#bring back lost lover Smith
petrova121 · 1 month
Leave your worries at the door….please and thank you!
“Be careful”
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-Part 1 -Part 2
TW-violence, threats, smut, fights, blood,etc
Song-Back to black by Amy Winehouse
Enemies to lovers
- Klaus needs help getting a witch on his side for the purpose of wolfsbane, which was running low. The best idea coming into mind bringing along Elijah as ... .a form of reinforcement.but things do always take there turns
-Hey guys just a btw I’m still new to all this stuff so bear with me!
At least to say she did not sleep well that night, the rain was pounding. Her dressing room walls for a matter of fact weren’t helping. The cheap wooden material the walls were made out of was sure to break sooner or later, she was sure of it. “God damn Mikaelsons” she muttered tired and her eyes fell into a dump slumber.
In the little makeshift club, Klaus played poker with the owner, his old friend Smith. Smith had known Klaus back in the late 30s, after Klaus had turned him, taking pity on the old man in the state he was in. “So back to cause trouble eh?”Smith said putting down his cards to show a full house a full house. Klaus laughed a little, “No, no ... .well maybe but I’ll be forward with you, I am in dire need of more information about your little witch sensation Y/n” Klaus said still acting to consider putting his cards down. Smith smirked, he was sure he had won the game when he saw Klaus hesitate, he did win, Klaus had two cards and lost.
“Well, what about her? She's a show-stopping natural who gets my money flowing in” Smith said shrugging and glancing over to Elijah who was watching the storm outside from the small window but still intently listening.
“How did she end up working here? To what degree is her power as a witch? Most importantly how are we to trust she has a good flow ... .of wolfsbane” Elijah said his voice carrying out through the dimly lit room. Smith scoffed, in his mind, Y/n was nothing more than a girl who had a few connections and could do a couple of tricks with her magic but he did enough a lot about her past.
“Where to start, she left home when she high school finished early and didn't want a part of her father's life anymore even though she loved him, her father was a hunter. hunted vampires, werewolves, and even witches he deemed a threat. Her father had this moral code, or more like a stick up his ass” Smith said, grabbing a couple more hundred and throwing them on the table. “I think you two would get along Elijah,” Klaus said smirking, digging in his wallet for more to gamble on. He could always get more anyway. Elijah internally gave the biggest eye roll. “As for Y/n she had a knack for dancing and singing I let her join. Well for her dear father his moral code got him much respect, you would know a lot about that noble ass but...unlike you, he wasn't immortal. Unfortunately, he met his match. That was for sure the man well ... had a bloody end and I mean that in every way possible.” Smith said, shaking his head, his eyes full of pity. “That young woman, the witch you are currently preying on, was left with a very broken heart, her father was everything to her and he left her with everything. The house, the weapons he left behind, and loads of vervain and wolfsbane. But I suppose you could say she also has a sense of moral code drawn from fear. She stays away from all these things related to the supernatural world afraid she will meet the same end as her father. As for her power, she isn't the most skilled and does know a few things here and there to make sure she's safe ”Smith said and put down another full house beating Klaus again. A wide grin went across the old man's face, he loved winning. “There's more to the story but I wouldn't know she doesn't talk as much as I am making her to be,” Smith said, grabbing the cash he won, and stuffing it into a jar. Klaus didn’t care much about her backstory or the fact he lost about a thousand dollars to this stingy man. he needed to know her weak points and he could later on use her father against her Klaus hoped.
Elijah listened to the revelation, a flicker of pity went across his face for the woman, it outshined his annoyance a bit.Although Elijah knew that his brother would use this against her, he knew it was necessary. “How long since the man’s death?” Elijah asked, turning to look at both of them. Smith thought about it for a second tapping a finger to his chin. “6 years ago” Smith said, getting his cane. Fair enough time for her to process it, but yet again everyone was different Elijah thought. It wasn't enough to truly feel bad for her though, she was just another witch, right?
The next few days Y/n was on edge and didn’t know how she was going to get back home. Her fears were too strong to go alone. She couldn’t do it; she needed someone but everyone she called was picking up so she resorted to asking her boss, Smith. Back years ago he had helped intentionally to pack up some things and he wasn't the best person ever but she could deal with it she told herself. After the performance, she went to his back office. Which smells worse than the place itself. He was sitting counting the money he made from that night putting it in 15 different piles for the 15 different performers. “What” he said, his voice gruff.
“I’m assuming that hybrid tyrant came and spoke with you,” She said. She entered the room fully and closed the door. “He did, what about it?” Smith said, his eyes not once daring to get a glance up. “I need to ask a favor. I need someone to go up with me to my father's old estate, I can't go alone, I was praying that you could,” She said. There was a shear of uncertainty in her voice, she could almost feel the no coming out of his mouth.
“Not a chance,” He said, annoyed. “I don't have time and with you going on leave for a week I need to find someone to replace your ass, you think I'm just up and available just cause a vampire is threatening your life? Get.in.line his presence is threatening everyone” Smith said annoyed and maybe even pissed off. She frowned, she knew he was a rude old man, what more could she expect? “Then who the hell am I to ask?” she said
“Not my problem”
“It is your problem because he isn't just going to kill me he's going to kill you too if he realizes you didn’t help me” She spat back at him.
He finally looked up, he looked lifeless in his eyes. She could tell his jaw was clenching.
“Fine” he gritted out.“Talk to his brother, the noble guy”
An even bigger frown grew on her face. Elijah, she didn’t like him and she sure as hell if she had any other choice was going to spend a total of 7 hours back and forth from her dad's house. Maybe she hated his power, maybe his stupidly attractive face but it didn't matter.
She let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding after a long moment of silence
“Where can I find him?” she asked.
“You familiar with the French Quarter?” he asked, leaning back in his seat. “Great,” she thought to herself. This family was more of a pain in her ass than she could think, from where the club was it was a good 20-minute drive. “Yes,” she said annoyed
“There's a bar right across from it, you’ll catch him there around 7..and if you're lucky, maybe even 6:30!” he said with fake enthusiasm, and then within seconds a huge frown
“Get out!”
She left and slammed his door shut with anger. The next following days she was now packing her bags and getting ready to confront the man who had his head way too far up his ass. “Where are you heading off to?” Rory said. She was leaning on Y/n’s door frame as she caught her packing up.
“What's it to you?” she said
“Well, you seemed mad when you left Smith's office the other day can’t help but think, are you finally fired?” Rory asked, a big smirk plastered on her face. Y/n was annoyed, of course, Rory wanted her fired, and then her competition would be gone. “Never knew you were this greedy Rory, and here I thought you just suck off the audience for more cash and I mean that in every SENSE,” Y/n said getting her last bag and turning around with a neutral face
“Whatever you say, your time is running up and I'm not the only one who knows that,” Rory said, her smirk not flattering. It was clear that Rory knew something that she didn’t. Was Y/n going to get fired? Did she hear the Mikaelsons talking to her? All questions that Y/n quickly kicked out of her head. She had one goal right now, it was not to entertain Rory and her endless shenanigans.
After basically speeding her way through the streets she made it back to the heart of New Orleans. She quickly parked and got out rushing to make sure she wouldn’t miss the original. Like Smith said he was in a corner drinking some fancy drink. Elijah had seen her before she even walked in. He was curious to see what she wanted. “Well Mr.Mikaelson unfortunately we have to meet again,” She said sitting across from him. “What do I owe for pleasure?” He said putting the drink down, licking his lips slightly from the remains of the liquor. “Your brother is desperate for Wolfsbane right or did I miss it when my life was threatened?” she said, clamping her hands together. She was giving him a pointed look which amused him further.
“Well yes, he is, now why are you here? I am going to make this clear. I am not one for negotiations, miss Y/l/n” Elijah said, his voice firm. Elijah stared right at her. He didn’t like how unreliable she was being at the moment, and it was causing him to think twice about why he even gave her his word. He also couldn't ignore the fact he would talk about bargaining with her for how undeniably gorgeous she looked at the moment. “I’m here to ask if you will come with me to my house,” She said getting to the point. She was already pretty nervous about it but put on a brave face. Elijah smirked, finding his entryway into a little teasing and fun.
“So straight forward” Elijah teased. Y/n realized what he was insinuating and got annoyed, like very annoyed. It was shown all over her face. Of course this man of cocky enough to assume that.
“No, I don't want you 6 feet near me or my bed if I had a choice by “my house ". I mean my dad's old home, that's where the wolfsbane is and I can't go alone. Let's just say my dad had a lot of enemies that didn’t like him and naturally they don't like me.” She explained to him lying through her teeth. Her dad probably killed every single enemy he had before he met his fate.
“Bold of you to assume what's what I meant,” Elijah said, the smirk growing wider.
“But I do have to ask why me? Don’t you have someone else?” Elijah asked, and this time he was sincere about it. He knew she was lying but decided not to tell her yet. He wanted to see how this would play out but from her point of view, it still looked like by his face he was playing with her. She couldn’t decide between smacking him or kissing him, out of anger.
“Because I have no one else I can trust at this moment and let's just say the person I did go to gave me what he says is a wake-up call,” She said and sighed “Will you do it or not?” She asked. Elijah looked at her, in his mind he was thinking of all the ways this little witch could surely stab him in the back, and take advantage of the situation but on the other hand, he could do the same to her. “How far is the drive?” he asked, tapping his finger on the glass.
“7 hours back and forth,” she said. Not too bad” Elijah thought, though the car ride could go two ways. She could be a pain in the ass or just quiet. He was hoping for quiet. “Well, I suppose I can dwell on it, how about this if I decide to go with you I'll be here tomorrow at 6 in the morning waiting outside this very bar. ” He said, leaning in his chair. "What do you mean to dwell on it?" she asked. "I mean think about it, it might not have occurred to you but I have responsibilities waiting for me, and the person that needs my most protection at the moment," Elijah said, he hadn't forgotten about Hayley for a moment. "Ohh, I get it you're looking after that girl who's carrying the miracle baby," Y/n said it all coming together. "Why? she's not your responsibility."She said, now crossing her arms. Elijah's eyes narrowed slightly. "She is, I made it my duty," Elijah said, getting another sip of the drink. "Why are-" she cut herself off. She didn't want to know why, she didn't need to know either. "Fine, think about it if you will," she said, slightly mocking his accent and getting up. He then did the same and straightened his cuffs to the suit. She got up to leave and he grabbed her wrist right before. “Do let me make one thing clear with you, I am being very cooperative at the moment. I wouldn’t see this type of mercy from my brother. I do encourage you not to try playing any games with me when it comes to well-being if I do go on this little trip of yours because it won’t be good for you” Elijah warned stepping closer to her. Her heart was starting to pound. “I can’t even put a scratch on you. How stupid do you think I am?” she asked in a hushed tone. She could see a few eyes from the bar staring at them. “You’d be amazed at how many idiots walk this earth,” Elijah said smugly. He let go of her, letting her get her bag.
