#briemund rights
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riocat01 · 5 years ago
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Modern Briemund AU
Brienne + Tormund 4-Ever
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riocat01 · 5 years ago
Oh Yeah! That worked out well, didn’t it ?!?!
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The Ultimate Cock-Block is actually that Jaime is Dead, and Tormund is still alive. There’s still a chance for Brienne to realize Tormund is her soulmate, and she should be with him!
Breimund, the only ship in Westeros that could still happen!
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Jaime & Brienne ~ The Grandest Cockblock in History
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danyllura · 5 years ago
Tormund likes his women big and strong and his men short and pretty
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sebcastellanos · 6 years ago
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I have a beauty waiting for me back in Winterfell, if I ever get back there. Yellow hair, blue eyes, tallest woman you’ve ever seen.
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lionwithouthonour-blog · 7 years ago
Brienne of Tarth
((Jaime. And kind of cracky with Sandor too. And...I can understand the appeal of Brienne/Tormund but, come on. The guy never even uses her name... xD ))
Send me a name and I'll respond with who I ship them with
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elenatria · 5 years ago
Right Now
 is the best time to study Chernobyl and ship Valoris, comrades. Sit up straight, take a deep breath in, smell the air around you. You’re alive. You’re safe. You’re not in a hospital. You’re going through a pandemic, never forget that, but also never forget that in times of war, actual war, humanity prevailed, and so will you, your spirit, your persistence, your thirst for knowledge, your creativity. 
We’re all going to meet, one day. Yes, long distances are a thing but airports will open again and airplanes will be roaming the sky.
Not to mention helicopters.
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The Vienna Valoris Visit is the meet-up we’re planning to do in a year from now, and as soon as we have dates settled (some time in July-August of 2021) there’s going to be a masterpost inviting everyone who wants to hop into the Chernobyl Helicopter that will take us to Vienna  to share coffee, sachertorte, Chernobyl facts and “Chernobyl” headcanons. 
The invitation includes everyone, not just those strictly shipping Valoris or those strictly using tumblr. Every Chernobyl fan, whether they’re into the historical facts or the HBO canon, whether they use tumblr or other platforms, they’re eagerly anticipated. If you’ve never been to Europe in your life, this is the time.
So I apologize in advance if I’m forgetting anyone, or if I’m assuming people are not interested anymore - disheartened, discouraged, demotivated. Feel free to tag those I have forgotten, or those I am too afraid to ask.
There’s still hope and there’s still time and there’s still a light at the end of the tunnel.
Chin up, good health and long life.
@drunkardonjunkyard @alyeen1​ @litttlesilkworm​ @the-jewish-marxist​ @valerafan2 @attachedtofictionalpeople @green-ann​ @johnlockismyreligion​ @cinemaocd​ @thegreenmeridian​ @cocomoraine​ @itspradawitch​  @boisinberryjamarama​ @shark-from-the-park​ @stellan-pip-69​ @itisa-profoundbond-sarandom​ @akimfu​ @fmasha-l​  @anandasumisu​  @briemund-tarthbane​  @sleepylovesslash​ @jedikatalina​ @gwinny3k​ @thenaughtyvirgin91​ @funnywizard1​ @nightycute26​ @alovelylonelygoodra​
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firesign23 · 5 years ago
Would you ever write JB with someone else (ie. JC, Jaime/Sansa, Briemund, Brienne/Hyle)?
I have! The posted ficets don’t yet get into the details of their (eventually happy and loving) marriage, but I have a ficlet series where Brienne marries Addam post-showcanon, for the sake of Jaime’s child, called i take the parts that i remember (and i stitch them back together). It’s a B/A fic but also a J/A/B fic in some ways, and definitely a J/B one.
I also have vague plans for a one-night Brienne/Margaery ficlet of “mutual masturbation turns more” that explores the power of being desired (thought Brienne is in love with Jaime in that scene), and I wouldn’t say no to any variation of Jaime/Addam/Brienne (triad! J/A! B/A! J/B obviously!) if the inspiration was right.
As for more common alternate ships--most I might write in passing, in the midst of exploring something about the characters, but not in a focused or endgame way. I’m more likely to write Jaime/Catelyn than Jaime/Sansa, and the common Brienne ships (Tormund, Hyle) do nothing for me in the context of her character. Jaime/Cersei is... I’d never write it as a healthy thing, but it is hard to erase entirely in a canon setting--there’s some brief JC content in the Persuasion AU prologue, or will be if I ever write the damn thing.
Send me a ‘Would you ever…”
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frazzledsoul · 5 years ago
Petty thoughts on GoT fandom wank, courtesy of moi
While I don’t think what was said at the BFI panel was anything close to what was reported on Reddit/Twitter, to say that I am seriously disappointed in Kristofer Hivju’s supposed remarks is an understatement. If he’s talking about a “romantic comedy sequel at Castle Black” (via tweets from a media source that was actually there) then he’s either discounting Tormund’s entire ending or he’s completely erasing Jon’s presence from it. I don’t expect him to acknowledge the Jonmund thing or anything like that, but the only reason that the show placed an emphasis on Tormund’s ending was because of Jon (heck, Briemund itself is a ship comprised of what, three scenes?) And if that thread is correct and he actually thought Jon was going to let Ghost just go off with him and go back to Castle Black by himself? LOL. I’m just really unhappy with the whole thing. I don’t think whatever he said contradicts what was actually written and filmed, but after reading about Kit so eloquently describing what was good about it this just rubs me the entirely the wrong way. The only solace I got from the show in the end was that Jon got to walk away and have a future somewhere else, and I don’t like that being ignored or derided in this manner.
The other thing I’m petty about is that a fic I was reading went sideways in a really nasty way and I’m still managing my reaction to it. I read across several ships in this fandom but I feel like I’ve been burned badly and I don’t really want to touch fanfiction right now.  
We shall now conclude the pettiness.
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chid-sen-gan-blog · 6 years ago
My Reaction to GoT 8.04 (”The Last of the Starks”)
Hello, everyone! So, I’m back once again for another recap/review of the latest GoT epsiode. I’m sorry this took so long, but I spent most of my week in a deep depression over it, so I only got around to editing it now…
Anyway, this review is as much of an emotional roller coaster as the actual episode was, so read at your own risk. 
Once again, these are my thoughts from my first time viewing it (I read the leaks prior to seeing the episode, but I took them with a grain of salt, so everything written is based purely on my own emotions), and, once again, it features running commentary from my Dad and Brother because I love them and they’re amazing.
WARNING: Spoilers for the episode, if you haven’t seen it yet. Though considering how late I’m posting this, the warning may be irrelevant
WARNING #2: Please excuse my emotional state throughout. This show is designed to break me in many, many ways
Thanks you to everyone who supported the first three installments! I hope you enjoy the fourth!
