snowe-zolynn-rogers · 6 months
Mmm, double-decker bagel sandwich.
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sheepiemc · 6 months
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i feel bad it's taking so long so here's smthg for WIP WEDNESDAY
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thatbitchkayla30 · 1 year
4 Teenagers: [Walking past my house, throw a glass bottle in the air. It doesn't break so they throw it again and just keep walking leaving the glass in the road]
Me: You know, my 5 year old knows not to throw glass and leave it in the road.
Teen 1: What?
Me, can get loud as fuck if they wanna play that game: MY 5 YEAR OLD KNOWS NOT TO THROW GLASS AND LEAVE IT IN THE ROAD.
Teen 2: Oh your 5 year old knows? That's nice, I don't care.
Me: Oh yeah, real nice. Why don't you tell me your mother's name?
Teen 2: I don't have a mother.
Me: Okay, give me your father's name.
Teen 2: [starts insulting me]
Me: Oh real nice, I wonder why you don't have a mother.
Teen 2: why don't you get your [censored] off that hammock and come fight me bitch.
Me: I'm not gonna fight a child.
Teens: [Continue down the road insulting me]
Me: [loudly calls the police knowing full well they can hear me]
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ksneniya · 2 years
really makes you think
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bestpigeon · 7 months
Any chance we can get a Lucifer x platonic sinner reader who sees the king of hell as a father figure? Perhaps reader was like Lucifer’s personal guard/assistant who arrived in hell over a century ago, and has been loyal to the Morningstar family, over the years seeing him less as his king but as a father? And during Lucifer’s mega depression time, always gave his best to cheer him up. Reader never admits it, as he feels he must know his place, and not overstep, but Lucifer starts to view reader as family too.
This is an amazing idea omg, thank you sm! Also, I did see your other request, this will be x platonic male!
Lucifer x platonic male sinner
Warnings - none?
Words - 1.2k
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I have been working for King Lucifer for a long time. Around a centry to be exact, so a long time. Im simply just a worker. I pass on messages and help Lucifer when he needs. Kind of like a personal assistant. When i first fell upon hell, i landed in a pickle. I landed and crushed, two out of multiple imps. They weren't pleased and started attacking me, Lucifer was quick to the rescue. I've been working with him every since.
Lucifer had just received a call from his daughter, Charlie, and is currently walking around his room rapidly. He's stressed, worried, excited, and clearly overwhealmed.
"Charlie wants to see me! but what if i mess up? oohh no, i can't. i have to impress her-" He says. He was basically talking to himself. i walk towards him in an attempt to comfort him.
"Sir? There's nothing to worry about, i can assure you, everything will be fine." I say as a hand moved to his shoulder. He sighs and stands sationary, finally. I smile at him, and he just rubs his forehead.
"Yeah - yeah, just dont want to embarrass myself, yknow?" He says, i think for a while before opening my mouth to speak, but i get quickly interrupted.
"ooh! what if you join me? Im sure Charlie would want to meet you, and you always help me calm down." He says as he moves to put both his hands on my shoudlers and pulls me down to his height. I didn't really mind the idea, but i didn't want to be a burden.
"i mean, sure? But i wouldn't want to get in the way-" I say before he shakes me rapidly.
"It'll be fine! Go get your stuff, " He says as he walks out the corridor and into his bedroom.
"My daughter wants to see meee!" He says as he dissapeares into his room. I smile and leave to go pack. I couldn't help but feel excited. i mean, I've always wanted to meet Charlie, and it's like a free vacation! Me and Lucifer have been close for a while now, so him picking me to come with him is understandable.
I pack my stuff and me and Lucifer leave together. He opens a portal and knocks on the front door to a hotel. I've heard Lucifer talk about this place a lot. He breags all the time that his own child runs it, and he's proud of her. I couldn't help but appreciate his passion and love for Charlie. I've never really had any type of parental figure, or at least we dont talk to me anymore. I dont even know where they are. they could be in heaven. Either way, i can't help but feel attached to Lucifer. Almost like he's replacing my father. He treats me with care, and i just can't help but feel like he's more than my boss, a father almost.
Of course, I'd never tell him that.
The door opens, and Lucifer walks in. He automatically hugs Charlie and looks around. I step in quietly and just observe. I make eye contact with Charlie, and i smile. I turn to her while Lucifer is on the ground talking to a cat.