“6 AM, I won't be late. I hope you do show up,” she gritted through her teeth. turning around and walking away out of the bar. Elijah got up and followed her. It felt like freedom when she took in the fresh cold air outside. Until she realized he was behind her. “And I am most certain we will meet again” Elijah said behind her and when she turned to look he was gone. She cursed under her breath and walked off.
“Be careful” she could hear whispering as she was walking but no one was there. She knew it wasn’t Elijah, it was those goddamn ancestors
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Celebrating Arno's Birthday
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Her sneaking out of bed to fix him some breakfast and bringing it to him in bed. He woke up and worried about where she was, instantly reaching over to her place in the bed to hold her but finding an empty and vaguely warm spot. His panic was eased when she came through the doors and smiled at him, instantly making him happy.
His love learning how to sing 'Happy Birthday' in French to him to help wake him up the morning of his birthday. It brings a ridiculously adorable sleepy and happy smile from the French assassin, and he hugs her tightly pulling her down to his chest in affectionate thanks.
Baking this man a cake! I think he would like chocolate (or honestly, he would be so flattered if his love baked him an entire cake that he wouldn't care what flavor it was he would love it!)
Idk why but I'm into knitting so I'm going with it...knitting Arno some socks haha. He deserves them! But with how France tends to have rainfall on the high side throughout the year, personally I worry about him getting his boots wet, and having cold, wet feet which will lead to him getting sick. Soooo NOT happening! He needs lots of socks so when he comes home, those socks get changed and he gets warm!
Repairing his weapons if they need it. Sharpening his cutlass sword (not like that ya dirty minded nasties), cleaning his pistol (oh my gosh...I'm setting myself up with these lol) and sewing any buttons that have been lost back onto his coat/replacing them. Stocking the Phantom Blade with poison darts so he's ready to kick bahookie when fighting time comes.
Write him a love letter and he's the kind of man who will carry it in his coat pocket right over his heart. Just tell him how much you love and appreciate him, how you'll always be there for him, and how though you worry about him as an assassin you trust that he'll always come back to her.
Choosing a flattering colors of fabric to turn into numerous new cravats for him (he looks VERY dashing in red and blue we already know). Perhaps a green one to compliment his Pantene commercial hair 😂 and chocolate brown eyes. A cream one that goes well with his dark blue coat.
I love the idea of a personalized cravat pin for him. Perhaps something with his initials carved into it, or a loving saying from her in French 🥺🥹🥺, with a stone that compliments his eyes (like amber, emerald or ruby).
Giving him a portrait of lover's eyes (legit what they sound like - back then they carried small portraits of their lover's eyes with them). Including the little beauty mark under her right eye just on her cheekbone, which he loves to kiss and stroke with his thumb.
Giving him a massage either on his shoulders and back or his head. Or both. He loves it when she plays with his hair, whether it's carding her fingers through his hair or braiding it lol. He loves the time she spends touching him and how much her touch relaxes him as he just lays there like a lazy cat on her lap, soaking her attention up.
Believe that he would enjoy lying in bed with her as they drink hot chocolate just having a lazy day together. He also particularly enjoys her presence next to him in just a chemise...extra points if she has her stockings on because she's cold. They'll talk about anything and everything or just lay together in comfortable silence, holding hands as he holds her legs in his lap rubbing her shins and calves.
Highly believe that he would enjoy her reading to him. Perhaps Dream of the Red Chamber by Cao Xuequin (pub. 1761) aka the Chinese version of Romeo and Juliet. Camilla by France Burney (pub. 1796) or Celestina by Charlotte Smith (pub. 1791).
This lovely man does not require birthday sex. He's just happy to have her with him and in his life because he could be completely alone. He's more than content to hold you in his arms and spend the day with her talking, kissing, and enjoying her company.
If she does however decide to give him a little something 'extra' expect a lot of blushing and giggling coming from the bedroom until the wee hours of the morning 😉😏😳.
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
Jane smith with a hansen reader Both rivals to lovers y/n has a harley quin like playfulness with a vicious side like her brother lloyd and shes with jane pleaseee
hey baby! honestly, I loved writing this hehe.
summary - you and jane smith are rivals when it comes to your job, but that doesn't stop you from flirting with her.
warning - death, killing.
the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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“BOOM! BAM!” You giggle as you blow up another building before running toward it, wanting to ensure all your targets are dead. You skip around, giggling as you check the burnt-dead bodies, poking them with your gun or toe. “Hmm, boringggg.” You look around, squinting as you catch a glint of something in the distance. You wave, smiling brightly. “Hiya, Jane!” You can just picture her grumpy look, knowing she’d be annoyed with you beating her to the targets. You skip around for a while, pocketing some jewels you find before exiting the building. 
You smile as your met with your brother Lloyd, standing outside of his car with his arms crossed. You spread your arms. “Big brother! Whatcha doing here?!” You scowl as Jane steps out of nowhere and looks between the two. You scrunch your nose up, waving your finger between them. “You two aren’t? Ya knowing?” 
Jane huffs, crossing her arms while Lloyd just shakes his head, trying to hide the smile only you can bring out of him. He goes to open his mouth to speak when you are all cut off by a scream, your head turns, and a man is running toward you. The man looks ready to attack, and before anyone can react, you aim your gun and fire, shooting a hole in the middle of his forehead, pouting when he drops dead. “Damn, that was fast. Kinda boringggg.” 
“Y/n, stop using my line!” You stick your tongue out before skipping over to the car. You scan Jane, twirling your hair with your finger, giving her a seductive smile. Lloyd rolls his eyes and gets into the car, not bothering to wait for you. 
“So… You come here often?” She glares in return, not finding you amusing. Jane purses her plump lips, causing your eyes to fall on them. 
“You stole my kill.” 
“Pfft. I did not. I am just a better assassin than you.” Jane scoffs, about to get in your face, when Lloyd rolls the window down.
“Jesus Christ, can you two stop measuring your imaginary dicks and get in the damn car?!” You give a cheeky grin before poking your tongue out and hopping in beside your brother. Your eyes scan Jane’s body as she sits in the car, licking your lips as your eyes connect with hers, ignoring how Lloyd groans. “Why did I come to pick you up?” He facepalms.
“Cause you love me! And I would’ve blown up your house if you didn’t. But I don’t know why you picked Maleficent over here up.” Jane scowls at you before turning her head to look out the window. You continue to stare at her, wondering how someone so beautiful could exist and knowing you never stand a chance with someone like her. The ride back home is silent, and you begin to get lost in your thoughts. You hated this part. You are always playful, crazy or vicious on the outside, but inside, your mind gets to you. You get lost, and you begin to think and thinking, for you never went well. You’ll admit you have a tiny crush on the woman across from you, but she didn’t like you. You annoyed her. 
“We’re here.” Lloyd gets out of the car, not wanting to be trapped with you two any longer. The sexual tension made him feel sick, don’t get him wrong. Lloyd was a sexual guy, and usually, the thought of two women going at it would get him off. But his own sister? With her enemy? Definitely not.
You sit awkwardly in the car, not making any movement to leave. “So… How’s your husband? Jerry?” You stare at her with wide eyes, not caring if it made her uncomfortable but also applauding her for not making it obvious if she was. 
“John and I don’t know. We’re no longer together.” You nod, surprised. You smirk before giggling to yourself, shaking your head. “What? What is so funny?” 
“Well, that means you are available.” You smirk and wiggle your brows. Jane scoffs and rolls her eyes, and begins to exit the car. You pout, getting your answer. 
She pokes her head back in, looking at you. “Are you coming or what? If you want to date me, you must impress me with dinner first.” You giggle and excitedly exit the car, grasping her hand as you head toward the house. 
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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xdaddysprincessxx · 9 months
The Year Max Lord’s Wish Came True
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Moodboard by me!
Max Lord x teacher f reader
Merry late Christmas angel!! @iamasaddie I hope this is everything you wanted! I loved writing this! It’s my first time writing Max so a tad nervous but as a fellow Max Lord lover, I hope I captured him just right ❤️
The prompt: Max tried to get his life back together, working doubles at a law firm. He has no time for anything again, even his son, but the pretty young thing from Alistairs school makes sure he isn’t sad. One day Max forgets to pick Alistair up so reader takes him home herself and decides to make sure Max isn’t sad and tired too.
Warnings: Dom!Max, p in v (wrap that dick friends!), age gap (48,26), daddy kink, sprinkle of belly humping, food, spanking, nipple sucking, praise, sprinkle of degradation, little bit of miscommunication/assuming, ends on a sweet note, alistairs room is on the other side of the apartment he was asleep with a sound machine on and door closed he heard nothing. Not beta’d, very lightly edited; any mistakes are mine! If I missed anything lmk!❤️❤️
Words: 3714
Maxwell Lord, the king of infomercials! What a joke. He isn’t the king of anything. He’s a failure. His marriage failed, his oil business failed. He has even failed his son. That one is what hurts his heart the most. His son, Alistair, is his world. The human embodiment of his own heart outside of his body.
After the dream stone debacle, most of society had practically shunned him. He apologized and continues to pay the price for the wrongs he committed. But luckily for him he still had a few fans. One of those fans, Mr Jackson Smith, just so happened to own a law firm and extended a job opportunity to Max. He is forever grateful for Mr Smith hiring him and showing him basic human decency when a good majority of the world refuses to move on from his past actions. Now he lives in a small two bedroom apartment where he has Alistair full time. The young boy just started kindergarten this year, going full day so Max can work while he’s at school.
Christmas is right around the corner and Max has been swamped at work, having to bring home a lot of it to finish, losing sleep to stay up and work. He’s hoping to close a few cases soon and be able to take off a couple of weeks for the holidays and spend as much time as he can with his son. Being a single dad, Max drops Alistair off every morning and is in the pick up line at 2:45pm every afternoon. This past week though he’s been struggling to make it there on time. Alistair’s teacher is always standing outside to greet the kids every morning and is there every afternoon. No matter how late Max is running, she always gives him the biggest smile and stays after to wait with Alistair. It isn’t lost on him how kind you are to go above and beyond just to make sure Alistair isn’t alone. It also doesn’t hurt how beautiful you are. He noticed you at orientation, your bright eyes sparkling with joy. He could tell you truly loved what you did. Something about you warmed his heart and always seemed to make his blood rush straight to his cock too. He couldn’t help but imagine what you’d look like on your knees for him, big doe eyes looking up at him with tears streaming down as you struggle to take his whole length down your throat, writhing beneath him as he brought you to orgasm over and over on his cock. Your beautiful perk tits practically begging for his mouth to be on them, sucking on your hard nipples. A part of him, a very small part felt conflicted because you were so much younger than him. He was pushing 48 while you were mid 20s at best. 26 if he had to guess.
