#bring back '06-'09 internet fr
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heirloommtomatoes · 9 months ago
is the biphobia actually crazy this year or am i just on the wrong corners of the internet like......
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chimericarchitect · 7 years ago
aestheticVirtuoso 4
-- aestheticVirtuoso [AV] began trolling talentedSalad [TS] at 20:37 --
[08:37] AV: Y+u're g4y.
[08:38] TS: You're not wrong, but why are you bringing this up right now?
[08:39] AV: N+ re4l re4s+n. Just felt like ch4tting.
[08:39] TS: Seems legit; I'd wanna talk to me too if I was lame.
[08:39] TS: You must be very bored.
[08:39] AV: But y+u 4re l4me.
[08:40] TS: Another harsh truth dropped by the master of disaster.
[08:40] AV: +h shit, here c+mes D4t B+i.
[08:41] TS: What, is it Teivel?
[08:42] AV: dfjgkfej/ghkbre hjmu+gsw4 f le /ft4piekj
[08:42] AV: 4dxscghnkl,;gr3ql+5
[08:42] TS: Oh wait. That's a meme.
[08:42] TS: Good job with the mashing, buddy
[08:42] TS: It makes more sense than your reference
[08:42] AV: My lusus is 4 dick s+metimes.
[08:43] TS: Oh shit. REAL TALK.
[08:43] TS: Whassup?
[08:43] TS: Wait.
[08:43] TS: The mashing?
[08:43] AV: He keeps pecking me. Sl4ms his he4d +n the d4mn huskt+p. I h4d t+ sh++ him 4w4y.
[08:44] TS: Holy fuck. Your lusus is such a bird brain
[08:44] TS: badum tsh!
[08:44] AV: W+w. g++d +ne.
[08:44] AV: Must h4<e t4ken y+u sweeps.
[08:45] TS: Haha. So "Dat Boi" was your lusus?
[08:45] TS: comin' to peck your shit
[08:45] AV: B4sic4lly.
[08:45] TS: Top quality lusus you have there
[08:45] TS: How much trouble is he?
[08:46] AV: He's pretty nice m+st +f the time, but he c4n get s+ s4ssy s+metimes.
[08:46] TS: Sassy?
[08:46] TS: Example required.
[08:47] AV: I d+n't kn+w, m4ybe sl4mming his d4mn he4d +n my fre4king huskt+p f+r n+ re4s+n +ther th4n t+ be 4 dick 4nd get 4ttenti+n.
[08:47] TS: Aw, he's lonely.
[08:47] TS: But here you are
[08:47] TS: also lonely
[08:47] TS: harassing losers on the internet
[08:48] TS: instead of hangin out with bird dad
[08:48] TS: Was he doing it to be a dick?
[08:48] AV: I think he gets je4l+us. He w4nts 4ll +f the 4ttenti+n.
[08:48] TS: Oh-ho, a Fussy Boi
[08:49] TS: You should post a pic of him sometime.
[08:49] AV: His fe4thers 4re 4ll ruffled.
[08:49] TS: Does he make a mess?
[08:50] AV: N+t re4lly. Whene<er he thr+ws 4 fit, he d+es s+ by pecking my d4mn br4ins +ut. +ne d4y I w+n't e<en h4<e 4ny.
[08:50] TS: Hm. One day, huh.
[08:51] TS: Let him send me a message
[08:51] TS: It's funny
[08:51] AV: Fine. I'm h4nding the huskt+p t+ him.
[08:51] TS: Holy shit
[08:51] TS: I'm ready
[08:51] AV: d/kjg4X C<
[08:51] AV: UZZHG+L=-P05
[08:51] AV: qwtijm,,mp+k+i+ipuigf
[08:52] AV: hytht<<fkyhuibgyf7uut<hty<yukilgtftyg
[08:52] AV: +h shh+it5hrtgn dw
[08:52] AV: shity
[08:52] TS: I <3 u bird dad
[08:52] TS: lol "shity"
[08:52] AV: I think he 4te 4 key
[08:52] AV: fucj
[08:52] AV: fucj
[08:52] AV: kk
[08:52] TS: I am laughing SO HARD right now
[08:52] TS: asdfg
[08:52] AV: Wh4t 4n 4ssh+le
[08:53] TS: You can get a new key
[08:53] TS: Besides
[08:53] TS: I told you too give him the husktop
[08:53] AV: I h4d t+ y4nk it b4ck fr+m him. He w4s re4lly g+ing 4t it.
[08:53] TS: You got the key back?? Impressive!
[08:54] AV: N+, the huskt+p. I'm missing my G key.
[08:55] TS: Guess you'll just have to sing a different note from now on
[08:55] TS: Try A flat
[08:55] AV: It's g+ne f+r g++d
[08:55] AV: It's s+ h4rd t+ type gs n+w
[08:55] TS: He swallowed it?
