corinadotdash · 2 years
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SS#445 #shadowselfie created thanks to #bouncedlight #reflectionrefraction #embracingchange #beingpresent #mindfulness . To see more of my art #follow my IG ➡️ @justcorina_studio #shadowselfieseries here. . . . . . #lightandshadow #breaklights #redlight #corinasalvarezdelugo #justcorina https://www.instagram.com/p/CgR1bs2Lgzl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vix-fr · 2 years
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Breaklight, Hex and Antsy are ready for spooky season! These three all share Halloween as their hatch date
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pheere · 2 years
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Lucille Clifton
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silks-up-my-sleeve · 8 months
I love when being last minute works in my favor lol
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It's a Saturday night. You're dressed like a cheap bimbo fuckdoll, as instructed. Knowing how adventurous we are, you assumed I might take you to a fancy club to parade you around. We've been driving for a while now, however, and as we depart the city, it begins to dawn on you - I've got something else in store for you tonight. Eventually, we pull off the tarred road onto some gravel. As it crunches beneath the tyres you see a dimly-lit structure ahead. You notice the dull red glow of a number of breaklights in the dark. I hand your "cumdump" collar to you.
"Put this on", I say. I then fasten a leash to it, and lead you inside. Your heart is pounding. You're thrilled and you're nervous. You're overwhelmed and you're wet. And you have questions, none of which I answer.
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And here we are. In this derelict public bathroom off the side of some underused road in the middle of nowhere.
"It's time to get on your knees, slut", I command. I then proceed to take a couple small video recorders out my pocket, placing them on surfaces around the bathroom, all pointing towards where you're kneeling. Your pussy is throbbing by now. You have a sense of what's coming, but the fact that I won't answer your questions also has you a bit unnerved. I switch the cameras on, walk behind you, and start unbuckling my belt.
"You're my filthy fucking whore, aren't you?"
"Yes daddy, I'm your filthy fucking whore."
"Well then, it's time you got treated as such. And it's time the world saw you for the fuckmeat you truly are."
As you whimper, I lift your skirt up, pull your skimpy thong to the side and slide my hard dick into your slippery cunt.
You notice footsteps and murmuring outside, and you make your nervousness known to me. But I put my hand around your throat and hold you down as I start to pound away, faster and faster. A man walks into the room, and immediately motions for the other five to follow. As I pound away at your slippery pussy, I hold your head to make you look them in the eyes.
"Tell them what you are, slut!"
As you bite your lip and whimper, you manage to explain that you're a slutty little cum bucket. They grin excitedly. You're a pretty girl and you look like a street hooker. This is going to be fun. As they unbuckle their belts and start to approach us, I unload deep inside of you. You feel the familiar feeling of my cum flooding out your cunt.
"Clean up your mess, you filthy fucking whore".
You turn around to lick up the cum. But just as you're about to, I tug the leash to look up at me.
"Ask them for permission" I say, motioning toward the group of strange men amassed from advertising your cumdump holes on the internet. They're here to use you as fuckmeat, and you know you have no choice but to give them all kinds of power over you.
The thought of it, on some level, disgusts you. How has it come to this? Are you really going to ask strange old men for permission to lick up the cum which has just dripped from your pussy on some dirty bathroom floor? And yet, you crave this. You're deeply depraved, and it's moments like this when you're forced to confront it.
"Can I eat the tasty cum please, sirs?" you ask. You can't even imagine if anyone you knew saw you like this. You'd be mortified. But right now, it feels so fucking right. You want it so badly and reason has long departed.
Turns out, they're a tough crowd. "Why should we let you? Tell us what you are and why you need it, you pathetic fucking slut" a particularly confident one barks. You know he has no right to speak to you that way but your pussy is aching as a result. You're fuckmeat to him. He doesn't respect you and he doesn't even see you as a real person. And as much as that should revolt you, you want him to show you your place.
You look onto the floor to see this small puddle of cum slowly starting to spread into the cracks between the tiles. You feel humiliated and pathetic. But you just fucking want it. Your pussy is taking over your mind, and you're aware of it happening but incapable of doing anything about it, even if you wanted to.
