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aestheticVirtuoso 4
-- aestheticVirtuoso [AV] began trolling talentedSalad [TS] at 20:37 --
[08:37] AV: Y+u're g4y.
[08:38] TS: You're not wrong, but why are you bringing this up right now?
[08:39] AV: N+ re4l re4s+n. Just felt like ch4tting.
[08:39] TS: Seems legit; I'd wanna talk to me too if I was lame.
[08:39] TS: You must be very bored.
[08:39] AV: But y+u 4re l4me.
[08:40] TS: Another harsh truth dropped by the master of disaster.
[08:40] AV: +h shit, here c+mes D4t B+i.
[08:41] TS: What, is it Teivel?
[08:42] AV: dfjgkfej/ghkbre hjmu+gsw4 f le /ft4piekj
[08:42] AV: 4dxscghnkl,;gr3ql+5
[08:42] TS: Oh wait. That's a meme.
[08:42] TS: Good job with the mashing, buddy
[08:42] TS: It makes more sense than your reference
[08:42] AV: My lusus is 4 dick s+metimes.
[08:43] TS: Oh shit. REAL TALK.
[08:43] TS: Whassup?
[08:43] TS: Wait.
[08:43] TS: The mashing?
[08:43] AV: He keeps pecking me. Sl4ms his he4d +n the d4mn huskt+p. I h4d t+ sh++ him 4w4y.
[08:44] TS: Holy fuck. Your lusus is such a bird brain
[08:44] TS: badum tsh!
[08:44] AV: W+w. g++d +ne.
[08:44] AV: Must h4<e t4ken y+u sweeps.
[08:45] TS: Haha. So "Dat Boi" was your lusus?
[08:45] TS: comin' to peck your shit
[08:45] AV: B4sic4lly.
[08:45] TS: Top quality lusus you have there
[08:45] TS: How much trouble is he?
[08:46] AV: He's pretty nice m+st +f the time, but he c4n get s+ s4ssy s+metimes.
[08:46] TS: Sassy?
[08:46] TS: Example required.
[08:47] AV: I d+n't kn+w, m4ybe sl4mming his d4mn he4d +n my fre4king huskt+p f+r n+ re4s+n +ther th4n t+ be 4 dick 4nd get 4ttenti+n.
[08:47] TS: Aw, he's lonely.
[08:47] TS: But here you are
[08:47] TS: also lonely
[08:47] TS: harassing losers on the internet
[08:48] TS: instead of hangin out with bird dad
[08:48] TS: Was he doing it to be a dick?
[08:48] AV: I think he gets je4l+us. He w4nts 4ll +f the 4ttenti+n.
[08:48] TS: Oh-ho, a Fussy Boi
[08:49] TS: You should post a pic of him sometime.
[08:49] AV: His fe4thers 4re 4ll ruffled.
[08:49] TS: Does he make a mess?
[08:50] AV: N+t re4lly. Whene<er he thr+ws 4 fit, he d+es s+ by pecking my d4mn br4ins +ut. +ne d4y I w+n't e<en h4<e 4ny.
[08:50] TS: Hm. One day, huh.
[08:51] TS: Let him send me a message
[08:51] TS: It's funny
[08:51] AV: Fine. I'm h4nding the huskt+p t+ him.
[08:51] TS: Holy shit
[08:51] TS: I'm ready
[08:51] AV: d/kjg4X C<
[08:51] AV: UZZHG+L=-P05
[08:51] AV: qwtijm,,mp+k+i+ipuigf
[08:52] AV: hytht<<fkyhuibgyf7uut<hty<yukilgtftyg
[08:52] AV: +h shh+it5hrtgn dw
[08:52] AV: shity
[08:52] TS: I <3 u bird dad
[08:52] TS: lol "shity"
[08:52] AV: I think he 4te 4 key
[08:52] AV: fucj
[08:52] AV: fucj
[08:52] AV: kk
[08:52] TS: I am laughing SO HARD right now
[08:52] TS: asdfg
[08:52] AV: Wh4t 4n 4ssh+le
[08:53] TS: You can get a new key
[08:53] TS: Besides
[08:53] TS: I told you too give him the husktop
[08:53] AV: I h4d t+ y4nk it b4ck fr+m him. He w4s re4lly g+ing 4t it.
[08:53] TS: You got the key back?? Impressive!
[08:54] AV: N+, the huskt+p. I'm missing my G key.
[08:55] TS: Guess you'll just have to sing a different note from now on
[08:55] TS: Try A flat
[08:55] AV: It's g+ne f+r g++d
[08:55] AV: It's s+ h4rd t+ type gs n+w
[08:55] TS: He swallowed it?
[08:55] AV: He r4n +ff.
[08:56] AV: I think he's t4kin it t+ his nest +r s+me shit.
[08:56] TS: Is he gonna hide it or eat it? I'm confused.
[08:56] AV: Pr+b4bly just hide it.
[08:56] TS: And you'll never find it
[08:56] TS: never
[08:57] AV: N+pe. I 4in't re4chin int+ th4t d4mn nest.
[08:57] AV: He'd kill me.
[08:57] TS: Reeeeeally?
[08:57] TS: You've tried before then
[08:57] AV: My p++r he4d c4n't t4ke 4nym+re peckin.
[08:58] TS: Going bald, huh
[08:58] AV: I miht h4<e 4 c+ncusi+n.
[08:58] TS: This is you
[08:58] TS: https://akibento-leadnationmedia.netdna-ssl.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/iIpmndr.jpg
[08:59] AV: Fuck +ff.
[08:59] AV: My h4ir is f4b.
[09:00] TS: Fuck off? It IS fab. It IS you tho, right? Bald, vacant stare... What'd I get wrong?
[09:01] AV: Wh4t 4n 4ssh+le.
[09:01] TS: Wait, I know
[09:01] TS: You like bananas, right?
[09:01] TS: here
[09:01] AV: N+.
[09:01] TS: fixed it
[09:01] AV: D+n't.
[09:01] TS: http://s1.narvii.com/image/mzhqe6ncv7hmtvxmqcxutwrbnnwywqrx_hq.jpg
[09:02] AV: I h+pe y+u fuckin die.
[09:02] TS: Someday, my friend
[09:02] TS: someday
[09:02] AV: F+r 4ll +f +ur s4kes, I h+pe it's s+med4y s++n.
[09:03] TS: If I take up Teivel's offer to come over, it'll probably be soon
[09:04] AV: Gr+ss.
[09:04] TS: He's aslked you over too, right?
[09:04] AV: I d+n't need t+ he4r 4b+ut th4t shit.
[09:04] TS: Dude
[09:04] TS: no
[09:04] TS: I meant he was gonna kill me on some shitty traps or something
[09:05] AV: He s4id he h4s s+me kind +f fuckin sex dune+n/res+rt
[09:05] TS: WTF
[09:05] TS: No
[09:05] TS: His hive is just a shitscape of ghey boobytraps and corpses
[09:05] TS: Unless he's into THAT
[09:05] AV: 4nd his shit lusus
[09:06] TS: Oh yeh
[09:06] TS: double ew
[09:06] AV: Th4t he s4id he's suck the bulge +f
[09:06] TS: A chameleon's bulge?
[09:06] AV: He's fuckin r+ss
[09:06] AV: Ye4h
[09:06] AV: My p++r key
[09:07] TS: That will not ever be not funny
[09:07] AV: I w+uld if I 4sk nicely en+uh he'll i<e it b4ck
[09:08] TS: Really? Huh.
[09:08] TS: Well, for now
[09:08] TS: http://s.twistynoodle.com/img/r/fill-in-the-missing-letter-g/fill-in-the-missing-letter-g-2/fill-in-the-missing-letter-g-2_coloring_page.png?ctok=20151006065412
[09:08] TS: No.3 is funny
[09:08] TS: Teivel would like it
[09:09] AV: http://www.gettyimages.com/detail/photo/angry-peacock-royalty-free-image/94194414?esource=SEO_GIS_CDN_Redirect
[09:09] AV: This is wh4t this 4ssh+le l++ks like.
[09:09] TS: Your lusus is funny
[09:09] TS: hehheh
[09:10] AV: http://images.china.cn/attachement/jpg/site1007/20110505/000cf1a48b7f0f2c57691e.jpg
[09:10] AV: This is wh4t he sh+uld l++k like.
[09:10] TS: Brutal
[09:11] TS: you want some freaky corpse party like Teivel
[09:11] AV: Hell n+.
[09:12] AV: http://hronika.info/uploads/posts/2016-07/1467640837_devochka.jpg
[09:12] AV: Me runnin fr+m my lusus
[09:12] TS: That's some quality garbage, my dude. ;)
[09:13] TS: How big is your lusus tho?
[09:13] AV: Bigeer th4n me.
[09:13] AV: W+w.
[09:13] AV: My spellin
[09:13] TS: Pretty ghey
[09:14] TS: Are you super small or what
[09:14] AV: N+t 4s sm4ll 4s y+ur bule
[09:15] TS: Prol'ly
[09:15] TS: But seriously
[09:15] TS: are you a shota
[09:15] TS: loli boi
[09:15] AV: Wh4t the fuck?
[09:15] TS: Are you a tiny boi
[09:16] TS: how tall are you
[09:16] AV: N+ne +f y+u're buisness.
[09:17] TS: Fair
[09:17] TS: snooty
[09:17] TS: but fair
[09:18] TS: here.
[09:18] TS: for you
[09:18] TS: https://sanesspsuede.tumblr.com/image/165713367880
[09:18] TS: perhaps there is peace now
[09:18] AV: FUCKKKKK<4L.
[09:18] AV: 4ss
[09:18] TS: You don't like it? It even has your name on it!
[09:18] AV: +h shit
[09:19] TS: what
[09:19] AV: My lusus is c+min b4ck
[09:19] AV: I c4n't let him et 4n+ther key
[09:19] TS: he's gonna No.3 your husktop
[09:19] AV: jkmm ,mk.ledl.,edkl,
[09:20] AV: N++
[09:20] TS: which one
[09:20] AV: N+ne, yet. I just left.
[09:21] AV: C4n't e<en sit in my +wn respitebl+ck.
[09:21] TS: Where will you hide?
