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BTW Brio don't know the gender only use Non-binary actually all Duck are trans and Ally Straight
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ray-the-fanatic · 5 years
Wheels on the Bus.
(So this is a oc story one shot I did as a break and decided to go ahead with. So call it writing exercise ducktales ocs to be clear)
Being a father was something Ethan never took lightly every since he found out he was going to become one. His daughter Ari had become his world and he adored her the moment she hatched. He would do anything for his little girl, even spend two weeks with little sleep to make sure she was happy.
“You sure youll be fine?” Diana asked again as she was standing in the doorway holding Ari’s hand in her fingers.
“Di it’s not the first time I’ve been left alone with Ari, everything will be fine.”
“You took her to Waddle for a week.”
“And everything was fine, so don’t sweat I have things under control.”
Diana sighed and smiled as she gave him a quick peck on the cheek before finally leaving for her flight. 
At least five minutes after Diana’s cab drove off was all it took for her to get a phone call.
“Diana I don’t have everything under control! Buster the bus isn’t working!” Ethan said as soon as she answered.
“What! What do you mean! She loves buster Stilts!” 
“I know what! Do I do !”
“How should I know?!”
“You normally always do!!”
“Okay hold on let me figure this out.”
Ethan paced around the apartment holding Ari in his arms after making sure to cover the plush bus toy with a tissue. Honoring the fallen friend. 
He nearly jumped when his phone rang at last.
“Okay so I have good news and bad news.” Diana started off with
“Good news please Di.”
“So we can replace, Buster.”
“Ay thank goddess.” 
“Except, it’s gonna be two weeks before it arrives.”
“Que!? Really?”
“I know I know that was the best option though and I couldn’t get them into any sooner. Two weeks took the whole car ride to work out. Stupid Dan and his dumb cheery voice.”
Ethan couldn’t help but smile as he listened to Diana grumble, he looked down to Ari in his other arm and smiled at her. 
“Know what I got this Di, Papa will make sure his little girl makes it through the two weeks.”
“Are you sure? I can work things out and stay home.”
“Di don’t worry I got this, super dad is on the job.”
“Alright...just keep me in the loop alright?”
“Promise if I can’t I’ll tell you A-S-I-P”
“A, Ethan”
“A what?”
Diana just laughed on her end and told him bye.
Ethan smiled at Ari and put his phone away. “Mama’s just over worried we got this you will be just fine your a tough lil girl Mija.” He gave her a small kiss on the top of her head and just smiled when she cooed in response. 
However it did not go well.
Day 1 started the trend.
Ari only slept a few hours before waking up crying, Ethan was quick to check on her. Normally they would give her buster the bus and turn it on to play ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ for some reason she just loved it and it would calm her enough to fall back asleep. That wasn’t an option though. 
 Ethan tried a few things to try and get her to rest. Getting her a bottle did nothing. Rocking her didn’t put her to sleep. Rubbing her back had no result. Her crying just kept going. He really hated hearing her cry. It always broke his heart a little. Ethan didn’t want to but he knew one thing that might work. 
“Alright Mija you win.” He laid her down in her crib and bent down a bit so he could softly sing to her. 
“The Wheels on the bus go round and round.” Soon as she heard the tune she slowly stopped and smiled up at him. “Yes you got papa wrapped around your finger, and I thought I was bad when it came to Mama.” 
Day 3 
Ethan had just finished dressing Ari in her pjs yawning slightly. And rubbed at his eye as she just played with her feet.
“Alright past two nights you got away with being cute tonight though I have a plan.” He said boasting a bit as he picked her up and sat on the couch with her. He turned on the tv and selected a show he recorded. It was from some station with shows made for infants, Diana told him about it over the phone. 
“This one has my lil Ari’s song on it so this will help you rest then it’s off to bed.” Ethan said trying to sound stren in his claim.  
It was a decent attempt but he ended up playing that same episode a couple of times throughout the night. 
Day 5 
“Oh and then Sam run in from the bathroom to the kitchen”
Ethan had been doing his best not to doze off at the table during his lunch break but the need for sleep won in the end. The shock from the hit woke him up as he glanced up to his friends.
“I mean I was bored of Pendel’s story too but I just tuned him out.” Peter stated simply, only for the seagull to look a bit hurt. 
“Oh no no sorry Pen’s just tried. Ari’s been having a rough week thats all.”
“What's wrong with Ari?” Pendel asked right away.
