#brigitte blobel
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olderthannetfic · 1 year ago
This recent talk about authors has me curious: Do you have favourite authors? Or favourite books that you'd recommend (as in not specifically recommend to a person looking to read a specific genre etc. but rather a book you loved reading and would love to shove into absolutely everybody's faces if you could)? Do you only read in English or do you also like to read in other languages? What book or books are you currently reading?
And just so these aren't one-way-street-like snoopily curious questions: my favourite authors are Emma Donoghue and Hannah Kent; my favourite books are "Slammerkin" by Emma Donoghue, "Burial Rites" by Hannah Kent, "Christmas Eve Kittens" by Wilma Counts, Cathleen Clare and Debbie Raleigh, "Every day" by David Levithan, "Der Kristallpalast" (The Crystal Palace) by Oliver Plaschka, Alexander Flory and Matthias Mösch; I'm currently reading "Time of the Magicians" by Wolfram Eilenberger and anxiously awaiting Hannah Kent's most recent book "Devotion" to be translated to my native language.
I am very bad at accurately sorting books into genres, but I'd guess most of the books I've read may be classified as YA, though I personally don't know what classifies a book as YA apart from "is written with young adults as the target group," but that's too broad a description to be useful to anyone in my opinion, heh. Some things I've read I'd sort into (also way too broadly classified) stuff like romance (Christmas Eve Kittens), crime or detective fiction [Krimi in german combines both] (for kids The Three Investigators and The Famous Five, and arguably for adults Sherlock Holmes, Miss Marple, Hercule Poirot though I've only seen Poirot films not yet read Poirot books, shame on me!), horror (Fear Street series as horror for kids and Lovecraft for adults), historical fiction (books by Hannah Kent and Emma Donoghue, Lilac Girls), historical nonfiction (Time of the Magicians and The Visionaries by Wolfram Eilenberger), steampunk (Der Kristallpalast, World Shaker, Steamed, Magierdämmerung), nonfiction (Zoo Station: The Story of Christiane F.), poetry (Heinrich Heine and Edgar Allan Poe) among other things like light-hearted children's books (St. Clare's series).
Some of the aforementioned books are classified as YA, and in my opinion reasonably so, though I do believe that classifying YA as a genre itself is quite useless since it only describes the target group but barely describes what a book is about, if that makes sense.
If I had to write down some classifiers for YA, I'd say it's maybe books that are written in a way that's accessible to a person who is no longer a child but still may be likely to not have experienced much of the adult world yet and may not necessarily be very well-read or knowledgeable about more "mature" topics on a deeper level. I'd guess that for example a book that's about topics that people may have come into contact with during their adolescence in some way may be YA like drugs (Blue Highway by Diane Tullson) and emotional rollercoasters and bullying (Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher, Easy Meat by Maureen Stewart) and stalking (Unheimliche Nähe by Patricia Schröder) and mental illnesses like eating disorders (Jeansgröße 0 by Brigitte Blobel) or depression and physical ilnesses (Before I Die by Jenny Downham, Skellig by David Almond though it's mainly about fantasy and arthritis isn't the focal point if I'm not misremembering) etc. (all of the examples are YA I've read and would also classify as such) or maybe a book that contains entry-level knowledge about philosophy that you may have learned in school or that you may yourself have come across in some way unrelated to school but that doesn't require deeper knowledge on that topic or on specific philosophers or philosophy schools for its target audience to understand well...
Now that I've forgotten whatever point I wanted to make: sorry for rambling, I've been sitting in your askbox trying to remember the titles and looking up their translations and the authors' names for the past hour or so instead of doing the household chores I had planned to do today lol. Off to eat bread for lunch because now I'm too hungry to cook, oops.
Have a nice day!
I'm currently reading Invitation to a Banquet: The Story of Chinese Food by Fuchsia Dunlop.
I don't have any books I want to thrust upon everyone. I think that's a good way to breed haters for things I love.
In general, favorite authors of mine are... hmm... Agatha Christie, Tamara Allen, Loretta Chase, Georgette Heyer, Mary Elizabeth Braddon... IDK. It's hard to think of people off the top of my head. I like the current indie "m/m romance" scene in English, but it feels like it's still early days for that industry, and I can't think of a lot of authors I love who have multiple series and who aren't going through a career slump. (Like I love Jordan L. Hawk in general, but his latest stuff isn't making me rush to read more even if I'm still backing his Patreon. KJ Charles not only irritated me with dumb posts but started writing suckier books till I no longer buy her at all.)
I've read a lot of Golden Age detective fiction and some hard boiled US stuff (think 1930s and 40s). I've probably reread those sorts of books more than any others. While I certainly have authors I like, I only very, very rarely reread anything, and a lot of what I read is by non-prolific or long-dead people, so I don't have a bunch of names I go to the bookstore for currently.
