r3d-m3dic · 6 months
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Jack Bright into the brightverse
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dumbbitchbingeing · 1 year
Join us as we briefly venture back into the Brightverse for a slightly better but still not very good movie
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phantasmasal · 3 years
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catboy time catboy time catboy time
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ellieaelious · 6 years
Magic Hour ~Closed~
The rising sun gentle broke through the parted curtain’s of the ruler’s bedroom, casting rays of light on her face to wake her for the day. She stirred gently, her blankets being sucked in against her as her skin breathed in deeply. They fluttered loose softly on exhale and dark brown eyes opened to greet the light. Her pupils dilated, eyes absorbing the light before she closed them tightly to stretch her body. As she pulled her limbs back in and rolled over, her leg flung over a stack of pillows and her body began relaxing back into the mattress. It was a calm and peaceful morning. It would be a good day.
Suddenly her body shot across her room, her blanket being tossed in the air before gently floating back down. She was going to be late on her first day. Great. This was fine.
Late. Laaaate. Late! Was all she could think as she hopped in the shower. It was quick, cold, and tasted like mint toothpaste. She was already out her door and half way down the spire before she realized she had to go back, because she forget to put on any clothes. She inhaled, letting out the breath as a deep sigh as her uniform began to form around her skin. Her pale tattooed skin now covered completely by the white uniform of her realm. In a way this was her skin, her armor, her flag. The ensignia of her army was etched across the back of her jacket, visible when the light touched it and shimmering proudly. She stepped in front of a full length mirror and stared at herself, giving a mental pep talk to herself. Closing her eyes a moment and took in the silence before sliding her earbuds in. With a click of her tongue she activated the foreign device. Heavy metal began playing in her ears as she tried for round two out of her apartment.
A sleek white car came speeding around the corner of the spire, drifting across the main entrance stairs as Ellie stepped down. Before the vehicle could make contact her body disintegrated into steam and reformed in the passenger seat of the car. Gentle blue light illuminated the inside, revealing the control panel of the self driven vehicle. Her music began playing over the speakers as her earbuds slid out of her ears and back into her jacket. Leaning back in her seat she put her boot up on the dashboard, the car beginning it’s journey to the FBI main office. Her head lulled backwards and eyes shut as the vibration of the music resonated inside of her. It was hard to believe she wouldn’t be picking up Haldir this morning, and maybe even not any morning for a while. They had a rocky start to their friendship but eventually formed a strong bond. It was a little depressing.
There were ten of them joining the ranks of the MTF today. Ellie was in the lead, the kind smile on her face as she walked down the hallway with her literal flock of soldiers. On each side of her was a male, twins, with bright red fohawks similar to a cardinal. The looked young, maybe in their late teens with freckles across their cheeks. The faint outline of their feathers could be seen going down their necks, lips pointed down in a beak characteristic. Although they wore suits, part of their shirts were untucked, ties crooked and loose, and sneakers on their feet. One popped sunflower seeds into his mouth while the other dried corn kernels. Directly behind her stood a tall women, wings looking like they were held together with metal rods and gears. Over her pale green shoulders were dark blue feathers, hands and feet taloned, clicking as she marched. She must have been almost seven feet tall. Another of their group was an ordinary looking girl, save for a large beak where her mouth should have been and covered in a metal guard decorated with viking wording. Her eyes were large and round, an almost glowing green. The others had stronger characteristics of birds, feathers fading into skin, even wings sprouting from their backs. The humans and elves that walked the hallway with them still seemed stunned by their appearance, even after several months. They continued their march into the MTF briefing room, making their way to the front of the room of humans and elves. Ellie was still nervous whenever she had to introduce them, public speaking not her strong suit.
The phoenixes made their way to their new partners after introductions were made. It had been agreed on that the first week of their partnership would be spent working on open cases of their partners before beginning their search for Dark Saers. The twin cardinals separated, one with a human and the other an elf. The tall, part mechanical harpy found her partner in a red headed human barely shorter than her. The small canary with her guarded beak also found her human partner before departing. It didn’t take long before almost everyone had left, leaving Ellie and a few others in the now quieting room. At only five foot three inches in height, she easily got lost amongst the others, along with her natural talent for blending in. Her dark eyes scanned the room, seeing a lone agent seated. He struck her as familiar with his blue hair, but she couldn’t quite place where. A mental shrug came over her as she made her way towards him.
