#brazil said: fuck u in specific <3
panzershrike-pretz · 6 months
Everyone in class
Not a single light in sight in the whole college
Are we supposed to learn by candle light? Romantic💞💞💞💞
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xx-lemon-drop-xx · 1 year
Hi! Are u okay? I would like to request some hcs for Cater, Idia, Leona, Epel and Vil (separated) with a tomboy girlfriend who is friendly and kind to everyone – big sister vibes –, is especially sweet and affectionate to her boyfriend but can change from water to wine if you push her so far; Similar to the bully hcs, someone says something to her that really pisses her off and she throws her hands at the bully and what would be the boys reactions to this change in behavior.
I'm sorry if that's too specific! Sorry for any grammar mistakes, shout-out from Brazil <3
— 𝑴𝑒𝑙☾︎
Hello! I've been doing just fine, I hope you're doing okay as well! And thank you for the request I hope you'll be back for more!
Warnings: Female reader, mentions of blood, pinching, slapping, slight insults/Threats (Leona and Idia's), mentions of yelling.
Request: Yes.
Words: 1,381
Cater Diamond
One of the many things Cater enjoyed was posting pictures of you on magicam. Eating, laughing, swimming, playing Video-games- it didn't matter. His Gallery was full of you and so was his profile on Magicam.
He didn’t know you could be so rough in a fight. You were always sweet and kind, even to the youngsters at the school. A lot of people looked up to you at NRC because of that. THough it was like skinning an onion when he found out the punches you could pull.
“Girls shouldn't eat as much as you do.” Someone had said, walking up to the table one day. “No one wants a fatty. You should get her under control.”
He was ten seconds away from jumping in and telling this guy off, until a loud Thwap!! Rang out across the lunchroom as you slapped the guy as hard as you could. You turned from milk to fireball in an instant.
And he was impressed.
The fight started in a matter of seconds after that, hair being grabbed, punches thrown, screaming, yelling. A crowd gathered as he attempted to pull you off the student that had a firm grip of your hair.
Blood dripped from your knuckles, and his nose was bent out of place when the fight was over. You had broken the kid's nose.
Cater gushed over you later while bandaging your raw knuckles. “That totally would’ve gone viral on Magicam! Where did you learn moves like that?”
Of course, you did get into trouble, as did the kid that picked on you, but everyone learned a valuable lesson that day.
Milk can sour very quickly.
Idia Shroud
What he doesn't have in guts you have in fists.
That was something he learned quickly in the relationship. You may be sweet and kind but you also had a side burning deeper than hell's fire in your heart. You were very quick to tell off people that picked at your boyfriend.
Likewise he also enjoyed how much you cared for Ortho as if he was already a little sibling. It was like being a natural born leader and guide was in your blood.
He didn’t know the extent of how far you would go in standing up for him until someone made a rude comment about him.
“Don’t talk to my boyfriend like that.” Quickly went to, “I’ll pop your fucking ballsack.” Very quickly.
He didn’t try to separate you from the fight as your fist collided with the guy's jaw, he only held Ortho back slightly in a state of shock as he watched the brawl. Idia gave a witty comment towards the student when they fled the scene with an already bruising jaw.
You had almost ran after the guy, but held yourself back and instead asked the two siblings if they were okay.
Ortho said he was going to scan your body for injuries, Idia was lowkey blushing. Congratulations you fried his brain.
His pride grew higher that day. He also asked you for pointers and was more so clingy with you for the next few weeks following the event of the fight.
He may have also hacked the school system and corrupted the video of you kicking the dude's ass so you wouldn’t get in trouble. Idia makes sure to go out of his way to give a sly look every time you stand up for him towards the person insulting him. He likes causing drama.
Leona Kingscholar
Yeah that's pretty much it. Leona is more than aware that sweet isn't all there is to your personality before he even was in a relationship with you. He just got that vibe and knew he was correct.
When you threw the punch the other guy had it coming. He wasn't being lazy, though he did lay back with his arms crossed watching you beat the shit out of this guy for his bullshit comment.
Cue happy Lion man. Leona was rather amused at the fight but if it got out of hand- if you were getting hurt- he would break up the fight. And maybe throw a few punches of his own for good measure.
You both end up getting in trouble together, and he's the one that just drags you away without a care in the world to the teachers yelling at him to get back here.
On the bright side, it's nice having someone else to care dump Cheka off with, especially since you seem very good with children.
He does enjoy watching your motherly nature. He'd like to have cubs with you one day. He just won't admit it over his life. Ever.
So yeah, he's not really worried about you. In fact, he likes seeing you get feisty. Just not towards him. That's just annoying.
