know,' she says, after a minute, 'I might know of a way that you can use that necklace so it is not just a piece of jewelry.' "What do you mean?" I ask, standing up. 'Let me get a closer look at it.' I take it off and hold it out to her. she closes her eyes and leans close to it, then breathes on it for a minute. 'There,' she says, after she gets done. 'Now, it will help you control your magic.' I give her a questioning look. 'Think of it as a centerpiece. Your magic is in you, not your necklace. The necklace is just there to help you control it, like a bridge over a raging river.' "Oh, okay." I clasp the necklace back on. "But, I still don't know how I am going to explain my new companion to my uncle." 'You leave that to me.' she says with confidence. 'Just make sure you bring him to my cave.' All of a sudden, I start to hear footsteps echoing down the cave towards the entrance. I turn, suddenly on alert. 'Don't worry.' she says, in reassurance. 'It is just your uncle.' "My uncle??" I turn back to Mother. "What do you MEAN my uncle?" "Woah." I turn to see my uncle walking in, eyes wide trying to see as much as possible. "Hey, uncle Matt." I say, hoping he is still not mad at me too much. He turns towards me. "Amberle," he says, still in a bit of a shock. "You were right. There is a cave." 'Welcome, Matt.' He turns, obviously starting to freak out. "Who said that?" "Uncle Matt," I say, pointing to the Mother dragon, "meet Mother. She is the Mother dragon." He turns towards her, eyes wide for a moment before regaining his composure. "Nice to meet you." he says, bowing. "Also," I add, lifting up Ayethusa, "I would like to introduce my companion, Ayethusa." "Wait, companion?" he asks, confused. "As in, from the legend?" "Yep." I answer. "this is the legendary hidden cave." "According to the legend," Matt starts, furrowing his eyebrows, "this cave was supposed to be hidden, and that no has been able to find it." 'That is correct.' Mother responds. 'No one has been able to find it; not until your neice, that is.' "My neice?" he asks, turning to me. "You mean, Amberle? But how?" He turns back to Mother. 'Your neice has natural-born magic.' Mother explains. 'That is how she was able to see past my glamor wall.' "I never knew you had magic, Amberle." he says, walking towards me. "Neither did I." I declare, letting Ayethusa rest on my shoulders. "Not until Mother showed me.' "So, wait a minute," he says, still a bit confused, "I have never been able to see the cave. How is it I can see it now?" 'Because I took down the glamor wall, thus allowing you to find the cave.' "Ah," he responds, understanding. "That makes sense." CRACK! "What was that?" Matt asks, furrowing his eyebrows and looking around the room. 'It would seem that your companion is ready to meet you.' Mother says, sitting up and looking around the room. "My companion?" he repeats. "But, where?" "Follow the sound of the cracking," I instruct, "and find the source." He starts walking around, looking at all of the eggs. After hearing the cracking echoing off the walls for a couple of minutes, I see my uncle bending down to pick up an egg. He stands up and brings the egg over to Mother and me. "I think I found it." He sets the light pastel green colored egg down on the floor just in time to see it crack once more before a bright metallic silver dragon emerges. "Bartholomew." Matt almost whispers, before blinking. "Where did that come from?" "Was that the name that popped in your head, uncle Matt?" I ask, walking towards him. "Yeah," he answers, "and, somehow, I knew that he was a male." 'That is the bond between a dragon and their lifelong companion. Matt, this silver dragon is now yours. He will help you grow. Treat him well, and he will treat you the same.' "You can bet," he says, picking up his new companion, "that I will take good care of him." Mother just nods. "Thank you, Mother." I say, turning to her. 'You are welcome.' My uncle and I turn and leave the cave, bringing our new companions with us. "Let's go home, shall we?" my uncle asks, enjoying having a new companion. "Yes, let's." I grin. Time to go home.
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maineblogpost · 6 years
A little glimpse of me :)
Since it’s pouring rain 🌧💦 outside while it makes me calm 💆🏻‍♀️ and I have in my good mood, I’d love to write ✍️ again. My mom does actually influenced me in writing.
When I was a kid 👧🏻 I usually saw my moms writing on her cards, private journal or diary 📝 (although I know that I’m not allowed to read 🔎 them and I didn’t even bother to tell her about it up until now that I got to read it 😬) I was just decluttering some old stuff from the cabinet and then I accidentally saw her papers 🗞then snap - I read all of them! Hahaha ohh and also a magazine ✍️ during her college days.
