#bride was like I know this short term rental apartment that’s 110/night and has a kitchenette!
eggtrolls · 1 month
Problem 1: my dumbass friends decided to get married and have three different wedding events on three different days on LABOUR DAY WEEKEND. Alexa, kill these clowns.
Problem 2: almost every member of the wedding party is people who DO NOT live in their city but DO all know each other. except me (I also don’t live in their city but EYE don’t know any of these people).
“Solution” 1: the entire wedding party is either crashing together in an Airbnb or staying with the bride and groom.
Solution 2: rather than say ‘fuck you and perhaps die’ to the rest of the wedding party and get a hotel room on my own for three (3) nights [expensive, I don’t like hotels, someone would have to watch the cat] I went to Amtrak, booked three (3) round trip tickets from NY to [this nearby eastern seaboard city]. 185$ total.
Solution 3: take Tuesday off because I have the PTO at work and these fucks are eating up my entire long weekend with their wedding. Oh perhaps I will go to the Met
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