Considering there are only two episodes left in the series (not counting this one), I think it’s kind of pointless for me to say that I’m still not used to the opening credits. If they haven’t grown on me yet, then they’re not going to in time for the finale
Every time I see D&D’s names at the start of an episode, I die a little inside
YES!!! I CAN SEE ACTUALLY SEE THIS EPISODE!!! (#still salty about squinting in 8x3)
Ugh. Dany. On second thought, I’ll take the poor lighting back. Please? Thank you
Aww, Sansa giving Theon her Stark pin. *tears up*
*quickly wipes tears away* Nope, not now, I’m saving my crying for later
I really hope that I’m not going to have to bring out the tissues for this episode even though all the leaks are pointing to it
Yikes. That’s… a lot of bodies
And just think of how many of them could still be alive if the dragons had just lit some ice zombies up instead of getting lost in a snowstorm
Or if the Dothraki hadn’t charged right into the Army of the Dead when they could hardly see where they were going
Then again none of us could really see anything with last episode’s lighting, so…
#still salty about squinting
Noooooo! Ghost!!! My poor baby’s covered in wounds!!!
“Alright, which of those undead creeps beat Ghost up that badly?! Because I will kill them all over again!” – My Wonderful Dad
“By the looks of it, he did a lot more fighting than the dragons. Point: Team Direwolves.” – My Wonderful Brother
Once again, just when I think Jon can’t look any more tired, he raises the bar
(at this point he could probably list “being tired” as one of his skills on his resume)
So, with this lighting, I can finally find out who survived. Okay, so let’s see… Jaime, Brienne, Davos, Gendry, the Hound…
Good speech, Jon. I’m surprised Dany let you take the reigns and make it
The score is fantastic once again. I can’t express how happy it makes me that Ramin Djawadi always brings his A-Game
(even when certain members of the crew don’t seem to *cough D&D cough*…)
Okay, this scene is really touching, I admit
Though I’m honestly a little confused why we still have to burn the bodies with the White Walkers gone, but, oh, well…
Oooh, a feast. Nice. I’ll stick to my potato chips and gummy bears, though
Gendrya’s canon and I’m glad
I wonder who curses more: the Hound or Bronn?
Oh, shoot. Dany, no. No, don’t call to Gendry…
Anyone else think it’s rather telling how everyone looks absolutely terrified when Dany’s speaking to Gendry?
“If Gendry dies, I will riot.” – My Wonderful Brother
Wait… Dany legitimized him?
No, there has to be something more to this. Dany never does things unless it’s for her own benefit…
Aaaaand there it is. Typical. Figured it was some ulterior motive
(my Dany bitterness is seriously at an all-time high tonight, and I’m not quite sure why)
Jon smiles more around a kid he barely knows (Gendry) than he does with Dany. And that’s the tea
“Sure, Dany, you just told everyone in this room now that Gendry has a claim to the Iron Throne that supersedes yours, but, yeah, you’re soooo clever.” – My Wonderful Brother
Even Tyrion looks done with her at this point. ‘Took him long enough
Jaime putting his hand on Brienne’s reminds me of a similar scene with them from S3, E6 (“The Climb”). *sighs* Ah, the early seasons. Those were good days…
Aww, the way they look at each other. *heart melts*
I’ve never been much for shipping, but when it comes to Jaime and Brienne, I’m shipping trash. And I’m proud
“JUST KISS ALREADY, YOU TWO!!!” – My Wonderful Dad (edit: apparently, I’m not the only one who’s shipping trash)
“Just nudge Brienne a little closer to him, Pod. Just enough for their lips to meet.” – My Wonderful Brother (edit: my whole family is shipping trash, and I couldn’t be happier about it)
Ah, Davos, Tyrion. Discussing Melisandre, are we? Pour one out for her on my behalf, would you? I owe her for lighting things up last episode
#still salty about squinting
Good question… what does R’Hollor want? Not that I expect D&D to explain it, but still…
Bran’s still a robot. Wonderful
Please tell me he has some purpose in this show other than creeping out his family and their guests
You know how you have that one friend that just won’t take no for an answer and tries to talk you into all the worst things and then acts like they’re doing you a favor? Yeah, that’s Tormund
Aw, Sansa encouraging Jon is everything. Even if it’s encouraging him to drink
Tormund, why would you toast to Dany? Why would you hurt me like that? Is it because I ship Braime? I always said Briemund was fine, too!
(though some Briemund stans that I’ve met… less so)
Dany toasting to Arya. Wow, it certainly looks like someone read their kiss-up handbook, doesn’t it?
“That woman is saccharine, spice, and nothing nice.” – My Wonderful Brother
The Hound barely acknowledges when Gendry’s named a lord, but is visibly amused when Arya’s mentioned. Oh, Sandor, you softie…
Seriously, though, the fact that we have Northmen, Free Folk, Southerners, Starks, Lannisters, and Varys (from Essos) all together in one room is amazing. And beyond that, they’re happy; they’re not fighting, they’re not trying to kill one another – they’re celebrating. Together. It’s actually making me tear up a bit
Well, we were all happy until Sansa saw Dany and left
I can’t blame her there, though. Wanting to book the moment you lay eyes on Dany is a personal mood of mine
Okay, confession time: I really want to play the drinking game one of these days with my family (though I’ll substitute the wine with something non-alcoholic)
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I adore Lannisbros, and I always will
Like, Tyrion’s charm has been lost on me since S5, but whenever he’s with Jaime, I can’t help but fall in love with him all over again.
And whenever Jaime’s around Tyrion, it always brings out a sweeter, softer side of his personality that we don’t normally get to see, and I live for it
Honestly, I can’t credit Peter and Nikolaj’s performances enough
Honestly, I can’t credit the entire cast’s enough
(especially in this season where the acting is pretty much the only thing worth watching for)
(well, the acting and the score)
“I can’t believe Jaime’s seriously using the drinking game as a way to show Brienne he remembers what she tells him.” – My Wonderful Brother, with a mile-wide smirk on his face
“The guy’s such a dork. I love it.” – My Wonderful Dad, smiling like the proud papa he is
I honestly can’t help but laugh at how Pod seems to be enjoying this as much I am
Okay, drunk Tormund’s funny. I admit
Tormund really seems to be intent on making Jonmund canon, I’m just saying
Awww, how I’ve missed Jon’s smile
… is that a Starbucks coffee cup?
Is that why they had such poor lighting in the last episode? To cover up coffee cup cameos?
#still salty about squinting
*opts to ignore it for now*
“A madman? Or a king?” Very telling words, Tormund. Very telling, indeed
And as if to confirm it, the score gets sinister, the noises muffle, and Dany starts to get… uncomfortable, for lack of a better term
Kudos to the cast and crew on this scene; it’s chilling my bones more than anything in the last episode did
Varys sees. Varys knows. And what Varys sees, Varys doesn’t like. Trust Varys
Back to the drinking game, and my children are still acting as dorky as ever
So, I’m curious. How did Tyrion and Sansa’s marriage get annulled, exactly?
*Jaime smiles at Brienne* // *Brienne smiles back at Jaime* // *my heart stops*
Woooooah. Tyrion, too far. Too far!
Pod grabbing a drink and downing it uncomfortably is me right now
And Jaime trying to cut Tyrion out is my wonderful Brother, who’s saying “stop” in the most warning of tones
And Tormund to the… rescue, I guess?
