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i got commissioned twice to draw walter white dying in a specific yellow dress whilst dying in a glue trap
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CHAYOTEROS se siguen entregando premios entre sí ¿VERDAD #LordMontajes? #MAÑANERA #Sheinbaum
, x.com/ReziztenCIA2025/status/1863667752512229768
#GDL @INFORZK TECNOACOSOORGANIZADO https://fraudeenjalisco2024.blogspot.com/2024/11/afortunadamente-los-mexicanos-mandamos.html?sc=1733089792276#c1375262913304905856 https://tumblr.com/lamatrixxx2030/673206238219206656/lamatrixxx 🚨https://tmblr.co/ZRi0POghGTIQGq00
DESVIVIDO @RaulPadillaudg 🙏 https://pin.it/5yPNfFxL8 @pinterest
https://x.com/ReziztenCIA2025/status/1863677978158191102 Police State 4:The Rise of FEMA https://youtu.be/Klqv9t1zVww?si=sxorVJoaYa3ALcKX via🇮🇱🇬🇧🇪🇸@nytimes @potus🇺🇸@joebiden @justintradeu 🇨🇦
#GDL @INFORZK TECNOACOSOORGANIZADO https://fraudeenjalisco2024.blogspot.com/2024/11/afortunadamente-los-mexicanos-mandamos.html?sc=1733089792#c1375262913304905856 https://tumblr.com/lamatrixxx2030/673206238219206656/lamatrixxx 🚨https://tmblr.co/ZRi0POghGTIQGq00#NARKOSICARIO @EnriqueAlfaroR#NANOESPURIO @PabloLemusN#MARIZK0 @JUANJOSEFRANGIE#DESVIVIDO @ARISTOTELESSD🙏#DESVIVIDO @RaulPadillaudg 🙏 https://pin.it/5yPNfFxL8 @pinterest#https://x.com/ReziztenCIA2025/status/1863677978158191102#Police State 4:The Rise of FEMA https://youtu.be/Klqv9t1zVww?si=sxorVJoaYa3ALcKX via🇮🇱🇬🇧🇪🇸@nytimes @potus🇺🇸@joebiden @justintradeu 🇨🇦#https://youtube.com/@OLIMPIAZEUZ2033/videos#https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugkx2DOD5ZI44OvcOhOcvqn8f5t5R7Mrix7K#🚨@enriquealfaror @pablolemusn @juanjosefrangie#Breaking Bad#https://kllamrd.org/video/BREAKBAD-1X01/#@inforzk#gdl#https://zx1.cuevana3.vip/series/breaking-bad-2008/#Youtube
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cowboy themed dos hombres photoshoot or bust
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https://publish.twitter.com/?dnt=1&query=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fjavtven%2F&theme=dark&widget=Timeline @GABOANGELCAIDO ·https://x.com/GABOANGELCAIDO/status/1856045563617390885 Chudai meme Mood🌸 https://es.xhamsterporno.mx/videos/dont-look-never-fuck-of-my-parents-2470937 La familia compartida https://es.xhamster.com/videos/the-sharing-family-8786243
@Claudiashein https://www.youtube.com/live/hPeQJ2DZwyA?si=etCg1qeAsgfNB7d7 @muralcom @noticias_gab CAE EL NARK0 @ENRIQUEALFAROR,EL NANOESPURIO @PABLOLEMUSN EN …⚡️[OPERACION ENJAMBRE EN JALISCO]😮 https://tmblr.co/ZYwLvOgae9IauW00
GarciaLuna @felipecalderon @acostanaranjo @ClaudioXGG @lopezdoriga @CarlosLoret #Gdl
https://kllamrd.org/video/BREAKBAD-1X01/ https://kllamrd.org/video/BREAKBAD-1X02/ https://kllamrd.org/video/BREAKBAD-1X03/ https://kllamrd.org/video/BREAKBAD-1X04/ https://kllamrd.org/video/BREAKBAD-1X05/ https://kllamrd.org/video/BREAKBAD-1X06/🇮🇱@nytimes @potus🇺🇸@justintradeu 🇨🇦 youtube.com/@OLIMPIAZEUZ2033/videos🚨@enriquealfaror @pablolemusn @juanjosefrangie #BreakingBad @ReziztenCIA2025 , https://x.com/InfoWarzRZK2020/status/1863689351420379618