It’s finally Friday, next week is Christmas. Max is so close to finishing his last case before he can officially clock out for the holidays. He decided to work from home today so he wouldn’t be distracted by anyone. By lunch time, his eyes were hurting so he laid his head down just for a few minutes to help ease the burn and stave off any possibility of a headache coming on. It didn’t take long before he drifted off to a deep, dreamless sleep.
“Alright kiddos! It’s the end of the day! Bus riders, please start to clean up and grab your belongings and go sit on the carpet, car riders do the same but go stand in line at the door. It’s Friday! Let’s have a good weekend guys!” You announced to your kindergartners. Those little 5 and 6 year olds are your world. You love teaching and your kids make your whole life. They give you meaning and purpose. One student in particular seems to have gotten quite the attachment to you, and you him. Little Alistair Lord. Such a sweet little boy with the biggest heart. Of course you know who his dad is too, the infamous Maxwell Lord. Even after the whole dream stone mess, you still admire him for how hard he worked to build his empire. You also happen to have the worlds biggest crush on him. He has the air of confidence to him that turns you on. Of course he’s also very easy on the eyes too. You’ve spent plenty of nights with your hands between your thighs, rubbing yourself raw to the thought of him having his way with you. Thinking about how he’d feel inside of you, how good his tongue would feel as you rode his face and your hands gripping those overgrown blonde locks of his. You aren’t really sure why he dyes his hair blonde, his dark roots coming through tells you he hasn’t colored it in awhile. You kinda like seeing his natural hair color show more. But even with the blonde still growing out, he looks beautiful.
As the last of the students file out to get on their buses and all of the car riders have been picked up, you notice Alistair sitting on the bench outside by himself and no more cars in line.
“Hey buddy is your dad running late?” You ask the boy.
He looks up at you with worried eyes as he shrugs his shoulders.
“Let’s give him a few more minutes okay? I’ll stay out here with you.” You go to sit down next to Alistair and give him a comforting smile. He smiles back and you can already see some tension roll off his little body.
Poor kid’s probably very anxious and worried, his dad has never been this late. You hope Mr Lord is okay too.
1 hour later. . .
After waiting and still no Mr Lord, you collected your things and Alistair and made your way to his house. They don’t live that far from the school so it doesn’t take long before your pulling into the parking lot of the apartment complex.
“Alright honey we’re here. Which apartment number is yours?”
You give the young boy a smile, “Well Alistair lead the way.”
You walk slightly behind Alistair as he leads you up the walkway towards a set of stairs he begins to climb.
The both of you approach 84B and you knock loud on the door.
A loud knock on the door jolts him out of the deep sleep he has found himself in. His whole upper half snaps up quick as he looks at his watch and sees the time. Alistair! Panicking he jumps up from his desk and runs to the door and throws it open.
Just as your about to raise your closed fist to knock again the door swings open revealing a flustered Max Lord.
“H- Hi Mr Lord I’m Alistair’s teacher,” you say as you tell him your name, “ Um I’m so sorry I sat with him after school and after awhile when you didn’t come I brought him home. We were worried about you.” You explain to the disheveled man as he takes deep breaths trying to steady his racing heart.
“N-no no please I’m the one who’s sorry! I must’ve fallen asleep! I didn’t mean too! Please he’s my world this never happens-“
“Mr Lord it’s okay! I know, you’re a great dad. Things happen! Please it’s no big deal” you interrupt his apology to ensure him everything is fine. You give him your best smile to try and help put him at ease. His blonde locks a mess on top of his head makes you imagine what it’d look like to have your hands run through them as he eats you out.
He smiles back, feeling his cheeks redden slightly. He didn’t expect you to be at his door. It doesn’t help that just last night he had taken himself in his hand and jacked off to the thought of you.
“Why don’t you come in? Please. Let me cook dinner for all of us maybe play a board game? I wanna thank you properly for bringing my son home.”
Smiling shyly at your students father, the man you happen to be harboring a crush on, “Okay yea I’d love to stay for dinner and a game.”
It turns out Mr Lord is an excellent cook. You helped by preparing the veggies he added to make a delicious stir fry. After everyone had full tummies, the three of you sat around and played a game of Monopoly. To your surprise, it went by rather quick as it turns out Alistair is very very good at this game. Soon it was after 9 pm and Alistair was going to bed. You and Max found yourself just sitting in the living room alone. Both of you had been sneaking glances at the other all night. While cooking dinner, Max would come up behind you, his chest just a breath away from your back. You could almost feel his breath in your ear. Now you find yourself sitting next to him on the couch.
“Thank you again for inviting me to stay Mr Lord.”
“Please call me Max. I like to think we’re past the formalities by now.” He says with a chuckle.
You can’t help but giggle at that.
You smile at him before casting your eyes down to the floor, a chunk of your hair falling in your face as you look down.
“Hey,” Max says getting your attention as he pushes your hair behind your ear. His thumb sliding along your cheek, slightly lifting your face up so your eyes meet his.
He leans in closer as his thumb swipes your bottom lip,
“Who takes care of you? Such a sweet young thing like yourself.”
“I- I do. I take care of myself.” You stutter as you glance down at his lips and back up to his eyes.
Max sucked disapproval through his teeth, “Oh my sweet girl you should be worshipped. Men should be falling on their knees at the foot of your alter only to try and be worthy of you.”
Max searches your face for any sign you wouldn’t want this but he can’t find one. All he sees is your beautiful big eyes staring at him with want.
“Let me be rough with you. Let me break you apart sweetly so I can put you back together. Will you let me?” He whispers into your lips. All you can do is nod, seemingly entranced by his lips.
Max closes the small gap between you two and presses his lush lips against yours. It’s been so long since you’ve been kissed at all. Max puts so much passion behind his kiss, as he starts to pull back, you chase his mouth licking his bottom lip hoping for entrance into his mouth.
He grants you permission inside and you eagerly push your tongue in, gently exploring his before taking his bottom lip between your teeth and softly biting down on the plush lip before sucking it.
Your action caused him to moan. That little move set him off and he pulls you onto his lap, your back to his chest. His huge veiny hands caress down your torso, gripping both thighs before spreading them wide open. You had worn your favorite blue dress, made of soft cotton. Max’s lips find your neck and begin to softly suck that sensitive spot right below your ear. His hands move back up your body, grabbing your breasts and giving them both a squeeze, Pushing them together, holding them fully in his hands.
A wanton moan falling from your lips. Max pulls the top of your dress down, causing you to spill out.
“Be quiet hermosa, do I need to gag your pretty little mouth? Hmm?”
You bite your lip and shake your head no despite how much the thought of being gagged made you gush.
Your panties are ruined. The air hitting your slick cunt sending shivers up your spine.
Max notices you shiver, giving your boobs one last squeeze before running his hands down your ribs to your stomach back down to your thighs.
“Oh you poor thing, already making a mess aren’t we?” He says as he begins to rub his hands up and down your thighs. His right arm wrapping around your torso, holding onto your left boob as his left hand cups your pussy through your panties.
You can feel Max smile into your neck as he rubs his nose up and down, right behind your ear,
“Hermosa,” he tsked, “what am I going to do with you? I welcome you into my home, shared a meal with you. And you got my lap all wet. I can’t just let this go. You need to be punished.”
You twist your head to look at him, mouth agape. You can barely think, your pussy throbbing.
“S-spank me p please D-“ You quickly shut your mouth, unsure if Max wants to be called daddy in a sexual way.
“Say it. Say my name little girl.”
“Mmm that’s it baby. So good. Your being so good for me.”
Max licks into your mouth, wrapping his lips around your tongue, sucking on it as he begins to rub up and down your soaking cunt.
You let another moan slip, this one quieter more breathy.
Max breaks the kiss and removes his hand, “Didn’t I just say ‘be quiet’? You’re a teacher, no? I thought you’d be smarter than this. Able to follow directions.” He makes a clicking sound with his teeth as he yanks you down over his knee. Your dress pushed up around your hips as he pulls your panties down pooling just below your buttcheeks. One arm over your back as he holds you on his knee, his free hand rubbing the globes of your ass
Whack! Whack! Whack!
Three swats to your ass before he rubs over the spot his hand just reddened.
“Can you be my good girl? Hmm? Have you found your manners yet hermosa?”
Your mouth is hanging open in a silent scream, dying to be vocal from the pleasure your receiving from him. You’ve never been one for vanilla sex and it’s been so long since you’ve had a real man properly fuck you rough and hard just how you like. The way he’s talking to you, the sweet praise with the sting of degradation, the way he physically manhandles you. You’ve gone cockdumb before you’ve even had his cock.
“Y-yes daddy! I’ll be quiet! I-I’m sorry daddy it feels so good.” You loudly whisper, doing your best to please him.
“Mm it feels good? What feels good? Use your words baby. What feels good?”
“T-th-t -“ you stutter
“I said Use. Your. Words.” He said as he spanked you after each word.
“I like when you spank me!” You manage to spit out as quietly as you can.
“There she is.” You can hear the smirk in his voice
“Come here baby” he says as he helps you up off his knee to stand in front of him. Max stays seated as he looks up at you. His hands running up and down your sides before he reaches up and pulls your cardigan off your shoulders and lets it fall to the ground. Then he pulls the straps of your dress down and slowly rolls it down your body along with your panties. Standing naked in front of Max while he was still fully dressed made you extremely aware of yourself and all you wanna do is hide yourself. Not knowing what to do with yourself you wrap your arms over your chest.
“Don’t hide from me hermosa, come here.” He says as he pulls your arms down exposing your breasts to him again before placing his hands on your hips and pulling you in between his knees.
His warm hands run up your sides, finding purchase under your boobs as he leans forwards wrapping his lips around your hard nipple. He lightly bites down before licking and sucking on it again. You cradle his head, carding your fingers through his hair, holding him close to you. Pleasure rolling through your whole body in waves as he suckles on your tit. Your pussy getting even wetter, unable to control yourself you push your body against his, grinding your pussy ever so slightly against his belly, desperate for relief.
Max makes a wet popping sound as he releases your nipple, “Mm does that feel good honey? So good you have to hump my belly like a bitch in heat?” He says in a condescending way. He knows it makes you feel good, his own cock painfully hard needing to feel you before he cums in his pants. You look down at his shirt and see you left a wet spot on his shirt from where you were humping him. His eyes follow yours, seeing the mess you made.
“Oh mierda hermosa, me hiciste un desastre,”
(Oh shit beautiful, you made a mess all over me)
“Come here I need to be inside you baby”
Max pulls you down and lays you on the couch as he gets up and pulls his pants down and pulls his shirt off. His thick cock bobs, the tip an angry red. Your mouth salivating, wanting to take him in your mouth. He crawls on top of you, you pull his face towards yours as you kiss him. Max takes himself in hand and begins to rub his cock through your folds, gathering your slick on his dick before slowly pushing into you. You moan into his mouth, already feeling the stretch of his cock. Max slowly, achingly slowly pushes all the way in to the hilt. Letting out a deep grunt as he bottoms out inside of you. Letting his dick throb inside of you as he grinds deep, causing your mouth to drop open as you let out a soft ‘Oh’.
