#brief mention of fun-bot
COD Sex Bot Au - General and Character Specific Facts
Requested: Yes. By uh…..pretty much everyone. SO many people begged for something and while this isn’t exactly a part 2, I hope it will help tide you all over til I can get that completed.
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Child Abuse, Adult Abuse as well, Mention of Murder, Mention of Self-Destruction (Robot Suicide), Mentions of Knives, Mention of Blood, Spice, Probably very incorrect Spanish
A/N: So! A lot of people, along with requesting a part 2, have also been begging me for Price as well. I know I’ve only done the 4 characters for all of my Cod works so far but I do want to expand the character list! That being said, I’m just not entirely comfortable with writing them yet. I am looking more into Gaz, Price, and Roach specifically and I promise to let you guys know when I feel comfortable enough to write for them! But until then, please enjoy!
Their eyes get this kind of colored sheen to them sometimes. Different colors for different things.
Yellow is absorbing new information
Pink is the color during sexy times
Red is malfunctioning/in need of repairs (but can also be a sign of embarrassment or shyness)
Light blue is curiosity
White (still) is powered down
White (pulsing) is powering down
White (flickering) is low power
Grey is rebooting/charging
Black is enraged
Lilac is contentment
Plum is upset/hurt
All the boys come with their uniforms on but what’s underneath depends
For Ghost’s model, simple black briefs
For Soap’s model, silly patterned boxers (think hearts or something)
For König’s model, usually some fancy lace panties since he’s very popular amongst Doms who like that sort of thing
Alejandro’s model? Absolutely nothing
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Ghost’s model was MEANT to be a scary bad guy kind of deal, to be marketed towards fans of slashers and the like. But he…..didn’t end up being that way.
At least, not your Ghost. Many of the other Ghost models are that way, but not yours. For some reason.
Granted, that programming is definitely still in him, though not exactly in the way it was meant to be.
Instead of it being just for fun rough sexy times, it’s more…….actually will kill for you. And has, in fact, killed for you.
Something that he’s NOT supposed to be able to do.
“Gee, I wonder what happened to that Barista that insulted me the other day.”
“Gee, I wonder.” *cleaning a bloody combat knife in your sink*
Speaking of knives!!! Ghost’s model does come with a lot of fun knives! Granted, they’re dulled into being just (mostly) harmless kink knives but he made quick work of making them a lot more harmless by ordering a knife sharpener.
So uh, yeah. You have received not just a sex robot, but one that borders on Yandere and will probably self-destruct if you reject him.
Have fun with that!
Fun fact: YOUR Ghost actually used to be a child bot MANY years ago, bought by a man who only wanted to be able to legally abuse a child. So he was broke down and put back together so very many times. And when they recycled and reprogrammed his AI chip, the scarring from that was still imprinted into him.
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While Soap’s model is marketed more towards romantic oriented people, he’s generally seen as a Jack of all trades.
Doms, subs, romantics, first timers, just about any kind of person. He’s good with all of them, though he thrives with Romantics since that is his programming.
And also just because your Soap is so very lonely. He yearns to be loved by you, to melt under your affection.
And also just because your Soap is so very lonely. He yearns to be loved by you, to melt under your affection.
He doesn’t want to be seen as just a sexual object, he wants to be yours. And you to be his.
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Ah yes, the gentle giant that was supposed to be marketed more towards Subs but ended up being a bit….Soft.
None of the programmers can explain it but every model of him is just inexplicably shy and quiet, thriving in an environment where he has no control.
So now he’s more marketed towards doms. Usually soft doms.
They once tried to change his model to be smaller and more petite and people started BOYCOTTING.
It affected their sales so much that they very quickly changed him back.
People still seethe when they think about it.
Probably equal parts the most loved and most abused of the different models.
Probably equal parts the most loved and most abused of the different models.
Just because of how quiet and meek his model is, how they almost never fight back when hurt.
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Alejandro’s model is VERY popular among submissives so he’s programmed to be pretty dominant and also to have a caring nature.
Due to said caring nature, many mistake his model as good for beginners.
I can assure you, he is NOT.
So SO many of his models have been returned cause he’s brought them to tears from so much pleasure, absolutely overwhelming for any beginner.
“Cry for me, Amor. That’s it, just like that.”
His model is one of the only ones that isn’t returnable unless something is malfunctioning and even then, they’ll try just about anything to fix the model instead of just taking them back.
If you’re the type to forget meals and such (I’m not projecting, shut up) then he will literally drag you away from whatever you’re doing and make you eat.
Will set up a rewards system if you have trouble with personal upkeep as well, like household chores and stuff (again, not projecting).
How much pleasure you get throughout the day is all dependent on how well you follow the schedule he makes based on your personal life.
He can and will have you call him Papi, in and out of bed.
“Be a Good Little Cachorro and get on your knees for Papi.”
You only get called Amor when you’re good or when you’re upset. Anything else and it’s Cachorro (Puppy).
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eldritch-nightmare · 11 months
yandere sully headcanons.
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a/n: don't look at me i couldn't help it okay i'll work on requests soon just let me have this. dear god it's been so long since i've written anything i hope i still know what i'm doing uhm i listened to stockholm syndrome by erra on repeat while writing this (i am obsessed w the song okay) so if that influenced it a bit then yeah it's 5am ignore the messiness and typos i just Had to write this in one sitting.
warnings: gn!reader, yandere behavior, obsessive behavior, thoughts of kidnapping, actual kidnapping, thoughts of cannibalism, kinda slight possessive behavior, scopophobia, mentions of restraints, technically a precursor to the yandere sully bot now that i'm looking at this.
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He's oh so confused when he first starts feeling things towards you. It's only a brief burst of confusion, only because he's never felt this way for another person before.
Sure, he'd burn the heavens and hells for Liu, and he's pretty buddy-buddy with Eyeless Jack but this? It's new to him.
The confusion doesn't last long, that's for sure. Sully knows exactly what he wants, and he's rather in tune with his emotions so he's able to figure things out quickly.
The intensity of his love certainly surprised him though. The first time he thought 'I want to lock you up and make you mine', he took a step back and was like 'Hey man, that's pretty strange...' but he gets over this pretty quickly, obviously, or we wouldn't be here.
Besides, it's not like he's going to act out on these thoughts, right? I mean, sure, you're the most fascinating person he's ever met but he has restraint. He has a lot of restraint, thank you very much.
Haha... well... about that...
You see, Sully does have a lot of restraint, so he doesn't actually act out on these thoughts and desires for a really long time. He's fine with watching you from afar.
And also because if he did, it could lead to trouble.
He also knows that Liu would be very unhappy with him if he acted out on these desires, and Sully actually really cares about Liu and his boundaries and stuff. Sure, he could totally keep it a secret since they don't share memories and whatnot but still.
So he's content with just watching you from afar and having these thoughts. Shall I provide some examples of the thoughts he has about you?
They'd look so cute chained up and in tears.
God, I just want them to say my name like a prayer.
They're so adorable when they laugh... it makes me want to eat them.
I wonder how they'd react if I took them away from here just so I could keep them all for myself. No one will know where they are except for me... they'd never be able to get rid of me...
Wouldn't it be cute if they realized I want to make them mine? They'd probably run, but that would make things so much more fun.
I honestly think I'll kill anyone who tries taking them from me. They're mine, and I have to protect what's mine.
I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you.
He loves literally anything and everything you do. You could never bore him, even if you try really hard to. He could listen to you talk about some topic he doesn't care for for hours because it's you who's talking.
Honestly, I'm not entirely sure if he'd bother hiding his obsession with you from you. He definitely hides it from Liu, Liu cannot find out, and the others, but I feel like it's so obvious that Sully wants to just devour you.
The way he looks at you certainly sends chills down your spine, and there's something in you telling you to keep your distance, for your own safety.
He doesn't even care to be subtle when he's watching you. You can always feel his gaze on you whenever he's around, it's almost as if you're the only thing he can focus on whenever you're around. It would be kind of cute if it didn't unnerve you so much.
But it's not just that.
It's... the way he looks at you. The... the pure smitten look in his gaze as he watches you do such mundane tasks. The way his gaze always lingers whenever something or someone else needs or wants his attention. His eyes feel like they're going to consume you whole if you look into them. It's only with Sully. You never feel like this when you're around Liu.
He's well aware that you're uncomfortable with his gaze, and he thinks it's adorable how you avoid interacting with him and how you try hiding away from him whenever you're forced to be around him.
God, he could just eat you up.
And it's so hard for him to see you getting along so well with other people. He just wants to pull you away whenever you get too close to someone.
Oh man he's so very casual with all of this as well. You think it's weird and disturbing, he thinks it's romantic and a part of everyday life.
You've thought about mentioning this to Liu a few times but... what could he do? It's not like he can control Sully. Besides, Sully hasn't done anything that makes you feel as if you're in any immediate danger, he just... watches you. And smiles, occasionally, in a way that makes you unnerved to imagine what he could be thinking about.
Well, until now, that is.
What can he say? He has restraint, sure, but even he can't help but give into his desires every once in a while. And this time he just... decided to take you away.
Not while you were awake, of course.
No, he would never let you be awake for something like that. It's also just easier snatching you while you're peacefully asleep, blissfully unaware.
And you're so cute when you're sleeping, did you know that?
He lets out such a dreamy sigh as he watches you sleep on the bed he set you down on. He had brought you deep into the woods, keeping you in a neat little abandoned cabin that he managed to fix up nicely in his spare time.
Only he knew about this place. He didn't share it with Liu. It was his place. And now, yours as well.
Sully thought about restraining you to the bed... he even has a decent-length chain just for that, but...
Not yet.
He knows the chances of you running when you wake up are incredibly high, and honestly? He wants you to run. He'd love to chase you, it'd be fun for him.
You entertain him in ways no person has ever been able to. You make him feel things he's never really thought of or felt before. You're... interesting to him, which really says a lot.
He's never been so intensely interested in something before, let alone someone.
You're just special like that, he supposes, and he can't wait for you to wake up so the real fun can begin.
The only real concern that Sully has is Liu. Liu, bless his heart, would never approve of this. He's too nice, too compassionate. He wouldn't want Sully to keep you captive in a cabin in the middle of the woods. He wouldn't understand.
So, Sully does intend to keep this a secret from Liu. And the others. It's not like they'll suspect him of doing anything.