PUT000Z URK0Z KUL0Z NARK0Z FEMINAZIZ TUCAM HLDT PRIANARKOZ … @chemamtz_ @AccionNacional @panjal @4TMorenaJalisco @mario_delgado @JonadabMartinez @MovCiudadanoJal @PabloLemusN @ClementeCH @EnriqueAlfaroR NARK0 #NAASON #LLDM #GDL.Detrás del Velo.Sobreviviendo a la luz del mundo.#LUZIFER #ZATAN https://jhosuakrizto.wordpress.com/2023/02/20/pablolemusn-clementech-enriquealfaror-laplaza-de-naason-la-lldm-de-gdl-jalisco-detras-del-velo-sobreviviendo-a-la-luz-del-mundo-documental-hbo-unveiled-surviving-la-luz-del-mundo-onli/ https://pic.twitter.com/rbB4n5wjwL
PUT000Z URK0Z KUL0Z NARK0Z FEMINAZIZ TUCAM HLDT PRIANARKOZ … @chemamtz_ @AccionNacional @panjal @4TMorenaJalisco @mario_delgado @JonadabMartinez @MovCiudadanoJal @PabloLemusN @ClementeCH @EnriqueAlfaroR NARK0 #NAASON #LLDM #GDL.Detrás del Velo.Sobreviviendo a la luz del mundo.#LUZIFER #ZATAN https://jhosuakrizto.wordpress.com/2023/02/20/pablolemusn-clementech-enriquealfaror-laplaza-de-naason-la-lldm-de-gdl-jalisco-detras-del-velo-sobreviviendo-a-la-luz-del-mundo-documental-hbo-unveiled-surviving-la-luz-del-mundo-onli/ https://pic.twitter.com/rbB4n5wjwL
https://www.projectfreetv.cyou/tv-series/unveiled-surviving-la-luz-del-mundo-season-1-episode-1/ About Unveiled: Surviving La Luz del Mundo Season 1, Episode 1 : Darkness in the Light of the World In 2017, former members of LLDM form an online community on Reddit sharing stories of abuse at the hands of the church’s venerated «Apostles». Groomed as children, and psychologically imprisoned within a cult-like society through indoctrination, familial pressures and strict, religious dogma, they were taught to surrender their free will (mind, body and soul) in return for eternal salvation. The survivor community expands and increases awareness while the church grows in prominence and spreads globally. —————————————
https://www.projectfreetv.cyou/tv-series/unveiled-surviving-la-luz-del-mundo-season-1-episode-2/ About Unveiled: Surviving La Luz del Mundo Season 1, Episode 2 : Unconditional
Despite the church’s expanding power and influence, award-winning investigative journalists Rhonda Schwartz and Brian Ross report on the decades-long scandal as law enforcement also takes note. Risking their own safety, ex-LLDM members come forward to speak out as the church plans the construction of a fundamentalist community in Georgia, USA.
——————————————– https://www.projectfreetv.cyou/tv-series/unveiled-surviving-la-luz-del-mundo-season-1-episode-3/ https://www.projectfreetv.cyou/tv-series/unveiled-surviving-la-luz-del-mundo-season-1-episode-2/
About Unveiled: Surviving La Luz del Mundo Season 1, Episode 3 : A Fight for Justice In 2019, LLDM’s incumbent «Apostle», Naasón Joaquín García is apprehended along with two of his alleged handmaidens and charged with crimes relating to five Jane Does. In a heartbreaking turn of events for Joaquín García’s victims, prosecutors unexpectedly offer him a plea deal depriving the victims of their day in court. While Joaquín García is sentenced to just 16 years and eight months in jail, the survivors are determined to keep fighting for justice while grappling with their trauma.
https://es-us.noticias.yahoo.com/cara-oscura-iglesia-luz-mundo-220600588.html EFE Latam Videos La cara oscura de la iglesia La Luz del Mundo llega a HBO como documental
Los Ángeles (EE.UU.), 5 dic (EFE).- Ni siquiera los teólogos coinciden en calificar a la iglesia cristiana La Luz del Mundo como una secta pero, casi un siglo después de su fundación, de lo que no cabe duda es de las agresiones sexuales y los abusos a menores que perpetraron sus cabecillas durante las últimas décadas.