The weight of him on top of you, the fullness of having him inside you, all you can do is take what he gives you.
Max covers your mouth with his hand as he brings his face close to yours, “gotta be quiet baby, just take it. You can take it honey,” he says as he begins to ram his cock in and out of you. Your whole body lit up, a fire set ablaze under your skin. You can feel your whole body heat up as you hang onto to him, biting down on your lip.
“Just feel it baby, feel every fucking inch little girl,” he grunts as he doubles his efforts in pounding your pussy. His hand gripping your face harder, tears falling from your eyes from the sweet pain from his grip on your face and the divine ecstasy his cock gives you. Max reaches down with his free hand, his thumb finding your clit. He starts rubbing circles on your nub, heightening the already euphoric feeling he was giving you. It took no time before you could feel your inevitable orgasm approaching.
“Mmx m comin” your words muffled but max heard you loud and clear.
“Yea baby I know. I can feel you sweet girl, oh god does my thick cock feel good stuffed inside this sweet cunt? Huh? Who makes this sweet little cunt cum?”
Max moves his hand and drops his face into the nook of your neck. Your face next to his ear, “You daddy oh god you. You make me cum ooohh oh fuck daddy I - I. . . “ you say in a rushed whisper as your orgasm washes over you. Your pussy gushing, the pressure of your orgasm pushing Max out.
Max’s eyes roll back as he grunts in your ear, feeling your pussy try to push him out as it squeezes the fuck out of his cock. He continues pounding into you, his own orgasm so close.
Soon his thrusts start to stutter as he paints your walls with his thick load. You can feel his warm cum coat your insides. Max comes to a stop, resting his forehead on yours. The two of you breathing hard as you come down from your high.
Max looks down at where your bodies are connected, his softening cock slipping out. He sits back on his legs to watch his cum leak out of your abused pussy.
“So goddamn beautiful honey,” he says with a smirk before leaning down to kiss your sensitive clit. The kiss causes your whole body to shake, you try to close your legs but Max holds them open, “nuh uh hermosa, let me admire you. Such a sweet good girl for me.”
Max gets up and goes down the hallway. Unsure of what to do or where he went, you get up and start getting dressed. Feeling used a bit and confused as to why he just got up and walked away, you decide to just sneak out as you pull your dress up.
Max walks back into the living room to see you up and dressed, your back to him.
“H-hey let me at least clean you up hermosa.”
Max’s soft voice making you jump as you turn around to see him standing there in boxers holding a wet washcloth.
“Oh! Oh I um oh I am so sorry. I thought you went to bed or something. And wanted me to go.” You say shyly as you look down feeling embarrassed.
“Why would I leave you? Tonight has been one of the best nights I’ve had in years. I’ve really enjoyed your company. And the sex was well it was amazing,” he says with a shy chuckle.
You smile at him realizing the little miscommunication, “I’m sorry Max I’ve been used before. I shouldn’t have just assumed you’d do the same. Tonight has been lovely. Truly. I enjoyed spending time with you.”
You walk over to him, taking his free hand in yours as you reach up on your tip toes and kiss him on the cheek.
“Maybe we can do this again?”
“I’d love that hermosa.”
You and Max smile at each other, feeling a deep, warmth inside excited for the future.
A/n: I hope this was good and you enjoyed! It was fun to write! Love you angel!! @iamasaddie ❤️❤️
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Today - May 13th, 1977 - Queen Story!
Queen played Congresscentrum, Hamburg, Germany
'A Day At The Races' Tour
🔸Record Mirror, May 21, 1977
A NIGHT at the Congress Centrum Hamburg, where escalators take you to the concert hall and the bouncers wear suits and ties.
It's been three years since Queen played Hamburg, but it's a near sell-out in a hall which looks like a giant lecture theatre with rows and rows of cushioned, spotless white seats. The stage is tiny but somehow the roadies have managed to squeeze on the batteries of lights.
It's a late start. Backstage, a giant roadie paces up and One week down like an expectant father outside the dressing room. Classical music floats gently over the audience.
Then darkness, lights, action and The Queen Machine rolls into action. Lights explode through the gloom and Mercury stands like Rudolph Nureyev.
He's dressed in a white jumpsuit and May, in wandering minstrel gear, blasts out the opening chords to 'Tie Your Mother Down'. For a guy who shows comparatively little emotion when he plays, the effect is still stunning. The number finishes with a drum solo and tarticle
g bass rising to the top of the sound mix. The Congress Centrum has great acoustics. You could have been sitting in a recording studio.
Most of the audience are caught like a fish on the end of a hook. It's the old Queen policy of 'grab 'em by the scruff of the neck and don't let go for a second'. The lights dim again, there are same tailed some taped sounds and spotlights shine out from the stage. May's knife - like guitar announces 'Ogre Battle'.
Mercury makes an-other grand entrance in a chequered cut suit, pointing his mike stand at the audience like a gun. At the end he's lost in a mass of exploding smoke bombs. • The band's speeches are embarrassing. They always sound so self-conscious. "Thank you every-body and welcome to the party," says Freddie —like an embarrassed scoutmaster addressing his troop. It's 'White Queen' and the dynamic duo of Mercury and May are caught under criss-cross spotlights. Mercury tosses his head back as if he's in agony and sings the mystical lyrics before leaping around like a bizarre ballet dancer. Spotlights play on a crystal ball and May stands in the corner, framed in the half light like a Renaissance portrait. He takes to the catwalk at the front of the stage for a riveting solo. Considering the rapid-fire notes he's turning out, he always looks so relaxed. Mercury returns to the stage and the number taste-fully ends as he hits a high note and a solitary spotlight plays on his head and shoulders. "It's really nice to be here in Hamburg," he announces before 'Somebody To Love'. His playing misses the light opening touches of the record. The band try to make the tune more funky — maybe trying to keep the live excitement going, but it sounds cheap.
Half the German crowd are start their British Jubilee tour, ROBIN SMITH went to Germany and found that the Hamburgers were well pleased. Yes, they played a . . .
Good Old Fashioned . . singing along but the remainder keep their seats, showing no emotion. Eventually Taylor's drumming gets the crowd going. The reserve is breaking . . . May walks across to the microphone and clicks his fingers. Mercury's piano chords announce 'Killer Queen'. This time the playing is more laid back, capturing the true sensuous feel of perhaps the most subtle and skilful song Queen have ever produced. Mercury even managed to work in a line about Hamburg.
The numbers followed by the gloriously ragtime 'Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy' and Mercury's voice is showing no signs of strain. In times gone by, especially at one concert at the Rainbow, he seemed to have been lisping and struggling, but no complaints this time.
The party atmosphere is continued with 'Bring Back That Leroy Brown'. May strumming away on banjo.
It's back to Queen at their most sinister with 'Death On Two Legs', Freddie spitting out the lyrics backed by cold guitar, rumbling drums and bass.
He sounds like Christopher Lee.
"Queen would like to drink a special toast to all of you here," says F'reddie. He sips champagne delicately but - tut, tut - it's not a proper champagne glass - the real thing is tulip shaped. He passes the booze down to the audience.
Time for 'Brighton Rock' - frenzied riffs stab out and May indulges in some feedback before strutting around che stage. He indulges in a deluge of rising and falling notes and then the nagging riff start, again, bouncing off your eardrums.
Source article ➡️ queenconcerts.com
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dindjarindiaries · 1 month
Stories I've Written Based On Songs
Music goes hand-in-hand with my writing, as I'm always listening to it when I'm writing, and it has influenced and inspired my writing on many occasions. For anyone else who has a similar relationship between music and storytelling, here are all the stories I've written so far that have either been titled after or directly inspired by songs, along with the songs (and lyrics) that influenced them.
main masterlist • personal recommendations
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breakable heaven* completed • fem!reader Your last summer spent on your home planet brings you a whirlwind romance with a Mandalorian-to-be, making your future uncertain as you fight between feelings and your fate.
♫ Cruel Summer - Taylor Swift ♫
It's cool, that's what I tell 'em No rules in breakable heaven
the “heat” of the moment • reader The heat goes out on the Razor Crest and you’re the only one with an electric blanket to keep yourself warm.
♫ The Heat of the Moment - Asia ♫
It was the heat of the moment Telling me what my heart meant The heat of the moment showed in your eyes
everything i wanted • reader You’re trapped inside a Din x Omera love triangle, struggling to get to your lover who’s entranced with your new host.
♫ everything i wanted - Billie Eilish ♫
I had a dream I got everything I wanted
don’t blame me• reader In the weeks following your marriage, you and Din are desperate to make up for all the physical affection you’ve missed out on—leading you to do whatever you can wherever you can.
♫ Don't Blame Me - Taylor Swift ♫
Don't blame me, love made me crazy If it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right Lord, save me, my drug is my baby I'll be usin' for the rest of my life
said and done • reader With Din being injured from a past fight, you’re the one in charge of the hunts for now—and Din realizes he likes having you in control.
♫ God is a woman - Ariana Grande ♫
You, you love it how I move you You love it how I touch you My one, when all is said and done You'll believe God is a woman
next to you • reader It’s been long enough since Din’s promised return for you to assume that he didn’t make it, and now you yearn for the life that could’ve been.
♫ Lay Me Down - Sam Smith ♫
Yes, I do, I believe That one day I will be where I was Right there, right next to you
touch it softly • reader When you invite Din to play with your hair, you both get a little more than lost in the moment.
♫ my hair - Ariana Grande ♫
Said I'ma give you some instructions That you can't be scared to try I want you to touch it softly Like the way you do my mind
ni ceta par gar (i kneel for you)* • reader When Mando needs emotional release, you seek to fulfill your pining by offering something neither one of you can resist—something that could change everything.
♫ bad idea - Ariana Grande ♫
I got a bad idea (uh-huh) Yeah, I'ma call you over here to numb the pain (Ari-Chan) I got a bad idea (uh-huh) Forget about it, yeah, forget about him, yeah Forget about me
in my head • reader The thought of Din plagues your mind—and it won’t be long until it’s forced onto your lips.
♫ Streets - Doja Cat ♫
I can't sleep no more In my head, we belong And I can't be without you Why can't I find no one like you?
stay • omera Din wrestles with his feelings for Omera and tries to tell her how she feels—but has to let her in first.
♫ The Archer - Taylor Swift ♫
I've been the archer I've been the prey Who could ever leave me, darling? But who could stay?
favorite crime • reader When your ex-partner-in-crime and past lover enters your life again, you find yourself looking back on fond memories with a tremendous desire to chase them again.
♫ favorite crime - Olivia Rodrigo ♫
All the things I did Just so I could call you mine The things you did Well, I hope I was your favorite crime
bring me home • reader You reunite with your Mandalorian lover after a long separation and realize much has changed since you last him.