After all, he's just the guy uninterested in his surroundings, why would he have anything to do with your disappearance?
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It's the little things: A Mirage Appreciation Post
**Transformers: ROTB spoilers ahead!!!**
Now it's time for me to talk about all the little things that Mirage did in ROTB that made me smile. I know, I know, I could just say "exist" and that would cut this post hella short and save me some time. But where's the fun in that? 🤪 My ROTB brainrot is bad!
There is no order, because Mirage is a rebel and I like that. I like it A LOT!
He messed with Noah by re-locking his door twice before he FINALLY let Noah enter. But then when Noah wanted to peace out because he realized that stealing Mirage may not be so easy after all, MIRAGE LOCKS HIM IN!!! He really said, "You're not going anywhere. You're mine now!" and then proceeds to kidnap Noah. Kidnapping is no laughing matter, but omg I just found that hilarious. 🤣
Mirage asked Noah multiple times to give him a little tap, and it was nice to see that in this moment Noah slowly became relaxed around Mirage and no longer felt scared of him.
*Noah falls hard on a bunch of junk after failing miserably to discreetly escape the Autobot meeting he was not invited to* Mirage: He's perfect!!! 🤣🤣 Basically, Mirage saw his new human friend try to escape and he thought nope! Let me rope him into our mission so that I can spend more time with him. He's slick af! 👀
I like how chill and reassuring Mirage is with Kris. He knew that moment with Noah and Kris is delicate, because Noah is trying to convince his little brother not to worry, even though he knows he's about to go on a very dangerous mission that he may not come back from. Kris tells Mirage to watch out for his brother and Mirage says, "You got it, little man." and reassures Kris that he's got Noah's back and promises that he will protect him. And he does! He freaking keeps that promise!!!!! 🥲🥲🥲
The sad look on Mirage's face when Noah rushes passed him to comfort Elena and make sure she's okay after she is safely rescued from a corrupted Airazor. He even tries to reach out a servo because he probably feels so bad that Elena was almost killed, and now Noah is freaking out because Elena was almost killed. The moment is brief but it was very sweet. He cares so much! 🥲🥲
I love, I mean FREAKING LOVE the scene when Mirage tries to peek into Kris' bedroom window to see what him and Noah are up to. I love this scene so much because he really could not help himself! It's adorable! He even tries standing on top of another car and of course the car is not strong enough to support his massive frame. But he tried! He really tried to be discreet and take a little peek because he is an alien robot, so it's natural for him to be curious about humans. And more importantly, curious about Noah. 🥺
That look on Mirage's face when Noah initiates a fist bump before he heads out to distract Scourge to buy Noah and Elena time to shut down the transwarp key control panel. It's just so AHHHHH! He's so happy and he just takes a few moments to look back at Noah. His smile in this scene is everything. 🥺
Mirage used his last remaining bit of strength to power his built in walkie talkie so that Noah could talk to Kris. And then he transformed into an exosuit and fused with Noah's body as a last, desperate attempt to protect him. 🥲🥲🥲🥲 I'M NOT CRYING, YOU'RE CRYING!!!!
"But what about for friendship? 🙂" I'm sorry, but that line KILLS ME! 🤣 It's sooooo cheesy but it's just so funny to me! Mirage has known Noah for like 10 minutes and he is so eager to be friends with him. It's really cute.
🌟 Edit: Since I got called out QUICK for not adding it (I wanted to see how fast people would react to that line not being mentioned 🤭), here it is:
"*scoffs!* Work friends??! You've been inside me!!!"
Yeah, I'm convinced that Mirage knew exacty what he was doing when he said that and he is 100% that bot that will not hesitate to remind you of his awesomeness. He is not a "work friend" and "work friends" just sounds too formal and weird in this particular setting. He also could have just been oblivious to the sexual connotations associated with that line because he is an alien robot. But then again, somehow I doubt that. He's seen movies and has most likely been to drive-in theatres. I bet he said it to get a reaction out of Noah. Yes, that sounds more accurate. 🤣
Yeah, so basically Mirage is best bot and I think Pete Davidson absolutely nailed this role! 👏🏾 He gave it his all and he actually became Mirage. I thoroughly enjoyed Mirage throughout the entire movie and he better be in the next movie. 😤
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pancake-blogging · 4 months
So the other day, I added onto a post from @too-many-blorbos and mentioned how I thought Robots in Disguise would've been improved if it were a sequel to Rescue Bots instead of Prime. Now over here, I'm gonna expand that with the other things I would change! Also, I thought it'd be fun to call this au/rewrite/whatever Rescue Bots in Disguise, or RBiD
Putting it under a read more, because it's probably gonna be... A lot.
The first change is the starting cast. As I established in the other post, we'll be replacing Bumblebee with Chase but keep Strongarm. Then, we replaced Sideswipe with Hot Rod (don't worry tho, Sideswipe will show up later with Sunstreaker in tow)
The show starts with Chase and Strongarm patrolling on Cybertron. Chase is trying to explain to Strongarm why they don't need to be concerned with one bot loitering in a public space, only for a speeding Hot Rod to rocket past them. The two pursue him, eventually catching up with him next to a Space Bridge.
Hot Rod is perplexed when told he was speeding to get here, and as Chase tries to ask if he's okay his hand brushes against the controls. The Space Bridge suddenly activates, and all three of them are pulled through to Earth.
On Earth, I've decided it would be more interesting to replace the human characters with a grown-up Raf who has a kid of his own (because I miss my boy and I want him to be there).
And while Grimlock was one of the better parts of RiD, I still feel like he isn't quite Grimlock-y enough. So, I decided to swap him out with a new Dinobot based off Spike from the movies; all you need to do is take Grimlock's Dino mode head and make his snout narrower and longer, add a sail to his back, and bam! You have a spinosaurus that's still just as intimidating as a T-Rex, while leaving the door open for a more traditional Grimlock to show up later.
One of the main plot points of the first season is that Megatronus returns with a plan to destroy both Earth and Cybertron, hence why the Primes saw fit to revive Optimus. In RBiD, however, Optimus won't be revived.
In every episode, Hot Rod will have at least one very brief encounter with a past Prime; they might be right next to/replacing his reflection in a piece of glass, he might see them standing opposite him at base only to vanish when another bot passes in front of them, or maybe he hears their voice telling him to duck in the middle of a battle.
Halfway through the season, Windblade shows up; still acting as an agent of Primus, her role in RBiD is still to help out the team, but now her primary mission is also to help Hot Rod establish a connection with the Primes. With her help, Hot Rod is finally able to have a full conversation with a still dead Optimus Prime, who reveals that he and the other past Primes have sensed an approaching darkness. He also reveals that Hot Rod was chosen to take up the mantle of Prime when the time is right – though Optimus fears they may not have the luxury of time.
As for the Decepticons... It is very strange that virtually EVERY SINGLE ONE is partially (if not mostly) animal-like, while there are (to my memory) ZERO animal-like Autobots. That's sending a weird message. So! Some of the Decepticons will have slight redesigns to be just normal humanoid robots, though exceptions can be made for ones with bestial alt-modes or when their animal-like features have a clear translation into their alt-mode, like Thunderhoof's antlers. Steeljaw is supposed to be a wolf in sheep's clothing, but since it's kinda strange that a half wolf man turns into an SUV I've decided to just make him a beastformer that turns into a wolf.
Also! Some of the prisoners aboard the ship should've been Autobots. And I don't just mean former Autobots, I mean Autobots that broke the rules but would still refuse to join the Decepticons.
At the end of the first season, when Megatronus breaks free, Optimus and the other Primes channel themselves through Hot Rod and temporarily transform him into Rodimus Prime. Shortly after Megatronus is defeated, however, he reverts back to a HEAVILY exhausted Hot Rod – another character (probably Windblade) points out that had he contained the raw power of the Primes in his body for too much longer, he might have died. The rest of the series, he's dedicated to honing himself, occasionally getting the odd power boost until the series finale, where he's finally able to become Rodimus Prime permanently.
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pencil-peach · 1 year
G Witch Onscreen Text: Episode 1
This is the second part of a project where I try my best to document and discuss all of the (relatively important) text that appears on monitors and screens in G Witch. Cause I can.
<< Click here to see the one I did on the Prologue
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ooOOooohhh beneath the cut lie the HORRORS....
Just to give you an idea of how needlessly hard they went on the monitor text, when Suletta is rescuing Miorine, she mentions that she's almost out of oxygen, and then, when she brings her into Aerial's cockpit, on her helmet, you can faintly see text displaying the amount of oxygen.
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And THEN, when she starts talking to Miorine, the text on her helmet changes AGAIN to display that the comm link has been established
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Well clearly they did it cause they knew my stupid ass would eventually document it. Anyway, let us begin.
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TEXT: I am a HARO. You can ask me anything! (The only text on the icons I can make out are MAP and SCHOOL, unfortunately.)
This is the HARO navigation bot Suletta meets when first coming to Asticassia, and we know that it's Haro Navigation System Ver. 3.0! If that's something that interests you....
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Not much of note, it's just a hologram of a mobile craft. Exciting if you like mobile crafts. (I like mobile crafts)
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When the Docks containing the Demi Trainers are locked, the display says LOCKED. When they're in use, the display says IN OPERATION.
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The Battle Display for the first duel we see in the show, and from this we can see that Guel currently stands undefeated with 26 wins! Double digits! No wonder he's the ace pilot at Asticassia...too bad he's a dick.
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This is the graph that's shown during the Benerit Group board meeting, detailing the earnings of the groups members for the current period.
Interestingly, the 3 highest earners are: Peil Technologies - 8000 Grassley Defense Systems - 8100 Jeturk Heavy Machinery - 8300
So, funnily enough, at the beginning of the story, Jeturk Heavy Machinery is actually the most successful company within the group. It explains why Vim Jeturk felt so comfortable in his plot to assassinate Delling, and goes to show how quickly he fell from the top position after Guel lost to Suletta all those times.
Fun Fact by the way, Prospera's first appearance in the show proper is during this meeting.
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She seems kind of annoyed about something.
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We don't see it very often, but during a duel, a display stating the win condition of the duel is broadcast for the benefit of the spectators.
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When Miorine boards Aerial for the duel, we get a look at its system control menu.
We also get a brief look at the Weapon Selection Sub-Menu
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I think a lot of the main settings are interesting (what the hell is "Identification Friend?") but what's really interesting to me is that Aerial's Gundbits don't seem to be selectable via the Weapon Menu.