“She has this toy, that plays wheels on the bus and it helps her sleep but the sound box got messed up. We have another on the way but it’ll be awhile, so i’ve been staying up doing what I can to help her sleep. Singing it to her, watching shows that have it. But it’s not enough for her Buster  could just keep getting to play it, she has to wake me up though.” Ethan sighed a bit 
“Just play it on your phone.” Peter said “You can set up a playlist and just have it loop.”
Ethan looked at the seahawk in awe. That idea was perfect. It worked out really well too. Too well because Ethan was humming the song the following day. 
Day 7 
“I swear it’s stuck in my head if I don’t think it’s all I hear bro!” Ethan said as he looked to Sam, who was in the middle of weight lifting. 
“So if you keep thinking though you won’t hear it right.”
“Hm good point.”
“So why’d you come to the gym in your normal clothes?”
“Oh I have a meeting at Waddle at 12.”
“Ethan it is 12”
“Mierda! Why are clocks with hands so hard to read!” 
Only issue with Peter’s idea Ari wanted to always hear the song and it was keeping Ethan awake the song getting more and more ingrained in his head.
Day 10
 Sleep. Sleep was all Ethan needed and it felt so good to close his eyes resting them for a moment to see nothing but darkness. 
The wheels on the bus
Oh no he thought opening his eyes a bit, he looked down into his lap. Ari was poking at his cell phone, wanting to play the song. 
“Not now Mija '' Ethan said softly as he yawned and looked around. Forgetting he stopped by Sam and Pendels place. The two of them were just starting. 
“You fell asleep i the middle of talking” Sam said
“Ethan you don’t look too good are you sure you’re getting enough sleep.” Pendel added in
“Yeah yeah I’m fine, forgot to charge my phone so I had to go with old methods for Ari.” Ethan said fondly as he smiled at his daughter.  
The couple didn’t want to argue with that. 
“So when do you get the new buster?” Pendel said as he smiled at Ari who reached out for the seagull to hold. 
“Four more days luckily.” Ethan answered handing Ari over. “Then I can sleep again. Papa Ethan got this.” He slurred a bit before passing out again.
“Don’t worry Penny I’ll go with him.” The eagle added when seeing Pendal’s frown.
 Day 14 
Luckily Sam was there he was able to keep Ethan standing up as they waited in line. Seemed to be a busy day at the store. Sam holding Ari in on arm and using his free one to budge Ethan awake when he would start to doze off. Ethan finally got to the front of the line and let them know he was there for an order placed a few weeks ago. The clerk was happy to go and get it for him. 
Someone in the store though dropped a jar nearby and the sound was enough to make Ari whine. 
“Oh Ari it’s okay” Sam said trying to calm her 
“Ari it’s okay it’s okay.” Ethan added then eyed the clerk as she returned. Quick to grab the toy from her with a small thank you and a sorry to follow up. As he turned and right away gave the new buster bus toy to Ari who stopped crying the moment she saw it. Ethan smiled and turned the toy on for her.
"Wheels on the bus go round and round round and round" he sung a bit as Ari reached for the toy and smiling brightly. "That's my girl." Ethan said turning back to the clerk "sorry about that she's really been wanting the toy." 
The clerk didn't mind and finished up the transaction. 
"Jeez some parents and their spoiled brats"
The dog next to them muttered out in annoyance. Sam got annoyed and was about to speak up in defense but was stopped by Ethan. Giving him a look he never really seen from the hooded crow before. Ethan eyed the dog  next and smiled slightly. 
“What did you call my precious little girl? A spoiled brat?” The dog didn’t answer, just rolled his eyes in response, making Ethan chuckle. “My baby can be as spoiled as she wants' ' Ethan emphasised as he poke at the dog's chest. “So pull your nose out of my businesses and, sam cover Ari’s ears.” Ethan waited a moment then continued “Vete a la chingada.” Ethan turned Sam around and headed out the doors. 
Same looked over to Ethan as they left “You okay bro?”
“No i’m tired as hell.” Ethan said and gently took Ari from Sam turning on the song for her and smiling as she cuddled the plush bus. 
“You normally don’t like getting mad.”
“Yeah...I don't. I try to keep that in check. Then I became a dad and I’ve learned something, I would do anything for my little Ari. I’ll stay up signing wheels on the bus for her. Even in spanish. And apparently I’m two second away from punching someone for insulting my daughter.” Ethan just smiled at Sam “Being a dad is weird bro.”
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