He has threatened to shove a fork up your pussy. When you two fight the dorm literally grabs popcorn. Who knows who'll win, after all. It's the best show to watch.
Epel Felmier
He's a bit too innocent to realize you have this side of you at first. While he knows he does have a fighting spirit, he'd never seen you remotely angry before, so he just assumed you were a peaceful gal.
Oh how wrong he was.
Expel is small and appears frail, and a lot of people exploit that weakness, not on your watch. One wrong comment happened and you'd shocked the guy in the face, who had immediately gone at you and all hell broke loose.
Rook couldn't help but be amused at the situation he was watching, but at the same time knew poor Epel would have the time of his life if Vil found out.
Epel's lips curled into a large smirk that showed off his pearly whites as he watched you tussle with someone until they had run off like a scared bitch.
"You're gon' havta teach me that!" He said, happily as ever. He was quick to wrap you up in an embrace, squeezing you against him.
You immediately hugged back, happy to be back in his arms. And you'd agreed. Rook's job of keeping Epel out of trouble just got a lot harder.
Epel was excited in a way to learn about this new side of yourself you'd shown off to him, it made him love you even more.
God did he love his girlfriend.
Vil Schoenheit
You were picture perfect and he loved it. You were sweet, reliable, soft, good with children. Honestly he absolutely loved you. He just didn't know about how quickly your temper could be set off until it did.
Someone had called your man ugly.
That's right. Ugly. And you weren't standing for it. Vil stood in shock whilst Rook covered his mouth with a coy laugh as your fist connected with the guys jaw. Vil swore he'd heard a crack. While he would argue greatly that he was prettiest of them all, he also knew people had opinions that sometimes couldn't be changed.
Watching you punch this guy with a fire more fierce than diablo's anus after a bad day was certainly something. Albeit it wasn't what he was expecting at all.
He was almost impressed.
Had he not been ashamed of your behavior first and foremost. Vil was quick to break up the fight and have Rook escort the kid to the nurse while he had a stern talking to you.
He spoke to you that day like you were a child getting scolded, and when you refused to relent that what you did was wrong, Vil ended up giving up, admiring your stubbornness of the subject. It was rather adorable hearing you say you'd smack the shot out of anyone that calls him names in front of his face.
He absolutely had fussed over your bloodied knuckles too. Vil was very quick to use everything he had to heal them to perfection so they wouldn't scar. Not a bruise should be left on your skin.
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singofsolace · 4 years
Ik there’s a code of silence about saying anything negative about any wlw ship in this fandom or u get attacked but I don’t rly get Zarie. just not on a basic level like wanting the same things in life n having the same sense of humour. But also it doesn’t seem ‘brilliant’ that as u said, M is v presumptive & ignores/assumes Z’s boundaries. shippers either ignore that she treats her that way or say Z’s boundaries r the problem & should change rather than M’s lack of respect. Z deserves better :(
First, I hope you understand that this is exactly the kind of anonymous message I was hoping to avoid by giving such a thorough and balanced review of the Zarie relationship. If you had come to me with your name attached to your words, we could have a civil conversation about this, but I’m not feeling very civil this morning, and you’re hiding behind a little gray box. 
Let’s break this message down, shall we? This is going to be long, so it’s going under the cut.
1) “I don’t rly get Zarie. Just not on a basic level like wanting the same things in life n having the same sense of humor.”
at what point does Mambo Marie express that she doesn’t want the same things in life as Zelda? At what point is it made clear in canon that they don’t have the same sense of humor? On this specific argument, you’re pulling things out of thin air. Zelda wants her coven to be safe in Part Three. She wants to defeat the Pagans because they are a threat to her people. Marie wants that exact same thing. Where are you getting off that they somehow aren’t compatible based on a conversation they never had about “wanting the same things in life?” Where do you get off saying they don’t have the same sense of humor, when there was hardly opportunity for joke-making when a near apocalypse was upon them? Zelda has a dirty sense of humor, and from what we saw, Marie loves to use innuendo. I’d say there’s evidence that they do have the same sense of humor, but hey, I think you’re just pulling at straws to make me angry, and don’t actually have any evidence that they don’t laugh about the same things.
2)  “ But also it doesn’t seem ‘brilliant’ that as u said, M is v presumptive & ignores/assumes Z’s boundaries.”
Since you clearly did read my previous post already, you know that I’ve addressed this point thoroughly. Yes, Marie is presumptuous but so is Zelda. Y’all, did we even watch the same show if you don’t think Zelda crosses boundaries, too, sometimes? Zelda obsesses over her niece losing her virginity at Lupercalia, despite knowing it’s making her uncomfortable to talk about it. And, if you’re coming for me because you prefer Lilith, SHE IS NO BETTER ON THIS COUNT. 