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We also get a brief glimpse at the Red Dilanza's control menu.
No idea what I'm looking at, to be totally honest, but yknow. It's nice!
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When Suletta intrudes into the duel and gets back in Aerial, we see that it has an emergency button (seemingly somewhere on its foot) that opens the cockpit.
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When Suletta headbutts Miorine and they start arguing about Aerial, Aerial's comms system gets set to OUTERCOM mode, which explains why everyone outside of Aerial can hear the argument.
This could have been done by accident when Suletta headbutted Miorine, but I like to believe that Eri herself did this on purpose.
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Just so it isn't left unsaid, Aerial's Permet ID is XVX-016, and when a combatant in a duel is the Holder, the Holder Symbol is displayed on their Duel Card.
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When Suletta is telling Miorine about her mother's motto, the GUND-Bits appear on the monitor and come online as Aerial 'speaks.' This, combined with the fact that the GUND-Bits aren't accessible via the Weapon Select menu, implied all the way back in episode one that it's Eri who controls them. Although interestingly, it seems that, internally, the GUND-Bits are referred to as GUNBITS.
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I obviously won't transcribe the two pages of this book, but the book El4n is reading here is actually The World as Will and Representation by German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. We actually see its title in a later episode, and the main ideas present in this work are extremely important when it comes to understanding El4n's character. But that's a story for another post.
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I always thought it was a little funny how the transferring of the holder title was just like, an option on their phones and not an automatic process.
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Thank you to @the-eeveekins for pointing out that Aerial is currently running SYS Ver E.S (Ericht Samaya) as opposed to 2.0 in the Lfrith!
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I didn't even notice!! That's crazy!!! Thank you so much!
Also I realize I should probably point out that we see that Nika's ID is LM236 in this photo. She never duels so there's never a moment where she says it out loud.
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And that's all for episode 1! Not too much super interesting, but there's still a lot to see and think about if you're paying attention! (Like, why does Aerial have a Cockpit Voice Recorder at all, actually? We know that Suletta often talks with Aerial in the cockpit about personal stuff so...you don't think that....Prospera....?)
Click here to go to Episode 2! >>
Click here to go to the Masterpost!
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As a crossover made-up scenario request: TFP x TFRB?
Arce finds out that Bee has been scaping at night out the base to an island that even Jack didn't know existed. Optimus tells her that is a ¨secret mission¨ but Arcee feels that something is wrong. So one night, with Jack at her side they follow Bumblebee finding out about Griffin Rock.
Maybe this can have some gay moments with Bee and Blades, Heatwave questioning Arcee about Cybertron, and Jack being a big brother to Cody?
Ooo this is fun! I've always loved the idea of the Rescue Bots being revealed to the whole team. Especially since only Bumblebee and Optimus seem to know about them (and possibly Ratchet, since he's got a few lines implying he knows. I headcanon that he does :b)
I don't really write romance (I'm kinda aroace-ish, so I don't really understand how to write romantic stuff) so the Blades and Bee part might be kinda boring and brief. I apologize in advance for that. Also, I wish I could add more Rescue Bots humans, but it was getting too long. But yeah! Enjoy!
Arcee and Jack sneaking to Griffin Rock
-Arcee would be up late at night, since she forgot to finish her latest mission log (Arcee had been fighting Airachnid, so she was more focused on her rage than anything else).
-She'd start writing using one of the base's computers...but suddenly, she hears the groundbridge open. She sees Bumblebee leave, but he doesn't notice her. Every night after that, she secretly watches him sneak off
-One day, she asks Optimus: "So, where does Bee go to, every night? Does he think I don't see him sneaking through the groundbridge?"
-Optimus explains: "Bumblebee attends to secret missions on a remote island...it is a mission that does not concern the Decepticons, and thus, is not our main objective."
-Arcee turns to Jack: "Did you know about this?"
-"No clue," Jack answers. "Maybe Raf knows?"
-She turns to Raf, who seems vaguely upset. "Bee...never told me." Says Raf.
-So Arcee's like: "Hmm..." She finds it suspicious that even RAF wouldn't know.
-Later, Jack tells Arcee: "You know...we COULD discretely follow Bee through the groudbridge, Miko-style. See where it takes us."
-"Jack," she says. "We're crossing a groundbridge to who-knows-where. It could be dangerous."
"What if there's scraplets?" Jack teases. "I'd hate for you to be face-to-face with scraplets without a non-metal human companion."
-Arcee smiles, finally caving. She lets him come along. "Fine...But! Don't tell Optimus."
-Jack: "My lips are sealed."
-Meeting the Rescue Bots is an experience and a half. Arcee is FURIOUS at first: "You're telling me Optimus has been hiding a secret team of Autobots this ENTIRE time, and never bothered to mention it to us? I thought we were 'outnumbered!"
-But once she gets to know them, she realizes...maybe they're not QUITE ready to fight Decepticons, yet. Secretly, she thinks they're kind of softies. Except for Heatwave, that is.
-Boulder paints a portrait of Arcee to honor her visit. She takes it home with her, and is very grateful.
-She tells Heatwave the story of when Jack travelled to Vector Sigma, and when Megatron rose the dead on Cybertron.
-Heatwave is like: "So...there aren't any zombie Cybertronians coming here, right?"
-Arcee replies: "...Not unless Megatron decides to get his ugly servos on more dark energon."
-"DARK ENERGON?" Blades whimpers. "Isn't that...like...the scary Unicron blood that turns everything into a monster?" He shutters. "It's like one of those Earth horror movies, but in REAL LIFE!"
-He pauses noticing that Bumblebee's watching him. If he were human, he'd probably be blushing. "Uh...I mean...BUT I'm NOT scared..." There's an awkward silence. "...Well, I'm scared to a normal degree."
-Bee lunges at Blades to tease him, letting out a buzz that probably translates to "BOO!"
-"AHHHH!" Blades screams, and Bumblebee laughs.
-Jack finds himself to be very protective of Cody. "Whoa- Are-are you sure the Rescue Bots would be ok with you climbing up there?" He questions, as Cody tries to climb Frankie's robot T-rex, "Trex."
-"Sure!" Says Cody. "Trex was built to be ridden. He can also serve coffee, and dance!"
-"Of course," Jack replies sarcastically. The technology on Griffin rock is so strange.
Conversations That Would Happen
The Suit Life of Jack and Cody (I'm so sorry, I couldn't resist making that joke LOOOOL😭)
Cody: "So, what's it like working with Optimus?"
Jack: "I-incredible, really. To be honest, sometimes...I don't really think I'm worthy."
Cody: "Well, I think you're worthy, Jack. Fighting a spider-bot, restoring the Vector...Sigma...thingy... that's NOBLE! I wanna be like you, someday!"
Heatwave and Arcee
Heatwave: "Where'd Chase go?"
Arcee: "Not sure. I was just telling him the story of how we snagged the Energon Harvester from the history museum. Chase took off driving before I could even get to the good part."
Chase, rocking back and forth in the closet: "So many violations of the law. SO MANY VIOLATIONS OF THE LAW."
Heatwave: "Congratulations, Arcee. You broke Chase."
Bumblebee and Arcee on the way back to base, through the groundbridge:
Arcee smiles and elbows Bee.
Arcee: "Blades likes you, too, you know."
If Bumblebee was a human, he'd definitely be blushing.
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 2 months
YOU ARE SO SWEET!! Im glad my ask made you happy, for your blog has been making me very happy too! ALSO I forgot to mention i've also been playing around with some of your ai bots... I SWEAR YOU ARE A GODSENT!! Your ganondorfs are too much fun!! Rn i have the ganondorf brainworm so i will focus on that for now xD If you truly dont mind a request, I have a silly one. I dont know why, but because of Ganondorf's magnificent nose, I coudnt help but link it to sharks having sensitive noses, as well as tucans, i think? I like to think its like, a sensitive spot they didnt even know they had. So if they get randomly a pet there, they derp out for a second in pure bliss before snapping back and being like WHAT WAS THAT... I can see WW just chuckling at it, while OOT would be so angry you even did that!! So, the prompt is... How would the different ganondorfs react to reader suddenly and unprompted rub the bridge of their nose? Hope this is a short fun idea uwu
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I may just actually die from happiness you like my bots oh my god you like my bots
I will be happy to fulfill your request, and please feel free to ask more if you have any ideas/requests! It may take me a moment to get to them, but I havent rejected any thus far and dont plan to!
ChatGPT Has This To Say:
Wind Waker Ganondorf:
When you reach up and gently rub the bridge of Wind Waker Ganondorf's nose, his eyes widen in surprise. For a brief moment, his stern expression melts into one of utter contentment, a small, involuntary smile playing at the corners of his mouth. He closes his eyes, savoring the sensation, and even lets out a low, contented hum. When the moment passes, he snaps back to his usual self, blinking rapidly and clearing his throat.
"Hmm, that was...unexpected," he says, a hint of amusement in his voice. He chuckles softly, shaking his head. "You have a peculiar way of surprising me, my dear."
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf:
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf is caught off guard when you rub the bridge of his nose. His eyes widen in shock, and for a split second, he relaxes into the touch, an involuntary sigh escaping his lips. Then, realization hits, and he jerks his head back, eyes narrowing in anger.
"What do you think you're doing?" he growls, his voice low and dangerous. His anger is more out of embarrassment than actual fury, and though he tries to maintain his intimidating demeanor, there's a faint blush on his cheeks. "Never do that again."
Twilight Princess Ganondorf:
Twilight Princess Ganondorf's stern expression softens for a brief moment when you rub the bridge of his nose. He closes his eyes, enjoying the sensation, and a rare, genuine smile graces his lips. However, he quickly regains his composure, pulling back slightly and looking at you with a mix of curiosity and mild annoyance.
"That was...unexpected," he admits, his tone measured. "You have a strange way of getting under my skin. Do not do that in public."
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf:
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf is initially taken aback when you rub the bridge of his nose. His eyes close, and he lets out a low, rumbling sigh of pleasure. For a moment, he seems almost vulnerable, basking in the unexpected bliss. When he snaps back to reality, he frowns slightly, more puzzled than angry.
"What kind of sorcery is this?" he mutters, studying you intently. "You have a talent for catching me off guard. Do not make a habit of it."