“Looks like we’re partners for the next few months.” her voice was soft as she came up to him, hands clasped behind her back as she gave a small bow of her head. She was about to introduce herself when a tap and whistle came from the door. Haldir stood in the doorway, the shadow of a smirk on his face as he raised his hand to her. He signed something to her before snickering and closing the door back.
Ellie starred with her brow furrowed, mouth slightly open like she was going to say something before the door closed. She blinked her eyes a few times before turning her attention back to her new partner.
“I’m so sorry about that. Um, so I’m Ellie. Pleasure to meet you.”
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32 reader x kandomere of he counts as a monster please and thank you xoxoxo
I don’t know Kandomere super well, but… I tried! I hope I did him justice, anon!
The two of you sit at “your” table at your favorite restaurant. It’s the one he took you to on your first date. You’ve been dating for a while, and things have been going well. You genuinely enjoy spending time with him, and he seems to enjoy spending time with you, too. Conversation flows easily, and you know that your feelings with him have been rapidly deepening. 
He’s being weird tonight though, something has thrown him off his game. His attention has turned inward again, and he’s not entirely paying attention to you. 
“Kandomere?” You reach out and place your hand upon his, drawing him back to this world. You see the moment his attention is truly on you again. A look flickers across his face, gone too fast for you to identify it. 
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs, capturing your hand and bringing it to his lips for a kiss. “I just…” 
You’ve never seen him at a loss before. He’s usually collected, controlled. He’s adorable when he’s flustered, though. 
“What is it?” You ask, offering him a gentle smile of encouragement. 
“I think I’m in love with you,” he says, “and I’m terrified.” 
“Terrified?” You ask, trying to give him time to explain before you get upset or hurt. 
“There are so many things that could happen to you, and you have come to mean so much to me,” He squeezes your hand, which he is still holding. “I cannot imagine my life without you.”
“I love you, too,” you reply. 
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royalreef · 4 years
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(( Tag drop! Why yes I am still so hype for this verse, I love it TOO MUCH ---
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tawkerr-archived · 5 years
the fact that brightsonas dont exist yet honestly suprises me
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joon-on-the-moon · 6 years
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Serendipity 💛
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Blink: my life is just a collection of poorly made decisions with alternative music playing in the background.
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munyeorobwa · 4 years
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gpechosakurai · 5 years
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Después de una larga, muuuuyyy larga espera, por fin tengo mi Bright versión de Timeless de los Super Viejos y la suerte me dio 1 Kyu 😍😍😍 1 Donghae 🐟 y 1 Siwon 🐎 jejeje me encantó 😊está hermoso 😚🤗☺️😍 #SUPERJUNIOR #2YA2YAO #TIMELESS #Brightversion @SJofficial https://www.instagram.com/p/B99kNHsgHwD/?igshid=1q1tjqvb903km
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What if I make a brightverse blog. Which is just. a bright for every bright in the canon that I can find. I think it would be REALLY funny.
'I am the foundation' but all the Bright's became anomalous/non-human and they found Tumblr and they all share a profile.
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phantasmasal · 5 years
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haven't posted in a while haha - hope you all enjoyed the holidays, and hope you all have a great year to come! ♡
in any case, new oc? yes. always. he's a serial killer with own his fanclub. he's a sweetheart, i promise.
instagram | deviantart | wysp |  twitter
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ellieaelious · 6 years
Brightverse HCs
-Haldir calls Ellie a fart since she’s made of mostly air. -Ellie calls Haldir Keebler in retaliation. -Nick and Ellie met during a small underground heavy metal concert. He’s still not sure if she’s flirting. -Ward has only met Ellie once and knows she’s trouble. He’s advised Nick she’s just being nice and he could do better. -Haldir has only tried once to do the heavy metal growl like Ellie. He lost his voice for three days after. -Nick and Ellie have gone to a concert every weekend since meeting. They always get matching shirts and go to a buffet after. -They’ve toyed with the idea of starting a band, but neither one can seem to finish writing a song. -Haldir’s wife brings lunch for both her husband and Ellie. Ellie eats both. -Haldir’s daughters have learned sign language from Ellie. -Most of the FBI agents use Ellie to lean on since she’s so short. She has accepted this.