[08:55] AV: He r4n +ff.
[08:56] AV: I think he's t4kin it t+ his nest +r s+me shit.
[08:56] TS: Is he gonna hide it or eat it? I'm confused.
[08:56] AV: Pr+b4bly just hide it.
[08:56] TS: And you'll never find it
[08:56] TS: never
[08:57] AV: N+pe. I 4in't re4chin int+ th4t d4mn nest.
[08:57] AV: He'd kill me.
[08:57] TS: Reeeeeally?
[08:57] TS: You've tried before then
[08:57] AV: My p++r he4d c4n't t4ke 4nym+re peckin.
[08:58] TS: Going bald, huh
[08:58] AV: I miht h4<e 4 c+ncusi+n.
[08:58] TS: This is you
[08:58] TS: https://akibento-leadnationmedia.netdna-ssl.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/iIpmndr.jpg
[08:59] AV: Fuck +ff.
[08:59] AV: My h4ir is f4b.
[09:00] TS: Fuck off? It IS fab. It IS you tho, right? Bald, vacant stare... What'd I get wrong?
[09:01] AV: Wh4t 4n 4ssh+le.
[09:01] TS: Wait, I know
[09:01] TS: You like bananas, right?
[09:01] TS: here
[09:01] AV: N+.
[09:01] TS: fixed it
[09:01] AV: D+n't.
[09:01] TS: http://s1.narvii.com/image/mzhqe6ncv7hmtvxmqcxutwrbnnwywqrx_hq.jpg
[09:02] AV: I h+pe y+u fuckin die.
[09:02] TS: Someday, my friend
[09:02] TS: someday
[09:02] AV: F+r 4ll +f +ur s4kes, I h+pe it's s+med4y s++n.
[09:03] TS: If I take up Teivel's offer to come over, it'll probably be soon
[09:04] AV: Gr+ss.
[09:04] TS: He's aslked you over too, right?
[09:04] AV: I d+n't need t+ he4r 4b+ut th4t shit.
[09:04] TS: Dude
[09:04] TS: no
[09:04] TS: I meant he was gonna kill me on some shitty traps or something
[09:05] AV: He s4id he h4s s+me kind +f fuckin sex dune+n/res+rt
[09:05] TS: WTF
[09:05] TS: No
[09:05] TS: His hive is just a shitscape of ghey boobytraps and corpses
[09:05] TS: Unless he's into THAT
[09:05] AV: 4nd his shit lusus
[09:06] TS: Oh yeh
[09:06] TS: double ew
[09:06] AV: Th4t he s4id he's suck the bulge +f
[09:06] TS: A chameleon's bulge?
[09:06] AV: He's fuckin r+ss
[09:06] AV: Ye4h
[09:06] AV: My p++r key
[09:07] TS: That will not ever be not funny
[09:07] AV: I w+uld if I 4sk nicely en+uh he'll i<e it b4ck
[09:08] TS: Really? Huh.
[09:08] TS: Well, for now
[09:08] TS: http://s.twistynoodle.com/img/r/fill-in-the-missing-letter-g/fill-in-the-missing-letter-g-2/fill-in-the-missing-letter-g-2_coloring_page.png?ctok=20151006065412
[09:08] TS: No.3 is funny
[09:08] TS: Teivel would like it
[09:09] AV: http://www.gettyimages.com/detail/photo/angry-peacock-royalty-free-image/94194414?esource=SEO_GIS_CDN_Redirect
[09:09] AV: This is wh4t this 4ssh+le l++ks like.
[09:09] TS: Your lusus is funny
[09:09] TS: hehheh
[09:10] AV: http://images.china.cn/attachement/jpg/site1007/20110505/000cf1a48b7f0f2c57691e.jpg
[09:10] AV: This is wh4t he sh+uld l++k like.
[09:10] TS: Brutal
[09:11] TS: you want some freaky corpse party like Teivel
[09:11] AV: Hell n+.
[09:12] AV: http://hronika.info/uploads/posts/2016-07/1467640837_devochka.jpg
[09:12] AV: Me runnin fr+m my lusus
[09:12] TS: That's some quality garbage, my dude. ;)
[09:13] TS: How big is your lusus tho?
[09:13] AV: Bigeer th4n me.
[09:13] AV: W+w.
[09:13] AV: My spellin
[09:13] TS: Pretty ghey
[09:14] TS: Are you super small or what
[09:14] AV: N+t 4s sm4ll 4s y+ur bule
[09:15] TS: Prol'ly
[09:15] TS: But seriously
[09:15] TS: are you a shota
[09:15] TS: loli boi
[09:15] AV: Wh4t the fuck?
[09:15] TS: Are you a tiny boi
[09:16] TS: how tall are you
[09:16] AV: N+ne +f y+u're buisness.
[09:17] TS: Fair
[09:17] TS: snooty
[09:17] TS: but fair
[09:18] TS: here.