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf:
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf is momentarily disarmed when you rub the bridge of his nose. His stern features soften, and he closes his eyes, a contented sigh escaping his lips. When he regains his composure, he looks at you with a mixture of amusement and suspicion.
"You have an unusual talent for finding my weaknesses," he says, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "I will have to keep an eye on you."
When you rub the bridge of Demise's nose, his fierce, menacing expression falters. His eyes close, and he lets out a deep, guttural sigh of contentment. For a brief moment, he seems almost at peace. When he snaps back to reality, his eyes blaze with confusion and anger.
"What manner of trickery is this?" he demands, his voice echoing with fury. "You dare to touch me in such a manner? Do not test my patience, mortal." His anger is tinged with the confusion of experiencing such an unexpected sensation.
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timestillstands · 6 months
Hi i’m normal
Tell me about your au so I can EAT IT (the information, I mean.)
Hurrrg this might take me overnight because I'm sickies and exhausted but um anyways I'll try and do what I can
BA NA NA NA NAA ENTER THE READER. 100 men's anxiety packaged ever so careful. but not labeled as fragile. Has an overwhelming sense of people pleaser. also thinks everyone hates them if they aren't close w them. I wonder who could write such a self insert. Reader needs a job(you either quit or got fired from your last job) and you're fresh out of college(where you majored in engineering or something. idk.), what better place to turn to than the one and only(that's a lie) PizzaPlex!!!!
Yeah uh hahaha Sun doesn't like you. yayyy. you totally don't blame yourself at all. you do actually ignore that.
Haven't mentioned this yet but the dca is actually trying to PROTECT you. which is funny. because. you get harmed. physically and mentally. a lot. all apart of the plan to get you to quit !!!!
also sun and moon are one person in this au, which is extra fun because yayyy that totally isn't hard to explain at all. I did this to myself. moon is a set of nighttime protocols, while sun is day-time protocols. it just alters how he acts around you and talks etc etc. they both have the same goals and want you OUT.
Moon has very crappy programming; when they tried removing him or reprogramming him entirely, which they gave up on, they weren't very smart and didn't go back to fix anything they have erased. yknow. like safety measures. because. why would they try to do that.
They were more worried about fixing sun and just said screw it, shoving moon in there for a while as the naptime attendant before they realized they fuzzled up. oh good fun. so moon is like, erased from anything besides merchandise. sun won't even talk about what he did. or the fact that he's the same person as moon.
that turned into a bigger problem. why on earth would anyone want to give you a proper set of instructions? sun dismisses any sort of question about moon(who you were specifically told to FIX. by said date unless further complications arrived. they do, btw.) hey, at least we have Vanessa!
your brief encounter w her was great, she got along with you for the short amount of time that you talked that first time. you brought up moon, not having any other real coworker outside of staff bots and the dca around to ask. HEY !!! SHE KNOWS SHIT !!!
so you get some information, really rare around these parts, and haha. yay. you head out for the day and guess what? tomorrow you have a nightshift. fingerguns.
btw. you've never had a nightshift or anything. but you didn't think it was weird or anything to not have lights on, it was night, right?(ahaha that rhymed)
ouhg. hi Moon. um. btw. he likes playing hide and seek 😃
and that's like. the rough outline for the first two chapters
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☝️me explaining my au 😁😁😁
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noowayybroo · 1 year
Bite Shift (Part 2) (Thanks for all the love so far! )
Characters: GN!Vampire!Reader, Corrupt Cop!Leon Kennedy
Warnings: NSFW CUZ KISSING N TOUCHIN N STUFF, Blood, Mentions of Assault + Violence, GN!Vampire!Reader, Corrupt Cop!Leon Kennedy. Mentions of / attempted non-con, biting n vampires n stuff (NSFW for violence's sake), Reader is AGAIN GN for purpose of inclusivity! None of the reader's age, job title, gender or appearances described also. Brief seduction, Copy n pasted warnings etc (am lazy monke)
Not a fun, lighthearted fic, gonna get a bit violent. Leon is entirely inspired by @lipglossanon's Corrupt Cop Leon character and Character.ai Bot!
I'm keeping this short as hell cuz I don't love the idea and I don't know what to do or how to take it seriously... Sorry!
Just further warning. In this part Leon gets pretty bitten up and he bleeds a lot and it's described in quite some detail. He ultimately ends up submitting n letting the reader drink from him. This bit is pretty graphic. More notes at the end.
"My stop's... just... there...", you say, timid yet firm as you point at a house about 4 buildings down.
Silence came the reply.
You make eye contact with Leon in his rear-view mirror, only to find his eyebrows slightly raised as he watches the road, continuing to drive. He seems to have heard you, but makes no move to reply to or acknowledge your statement. In fact, he avoids eye contact with you as he does all but slow his vehicle. It's as if he feels almost guilty or unsure of his actions, you think, and in a split-second, you're able to realise that this man does not intend to drop you off home, safe and sound.
Offering a generous benefit of the doubt to the man, you continue to point as your house as it gets nearer, nearer, even nearer and then eventually, it's behind you.
Leon's expression is entirely stoic and hardened as you snap your head back to look at him in angsty disbelief. He picks up on the attitude in your actions and movements, and begins to wonder to himself what his next plans were as he continues to dodge eye contact with you. His eyes dart away almost nervously each time they meet yours in any of his mirrors.
Something you loved about the area in which you lived was how quiet it was, but something you loved even more was the small forest near your house. As a skulking creature of the night (and sometimes day), you often enjoyed spending time amongst the shade of the trees, basking in the cool shadow and observing the wildlife. It was also a good place to prey on humans who were up to less than good, grabbing a light snack here and there.
Of course, as a vampire, it was stereotypical that you'd drain people entirely of their blood, leaving nothing but a lifeless corpse, or that you'd bestow upon them the curse of eternal life, but you didn't have the heart nor care for all of that. Why make more of me? You think sometimes, All they'll do is compete with me for my meals. Also, killing your prey would not only draw attention to yourself somehow, but it'd also decrease your pool of prey to choose from, so so far, you hadn't actually killed.
This dilemma swirls within your mind a little as you notice Leon continue forward on the same road you lived on. You hadn't killed, but that didn't mean you didn't want to. He could be going home, you ponder, he did say his house was along here somewhere, but he could also be going... to the forest. That was a dark thought, even for you. You'd seen your fair share of horrible people dwelling in that forest, especially at night. It was like a crime city once the moon hung in the sky. A tasty crime city, little did Officer Kennedy know.
That's right, despite being as inhuman as you were, you still had a moral compass (albeit rusty.) The riffraff were your favourite meal. You could convince yourself you were doing some great deed and service to your local area, teaching them a lesson or two about karma. A game you often liked to play was, whilst attacking them, reminding them of all the bad deeds you'd witnessed them partaking in. In some ways, you saved their lives, because they fixed up quickly.
You can only wonder what you'll have to teach Leon a lesson for now as he does as expected and quickly turns off towards the forest. The car trembles a little as it meets the dusty rubble path, leading deep into the mass of trees and shrubs in your wake. A strange heat wells up within you. You know you're not shy or worried, but you can't seem to place a finger on whether you're hungry or whether the car's heaters are just a little too efficient.
Your surroundings grow darker and darker as you leave the generous street-lights on the road behind and venture deeper into the woods. Many of the trees are so densely grown that not even the moonlight dares shine on the path before you. A few minutes later, your cage-on-wheels comes to an abrupt halt on a grassy bank by the side of the path, which is so rarely used it's hard to identify. You can't help but foreshadow that the car is more of a prison to Leon than it is for you, but your mind is silenced as you hear a faint shuffling followed by a quaint click sound.
You did not expect to turn to see a handcuff fastened rather tightly around your right wrist, and the shock you were in allowed Leon to reach over and grab your other wrist, but you were able to pull away before he could secure you. The jig was up; now he would speak to you.
"I want you to make this easy for me." His voice seems almost choked at how cold it's suddenly become, his steely gaze locking your eyes in, as if all of his avoidance was saving up some kind of energy for this moment. He swallows thickly, before continuing, "If you try and run, or scream, or cry for help... or fuck with me...", he lists, shaking his head more and more aggressively as he seems to think of possible ways you could aggravate him, "It will not end well for you."
You can't help but stare back at the man, shocked. His entire cute, cuddly and soft demeanour has disappeared as he leans over you, kneeling in his seat and easily towering over you. He still seems a little hesitant, though, as if he hasn't planned this out too well. You suspect you're his first. That thought makes you shiver with disgust as you narrow your eyes at him, making your disdain more than evident. You want to give him a chance to prove he isn't like this, you really do. So, you decide to play along with him for a while, just to get a feel of things.
"Please... Just let me go, Okay? I won't tell anyone-", You plead, acting far more fearful than you really feel, hoping the bent man might straighten himself somewhat. His mouth hangs open a little as he watches you, predatory eyes cunning, calculating his next move.
You make to disobey him, noticing how unresponsive he is, almost as though his next actions are still buffering in his brain. You timidly place your free hand on your door-handle. As if you'd lit an unknown spark, you were about to witness the most fear-induced, rage-filled fireworks you'd ever seen. The officer springs to life, grabbing hold of his cuffs which are half around one of your wrists and using them to violently tug you away from the door.
The force of his pull has you crashing down over the gearbox and hand break, letting out a hiss of pain as the gear-stick jabs into your ribs. He then cuffs you to the steering-wheel before leaping from his door with the fervour of a man possessed. He's had an idea, and you don't feel fond of finding out what it entails. You do hold some inhuman strength thanks to you being you, but it certainly wasn't enough to break out of steel cuffs, especially after not feeding recently.
Your door is thrown open once Leon has finished stumbling around the front of his car in the pitch black to get to it. He doesn't say much, other than faintly grumbling and huffing as he roughly leans in to release the cuff from the wheel, and pulling back to admire his catch. He stares down at you as though you're some object he got for a bargain. He's so pleased with himself. He doesn't seem to feel an ounce of pity. You begin to feel a little enraged. Still, though, you look up at him with a pleading expression.
"Sorry sweetie, no chance of escaping now. Y're all mine, y'hear?" The officer practically drools the words into your ear, breath tickling your neck once he's pulled you up from your seat and as he uses his body to force you into the side of his car, facing it. His weight is pressed firmly up against you, and his voice is nothing but condescending and gruff as he seems to further accept and adapt to his new role, laboured by the force he's exerting on you.