Tormund’s joke didn’t make me laugh, but Jaime rolling his eyes at Tormund’s joke sure did…
… while Jaime blocking Tormund’s path when the latter tried to follow Brienne only added more mirth to my mood
Tormund’s expression of rejection and anguish is the same one I wear whenever Dany’s being lauded onscreen
Yep. Drink up, buddy. You did your best
Pod’s smile gives me life. That is all
Me: *sees Tormund talking to the Hound about his heartbreak* // Me: *spits out soda two seconds later*
(And now I want to write a fic where the Hound’s a psychologist. Someone help me)
“No, really… could he have picked a worse person to talk to about his feelings?” – My Wonderful Dad
It took Tormund approximately two minutes to get over Brienne. … yikes
So… to everyone who said his feelings for Brienne were simply lust, I just want to apologize for ever doubting you. *shakes head* Really, Tormund, I had more faith in you
Oooh, Sansa and the Hound. This should be interesting. I don’t ship SanSan in the slightest, but I always did like their dynamic
“Broken in rough”? Really? *sighs and rolls eyes* That’s an understatement if I’ve ever heard one
Okay, so just to be clear, the show basically just said that it’s a good thing that Sansa was abused all those years, ergo implying that – on some level – someone who’s been abused should be grateful to their abusers. *flings confetti listlessly* Quality writing, everyone. From the minds of D&D
“With sentiments like that, it baffles me how there hasn’t been a petition to fire D&D yet.” – My Wonderful Dad; a man who gets it, who I will forever love and forever stan
Ugh. Well, that scene was a train wreck. Time to try and get back on course
(sadly, that’s become my motto for most of these episodes recently)
Oh, good. Gendrya. Save me, Gendrya
And of-fricking-course she’s in BAMF Arya mode. Because when is she not anymore? *groans in annoyance*
Honestly, why do writers feel compelled to turn every single female warrior into variations of smug ninjas? I mean, is it too much to ask for a powerful woman who’s both in-tune with their emotions and a fighter?
(on a side note, that’s why I love Brienne; because she’s both)
I have unpopular opinions. I’m sorry
Gendry… Rivers. Rivers? Seriously?
His surname is WATERS. Every fanfic writer worth their salt knows that
“Please tell me Joe Dempsie accidentally got the line wrong and that D&D didn’t actually write the wrong surname into the script.” – My Wonderful Brother
“To echo what you told me last week, you’re asking for waaay too much.” – My Wonderful Dad
Anyway, let’s try to get back on track, shall we?
Tip #1 for using a fork, Gendry: Stick ‘em with the pointy end
This has to be the dorkiest proposal of all time, and I love it
… yeah, I knew she was going to reject him. But, hey, the score’s still pretty
*heartbreak level: 1000*
Ah, Brienne, I missed you… even though it’s only been a few minutes since I last saw you, but I digress
So, moment of truth: I’m in love with Oathkeeper, Brienne’s sword. Like, unnaturally so. I would fricking marry that sword, and regret absolutely nothing
*instantly loses all followers because I’m crazy*
Ah, Jaime, I missed you, too… even though, again, it’s only been a few minutes
Okay, series, so Jaime shows up at Brienne’s door significantly more disheveled and drunk than he was earlier, and you just expect me not to question how he came to be that way? Nice try, HBO. I know you have footage of him pacing and drinking in the hallway like a nervous wreck until he finally mustered the courage to knock. Release it
………… Yep, nothing like casually taking off your clothing with a lame excuse like “it’s hot in here” to set the mood. Sheesh, Jaime. You’re so awkward you’re making me cry
(on the other hand, to everyone who told me he’d be suave-as-suave can be when trying to flirt… I win. Prepare to part with your money)
Even when these two are going back-and-forth in flirtations, they’re still arguing like an old married couple. I love it
Hey, Mr. I-Hate-the-North? Yeah, sorry to be the breaker of bad news, but you’ve hardly stopped smiling since you got here. So, don’t give me that
Don’t know why, but Jaime admitting he doesn’t want things growing on him kind of breaks my heart…
… As does Brienne seeming surprised that Jaime sounds jealous of Tormund. Seriously, these idiots are going to kill me
And again with the “hot in here” excuse. Really, Jaime needs to get some flirting tips from Tyrion
These. Two. Dorks. That is all
Like, Jaime has no chill, and no idea what he’s doing despite being the, erm, “experienced one”. And Brienne is so rough-around-the-edges but so fricking gentle, too, I just… ah! These two will be the death of me, seriously…
On another note, I’ve been paying so much attention to how adorkable these two are that my mind didn’t register what was actually happening until right now and………… *screams and squeals like a group of pigs*
“OH MY GOSH, IT’S HAPPENING!!! STAY CALM!!! STAY FRICKING CALM!!!” – Me to Me, clearly not heeding my own advice
*meltdown intensifies*
(*briefly notices that D&D didn’t give Brienne her scars from fighting a bear but opts to ignore it for now*)
*meltdown seriously intensifies because, aside from Jygritte/Jongritte, this is my fricking OTP and I’m going to enjoy it, because, dang it, I’ve earned it after S7… and the last episode*
(#still salty about squinting)
Brienne looks so darn majestic and Jaime looks like a lost little puppy and I just… Really, it’d be sort of hilarious if it weren’t so cute
(random note, but I love how it’s sloppy and awkward. It’s believable, and it’s sweet, imo)
“WELL IT’S ABOUT DARN TIME!!!!” – My Wonderful Dad, who just jumped out of his seat to cheer
“NEVER STOP!!! NEVER. FRICKING. STOP!!!” – My Wonderful Brother, who’s also abandoned his seat to cheer
I love them so much. Bless them
I love everything right now, honestly
My Wonderful Dad: *turns the tv on pause* “Nice try, Dany, but we’re celebrating first!”
Which is why I’m now typing away while eating a giant ice cream sundae made by my wonderful Dad, bingeing on excess candy, and drinking a liter of pineapple soda as both he and my wonderful Brother dance around to “The Bear and the Maiden Fair” blasting on the laptop
Can you believe we’re all completely sober? Because we are, we’re just nuts
I really adore my family
*twenty minutes later*
“Okay, party’s over. Time to suffer through Dany.” – My Wonderful Dad
“Daddy, the party will never be over. Even if Dany is present.” – My Wonderful Brother (huh, and I always thought he was a cynic)
Dany: “Are you drunk?” // Jon: *stumbles in response* // Dany: Oh, good, time to manipulate you
Honestly, this woman reminds me of Cersei more and more every time I see her, but with none of the charm
Ewww. No. Stop kissing. Stop kissing this instant
Oh, thank goodness
(can’t believe my OTP’s scene got cut off for my NOTP’s scene. Yes, I’m petty. Sue me)
Oh, brother. She’s really complaining about how she’s not happy? Like: Yes, Jon, your entire life was a lie, but let’s make it all about me, shall we? Give me a break
I mean, okay, you’re upset. That’s fine. But how about adding an “I can’t imagine how you must feel” or “it must be even worse for you” to the end of your sentence to at least show you care? That’s just relationship 101, honey
Sheesh. And I thought I was self-centered
So, does anyone else notice that Kit is acting oddly akin to how he did in that scene with Jon and Littlefinger? The little sighs and the head motion and all? Or is it just me?