My mom took up political science at CPU then proceeded to take up LAW (wow! I was about to have a lawyer mom) but then she decided to stop when she’s on the second year because of financial status. She again took up master of public administration at University of San Agustin. She is also a good singer/performer, does play guitar, writer during her college days (her favourite author was named after me, my Lola from my Mom side was debating if my name would be charmaine, Janine —because I was born January 9 or Cleopatra — good thing this was not my name 😅) and she even play table tennis/pingpong 🏓 that she was able to won from PALARO 🏆🥇 and compete to other places. See how cool she is!? I’m so jealous of her talent that I wasn’t able to grasp all of them!
Also she is really a vast reader so she familiarised tons of vocabulary. Woah. Okay enough of this bragging stuff. Maybe she has some suitors back in her old days. I know some does admires her charm and witty :) I wouldn’t even exist in this world if she haven’t met my father though 😬
On the other hand my dad🧔🏻 is kinda rebellious during his college days (this was told by my Aunts ) My Lolo sent him to Manila and my dad tried to enter UP Manila and he was able to passed the entrance exam but unfortunately my dad was sent back home to iloilo because one of his professor called Lolo Jose that my father wasn’t attending classes and goes to drink liquor with friends and was fond of gambling 🤭 Lolo sent him instead to University of San Agustin Iloilo where he finished commerce and he was one of the coaches of a basketball team (he’s literally fond of watching basketball back then when I was a kid 👧🏻👀 when I wanted to watch cartoons he does allow me instead, I remembered watching Betty Boop, Popeye, & The Flintstones from Cartoon Network) that’s how he loved me so much over a basketball! 🏀 Hehe.
I also remember he does have a German shepherd dog 🐕 every time he sleeps he’s beside him. We are four siblings and I’m the only girl. I’ve lost one brother due to an unfortunate event. My dad was very devastated that time. But life goes on to us. We had our ups and downs, even though I was a little I look up to them because they were my role model, parents are the one who would guide their children.
There was a point in life that we are at the peak of financial burden (I was very little back then) and my dad sells some of his property. I also remember he would always bring me wherever he goes it’s either by the farm or with his “kompares” and I would meet some of his kompares children being my playmates.
My father really took care of me. He was the one who would always do in wearing my socks and shoes when I was a kid ( Also i remember he always put baby oil into my hair 🤣 and he was the one combing it) He’d make sure I’m not in an empty stomach when I get off to school (he loves to cook spanish dish —he learned those original recipes from my Lola in his side. She has a Spanish descent).
I also saw how my father was very giving to those who are in need. He helped tons of people though. (Oh by the way My dad is already deceased so im just remembering the old days)
At some point in my life ive realized that people would come and go even if its within your family. They are there for a reason— to teach, to help you or guide you or mold you. Some would be there either by season or by lifetime.
Sometimes, we tend to forget on what we have right now or at the present moment and start complaining on what we dont have. Ive also come to realized that not all of US are born lucky. Im just so fortunate that I have a family, a shelter and a food to eat.
Its heartbreaking to see those WHO are abandoned children and if people who would notice it and has a good heart that would be able to help or brought to orphanage.
In this world where we live in is a bit of a Complex. There are lot of issues that our society is facing today. From human trafficking— where women and childeren where forced to labor (I remember the movie TAKEN here where Liam Neesons daughter was kidnapped and was brought to labor - to be a prostitute and in return those BAD guys would earn big money), bombings eveywhere— most innocent people are taken especially children( either here in Asia specifically Philippines, Middle East ( talking about Syria — those beheading/slaughtery/killings) and also European countries( bombings at places/events especially with over crowded people( can’t imagine those heinous crime), Climate Change ( Leonario Di Carpio was an advocate of this talking about being a philanthropist (: — north pole is melting down and polar bears are at risk. And theres so much more.
Im much more aware of what is happening to my surrounding rather than ignoring it and just being naive.
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lmm17ca · 8 years
Lasse Milling Madsen Letter of Intention for The Animation Workshop 2017
Hello my name is Lasse, I'm currently 23 years old, and I would like to apply for TAW's Character Animation course.
Creating characters and imaginative worlds is something I find very fulfilling and fun. Its very enjoyable to me to play around with shape language, and the unique expressions that you can get from animation, that you cant get from traditional film media. For these reasons I’m very interested in working with animation, and would like want to apply for TAW to expand my skills and eventually open up opportunities to work professionally with animation within the industry or independently. I have applied to the course 3 times before, but I'm not deterred from applying again.