Una dinámica de prácticas salvajes que son retratadas en el documental «Unveiled: Surviving La Luz del Mundo», que se estrena este martes en la plataforma HBO, usando como hilo conductor los desgarradores testimonios de casi una decena de víctimas, sobre todo mujeres.
«Creo que hay gente maravillosa dentro de La Luz del Mundo, pero desafortunadamente sus líderes han estado abusando de ellas y de su poder durante años», puntualizó en declaraciones a Efe Jennifer Tiexiera, directora de esta docuserie de tres capítulos.
El actual líder de la institución, Naasón Joaquín García, se declaró culpable de abuso sexual ante un tribunal de Los Ángeles (Estados Unidos) hace justamente 6 meses y se encuentra cumpliendo una pena de cárcel que podría mantenerlo entre rejas hasta 17 años.
La Luz del Mundo fue fundada en 1926 por el mexicano Eusebio Joaquín González y su legado lo continuó su hijo, Samuel Joaquín, hasta su fallecimiento en 2014, dejando a Naasón Joaquín, nieto de Eusebio e hijo de Samuel, al frente de la organización desde entonces.
Algunas de las víctimas que aparecen en esta pieza audiovisual salieron de su anonimato para denunciar el régimen de terror instaurado en esta suerte de culto que considera a su líder como «Apóstol», divinidad y reencarnación de Dios en la Tierra.
El relato de sus experiencias supone una descripción atroz de depravados episodios en los que se incluyen violaciones, humillaciones, uso de drogas, coacción a menores para que participaran en orgías e incluso amenazas para que accedieran a practicar sadomasoquismo.
Todo en un hermético ambiente de secretismo en el que debían «sentirse bendecidos» por pasar tiempo con «El Emisario de Dios» y no contar nada de lo ocurrido a sus familiares o, de lo contrario, serían excomulgados, desterrados ante sus allegados y tampoco se descartaba alguna represalia en forma de violencia.
Bajo la promesa de la «eterna salvación», La Luz del Mundo ha logrado incorporar a 5 millones de fieles -sobre todo procedentes de familias humildes- repartidos alrededor de 58 países y 15.000 templos, según datos de la organización.
La veracidad de estas cifras ha sido cuestionada en más de una ocasión, mientras La Luz del Mundo continúa con la apertura de nuevas iglesias y convirtiendo su sede original de Guadalajara (México) en una referencia para sus seguidores en todo el planeta.
La Divina Provincia es el barrio de esta urbe mexicana donde se encuentra el templo principal de La Luz del Mundo, de 60 metros de altura, y en el que solo habitan miembros de esta iglesia, quienes en estricta obediencia con su líder aportan el diezmo de todo lo que generan los negocios allí radicados.
Una dinámica extendida al resto de sus congregaciones fuera y dentro de México que ha permitido que los «Apóstoles» disfruten de una vida de lujos, mansiones y excesos muy alejada de la realidad de sus fieles.
El patrimonio de La Luz del Mundo, y por ende el de Naasón Joaquín, es un botín que a día de hoy ningún experto se aventura a calcular.
«En el documental nos basamos en las víctimas de abusos sexuales, pero hay muchas otras formas en las que la iglesia se aprovecha de sus devotos, como el abuso espiritual o el económico», concretó Tiexiera.
La iglesia se ha afanado en las últimas décadas en exteriorizar un proceso de renovación por el que se suavizaron algunas de sus conductas más radicales -como prohibir el acceso a internet o las redes sociales a sus miembros- para conseguir normalizar su presencia en la administración mexicana a todos los niveles.
Entre los miembros de la iglesia actualmente hay senadores, diputados federales, locales y alcaldes de distintos municipios de México.
«No voy a decir que hayamos sufrido amenazas como tal, dejémoslo en que a La Luz del Mundo no le ha gustado para nada que hagamos este documental», concluyó la directora Jennifer Tiexiera.