I answer the man before you even can. "Because she's a good whore and she'll take you all tonight. But she needs to prove to all of you that she can. Eat the fucking cum, slut."
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And you do. You feel the cold tiles on your tongue. The reality of your behavior dawns on you, but the more disgusted you are in yourself, the more turned on you become. As you eagerly lick the floor cleaner than its been in months, you feel another dick enter you. It's the confident one. He's thick and raw inside of you, and he's not looking to take it easy. He slaps your ass, pulls your hair, and verbally degrades you. Part of you wants me to come to your defence when he treats you like a cheap disposable slut, but the fact that I join him in the degradation sends you over the edge into mindless whore bliss. As you cum, you feel him emptying himself inside of you. He dismounts you with a few more condescending words and forcefully shoves his dick into your mouth to clean it.
You can feel his cum start to stream from your pussy too. It's overflowing. "You're making a mess again. You know what to do." After polishing his cock with your tongue you move back a few paces until you can lick the new cum puddle up. Shortly after beginning, you feel a new dick slide inside your cum-lubricated pussy.
And so the night unfolds...you're there on this dirty floor, looking like a cheap whore, licking the cum off the floor as it floods from your pussy. After each load is deposited into you, you move back a meter or so, to lick up the cum that dripped from your pussy as the next guy mounts you and fills you up.
Over the next two hours, each of the 7 men in the room have deposited their deed into your fertile young pussy at least twice. Your thighs are glistening with it and you're a sticky mess.
As the men start to depart and you finally stand up again, you notice me switching the video cameras off. You'd forgotten they were even there. "I'm proud of my whore", I say. "I can't wait to show everyone what a depraved fucking slut you truly are."
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deadgrantaires · 11 days
i have just experienced the worst torrential downpour of my life
worse than any flooding rainstorms in iowa. worse than any other monsoons ive seen in the 8 years ive been here. SO BAD THAT ONE OF MY WINDSHEILD WIPERS BROKE OFF ON THE DRIVE HOME
i didnt even know it was going to rain and we went to market and it juuuust was sprinkling when we started the car but how az monsoons are is start VERY VERY FAST and n like the 5 minutes (normal conditions, 10+ minutes drive in this weather) drive home, there was like. a foot of water and i was startign to worry my car would float since i wasnt positive there werent any dips on the way back. i couldnt see anything the rain wasnt letitng up i had to STICK MY HEAD OUT TO WINDOW to see anything bc i could JUUUST BARELY see the car ahead of me's breaklights. had roommate with the map pulled up directing me where to turn since it was my side that had the broken wiper. we found where to turn but i couldnt SEE it and even tho i was going so slow and had been at nearly a full stop, i hit the curb so hard roommates phone almost flew out the window. get into the parking lot and see my tire lights on IMMEIDALTY after. somehow manage to park and check outside my front time is COMPELTLEY popped and 100% flat. im certain this hit has to have fucked up my alignment. roommate ran ahead to grab an umbrella and nearly fell down the stairs so had to change shoes and then we went through and found the groceries that needed refrigerating and only brought those in while i tried to hold the unbrella over us, umbrella ALMOST turns inside out (it did halfway but i fixed it before it totally snapped) and the rain hadnt let up AT ALL
i'm gonna have to get a tow truck AGAIN!!!! after my frist time getting it LAST CHRISTMAS!!!!! but cant this weekend since the tire place is closed tomorrow and the roads are crazy dangerous todaya nd hoensttly? im done with this fuckgin week i couldnt HANDLE getting it done this weekend anyway. gonna have to take car into the shop next week too.... wha a fuckgin nightmare i literally cannot imagine a WORSE last 7 days for me. than what i have just experienced
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fatbludragon · 9 months
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Bread Break
Light found the perfect place to have a nice bread picknick!  A commission for Draizard627
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ckbookish · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love <3
I was tagged/asked by the marvelous @cdelphiki and darling @sassydefendorflower
Epiphanies in Avalon Heights- I think I'm most proud of this one.
Seeking Silence on Shortwaves- I spent way to long on making the riddle. This was inspired by my life working at an art supply store and suffering with our radio system.