Ive always enjoyed animated media, and never really ”grew out of it”. Drawing has always been something I greatly enjoyed doing. When I had trouble concentrating in school, I would always be doodling in my school papers instead. When asked what line of education I wanted to pursue, I wasn't sure, but I mentioned I liked drawing and was sendt to try out the animation course at Odense Fagskole. Here I tried out animation for the first time, and within a week of being in a creative environment and working seriously with art, I was hooked.
Later I attended the same course along with a 10th grade course at Odense Fagskole, and learned all the basics of animation, this year was very important to my development as an artist and person, and I look fondly back at it. Working with animation on a daily basis, was a really positive experience, it makes me want to seek out similar environments and possibilities of working creatively on a daily basis, other than as a hobby. I later took a 3 year HF course with special classes in Art, Design and Media, here I learned a lot about different creative media, and gathered a wide range of skills. I've also taken courses in film, and media design.
Last year I attended Mercantecs Digital media course, which included a 4 week drawing course in collaboration with The Drawing academy, and 2 weeks of computer graphics in collaboration with The Animation Workshop. These courses really expanded my drawing skills, and made me consider new ways and methods of working creatively.
I have taught animation at Odense Fagskoles børneskole for 3 years, where I taught children and young adult from the age 8 to 16 in the basics of animation. I was in charge of a new class every semester and taught 2 hours a week, and had to plan the lessons myself and help the students understand and finish the assignments, at the end of each semester the school would hold an open house, where my class presented their work, this included a show-reel of the students animations which I organised. Last year I substituted the daily animation class at Odense Fagskole everyday for a month, I taught aspiring animation students from the age 16 and up in basic animation and animation techniques. I had to collaborate with the regular teacher, as he had lessons planned, which I had to organise and execute, I also had to plan relevant lessons, to fit with their other classes.
For 5 years I attended amateur theater. Here we had to work as a team to set up a play once a year, we worked on acting techniques and improv workshops when not rehearsing a play. Before theater I was very introverted, but felt I have really grown through theater. Many of the skills learned here, I feel translate very well into animation. I have used the skills and lessons learned here to organise theater lessons and improv workshops myself. Id like to continue to work within theater, and I want to continue to run improv workshops, since I find acting and expression  in that way very fulfilling and a constant growing experience, and I want to keep sharing these experiences with others.
In the future I see myself continuing to work creatively, preferably with animation.  Creating, unique personal animated short stories, games or maybe even feature length movies is something I strive to do. I see myself working at a smaller studio, perhaps start one myself. I want to continue to bring imaginative worlds to life through animation, and develop new expressive media. I could see myself working at Cartoon Saloon, their incredible works have inspired and shaped my art, especially their amazing work with shapes and stylized line-work really speak to me. Working on animated features which such interesting art-styles, and explore the limits of abstract and creative art-styles in animated media would be something I would enjoy. I also want to continue to work with theater as a hobby, and use it to guide my creative work. I could also see myself continuing my teaching profession, perhaps also within animation. If I am not applied to the animation workshop, I have aspirations to apply for the teacher bachelor, I enjoy working in a class environment, and inspiring students and seeing them develop new skills.
Hopefully animated movies continue to thrive in the public media and art scene. A hand drawn 2D animation renaissance would be amazing. Although 3D CGI movies are great, I would love to see major animated movies have a wider range of styles and mediums and it would be really interesting to see major studios like Disney deviate from their style and experiment more. Disney movies are good, but very ”safe”. Other studios like Pixar are suffering from the same mentality by not deviating from their established style. I’d like to see more animated media targeting adults specifically, having interesting and deep stories and well developed characters, and not just crude jokes.
I have a wide range of software knowledge after my history of different digital courses.