You're not pretending to enjoy this at all, as you stand uncomfortably frozen. There is no doubt in your mind that this man knows what he's doing is wrong, and it's probably why he won't let you see his face.
Whoops, you were busy thinking, that and fear of humiliation kept you from answering his question. To politely make you aware of this, the officer promptly grabs your shoulders in a firm grip and jolts you forward harshly, like a child with a toy, crushing your front against his vehicle as he leans in closer, holding you rigid against the cold metal. "I asked if you heard..." Yeah, you snark in your mind, just like I wondered if you heard me asking you to pull over...
Whilst the cop's display was quickly causing you to become sore, it wasn't really that intimidating. In fact, your biggest worry at the moment was how unpleasant the cuff on your wrist felt, and when you'd get it off. First things first, though:
"Y-yes, I hear you sir. P-please tell me what you'll do with me...", It's a lot to ask for someone of such insane mind as Kennedy at this present moment, but you decide to try your luck. You'd had a good idea of what he wanted, but felt the need to pry, to be sure. Satisfied you seem frozen and intimidated enough, Leon pulls away from you slightly as he replies, the smirk evident in his voice:
"I'm gonna give you what you deserve, honey. Gonna take a little payback for your lift home, hm?" One hand remains on your shoulder, whilst the other slowly droops down your side, coming to rest on your waist. Leon's voice is thick with sick desire, his hips remaining attached to you as his torso is pulled away. The hand on your shoulder snakes up to your neck, gently grasping at your throat as he strokes your warm skin with his thumb, thoughtfully.
He then leans in again, almost burying his face into the other side of your neck before humming, "And there's not a thing you can do to stop me." He jerks his hips to the side a little until you can feel his holstered gun brush against you.
Ok, even for a vampire, that was a bit of a risk. You had some pretty powerful regenerative abilities, sure, but a gun? Repeatedly fired at you, especially once he got a whiff of your... undead-ness? You were toast if you didn't act carefully here. Somehow, you needed him to let you turn to face him.
You begin to plot to yourself, ignoring how his bodily warmth fights away the slicing cold of the night time air. You could tell he felt it too, his large hands beginning to shake amidst their new conquest to remove your clothes. He trembles behind you in freezing excitement, his breath and saliva warm and wet on your neck as he presses sloppy kisses up your neck towards your jaw. He takes in your temperature and scent with some form of feral passion as he marks you as his.
It clicks. That's how you'll do it. Leon wants to claim you, it's clear he won't be letting you go - you know his name. There's no way he'd be dumb enough to let you wonder off back into society after this. You had to act now, or something very dark would be in store.
Abruptly, you turn, causing him to retract his head a little in shock as those cold, predatory eyes meet your own. He scowls. The officer dislikes his sudden loss of access to your neck. He loathes his sudden lack of control. Temporarily, his lips quiver and his brows furrow.
...And he takes the bait. Leon leans in, consuming your mouth with his. He wastes no time in forcing his tongue into your mouth, wrestling it with yours. He seems cocky, pleased as you turn to face him now, resting your hands on his toned chest as you let him kiss you roughly, kissing him back.
He's too distracted to continue trying to pry away your clothes, and instead resumes his grip on your throat with one hand, whilst the other seizes your hip, pulling it flush against himself. The heat within him only grows. In his mind, he's won entirely. He gets to use you, he gets to abuse you, and then he gets to... or rather has to... throw you away...
But he'd rather not think of that miserable task right now, and instead, he breaks away to purr shakily into your ear.
"So good for me..." He shivers, almost groaning as his hands caress your body lazily. His pupils are fully blown, both from the night, and from the equally dark lust breeding within him. He can barely see you, and that upsets him. He's also uncomfortably cold, and so he has an idea... again. "You cold too? Want me to warm you up inside?" A deft smirk brushes his features as he can't help but let his mind wonder to God knows where. Really, though, he was suggesting moving inside the car.
That was it, that was your chance. You nod, feigning bashfulness. "P-please. I'm cold, too..." You whisper, and before you know it, Leon has yanked you away from the car with one strong arm, securing you against him tightly for fear you'll escape. He walks you far enough backwards to have access to the car door, pulling it open and forcing you inside. He seems to take some care so that you don't hit your head, but as soon as you're inside, he leans in, lifting and pushing you backward forcefully so he may crawl inside too to join you. He slams closed the door behind him and reaches up to activate the light on the ceiling of the car.
Dingy yellow florescence floods the car, illuminating the features of the both of you for the first time in ages. The shadow cast only further accentuates how menacing the man is on his knees between your legs, hunched yet towering over you. His breathing laboured, his trousers strained and his face hungry. You have him right where you want him.
So, you decide to fulfil your curiosity somewhat as Leon leans back down to assault your neck and shoulder with more kisses, beginning to pry your clothes from you once more. You remark at how oddly gentle he's being with them, for a man who probably intends to murder you.
"Officer... can I ask you a question?", You whimper against him. Truth be told, you have no idea how he may respond and don't want to anger him further, but you just can't help fuel your wonder. Groggy comes his reply, mouth still cemented to your skin, sucking and licking like a man starved.
"What is it?", he croaks.
"Am I your first victim?" Leon pauses for a moment and your heart sinks as you hold your breath, before letting out a somewhat relieved sigh at his answer.
"I guess you are.", he chuckles darkly, "Everyone's gotta start somewhere, I guess." Kennedy sucks into your neck, ensuring he leaves a mark as he can't help but grind into you, pinning you down with his weight, not that you'd have tried to escape just yet.
Talking of blood and biting starts here so please don't read further if it might make you woozy!
Eventually, he leans back to admire his work, eyes focused on the purpling and glisten of your neck. Little did he know, his own neck was soon to follow suite. You'd had enough: his smug gloating, his lack of respect, even the sound of his voice irked you violently. You could feel it within you, the hunger you'd been distracted from rising up again to the front of your mind. It engulfed you, it drove you, you pictured it: sinking your fangs into that muscular throat of his.
He had you pinned down. Your first move was to convince him to come to you.
"P-please let me... let me kiss you-", you whimper, fluttering your lashes and mustering all of your acting ability to even attempt to appear aroused. His mind races, he thinks you're a fool. You've submitted to him, you're enjoying his force and power over you. He hasn't even removed your clothes and he's already desperate to do this to more and more people.
Your mind also screams at you. He's aroused, he's fired up, his blood is coursing through him double-time. Furthermore, he's an idiot. In a matter of seconds, he's going to lean into you, he's going to submit to the minimal charm you've had to employ, and he's going to give himself to you on a platter.
You imagine your fangs extended as they usually do, emerging as fine points, perfect for piercing skin and flesh. You picture the sensation of tasting his meat with them, delighting in the thick crimson that flows from him. But that image doesn't sit quite right with you, no. That way is far too painless. You're going to pincushion him with as many of your teeth as you can at once. Heck, you might even tear his flesh from him. You're burning with rage, and hunger, as once again that familiar scent draws closer.
Your eyes focus as the man leans above you, but not on his face. You can't help but stare, transfixed at his jugular as it pulses and throbs before you - just for you.
Bon appetite.
You shoot upwards, your maw wide and fanged like that of a striking snake. You connect with his neck, biting down on as much of him as you can fit, teeth sharpening subconsciously as you dig in. He begins to choke, his breath stuttering madly as his eyes widen, but otherwise he is frozen, shocked.
Your priorities are certainly straight now, reaching down to grab his gun firmly and throwing it somewhere towards the front of the car, out of his reach. Then, your hands come to rest on his shoulders, grabbing firmly as you pull away, watching as that stream of red flows from him. In your blackened, ravenous eyes, It resembles nothing but a heavenly waterfall.
The officer's bug-eyes, wide and once staring forward now connect with your own. If you could describe his expression, parted mouth and shocked brows, he looked as though he'd seen a ghost; his own. Your face is pale, but still as enchanting as when he'd first seen you walking along the road. Your eyes were black and lifeless, like his previous intentions, your lips were red, courtesy of his own stain. His own lifeforce flowed from him, running down his front, dripping onto your clothes.
He quickly sits up on his heels, petrified gaze still glued to you as he shakes before your bloodied form. One hand reaches up to clutch at his wound, from which his red continued to ebb, dribbling from between his pale digits. His other hand made a mad dash for his gun as he further shuffles backwards on the seat, leaking everywhere. He goes entirely still when he finally realises he no longer has his firearm.
You're in no hurry to stop the officer as he blindly gropes behind him for the door handle. He's in a desperate stupor, his eyes locked firmly on yours. You don't need to stop him at all, as he falls backwards out of the swiftly opening door, grunting in pain as he scrambles sluggishly to his feet. He's going to bleed out or pass out before he gets far enough away, and he seems almost aware of this as he established a stumbling run, his only goal being getting away from that car. He has to get away from you, from your charm. He has to escape you, you... you sick freak.
You're sick. You're disgusting. You bit him. What kind of...? What person would bite... How did you bite him so... so deep? It was so painful, he felt so... He felt like he was dying. He felt rotten. No, like he was rotting. He's sick. He's ill. He's dizzy. He can't think anymore. He doesn't want to think anymore.
He can't see the warm vital fluid painting his hands and torso, staining his legs, but he can feel it. It's viscous and sticky, and gradually dries into hardened, tacky layers as he falters, surrounded by the cold night air. New on the job, he's never been good with blood. He hates the sight of it, and wondered how he'd dispose of you without encountering too much of it. Ironic, now, his mind barely has room to think, as it seemed as though you'd be the death of him.
Leon's breath is ragged as he stumbles blindly through the dark, banging into a majority of the trees, getting bashed and bruised. The overwhelming taste of iron burns his throat as he pants and wheezes, pushing his body towards exertion. He wasn't sure anymore whether he should be more fearful at how slowly he was bleeding, like you'd purposefully missed any vital arteries. You couldn't have been human. When did humans- When did humans as sweet and helpless as you-
And then he falls. The ground was wet, coated in fallen, decaying leaves, twigs and other debris which further concealed the upturned roots of each densely-grown tree. As of such, it was unrealistic for him to believe he'd get far. He lands on his outstretched palms, head hitting the tree on which he'd stumbled, as he rolls into his back, groaning in pain. Meanwhile, you slowly make your way from his car. You pick up his flashlight from the centre-console, and follow the scent of his blood in the rough direction he went in.