“Kit’s kind of acting like he did in that scene with Jon and Littlefinger in the crypts.” – My Wonderful Brother, confirming my thoughts
Well, congratulations, Dany. Now you know how Viserys felt in S1. Don’t think that’s a good thing, though…
Ugh. Okay, so Jon and his whole “you’re my queen” schtick is annoying as all heck, but I can’t deny that it’s pulling at my heartstrings. Whether political!Jon is real or not (and I’m sure by the time I post this, so many of my wonderful mutual will have made new posts explaining how it is), the sheer desperation in the guy’s voice is horrible. It’s not the voice of a man in love, or a man who would do anything for his SO. It’s the voice of a man who’s terrified, who’s trying to do everything in his power to keep the peace, who would do anything to keep the people he truly loves safe. And – political!Jon or not – to see someone who we’ve known and watched grow since the start of the series be broken down to such a pitiful extent is heartbreaking
I mean, the guy’s on his knees claiming that he doesn’t know what else she wants from him, and, instead of comforting him or trying to work things through with him, she takes his face in her hands and tries to swear him to secrecy? To swear his “brother” and his best friend to secrecy? How can anyone ship this?! How?!
And to top it off,  her telling him to never tell anyone who he really is has to hit hard even on a personal level, too; given that his greatest insecurity in life has always been finding out who he really is, and if there’s anywhere where he really belongs. But, then again, I wouldn’t expect Day to know that, considering the guy never reveals anything personal about himself to her! But, no, they’re sooooooo in love. How adorbs uwu
No, Jon, don’t just tell Sansa and Arya. Pick them up and run away with them. Take Bran, too. Take all the redeemable characters and hightail it out of this terrible relationship and show and never look back
(it would be so ideal, if not for the fact that there must there always be a Stark in Winterfell)
Oh, nice victim-blaming there, Dany. You’re right, though. Sansa’s not the girl Jon grew up with. She’s better
Funny how Dany’s tears magically disappear the moment she thinks she’s getting what she wants
Wow, would you look at that. Dany trying to cut Jon off from his family, and giving him the “me or them” ultimatum. It’s a beautiful parallel to other such great moments, such as Balon telling Theon to choose between the Starks and the Greyjoys in S2, Cersei telling Jaime to choose her and Tywin over Tyrion in S4, and Joffrey forcing Sansa to pick sides between him and her family pretty much throughout the entireties of seasons 1 and 2. I mean, can anyone say life goals?
“So… where am I supposed to call if someone fictional I love is trapped in an abusive relationship?” – My Wonderful Dad
On a happier note, my OTP is together. I’m happy
(and maybe I’m wearing my shipping goggles, but Jaime looks like a man who just realized that he’s in love. Fight me)
Now why D&D won’t give me more of them, I’ll never know. Oh, wait… it’s because they hate their fans
Aaaaaand… this might be the tensest war council ever. How will Jon try to keep the peace this time?
Anyone ever notice that people tend to handle Dany like they did Joffrey – which is to say, like you would a petulant child?
And on today’s episode of “Let’s Just Listen to Sansa”, Sansa says something sensible and everyone ignores her… again
Okay, so I can already hear everyone calling for Jon’s head for apparently snapping at Sansa, but just from a different perspective, the look he gave her seems less like someone who’s taking sides, and more like someone trying to keep their family member out of trouble, imo. In fact, it resembles the look my wonderful Brother gives me whenever I get carried away with my big mouth (which is often)
Sansa knows, Brienne. That is all
Yes, Dany. Go get the throne already. But when Cersei kicks your lizard butt, don’t say Sansa didn’t tell you so
Finally! All the Starks together!!! (and, yes, until Jon starts saying “burn them all”, I will continue to view him as a Stark, thank you very much)
And on today’s episode of “Jon Tries to Keep the Peace”, Jon has to realize that he doesn’t need to shoulder everything on his own
Yeah… no offense, Arya, but I don’t really think we needed Dany and her scaly babies all that much. They were pretty much useless in the fight. At least from what I could see…
#still salty about squinting
Oh, boy. Arya saying Dany’s not one of us. I can already hear the D stans screaming how she’s pocket-sized assassin Donald Trump
Awww, Sansa coming to Jon’s emotional aide and assuring him he’s Ned’s child as much as the rest of them are
Awww, Arya coming to Jon’s emotional aide and telling him he’s her brother – just her brother, nothing less
“Darn it, kids! Just hug it out! Hug!!!” – My Wonderful Dad
This is seriously tearing Jon apart inside, and Kit is nailing it with his acting
Yes, you are family. Never forget that *tears up*
So, I kind of wanted Sansa and Arya’s reaction to the news, but since I don’t trust D&D to effectively  write such a powerful scene, I’m okay that we didn’t get it
(fanfic writers, on the other hand – please, work your magic)
I want a spin-off series with Jaime and Tyrion hanging out. I said what I said
Jaime being an awkward dork in love is my aesthetic. Again, I said what I said
It’s probably just me, but the fact that Jaime didn’t fully loosen up with Tyrion until the latter said something snide kind of pulls at my heartstrings. Like, he was fully expecting to get mocked – he was fricking waiting for it, almost – and that look of disbelief when Tyrion said he was happy for him… I just… *curls in a corner and cries*
Can I please just give everyone in Westeros a hug. Please? The Starks (Jon included), the Lannisbros… heck, I’ll even hug Cersei and Dany, why not?
(I’ll hug them with less gusto, though…)
Bless the acting on the show and its actors, who help me forget how much I absolutely detest the writers
And Ramin Djawadi. Bless him, too
And his score
*sighs* Oh, Tyrion. Leave it to you to turn a nice, normal conversation into something dirty
Wait……… what the heck is Bronn doing here? How did he get here? Where did he come from?