"Hi, Lucifers told me lots about you Charlie, its nice to meet you." I say as i extened my hand out for a hand shake. She smiles widley and grabs my hand, and rapidly shakes it.
"Hi! It's nice to meet you!" She says with a big smile smothered on her face. It gets interrupted by Lucifer standing between us, putting a hand on each of our shoulders. He smiles widley at us. This trip is going to be fun.
-3 days later-
It's me and Lucfiers' third day staying in Charlies hotel. It's been quite pleasent so far. Appart from the Lucifer and Alastor tension. Me and Charlie have been hanging out a lot too, talking, walking, laughing. I enjoy being around Charlie, shes lovley, probably too nice to be hell, but i probably shouldn't judge a book by its cover. We are currently chatting in her office, mainly getting to know each other and sometimes throwing in a bit about how lucifers been.
"So, my dad saved you, and you've worked with him ever since? wow, you're really loyal." She says as she leans on her elbows on her desk. I smile at her and nod.
"Yeah, he treats me like a friend." I say, Charlie nods and sighs.
"Thank you for taking care of my father.. and are you sure you just see Lucifer as a friend?" She says as she tilts her head while keeping eye contact with me. I sigh and look down at the floor.
"Um, well.. i mean, he's like family to me? a father, maybe." I say. Charlies expression softens, and she smiles.
"That's okay! I mean, you being my brother sounds nice. Why dont you tell him? You're basically family to him anyway. He normally isolates himself." She says as she leans forward. We keep eye contact for a while before i smile and then nod.
"That.. dosent sound bad. I dont think he sees me as a son, though, so can we keep this a secret for now?" I say as i stand up. It was quite late and i needed some sleep. It's been a long day.
"Yeah, of course! Go get some sleep, todays been exahasting." She says as she waves at me. I smile and wave back before leaving and shutting the door. I get jumpscared but Lucifer, who appears around the corner.
"Hey! You and Char-Char seem to be getting along!" He says as he approaches me and puts a hand on my shoulder. I smile at him softly. He really is the best father figure i could ever ask for.
"Yeah, we have. Were good friends." I say. Lucifer smiles at me. He yawns, and i chuckle at him. I could see the eye bags under his eyes.
"That's great, and I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight, kiddo!" He says as he walks away.
"Night d- Lucifer." I say, quickly correcting myself as i go towards my room.
-Next morning-
I awake and walk out of my room. I walk into the lobby and grab water from the fridge. I see Lucifer and Charlie chatting on the sofa. I make eye contact with Lucifer, and in unison, we smile. "Morning," He says.
"morning dad" I say as i drink the rest of my drink. I didn't even notice what i said. Lucifers eye widened, and he said something to Charlie before approaching me.
"you- why did you call me dad? do you see me as a father?" He says as he taps my shoulder. I panic as i realise what i said. We just stare at each other in silence before i finally speak.
"uh- yeah..i didn't mean to, i didn't want to make you uncomfort-" I say before i get interrupted by being pulled into a tight hug. I gasp, and my eyes widen slightly. I look at Charlie, and she gives me a thumbs up.
"It's fine! You're like a kid to me, my kid! I dont mind, " He says as i hug him back. I smile and chuckle. What a father figure i have, huh?
Charlie approaches me and joins in with the hug.
"I've always wanted a sibling! And a brother, now i have both, how exciting!" She says with a smile. I chuckle, and so does Lucifer.
"And I've always wanted a son,"
Thank you for the recommendation! This was a good one.
