#brenn {{   aesthetics }} newcomers have a certain smell
astranxmica-archive · 6 years
brenn dru-zod
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EARTH NAME: Breanna Dracon  ALIAS: Brenn Dru-Zod, Bree Druvon, Brianna Dilland, Brenna Drucard AGE: 33 Years Old ( actually 50+ ) RACE: Kryptonian D.O.B: July 13 PLACE OF ORIGIN: Krypton PAST RESIDENCE: Britian, Russia CURRENT RESIDENCE: Metropolis LANGUAGES: Kryptonian, British English, English, Russian SEXUALITY: Bi-Sexual ALLERGIES: Kryptonite PARENTS: Dru-Zod (Father) & Faora-Ul (Mother) SIBLINGS: Lor-Zod (Elder Brother) CHILDREN: None ABILITIES: Super Strength & Hearing, Freeze breath, Flight, x-ray & heat vision, bullet proof
        Brenn Dru-Zod was born to Dru-Zod and Faora-Ul via artificial means, and although she was wanted, Brenn was more of a strategic move than a baby. Her upbringing had been sterile. Tests and equipment and not including much affection or kindness. Her parents gave her everything that she could possibly need, but none of the things she wanted. It was a hard way to be raised, but on Krypton she was viewed with bright eyes and followed by expectant whispers. Where her brother Lor-Zod had been a disappointment, she would be more.
      What she planned for herself was not included in her future life plan. She was a prodigy among the Warrior Guild. She fought more fearsomely than any other— because when she went home, if she failed, then her life would be made impossible. Her body brutally tortured and trained until she conquered whatever weakness. She had stopped crying when she was thirteen.
          When Zod attempted his coup and was sentenced to life in the Phantom Zone, Brenn was by his side. It was only then that her belief wavered and she longed for times when she had fantasized about the Thinker’s Guild and using her abilities to become an Engineer. While on Fort Rozz, she defeated her mother and won her own freedom. Defending her right to do with the ship as she wanted, she spent years tinkering. Long years after the fall of Krypton, and finally, thanks to her, the prison ship was dislodged and sent into the orbit of Earth.
              She knew of the planet from the last correspondences she had with Klair-el, but the planet was better than she had expected. When her father and mother intended to conquer and terraform the planet, Brenn finally fought against the people who had raised her for the people she decided to defend. Thanks to her, the earth had the technology to defeat Zod. Despite her bloody history, she hopes to redeem herself on this planet. She wears the Zod crest, and goes by the name Ultrawoman, using her training and engineering expertise in hopes to make the Earth defensible against any alien threat that might present itself in the future.
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brenn {{   visage }} take it slow
brenn {{   alt face }} wait for them to ask
brenn {{   youth }} don’t make any sudden moves
brenn {{   body claim }} you don’t know half of the abuse
brenn {{   closet }} all of my friends are heathens
brenn {{   musings }} but you look at me like maybe
brenn {{   headcanon }} we don’t deal with outsiders very well
brenn {{   aesthetics }} newcomers have a certain smell
brenn {{   skills }} trust issues not to mention
brenn {{   desires }} you’re loving the freak show
brenn {{   bait }} sitting next to you
brenn {{   starter }} but after all I’ve said
brenn {{   tunes }} heathens — twenty one pilots
character  }} brenn {{  please don’t forget
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