Judging by how the Lannisbros are reacting, apparently, I’m not the only one confused
“Great. Now Bronn’s a ninja, too.” – My Wonderful Brother
“I still stand by what I once said: Bronn should’ve been written off in “The Spoils of War”.” – My Wonderful Dad
Tyrion gets punched in the face. Jaime immediately gets to his feet for a fight. As it should be, and I love it
So… remember how I asked who curses more between the Hound and Bronn? I think it’s Bronn, going by this conversation
Bronn: Cersei’s screwed // Jaime: *message checked and read at 9:58pm*
A.k.a. my boy doesn’t care and I’m living for it
Hey, Bronn… kindly refrain from shooting arrows at my problematic child’s head. Thank you
Yep, this is definitely a D&D episode. Even if I didn’t look at the opening credits, I could’ve figured it out. Want to know why? The abundance of manhood jokes
So, what I’m getting is that Bronn basically just came by to see if his ship was confirmed and to negotiate for a castle. Sounds legit
Arya accompanying the Hound on his journey was Beric’s last wish, so that she may continue their legacy of buddy-cop movies
(or, at least, that’s what I’m telling myself to overlook the fact that Arya heading off to tick names off her kill list is a huge step backwards for her character)
Yeah, Dany, stop smiling. Rhaegal still has holes in his wings. If you really loved your “child”, you would let him recover completely before dragging him into a war
Wow, Sansa is really ticked. Like, really, really ticked. I’m expecting some very interesting metas on the subject…
Yes, Tyrion, you’re afraid of Dany. Admit it. There’s no shame in it – I’d be afraid of her too, if I knew she sucked everyone’s purpose and personality out of them just by interacting with them
(which I do, so I guess I’m scared of her, too)
Alright, so I can already hear the Dany stans bashing Sansa for “betraying Jon’s trust”, but she promised not to tell if Jon told her. Bran told her, so therefore, loophole
Also, she’s doing it to protect Jon. A nice little foil to how Dany tried to make Jon keep the secret earlier, knowing full well it would hurt him
And got to love how Sansa adds “someone better” to the end of her statement. She believes in Jon, and not just when it comes to drinking
*sighs* It feels like all the Starklings are leaving, and it saddens me
“When Jon Snow cares more about Rhaegal’s well-being than Dany does, take warning.” – My Wonderful Brother
Tormund: *makes quip about Jon’s weight* // My Wonderful Dad: “You know, now that he mentions it, the guy could stand to eat more. Matter of fact, so could Jaime. And Bran. They all need to go see Hot Pie, stat. Seriously, doesn’t anyone feed these guys?”
“Not since Dany burnt the wagons of food, apparently.” – Me
“And now part of me wants to ship supplies to Westeros.” – My Wonderful Dad, making a joke that I laughed way too much at
Cue my wonderful Brother and I sharing a smile over how protective our wonderful Dad is of his fictional grandchildren
Awwwww… Ghost. My poor baby
Yep, Tormund’s still trying to make Jonmund happen
Jon instinctively knowing Gilly’s pregnant brings me so much joy, for some reason
(shout-out to @cantfightfatetoo, who speculated with me. You’re amazing!!!)
Aw!!! Baby Jon and Little Sam!!! My heart…
“I hope it’s a girl”. Yet again, another arrow through my heart – but this one not as joyous. Jon just comes off as so broken down in this episode, I can’t help but feel badly for him . It feels like I’m watching someone trapped in a toxic relationship while the rest of the world keeps moving on around him. It just feels like he’s at his lowest point, imo… even lower than when he came back to life. And that’s just sad
Good thing he still gets the best hugs, though
Okay, so a part of me wants to believe that if Jon did properly say good-bye to Ghost, he’d never again muster the strength to leave Winterfell and his family. Another part of me is really ticked. And another part of me still is annoyed at the fact that this was all to cut down on the CGI budget, most likely… even though it was totally fine to spend the cash on that dragon-riding scene from episode 1
*sighs* ANYWAY…
On the less depressing side, it’s sort of like Jon left his past behind to figure out his future. Ghost, Sam and Gilly, Tormund… they’re all physical manifestations of who he was, and he has to come to terms with who he is, so……….
*ten minutes later*
So… I’ve calmed down. Now, where were we?
Grey Worm smiled. That definitely means something bad is going to happen
Oh, dear. Tyrion told Varys. Welp, there goes that secret. Good
No, Tyrion. Everything that happened didn’t happen because Lyanna didn’t love Robert back. It happened because Rhaegar was the literal embodiment of Mambo #5
“She’s his aunt.” Thank you, Varys. The last of only two sane people left in Westeros
Tyrion is trying waaaaay too hard to convince himself that Dany’s a good person/a good ruler, and I respect him less for it
“Look, Tyrion. Jaime saw the warning signs with Dany, Varys sees the warning signs with Dany. They both served under Aerys personally. If you were really as clever as you like to boast you are, you’d hear them out.” – My Wonderful Dad
Tyrion, the #1 Dany stan, everyone. *Blackfish voice* I’m disappointed
Say what you will about Dany and her reptile children, but their score is epic. Unfortunately
Oh, shoot! Rhaegal got shot?!
(I mean, I’d read it in the leaks, but I didn’t think it was true…)
So… a dance of dragons 2.0 with just one dragon? I wonder if musical chair rules apply in deciding who gets to ride it
Euron makes the creepiest faces
Aaaaaaaand… she just left everyone behind. Inspiring
“Did a ship mast just land on Tyrion’s head?” – My Wonderful Dad
“Good. Maybe it’ll knock some sense into him.” – My Wonderful Brother
Grey Worm looking for Missandei is breaking my heart all over again. Especially if the leaks are to be believed
And back in King’s Landing with Cersei, and… ACTUAL VIBRANT CLOTHING OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!
Lena Headey, you are rocking that red
Euron and Cersei still have more chemistry than Jon and Dany, and that’s disturbing
Ah, Qyburn. I had this really weird dream that he and Cersei were a thing, and… well, never mind. I have really weird dreams
(For instance, there was this one time when Jon and Jaime opened up a restaurant called “J&J’s” and all the other characters were their employees. Let’s just say it was chaos)
Soooooo… Cersei’s baby. Is there a baby? Was there ever a baby? Why does she seem all disoriented when the baby’s brought up? Tell me about the baby!!!
Nooooooo. Not Missandei. *resolves not to cry because, dang it, I know I’m going to sob later*
Oh, hi, Dany. Yeah… I’m not in the mood for you right now
Varys, you’re my third favorite character. Congratulations
Man, I knew Varys cared about the people, but I had no idea just how much. Seriously, why has no one made this guy the hand of the king yet?
Oh, yeah, because every person he’s served thus far has either been evil or an idiot. Or, in Dany and Joffrey’s cases, both
…… Dany’s talking about destiny now. First official villain achievement, unlocked
Talking in third person. Second villain achievement, unlocked. All she has to do now is spin a globe… or stroke a map, considering these are medieval-esque times
So, Dany’s going to save the world from tyrants by… becoming a tyrant. Okay, then
Bravo to Emilia Clarke’s acting, though. She’s nailing Dark!Dany
Varys echoing what I said about destiny speeches being in a villain’s wheelhouse. Thank you
(Turns out I really did learn something from binge-watching multiple animes)  
Dany’s convinced she’s here to save us all, a.k.a., she has a savior complex. And yet my extended family laughed at me when I diagnosed her with that during our Thanksgiving get-together. It’s going to be fun to see them again this year
(Now I just need Varys to confirm that Jaime most likely has PTSD, and I’ll be completely vindicated)
No, Tyrion, Jon “bent the knee” because he needed flying, fire-breathing lizards to help him destroy undead popsicles. Not because he wanted to give up his crown for lolz
Any more manhood jokes and I’m going to pull a Tommen right out my bedroom window
Varys is me. Varys has always been me. I love Varys. The end
Okay, I’m starting a petition to get Jaime some new clothes. Who’s with me?