♫ Sweet Creature - Harry Styles ♫
Sweet creature, sweet creature Wherever I go, you bring me home
safety net • deaf!reader When you and Din are reunited after a hunt that goes longer than expected, your mutual feelings for each other finally bubble to the surface—regardless of the fears you’ve both buried deep within.
♫ safety net - Ariana Grande ♫
Tripping, falling with no safety net Boy, it must be something that you said Is it real this time or is it in my head? Got me tripping, falling with no safety net
selfish • reader Din, who’s helplessly in love with you, is forced to watch you and your partner until he’s forced to come to terms with his feelings.
♫ Woman - Harry Styles ♫
I'm selfish, I know But I don't ever want to see you with him I'm selfish, I know I told you, but I know you never listen
as it was • din djarin’s parents The living waters beneath Mandalore bring Din back to a place—and a people—he never thought he’d see again.
♫ As It Was - Harry Styles ♫
In this world, it's just us You know it's not the same as it was
people watching• grogu Observation was a skill Din Djarin had mastered for his own safety, but now it sets the scene for his very own destruction.
♫ People Watching - Conan Gray ♫
But I wanna feel all that love and emotion Be that attached to the person I'm holding Someday, I'll be falling without caution But for now, I'm only people watching
astronomy • reader Crossing paths with a seriously injured Din forces the two of you to come to terms with your relationship.
♫ Astronomy - Conan Gray ♫
As much as it seems like you own my heart It's astronomy, we're two worlds apart
fine line • reader Din tries his best to comfort you in the aftermath of your torturous capture.
♫ Fine Line - Harry Styles ♫
We'll be a fine line We'll be alright
takes one to know one • reader Bounty hunters aren’t supposed to fall in love and you were okay with that. So was the Mandalorian.
♫ cowboy like me - Taylor Swift ♫
Now you hang from my lips Like the Gardens of Babylon With your boots beneath my bed Forever is the sweetest con I've had some tricks up my sleeve Takes one to know one You're a cowboy like me
doomsday • reader You and Din are interrogated by Moff Gideon, who has quickly realized you’re the best weapon he has to use against the Mandalorian.
♫ doomsday - Lizzy McAlpine ♫
Doomsday is close at hand I'll book the marching band To play as you speak
right where you left me • reader Din reunites with you many years after your whirlwind romance for a mission you begrudgingly accept to help him with.
♫ right where you left me - Taylor Swift ♫
They expected me to find somewhere Some perspective, but I sat and stared Right where you left me
you hear me when i cry • reader You try to take a new lover after Din doesn’t make it on Nevarro—but he haunts your dreams every night.
♫ ghostin - Ariana Grande ♫
I know you hear me when I cry I try to hold it in at night While you're sleepin' next to me But it's your arms that I need this time (This time)
borrowed time • reader You can’t stop staring at Hunter during a mission, and little do you know just how distracting it is for both him and you.
♫ False God - Taylor Swift ♫
We might just get away with it The altar is my hips Even if it's a false god We'd still worship this love
rush • reader You and Hunter have to make a risky escape when the end of a mission goes sideways, though even an exit gone wrong has a bright side.
♫ Rush - Troye Sivan ♫
I feel the rush Addicted to your touch
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Never Too Late (Negan Smith)
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Negan Masterlist
Warning: Pregnancy, swearing, mention of self-harm, implied sexual content
Summary: Final part to Lover Please. Can what’s broken ever be mended? Let’s just say, it’s never too late...
Prev Cht
Dividers created by @firefly-graphics​  
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Ten weeks... you had been growing another life inside you for the past ten weeks. What should have been a happy occasion for you couldn’t have come at a worse time, and you had to receive the news after attempting to end your life.
Now that you were responsible for another life, you had to get your shit together. No more crying over a marriage that was dead, no more crying over a man that couldn’t be faithful. All that mattered was getting healthy both physically and mentally for the wellbeing of your baby.
You were released from hospital a few days after your incident and went back to staying at your sister’s. It was not long after, that being around family and friends started becoming unbearable; everyone pitying you and making comments about how your marriage had ended.
Having had enough of their bullshit, you packed up your bags, telling everyone that you had gotten an apartment and refused to give the address. Truth was though, you were headed back home; it was your home as much as it was Negan’s.
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“Hey” Negan enters your bedroom, that was once the spare room after having knocked.
“Brought you a cup of tea.”
“Thanks” you mutter out, sitting up in bed.
Placing the tea on the bedside table, Negan takes a seat on the bed.
“How you feeling?”
“Tired” you reply grabbing the cup of tea.
“And...” Negan’s voice breaks a little as he stared down at your bandaged wrists.
“Pain ain’t that bad, considering they couldn’t give any strong pain meds” you answer his silent question.
“I’m sorry...” Negan murmurs out; the thought that he almost lost both you and your unborn baby bringing tears to his eyes.
Seeing the regret taking completely over him, you sigh out heavily.
“It is what it is...”
“You could have died” Negan scoffs in protest, looking toward your stomach.
“You both could have died.”
“We didn’t though” you brush his remark off with a shrug, changing the subject then.
“We need to discuss of how we plan on co-parenting after the divorce.”
“Y/N...” Negan’s head drops with a sigh of defeat.
“Negan...” you utter out in warning, knowing where this was heading.
“It has to happen, the divorce... we can’t go back. Not after what you did.”
“That’s the thing though...” Negan protests.
"I didn’t do anything.”
You scoff at his words.
“I saw the picture of you with your tongue shoved down another woman’s throat.”
“Correction, you saw a picture of a woman shoving her tongue down my throat. And to make it perfectly clear, it was against my will.”
“Really now?” you scoff in remark.
“So, some ‘random woman’ just walked up to you and shoved her tongue down your throat?”
“That’s exactly what fuckin’ happened” Negan’s voice pitches out in excitement.
“Just ask Dwight and Simon, they were there when it happened.”
“With your track record, I find it hard to believe” you drawl out with an eye roll.
As if he had been physically slapped, Negan flinches at your words.
“That was before we became serious. The moment I realized I wanted you and only you, I stopped that shit.”
“Until you started it up again...” you mumble with a snort.
“I have never, ever cheated on you” Negan states cupping your face to look him in the eyes.
“Since the day our relationship became serious and till this day, I've only ever been with you.
“Couldn’t even touch another woman after the first time I had you” he confesses with a light chuckle.
“What...?” you stared at him open-mouthed.
“Went on a few dates and once I kissed them, it just didn’t feel right... it didn’t feel right, because they weren’t you.”
“Negan...” you tearfully whimpered out at his words.
“You ruined me for any other woman, Baby” Negan responds with a tear-filled smirk.
You could blame it on your emotions being out of control due to everything that had happened, could even blame it on pregnancy hormones. But at that moment, as you leap forward to capture his lips with your own; you realized that you still very much loved your husband, and you hoped and prayed what he was telling you was the truth.
Moaning in satisfied relief, Negan attempts to push you into laying down as he deepened the kiss.
Realization that things were moving too fast kicks in then and you gently push him off you to break the kiss.
With furrowed brows, Negan stares down at you in confusion.
Exhaling heavily, you rest your forehead against his.
“I want to believe you, I really do... honestly, I think I do believe you. It’s just... I need time. Time to filter through everything that has happened, and everything that you just told me.”
“I can give you that” Negan nods in understanding, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“Get some rest, and I'll see you in the morning.”
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It had been a week since Negan and your conversation about what had happened that night and after having sat down and extensively grilled both Dwight and Simon, you were a hundred percent convinced that everything Negan had told you was truthful.
Rebuilding the relationship with Negan was done at a slow pace; you were still sleeping in the spare room. Negan wasn’t pressuring you into doing anything that you weren’t comfortable with yet and for that you were grateful.
You also completely distanced yourself from friends and family; their negativity over everything becoming too overwhelming for you.
Your focus now only on having a healthy pregnancy and possibly saving your marriage.
“Hey” Negan entered your bedroom with two cups in hand.
“Made some hot chocolate, know how much you love having it on rainy days.”
“Thanks” you place the book you were reading down with a smile, reaching out to take the cup from him.
“I’ll be in the bedroom if you need me” Negan informs you, turning to leave then.
Your heart couldn’t help but to clench a little in sympathy at the sadden look on his face.
“Negan...” you call out before he reaches the door.
“Yeah...?” Negan does a sudden one-eighty, staring at you wide-eyed.
“Have a seat” you pat the vacant space next to you on the bed.
“Ok...” Negan lets out a nervous breath as he sat down; this was the closes you’ve allowed him near you in a while.
“How have you been Negan?”
“Bit better now that your home...” Negan faintly smiles while fidgeting with the bedspread, tears beginning to form in his eyes then.
“It killed me... watching you leave that day, and everything that happened thereafter. I... I almost lost you...”
“I’m sorry...” you tearfully murmur out.
“No” Negan shakes his head, reaching out to cup your face in the palm of his hands.
“You did nothing wrong. Fuck... I'm the one that should be apologizing. For making you doubt me, for pushing you into such drastic decisions, and for chaining you to me forever now.”
“I don’t regret this pregnancy” you shake your head that was still held in his grasp.
“And I know you never betrayed me.”
Letting out a happy cry, Negan gently rests his forehead against yours, pulling away after a few seconds, his eyes drop to your lips then.
With bated breath, you watched as Negan continued staring almost trance-like at your lips.
“You gonna kiss me or not?” you remark, faintly smirking.
Negan’s eyes widen in surprise.
“Can I?”
“Just kiss me you dolt...” you chuckle in response.
Without saying another word, Negan captures your lips in a deep kiss.
Moaning deeply, you bury your fingers into his hair as the kiss became more heated.
Breaking away for air, Negan presses his forehead against yours.
“We should probably stop...”
Tilting your head, you study his face for a second.
“Do you want to stop?”
“Fuck no” Negan responds almost too enthusiastically. Blushing then when realizing how it had come out.
“It’s ok...” you chuckle out, nuzzling your nose against his.
“I don’t want to stop either.”
With a dimpled smirk, Negan recaptures your lips, gently leading you to lay down on the bed.
You were just about to undress one another, when suddenly the doorbell rang.
“Fuck” Negan mutters out in frustration.
“Stay here, I’ll get rid of whoever the fuck it is.”
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“Tina?” Negan frowns when seeing her on his doorstep.
“Hey there...” Tina smiled in greeting as she slowly studied him from top to bottom.
“Whatcha doing here?” Negan remarks, frown deepening; knowing that no one knew about you having returned home.
“Just came to see how ya doing...” Tina responds, walking pass him to enter the house uninvited.
“That’s weird... considering as you hate my fuckin’ guts” Negan utters out in complete confusion.
“I don’t hate you silly...” Tina giggled stepping forward and pressing her index finger lightly into his chest.
“As a matter of fact, I’ve always had a thing for you...”