[09:21] AV: M4ybe the f++dbl+ck.
[09:21] TS: Your lusus won't follow you?
[09:21] AV: H+pefully n+t?
[09:22] TS: https://media1.giphy.com/media/l4FsL2O7y1xgYCHNC/200_s.gif
[09:22] AV: W+w, th4nks.
[09:22] TS: I hope it helped
[09:23] TS: a blessing to keep the lusus away
[09:23] TS: I'm good with vegetables because of my green thumb so
[09:23] AV: M4ybe. I think he w4nts his fe4thers brushed +r s+methin.
[09:23] TS: You can brush feathers?
[09:24] TS: BRB trouble
[09:24] AV: +k4y.
[09:26] AV: https://media.giphy.com/media/iblnwU5gqzM1W/giphy.gif
-- talentedSalad [TS] is now an idle chum! --
[09:34] TS: I',m back
[09:34] AV: Hey.
[09:34] TS: nice gif
[09:35] AV: S+, I s4y brushin, but I just me4n gr++min. He's re4l big +n it.
[09:35] TS: What does grooming entail?
[09:37] AV: S+rt +f like nicer pecking.
[09:37] TS: Wait
[09:37] TS: He wants to groom YOU?
[09:37] AV: I n+rm4lly just w4sh him up with 4 wipin cl+th.
[09:37] AV: He's weird.
[09:38] TS: And the pecking... GROOMING... Does that DO anything?
[09:39] TS: Besides annoy you
[09:39] AV: N+t re4lly. He kind +f just pecks my h4ir while I w4sh him.
[09:40] TS: That's actually kind of cute
[09:40] AV: I uess. But he's re4l pushy +f it.
[09:42] TS: You need to replace that g
[09:42] AV: Wish he w+uld 4sk nicer.
[09:42] AV: 4nd ye4h.
[09:43] TS: I mean yeah, but it's not the worst right? Imagine if your lusus was a chameleon that wanted you to suck its genitals
[09:43] TS: bit of perspective
[09:45] AV: Ye4h, I kn+w. I 4ctu4lly like my lusus. It's just th4t he c4n be rude 4t times.
[09:45] AV: He's pretty gre4t.
[09:45] TS: ^_^
[09:45] TS: Cute
[09:45] TS: Tell him you love him
[09:46] AV: But I d+n't w4nn4 tell him bec4use he 4lre4dy h4s 4 bi eg+.
[09:46] TS: Will it really make things worse?
[09:47] TS: It might make him back off
[09:47] AV: He's 4lredy re4lly fl4shy
[09:47] TS: what if you embarrass him
[09:47] TS: that would be funny
[09:47] AV: I d+n't think he'd let me li<e it d+wn.
[09:47] TS: No?
[09:47] AV: I'm n+t sure.
[09:48] TS: How would he hold it over you?
[09:48] AV: He w+uldn't le4<e me 4l+ne. e<er.
[09:48] TS: Ohhhh
[09:48] TS: Yeah, I could see that
[09:48] AV: He'd be e<en m+re clingy.
[09:48] TS: Bummer
[09:49] TS: Have you EVER told him that you love him?
[09:49] AV: Ye4h, 4 few times. He w+uld 4lw4ys 4lm+st suff+c4te me in 4 fe4thery embr4ce.
[09:50] TS: Ohhhhh
[09:50] TS: <3
[09:50] TS: Cute bird dad is cute
[09:51] AV: He is, but g+ds.
[09:53] AV: Well, I d+n't think i c4n st4ll much l+ner. I +tt4 g+ r++m him.
[09:55] TS: Good luck, my dude
[09:55] TS: Does that mean you gotta go?
[09:55] AV: Ye4h, f+r n+w. I'll t4lk t+ y+u l4ter, br+.
[09:55] TS: Okay. Later
[09:56] AV: Bye.
-- aestheticVirtuoso [AV] gave up trolling talentedSalad [TS] at 21:56 --
-- aestheticVirtuoso [AV] changed their mood to OFFLINE --
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gallionicTrickster 2
[10:16:29] -- gallionicTrickster [GT] began trolling aestheticVirtuoso [AV] at 22:16 --
[10:16:29] GT: WHAT
[10:18:22] AV: F4gg+t.
[10:18:34] GT: yeah pretty much
[10:18:44] GT: so hows it going olive garden?
[10:18:57] AV: Piss +ff.
[10:19:06] AV: I'm w4y t++ p+pul4r +<er here.
[10:19:28] GT: but i thought we were bros
[10:20:54] AV: I'm being dr+wned in 4 se4 +f g4y f4gg+ts.
[10:21:11] GT: fuck the gay faggots
[10:21:18] GT: im the original gay faggot
[10:21:50] AV: E4t shit y+u je4l+us slut.
[10:26:24] GT: basically
[10:27:53] AV: Jump +n TS's bulge if y+u're s+ desper4te.
[10:28:41] GT: pfft
[10:28:48] GT: i dont want your bulge bro
[10:28:54] GT: i want your FEELINGS
[10:29:42] AV: TS 4s in t4lentedS4l4d y+u stupid fuck. Y+u kn+w, S4ness?
[10:30:11] GT: yeah i know fucker
[10:31:17] AV: Why 4re y+u like this?
[10:32:13] GT: because im very retarded
[10:32:24] GT: im litterally retarded
[10:32:32] GT: i live in a retarded society
[10:32:40] GT: surrounded by retarded people
[10:32:44] GT: being retarded
[10:33:37] AV: F4ir en+ugh.
[10:39:34] GT: no but seriously im retarded
[10:39:41] GT: my horns are fucked up
[10:40:01] AV: Th4t's fucking true.
[10:40:16] AV: Y+u're 4 g+d d4mn m+nster +r s+me shit.
[10:40:27] GT: yeah basically
[10:40:38] GT: i cant even go outside
[10:42:32] AV: N+ w+nder y+u're s+ fucked up in the he4d 4nd desper4te.
[10:42:54] GT: yeah basically
[10:46:07] GT: at least ive got my lowblood friends to hang out with
[10:46:12] GT: fuck highbloods
[10:46:17] GT: you guys are legit
[10:47:05] AV: W+w, dude. y+u were insulting us l+wbl++ds e4rlier, 4nd n+w y+u're sucking +ur bulges?
[10:48:07] GT: you know im only joking though right?
[10:48:15] GT: the caste system is retarded
[10:48:23] GT: and so is the hemospectrum
[10:48:44] AV: Well, I c4n 4gree with th4t. But m4n, were th+se s+me sick fires e4rlier.
[10:49:16] GT: io drop sick fires on everybody
[10:50:51] AV: ye4h, th4t's 'C4use y+u're g4y 4s fuck.
[10:50:58] GT: i believe in prejudice equality
[10:51:03] GT: everyone gets shit
[10:53:53] AV: St4rt p+ping 4 c4p in e<ery+ne.
[11:03:21] -- gallionicTrickster [GT] changed their mood to OFFLINE --
[11:04:42] -- aestheticVirtuoso [AV] gave up trolling gallionicTrickster [GT] at 23:04 --
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aestheticVirtuoso 1
-- aestheticVirtuoso [AV] began trolling talentedSalad [TS] at 19:57 --
[07:58] AV: Y+.
[07:58] TS: Y+ my ass
[07:58] AV: Y+u're g4y 4s fuck.
-- aestheticVirtuoso [AV] changed their mood to RELAXED --
[07:58] TS: no
[07:59] TS: quirks are ghey
[07:59] AV: True, but wh4t kind +f f4g w+uld y+u be with+ut it?
[07:59] TS: a gheyless fag is no fag at all
[07:59] TS: you win
[08:00] AV: +h ye4h.
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aestheticVirtuoso 3
-- talentedSalad [TS] began trolling aestheticVirtuoso [AV] at 22:01 --
[10:07] TS: You. Start trolling nocturnalLotus
[10:29] TS: That is all.
[10:29] TS: Good bye.
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aestheticVirtuoso 2
-- talentedSalad [TS] began trolling aestheticVirtuoso [AV] at 21:32 --
[09:32:21] AV: Y+u d4re c+me b4ck?
[09:32:36] TS: Hey. Is Teivel your Moirail?
[09:32:40] TS: He said he is.
[09:32:45] TS: I told him he's a liar.
[09:33:00] AV: I d+n't kn+w. If he is, he's shit 4t it.
[09:33:08] TS: OHHHH SNAP
[09:33:13] TS: Droppin' the HEAT
[09:33:31] TS: But is he?
[09:33:50] AV: ???
[09:33:57] AV: I d+n't kn+w.
[09:34:17] TS: So I assume he is not
[09:34:21] TS: ??
[09:35:11] AV: We're pretty 4gr+ wiht e4ch +ther t+ be m+ir4ils, but I guess he's trying.
[09:36:32] TS: Seriously?
[09:36:43] TS: Are you gonna accept that proposition?
[09:36:55] TS: 'Cuz he's MAD into my freakin' bulge
[09:36:57] TS: Like...
[09:37:00] TS: Desperate.
[09:37:44] AV: Ye4h, I figured. He's been mess4ging me 4b+ut it. S+mething 4b+ut sh+<ing y+ur bulge d+wn his thr+4t.
[09:38:00] AV: 4nd I'm n+t sure.
[09:38:08] TS: -_- You sure you want that sort of baggage, my dude?
[09:39:40] AV: Well, I me4n, e<en if we're m+ir4ils, we d+n't h4<e t+ be m+ir4ils f+re<er +r 4nything.
[09:40:21] TS: That's... very true.
[09:40:26] TS: Very cold, too
[09:40:31] TS: Chilly
[09:40:42] TS: Like
[09:40:59] TS: I felt the room get darker with the gentle brush of a winter morning
[09:42:26] AV: I d+n't think th4t we're expected t+ keep the s4me pers+n in 4 specific qu4dr4nt f+r +ur wh+le li<es.
[09:42:41] AV: S+me times it just d+esn't w+rk +ut.
[09:42:51] AV: But th4t d+esn't me4n y+u c4n't try.
[09:43:23] TS: Are you optimistic, or just... trying to be positive, or... like...?