«Unveiled: Surviving La Luz del Mundo», como «The Vow» o «Wild Wild Country», sigue la línea de docuseries sobre escándalos sexuales en el seno de organizaciones religiosas de carácter mesiánico y promete un gran impacto en HBO. Además, próximamente se estrenará otra producción sobre La Luz del Mundo en Netflix.
https://www.youtube.com/embed/mZggINWqzl0?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=es&autohide=2&wmode=transparentIn 2017, former members of LLDM form an online community on Reddit sharing stories of abuse at the hands of the church’s venerated “Apostles.” Groomed as children, and psychologically imprisoned within a cult-like society through indoctrination, familial pressures and strict, religious dogma, they were taught to surrender their free will (mind, body and soul) in return for eternal salvation. The survivor community expands and increases awareness while the church grows in prominence and spreads globally.
Episode 1 : Darkness in the Light of the World
Episode 2 : Unconditional
Episode 3 : A Fight for Justicehttps://syndication.twitter.com/srv/timeline-profile/screen-name/InfoRzk?dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-0&features=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&frame=false&hideBorder=false&hideFooter=false&hideHeader=false&hideScrollBar=false&lang=es&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwordpress.com%2Fread%2Fblogs%2F122097293%2Fposts%2F2&sessionId=6e123ae33987e5b834ac3baec36cce8e0f0b1436&showHeader=true&showReplies=false&transparent=false&widgetsVersion=aaf4084522e3a%3A1674595607486https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js
#https://x.com/JavTVen1/status/1856104795968303471#https://x.com/JavTVen/status/1815202441119310031?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Eembeddedtimeline%7Ctwterm%5Escreen-name%3AJavTVen%7Ctwcon%5#https://javteven2024.blogspot.com/2024/11/c-ranu-maud-kirk-maudkirk9347-november.html#https://javtven1.blogspot.com/2024/11/c-ranu-maud-kirk-maudkirk9347-november.html#NAASONLAPLAZALLDM#LLDM#Gdl#https://publish.twitter.com/?dnt=1&query=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fjavtven%2F&theme=dark&widget=Timeline#@GABOANGELCAIDO#·https://x.com/GABOANGELCAIDO/status/1856045563617390885#Chudai meme Mood🌸#https://es.xhamsterporno.mx/videos/dont-look-never-fuck-of-my-parents-2470937 La familia compartida#https://es.xhamster.com/videos/the-sharing-family-8786243#@Claudiashein#https://www.youtube.com/live/hPeQJ2DZwyA?si=etCg1qeAsgfNB7d7#@muralcom @noticias_gab#CAE EL NARK0 @ENRIQUEALFAROR#EL NANOESPURIO @PABLOLEMUSN EN ...⚡️[OPERACION ENJAMBRE EN JALISCO]😮#https://tmblr.co/ZYwLvOgae9IauW00#GarciaLuna @felipecalderon @acostanaranjo @ClaudioXGG @lopezdoriga @CarlosLoret#lldm#https://kllamrd.org/video/BREAKBAD-1X01/#https://kllamrd.org/video/BREAKBAD-1X02/#https://kllamrd.org/video/BREAKBAD-1X03/#https://kllamrd.org/video/BREAKBAD-1X04/#https://kllamrd.org/video/BREAKBAD-1X05/#https://kllamrd.org/video/BREAKBAD-1X06/🇮🇱@nytimes @potus🇺🇸@justintradeu 🇨🇦#youtube.com/@OLIMPIAZEUZ2033/videos🚨@enriquealfaror @pablolemusn @juanjosefrangie#BreakingBad#@ReziztenCIA2025
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i'm in the process of changing my main sona; sad to see Madmax go but he really does not fit my energy anymore :/
gonna be testing this design a few times, considered the name BB (BreakBad). but i think i'll name him WADS
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Wanna hear a secret? Lily never even watched Breaking Bad!
The only reason she declared war on it is because the people she hates (such as her sister) enjoy watching it. She has always been like this: Barely watching Steven Universe just to call for Rebecca Sugar's bloody head becuase Lizzy was a fan of SU; barely playing any of Baldur's Gate III only to turn it into her next punching bag because she leant Lizzy loved it; not even brothering to watch either DunMeshi or FMA but only to bash them just because she thinks only "smelly, basement dwelling pervs from 4chan love anime". As you can tell, Lily is a VERY evangelical believer in "Hitler Ate Sugar". "The very scum of the Earth enjoy something therefore it is my moral duty to hate it!"-Lily.