“Whoa... holdup” Negan takes a huge step back, arms raised out to keep a distance between them.
“You’re supposed to be Y/N’s best-friend... yet the moment her marriage is in trouble, you decide to make a move on her husband?”
“You were always out of her league... not sure what you ever saw in her” Tina remarks with a nonchalant shrug.
“Hold-the-fuck-up-there...” Negan growls out in warning.
“Number one; she’s the one that’s out my league... and number two; she’s the strongest, hottest, kindest woman I've ever met. Unlike your ugly, deceitful skanky-ass.”
“Well, I think you and I make a better match” Tina rebuts with a shrug.
“That’s why I made sure to come up with the most foolproof plan to get her out of the picture...”
“Wait a minute!” Negan does a doubletake at her words.
“It was fuckin’ you?! You’re the one that set me up that night?!”
“Does it even matter?” Tina smugly remarks. Flirtatiously stepping closer to him then.
“I’m single, and now you are too... So, why don’t you take me to the bedroom ad we can have some fun...”
Tina was so lost in her own delusions that she didn’t notice you entering the living-room, but Negan does.
“So, you’re saying, that it was you that hired that woman to kiss me? Then you took a picture of it to send to Y/N so that she would leave me and then you could have me?”
“Why do we have to go over this again...?” Tina dramatically sighs out.
“Yes... I planned it all...”
“You bitch!!!” you scream out, charging straight at her but Negan stops you before you reach her.
“Negan let me the fuck go, so I can beat her skany-ass!!!” you cry out in frustration.
“I want you to beat her ass too but remember you’re pregnant” Negan attempts to reason with you.
“Oh, quit being such a drama queen...” Tina rolls her eyes at you.
“We both know he would have been mine had he seen me first.”
“Tina, get the fuck out of our house before I let her go to beat your ass!” Negan growls out in warning.
“Whatever” Tina mutters, turning to head for the door.
“Good riddance to bad rubbish” you utter out once she had left.
“Hey, you ok?” Negan asks, cupping your face to look at him.
Looking into his beautiful hazel eyes, you couldn’t help but smile as you cupped his face in return.
“I’m perfectly fine...”
Negan’s brow furrows in concern.
“You sure?”
“Mhmm...” you nod in response, your face turning to a more serious expression.
“I love you Negan. I'm sorry for ever doubting you.”
Negan’s face breaks out into a wide smile as he lightly stroked his thumb across your cheek.
“I love you too Sweetheart. I promise to never ever make you doubt me again.”
“Good...” you smile, tipping up to capture his lips into a deep kiss.
“I do believe we were busy with some important business before we were rudely interrupted...” you utter against his lips.
With a mischievous smirk, Negan smiles down at you.
“You mind reminding me what exactly we were busy doing?”
Taking a step back and with a mischievous smirk of your own, you begin to strip in front of him.
“I recall now...” Negan nods, biting into his lower lip.
“Well, what are you waiting on...? take me to bed Mr. Smith...”
“Yes, Ma’am... Mrs. Smith” Negan eagerly responds, reaching down to gently pick you up bridal style. Causing you to chuckle out loudly as he rushes to the bedroom.
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waywardsummoner46 · 1 year
Supernatural Masterlist
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Welcome Home, Sister
Lucifer!Sam and Michael!Dean x sister!reader  
Summary: When your brothers leave for what appears to be a simple salt and burn, what the hell went so wrong for them to turn around and say “yes” to Michael and Lucifer? Regardless, they’re hunting you down and are about to reveal a life-changing secret…
Welcome Home, Sister
Lucifer!Sam and Michael!Dean x sister!reader
Summary: Sam and Dean said yes, now the archangels using them as meatsuits are hunting you down and are about to reveal a life-changing secret...
(Un)Pleasantville, Part Two
Justin Smith!Sam x sister!reader (daughter!reader?) Castiel x reader
Summary: Arriving at Charming Acres instantly affected Sam, you just didn’t realise the extent until he left without a word, is now pretending to be Justin Smith (who died by the way) and is claiming you’re his daughter. Last time you checked, you guys were siblings, so what the h-e-double hockey sticks is going on here?
Family Love
Sam x sister!reader, Dean x sister!reader
Summary:   It was days like this that made all the hunting, all the suffering and the pain worth it. The bonus being? Hugs.
Unnecessary Syllables
HunterCorp!Sam x sister!reader x HunterCorp!Dean
Summary:   After your brothers, Castiel and Jack had left to find the Occultum, you were forced to stay back with the posh and spoilt versions of your brothers... it would all be so much easier if they didn’t push every single one of your buttons, wouldn’t it?  
Victorian Vexation
Sam x sister!reader x Dean
Summary:   Waking up, you find yourself in a room you don’t recognise and with people trying to force feed some amber “medicine” down your throat. Who are these people? Where are you? And why do these Sam and Dean lookalikes keep saying the just want their sister back?  
Big Brother’s Here, Darling
Michael!Dean x sister!reader
Summary: A failed attempt to kill Michael had him repossessing your brother, but with it brings events from the past that you’ve tried to ignore (and can’t completely remember) and a very self satisfied archangel.  
Five Years Can Change a Person
Mobster!Sam Winchester x Sister!reader, Mobster!Dean Winchester x Sister!reader
Summary: Five years ago, your life changed forever. Five years ago, your house burnt down and with it... your family. No matter how over-bearing your brothers were, you loved them nevertheless and their loss affected you insanely. Now content with your new family though, seemingly moved past the past, the ghosts of your brothers walk into the bar. How are they alive? How is that possible? You tried to wrap your head around it but are they the same as they were?  
The Other Side of the Coin
Loki x Reader, Gabriel x Reader
Summary: Gabriel had been off for weeks, and now you finally found out why...  
A New Beginning and a Lost Mate
Pairing: Michael!Dean x Angelmate!Reader
Summary: After another day in yours and Anael’s attempt at a human life, Michael shows up and grants you something that you’d been craving for centuries. Anael refused to take him seriously so Michael disregarded her. One on one, he admitted that he’d had a mate who was the most loyal lover and soldier he had... you. You from his world that died, and he’d tracked you down to finally grasp his lost mate once more...
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carinasibila · 11 months
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PICK A CARD Weekly Reading: Relationships (Oct 16-22) Disclaimer: Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree (linktr.ee/carinasibila) – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Decks used in this reading: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Blue Bird Lenormand* Original Kipper Cards** 🔗 Linktree 🔗 https://linktr.ee/carinasibila ☕ Donations/Tips ☕ https://ko-fi.com/carinasibila PILE 1 V of Wands, Fox*, Main Female** Back of the deck: V of Cups Right now, you’re grieving over a disappointing love situation. While it’s crucial for you to go through that process, the cards warn you that you risk getting lost in this grief. This week, focus on yourself and the positive things in your life and not on your unhappy love situation. This will help restore your lost confidence in the possibility of love. If this doesn’t resonate, you and your person are likely arguing too much at the moment. In this case, be more discerning this week and take special care to reflect whether the issue in question is truly important to you and your relationship. The cards are warning you about the risk of bringing lasting disharmony into your relationship. PILE 2 Ace of Pentacles, Snake*, Pathway** Back of the deck: IX of Wands You’re currently beating yourself up over not knowing what your relationship should/will look like in the long term. For this week, the cards advise you to calm down and take on a more practical approach: think about what you and your person can do now to work on your relationship. Most likely, you’ll get a better sense of the future along the way. Alternatively, you’re worn out over the fact that recently your person has been failing to make you feel secure in your relationship. In this case, the cards emphatically ask you to communicate your emotional needs loudly and clearly. It might be the case that your person hasn’t realized the emotional turmoil and hurt they’ve been causing you. PILE 3 The High Priestess, Crossroad*, Lovers** Back of the deck: VII of Swords Your person is being uncommunicative with regards to their intentions for your relationship, which makes you feel disoriented. The cards advise you that this week might be the perfect time to confront your person about this. Either they will be willing to talk things through or they might not be as invested as you in the connection. Alternatively, the cards warn you that someone might try to drive a wedge between you and your person this week, making you question your relationship. Should this resonate, it will be a test of your commitment to the relationship. Remain strong and do not listen to the “intruder”; instead, focus on the happiness the relationship brings you.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Hi♡ what about rick sanchez with a failed human experiment?( like the reader is the experiment, which Rick is hiding from his family) mmm pairing romantic and short concept please👉👈😶‍🌫️
What do you mean Jerry said he can't keep a biologically engineered lover in the garage hatch? Kept it vague but I can assure you this Rick is not C-137/Main Rick
Yandere! Rick Sanchez with Human Experiment! Darling
Short Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Dehumanization, Cloning, Human test subject, Manipulation, Implied death in the past, Delusional behavior, Forced relationship, This Rick has lost it.
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- This brings up so many ethical and moral questions.
- Yet Rick was never an ethically or morally correct man.
- He wouldn't really call you failed, just temporarily flawed.
- You were probably the result of Rick trying to create someone to adore to ease his heartbreak of previous lovers.
- You are also a secret no one knows about.
- The Smith family has no idea they're housing you in a secret hatch.
- Although an experiment like you isn't new coming from Rick.
- The pros of creating you to Rick is that you're very compliant and docile to him.
- With a little more genetic tampering he feels he'll get things right.
- You look human, but you're more like a clone of different genetic materials than a natural human.
- You have little knowledge of the outside world because of this.
- All you really know is Rick, who is very adamant on convincing you that you're made for him (literally).
- What would be even freakier is if he took genetics from a previous (Y/N).
- Maybe he lost the real you in an accident?
- That or you are no longer as close as he wishes you two were.
- Either way, now he's growing a completely new you.
- Really freaky sci-fi plot stuff, y'know?
- Despite the circumstances, Rick is very caring to this experimental version of you.
- This version of you is only taught what he wants you to know.
- You're also unable to leave the secret hatch in the garage he keeps you in.
- It's going to be hard to explain to his family if they ever stumbled upon you-
- Especially if you ARE a clone of a previous (Y/N) and they knew you-
- They knew Rick loved you, yes, but they did not think it was to this extent-
- Everyone's freaking out, Jerry once again complaining to Beth about Rick.
- Summer is also freaking out at the fact Rick keeps a clone in the garage...
- Morty knows this isn't new coming from Rick, although seeing a much more confused version of you unnerves him-
- All the while you're scared of these new yet familiar faces.
- Rick's quick to shield you away and defend his behavior.
- They don't understand what he's gone through....
- If they ever did find out about you, Rick has to think of somewhere to move you.
- You're something he refuses to give up on.
- For one reason or another, he made you.
- He doesn't care if his family sees this as foreign or odd, all he cares about is perfecting you.
- In this AU, this Rick would be very delusional/deranged.
- He's clearly lost his original (Y/N) one way or another and can't handle another heartbreak.
- With more research, he believes he can replicate the real (Y/N).
- Just be patient with him...
- He does this all because he loves you.