My grandmother owned a fuckton of Three Investigators books, so I devoured those as a kid, though I think most Americans my age don't care about them.
I read in Spanish too. The only thing I've gotten through a lot of that springs to mind is the capitan Alatriste series. In general, if I travel somewhere Spanish speaking, I'll try to pick up some books, but I usually end up with things that are too highfallutin and literary for my taste or that are real downers. (Plus I'm a slow reader in Spanish, so the more literary stuff is a slog.) I like fun trash, and most of the fun trash I've seen on bookshelves is translated American romance novels and that kind of thing. I'll read in translation, but not if it's from English.
I do read manga in Japanese, but I'm not anywhere near good enough to read novels at this point.
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celestica-1988 · 5 years ago
Quando parlavano di suo padre, le parole le rimanevano soffocate in gola. Ancora adesso. Dopo dodici mesi.
La metà oscura, Brigitte
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funkyqueers · 8 years ago
Myrtle: Do you like going on airplanes? Locust: What was your favorite book as a child? Magnolia: Favorite kind of candy?
Myrtle: Do you like going on airplanes? 
I used to. Then I was in a long distance relationship.
Locust: What was your favorite book as a child? 
The other day I remembered how much I loved Die Wilden Kerle and how much I wanted to be Vanessa because she was ~one of the boys~ but I also loved everything that Brigitte Blobel wrote.
Magnolia: Favorite kind of candy?             
I like sour gummy kind of things.
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gmbh2go-blog · 7 years ago
gmbh wohnung kaufen Programmhinweise und -änderungen für das SWR Fernsehen von 07. Juli 2018 (Woche 28) bis Montag, 23. Juli 2018 (Woche 30)
gmbh wohnung kaufen Programmhinweise und -änderungen für das SWR Fernsehen von 07. Juli 2018 (Woche 28) bis Montag, 23. Juli 2018 (Woche 30)
Baden-Baden (ots) – Samstag, 07. Juli 2018 (Woche 28)/04.07.2018
14.00 h: nochmalige Beitrags-Änderung beachten, “Liebling, lass die Hühner…” auf 8.7. verschoben
14.00 (VPS 13.58) Almuth und Rita Spielfilm Deutschland 2014 Erstsendung: 31.01.2014 in Das Erste Autor: Brigitte Blobel
Rollen und Darsteller:
Almuth____Senta Berger Rita____Cornelia Froboess Kathrin____Patricia Aulitzky…
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pdfindiroku-blog · 7 years ago
Rüya Dansçısı
Rüya Dansçısı
Rüya Dansçısı, adlı kitabı ziyaretçilerimizin çok istemesi sebebi ile sitemize özel olarak pdf formatına getirmiş bulunmaktayız. Brigitte Blobel isimli yazarımızın yazdığıRüya Dansçısı kitabı sizlerde indirip okuyabilir veya arşivinizde saklayabilirsiniz.
Rüya Dansçısı
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kitabinipdfindir-blog · 7 years ago
Rüya Dansçısı
Rüya Dansçısı, adlı kitabı ziyaretçilerimizin çok istemesi sebebi ile alıp pdf formatına getirmiş bulunmaktayız. Brigitte Blobel isimli yazarımızın yazdığıRüya Dansçısı kitabı sizlerde indirip okuyabilir veya arşivinizde saklayabilirsiniz.
Rüya Dansçısı
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ebookindiroku-blog · 7 years ago
Rüya Dansçısı Ebook
Rüya Dansçısı Ebook, adlı kitabı ziyaretçilerimizin çok istemesi sebebi ile alıp pdf formatına getirmiş bulunmaktayız. Brigitte Blobel isimli yazarımızın yazdığıRüya Dansçısı Ebook kitabı sizlerde indirip okuyabilir veya arşivinizde saklayabilirsiniz.
Rüya Dansçısı Ebook
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guncelpdfindir-blog · 7 years ago
Rüya Dansçısı
Rüya Dansçısı, adlı kitabı ziyaretçilerimizin çok istemesi sebebi ile alıp pdf formatına getirmiş bulunmaktayız. Brigitte Blobel isimli yazarımızın yazdığıRüya Dansçısı kitabı sizlerde indirip okuyabilir veya arşivinizde saklayabilirsiniz.
Rüya Dansçısı
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fuck-you-im-done · 8 years ago
Es ist wirklich nichts, Mama. Mir geht es gut. Wirklich? Richtig gut? Ja, Mama, richtig gut. Lügen sind was wunderbares. Man kann mit ihnen die Leute einfach mundtot machen.