Yipee. Cersei’s winning. And if she wasn’t winning, Dany would be. I. Just. Can’t. Win *bangs head against wall*
Oh, no, Sansa. I still think you’ll have your crack at Cersei. At least, you’d better
No, Jaime. No. I know that look. That’s your “I’m about to do something so ridiculously dumb that no one else would ever dare to do for reasons” look. Don’t even think about doing what you’re thinking of doing
In other news, has anyone else ever noticed how the guy seems to age about twenty years whenever Cersei's in the picture (or mentioned)? Just saying…
Brienne has super-hearing. Take that, wights from the last episode who could hear droplets of blood
Jaime, no. What are you doing, you idiot…
Awwww, Brienne. The way she just straight up takes his face in her hands and tells him how much she believes in him… it’s just… *tears up*
And the way he looks at her like he wants to believe her even if he doesn’t fully believe it himself… I mean…
(Don’t even try to tell me that this isn’t a direct parallel to Jon and Dany’s scene before, because I won’t accept it)
No no no no no no no… don’t cry, Brienne. Jaime, listen to her. She loves you, she really does. Don’t make her cry…
Nooooo… the way he holds onto her wrist and strokes it and looks down. I can’t…
Jaime, you know you want to stay. You know you do. So stay
Oh, shoot. There’s that heartless façade he used with Edmure in S6. Oh, no… not against Brienne. Don’t use it against her, no matter what the reason
Yeah, yeah, Cersei’s dandy. You did a lot of terrible things for her. We know. That doesn’t mean we’re just going to accept you leaving
You would’ve killed everyone in Riverrun for Cersei, but you didn’t kill anyone in Riverrun… because of Brienne. So there
“She’s hateful, and so am I.” Yeah, maybe I’m just putting you on a pedestal, pal, but I don’t think that’s entirely true
I mean, you love Tyrion when you could’ve hated him just as much as Cersei and Tywin; you saved a city from being blown to smithereens because you couldn’t just sit by and let innocents burn alive; you jumped into a bear pit with no plan and no defense to save a woman who up until that point hadn’t done much for you except call you by your name; you rode North to fight an army of undead popsicles to protect the people of the Seven Kingdoms – most of whom detest you and would be perfectly happy if you died. So are you hateful? Nope. Bitter, yes. But hateful? Try again. (I mean, you’re, like, the only member of your family who’s never killed anyone on-screen for vengeance. Honestly, for all that you claim to hate, I think the only thing you sincerely hate is yourself)
Ummmm… sorry, what was I saying again?
Honestly, though, this whole scene is just heartbreaking. I mean, Gwen and Nik just nail it. Give them their frickin’ Emmys already
(If they don’t win any, I’ll riot. And, for the love of all things good, give one to Lena Headey, too)
I’m crying my eyes out right now. My wonderful Dad and Brother are crying their eyes out right now. It’s a tearfest
I still have faith in you, my problematic child. But in D&D’s writing… not so much
If they built all this up just to have Jaime die with Cersei I’m seriously going to be ticked
Honestly, out of all the ways I would like to see his ending go, that is at the literal bottom of my list with “burnt alive by Dany”. Jaime deserves better
So does Brienne fight me
Well, I can’t really see straight because I still have tears in my eyes. But I still know Varys looks like a boss
“Umm… Cersei. You have all those scorpions and Drogon’s right there. Why not just shoot him?” – My Wonderful Dad
“Who cares? He’ll probably be written off next week, anyway, for the CGI budget’s sake.” – My Wonderful Brother
So, what I’m getting from this meeting is that the battle for the Iron Throne has come down to the war of the two pyromaniacs. Lovely
Tyrion doesn’t want to see the city burn, yet he’s still rah-rahing for Dany. I have no words
Cersei, once again, doesn’t kill Tyrion when she has the chance. Then again, she hasn’t killed Drogon yet, either, so…
Tyrion claiming Cersei’s not a monster, yet I have such little faith left in his judgement that I don’t believe him
Got to say, red really brings out Cersei’s green eyes and golden hair
(at least one of the Lannisters still has their blond locks)
And… they’re not seriously going to end things like this, right? Right?
And… they did
Just like that, it’s over
So… Missandei’s last word was “Dracarys”. How utterly terrible
And they killed Missandei. Just to further Dany’s plotline. Jorah and Rhaegal and the Dothraki weren’t enough for her to snap, oh, no, they needed to kill Missandei, too
I would rage, but I’m sure there will be plenty of metas already written about how wrong this is by the time I post this, so I won’t bother anyone with my anger
“Screw you, D&D.” – My Wonderful Dad
“Yeah, thanks for ruining everything.” – My Wonderful Brother
I share the same sentiments
They’re lucky their cast is so wonderful, otherwise I’d honestly quit watching
Meanwhile, Dany’s officially on the brink of turning dark. I do wonder what her stans will say to justify things this time
If I had to guess, it’s that she has a good heart. Haven’t heard that one 60,000 times before
Welp, that’s the end of the episode. I miss Bryan Cogman and Dave Hill
Thank you every single actor who made this episode worthwhile. I love you all more than you’ll ever know
I’m going to go eat some more ice cream
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briemund-tarthbane · 6 years ago
You know, I thought I’d be sad to see Braime become canon instead of Briemund (not that I was really expecting the latter ship to be, but one can dream, right?). But when Jaime left for Cersei once more (to probably kill her and die alongside her), leaving a crying Brienne behind, I was like “LOL, what are you gonna do now, Brienne? Go after Tormund?” She could have given the nice guy a chance, but she chose to lose her virginity to the popular guy only to be let down. It’s just like I saw on a tweet: “Do not be attracted by someone who hasn’t gotten over their ex.”
I only felt bad for my son Tormund, he was so heartbroken by Brienne’s rejection, and he still was the next morning. He could have forced his way over her, but instead he respected her choice anway, and seemed willing to move on. That’s what you gotta do!
And by the way, I found the words Jaime used to refer to their first night interesting. “Climb the montain”. Now imagine if Tormund had said something like that.
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riocat01 · 5 years ago
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If Brienne could give Tormund a chance, he would give her the world.
Set after the events of Season 8, Brienne of Tarth and Tormund Giantsbane are sent together on a mission to secure the unification of The North. Much to her surprise, Brienne soon finds herself attracted to the Wildling she once spurned. Can Brienne open her heart to him, and take the chance to love someone again? Are there other obstacles on their path to happiness? Could an unknown presence in a faraway land tear them apart?
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brienneevenstar · 6 years ago
why do briemund shippers think the deleted scenes Kristoffer was talking about are from a fter the jb breakup... Tormund left for castle black before that and then he never comes south again, just waits for his husband Jon to come home ... :/ incels really don't deserve rights
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christabellanikolai · 6 years ago
Can GOT be like Star Wars now...
You know how a lot of Star Wars fans pretend the prequels never happened and even some say The Last Jedi never happened (never watched Star Wars so correct me if I am wrong). Can we just all pretend season 8 never happened? And when the emotions from this shit less heightened just become like a fan fiction fandom (like Jonsa, Briemund, SandorXSansa, DaenerysxJaime).