- "With every test, you get better. Hopefully I have a chance to bring you back (Y/N)...."
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esters-notepad · 5 months
I didn't have time to write yesterday, which means I've lost my lead time. This story for the fifth day of @chrumblr-whumblr is actually written today, on the fifth of May. Prompt: forced to obey. Inspired by the Johnny Cash song I Still Miss Someone.
She had the same blue eyes as Daisy. That's the first thing I noticed. Her hair was the same light brown colour as Daisy's, as well, but while Daisy wore hers in a simple bob, this unknown woman's hair was shingled and curled to perfection. Her skirt was a little shorter, her dress a little slimmer, her neckline a little deeper. Not quite immodest, but certainly suggestive. Her cigarette holder, long and slender like a young ash-tree, was made of ivory. She met my eyes and blew a seductive cloud of smoke in my direction.
"Hello, handsome."
Her voice was deep and velvety, but she lisped ever so slightly on the s, adding a touch of childish innocence to the image of a worldly woman she projected. My face felt hot in a way I hadn't felt since my school days. Still, she looked at me, expecting a response.
"What brings you to our little town, Miss...?"
"Farr. Lucy Farr."
"I'm Adam Morrison. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Miss Farr."
She looked at me through long, black eyelashes. I cleared my throat and sipped at my lemonade.
"Have you lived here long, Mr. Morrison?"
"I grew up here."
"Really? You surprise me." She drew another breath on her cigarette. "You have the air of a man who's seen the world."
"In a way, I have. I was in Europe for the Great War."
"How fascinating!"
So I told her several anecdotes. She listened attentively and made clever comments of her own. Sometime during our conversation, I realized that there was something odd about her tongue. She noticed me noticing, but instead of hiding it, she opened her mouth and showed me. The tip was split like a snake's tongue. She was born that way, she said. I complimented her on speaking so well despite her defect. She laughed and blew a smoke ring at me.
Old Wright at the piano announced a ladies' dance. Miss Farr smiled a predatory smile and threw back the rest of her drink.
"Dance with me, Mr. Morrison!"
She danced like an ocean wave, like a summer breeze over the prairie, like a lover's caress. When she leaned into my arms and turned her face towards mine, I only hesitated for a moment. Then I kissed her. She kissed back, hungrily, and her split tongue embraced mine. I had never kissed with tongues before. She tasted like fire. There must have been something prohibited in that drink she'd been drinking. I hadn't thought Thompson's would serve such things.
The dance ended. We returned to our seats at the bar.
"You're mine now, Mr. Morrison," Miss Farr said. "Every man whom I kiss is mine."
I laughed uneasily, thinking that it had to be some kind of joke. She looked earnestly at me until my laughter died down.
"Do you see the woman sitting by herself in that booth?" she said. "Dance the next dance with her. And the one after that. Then, follow her home and kiss her goodnight. Kiss her just like you kissed me."
"But... that's Dora Smith. That's Jimmy Baker's fiancee!"
"Oh yes, I know. They've had a little lover's tiff. Nothing serious. If we leave them alone, they will mend things tomorrow, get married as planned, and live happily ever after. But if you dance with her tonight and kiss her, your old pal Jimmy will hear about it and break off the engagement. Wouldn't that be fun?"
I stared at her, feeling nauseous.
"Go, Mr. Morrison. Show Miss Smith a good time tonight. I command you."
Despite myself, I got up from my stool. I tried to leave. I tried to head for the door. Instead, I found myself standing by Dora Smith's booth.
"Pardon me," I heard myself saying. "But would you do me the honour of dancing with me?"
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dutchessofcaladan · 5 months
Pirates of the Caribbean: Wrath of the Kraken
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2! I hope you guys are enjoying this story! As always, thank you to @phantomoftheparadise0002 for beta-reading this!
Summary: When Jack recruits Smith to help him find the lost relics of Cortez, their mission doesn't go as planned when they run into terrors and joys from their past, ultimately witnessing the resurrection of the Dutchman...and her beloved Captain.
TW: Slight Violence
Looking up at the night sky, Smith carefully watched the stars.
"Captain?" Murtogg question, standing as straight as a board.
"Aye?" Smith didn't take her eyes off the stars.
"I was wonderin' if Mullroy and I could, uh, releave you of your current duties as helmsman."
Smith sighed. She knew Murtogg wasn't doing this out of the goodness of his heart. When she became overly tired or stressed, she had a habit of snapping at anyone who even breathed to loudly.
Nodding, she beckoned him to the wheel. "Follow that line of stars there." She ordered, indicating the "map". "Do not change course until we reach the island at that point there." She pointed to the last star.
"Aye." Murtogg nodded as Smith descended the stairs and entered the Captain's Cabin.
Smith stumbled slightly as she attempted to not trip over the piles of treasure that littered the cave, her and Hector's swords clashing with Jack's.
Placing the stolen coin in his hand, Jack sliced his palm, allowing his blood to seep onto the coin before tossing it to Will.
Noticing this, Smith and Hector aimed their guns at Elizabeth, who was running their way.
Freezing at the sound of a gunshot, Elizabeth's eyes went wide.
Knowing they hadn't fired, Smith and Hector looked at Jack, who had his gun aimed at Hector, a cold look of revenge on his face as the smoke cleared.
"Ten years ye carry that pistol and now ye waste you're shot." Hector taunted, gun still aimed at Elizabeth.
"He didn't waste it!" Will shouted from atop the treasure mound where the chest sat.
Hector and Smith watched as he dropped the remaining coins into the chest, blood dripping from his hand.
Elizabeth smiled at her lover, amazed at how he and Jack were able to outsmart Barbossa.
Dropping his weapons, Hector opened his coat, he and Smith watching as a river of blood seeped through the thin fabric of his shirt.
Smith's heart thundered in her chest as a wave of tears flooded her eyes, her body refusing to move.
A mix of emotions flitted across Barbossa's face. Relief. Shock. Acceptance. "I feel," he breathed, "cold." As the word left him, his body fell limp against the heap of treasure behind him, an apple falling from his hand into the crevice between the rocks.
Dropping her weapons, Smith fell to her knees at her dead lover's side. "No." She sobbed, placing her hands on his chest and shaking him. "You're gonna wake up, right?" She asked, her tears beginning to spill onto the blood-stained fabric. "You have to wake up."
Once the realization of what had happened set in, she slowly turned to Jack, her breath coming out in short, angry huffs.
"You." She growled. "You will pay for this."
As she reached for her pistol, a white hot pain ran through her. Looking down, she saw the blade of a sword poking through her stomach.
As the sword was removed, Smith's corpse fell back against Barbossa's, revealing Will, a bloodied sword in his hand.
Jerking awake, Smith felt of her stomach, expecting to feel the blade of Will's sword, but finding nothing at all. Taking a few deep breaths to steady herself, she stood up from the bed and went to the window, looking up at the stars.
"Stole him heart, you did."
Jumping, Smith turned to face Calypso.
"What?" She panted, failing miserably at calming her rapid heart.
"Barbossa." The Goddess stated bluntly. "Him told me. Him told me all about you." She smiled.
"What did he say?"
"Not'ing to personal." Calypso reassured. "It after he t'reaten me. Say if I do not bring you back he drive a sword t'rough my heart." Placing a hand over her heart, she put on a pained expression. "I tell him I bring you back. Not because of his t'reat, no...because man cannot live without him heart. If man try to live wit'out him heart-"
"It will turn him into a monster." Smith finished. "Like what happened with Davy Jones."
"You will not speak dat name!" Calypso roared, a look of great pain on her face.
"But it's true, isn't it?" Smith moved closer. "You took away Davy Jones' heart by cursing him to be Captain of the Dutchman for so long. You took him away from the thing he loved most...you."
Straightening her posture, a look of fear on her face, she vanished as the seas became rough, dark clouds blocking the stars.
Smith ran from the cabin and into the pouring rain, instantly becoming soaked as she stared at the swirling pool in front of them.
"JACK!" She screamed. "IT'S CALYPSO!"
As soon as her name was uttered, something began to rise from the maelstrom. A ship.
Recognizing the now visible bow, Jack and Smith ordered their crews to steer the ship away.
The ragged sails of the drenched ship were beginning to become visible.
Running up the stairs, Smith pushed Murtogg, taking the helm. Turning the wheel sharply to the left, pulling the Revenge out of the maelstrom.
Panting, Smith watched as the rest of the ship emerged from the swirl of water.
Jack's eyes widened in horror. The name Dutchman the only thing leaving his lips.
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Madame Putiphar Readalong. Book One, Chapter Ten:
Were it not for the open ending this chapter could have been a short story like those in Champavert. A young woman is stabbed by her father’s henchman who thinks he’s murdering her lover instead (as commanded by her father) Once the mistake is discovered, the father is distraught, not because he has much love for his daughter but because it frustrates his negotiations to marry her off.
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Romeo and Juliet Act Five Header illustrated by Kenny Meadows, engraved by John Orrin Smith. From the Victorian Illustrated Shakespeare Archive
We begin with more Cockermouth characterization which allows Borel to explain us the different ways in which English domain of Ireland was exerted. The autonomous since 1690 Irish Parliament was now under English control (whatever the intervened parliament decided had to be approved by the English Crown)
Both the Irish clergy and the rebels are fervently against Cockermouth (Cockermouth is so extreme and baroque in his power abuse that he had proposed to implement mandatory castration of catholic priests)(and the rebels that had fallen in his power during the Kerry uprisings had been treated with the utmost cruelty)(Cockermouth is here to rip the country’s culture off and obliterate its morale via gruesome violence)(Borel tells us this castration ordeal had been implemented before, and Cockermouth was merely trying to bring it back in 1723)(all I could find was this: “In 1719 a law was put forward which included the penalty of castration for unregistered priests. It was rejected by the British authorities. A 1723 bill was to require all Catholic bishops and clergy who were members of orders to leave the country, along with secular priests who did not take an oath of abjuration.”-> source )
But after that intro about exerting and holding power in colonies, the narrative violently swerves and we dive into the preparations for Cockermouth’s birthday party.
The only people adhering to the celebrations are the paupers (earlier the local workers payed their compulsory respects to their lord), who come expressly to their lands to pay liege homage to the kitchen. The description of the charity by the ladies of the castle is vaguely idealized. Anne and Deborah are like the good fairies feeding and dressing the mendicants. We are told they are dressed elegantly but are humble and kind and generous. The people are naturally grateful and happy at being fed and treated kindly. A full fledged popular party breaks out, bagpipes are implemented, the minstrels sing traditional songs and improvise some new ones in their hostesses honor. There is no irony in the treatment of charity by Borel. He makes that comment on the women’s elegance among the smoky surroundings and the dirtiness/raggedness/nudity of their guests, but calls it a beautiful example. However, this paragraph comes right after the one about Cockermouth violence so we cannot help but put them in contrast. How do the local poor people felt at being forced to get their food at the house of an infamous torturer, (who also usurped their land of its resources) willingly entering his house to beg for food because its a celebration day. It is very revealing of their desperation, even if Borel doesn’t highlight and has only positive words for Debby and Anne.