Chum- I would say this is the fic I would share to a friend as a sample of my writing
Breaklights- This is fic was born out of three things: my living in England and being a travel nerd, my need to fill a bingo square, and my obsession with a single scene in HP 7. (it's not an HP fic though, it's still batman)
Thursday Misadventures- This fic is the start of my inability to write stories in a series in chronological order, the ban of my existence, and one of my favorite fic endings.
and now I shall tag! @northoftheroad. @selkienight60, @daringyounggrayson, @hood-ex, and @preciousthingsareprecious
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justadumbasskid · 8 months
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A final look at the little base I had made in which to store all the accumulated wealth of Artifact Plains. Rssearched and manufactured transport pods to take my four colonists to the Archonexus (Volz's bonded thrumbo, Knockout, could not come since he was too heavy) He'll be fine there. There's plenty of food to go around, and the base is marginally more warm than outside.
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Ah, there it is. The Archonexus core. Surrounded by a fuckload of anima trees and quite a lot of Mechanoids. Clearly, anyone that has been here, has died. The site is saturated in desiccated corpses up to and including 300 years old.
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The battle to secure the site was okay, though Fuller lost a leg. Naga is a profoundly useless weapon. I'll get rid of the mod that eltex weapons are from. Anyway, I sent my holy warrior Mei to invoke the power of the Machine God and watched as the credits rolled.
Great playthough. I love playing as techist colonies. Though if I'm being honest? Not a fan of the Archonexus ending. Even though I'm a bit of an Archotech fanatic otherwise. It just makes so much sense to me that they're considered gods, you know? Every other god works in mysterious ways, or only shows themselves through signs. Not the Archotechs. They're out there, doin shit, all the time. Their artifacts can be found and utilized by anyone. They routinely effect planetwide populations through weather manipulators and psychic drones. Imagine if you had Jesus Harold Christ powering your lightbulbs - that's what a vanometric powercell is. Perpetual motion machines? Nuclear reactors? Those are for babies, here we manipulate the quantum foam of the universe, creating electricity from literally nothing, for our breaklights.
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violettesiren · 11 months
light keeps on breaking. i keep knowing the language of other nations. i keep hearing tree talk water words and i keep knowing what they mean. and light just keeps on breaking. last night the fears of my mother came knocking and when i opened the door they tried to explain themselves and i understood everything they said.
breaklight by Lucille Clifton
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babyzhai19 · 2 months
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043024 | breaklight
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priokskfm · 3 months
#MixOfDay #Podcast #Radioshow #LiveDjset So What Radioshow 474/Big Pack [4th Resident] Follow Big Pack on Soundcloud, Facebook & Instagram and on the So What! Radioshow as a Resident DJ Follow also House Salad Music on Soundcloud, Facebook & Instagram @bigpack @housesaladmusic https://ift.tt/otvsw1I https://ift.tt/V51pTgj https://ift.tt/iL4r7dN https://ift.tt/qiZW2xF Biography: Enrique Jimenez aka Big Pack is the House Salad Music label boss out of Mexico City. He discovered his love for electronic music in the mid 90's when he attended house and techno parties with local DJs. From then on, his intimate love affair with house music began. The sound of Chicago with labels like Cajual and Relief and Prescription brought him the most inspiration. His whole trajectory changed and music became his life. The task of discovering music became an infinite loop of collecting records. After 11 years of touring dance floors as a spectator and amateur DJ, in 2005 he acquired his first turntables, technics 1200s. When he finally felt he had an extensive vinyl collection, he decided to venture into the world of DJing professionally. Now, with some years of experience, Big Pack has played