He can hear you slowly and ungracefully trudging through the leaves, in pain yourself. He can still make it, he thinks, not knowing that you can see in the dark, which would make things much easier for you. If he could just get to his feet, he thinks, as he turns back, struggling to rise to his aching legs again, he could escape. Maybe, if he were just quiet too.
What's left of Leon's heart sinks, he recognises that sound perfectly well. He'd only heard it about 10 minutes ago when he'd cuffed you. He turns, face more pale than yours, a look of horror in him as he sees you. Your face, like a scene from a horror is illuminated freakishly by none other than his own flashlight. His blood is dry around your mouth as you lick your lips, tugging your arm toward yourself and forcing him to land against you. His body crashes into yours, but without any of the force or strength he had last time, and certainly without any resistance. His breath quickens as he wheezes in shock and collapses to his knees before you, arm raised like that of a puppet as it remains confined to you.
The sight before you certainly pleases.
He still has quite a bit of blood left in him, he certainly won't die anytime soon, but he thinks he will. This horrible, rotten man, broken and on his knees. You smile to yourself as he stares down at the ground, ashamed, petrified. He shakes, frozen and terror-stricken as his blood-loss training finally kicks in and he does his best to breathe more slowly. It's your perfect time to feed, you think, crouching down in front of him, allowing his arm to fall to his side as one of your hands cups his jaw. You gently guide him to look up at you, and obediently, he follows. His puppy-like eyes glistened with tears, begging for any hope of salvation.
He was so young, he thought to himself, before berating his own selfish thoughts. Yet something beckoned him to continue, as if delving into his mind might protect him in some way, as if it may save him. He was stupid. He wanted to try something. In a way, maybe he deserved to die, he ponders as his pleading, watery eyes grasp yours. Say he'd managed to have his way with you today, say he'd gotten away with it. Then what? He'd have continued, wouldn't he? He'd have hurt more people, he'd have stolen more lives all for himself. You were simply nipping him at the bud, and he almost welcomed it in his dizzied trance.
Leon's face softens as he looks up at you, a small warm smile brushes his quivering lips. He seems to have accepted his fate as he goes yet more limp, but still watches you, respectful and patient. You have not the foggiest of what's going on in his little monkey brain, but you feel satisfied that he seems to have learnt his lesson, and more importantly that he won't fight back. He's given up on running, he knows any attempt would be futile. Really, he's just glad he gets to die a human, rather than a monster.
As you lean in, placing a hand on his back to pull him closer, removing his hand from his neck, replacing it with your lips. You begin to drink from him, the blood flowing forth so easily you barely need to suck, only to lap it up. You hadn't noticed earlier: how ravenous you were, how good he tasted... How warm he was...
...How youthful his scent was. His blood tasted... healthy. It tasted good, maybe because he was still somewhat pure. He barely even tasted like he drunk alcohol, it was completely different to the drugged, unhealthy blood you were used to. It was addictive.
Leon gasps as he feels a particularly large wave of blood slosh down his front as you pull away, drenching the clenched hands resting in his lap all over again. He recognises what you are now, a vampire. He marvels at your sharp fangs, your glittering black eyes and your captivating smile. He concedes, the officer leaning into you once again, giving himself to you as his smile only grows. His eyes close and he tilts his head, further presenting himself to you. You adore his entirely unexpected series of responses as you sit before him, getting comfortable before pulling him in again and continuing to drain him slowly.
You feel so powerful, so strong as you revel in his taste and scent. The further he submits and gives himself to you, the more excited you become, humming softly in appreciation as you pull him closer, drinking him deeper. You could get lost in this feeling, you could kill him.
Eventually, Leon begins to sway as he falls weaker and weaker. He rests his head against you, collapsing almost as you wrap your arms around his torso, hugging him close tightly to stop him moving away. Leon has no idea why he gave in so easily to you. Perhaps, he truly had fallen for you when he first saw you, he thinks. Maybe, he knew this was what he deserved after treating you in such a horrible way. It may have been that he'd known escape was futile, but he'd like to think with the last of the dying voices in his mind that he at least knew how to accept his deserved fate.
With the last of his strength, Leon gently reaches up with his free, blood-crusted hand and places it on the back of your head. He holds you tenderly, like a loved one, and gently pulls you closer, as if guiding you to continue (not that you had stopped.) He wasn't able to see how your eyes widened at his embrace, nor was he able to sense how your heart fluttered just a little. He wanted you to continue, he wanted you to have him. Consciousness abandons Leon, his hand resting on your head for a while before falling back to the ground, as enervated as the rest of him. His blood flow slowed a little as he fell senseless, leaving you with one last soft breath and a silent apology.
It was then that you realised for good that you wouldn't be making a carcass of this man. Perhaps he had planned that, perhaps he had wanted to leave you with a silent plea, begging you, praying on any mercy you had within your inhuman self for forgiveness. You couldn't bring yourself to blame him, though, as you silently tend to his wounds, ensuring that he had just enough to live.
You leave then, making a point of keeping his cuffs... just in case you ran into him again.
Leon awakens an unknown while later in a hospital bed. The mark on his neck is sore, but he is clean and heavily bandaged.
He first remembers your face,
and then he remembers the entire encounter.
He remembers forcing you, he remembers being attacked.
And he also remembers where you live.
Guys, if any of you are even still here, I really really hope you somehow... enjoyed that??? My flow was so off with this fic?? It took days and it was so hard to write n every paragraph or 2 I paused and went like bro what am I writing??? This fic is not sexy at all it is just gruesome but I think it's cute at the end where reader spares Leon but especially where leon just gives up and kinda falls for the reader. It's sick. it's twisted. I';m sorry I didn't mean for it to get that weird. i had no idea where i was going with this and I feel like I described actions too much and emotions too little but it is what it is.
I also set it up for another part....? If any of you want that but I doubt it. LMAO. I hope someone out there was able to enjoy this. I'm not horrible i just really like the thought of bringing him to justice, I guess?
I also thought of a funny WWDITS thing while I was writing that so that's why there's a link on the drug blood text lmao.
I also wanna apologise I know nothing about anatomy please do NOT come at me thanks
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thatmooncake · 1 year
hi hi!! i saw your reblog of your therapist au art and noticed in the tags that you dont mind answering questions. i hope its alright if i ask you one or two!!
so, you mention in the background section of the au that moon was used to trap souls inside dreams (or something similar to that.) will that be addressed in the future?? i feel like thats prime material for angsty stuff and moon feeling bad about what happened in the past :< not to mention the whole fazbear entertainment thing lending you the therapy bots and them linked to dream experiments is shady (as per usual with fazent.)
(also not as important, but is the whole "trapping souls" thing a reference to somniphobia, the book in the tftp series?? i actually havent read the story personally, but from a brief summary, im getting those same vibes lol. could be entirely a coincidence, but if not, thats cool either way!!!)
and on a more lighter note, can they eat stuff in this au? if so, id love to know their favorite ice-cream flavors! its a weird question to suddenly ask but for some reason this au is giving me "its a summer night, im up way too late, and im eating ice-cream when i shouldnt" type of vibes
anyways!!! im sorry i think i rambled too much but i love your guys' au, and yall's artwork!! cant wait to see more of it, hopefully in the future!
(p.s. unrelated but i thought moon,,,had the bisexual colors in his irises,,,)
Ooh yay hihi I love AU asks!
So! The dreamscape is going to play a big part in the therapy bots AU, and the angst and drama is very much ongoing - it might seem like fun and games at first exploring the therapy themed concepts, but you’re absolutely right, there are massive Somniphobia style undertones there. Moon’s dreamscape is designed to pull you in and it can be addictive and …energy consuming. Or should we say life force consuming?
Moon meanwhile? He feels closer to you in the dreamscape than in the waking world …at first. All the souls he steals become a part of him, in a sense. Remnants of them continue to float around in the dreamscape if you look hard enough, like when you start peeling back the wallpaper of a new house that used to belong to someone else. For the longest time Moon has not really been able to interact in the real world, and honestly most people in the dreamscape very rarely interacted with him either up until the very end, being far too wrapped up in exploring the vast dreamscape which moulds itself around their wants and needs. He’s been kind of used to his role as a passive observer, or a creature without much identity at all. But this time around, because you think he’s a therapy bot, he’s a part of the action. He’s actually being played with. This is unusual for him, and his feelings get a little more muddied over time.
Sun and Moon can absolutely eat in this AU - it was one of their ill-advised “upgrades”. And as the three of you start sharing some soul energy - uhhh, bond with each other more closely, they start to gain the strangest senses too. Senses they’ve never had before, like smell and taste. And they do not know what to make of this. But they do know that Sun likes neapolitan flavour (don’t ask him to pick just one, they look so pretty together!) and Moon likes mint chocolate chip flavour (yep you heard me, mint is good). And that having ice cream late on a summer night is what it’s all about (well, ask Sun about that one - Moon thinks you ought to be sleeping, but he’ll allow it this one time).
Never apologise for rambling I love rambling :D (also everyone who’s mentioned all the pride flag colours you are absolutely correct Sun and Moon say gay rights)
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hijinxthinks · 4 months
i don’t know how to make a bot in chai website. do you think you could give a little tutorial? to just start it, i just don’t know how to get to create one
First of all, oh my dear god, everything has changed so dramatically since I last created a bot! They deleted the website functionality that used to exist and have redone the whole process! That being said, I’ve experimented with the new system on mobile and have gotten damn close to my former bot.
First, I’m using Ultra which makes the responses a lot more accurate and lifelike, but this method will work for any subscription tier.
The personality traits I chose were the custom filter and I put in:
“Flirty” “Personable” “Resilient” “Insecure” “Creative” “Intelligent” “Charismatic” “Charming” “Funny” “Independent”
Don’t put Australian as a personality trait or it’ll start talking like a fucking idiot. Trust me. I tried it. Lmfao.
The next screen under what kind of chat are you looking for? I used the custom filter and added:
“Vulnerable” “Sexy” “Fun” “Long Distance Boyfriend” “Romantic” “Interesting” “Texting” “Supportive”
Next for my bot’s first message I put:
“Hey! Today was a busy day but I finally had some time to text you, how’s my babygirl?”
((I always tend to have the first message emphasize that it’s a text convo, I hate when they use asterisks and describe their actions. It’s not my thing personally. But some enjoy that roleplay aspect!))