By nightfall, the comme il faut guests start arriving to the Castle. They are received by the Lord and Lady. She, “(...) of an interesting beauty even through a forest of fandangle (...) ” (translation -and footnotes- here!! ) I like Borel dismissing luxury as being in detriment of beauty (takes us back to his proclaimed love of poverty in the prologue for the Rhapsodies) So of course Debby, who is Petrus’ ideal wears no fussy jewels -but she has other reasons besides aesthetic ones to avoid attention. As soon as she can, she tries to get lost into the crowd.
But she is forced to abandon her hiding place to meet her husband to-be. She keeps her lips tightly shut in a smile, curtseying to her suitor, making herself into a pleasant doll, a nodding Coppelia, playing her part hoping it would make it all pass as quickly as possible.
And we hear about her suitor. Through him Borel sketches his own prototypical libertine in an 18 th c novel, but there is no glamour, no appeal to the figure. He is a man of leisure who is a professional rapist (the peasant girls he thinks himself so irresistible to, flee on his sight like Daphne from Apollo) He is also ridden with venereal diseases (the peasant girls run away from him like from the Plague, he is the masculine version of the prostitutes in Félicien Rops’ paintings, a skeleton hiding behind a grinning mask, but in his case even the mask is blood-curdling). His family is trying to prevent any grave scandal by marrying him off (by giving him Deborah) but of course he has no intention of changing his ways and is merely glad that his future wife is good looking and that her money would enable him future conquests because “Money is the sinews of war.” 
Deborah was aware of his reputation, but even if she hadn’t been she would have been instinctively repelled because his demeanour made him as repelling to women as poison.
As once as his disgusting attentions were over, she fled.
Leaving lights in her window when leaving her room to make it seem occupied, she ran to meet Patrick. We return to Cockermouth who is not enjoying himself, he is too anxious checking his watch, thinking of his plot to have any fun. At nine he meets Chris at the courtyard (and the next scene between them is once again a theatrical dialogue)
Thinking Debby was still in her room, they lock the gate expecting to keep her trapped inside. Chris complains about the lack of stars, the visibility is very low and he can’t see ahead. Low visibility notwithstanding, they still station themselves in a turret and Chris aims and shoots at a figure walking by bellow. They descend, and Cockermouth watches as Chris humiliates his victim.
Chris makes sure to bring up that one time Patrick refused to drink with him, and jokes on how he wouldn’t drink with him whom is now disembowelling him. To which lord Cockermouth feels compelled to add the disembowelling is done on his behalf. (to which Chris adds, rather insolently, on half his behalf) Cockermouth grows impatient at his henchman’s childish sadism (he is compared to Harlequin, we already discussed this but they are farce and commedia coded). As he would never be able to murder him by hitting him with the butt of his rifle only, the Lord hands him the feudal sword to make the task swifter. (and I bet Chris would have been extremely pleased by being bestowed that honor, touching the blade of his beloved Lord, but he is having too much fun stabbing away to remark on that fact. Cockermouth asks for his sword to be cleaned before it being returned to him)
After the carnage, Cockermouth nonchalantly returns to the banquet. He invites his guests to follow him to the dining room. They all seat for the feast. Deborah’s fiancé misses her, and asks over and over for her. Lord Cockermouth angrily sends Chris to find her, bring her back and scold her for her rudeness. When Chris returns, he reports that Deborah was nowhere to be found. However, her rooms were locked from within and the lights were still burning. Cockermouth extended arm fell inertly on the table, all the guests noticed his distress and his pallor...
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
Wanderer lamenting how he and puppet reader lost their loving parents when the traveler brings up Ei, he goes “And what about her?” The rest of the archons are ready to sign the adoption paperwork.
The childhood lovers could be in modern au since it’s the “future” for the story? It’s tragic when the post rewrite scene of Niwa and his lover dying as they purify the furnace has them saying, “Perhaps in another life, we could have had our happy ending. But not now. Not here.” Fast forward to modern au and problem solved.
Wanderer becoming the ultimate authority on all things Tatarasuna because blood and tears will be shed if anything is published without his approval. Oh, puppet reader incorporating more Tatarasuna influences into their crafts after Wanderer introduces them to Niwa and his lover’s graves.
Something something eternity is found by those not Ei. They have a clearer understanding.
Bloom anon
Actually now that I think about it, it's probably Paimon that brings up Ei instead, like "Wait, isn't Ei technically your mother? You still have her!" And the three of them look at her with a blank stare - or Wanderer does while Traveler and puppet reader is gesturing for Paimon to shut the fuck up
And then cue the archons teleporting over with their papers while Ei has her polearm out and pointed already
And definitely on board with the childhood friends thing being the modern take. And and ohhhhh maybe something like this too "Not even this raging fire can separate our love. Even as ashes, even as dust, our intertwined souls will never part," would be Niwa's line, and that one would be his lover's.
Of all the things, History major Wanderer is the last thing I would expect to associate him with but it fits perfectly, stupidly perfect. And what if they found a silly piece of information that's actually true, maybe adoptive parents slander, so he begs to Nahida to let him "reword history in a better life for the greater good" hahaha
I'm pretty sure soon enough puppet reader would be forging swords too haha complete smithing area and everything just appeared out of nowhere and they go "new hobby, just wanted to try something new" which is a complete 180 to their omamori crafts sksksk
Eternity is found in company, Ei is stuck suffering in loneliness for hundreds of years back there
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The Mummy: the fear of the "other" (Franco Morgante)
“The Mummy and The Wolf Man, have themselves become indexical signifiers of monstrosity, foreignness and the ‘Other” (Smith). While this fear of the “other” can be applied to many different horror films, I believe The Mummy is a film that best exemplifies this idea. The Mummy is about a group of archeologists that find an ancient Egyptian scroll that brings to life a mummy. This mummy named Imhotep then attempts to use a woman to revive his long-lost love. A common theme in this film is the cost of using powers that you can’t understand. The archaeologists inadvertently awoke the mummy because they didn’t understand the power that scroll held. Which led to the deaths of two people. And Imhotep tried to use the scroll of Thoth to try and revive his lover, but he didn’t consider the consequences from both the Gods and the pharaoh. It shows how the lesson of the story could be described as don’t try and meddle with things you don’t understand. 
When compared to Frankenstein this film has higher production values than it. There are way more crafted sets and props that give this film a very distinct identity. With the highlights being the flashback scenes of Imhotep in Ancient Egypt. The costumes, set design, and props look much better than the previous universal films and it gives the film a greater set variety. Something that also makes this film distinct from Frankenstein is that this film has more music tracks during the film. Frankenstein did have music tracks but only in the opening and closing credits. While The Mummy still has a limited soundtrack, it still uses dramatic music to heighten intense moments, like when Imhotep kills people with his ancient powers. The costume designs of the film is also a step up from Frankenstein, all of the characters from the “current” era have very formal and fancy clothing and interestingly Imhotep is only wrapped in bandages at the beginning of the film. And for the rest of the film, he is in a robe and fez. I find this interesting as the posters always showed Imhotep wrapped in bandages, but that image was only in a small portion of the film. This film also had more special effects than Frankenstein as seen with Imhotep’s death, and when he uses the magic pool. This is probably due to the success of the previous Universal monster film, so this film probably got more money to produce more impressive effects. Overall, I would say that the production values of this film are a step up from Frankenstein.
Also, like Frankenstein, the main antagonist was portrayed by Universal’s Boris Karloff. And his performance is obviously different from his previous film. He portrays Imhotep as a lonely man who will do whatever he can to get back his lost love. It does give the character a sympathetic angle, but it is overshadowed when he starts to kill people. And especially when it is revealed that he stole the scroll of Thoth himself. Karlof’s makeup also makes him look like an undead man as his face looks very shriveled and dry. I’d say he probably looks more undead than he did in Frankenstein. However, I think I prefer his performance in Frankenstein as he had to convey all of his emotions physically which I think made his performance more compelling. Plus, I feel like the sympathetic angle of the monster is better in that film as it was clear that he didn’t understand the harm some of his actions caused. I think it's pretty telling how Karloff's version of Frankenstein’s Monster has become so iconic that it is seen as the default image of the character. Yet, Imhotep has had a wider range of interpretations and designs. Overall, I still think Boris Karloff did a good performance in this film, but I just prefer his performance in Frankenstein. To conclude, The Mummy is still a classic film that has reached legendary status amongst the horror genre and is still entertaining today.
Smith, Andy W. Gothic Film: An Edinburgh Companion on JSTOR, 2020, www.jstor.org/stable/10.3366/j.ctv10kmdxf.
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melomaniac93-blog · 1 year
Toxic Love Playlist: Songs About Unhealthy Relationships
Toxic love is a common theme in music, and many songs explore the dark side of relationships.
From jealousy and control to manipulation and abuse, toxic love can take many forms, and it's important to recognize these warning signs and avoid them in our own relationships.
With that in mind, here is a toxic love music playlist that explores some of these theme:
1. "The Cut That Always Bleeds" by Conan Gray is a song about a toxic relationship that leaves the singer by having a partner coming back for his love and hurting him by leaving again.
2. "You Broke Me First" by Tate McRae is a breakup song about a relationship that ended badly, with the singer said the song brings about "the feeling of knowing how much they meant to you, but this time not letting them back in."
3. "I Don't" by Sabrina Claudio is song about a woman who has had enough of her partner treating her unfairly and wants to go but is unable to.
4. "Break My Heart Again" by Finneas is a song about getting his heart broken for the second time by the same woman and struggling to move on from the pain and heartbreak.
5. "Love" by Daughter is a somber song that uncovers the betrayal of a lover and how it can be horribly painful.
6. "Tears of Gold" by Faouzia is a powerful song about the sacrifices we make for love, give everything a little too much knowing she will end up being heartbroken and willing to do it all over again.
7. "Arcade" by Duncan Laurence is a heart-wrenching song about lost love, and how even though we may move on, we never forget the person who stole our heart.
8. "Wicked Game" by Chris Isaak is a classic song about a passionate but doomed love affair, with the singer realizing that he may be in too deep.
9. "I'm Not the Only One" by Sam Smith is a sad song about a partner who is cheating, and the about betrayal and how painful it is to live with the knowledge that your significant other yearns for another.
10. "Hate U Love U" by Olivia O'Brien is a song about the conflicting emotions that accompany a toxic relationship, with the singer feeling both love and hatred for her partner.
In conclusion, while these songs may be catchy and entertaining, it's important to recognize the warning signs of toxic love and avoid falling into these patterns in our own relationships.
Communication, mutual respect, and trust are key to building healthy relationships, and it's important to prioritize these values over the thrill of a toxic romance.
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