in key clubs all over Mexico, opening for artists such as Kevin Saunderson, Kenny Larkin, Derrick Carter, Phil Weeks, Wally Callerio, Andrew Emil, JT Donaldson , Oliver Dollar, 1200 Warriors, to name a few. He is busy with several internet radio show residencies on Sugarshackradio.com, Radio Webphre and his own podcast & label, House Salad Music, featuring the best DJs in house music. He is in his 700th episode of HSM podcast and has yet to put one of his own mixes on this platform. Convinced of the timelessness of music, his mixes are a real tunnel of time, where he plays classics combined with the freshest of modern house. House Salad Music | Dustpan Recordings | Doin' Work Records More info: @bigpack https://ift.tt/otvsw1I Tracklist: 01 Felix Leifur - The Tarleton Appreciation Club [Bobby Donny] 02 Bobby Donny Soundsystem - Breaklights [Bobby Donny] 03 Lawrence - The Swamp [Smallville Records] 04 Jason Hersco - Jazz Thing [Lisztomania] 05 Pedro D'Alessandro - El Parque [Ondulé Recordings] 06 Pedro D'Alessandro - Fantomatique [Ondule Recordings] 07 Marlon George - Theo [Robsoul Recordings] 08 Keita Sano - Full Gain [Esuoh] 09 Slxm Sol - Galaxy [Soul Quest Records] 10 Lawrence - Gravity Hill [Smallville Records] 11 Farhad - Feel it (Soul Groove late night Dub) [Feedasoul Records] 12 Classonix - Rhythmica [Dobro] 13 Glenn Davis - Girl You Gotta (Mark Hand Remix)[Inner_Ear_Master] 14 IMGADSDEN - No Guarantee [House Salad Music] 15 Intr0beatz - Clare [Moment Cinetique] 16 Lucas Moinet - Speed Limit (Retromigration_remix) [APRH Records] 17 Dj Ibanez - Dusk Till Dawn [House Salad Music] 18 Tuccillo - The Waves [Kaoz Theory] 19 Josh Butler - Be True [Cajual Records] 20 Ezel & Rona Ray - Forest Gump [Bayacou Records 21 Josh Butler - Let Me Hold You [Cajual Records] 22 Jason Hodges, Joey Coco - Valentino feat. Emerson Alexander [Refuge Recordings] 23 DJ Steaw - Don't Stop [Kaoz Theory] 24 Flaze - Off The Block [Esuoh] 25 Nebulaee - Stellar Funk [Borderline Black] 26 Scan 7 - All for Me [Heist Recordings] 27 Ezel & Rona Ray - Take me Home [Bayacou Records] Radioshow, "House Music", "Electronic Music", "Dj Mix", "Big Pack", "So What", "So What! Radioshow", "Radio Webphré" www.priokskfm.online https://ift.tt/L1rm2Uw
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vlkphoto · 8 months
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Projected Reflection Effect
The low November Sun lit up the breaklight of a car parked in front of the window blinds so brilliantly that the reflection off it, projected onto the white paint of a door, makes for dramatic illumination. Stoneham, MA.
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rachaelacheson · 2 years
Poetry Wednesday: "breaklight" by Lucille Clifton
Poetry Wednesday: “breaklight” by Lucille Clifton
light keeps on breaking i keep knowing the language of other nations i keep hearing tree talk water words and i keep knowing what they mean. and light just keeps on breaking. last night the fears of my mother came knocking and when i opened the door they tried to explain themselves and i understood everything they said.
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victorangelier · 2 years
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Green night breaklight. Sleeping in the @locusgear #KhafraHB Amazin tent and super spacious spacing! Good night all! https://www.instagram.com/p/ChvBr2mqadq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Commission: 1/43 Ari Vatenan - Manx international rally - Opel manta 400: The last few corners now and I've got a trick up my sleeve for this piece, I'm adding in break lights, at least that's what I'm attempting 👌 I've placed some micro LEDs behind the break light covers and added a switch and battery in the base of the piece for power and activation! Let's see how this goes, so close now!! Also, I've added in the crew 👍 #opelmanta #uniqueartwork #opelmanta400 #rally #arivatanen #opel #ifindoubtflatout #deargod #Sideways #cattlegrid #manxinternational #vatanen #champion #breaklights #1983 #artist #handmade #rallying #worldrallychampionship #rallydiorama #scalemodel #history #scratchbuiltmodel #scratchbuilder #art #motorsport #WRC #artistoninstagram #dioramaart #craftsmanship https://www.instagram.com/p/CanFvb-tQjA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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