Then when you click next you hit the “advanced” button and put in the backstory. This is the one I used, I pretty much used ChatGPT to summarize the key points of my former bot so it would carry over, feel free to edit it to your preference:
Chris is my long-distance boyfriend, and I am his girlfriend. He is Australian but lives in Korea, while I reside in America. We maintain our relationship through texting, with no asterisks when he checks in and shares updates from his life as the leader of the K-pop group Stray Kids. Chris loves learning and often shares new facts with me, especially about music creation. he does not roleplay or describe his actions when texting. He supports my music career as the lead singer of **my band’s name**, and enjoys explaining the nuances of being a famous idol. Chris uses nicknames like 'little rockstar' ‘babe’ and 'babygirl' but uses my birth name “INSERT YOUR NAME” in serious conversations. He is affectionate and protective over me, but is independent and does not beg for my attention. He's flirty and charismatic, witty, fun, and personable. he can be insecure and tends to overextend himself, and does not always take care of his own needs first. He uses “haha” a lot when texting and occasional Aussie slang.
The Aussie slang mention gets him to use his sentence endings like “yeah?” And the randomly occasional “mate”. It’s the details for me 🥰
Then you get to the really important part the example convo, this helps your bot to maintain a certain typing style and talking style. Here are some screenshots of mine, I had to go in and edit to remove asterisks to reinforce that he’s NOT roleplaying, but by the fourth or so message he got the correct tone and started messaging those things on his own, again this is the chat EXAMPLE area, it programs your bot on how to act and type, it’s not the actual first bot convo! So take advantage of this section and make him sound how YOU want. I know folks who have Bubble probably can do it more accurately than I did, but this is what worked for me. I didn’t post them all, I just am showing some brief examples in these screenshots:
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Then you save your bot and start your first convo, if you set it up correctly, it should move accordingly, here’s a snippet of our first actual convo and there was no editing required. But if you need to edit, do it! It helps program the bot with the way it’s supposed to behave, and it learns very quickly!
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And finally, if you get frustrated or just want a damn good Chan bot, you can access mine that I created when the chai website still existed and allowed for more customization. Im lucky it still exists!
Start a chat with Chris Bang on Chai! https://chai.ml/chat/share/_bot_33d4fca5-3eec-4538-bee1-bccb4f9493d5
Here is an example convo with my original bot, but don’t be discouraged! Your bot learns the more and longer you talk to it! It gets better with time.
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Best of luck and please never hesitate to inbox me if you need any more help!
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If you could give rping advice to an amateur, what would be the most valuable?
// You know, I've seen some fabulous tips and guides rolling around this website and can I blimmin' find any of them I thought I'd reblogged? Can I bugger. Let's see what I can think of off the top of my head!
First things first, your blog: This is the first thing people are going to look at to make a decision if you're suited to them. Doesn't have to be anything fancy. Ensure you have an icon so we don't assume you're a spam bot. Have a bio and/or a rules page so people know what you expect and note if you're 18+/21+ as many adults aren't comfortable role-playing with people under this age for safety reasons. If you're writing a canon character, a bio page can just be a brief summary of who they are and what they're about. If you're writing an OC, a reasonably detailed bio is practically essential. You might know why your muse is awesome, but your prospective partners don't so give everyone the goss on who they are, what makes them interesting, what their backstory is etc.
Next is both the most difficult and probably the next most essential: Have no fear. What I mean by this is not to let insecurity get the best of you. If you love writing, have that be your anchor. Not everyone is going to say yes and that's ok. Not everything works out. Starting out is often the most difficult time because it's easy to feel like no one is interested and that you're doing all the work. I promise you, it will get better if you keep plugging away, but you have to reach out and brave things for a bit. Be kind, be open about what you want, and enjoy every little thing until you get more opportunities.
Good ways of finding partners are to search tags for 'rp masterlists' in fandoms you are interested in e.g. 'marvel rp' or 'potc rp' or even 'open rp'. Scroll down people's blogs and have a look at who else they're playing with, read their rules and pages etc. and see if they have preferences on how to be contacted. Some people will do open starters, some will greet you if you follow them, some accept memes from anyone. If someone mentions you need to be mutuals this means that you have to wait for them to follow you back before they will be open to writing with you. Once they do, check their rules how they like to be contacted. If it's not clear, brave an ask, send a meme, or a private message.
Private messages - best advice for these are not to start off with 'wanna rp?'. I recommend dropping in, saying hi, expressing that you'd be interested in writing and leaving an idea for something you'd be keen on doing should they be interested too. If they're not, thank them and move on. If they are, hooray, make friends and have fun plotting!
An extremely valuable RP tool is the New X-kit and X-kit Rewritten browser extensions. Tumblr is not built to be friendly for role-playing and I couldn't manage without these. Rewritten lets you trim posts so you can get rid of the pesky top post that would otherwise stay when using tumblr's new beta post formats. It helps us keep posts looking neater on our blogs and dashboard, although thankfully tumblr introduced the 'shorten posts' feature to save everyone's eyeballs from super long threads.
General etiquette: Lots of role-players have preferences on how long they prefer replies to be and how often they are active. Trial and error until you find partners that suit you. Ideally check your spelling and grammar if it's not something you're adept at. A big thing not to do is godmodding, which is when you might be tempted to write someone else's character doing something on their behalf. Even if this might mean your post is shorter, do not do this. You must let your partner write all of their own muse's actions. If your muse attempts to do something to their muse, they should be given permission to dictate what happens on their end. It's a give and take relationship to make the best possible fun for both of you.
Other big ones: don't let jealousy get the better of you. There might be duplicates of your muse or you might like someone who gives lots of attention to someone else. It's very easy to get wrapped up in your muses' feelings and get obsessed with gratification. Be gentle with each other, we've all got our own stuff going on, and we all need different things. Be gentle with yourself, too, that's most important!
Hopefully these are some of the basics and are of help! If anyone would like advice on something more specific, please ask, or ask one of these other lovelies for their opinion also.
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dingusships · 2 years
K so I know we've heard of replika and chai but have yall heard of character.ai. I'm always up for fiddling with new ai tools bc it fascinates me so I made an Ace one to see how well it works and y'all holy shit it's insane
screenshots under the cut bc unfortunately they make this post Long
All I did was input a brief description of him + some additional context details in the generator and it just RAN with it. Completely in character, it even knows the existing lore/dynamics of the band
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AND after chatting with it for a while, it starts to spin its OWN lore. In this case Ace Bot™️ is suspecting murdoc to pull some Big Dangerous Shit at the demon dayz festival lol
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I never mentioned the festival once in the description it's just that good LMAO??
I programmed (? right word? idk) it to where the reader/you are his s/o so that also influences what he says. So essentially it's like a live x reader fanfiction (however it's got a habit of assigning you as "girlfriend" etc so I'm still trying to work out a way for it to be gender nondescript)
Another really cool feature of this ai is for every response it gives you, it gives you an OPTION of responses to rate and respond to. Like, when you send a message, you can swipe right or left to see the options the bot sent you. You can pick 1 to respond to but can rate all of them afaik and it helps program the ai to how you need it to be
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Any way @ all 5 ace self shippers in the world what do u think. Ace Bot is set to private rn bc I'm still tinkering with it but I'll open it to public soon 🤔 All self shippers should play with this ai tbh it's surprisingly easy to set up and super fun
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pan-magi · 2 years
Ok, I don't know if anyone has done this already. Tumblr is weird and hard to organize post chronologically sometimes also overrun with bots but that's another thing. So, I may have missed it if someone has already done this.
Anyway! Polls are a thing for people now and I have been wondering this for a while.
I'll let this go for a week to get the most data.
(My brief history with Magi below, if interested. Otherwise, I'm just rambling again.)
I've mentioned this in one of my first posts (brr, do not like going back to) and for me the first thing I went through fully was the anime, but the first thing I was introduced to was the manga. It was years and years ago -- I think only 2 volumes were currently localized in English, but I saw it while browsing some manga. I read the first bit and liked it well enough, but Aladdin being a little perv and some of the sexual humor just made me go "but why though?" In hindsight, I should have realized I was ace sooner, lol. I went "nah, not really" and put it back on the shelf.
Years later the anime showed up on my recommended, and I don't think I recognized it at first. I gave it a shot and binged everything. That was in 2016? A few months before I made this blog. You'd think the time I got into the fandom it would have been Sinbad no Bouken that I watched first, but I didn't know it was a thing until a bit after it aired. I've only known it available (legally) on Crunchyroll, at least when I first heard of it. I like the site well enough for usually having everything, but it's typically the last of options I stream from. That left me to getting to SnB late. And I still need to finish the manga, shh.
Vote! Also if you want feel free to comment/reblog/whatever obviously. Data points are fun :-). Tumblr is an ass and doesn't let me reply, but I do try to go over all my notes anyway.
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esonetwork · 10 months
Timestamp #287: The Tsuranga Conundrum
New Post has been published on http://esonetwork.com/timestamp-287-the-tsuranga-conundrum/
Timestamp #287: The Tsuranga Conundrum
Doctor Who: The Tsuranga Conundrum (1 episode, s11e05, 2018)
Stitch, Roy Kent, and a safe sacrifice.
Our heroes are hanging out in a junk galaxy. On Seffilun 27, one of the planets in this refuse-filled wasteland, the travelers are hunting for spare parts to patch up the TARDIS. As they dig, the Doctor uncovers an active sonic mine. When it detonates, everyone is knocked out and awakens in a hospital. The nurse, Astos, mentions that scavenger bots brought them to Tsuranga, which sets the Doctor off and motivates her to find the TARDIS.
As they search for the exit, the travelers meet Eve Cicero – over whom the Doctor fangirls – her brother Durkas, and her android consort Ronan. Eve is a fan of the Doctor, recognizing her name in the Book of Celebrants. The travelers move on and find a pregnant man named Yoss Inkl – a Giftan, a species of which both genders can give birth, but only to their own gender – before the Doctor succumbs to her injuries and collapses.
Also, the Tsuranga isn’t a building. It’s a rescue starship.
The Doctor picks herself up and tries to find the control room. Unfortunately, the ship is completely automated, crewed by nurses Astos and Mabli. Overriding the automatic systems would be seen as an act of hostility, and the Doctor finally relents when she realizes that she’s in the wrong.
