nataliav-14-blog · 6 years
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Sometimes what you’re most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free. #breaksociety #photoshoot #livelife #behappy #camo #photography #twophotographers #breakingtherules #stoppingtraffic #nevergiveup #tryharder
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ilikeponeh-blog · 9 years
I spoke to quite a few staff members at my school, all of whom were in a different position. I spoke to my principal, several teacher helpers, each grades' math and language arts teacher, along with the sports coaches, choir teacher, band/orchestra instructor, and the art teacher. I asked them all one question, with no background on what I was doing.
 "What is most important for a student to focus on?" Here are their answers.
 Principal: I feel they should focus on education, as that will come in the most in their adult lives.
All three teacher helpers: Working on their attitude and their ability to get through life.
Each math teacher: They should focus on their homework, as school comes first.
Language Arts: The essays they have due next week.
Sports Coaches: Their ability to run and play in their games.
Band/Orchestra Instructor: Taking care of their instruments and keeping up with the lessons.
Art: Their ability to express themselves.
Choir: Caring for their health, so they can sing best.
 Notice how all of them were something that benefited their specific jobs? I saw this, too. And I don't particularly feel fond of it. Yet schools want to call us the 'Innovationist age'. How can we be that, when you refuse to let us think for ourselves. We are constantly treated as though we were simply blank CDs that the adults can simply download information onto. As though we were dogs that need to be trained to do as the higher forces say. The entire adult system holds such high hopes for the teenage age. But how often are we given a chance to actually follow through on their hopes? Hardly ever. Our generation is smart, kind, wise, and an overall great age. But how are we supposed to prove it? We can't so long as the government is like this. We can't do anything while our world is like this. Not to mention when the younger ages try to come in and help change things, we are frowned upon and treated like bugs, only to be swatted away as though we were pests. This is America. The land of 'Freedom'. Where you can achieve the so-called 'American Dream'. But the American Dream is unachievable unless you're a literal genius, or you're 30+ years old. If you aren't any of these, you can't do anything other than maybe get a lousy job at Toys-R-Us.
 This is a big problem. We need to fix it. I, for one, am going against these high standards set by our parents and our teachers. I've constantly found students who are depressed and/or suicidal. Yet they still have to go through school, and if they have a break down, the teachers will call them weak, as though they had no reason to be depressed. This is a constant problem that I face every day, and I highly disapprove. And I know for sure that I want to change it. And I plan on following through, no matter how much time it takes. I know for sure that I'm not the only one who feels this way.
 I am standing up for the misfits, the outcasts, the pariahs, the scenes, goths, and every single anxiety-ridden, depressed, or suicidal student out there. I am standing up for anyone who feels like they can't do it themselves. Those out there who are abused, bullied, or just plain neglected; I am with you. Those of you out there who aren't heterosexual? I am proud of you, and I support you, even if most don't. Anyone out there who needs support, I am standing up for you. For the internet addicts, for the ones with insomnia who want to pass out in algebra class, for the ones with social anxiety that are shunned for crying in class right before an oral presentation. I am here for you.
 Standing up against this foul and oppressing society we live in, where not one single staff member will give a rat's ass about your mental health. Be the next revolutionary character, and stand up against our jailers; the adults. We are proud of being different. We are proud of being able to navigate around the internet. We are proud of our generation. It's about time the adults were proud, too; Right?
 So I want anyone out there who physically can, to join in with me, and stop these outrageous circumstances set by society. Help me overturn our social norms. Stop the hate. Stand united.
 Break Society's Rules.
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