Photoshop & Ilustrator- well acquainted
Flash - Well acquainted
Premiere & Aftereffects - Intermediate
Paint tool Sai - Expert
Maya – Basic knowladge
Aseprite - Well acquainted
What I enjoy most is watching animated media and playing video games. Some of my favorite work is Studio Ghibli’s Princess Mononoke and Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda series. I like them for many of the same reasons. I would say that Princess Mononoke is the closest we get to an animated Zelda movie and the newest installment of The Legend of Zelda resembles a Ghibli movie in video game form. To me, there’s just something about the magical world painted in both, which takes place in our real world. Exploring the beauty of nature, in a world that invites for adventure, exploration and magical discoveries. The magical creatures seen in Princess Mononoke are somewhat relatable to real life creatures, but just has that extra push of surreal features, it almost feels like I could encounter similar creature, if I wandered too deeply off path in a forest. I am also a sucker for classical heroes Journey stories, and I feel Princess Mononoke and Zelda executes them very well.
I've grown up with the Legend of Zelda, and I feel a close bond to the series, and the way that it manages to explore different art-styles while maintaining the same sense of adventure and wonder, impresses me. I can only aspire to creative as iconic designs and concepts as appear in the Legend of Zelda.
Another favorite work of mine is Tove Janssons Moomin Troll. I grew up with the Moomin anime from the 90s, but have since fallen in love with Tove’s original comic strip and books! The Moomin universe delivers something I don’t find in similar childerens media. Perhaps because there’s something about the Moomin characters that I can deeply relate to, but also because of Tove’s ability to put deep emotions and themes in her work, like melanchony and poetry, despite its target audience being all ages. When people ask me what fictional world I would like to live in, I always answer Moomin Valley. During the colder seasons, I get the urge to rewatch and reread Moomin, like it’s part of my winter hibernation.
Tove Jansson is definitely one of my biggest inspirations, her unique ink work has inspired me so much and made me challenge myself to replicate her unique almost crude style. Another one of my favorites is the musician Tom Waits, his crooked music style with glorification of imperfection inspires me a lot. His musical The Black Rider is one of my favorite creative works and I dream of animating it someday! Tom Waits has also inspired one of my favorite band Kaizers Orchestra, who in turn have also inspired me. They have a special way of telling stories through their songs and by banging all sorts of items together they make metallic sounds. They have an unique stage presence which feels like a form of theater at times. Tyson Hesse is one of my favorite comic artists, ive been following his work since his early beginnings and his comics still capture me with his fun style. Shmorky is also an artist I look up to a lot, they mostly do cutesy drawings of small blobish characters, but their unique mix of cuteness and edge, really speaks to me. Some of my other favorite artists include Scottie Young, Emmy Cicierega, Niel Cicirega ,Ken Sugimori, Justin Chan, Rebecca Sugar, Temmie Chang, Jamie Hewlett and many more.
There's a few works that I just cannot relate to. Worst of all is Sausage party, Seth Rogan's adult animated movie. Its a shame that a lot of animated work targeted to adults, ends up being nothing more than a children movie with dick and fart humor, no real substance to them. I'm all for some dirty humor once in a while, but sausage party just is non stop stupid food puns and sexual innuendos, its story makes no sense, and none of the characters are likable. For some of the same reasons I hate sausage party I also dislike Family guy, and similar shows. Family guy to me is the worst kind of humor, its often offensive, and very sexist or problematic in other ways. Its animation is boring and stiff, and is streamlined down to a point where its so drained of creativity that its barely even ”animated��� at all. I also dislike animated movies targeted for children, that just feel like a marketing ploy, and the movies usually don't have much more substance than some funny random jokes. The worst offender being Minions, and the despicable me movies. I don't think minions are interesting characters, and their gibberish language, makes them very unrelatable.
Traveling isn’t something I have done often, since I come from a fairly poor family, vacations abroad wasn’t a thing I had the luxury to grow up with. I have been to Lyon, France and Berlin, Germany during schooltrips. My trip to France was my first real experience outside of Denmark. In Berlin I had some interesting experiences with underground art, took a street-art tour throught the city and went to see the museum of bizarre objects! Such fun and inspriring experiences! During the holiday season, I visited my wonderfull girlfriend in The Netherlands for the first time. It was my first time travelling alone so it was all very exciting. I stayed for a month and saw a lot of the country. It’s fun to see a culture that’s so close to my own, yet so much more urban and international! I’m going back to The Netherlands in April and I plan to visit more often. Now that I know what it’s like, travelling is really fun and I would love to visit Japan and Australia someday.
I plan on financing the education with the danish SU system, and taking an SU loan.
I look very much forward to hearing back from you, Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Best regards
Lasse Milling Madsen
Grønnegade 11. 1st th 8800 viborg
+45 28 21 17 56
(coke as in cola but with a zero instead of an o)
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