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blizz4rd1203 · 2 months
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this is so deep
cause see the lasagne is a metaphor for their lives and the heat is a metaphor for the turmoil Walter brought
its really deep if you've actually seen the show
Hashtag breaging brad
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dhmis-autism · 2 years
set up all my little things for an art stream and am ready for it :]
might wind up actually doing it on sprink breag + also probably wont talk during it and hope thats ok
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444names · 1 year
category: car brands from wikipedia
Abborab Abbot Abhanoln Abors Achai Aciang Aciway Acuaz Aculski Acurustu Aesto Aitinda Aiton Aiwagang Aiwells Albors Albota Alesr Alfas Allana Alpill Alpis Ameicaria Aollattle Aoxia Aoxianz Apilot Apoluxge Aporthind Aporti Ariat Arque Arthiler Asche Aschn Asian Asiter Auriv Aurolla Aurri Auruciat Austwort Autogy Automon Automotu Autora Autord Autot Autrey Autrini Avana Avang Avangy Avantistu Avion Avtontat Bakompm Baoxial Barouxing Baward Bedra Benal Benere Bengch Benigna Biles Bilogy Bilogyon Bilon Bisaab Bolser Bonder Borghamon Borks Botcara Botectri Boton Brabbort Braker Bramobia Brarmas Breage Brich Briclesr Brierra Brierri Bries Briter Briummeri Broton Budai Bugaz Bugeeltd Bustra Bustwo Byttang Caries Caritsu Carks Carque Carth Carzys Cedrinc Chamer Chantan Chantlec Cheam China Chind Chings Chnollogy Chodowei Cholla Chund Cince Coley Colot Comobiles Comobill Coopeng Corrier Dachil Daestiv Daimiton Dalbora Dalfa Davan Daving Detra Dettaut Dfoxia Dfski Donign Drabbord Drasind Drato Draytoyah Drindai Drines Driumph Eagold Eapolu Elerot Elesr Ellanlotc Eneely Enginestu Entomodon Entomor Esialfa Estus Evaniq Evautort Evecto Fenrev Finda Fingfen Fingy Fordodon Forge Forkswar Forric Frard Frasis Fraspars Gangena Geenre Genew Genza Goirey Goram Groverené Groyout Grégol Grégon Grégortio Gtarmah Guato Gulicaran Halfa Hamer Heagat Heatogley Heatoyce Hesel Hesio Hestoyong Hicalfa Hicks Higua Hillars Hindua Hingzhing Hinio Hissiph Hodger Hodon Hodre Hodustowy Hofen Holottles Hongua Honolot Hozong Hozonnes Hozons Huadra Huder Humbor Humbord Humborth Humpm Humpmota Hundrays Hunktmer Hyund Incedrema Indrab Ineer Ineera Infela Inferyst Ingfen Ingferic Isiph Isonasc Jetri Jettang Jiano Jinewe Jinfis Kance Karitta Kawanloto Kawaybars Koewooper Komer Kreer Krentley Ktmeri Labbord Labborth Lachon Lacian Laglio Larmacure Lataniato Lectoto Lergyu Lesley Lestri Liondaima Litedri Login Lotong Lucity Lustana Luxhamons Lynkt Mahiphis Manceen Mantudo Maramoch Marquazza Marthumpm Masin Maybawei Mazdac Mcley Mergwarce Merover Mieri Milono Mites Mitomphi Mitremah Mobilexus Mobilis Mobison Modra Motord Mpagen Mpandusta Mpmot Muring Murrast Nanogy Nitister Nogonauto Opelec Openity Opula Oputo Pacin Padach Pagoirey Panti Parscar Pellottan Pengfeley Perestedr Peugeer Peugenal Pinfenz Pintonta Pishana Plamiter Polks Polsing Poluxgen Poran Porgy Portince Preng Pretta Prodo Proiren Prois Promor Pronesler Prong Prope Propella Propen Protcar Prototold Prottecto Prowy Proyotech Proën Psaabus Psong Putogy Putown Qiang Qines Qingua Quada Rabhai Rachind Raker Ramotypel Ratarring Reall Reapology Renanfa Rentle Revde Ricar Ricaruck Riesladi Riski Roiri Rolks Roluxham Romons Rontusti Royah Royahi Saabhani Samodów Sancoldia Schaimas Schtc Schtca Sellmace Shicars Shingchtc Sinan Sindaton Sinozon Sionet Siphin Skeri Skyword Smaris Sontudson Spacheené Spadallos Spani Spord Spowei Ssand Ssiestwo Stanza Subitecto Sunkt Tanaultd Techru Tectrey Tectri Teknozons Terican Terri Tindus Tising Tolottang Tomobill Tonish Tonner Tream Treat Tries Triesio Triver Troew Tromon Trowanz Uadrati Uangser Uazdarrat Urenwhe Urritrier Vanaser Vehin Vemas Vemka Venwher Verce Verla Vince Vintan Vishanti Voiri Voiris Voiti Volla Volon Volot Voyce Weijin Welanfas Wergwar Wolks Wooput Worarri Worporasi Worti Yottes Zandergeo Zeder Zedfsk Zedfsker Zhiley
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bonetrousled · 2 years
breag and bugttrr…. hoooo baby. wow. absoluyely stunning
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oaohara2 · 3 months
Ni breag Scathain riamh by nothoneybee
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misshooman · 7 months
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123styafiyalyrics · 1 year
Uncovering the Hidden Messages in R&B Songs with street mindset in the Lyrics
R&b songs with angel in the lyrics, outdoor Acapella vibeing little bet of Hip hop reggae Guitar styles. Chorus 1
I am smood Gefted,  strictly about Money and business  let talk  door Without  inches  mager paper Without Burning breage.