[09:18] TS: for you
[09:18] TS: https://sanesspsuede.tumblr.com/image/165713367880
[09:18] TS: perhaps there is peace now
[09:18] AV: FUCKKKKK<4L.
[09:18] AV: 4ss
[09:18] TS: You don't like it? It even has your name on it!
[09:18] AV: +h shit
[09:19] TS: what
[09:19] AV: My lusus is c+min b4ck
[09:19] AV: I c4n't let him et 4n+ther key
[09:19] TS: he's gonna No.3 your husktop
[09:19] AV: jkmm ,mk.ledl.,edkl,
[09:20] AV: N++
[09:20] TS: which one
[09:20] AV: N+ne, yet. I just left.
[09:21] AV: C4n't e<en sit in my +wn respitebl+ck.
[09:21] TS: Where will you hide?
[09:21] AV: M4ybe the f++dbl+ck.
[09:21] TS: Your lusus won't follow you?
[09:21] AV: H+pefully n+t?
[09:22] TS: https://media1.giphy.com/media/l4FsL2O7y1xgYCHNC/200_s.gif
[09:22] AV: W+w, th4nks.
[09:22] TS: I hope it helped
[09:23] TS: a blessing to keep the lusus away
[09:23] TS: I'm good with vegetables because of my green thumb so
[09:23] AV: M4ybe. I think he w4nts his fe4thers brushed +r s+methin.
[09:23] TS: You can brush feathers?
[09:24] TS: BRB trouble
[09:24] AV: +k4y.
[09:26] AV: https://media.giphy.com/media/iblnwU5gqzM1W/giphy.gif
-- talentedSalad [TS] is now an idle chum! --
[09:34] TS: I',m back
[09:34] AV: Hey.
[09:34] TS: nice gif
[09:35] AV: S+, I s4y brushin, but I just me4n gr++min. He's re4l big +n it.
[09:35] TS: What does grooming entail?
[09:37] AV: S+rt +f like nicer pecking.
[09:37] TS: Wait
[09:37] TS: He wants to groom YOU?
[09:37] AV: I n+rm4lly just w4sh him up with 4 wipin cl+th.
[09:37] AV: He's weird.
[09:38] TS: And the pecking... GROOMING... Does that DO anything?
[09:39] TS: Besides annoy you
[09:39] AV: N+t re4lly. He kind +f just pecks my h4ir while I w4sh him.
[09:40] TS: That's actually kind of cute
[09:40] AV: I uess. But he's re4l pushy +f it.
[09:42] TS: You need to replace that g
[09:42] AV: Wish he w+uld 4sk nicer.
[09:42] AV: 4nd ye4h.
[09:43] TS: I mean yeah, but it's not the worst right? Imagine if your lusus was a chameleon that wanted you to suck its genitals
[09:43] TS: bit of perspective
[09:45] AV: Ye4h, I kn+w. I 4ctu4lly like my lusus. It's just th4t he c4n be rude 4t times.
[09:45] AV: He's pretty gre4t.
[09:45] TS: ^_^
[09:45] TS: Cute
[09:45] TS: Tell him you love him
[09:46] AV: But I d+n't w4nn4 tell him bec4use he 4lre4dy h4s 4 bi eg+.
[09:46] TS: Will it really make things worse?
[09:47] TS: It might make him back off
[09:47] AV: He's 4lredy re4lly fl4shy
[09:47] TS: what if you embarrass him
[09:47] TS: that would be funny
[09:47] AV: I d+n't think he'd let me li<e it d+wn.
[09:47] TS: No?
[09:47] AV: I'm n+t sure.
[09:48] TS: How would he hold it over you?
[09:48] AV: He w+uldn't le4<e me 4l+ne. e<er.
[09:48] TS: Ohhhh
[09:48] TS: Yeah, I could see that
[09:48] AV: He'd be e<en m+re clingy.
[09:48] TS: Bummer
[09:49] TS: Have you EVER told him that you love him?
[09:49] AV: Ye4h, 4 few times. He w+uld 4lw4ys 4lm+st suff+c4te me in 4 fe4thery embr4ce.
[09:50] TS: Ohhhhh
[09:50] TS: <3
[09:50] TS: Cute bird dad is cute
[09:51] AV: He is, but g+ds.
[09:53] AV: Well, I d+n't think i c4n st4ll much l+ner. I +tt4 g+ r++m him.
[09:55] TS: Good luck, my dude
[09:55] TS: Does that mean you gotta go?
[09:55] AV: Ye4h, f+r n+w. I'll t4lk t+ y+u l4ter, br+.
[09:55] TS: Okay. Later
[09:56] AV: Bye.
-- aestheticVirtuoso [AV] gave up trolling talentedSalad [TS] at 21:56 --
-- aestheticVirtuoso [AV] changed their mood to OFFLINE --
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