[09:43:39] TS: (Also)
[09:44:03] TS: (Keeping Teivel in your <> sounds hella hard)
[09:44:09] TS: U cray
[09:44:46] AV: H+nestly, I d+n't think we're m+ir4il m4teri4l.
[09:44:58] TS: You gonna tell him so?
[09:45:35] AV: But he seems s+ de4d set +n it. I w+nder if he'll e<en gi<e me 4 s4y in it.
[09:45:51] TS: Blue bloods are pushy
[09:46:07] TS: If you fill the quad tho, he can't do shit
[09:46:16] TS: Have you met anyone new?
[09:46:29] AV: Ye4h. Th4t's true. 4nd n4h.
[09:46:37] TS: Bummer
[09:46:39] TS: Maybe
[09:47:44] TS: If he gives you trouble or something, let me know?
[09:47:54] AV: Ye4h, sure.
[09:47:56] TS: I dunno if I could be much helo, but I'd try
[09:48:04] AV: But he's just tr+uble by existing.
[09:48:18] TS: True. Terribly True.
[09:49:14] AV: S+, wh4t's g+ing +n?
[09:49:27] AV: Is he still b+thering y+u?
[09:49:49] TS: Yeah, he's telling me about how much of a "heart breaker" he is
[09:50:06] AV: W+w. He's re4lly g4y.
[09:52:21] TS: Yeah. He's not bothering you anymore?
[09:57:38] AV: +ff 4nd +n.
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aestheticVirtuoso 7
-- aestheticVirtuoso [AV] began trolling talentedSalad [TS] at 21:56 --
[09:56] AV: Hi.
[09:56] AV: S+rry, my internet died.
[09:57] TS: Oh hey! I was a little worried. ;^_^
[09:58] TS: It's not like you to leave without saying goodbye, after all
[09:59] TS: Is it okay for me to send your contact information to a friend of mine?
[09:59] TS: They don't talk to very many people
[10:00] AV: Y+u me4n, like my h4ndel?
[10:00] AV: Ye4h, sure.
[10:00] AV: Wh4t kind +f pers+n 4re they?
[10:00] TS: She's a bit...
[10:00] TS: Nervous?
[10:01] TS: Abrasive, maybe, but not as bad a s Teivel
[10:01] AV: +k4y. Wh4t's their h4ndel?
[10:02] TS: Her handle is kurvakiousSexekutionoir
[10:03] TS: She's very dramatic
[10:03] AV: W+w. Th4t's quite the h4ndel.
[10:03] AV: Sh+ul I mess4ge her first, +r w4it f+r her t+ c+nt4ct me first?
[10:03] TS: I'm not sure. She's having a meltdown at the moment
[10:04] AV: +h, I'm s+rry.
[10:05] TS: Don't be; I'm the one who stressed her out.
[10:06] TS: Lemme know if she messages you though, please?
[10:06] AV: Re4lly? H+w did y+u d+ th4t? 4nd ye4h, sure.
[10:06] TS: She's actually really isolated, so yeah. She's nervous about talking to someone who isn't me.
[10:07] TS: Don't tell her I said that.
[10:07] AV: +h, hey. She just c+nt4cted me.
[10:07] AV: 4re y+u trying t+ get her t+ be m+re s+ci4l +r s+mething?
[10:08] TS: Yeah, I am. :/
[10:08] TS: Thanks for talking to her.
[10:09] AV: Well, I h+pe I c4n help. 4nd n+ pr+blem, br+.
[10:09] TS: You're a cool dude. ^_^
[10:10] TS: Even if it doesn't end well, I'm sure it's gonna help make progress
[10:10] TS: Hey... You're like, what, 8 sweeps?
[10:12] AV: Ye4h, I'm 8 sweeps.
[10:12] TS: Okay. I wasn't quite sure.
[10:13] AV: Wh4t 4b+ut y+u/
[10:13] AV: *?
[10:14] TS: Can you keep a secret? :<
[10:14] AV: Ye4h, +f c+urse, my br+.
[10:14] TS: I'm actually already 9...
[10:14] AV: But if y+u're n+t c+mf+rt4ble s4ying, th4t's fine.
[10:15] TS: It's chill. I trust you.
[10:16] AV: Re4lly? Th4t's when we le4<e pl4net, right? Did they miss y+u +r s+mething?
[10:16] TS: Uh, you could say that.
[10:16] AV: Well, I'm still gl4d th4t we c4n t4lk.
[10:16] AV: Y+u're 4 c++l pers+n.
[10:17] TS: ^w^
[10:17] TS: I mean, can't you talk to off-world trolls too?
[10:17] TS: Not that I wanna go or anything.
[10:18] TS: Do you wanna get off of Homeworld?
[10:18] AV: I'm n+t sure, 4ctu4lly. M4ybe. 4nd I kind +f like it here.
[10:19] TS: What do you wanna do when you've grown up? :/
[10:21] AV: I d+n't kn+w. I kind +f just w4nt t+ st4y here. I like my lusus 4nd my hi<e. It's pretty 4nd rel4xing.
[10:21] TS: Yeah, I feel yah. Is that all you want out of life though?
[10:22] AV: Well, I 4lre4dy h4<e c++l friends like y+u. I d+n't re4lly need 4nything m+re.
[10:23] TS: I'm flattered. Truly. But... Don't you have IRL friends you'd rather hang out with?
[10:24] AV: N+t re4lly. I d+n't see 4 l+t +f tr+lls w4ndering 4r+und the f+rrest.
[10:25] TS: Hm. :/ Is that how you'd prefer it?
[10:27] AV: Well, I guess it w+uld be nice t+ be 4ble t+ see pe+ple m+re +ften.
[10:29] TS: I understand the feeling, my dude.
[10:31] AV: Ye4h.
[10:31] TS: Would it... uh.
[10:31] TS: Will you send me your coordinates?
[10:31] TS: Maybe I can visit sometime.
[10:33] AV: {coordinates SENT}
[10:33] TS: {coordinates RECEIVED}
[10:34] TS: Hey, cool. ^_^ Now I'm excited~
[10:35] AV: Heheh. I h+pe t+ see y+u.
[10:36] TS: I'll let you know if I'm ever in the area
[10:37] AV: +k4y. Th4nks, br+.
[10:37] TS: So how's bird dad? :3
[10:40] AV: Pretty g++d. He's +ut in the f+rrest right n+w.
[10:41] AV: Pr+b4bly l++king f+r 4 bite t+ e4t.
[10:43] TS: What do you eat if your lusus is basically self-sufficient?
[10:44] AV: Well, I find things +ut in the f+rrest. 4nd he n+rm4lly brings s+mething b4ck f+r me when he g+es +ut.
[10:45] TS: Like bugs?
[10:46] AV: S+metimes. Le4<es 4nd stuff t++, th+ugh.
[10:49] TS: You eat leaves? :3 That's... interesting. Not fruits or nuts?
[10:53] AV: I s4id "4nd stuff".
[10:54] TS: Sorry. Was that rude?
[10:54] AV: Wh4t? N4h, dude, y+u're c++l.
[10:55] TS: But seriously. Leaves? ^_^ That's kinda funny~nDo they taste bad?
[10:58] AV: N+t 4ll +f them. I m+stly like t+ m4ke te4 with them.
[10:58] TS: Oh. I almost forgot that you were a NERD. ;D
[11:00] AV: W+w, h+w rude. Like y+u're n+t? Heheh.
[11:00] TS: Heheh. You got me.
[11:01] TS: So how does your lusus carry back food for you?
[11:01] TS: Don't tell me he regurgitates it for you.
[11:04] AV: N+ w4y! T4lk 4b+ut gr+ss. He n+rm4lly t4kes 4 b4g with him 4nd just puts stuff int+ it.
[11:06] TS: Okay. That's actually a surprisingly big relief
[11:07] AV: Ye4h, t4lk 4b+ut it. I d+n't w4nt n+ <+mit in my hi<e.
[11:09] TS: Or in your face.
[11:10] AV: Blech. I'm s+ gl4d he d+esn't d+ th4t shit.
[11:10] TS: Me too, Kro. Me too.
[11:12] AV: +h hey, He's b4ck.
[11:14] TS: Your lusus?
[11:14] TS: Yeesh, it's almost morning
[11:14] TS: I've gotta go pack and get ready for the move.
[11:15] AV: Ye4h. Well, I'll t4lk t+ y+u l4ter, br+. g++d luck with y+ur m+<e.
[11:15] TS: Thanks! I'll catch you later, Krolio. Sleep well!
[11:17] AV: Y+u t++, br+!
-- aestheticVirtuoso [AV] gave up trolling talentedSalad [TS] at 23:17 --
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aestheticVirtuoso 6
-- talentedSalad [TS] began trolling aestheticVirtuoso [AV] at 21:37 --
[09:37] TS: Hey. Are you there?
[09:37] TS: It says offline, but...
[09:38] TS: It's not like you to leave without saying goodbye.
[09:38] TS: Admittedly, I'm a little worried.
[09:38] TS: Catch you later, dude.
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gallionicTrickster 1
[08:00:20] -- aestheticVirtuoso [AV] began trolling gallionicTrickster [GT] at 20:00 --
[08:00:27] AV: G4y b+y.
[08:01:00] GT: im not gay your gay
[08:01:04] GT: gayboi
[08:01:36] AV: Nicc C4ge w4tches +<er my g4yness.
[08:04:59] AV: I h4<e s4crificed my s+uld t+ Nicc C4ge.
[08:05:11] AV: *S+ul
[08:06:50] GT: yeah im sure thats gonna work out
[08:07:01] AV: It 4lre4dy h4s.
[08:07:05] GT: did you try making a wish first?
[08:07:47] AV: I wished f+r the w4rm embr4ce +f GGGGGGGGGGGG44444444444YYYYYYYYYYY
[08:08:12] GT: i dont even know what g4y is
[08:08:18] GT: is it like
[08:08:26] GT: a pudding or something?
[08:08:44] AV: Y+u're fucking g4y 4s 4ll hell.
[08:08:45] GT: whatever it is it sounds awful and i do not aprove
[08:08:52] AV: T++ L4TE.
[08:09:08] AV: IT H4S T4KEN +<ER +UR W+RLD.