Never heard that last thing but yeah breakbad doesn't seem like something lily would like it
Lily seems forever stuck in the early 2000s Simpsons-like mentality but she doesn't seem to get that's a caricature of extremes
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what if instead of brokeback mountain it was called breakbad mountain and the gay cowboys cooked meth🥺🥺🥺
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His eyes (literally) lit up at the words, brightening the hallway slightly. ”Really? I, I’ve never been anyone’s work assistant, y’see, and I don’t think I’ve ever been paid before!” He grinned, “What, what sort of thing would I do? I can do almost anything, I’m very good at following orders, promise! As, as long as it’s not fighting, I- I’m not very good at hurting people, but I can do work!” ETTA didn’t seem to have noticed either, too encapsulated by their conversation that it hadn’t even noticed. It continued to walk, fully lead by the other person. “What would I have to do for you to hire me? Would- would I have to move offices? I- I just got my number, y’see, and I’d rather not move out, but if I have to that’s also okay! You’re very kind and I need to see more people, I think.” It stood straight, wanting to give the best impression he could. He was excited that it was being liked by someone, it made him warm and made happiness spark through its veins.
He was absolutely in love with everything he was hearing- though, admittedly, there was some... disappointment that settled in when he heard of his reluctance to do harm. It was that same perpetually nagging sense of morality that eventually drove ETTA's predecessor away from McConnell. He'd just have to keep a closer eye on this one.
"Oh, you wouldn't have to do much. Just help me keep tabs on everyone in the Office, move some things around, sort out some papers, other odd jobs here and there." He explained. "And, while I do understand your hesitancy to move, I can promise you we already have a fully furnished room prepared, right next to where you'll be working! I will be more than happy to follow you back to where you're staying and personally help you get comfortable here, if you'd like. Ideally, you'll be seeing plenty of new faces, once you're properly settled in and we get to work."
ETTA walked through the lonely halls of the office. He’d taken to exploring a lot recently, always in the mood to find something new or stretch its mechanical legs. Today, he’d found himself at a new set of offices, the rooms around 100-50, rather than his usual 0-50. He found it interesting, and couldn’t help itself from looking into them. After hearing about the apparent disappearance of his coworkers, he realized he’d been checking around for people significantly more. Like the pink polar bear theory, the less you try and think of something, the more it will come to you. It stuck in its mind.
(@bluescreenvendetta, addressed to anyone in the office)
Beyond the tan wallpaper coating the walls, walking perfectly parallel with it, was McConnell, who studied the stranger roaming the halls with steadily growing interest. He observed him from the black void that surrounded the exterior of the office, and waited until ETTA opened up another door to hurry ahead into the next room to make his appearance. As soon as he saw it extend its hand to open a door, he easily passed through the walls of the neighboring room and presented a well rehearsed smile to it.
"Oh, why, hello, there!" He beamed, stepping closer to it and extending a hand. "It's not every day you see a new face in the Office. It's such a pleasure to meet you!"
#mcconnell#etta#bluescreenvendetta#[walter breakbad voice] ETTAAAAA!! ETTA HE'S FULL OF SHIT GET OUT OF THERE ETTA!!! ETTAAAAAAA!!!!!
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The Creepy Cats Walter #walterwhite #breakingbad #vincegilligan #bryancranston #breakbad #albuquerque #meth #abq #mrwhite #saymyname #creepy #weird #strange #goofy #interesting #fanart #wild #movies #violent #thecreepycats #nft #dorks #art #love #different #wacky #dorky #boring #funny #me https://www.instagram.com/p/CipfZeorioF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Tucos uncle is so cool… hehe fuck cops hehehee
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literally breakbad mountain type beat
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Professor da quebrada!!!se vc conhece ele comenta ai Ascese nossa loja virtual 🏪: www.apollonerd.com SIGA NOSSA PÁGINA #apollonerd #lojaapollonerd #meme #memesbrasil #memesbrasileiros #memessambr #series #southamericamemes #animesbrasil #humor #filme #manga #netflix #breakbad (em Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_fe89aAfoC/?igshid=9lshs3aul3uz
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Breakbad mountain
Has anyone said that yet. Let me know
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Watching the final episodes of #breakbad with #mylove #lazymondayoff #walterwhite
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