Die Clique - Brigitte Blobel
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celestica-1988 · 5 years ago
Ogni volta, la vista di quella camera gli ricordava dolorosamente che erano tutti dei falliti. Sua madre, suo padre, lui stesso... Sentiva di aver imboccato una strada senza ritorno, e per quanto cercasse di ribellarsi a questa prospettiva non c'era niente da fare, sembrava un'idea disperata. Noah si era abituato all'idea che quello squallido stato di cose fosse insuperabile. Le forze positive che avvertiva dentrto di sè - e lui era profondamente convinto che ci fossero - non avevano purtroppo nessuna possibilità di venire a galla. Queste riflessioni le aveva fatte per la prima volta a dieci o undici anni, quando suo padre era stato rilasciato dalla prigione e poi, dopo appena cinque o sei giorni, era stato nuovamente arrestato. A quell'epoca, però, Noah non sapeva ancora che sua madre non sarebbe riuscita a smettere di bere; allora pensava solo che lo facesse perché le piaceva. In seguito aveva riflettuto a lungo sulla situazione e aveva pensato: "Okay, forse sono stato sfortunato nella scelta dei miei genitori. Ma che cosa significa "scelta"? Be' - si era detto - questo è solo un lato della medaglia. Testa o croce. E questa è la croce, d'accordo. L'altro però sono io, con la mia forza". E aveva lanciato in aria cento volte una moneta lasciandola ricadere sul palmo della mano. Ottanta volte era venuta testa, e quando era venuta croce, Noah l'aveva subito rilanciata.
La metà oscura, Brigitte Blobel
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kyanasmekens-blog · 8 years ago
Mijn leesautobiografie Vroeger spaarde mijn oma punten in de GB voor disneyboeken. Die las mijn bompa aan mij voor in zijn kamer. Mijn bompa kon heel leuk voorlezen met verschillende stemmen. Dat maakte het extra speciaal. In het eerste leerjaar kregen we niveauboekjes. Ik las hen altijd heel snel uit omdat ik steeds een hoger niveau wilde behalen. Hoe de boekjes noemden weet ik niet meer. In het derde leerjaar mochten wij voorlezen aan de kindjes van het eerste leerjaar. Dat was heel fijn. Maar toch ook heel vermoeiend. Want ik had niet zoveel geduld. Mijn favoriete strips zijn Kiekeboe, Dance academy en FC de kampioenen. In de zomervakantie lees ik de meeste boeken. Per jaar lees ik ongeveer drie boeken. School niet meegerekend natuurlijk. Het liefste lees ik dramaboeken. Verfilmde boeken vind ik maar niks. Terwijl ik het boek lees moet ik voordurend aan de film denken, dat is niet fijn. Want het boek verstoord dan mijn beeld over de film. Ook de personage’s in het boek zijn anders dan in de film. Mijn favoriete auteurs zijn Garee Slee en vooral Brigitte Blobel. In deze boeken beschrijven ze de echte realiteit . Wat er dagelijks onder onze ogen gebeurd. Mijn favoriete boek van Brigitte Blobel is Gebroken hart. Het verhaal laat je verdrinken in tranen. Een pakkend maar spannend verhaal. Ik was 12 en fietste naar school van Sabine dardenne is een topper. Een waargebeurd verhaal. Hierbij begon ik pas te beseffen dat het bij iedereen kon gebeuren. Hier lees je hoe ze heeft moeten strijden om te overleven. Hoe erg het wel niet was.. Er is geen enkel boek dat ik heb gelezen, dat echt slecht was. In de bibliotheek neem ik gewoon een boek waar mijn oog op valt. Vooral de cover moet mij aanspreken. Als het een saaie cover heeft , heb ik er geen zin in om het boek te lezen.. Ik probeer altijd eens iets nieuws. Een boek twee keer lezen doe ik niet.
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secret-behind-my-smile · 9 years ago
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blumenmeerx · 9 years ago
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Alessas Schuld ~ Brigitte Blobel
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fuck-you-im-done · 8 years ago
Es ist wirklich nichts, Mama. Mir geht es gut. Wirklich? Richtig gut? Ja, Mama, richtig gut. Lügen sind was wunderbares. Man kann mit ihnen die Leute einfach mundtot machen.
Die Clique - Brigitte Blobel
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celestica-1988 · 5 years ago
Sua mamma si asciugò le lacrime, e così facendo si sporcò il viso di rimmel. "Come puoi dirlo? Quando non è rimasto che un cumulo di macerie, come può sistemarsi tutto?" "Hai ancora me," sussurrò Tessa. "Ci sono io con te. Non conto niente?"
La metà oscura, Brigitte Blobel.
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