I am smood Gefted,  strictly about Money and business  let talk  door Without  inches  mager paper Without Burning breage.
Verse 1
If you and you copy  my level You and none of you on my level. When i  tacle struggle  I used My pen and paper  shoot Demon In the Devils.
You stupid fool I am going  to take lead When you all dease freeze my smood Knowledge I used shoot the breeze When it hit the audience I am  all what they need.
Chorus 2
I am smood Gefted,strictly about Money and business let talk door Without inches major paper Without Burning breage.
I am smood Gefted, strictly about Money and business let talk door Without inches major paper Without Burning breage.
Verse 2
Let talk about paper where we never go Broke, every generation family Eating from our grout. Separate ourselves From the slaves master way. Set up shop Autopilot pay.
baby I am gifted and smood, Bluetooth my hustle move, worldwide customer Can't refuse. enemies imitates become Breaking news. Conversation without money dead-end Lose.
Chours 3
I am smood Gefted, strictly about Money and business let talk door Without inches major paper Without Burning breage.
I am smood Gefted, strictly about Money and business let talk door Without inches major paper Without Burning breage.
Verse 3
I give my enemies middle finger. Stealing my mind the only conversation I understand Dollars $$$$, Girls only love my high Common. When I say comfort woman get soft in my Parm.
I am the original Blackman Energy. smood tree hundred sextifive, time dresses. What I stand and fight for they running from. They are killing my people knowledge and Millions.
Chorus 3
I am smood Gefted, strictly about Money and business, let talk door Without inches major paper Without Burning breage.
I am smood Gefted, strictly about Money and business, let talk door Without inches major paper Without Burning breage.
Songs writer Styafiya or Michael Campbell Credit BMI.
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TUESDAY, MAY 30, 2023 - LIZARD PENINSULA, CORNWALL, ENGLAND. My day started with a walk down to Lizard Point, the southernmost tip of England. The Point is dominated by Lizard Lighthouse, which has been in continuous operation, except for brief periods of upgrade, since 1751. The view from the Point is dramatic, with its endless view of the English Channel, and the close-up view of the rugged coast.
In the afternoon, we drove to the small village of Breage, where Becky's maternal great-great-great-great-great grandfather, John Davey, was born in 1733. We thought the only way we might find a vestige of the family name would be to visit the churchyard cemetery. We didn't find any relatives, but it was fascinating anyway. Old cemeteries always are.
This evening we had dinner at the Housel Bay Hotel, which has a lovely back garden overlooking the coast, and a charming flower-lined path with a gate that opens on a trail along the cliff-tops. It was a tranquil way to end the day.
And that last photo? Well, when in Rome…
It's been a good day.
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petnews2day · 1 year
Woman beat innocent mum with dog lead as she waited to pick her child up at school
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/brEAg
Woman beat innocent mum with dog lead as she waited to pick her child up at school
A woman attacked a fellow mum with a dog lead wrapped around her hand while she was picking up her child from school, a court heard. Jordan Lawless appeared at Liverpool Crown Court on Tuesday after previously pleading guilty to one count of wounding. Fiona McNeill, prosecuting, stated that on November 16, 2021, the victim […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/brEAg #DogNews
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shadedumbra · 1 year
Breag (WIP)
This is Breag, an antagonist in a story I'm working on. He was once a God of magic, chivalry and the elvenkin until the tragic death of his beloved daughter drove him mad. While he continues to uphold chivalry, Breag has become an arch devil, his goal is to deceive mortals into selling him their souls; often he makes a game of it. He usually takes the form of a handsome elven man but that shape falls away to this beast if ever a deal is broken or the mortal player in his game attempts to cheat.
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mango-ti · 4 years
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what if… it was cold outside… and we held hands to keep warm .. aha ha, just kidding.. unless..?
I guess at this point it’s a little tradition for me to draw Bridgette for my birthday, but I didn’t have anything ready(lots o school work) so i made this really quick.I think it’s cute💕
Also thank you for 200 followers, idk what y’all are doing here but I’m flattered nonetheless🥰
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