[08:09:12] GT: oh
[08:09:42] GT: so its like
[08:09:45] AV: 4IDS
[08:09:47] GT: retardation?
[08:09:51] AV: S4ME THING
[08:09:57] GT: wow
[08:10:03] GT: im offended
[08:10:06] GT: im sop not retarded
[08:10:28] AV: Re4lly? F++led me.
[08:10:31] GT: like you and your "gay" as friends
[08:10:47] GT: i type hard and fast
[08:10:52] AV: G4y is the +nly w4y.
[08:10:58] GT: your just in awe of my mad as skillss
[08:11:07] AV: Fuck +ff.
[08:11:24] GT: nothing personnel kid
[08:11:24] AV: Skills 4re f+r pe+ple wh+ c4re.
[08:11:33] GT: yeah
[08:11:35] GT: like you
[08:11:42] GT: you skilled peice of shit
[08:11:51] GT: go be good at art somewhere
[08:11:55] GT: fucking loser
[08:12:13] AV: G+ be g++d 4t sucking dick.
[08:12:31] GT: fuclking gay as peacock peice of ass
[08:12:36] GT: i get lots of dick
[08:12:38] GT: unlike you
[08:12:51] GT: im mad rolling in the bul,ge
[08:12:53] AV: Suck my pe4c+ck bulge.
[08:12:58] GT: i dont even have enough buckets
[08:13:11] AV: They're +nly full +f te4rs.
[08:13:23] GT: sorry kid but im not a rainbow drinker
[08:13:31] GT: that bulge got too many colors
[08:14:20] AV: W+w. Guess y+ur buckets re4lly 4re +nly full +f y+ur te4rs if y+u c4n't st4nd l++king 4t t++ m4ny c+l+rs.
[08:14:33] GT: fuck
[08:14:39] GT: i just got roasted
[08:14:48] AV: Sick f4ires bl4sted.
[08:14:56] AV: *Fires
[08:15:25] GT: im burning alive
[08:15:35] AV: 4n4l 4ss4ssin4ti+n.
[08:15:36] GT: kind of like your entire blood cast
[08:15:42] AV: CHRIST
[08:15:57] GT: yeah that was a low blow
[08:16:03] GT: lower than your blood
[08:17:02] AV: H+ly shit.
[08:17:09] GT: then again im the cerulean thats slumming it with you
[08:17:18] GT: which depending on who you ask
[08:17:26] GT: makes me an even bigger retard
[08:17:50] GT: fucking peasants
[08:18:06] AV: G+ suck 4 big, f4t purple bulge.
[08:18:07] GT: always ruining my classy ass image
[08:18:15] GT: lol no
[08:18:18] AV: E4t n++k.
[08:18:24] GT: clowns are retarded as shit
[08:18:39] AV: Then m4ke it 4n indig+.
[08:18:43] GT: and fishes are way too salty
[08:18:57] GT: indigo think they all that
[08:19:02] GT: they dumb as fuck
[08:19:18] AV: They'll re4lly p+und th4t gr+ss n++k +f y+urs.
[08:19:28] GT: yeah pretty much
[08:19:38] GT: they be pounding my door down for sure
[08:19:44] AV: Cr4ck th4t shit +pen.
[08:19:54] GT: too bad they arnt immune to being lit on fire
[08:19:59] GT: not like your kind
[08:20:02] GT: whos like
[08:20:06] GT: used to it by now
[08:20:16] AV: Shut up.
[08:20:24] GT: your welcome
[08:20:43] AV: Y+u're still g4y 4s 4ll shit.
[08:21:01] GT: you too buddy
[08:21:23] AV: I'm the g4yest +f them 4ll.
[08:21:31] AV: Y+u c4n't e<en c+mp4re.
[08:21:39] AV: I'm like 4 g+d +f g4y.
[08:21:47] AV: Step +ff.
[08:21:53] GT: wow
[08:22:07] GT: im bumbping shoulders with a real celebrity here
[08:22:21] GT: condesce aint got shit on you gay boy
[08:22:48] AV: I'll fuck the c+ndese up.
[08:23:06] GT: lets not get carried away here retard
[08:23:13] GT: she might be super retarded
[08:23:38] GT: but i dont think she'll stand there and let you FANgirl them to death
[08:24:28] AV: M+re like st4b cut them the fuck up with my f4ns.
[08:24:41] AV: St4b cut. Re4l 4rt.
[08:24:51] GT: wow your bulge is soooooo big
[08:25:10] GT: your sduch a big tough snowflake
[08:25:20] GT: just dont get yourself killed idiot
[08:25:49] AV: I'll get myself killed if th4t's wh4t I w4nt t+ d+.
[08:26:01] GT: how dare you
[08:26:09] GT: im offended to the highest caliber
[08:26:19] GT: higher than my blood compared to yours
[08:27:44] AV: W+w. h+w s4d. I h+pe y+u h4<e s+me tissues +r s+me shit.
[08:28:00] GT: yeah i do
[08:28:15] AV: Use them r4ther th4n my sh+ulder, then.
[08:28:16] GT: ive always got tissues within reach of my computer
[08:28:25] AV: gr+ss 4ss.
[08:29:01] GT: i have to make sure all this nook i get doesnt drip on my nice ass highblood pc
[08:29:03] AV: I h+pe y+u dr+wn in jizz.
[08:29:33] AV: Drink th4t n++k juice like 4 g+d d4mn r4inb+w drinker.
[08:29:40] AV: Slut.
[08:30:08] GT: you know me so well
[08:32:16] AV: Suck y+ur +wn Lusus' dick.
[08:32:48] GT: if only i could find them
[08:32:58] GT: that fucker hides all over the place
[08:33:02] GT: sneaky as fuck
[08:33:31] AV: Check in y+ur fre4ky sex dunge+n.
[08:33:37] AV: F4g.
[08:33:58] GT: wow
[08:34:04] GT: i thought we were friends
[08:34:25] GT: you never mention someones sex dungeon all willy nilly like that
[08:35:32] AV: Jegus, d+es it exist? I w4s fucking j+king.
[08:36:57] GT: lol
[08:37:11] GT: if i had a room dedicated to sex iut wouldnt be a dungeon
[08:37:18] GT: itd be a 5 star resort
[08:37:44] AV: N+t t++ gre4t with the BDSM m++d setting th+ugh.
[08:38:40] GT: "and im pretty sure the guy at the front desk was trying to bang my matesprit"
[08:39:21] AV: Wh4t the fuck is this? F4nficti+n qu+tes? I'm 4pp4lled GT.
[08:39:48] GT: fanfictions top notch
[08:39:58] GT: you just dont apreciate REAL art
[08:40:42] AV: The +nly 4rt here is y+ur bl++dy c+rpse.
[08:40:53] GT: aw
[08:40:56] GT: thats sweet of you
[08:41:08] AV: E4t my n++k.
[08:41:16] GT: im pretty enough to be art? :)
[08:41:29] AV: I t4ke it b4ck. Y+u're tr4sh.
[08:41:38] GT: fuck you
[08:41:52] GT: gay retard
[08:43:12] AV: Still better th4n wh4t y+u 4re.
[08:43:23] GT: fair enough
[08:43:27] GT: but if i was trash
[08:43:36] GT: would you throw me out ;)
[08:43:56] AV: Y+u'd g+ right int+ t+ g4rb4ge dump.
[08:44:05] AV: *the
[08:44:26] GT: <> you know just how to make me feel like trash
[08:45:54] AV: I d+n't think th4t f4lls under m+ir4il.
[08:46:12] GT: close enough
[08:48:17] AV: W+w. y+ur qu4dr4nts 4re fucked.
[08:48:35] GT: yeah'good job asshat
[08:48:39] GT: best moirail
[08:50:17] AV: Gr+ss, inhebr4ted qu4dr4nt fucker.
[08:54:03] GT: yup that sounds like a moirail doing a fine ass job'
[08:55:13] AV: Like y+u 4re either. Wh4t kind +f fucked up m+ir4il j+kes 4b+ut y+ur bl++d c+l+r 4nd shit.
[08:55:43] GT: ones that dont actually care bout blood color
[08:55:58] GT: these other fuckers dont even joke
[08:56:03] GT: they lame as hell
[08:56:56] AV: Y+u 4re t++.
[08:57:03] AV: L4me th4t is.
[08:57:12] GT: they just dont understand how retarded this whole caste system is
[08:58:27] AV: Is it m+re ret4rded th4n y+u? 'C4use th4t's pretty h4rd t+ d+.
[08:58:44] GT: yes actually
[08:58:50] GT: i know its really impressive
[08:59:02] GT: how retarded our entire world is
[09:02:49] AV: Well, y+u g+t me there.
[09:02:58] AV: It's 4ll true.
[09:03:09] GT: yeah p[retty much
[09:03:18] AV: Nice.
[09:03:34] AV: Y+u gi<e me c4ncer.
[09:04:32] GT: your welcome
[09:06:26] AV: I'm g+nn4 thr+w up bl++d.
[09:06:32] GT: me too
[09:06:35] AV: 4nd it might be y+urs.
[09:06:39] GT: wanna kill ourselves?
[09:06:43] AV: Ye4h.
[09:06:49] AV: Suicide p4ct, y+.
[09:06:54] GT: suicide pacts arte pretty good bonding mechanisms
[09:07:10] AV: I 4gree wh+le he4rtedly.
[09:07:12] GT: #just moirail things
[09:07:20] AV: <>
[09:07:43] GT: <>
[09:07:43] AV: Such gre4t fucking m+ir4ils, th4t we kill e4ch+ther.
[09:07:56] GT: i feel like extra trash now
[09:07:58] GT: im ready
[09:08:02] GT: wheres my rope
[09:08:54] AV: When y+u l+se h+pe, l++k t+ the r+pe.
[09:09:17] GT: best moirails ever
[09:09:38] AV: Y+u're the tr4shiest m+ir4il in exist4nce.
[09:09:50] GT: you too buddy
[09:10:05] AV: See, we're such gre4t m+ir4ils.
[09:11:14] GT: top notch even
[09:13:41] AV: W+wie z+wie.
[09:15:09] GT: hey do you like to eat at
[09:15:13] GT: olive garden?