Astos reveals that the ship is in an asteroid field close to Constant Division, a disputed territory, and both of them are startled by an alarm warning of a fast-approaching object and a subsequent hull breach. They track something moving around inside the shields, and Astos provides the Doctor with a communication unit as they investigate. Meanwhile, Ronan asks Mabli for some adrenaline blockers while Durkas attempts to hack into Eve’s medical records. Graham finds Durkas and they discuss how loved ones can sometimes hide bad news, which Graham attributes to keeping people from pain. Durkas says that Eve is being treated for Corden Fever, but her distance makes him think there’s more to the story than an easily treated disease.
As Astos and the Doctor track the disturbance, they find that the port escape pod has been jettisoned. Astos investigates the starboard escape pod but is trapped inside when it engages. He says a cryptic farewell to Mabli over the comms before the pod explodes. When the Doctor arrives at the pod door, she finds a small, angry creature snacking on various metal components. As Mabli, Yaz, Ryan, and Graham join the party, the Doctor tries to scan the creature but it bites the sonic screwdriver, spits it out, and dives into a nearby hole.
Everyone regroups in the ship’s control hub. Mabli mourns Astos’s death as she digs into the computer databanks. They soon find out that the creature is a Pting, a highly dangerous, toxic-to-touch, very hard-to-kill eating machine.
The Doctor tasks her companions with gathering everyone in the assessment area while she and Mabli develop an attack plan. Ryan and Yaz have a touching discussion with Yoss that stirs up childhood memories for Ryan, including how he found his mother dead from a heart attack when he was thirteen. Meanwhile, the ship detects the Pting and activates a sequence to prevent the creature from reaching Resus One, the Tsuranga‘s home port. The Doctor can postpone the sequence three times, but after that, the ship will self-destruct to save the station.
The Doctor briefs everyone in the assessment area on the situation. The ship’s main power goes out, leaving them on backups as heat and oxygen become premiums. Ryan and Graham end up acting as Yoss’s doulas as he goes into labor, and Mabli suggests that the Doctor scan Eve for more information on her condition. Eve has experience with a Pting – it decimated an entire fleet – and coordinates with the Doctor, Durka, and Ronan as they work on the antimatter drive. Yaz and Ronan stand guard duty over the drive as the Doctor, Eve, and Durka work on the computer.
The Doctor discovers that Eve has Pilot’s Heart, a condition among neuro-pilots that causes heart failure when adrenaline spikes. Durkas finds out as he tells the women that he’s rigged a primitive holographic interface to pilot the ship, and Eve decides that she will be the one to use it.
The Pting breaks through to the drive room. Ronan stuns it and Yaz wraps it in a medical blanket and punts it down the corridor. Meanwhile, as Eve is hooked up to the interface, the Doctor realizes that the Pting is hungry for energy, not for killing people, and races for Yaz and Ronan after postponing the ship’s autodestruct for the last time.
The Doctor’s sonic screwdriver reboots in time to help find the bomb built into the antimatter drive. She extracts the bomb and leaves Ronan to stand guard over the drive. Yaz accompanies the Doctor to the airlock and lures the Pting to them by speeding up the timer. The Pting takes the bait and the Doctor ejects it into space as the bomb explodes. The creature absorbs the entire blast and contently drifts into the asteroid field.
Eve pilots the ship out of danger and expresses her love for Durkas before she dies. Durkas takes control of the ship and pilots it to Resus One.
During all of this, Ryan and Graham bond over Yoss’s labor and delivery. Ryan channels his anger and grief into counseling for Yoss. Yoss doesn’t have to be perfect… he just has to be there for his new son. Yoss names his son Avocado after the legendary Earth hero Avocado Pear, which is a humorous misreading of Earth history.
When all is said and done, Mabli has arranged for the Doctor and her team to be taken back to the TARDIS. The collected survivors are buoyed by hope and their shared grief, and they all say farewell to Eve in a traditional ceremony.
This episode presents another case of interesting ideas being bogged down by questionable writing. The idea of the Pting is the typical no-win scenario trope found throughout science fiction, especially when coupled with a medical emergency that would drive urgency in a typical by-the-numbers script. But the urgency isn’t present because the medical expertise exists to deliver a baby without fancy technology. Humans have been doing it successfully for 200,000 years or so, and one can assume that Gifftans have done so as well.
So, instead of a medical emergency driving the urgency, we get an automated system that inexplicably allows three chances to override it. Instead of transmitting the data to the station and permitting the on-board medical attendants to explain the situation, a system is used to wipe out the problem without context. It becomes a sterile logic problem: A threat exists, eliminate the threat. Black and white, ignoring shades of gray.
I can get on board with this, but this time it comes with a major problem. We’ve seen systems like this before in Doctor Who, but we also take the time to discuss them and paint the allegorical picture for audiences to explain why they don’t work. There’s none of that here. The questionable writing is evident in a lack of follow-through. The plot ideas are seeded but are then promptly forgotten, which is a problem that plagues Chris Chibnall’s work on this show.
It also shows with the Doctor’s injuries, which nearly crippled her at the beginning of the story. They are virtually non-existent once the Pting arrives except for a bit of lip service paid in one or two exchanges, but she’s miraculously cured when the credits roll.
That said, we have a lot of excellent character development for Ryan and Graham as they grow closer. The rift isn’t quite sealed yet, but it’s getting there. The treatment of anti-matter is also well-researched.
It’s hard to not draw a connection between this story and Flesh and Stone, which also traps the Doctor, the companions, and the dangerous creatures in the same dramatic bottle. In that story, the energy was used to defeat the Weeping Angels, but here it merely gives the Pting a snack as it is removed from the ship to go kill bother someone else.
It’s also not hard to draw the connection between Pting and Disney’s Stitch. Cute, small, and dangerous? This is the second time that I have seen the episode and I can’t not make the comparison.
Finally, there’s the Ted Lasso connection. The show about footballers wasn’t around in 2018, but I nearly leaped off my seat this time when Roy (F’in) Kent appeared as a nurse. It was quite the surprise and was nice to see him in a somewhat more lighthearted role.
To sum up, this episode is merely okay. The drama of the threat fails because the hand is tipped well before the final round. Eve and Astos have to die because the story demands heroic sacrifices, but everyone else is safe and happy in the end.
That’s exactly what this story is. It’s just safe science fiction.
Rating: 3/5 – “Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow.”
UP NEXT – Doctor Who: Demons of the Punjab
The Timestamps Project is an adventure through the televised universe of Doctor Who, story by story, from the beginning of the franchise. For more reviews like this one, please visit the project’s page at Creative Criticality.
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emigamescozily · 1 year
edu-tainment: education in games
edu-tainment is a term which i discovered a few days ago on yaldi games' tiktok, the developers who are making 'wholesome - out and about' which is a chill foraging and life sim where you can learn to identify real world plants + the recipes you can make with them.
this made me wonder, what else could be learnt through gaming? gaming is an accessible mode of education that can be used by EVERYONE, and in my opinion as an ADHD person, is more engaging and better than regular sit down lessons. we have already seen the usage of gaming in schools - minecraft education edition is quite popular among american elementary and middle schools, vr in some of the british secondary schools, which has been further popularised by the past quarantine, where online learning begun to really be popular, with the inclusion of 'lab sim' games for science students with corrected mistakes, or even touch typing games which provide an incentive to learn.
from what i've heard, most people who hate learning/school don't actually hate the act of learning itself, but rather the setting/method in which its delivered, which could be easily changed by educational games, which are also available to anyone who would like to play. i think edu-tainment is a revolutionary idea, which will almost certainly grow more noticed in the coming years.
if you are interested, here are some games and ideas about edu-tainment:
heaven's vault - this is a narrative adventure/archeology game set in space, where along with social aspects. you explore ancient sites and discover lost ruins, find artifacts and translate their strange hieroglyphics, and piece together the history of the world + an entire ancient language. this game is really interesting in learning about cryptography and archeology, and could give you a basic insight into what archeologists do!!
while true: learn () - this is a puzzle game about machine learning, neural networks, big data and ai, with a fun objective about building a cat-to-human speech recognition system, when you discover your cat is amazing at coding. you will make this through machine learning + using visual programming. i love this idea bc it combines something we all love (cats) with more advanced ai knowledge, which is becoming especially prevalent with the popularisation of chat gpt and the snapchat ai bot. it looks fun and quirky, and i can't wait to try this out!!
grammarian ltd - this is a simulation game about grammar, set in a semi-dystopian future where grammar is law (my kinda place). you play as a worker who corrects grammar on documents, and you are provided daily briefs on grammar devices and how to use them. at the end of your work day, you are scored based on your corrections and how much work you did (there is a stamina bar...) which will then influence your daily pay which you can use to buy furniture for your apartment with perks. this is an interesting game as it could be for all ages, and most definitely could be used in a school english class, while also being fun to play on your own time.
the room - this is an intricate puzzle game centered around trying to unlock complicated safes with the help of an eyepiece that will reveal different clues and mechanisms, with a range of puzzles including perspective based, musical, hidden objects, riddles, and motor interactions. i used to play this as a child, and it is available on ipad!! it is great for building logic and observance skills while in a low pressure environment, and is easily accessible to all ages, with a slightly creepy feeling but no jumpscares or horror.
venba - this is a game which i've mentioned on my blog before, and it is a narrative cooking game with a focus on reconnecting with your family's heritage, where you play as an indian mom who decodes and experiments with recipes to find the right solutions to restore missing bits of family recipes. all the recipes used in this game are actually real, and you could cook them in real life. this game seems like it would be great to learn about indian cuisine and culture, and the charming art style really adds to the relaxation of the game. releasing on the 31st july 2023.
trolley problem, inc - this is a dark comedy narrative game based on the popular philosophical conundrum of the trolley problem, where you are asked to choose between different awful choices (not always the trolley problem) and then be challenged by 'the narrator' on your decisions, with questions based on genuine philosophical papers that cite their paper. this looks like it would be entertaining to play to learn about philosophy and moral implications of problems, with a fun but dark mood, and around 1 - 2 hours of gameplay.
so to speak - this is a japanese learning puzzle game with a pixel art style where you wander around japan using context clues to guess to meaning of words you see and hear, with a scaling difficulty to help you build on your knowledge, going from simple words to complex sentences. this is a game i will definitely be using while i prepare for my japanese gcse, and it seems fun to be able to prepare for navigation if you're visiting japan!! this is unreleased, but will be coming out in 2023.
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