I just hate that something that became my escape from reality, something that brought me enjoyment has gone to sh*t. I am literally crying right now! We need people who were around when Lost ended to run support groups for us.
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plush-tigre5s · 7 years ago
Fancy a Duel
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Summary: Just some wishful dreaming of how giant ginger babies might have come about.
Ship: Briemund
Word Count: 650
Warnings: None
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My heart stopped when she rode through the gates. She reminded me of sunrise over a mountain. A mountain I simply had to climb. Her armor says she’s a lady and a knight. Her eyes say she is a lady in the night. Call it wishful thinking but I know she likes what she sees. I’m not afraid of her. Not repulsed by her like these other poor excuses for men. But I am going to show her that she can like more than what she sees.
I watch her sparring with the small one she seems fond of. She’s all power and form and perfection with a sword. I wonder if she’s any good at hand to hand combat.
Night falls and she strides about the compound keeping watch.
“Fancy a duel?” I ask her, all business. I need to show her, show myself, that I am worthy of her, that I am strong enough, that she doesn’t have to hold back with me.
She stares back into my eyes emotionless giving nothing away and my respect for her grows because of it. Lucky for me, because if I respected her less I would forego this wooing behavior and pull her lips to mine right now. But as it is she has control. I will take whatever she is willing to give and beg for more if I have to. If it will get her to trust me, to bear my children.
After a moment she smirks, “Very well, but I warn you. No funny business”.
I smile in response.
Here in the light of the fire in her light armor, broadsword in hand, she looks every bit the warrior goddess of my dreams. I grip my axe tighter. She gives me look that says “you adorable moron”.
Her advance is swift. She is much much faster without her armor on and much more beautiful but not as fierce. Likely compensating for her vulnerability without her plates on.
“You needn’t be scared. I won’t hurtcha.”
She thinks I’m teasing her and she doesn’t like it. Her fury is quick and I find myself on the defensive. My axe is blocking her sword, her face is inches from mine. She is stronger than a lot of men I’ve fought but I’m not using my full strength to hold her back. I can smell the anger in her sweat as she tries to power me back. Her shoulder and neck muscles flex under the strain.  Her lips pulled back into a focused grimace, a warning to back off but she can’t see it is that very warning that makes me want to get even closer.
I feel the tension in her press slip ever so slightly and I know she’s weakening. So I make a show of pushing her back as if it took great strength on my part to do so. She stumbles and my instinct is go to her side but she uses that against me and now I find myself pinned beneath her with her sword at my throat.
“I am not fooled,” she hisses not even an inch from my face.
I leverage us over. Now I’m atop her, her sword still at my neck. I press into it. I don’t know why. She is flame and I am a fool freezing in the ice blue color of her eyes. A fool that needs to taste the heat of her lips and will let her shed my blood to do it.
Closer, the blade digs into my neck. Closer, she warns me to stop as she pulls the blade back a little. Closer and our lips touch. Closer and the blade is no longer at my neck. Without breaking our kiss I open her hand and grab the hilt then slide the blade from between us. As I discard her sword I introduce her to mine as I slide my leathers against hers. She replies with the most glorious sound I’ve ever heard. The sound of submission.
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janiedean · 7 years ago
So I'm in high distress right now because my a**hole of a father thinks that Jaime and Brienne have friend/army type relationship (I know, a stupid thing to be distressed about). He says that the writing doesn't support a romantic dynamic between them, that since Tormund is actually attracted to her it makes for a better relationship (???) and that briemund is going to happen instead for sure. So is there any braime evidence? Or evidence against Briemund? Plz I need to know if GRRM wrote braime
.................. lmao okay listen man first let me direct you towards
http://janiedean.tumblr.com/post/94430710808/but-why-do-you-think-brienne-and-jaime-will-be-the (this one is the actual long-ass srs meta)
about brienne/tormund: I don’t have any evidence against it because it’s not book canon like THEY HAVEN’T EVEN MET and tbh I don’t mind it half as much as a lot of people do because I don’t think it’s in any way shape or form a threat, but very quickly (it’s not even evidence but):
as stated, it’s a show crackship. like, brienne and tormund don’t even know each other, nvm that in the book tormund is a lot older than she is and like... I mean, they’re nowhere even near each other geographically so grrm is definitely not writing it, d&d are writing it at most
jaime actually got a boner looking at her in the pool in harrenhaal (book canon) so I think we can safely say he’s attracted to her;
in theory you don’t need to be attracted physically to someone first to love them especially because with those two it was an emotional connection first but nvm we were saying tormund;
okay so, like the entire point of tormund having a crush on brienne is reminding the audience that while she might not be attractive to a lot of people, she still is, which in theory one wouldn’t need in a better written show but hey, they had to go there, whatever, point is: tormund is there crushing on brienne because since no one’s died over her in that sense for a while we need a reminder and brienne most likely doesn’t get many people genuinely hitting on her;
now, I personally don’t mind it because like, they made it clear that she’s not interested nor reciprocates him and at the same time... okay again personal experience, if you’re usually not seen as attractive, someone hitting on you and meaning it does a lot for the ego. like. a lot. I’m entirely okay with tormund having a thing for her because it’s also giving her a reminder that some people do find her attractive - and then she can accept it or not, and she doesn’t, but still, it’s an option;
(ps: I know tormund’s advances kinda sound crude/rude but like he’s a wildling, saying that he wants someone to be the mother of their children is probably a romantic thing to him and tbh ten thousand times tormund over book!hyle or ronnet ugh)
but again, the person brienne cares about, the one she is worried about, the one she has a connection, the one she has the long-ass soulful stares, has gone through a life or death situation, knows better than anyone, the one who gave her her priceless sword, the one she went out of her way to convince to listen to reason in the finale and the one she’d have died before killing in the books? (book only: the one who’s actually seen her for the knight she wants to be for the first time in her life and sent her on a quest and trusts her implicitly and came back for her at harrenhaal? the one she has dreams about, including wedding imagery?)
guys that person is jaime. period. tormund’s crush is fun crack and I’m fine with it existing if it means someone else tells brienne nice things (for their standard anyway) but jaime is her person and viceversa and like the depth of the two is so not even close that tbh I can’t even take the comparison seriously;
also, again, tormund’s into brienne but brienne’s not into him. meanwhile, is she into jaime? in the book it’s basically canon and while the show fucked jaime up a lot I’m fairly sure that if he DUMPED HIS SISTER ALSO BECAUSE SHE TOLD HIM TO FUCK LOYALTY is fairly obvious that’s where it’s headed;
therefore sorry for your dad but jaime and brienne are going to bang after a glorious makeout session and no one’s convincing me otherwise, and I’m getting the good wine ready for when it finally happens ;)
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briemund-tarthbane · 6 years ago
30 Day OTP Challenge - Briemund Edition
Day 24 - Making Up Afterwards
AO3 | FF.net
“What’s happening here?” Tormund asks as he notices a certain commotion around the courtyard. Suddenly people seem surprised, but somewhat tense at the same time. Then he spots Jon Snow talking to a blond kneeler he has never seen before. “Who's that one?”