[09:17:23] AV: G+d d4mn it. G+ sh+<e S4n4ss' bulge d+wn y+ur thr+4t.
[09:20:42] GT: im trying believe me
[09:23:12] AV: Try h4rder.
[09:31:46] GT: im trying as hard as i can master
[09:31:54] GT: but they are being really gay
[09:32:36] AV: Ye4h, th4t's true.
[09:33:02] GT: now they are bothering you aswell
[09:33:12] AV: They sure 4re.
[09:33:58] GT: i have failed you my master
[09:34:08] GT: i have not obtained lime bulge yet
[09:34:28] AV: M4ybe m4ke 4n +ffering +f s+p+r slime pie.
[09:36:04] GT: sopor didnt work'
[09:36:15] GT: also you wrecked my butthole
[09:36:26] AV: H+w s+/
[09:36:29] AV: *?
[09:36:48] GT: they fucking memed at me
[09:36:58] GT: using your denial of morailship
[09:37:03] GT: im super wrecked
[09:37:15] GT: youve sabotaged the mission'best moirail
[09:38:22] AV: E4t 4s, cum f4ct+ry.
[09:38:39] GT: fair enough
[09:40:48] AV: Just tell them th4t y+u're 4 m4ssi<e f4gg+t with 4 m4ssi<e b+ner +r s+me shit.
[09:41:34] GT: ok i tried that
[09:43:01] AV: 4nd?
[09:43:56] GT: it worked miserabely
[09:45:51] AV: W+nderful. G++d j+b n++k st4in.
[09:52:26] GT: are you proud of me now?
[09:57:29] AV: N+, n+t re4lly.
[09:58:08] GT: thats good
[09:58:19] GT: suicide pact deepened
[09:59:23] AV: Just die 4nre4dy.
[10:00:29] GT: i would
[10:00:45] GT: but im kind of waiting for my moirail to kill themselves first
[10:01:25] -- gallionicTrickster [GT] changed their mood to OFFLINE --
[10:01:26] -- gallionicTrickster [GT] changed their mood to CHUMMY --
[10:01:26] -- gallionicTrickster [GT] changed their mood to DEVIOUS --
[10:16:19] -- aestheticVirtuoso [AV] gave up trolling gallionicTrickster [GT] at 22:16 --
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kurvakiousSexekutionoir 1
[10:06:31] -- kurvakiousSexekutionoir [KS] began trolling aestheticVirtuoso [AV] at 22:06 --
[10:06:58] KS: hi
[10:07:11] AV: Hell+.
[10:07:49] KS: nike too meet yoou
[10:08:01] AV: Nice t+ meet y+u, t++.
[10:08:15] AV: H+w 4re y+u?
[10:08:49] KS: im dooing pretty gooood.
[10:08:55] KS: just uh. khillin
[10:08:59] KS: yoou?
[10:09:29] AV: Th4t's g++d. I'm d+ing pretty g++d, t++.
[10:09:48] KS: kooool
[10:10:14] KS: yoour lusus is a peakookk right? soorry he ate yoour g key
[10:11:00] AV: +h my g+d. Did s4ness tell y+u 4b+ut th4t?
[10:11:33] AV: Well, luckily he g4<e it b4ck.
[10:11:37] KS: ... im noo rat
[10:12:08] KS: well thats gooood
[10:12:31] AV: d+es y+ur lusus e<er mess with y+u?
[10:12:56] KS: she likks me aloot. oor the koomputer if im talking too soomeoone
[10:14:06] AV: Ye4h? Mine pecks me when he gets upset.
[10:14:26] KS: ooh she just lays oon me and whines aloot...
[10:16:02] AV: 4w. Th4t's pretty cute.
[10:16:53] KS: i mean... it kan be, but shes a tart aboout it
[10:18:50] AV: +h, I'm s+rry.
[10:19:20] KS: i mean dooes yoour lusus ever steal fooood?
[10:19:59] AV: N+? He m+stly just flies 4r+und, gr++ms, 4nd pecks me.
[10:20:22] KS: ooh. see moom here with beg my fooood froom me
[10:20:31] KS: and if i doont share im a terrible khild
[10:21:59] AV: +h, I'm s+rry.
[10:23:00] KS: its ook.
[10:23:26] KS: woolf lusi doont pekk soo... yeah i think yoours is um
[10:23:33] KS: soorry foor the pekks
[10:24:34] AV: Heheh. It's +k4y. He's 4ctu4lly pretty nice m+st +f the time.
[10:27:51] KS: koooolioo
[10:37:11] AV: S+, h+w 4re y+u d+ing?
[10:37:33] KS: pretty well. kinda nervoous..
[10:41:03] AV: S+rry. H+pe th4t's n+t my f4ult.
[10:42:09] KS: i just doont knoow aloot oof peoople
[10:42:24] KS: and by that i mean i oonly l knoow saness
[10:43:04] AV: 4h, well if it's stressing y+u, y+u d+n't h4<e t+ f+rce y+urself t+ t4lk t+ me.
[10:43:51] KS: its ook. it might be gooood foor me?
[10:44:46] AV: Ye4h, I h+pe s+. But d+n't push y+urself t++ h4rd. T4ke it +ne step 4t 4 time.
[10:45:14] KS: i will
[10:45:33] KS: thank yoou..
[10:46:11] AV: Ye4h, +f c+urse. G++d luck, y+.
[10:46:35] KS: yoou too :)
[10:46:50] AV: Th4nk y+u.
[10:57:31] KS: soo um...
[10:57:40] KS: ill talk too yoou later yeah?
[10:58:02] AV: +k4y. I h+pe y+u h4<e 4 g++d d4y.
[10:58:33] KS: yoou too! hoope too talk again soooon mayber
[10:59:23] KS: bye
[10:59:27] AV: Bye.
[10:59:29] -- aestheticVirtuoso [AV] gave up trolling kurvakiousSexekutionoir [KS] at 22:59 --
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kurvakiousSexekutionoir 1
-- kurvakiousSexekutionoir [KS] began trolling talentedSalad [TS] at 20:56 --
[08:56] KS: heloo kiwi
[08:56] TS: Hey hey!! It's been a while, dude. :3
[08:56] TS: How's the doggo?
[08:56] KS: way too loong~
[08:57] KS: mooms gooood, still being a
[08:57] KS: bitkh~ ;)
[08:57] TS: SO like, where ARE you now?
[08:58] KS: uuuuummmmm the edge oof a foorest? its at a krooss sektioon oof water
[08:58] KS: yoou?
[08:59] TS: You get lost so easily. :/ As for me, I'm still in the same place. Prol'ly gonna have to move soon though.
[08:59] KS: ooh yeah? why this time?
[08:59] KS: and oo be fair i wanter aimlessly
[09:00] KS: wander*
[09:00] KS: too*
[09:00] KS: shut it
[09:00] TS: ^_^ Because it's not "SAFE"
[09:00] TS: You know the drill
[09:00] KS: yup i get ya
[09:01] KS: hoonestly with hoow kloose we are too the water im kinda woorried aboout seadwellers
[09:01] TS: I can never convince them that it's fine for us to stay in one place, so maybe if you send me your coordinates I can trick them into moving us closer together
[09:02] KS: dude, doo they knoow that i knoow?
[09:02] TS: Uhhhhhh
[09:02] TS: no
[09:02] TS: It's a secret
[09:02] KS: danger.
[09:03] TS: ;)
[09:03] KS: they might hurt me oor moom foor knoowing brootatoo
[09:03] KS: just leave. yoour a groown assed trooll
[09:03] TS: Look, I'll just pick the location without telling them WHY I wanna go there
[09:03] TS: They never need to know you exist
[09:03] KS: mmmmhmmmmmmmmmmmm
[09:04] KS: doo yoou feel the skeptikisim in my exeading amoount oof ms?
[09:04] TS: Yes, I feel it. The Mm's leak into my very core, staining me in an expression of doubt and deliciousness
[09:05] TS: Just gimme the coordinayes
[09:05] KS: kinky~ yeah oone sek
[09:05] KS: {koooordinates SENT}
[09:06] TS: {coordinates RECEIVED}
[09:06] TS: Hey, thanks
[09:06] KS: ill make sure moom doosnt eat yoou
[09:06] KS: aktully shell think its gooood that im getting pakk mates
[09:07] TS: Hopefully I'll be seeing you in the near future. THEN we can worry about your mom eating me
[09:07] KS: i mean its soomething too prewarn aboout
[09:08] KS: ya knoow?
[09:08] TS: Hey, quick question... Is it grassy there?
[09:08] KS: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooHHHHHHHHHHHH yeah
[09:08] KS: alergies?
[09:08] TS: I dunno. No?
[09:09] KS: then why ask aboout gras?
[09:09] KS: grass
[09:09] KS: gy j5trw4
[09:09] TS: This cross-section of water... Is it a river or a lake?
[09:09] KS: its woooods oon edge oof sea. theres a lake kloose by
[09:10] KS: oone sek ive goot soomoone litatally stinkking there noose oon my skrean
[09:11] TS: oh geez.
[09:11] TS: Hi mom.
[09:11] KS: she likks the skrean when ever she sees yoour writing
[09:11] KS: kooloor bling my left boottoom moost grub foooot
[09:11] TS: What
[09:12] KS: kooloor blind*
[09:12] KS: she likes yoou
[09:12] KS: i think
[09:12] TS: What X2 combo
[09:12] KS: ... when we talk
[09:12] TS: I don't see what that has to do with grub fet
[09:13] KS: she kisses the koomputer
[09:13] TS: How does that have ANYTHING to do with your grub feet??
[09:14] KS: ... yoouve never heard that expressioon?!
[09:14] TS: What's the expression that I'm apparently missing?
[09:14] KS: my left foooot just moore indepth
[09:14] KS: its like
[09:15] KS: thing is tootaly real!
[09:15] KS: bull shit aka my left foooot
[09:15] TS: Oh wait. I think I get it now.
[09:15] KS: i just went krazy with it
[09:15] TS: Okay. So your doggo mom can see color. THAT is your point.