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cinnione · 3 years
Wolf 359 and The Bright Universe are connected...
...and here’s how. 
Helen’s talk about a car crash in “Think Twice” wedged a little spot in my brain the first time I heard the episode and I could not for the life of me figure out why that particular detail stuck. A week and a half later, I’m in bed about to sleep and it hits me: Helen caused the crash that deafened Anne and landed Eiffel in prison.
Helen grew up in West Texas (“I grew up in West Texas, where there's not a stoplight for miles and miles and then suddenly there is, and people don't always slow down as much as they should.” [The AM Archives Episode 8])  and Eiffel grew up in Texas as well (“Once upon a time, there was a boy named Doug. And Doug lived in a far away kingdom called... Texas.” [Wolf 359 Episode 40]) Now, Eiffel was in prison in Harrison County, in EAST Texas, and Helen just gives a vague location of her home, and I am acknowledging that this is a stretch, but bear with me here. There are only a handful of prisons in West Texas, so it would check out that he was moved to another part of the state.
The AM Archives takes place in 2017, and Helen has been in AM custody since 2007 (“The past decade, I've been trapped here, experimented on” [The AM Archives Episode 8]) and the average sentence for first degree kidnapping (in which the victim has sustained severe bodily injury) is 20 years. Cutter visited Eiffel in prison in 2013. (“Number seven. Harris County, Texas. 2013.” [Wolf 359 Special Episode: Pagliacci])  Assuming that his sentence was 20 years and that he was sentenced in 2007, this timeframe all lines up. 
My second point: In looking at the cast list, I noticed Michaela Swee, voice of Doctor Pryce in Wolf 359, is credited as “Director Pryce” in the supporting cast list
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Now, The Bright Sessions has done crossovers with other podcasts before, namely Ars Paradoxica, and the events of the crossover episode are continuously mentioned and regarded as canon to the story, meaning that the Ars Paradoxica universe and the “Brightverse'' are indeed intertwined. Knowing this is true, is it so far-fetched to believe that “Doctor Pryce”and this“Director Pryce” are the same, and that Wolf 359 and The Bright Sessions happen in the same universe?
It’s May 16th, 2021 as I write this, and currently the only AM Archives episodes released are Episodes 1-9.
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royalreef · 3 years
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(( Looking over Miranda’s verses again, and... I think I might get rid of her Queen verse? Not just because I never use it - but it also feels... Wrong, I suppose, to her story. 
While I made it first in attempt to show that, yeah, Miranda is still a tyrant! She is still doing evil things, and if she isn’t challenged on these things, then she very much has the same possibility of falling into step with the rest of her family. She’s an abuse victim, but the structure that she’s within, if it isn’t changed and destroyed, she very much runs the possibility of becoming just as much an abuser herself. 
But... she is an abuse victim. And there’s such a trope in media that traumatized people can’t have happy endings. That she’s forever ruined and destined to die or for all her effort to be for nothing, for nothing she could do to change that.
And while I do still think that showing that, yes, she is still not a good person and if she doesn’t keep trying to get better then she just ends up reinforcing the same cycle that traumatized her to begin with and that she could become a part of the same problem, is a good thing ----- I also just... Never really want to discuss it much, because it’s that depressing of a concept to me. That even merely having it as an option to write only seems to reinforce the idea that she could never have a happy ending, when that’s not true.
On a similar note, I might get rid of her Hazbin verse. Mostly for the same reason - I never write it, and I’ve stopped following a lot of my prior Hazbin blogs and limited it down to just a few who I consider particularly close, so I don’t have much of a reason to break it out anymore!
I might actually end up getting rid of or changing a lot of her verses, honestly. I know I won’t get rid of her Rebel verse and will probably end up keeping her BrightVerse as well, since I have such a soft spot for that verse, but it’s definitely something to consider!
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