Podrick Payne, who stands as gobsmacked as everyone else, replies, “Th-that’s Jaime Lannister, ser.”
Tormund flashes him a glare, bothered by the title. “Ser?”
Podrick quickly corrects himself, “My apologies. Tormund.”
“Jaime Lannister.” The name is familiar to him. “Ain’t he the one they call Kingslayer?”
“Yes, he is.”
More like sisterfucker, he thinks as he sees Brienne and Sansa approaching the two men. “He’s the one Brienne had to take to King’s Landing, right?”
“That's right,” his lover’s squire confirms. “He also had her armor and sword made, as a way to… thank her for what she did.”
It was a gift from someone... very important. Along with my sword. Brienne’s words echo in Tormund’s mind, and suddenly he is back to that time he had tried her fine armor. That was what she had said back then, but she never told him who that ‘very important’ someone was. It had not bothered him back them, but now-
“I think they…” Podrick's voice pulls Tormund back to the present.
“You think they what?”
"I… It's nothing."
"Tell me,” he urges.
“I really don’t think I should,” the ever hesitant squire babbles.
Feeling his curiosity get the better of him, Tormund grabs Podrick’s tunic with both his hands and urges in a harsher tone, "Spit it out, boy!”
“Alright, alright, I’ll tell you,” and with that, the Free Folk leader releases him. “I-I think they… had… f-feelings… for each other.”
No wonder. Jaime is a handsome man, Tormund has to admit. And very rich, they say. A woman would be a fool not to fall for him, even Brienne. He cannot help but feel upset about it all.
“Hm,” is his reply.
“But that was before you, of course,” Podrick tries to fix things, but it is too late now.
“So it seems.” He looks again and now Brienne and Jaime are by themselves. “Maybe I should go and introduce myself to him, don’t you think?”
“Er-” this is all Tormund can hear from him, because he is already taking long strides towards them. He takes a deep breath in order to curb his annoyance and calls Brienne's name.
Tormund has no idea how long he has been sitting by the pound at the godswood, staring at nothing. He does not know what hurts him the most: Brienne’s harsh words or the fact that she probably still has feelings for the sisterfucker, which means he may have to let her go. Probably this is what hurts the most. He has lost so many people in his life, and now he is about to lose the most wonderful of them all, and to that rich cunt.
Curse his curiosity! And yes, his possessiveness, too.
What will he do if Brienne indeed decides to leave him for Jaime? Free Folk men do not really do this, but maybe he should fight him? Just this once? Bad idea. She wouldn’t approve of that.
Devastated, with his head in his hands, Tormund tries to imagine his life without the strongest, fiercest and most beautiful woman he has ever seen, when he hears the sound of heavy footsteps coming to his direction. He does not have to look up to see whose footsteps they are, but a low, fearful voice obliges him.
He does look up, and there she is, a few feet away from him, her face frowning in worry, her blue eyes swollen, but still magnificent. He finds himself afraid to ask whether she is here to finish things.
“What are you doing here?” he asks instead.
“King Jon told me I would find you here,” Brienne pauses to look around her, “among the old gods.”
“Aye,” he nods.
Brienne sighs and then continues, “He’s also explained to me how your people… get married. Which is what you call ‘stealing’. I didn’t know much of that, I had only heard of it. So now that I know what it really means, I’ve come to apologize. I didn’t mean to say those things to you. I’m so sorry I hurt you.”
“You have nothing to apologize for, my lady,” he affirms with a sad smile, after considering her words.
“Of course I do! That was truly mean. I shouldn’t have said that. But I was angry, because all of a sudden you started acting so possessive and… jealous.”
This is when Tormund gets up and faces her. “I was serious, Brienne. I wasn't jealous. I was just... afraid to lose you.”
Brienne titles her head to one side, confused. “Lose me? What do you mean?”
“Your squire told me about you and the Kingslayer. That he gave you your armor and your sword.”
“Well, yes, he did. So?” she shrugs.
“He also told me you had feelings for him, and he for you.”
“And you think I still feel that way?”
“I wouldn’t blame you. Look at him! He’s handsome and he’s rich enough to wear a golden hand! And rich enough to forge a Valyrian steel blade and a fine armor. I could never give any of those things to you, Brienne,” he admits, feeling embarrassed, his pride gone.
“Tormund, don’t tell me…” she makes a stunned face. “Is that why you said I’m ‘better off with him’?”
“I’m not worthy of you, Brienne. And I shouldn’t force you to stay with me. I am a Free Folk man, after all, and as one, I have to let you go if you no longer feel like being with me.”
Hesitantly, Brienne takes a few steps toward him. She inquires in a cautious tone, “Is that what you want?”
Tormund looks into those beautiful blue eyes. His reply is genuine. “No.”
“Good. Because that’s not what I want either. And I’m not going anywhere.”
For a moment, he does not know what to say; instead he watches her as she gets even closer to him. Could it be that she still wants him? He cannot help but feel hopeful.
“Let me tell you something, Tormund Giantsbane,” she begins in a serious tone. “Jaime Lannister may have given me this armor and Oathkeeper. I will always be grateful for these and for everything else he has done for me. But he could never, ever, give me what you have.”
“And what is that?”
As a reply, Brienne raises her hand and places it on his chest, over his heart. “This.”
His heart skips a beat and he feels he is tearing up. He then covers her hand with his. "Brienne," he whispers.
“Yes, once I had feelings for Jaime, I won’t deny it,” she interrupts him. “I thought I loved him, but I was obviously wrong, since he doesn’t love me back, and he never could. He loves his sister, always have, and always will.” This is when she confesses after a few seconds of hesitation, “And I love you.”
Once again Brienne manages to render Tormund speechless. His heart pounds violently in his chest. His eyes begin to water. His breathing fails.
“I love you, Tormund,” she repeats, with more confidence. “I love you so much, Tormund, more than I thought I’d be able to and…" she pauses when he makes a face. “What’s wrong?”
“I was hoping to tell you that first,” he says, but before she can respond, his lips cover hers and kisses her with all he has for a long time, until they have to break the kiss to catch their breath.
“I love you, too, Brienne. And I’m sorry. I was an idiot, and I shouldn’t have acted so possessive.”
“It’s alright,” she smiles, one hand caressing Tormund’s cheek, and he smiles too.
“So we’re good?”
Brienne is about to say yes, but she changes her mind, one eyebrow raised. “Almost. You weren’t exactly very kind to Jaime, so I think you should apologize him.”
“Apologize?” Tormund protests, slightly indignant.
“Look, you don’t have to be his friend, Tormund. That’s not what I’m asking. But you both are important to me, so I really do want you two to get along. it would mean a lot to me. Please.”
Yes, Tormund does not wish to be friends with Jaime. And yes, he was rude to him, he admits. He does not really feel like apologizing the Kingslayer, but if makes his beauty happy, why not? What he wouldn’t do for her?
Gods, is he so lost!
"Aye" he finally concedes. “I’ll do that. For you.”
“Thank you,” Brienne smiles again before she kisses his lips and takes him by the hand to where Jaime is.
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