[09:15] KS: yes
[09:16] KS: gooood joob
[09:16] KS: yoou did it
[09:16] KS: im soo prooud
[09:16] TS: eat my shorts
[09:17] TS: Irakit
[09:17] TS: Why do you roam?
[09:17] KS: woodoont yoou wear kakies?
[09:17] KS: bekause im a loow blooood and id like too live?
[09:18] KS: i doont knoow what yoou mean?
[09:18] KS: why doo yoou
[09:18] TS: I wouldn't roam if I had the choice. :/
[09:19] KS: wait why is that saness
[09:19] KS: why stay still?
[09:19] TS: It would be nice to be able to sit still and make some IRL friends
[09:19] TS: We could hang out
[09:19] TS: Find a favorite spot
[09:19] KS: ...
[09:19] TS: Like a picnic
[09:20] TS: sorry
[09:20] TS: That's dumb
[09:20] KS: noow im goonna have too likk yoou foor being kute
[09:20] TS: Crikey
[09:20] KS: noope its sweet
[09:20] KS: tootaly dangeroous and woould happen after the doown fall oof skookiety
[09:21] KS: but super sweet, and kute
[09:21] TS: I mean, it'd be cool if we didn't have to usurp society in order to go to a cafe or something
[09:21] TS: I'd like to meet people
[09:21] KS: thats true...
[09:22] KS: id like too like meat peoople and noot have too run foor my shit
[09:23] TS: Do you even talk to anyone else besides me?
[09:23] KS: woolf moom koount?
[09:24] TS: No. Trolls only.
[09:24] KS: ... i toold ooff a seadweller a while bakk...
[09:24] KS: soo...
[09:24] KS: noo
[09:24] TS: WHoa, you did WHAT??
[09:24] TS: Are you ok???
[09:25] TS: Don't go getting killed on me!!
[09:25] KS: im fine it was like... a sweep agoo.
[09:25] TS: You never told me about that. :/ What happened?
[09:26] KS: he shoowed up trying too shoooot moom. i snarked at him and we fukkin booooked it.
[09:26] TS: A kid?
[09:26] KS: yeah like... 4 oor 5
[09:27] TS: Wow, a young one. No wonder you got away.
[09:28] KS: koold assed doog noose in my spine!!!!!
[09:28] KS: yeah noo kidding
[09:28] TS: It's amazing that you can type while being assaulted by barkbeast snout
[09:28] KS: didnt help that we was in the air and we were in the woooods
[09:28] TS: That probably made his job hard, yeah
[09:29] KS: definetly
[09:29] TS: At least hi didn't follow you
[09:29] KS: alsoo thank yoou foor the koompliment too my skills
[09:30] KS: if he had it woould have been bad
[09:30] KS: foor him
[09:30] TS: You're welcome? But maybe chill with the ego.
[09:30] TS: He PURPOSEFULLY tried to take on your lusus
[09:30] KS: meh, egoo keeps me brethoo
[09:30] TS: *eyebrow*
[09:30] KS: true. whikh means hes fukking stupid
[09:31] KS: *eyebroow waggle*
[09:31] KS: uhuhr9tj-0aet7897t5w5
[09:31] TS: *sighs* Dude.
[09:32] KS: im kareful. im oonly a tootaly booisterooid dikk oonline
[09:32] KS: with yoou
[09:32] KS: kause i have noooone else too loove me
[09:33] KS: if it boothers yoou soo mukh
[09:33] KS: i shall kease too egoo
[09:33] KS: will that please yoou?
[09:35] TS: Ho boy. That took me a minute to translate. Your spelling is atrocious.
[09:35] KS: its my quirk
[09:36] TS: Okay, okay. Just don't be all sad at me okay? I'm not exactly popular, so I don't wanna get rid of you either.
[09:36] KS: oor are yoou talking aboout booiseroois
[09:36] TS: Boisterous? You mean boisterous.
[09:36] KS: yaaaaayyyyy
[09:37] KS: *floops oover* afektioon has been granted
[09:38] TS: You are a loser.
[09:38] TS: :)
[09:38] KS: yoou too~ ;)
[09:39] TS: What are your plans now?
[09:40] KS: i have too fight too keep moom ff the koomputer. perhapse set up soome sikk rooleplay shiz~
[09:40] KS: and doodge droones
[09:42] TS: Drones? Way out there?
[09:45] KS: noot rekently but we may be mooving soooon AFTER YOOU GET HERE
[09:45] KS: moom hit the kaps
[09:45] KS: bus doog
[09:45] TS: You plan on moving again when I get there? :T
[09:46] KS: with yoou oof koourse
[09:46] KS: but yeah, im a little oold too be oon planet
[09:46] KS: i mean im almoost 10
[09:47] TS: Oh shit. Really? :o
[09:47] TS: U OLD
[09:47] KS: yup. yeah yeah yoou little shit hoow oold are yoou again?
[09:47] KS: 9
[09:47] KS: u shit
[09:48] TS: Yeah, well
[09:48] TS: Being deported is the least of my wories
[09:48] TS: *worries
[09:48] KS: being murthered is higher id imagine
[09:48] TS: Murthered?
[09:49] KS: like murdered mut meme
[09:49] KS: well it was a meme when i was like 6
[09:49] KS: good were oold
[09:49] KS: *gooood
[09:50] TS: Yeah, I have NO idea what you're talking about dude
[09:51] KS: its gooood too be oold
[09:51] KS: we kan pass oour shit too yoounger troolls
[09:51] KS: alsoo noot mut but
[09:52] TS: I literally have nothing worth passing on
[09:52] KS: i type fast
[09:52] KS: well theres yoour genes ;D
[09:52] TS: No. Do YOU have something worth passing on?
[09:53] KS: ... noope. looooks like ill have too assist yoou in passing oon genes
[09:54] TS: Ew. Dude, you're starting to sound like Teivel.
[09:54] KS: they makking oon my girl
[09:55] TS: What? No. I don't think he's serious.
[09:55] KS: gooood
[09:55] TS: He's kust a filthy memer like me
[09:55] KS: btw yoou didnt disagree that yoou were my girl~
[09:55] KS: kust?
[09:56] TS: Cust?
[09:57] KS: yoou said kust
[09:57] TS: I meant "just"
[09:57] TS: sorry
[09:57] KS: its ookayyyy
[09:58] KS: whikh oone is teivel again?
[09:58] TS: The filthy memer with a corpse addiction. You know, I could give you their contact information... :)
[09:58] KS: the peakookk oone? oor the lizard oone
[09:59] TS: Lizard.
[09:59] KS: *shaking head vergeroously* noonoonoo noo need too invoolve moore peoople. espekialy a highblooood.... hed aktually have reasoon too turn me in
[10:00] TS: He hasn't turned me in.
[10:00] KS: btw i saw
[10:00] KS: hmmmm i dunnoo...
[10:00] KS: why hasnt he is my questioon
[10:01] KS: annnnyyyyywaaaayyyyy
[10:01] KS: i saw
[10:01] KS: i saw oolive gaurden
[10:01] TS: Oh
[10:01] TS: You like?
[10:01] KS: yoou are a memer
[10:01] TS: I just asked Krolio (the nice peacock boy) and he said I could give you his handle
[10:02] TS: ;)
[10:02] KS: WOOT
[10:02] KS: WHY
[10:02] TS: I'm giving them yours
[10:02] KS: PEOOPLE
[10:02] KS: DEATH
[10:02] TS: his is aestheticVirtuoso
[10:02] KS: I WILL DIE
[10:02] KS: DATH
[10:02] KS: DIE
[10:02] KS: peoople....
[10:03] TS: You are so flashy
[10:03] TS: Take a breath, maybe?
[10:03] TS: It's online.
[10:03] TS: They can't hurt you, and Krolio is super nice
[10:03] KS: right... yeah... ookay..
[10:04] TS: You gonna message them, or should I tell them to initiate first contact with your own alien self?
[10:04] KS: ... but... i koould... try?
[10:05] TS: Go ahead
[10:07] KS: i inikiated koontakt
[10:07] KS: kinda
[10:07] TS: Hey, good on you! ^_^
[10:07] KS: ....
[10:07] KS: i said hi
[10:07] KS: i feel stupid.
[10:08] TS: http://www.clker.com/cliparts/e/N/K/a/E/m/green-thumbs-up-hi.png
[10:08] TS: You can do it!!
[10:08] KS: hoo doo i poolite am i sooing it riht halp
[10:09] TS: Just shill out. Talk to him like he's me, maybe? :/ He's cool, I swear.
[10:09] KS: ... hoow oold is he?
[10:11] TS: I think he's 8
[10:11] TS: Hang on while I confirm
[10:11] KS: ... hes a baby
[10:11] TS: Yeah okay you crusty old bag of barkbeast dung
[10:12] KS: smool thing...
[10:12] TS: *rolls eyes*
[10:12] KS: ... were boonding oover the letter g
[10:13] TS: He's 8!
[10:13] KS: mkay
[10:13] TS: How can you bond over a letter you strange scrag?
[10:14] KS: yoour memes
[10:15] KS: furry?
[10:15] KS: serioously?
[10:15] KS: nerd
[10:15] TS: :P
[10:15] TS: I just told Krolio that I'm 9
[10:15] KS: what he say?
[10:16] TS: He started asking about why I didn't leave the planet...
[10:16] TS: But that's okay!!
[10:16] KS: ooh dear he doosnt knoow
[10:16] TS: I trust him. :3
[10:17] KS: dooes e knoow?
[10:18] TS: You mean about my situation?
[10:18] TS: No.
[10:18] KS: but if yoou trust him why noot?
[10:18] KS: yoou toold the blue lizard guy
[10:18] TS: It's never come up until now.
[10:18] TS: I didn't tell him!
[10:18] KS: oohhh
[10:18] KS: wait wut
[10:19] TS: I did NOT tell Teivel
[10:19] KS: then hoow?
[10:19] TS: He probably just makes jokes about it because of the color of my font
[10:19] TS: I bet he doesn't ACTUALLY know
[10:20] KS: .... right. noot like every trooll ever uses their blooood kooloor instead.
[10:20] TS: I can pass as Olive!!
[10:21] KS: ..............................................................................................................................................................
[10:21] TS: *squints*
[10:21] KS: doont get a kut, shoow yoour eyes, blush too hard, wear yoour symbool
[10:21] KS: what oother rules doo yoou have again?
[10:22] KS: koommmoon kiwi yoou knoow better
[10:22] TS: Shut up. You forgot that I'm not allowed outside at all, unless we're moving to a new location.
[10:23] KS: again. groown assed trooll
[10:24] KS: live with me in the woooods and say fukk em
[10:24] TS: Yeah, but we both know that I wouldn't last a second out there. :( There's no way I'd be able to keep up with you. Besides, they're all really nice to me here.
[10:25] TS: I wouldn't wanna hurt their feelings.
[10:26] TS: I owe them so much.
[10:26] TS: I would've been culled long ago if not for them.
[10:27] KS: i oouldnt leave yoou behind doooof...
[10:27] KS: ookay noot fukk em then
[10:27] KS: maybe just
[10:27] KS: i need too spread my wings and fly
[10:28] TS: Yeah. Maybe.
[10:28] KS: yoou knoow ill never leave yoou behind. never abandoon yoou
[10:29] KS: unless im dead
[10:29] TS: Tch. Nice.
[10:29] KS: and then ill haunt yoour ass and like stakk yoour khairs oor soomething
[10:29] TS: You're weird as ever, Irakit.
[10:30] KS: and yoour as dense as ever saness
[10:30] TS: Why you gotta insult me like this? >:P
[10:30] TS: You're a butt
[10:31] KS: *head pat* true
[10:32] TS: Hey, quick question... DO you usually cook your food?
[10:32] KS: its ookay noot too understand what im throowing doown
[10:32] KS: um yeah i doo. when i kan
[10:33] TS: How many times out of ten is it raw?
[10:34] KS: ....
[10:34] KS: 5
[10:34] TS: Yikes.
[10:34] KS: maybe 7
[10:34] KS: id kooook moore foor yoou thoo
[10:35] KS: im used too it
[10:35] TS: XP
[10:35] KS: ???
[10:35] TS: You are cool and I like you, but ew.
[10:35] KS: what?
[10:35] TS: What do you eat, exactly?
[10:36] KS: antler beast. soometimes fish. depend oon what we katkh
[10:36] KS: friuts rare
[10:37] TS: Ever catch a lusus?
[10:37] KS: oonke. but it was woounded too moortality anyway.
[10:37] KS: im noo oorphaner ya knoow
[10:37] TS: ...ever eat a troll?
[10:38] KS: noot sinke i was like 2
[10:38] KS: that was my lusus
[10:38] TS: Your barkbeast is scary
[10:38] KS: shes sweet.
[10:39] TS: And murderous
[10:39] KS: noot any moore
[10:39] TS: Hm? That sounds... ominous.
[10:39] KS: eh
[10:40] TS: Is she okay?
[10:40] KS: yoou have sukh a sooft veiw... its nike
[10:41] KS: shes tootaly fine.
[10:41] TS: I'm not soft, I'm inexperienced.
[10:41] KS: im just noot a kannibal
[10:41] KS: its the same thing
[10:42] TS: No it's not. We don't know if I'm soft. I've never had to do anything dangerous.
[10:43] KS: kiwi its praktikall garenteed that a trooll will eat anoother trooll
[10:43] TS: I wonder if I have?
[10:43] KS: ever had grubskauke?
[10:43] TS: I don't know.
[10:43] KS: its noot too feed grubs
[10:44] TS: Yeah, I have no idea
[10:45] KS: ahhh i see...
[10:45] KS: well theres a khanke ya knoow?
[10:45] TS: Yeah, I suppose so.
[10:45] TS: BRB gotta barf
[10:46] KS: noo doont
[10:46] TS: *fake vomit sounds*
[10:46] KS: man oone oof these days ill tell yoou the tale oof the rainboowdrinkers
[10:48] TS: I know what rainbowdrinkers are. Are you referring to a specific story?
[10:48] KS: i mean what doo yoouthink they eat
[10:49] TS: Just blood. They don't have to KILL anyone.
[10:50] TS: They can
[10:50] TS: But they don't have to
[10:50] KS: isnt it alsoo like a weird sex thing? oor is that just bad roomank3 noovels
[10:50] TS: It... uh...
[10:50] TS: I'm not sure?
[10:51] KS: huh
[10:51] KS: yoou goonna ask?~~~~~~~~~~~~;D
[10:51] TS: Dude.
[10:51] TS: ...
[10:51] TS: ...
[10:51] TS: ...
[10:51] TS: Maybe.
[10:51] KS: yoour tempted!!!!! tesssss
[10:51] KS: yes
[10:51] KS: noot tes
[10:51] KS: wtf
[10:52] TS: I mean, I wanna know but it could be an awkward chat y'know?
[10:52] KS: anyway
[10:52] TS: yeha
[10:52] KS: yes thats true
[10:52] KS: i woould aprookh it ...
[10:52] KS: noot at all aktually bekause peoople skare the shit ooutta me
[10:52] KS: remember when we first me?
[10:53] KS: met*
[10:53] TS: What about it?
[10:53] KS: i loost trakk oof hoow ooften i kinda dik=sapeared oon yoou beakk then
[10:53] KS: we were soo yooung
[10:53] KS: soo full oof life
[10:54] TS: We're not THAT old, dipass
[10:54] KS: and free oof the kurioosity oof wheather oor noot blooood drinking was kinky
[10:54] KS: dipass
[10:54] KS: really
[10:54] KS: when did yoou sleep last?
[10:55] TS: Uhh... Yesterday...? I'm supposed to be getting ready for the move.
[10:55] KS: yeah i guess we shoould depart foor noow
[10:56] TS: Yeah, I guess.
[10:56] TS: You still talking to Krolio?
[10:56] KS: kinda? its awkward
[10:56] TS: What do you mean?
[10:56] KS: loong trails oof skilenke
[10:57] TS: On whose end?
[10:57] KS: yes
[10:58] TS: You could talk about your lusus
[10:59] TS: Or ask about his
[10:59] KS: we did. his steals keys. mine steals my fooood throough big eyes and whineing
[10:59] TS: Everything about your lusus is big
[11:00] TS: Talk abuot where you live. Apparently he lives in a forest too.
[11:00] KS: we aktually said gooood day
[11:01] TS: Oh, you're done talking now?
[11:02] KS: yeah. well with them foor noow... im.... bad at this
[11:02] TS: Don't sweat it!
[11:02] TS: Either way, it's good practice
[11:02] KS: true true
[11:02] TS: Even if things don't work out between you and Krolio, it'll still help you in the long run
[11:03] TS: I almost wonder if you'd be better off talking to Teivel
[11:03] KS: woork oout?
[11:03] KS: shipper
[11:03] TS: No
[11:03] KS: noo
[11:03] KS: ?
[11:03] TS: That's not what I meant!!
[11:03] KS: oohhhhhh
[11:03] TS: You could be FRIENDS you nerd
[11:03] KS: lool
[11:04] KS: yoour sukh a goooof when it koomes too peoople teaing yoou
[11:04] TS: A goof? Am not!
[11:04] KS: awwwwww are too and thats ook
[11:05] KS: are they khewing yoou oout?
[11:06] TS: Who? The Jade bloods?
[11:06] KS: yup
[11:07] TS: Uh, not yet...
[11:07] KS: ookay. gooood doont wanna get yoou skoolded
[11:08] KS: ill have too head in soooon. dawns aprookhing
[11:08] TS: Anyway, Teivel's contact information is gallionicTrickster if you feel like talking to him sometime.
[11:08] TS: I'll go too.
[11:08] TS: He's not usually online, but when he is he's... chatty
[11:08] KS: doont get burned!!!!
[11:08] KS: oohhhh
[11:08] KS: ooh dear
[11:08] KS: pk
[11:08] KS: ook*
[11:08] TS: I won't, you numpty
[11:09] TS: Can I give him your info?
[11:09] KS: ... sure
[11:09] TS: Okay, cool. I'll catch you later then?
[11:10] KS: yup katkh ya later dude
[11:10] KS: btw
[11:10] KS: yoou never denied yoou were my girl ;D
[11:10] TS: Holy shit
[11:11] TS: This? Now?
[11:11] TS: Go to sleep
[11:11] KS: have a gooood day sweet dreams~ byeeee
[11:11] TS: Bye
-- kurvakiousSexekutionoir [KS] gave up trolling talentedSalad [TS] at 23:11 --
2 notes
View notes
aestheticVirtuoso 5
-- aestheticVirtuoso [AV] began trolling talentedSalad [TS] at 20:17 --
[08:17] AV: Hey, g++d news.
[08:18] TS: DId you get the G
[08:18] TS: I know you wanted the G
[08:18] AV: My lusus g4<e b4ck my key 4fter gr++ming.
[08:18] TS: Excellent!
[08:19] AV: Ye4h. It w4s pretty nice +f him. E<en th+ugh he sh+uldn't h4<e ripped it +ff t+ begin with.
[08:19] TS: ^_^
[08:19] TS: I mean, yeah, but...
[08:19] TS: What can you really say?
[08:20] TS: At least he didn't GROUND you for fighting his love
[08:20] AV: H+w w+uld he gr+und me? Pecking my he4d? He 4lre4dy d+es th4t.
[08:20] TS: You've never been grounded?
[08:21] AV: I d+n't kn+w?
[08:21] AV: h+w d+ y+u tell?
[08:21] TS: Um... Well, I imagine he wouldn't let you go outside
[08:21] TS: Or he'd get in the way of your messages
[08:21] TS: Moreso than usual\
[08:22] AV: Huh. well, I d+n't think he h4s then.
[08:22] AV: It's h4rd t+ tell bec4use he 4lm+st 4lw4ys w4nts 4ttenti+n.
[08:23] TS: Wow. Nice guy. Or maybe you're just a goody two-shoes and he's never HAD to ground you? I don't think wanting attention counts as a punishment, technically, even if it's annoying.
[08:24] AV: Wh4t defines 4 "g++dy tw+-sh+es"?
[08:24] TS: I dunno. Following the rules all the time. Being nice and obedient. Having good manners.
[08:24] AV: +h.
[08:24] TS: Are you?
[08:25] AV: M4ybe?
[08:25] AV: I try n+t t+ get +n his b4d side.
[08:25] TS: Does he have a "bad side"?
[08:26] AV: There w4s this +ne time th4t he left f+r 4 few d4ys. I g+t re4lly w+rried th4t he w+uldn't c+me b4ck.
[08:27] TS: Has that happened more than once?
[08:27] TS: :/
[08:27] AV: N+. +nly the +ne time.
[08:28] TS: Was it recent?
[08:29] AV: It w4s 4 few sweeps 4g+. When I w4s 6 sweeps, I think.
[08:30] TS: That's odd. DId you look it up to see if it was related to your lusus directly? Maybe it's a peacock ting
[08:30] AV: I d+n't think s+. He w4s pretty m4d. Guess I ign+red him t++ much.
[08:32] TS: He left for a few days because you ignored him? That seems excessive
[08:32] AV: I think i m4de him feel unw4nted. I g+t re4lly m4d 4t him 4nd t+ld him t+ le4<e me 4l+ne.
[08:33] TS: Oh yikes
[08:33] AV: Ye4h. I d+n't w4nt th4t t+ h4ppen 4g4in.
[08:34] TS: What happened, exactly?
[08:34] AV: N+t much t+ s4y 4side f+rm wh4t I h4<e.
[08:35] TS: Yeah, okay. Sorry.
[08:35] TS: Let's see...
[08:35] TS: Well, it SOUNDS like things are good between you now
[08:35] TS: brb
[08:35] AV: Ye4h, it's been 4lright.
[08:39] TS: I'm back.
[08:39] TS: This is for you.
[08:39] TS: https://sanesspsuede.tumblr.com/image/165748299590
[08:41] AV: Why 4re the sh+es c+ming +ut +f my t+rs+?
[08:41] AV: Where 4re my legs?
[08:41] TS: I don't have a photo of you, so I've been using your icon.
[08:41] TS: I can fix it
[08:42] AV: Re4lly?
[08:42] AV: I ne<er sent y+u +ne?
[08:42] TS: nope
[08:43] AV: +h. Well, h+w 4b+ut we tr4de ph+t+s s+me time?
[08:45] TS: Sure
[08:46] TS: https://sanesspsuede.tumblr.com/image/165748497235
[08:46] TS: Better?
[08:47] AV: Y+u're 4wful.
[08:47] TS: You're welcome. ;)
[08:48] AV: S+, h+w h4<e y+u been?
[08:49] TS: Eh. I'm probably gonna have to relocate soon.
[08:49] AV: H+w c+me?
[08:56] TS: Eh, the usual. "It's not SAFE"
[08:58] AV: +h. I'm s+rry, my dude.
[08:59] AV: I h+pe e<erything g+es well f+r y+u.
[09:00] TS: I'm sure it will. It's never gone poorly before.
[09:00] AV: Well, I h+pe y+u find s+mewhere th4t y+ur restless s+ul enj+ys.
[09:02] TS: Maybe close to the water. THAT would annoy Teivel.
[09:03] AV: Ye4h. But isn't it d4nger+us? Like, +nly se4dwellers re4lly li<e 4r+und/in w4ter.
[09:03] AV: There might be s+me l4nddwellers 4r+und it, but I d+n't kn+w.
[09:04] TS: Mm, yeah, but... :/ It'd be kinda cool, right?
[09:04] TS: What's it like where you live?
[09:06] AV: I guess. 4nd it's re4lly gr4ssy here. S+rt +f f+rresty.
[09:07] TS: Are YOU near any water?
[09:08] AV: N+t re4lly. There might be 4 ri<er +r l4ke ne4rby, but n+t 4nything big.
[09:09] TS: Okay, thanks
[09:10] AV: 4re y+u thinking +f <isiting +r s+mething?
[09:10] TS: So you are NOWHERE near the sea?
[09:10] TS: That might be cool, but maybe not
[09:11] AV: The se4? N+, I'm pretty sure I'm n+t.
[09:12] TS: Okay. :/ How far away from the sea are you?
[09:15] AV: I'm pretty sure there's 4 l+t +f s+lid gr+und 4r+und me? H+w c+me y+u're s+ curi+us 4ll +f 4 sudden?
[09:16] TS: Oh, uh, no real reason.
[09:16] TS: I'm just moving, y'know?
[09:16] TS: Kinda curious if I'd be anywhere near you.
[09:16] TS: It've been cool
[09:17] AV: Ye4h. Well, if y+u e<er w4nn4 <isit, I'm sure my lusus w+uldn't mind.
[09:17] TS: I like having hair :P
[09:18] TS: But...
[09:18] TS: Thanks
[09:18] TS: Maybe we'll see each other someday
[09:19] AV: He w+uldn't e4t y+ur h4ir. he just might gi<e y+u 4 sm4ll peck.
[09:20] TS: That sounds kinda nice. Do you think he'd let me brush him?
[09:22] AV: Ye4h, pr+b4bly. He re4lly likes t+ be gr++med.
[09:22] TS: !!
[09:22] TS: ^_^
[09:23] TS: Hey, so do you get out very often?
[09:26] AV: D+es y+ur lusus n+t like 4ttenti+n? 4nd ye4h, I like y+u h4ng 4r+und this be4utiful p4rk ne4r my h+use. I think it's 4b4nd+ned bec4use it's just +ut here in the f+rrest. It's re4lly pretty th+ugh. H4s 4 f+unt4in 4nd i<y gr+wing +n s+me stuff.
[09:27] TS: That sounds pretty! I'd love to see a picture sometime
[09:27] TS: Do you have many friends?
-- aestheticVirtuoso [AV] changed their mood to OFFLINE --
[09:31] TS: Catch you later, then
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gallionicTrickster 3
[09:27] GT: hey fucker
[09:27] GT: i need your bulge
[09:27] GT: in my throat
[09:27] GT: dont question it
[09:28] GT: my morail has very high standards
[09:28] TS: Oh shit. Straight to the point.
[09:28] TS: who's your Moirail?
[09:28] GT: a gentletroll doesnt brag
[09:29] GT: but you might find them at the olive garden
[09:29] TS: PFF
[09:29] TS: No way
[09:29] TS: He is NOT your Moirail
[09:31] GT: pffft
[09:31] GT: you dont know shit assbag
[09:31] TS: I'll just go ask him, chunkflap
[09:32] TS: brb
[09:34] GT: i will give you the sopor slime pie
[09:34] GT: as offering
[09:35] GT: 'in exchange for dank bulge
[09:35] TS: Sopor Slime, huh
[09:35] TS: That's low
[09:35] TS: -- talentedSalad [TS] began trolling aestheticVirtuoso [AV] at 21:32 -- [09:32] AV: Y+u d4re c+me b4ck? [09:32] TS: Hey. Is Teivel your Moirail? [09:32] TS: He said he is. [09:33] TS: I told him he's a liar. [09:33] AV: I d+n't kn+w. If he is, he's shit 4t it. [09:33] TS: OHHHH SNAP [09:33] TS: Droppin' the HEAT
[09:35] GT: my anus is wrecked
[09:35] TS: Krolio ain't SHIT bitch
[09:38] TS: Dude
[09:38] GT: fair enough
[09:38] TS: Just how lonely ARE you?
[09:38] GT: very
[09:39] TS: Maybe if you stopped culling everyone who gos to your sharp shack
[09:39] TS: you'd have some IRL friends to bother
[09:39] TS: :P
[09:39] GT: thats retarded
[09:39] GT: your retarded
[09:39] TS: Fact
[09:40] TS: For more facts, sign up at GayFacts.Gov
[09:40] GT: fuck
[09:41] GT: im a massive faggot with a massive boner or some shit
[09:41] TS: You're being very honest
[09:41] TS: That's hilarious
[09:41] GT: fuck
[09:41] GT: ive been rekt
[09:42] TS: R E K T
[09:42] TS: Anyway
[09:42] TS: Have you met anyone new?
[09:42] TS: It's really quiet
[09:42] GT: some yellowblood crybaby
[09:42] GT: not worth noting in anyway shape or form
[09:44] TS: Bluh
[09:44] TS: I only have you two asshats to talk to
[09:47] TS: tell me about the not-worth-noting yellowblood!
[09:47] GT: they were very boring
[09:48] GT: they had a sore throast from being such a massive whiner about some dance
[09:48] GT: and they not a highblood
[09:48] GT: so i sent them on their way
[09:48] GT: safe little lowblood
[09:48] TS: wtf
[09:48] TS: You "sent them on their way" huh
[09:48] TS: they probably just got sick of your shit and left
[09:49] GT: hell no
[09:49] GT: im a heartbreaker
[09:49] GT: u dont even know
[09:49] TS: I do not
[09:49] TS: QUICK
[09:49] TS: Break my heart
[09:50] GT: <3
[09:50] GT: </3
[09:50] GT: heart broken
[09:52] TS: OwchMyDelicateFeelings.ghey
[09:52] TS: Thanks
[09:52] GT: your welcome
[09:53] TS: My first heartbreak
[09:54] TS: What a gentletroll
[09:56] GT: will you bulge my throat now
[09:56] GT: i need to do as aV commands
[09:56] TS: aV told you to suck my bulge
[09:56] TS: yeah right assfag
[09:56] GT: i was told to suck bulge and that is what i will do
[09:57] TS: don't you have like.... 37 dead bodies on your prch or something? I'm sure they have some free time to spare for your bulge sucking needs
[09:57] GT: although looking back they might have simply been telling me off for bringing up olive garden
[09:57] GT: i suddenly feel enlightened
[09:58] TS: Okay, that was actually funny
[09:58] TS: You win a sticker
[09:58] GT: i'll wear it on my horns
[09:58] TS: here. for you
[09:59] TS: https://d21ii91i3y6o6h.cloudfront.net/gallery_images/from_proof/5278/large/1429993470/threatbutt-enterprise-license-sticker-of-authenticity.png
[09:59] GT: legitimate attraction occurs
[09:59] GT: ew
[09:59] GT: get away from me
[10:00] TS: u wot m8
[10:00] -- talentedSalad [TS] gave up trolling gallionicTrickster [GT] at 22:00 --
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