Lilith fucking murdered a woman and then continued to wear her face even after she brought her back to life. Lilith seduced multiple teenage boys in order to sacrifice them. Lilith entered the Spellman’s dreams without their consent, and stole things from their home with nefarious intent. Lilith fucking lied to Zelda from day one, and tried to get her niece killed multiple times. If you’re being deliberately obtuse about the fact that Lilith is no better when it comes to boundaries, and still ship Madam Spellman while hating Zarie, I would have to ask you why you feel the need to come into my inbox to shit on a ship I like when I’ve already addressed the points you’re making.
Bottom line on this one: is it right for anyone to assume another person’s boundaries? No. But literally every other fucking character on the show doesn’t understand this concept, so why should you single out Mambo Marie for this behavior when Faustus literally put Zelda under a mind control spell, Mary Wardwell fucking SHOT Zelda in cold blood, and Lilith has been crossing boundaries since the beginning in order to get Sabrina where she needs to go? Unless you’re asking for a new love interest to be introduced, or no love interest at all (which, I’d be a fan of the “no love interest at all” because Zelda is traumatized) you can’t in good conscience argue that any other age-appropriate character on the show is right for Zelda if this is your deal breaker.
People aren’t perfect. Zelda certainly isn’t. So why should Marie be? Might it be racism, perhaps?
3) “ shippers either ignore that she treats her that way or say Z’s boundaries r the problem & should change rather than M’s lack of respect. Z deserves better :(”
This one is where you went from a discussion to an accusation, and this is why I’m all fired up. I have never, not once, heard it said that Zelda’s boundaries should change. But, while we’re on this subject, which boundaries are you talking about? The fact that Marie performed a dance of protection without Zelda’s permission? The fact that she turned a handshake into a “reading”? It’s unclear what specific instance you’re talking about, and this is important, because Zelda doesn't have a spotless past when it comes to boundaries. She has put a woman under a mind control spell, and you don’t see anyone crying Justice for Shirley Jackson when it comes to “boundaries” being crossed. We have to acknowledge that morality is subjective in CAOS. Morality in the Church of Night isn’t the same as morality in Christian-based codes of law.
There’s also a cultural element you’re ignoring, here, if you’re talking about how tactile Mambo Marie is compared to Zelda. You might see Zelda’s cultural boundaries as the default, but just because we’re still clinging to Puritanical culture in New England, doesn’t mean other cultures are wrong for being more tactile. We’re touch-starved in the Northeast, because we still hold onto these age-old traditions of touching = sex = the devil.
Have you ever seen Reaching for the Moon? Miranda Otto talks a lot about how she felt very “white” in Brazil, because the people there were so warm and loving and would just take you in their arms and hug you. She does a brilliant job in this interview discussing why it was so difficult for Bishop to trust that warmth and give/receive it herself. Bishop’s boundaries were constantly being crossed and challenged in a culture that doesn’t value introversion/aloofness as much as New England does.
This isn’t me saying Zelda should loosen up; that is absolutely not what I’m arguing here. I’m arguing that Mambo Marie is a bit like Lota, who is warm and tactile and will kiss you on both cheeks even if she’s never met you before, because that’s how it’s done. This isn’t an intentional breaking of a boundary; this is evidence that Marie and Lota come from backgrounds where it is much more accepted to embrace the people you just met, to touch them, to hold them close.
Is Marie still crossing a boundary? Yes. But to ignore that there is a cultural difference between them is to white-wash the encounter. My goal is not to say Marie is justified, or that Zelda just needs to accept Marie’s presumptuousness because she comes from a different culture, but rather that this needs to be a discussion between them. Zelda could’ve said, “We don’t turn a handshake into a psychic reading in my culture. Please don’t do it again,” but she doesn’t set that boundary. She allows the reading to happen, and doesn’t address that it wasn’t something she wanted. 
Can we also note that throughout this whole discussion, we’re assuming Zelda’s boundaries, because never once does Zelda actually state that Marie is crossing them, except when she performs the dance of protection? Besides that spell, Zelda never once verbally expresses that Marie is crossing a line with her. 
I’m so tired. We don’t have to ship the same thing, but I would never send anonymous messages to someone just because we don’t have the same ship. As I’ve addressed, half of your message was just repeating the points I made but twisting them to mean we therefore aren’t allowed to ship Zarie, and that Zelda deserves better. 
Zelda deserves better than these fucking fandom wars. If you don’t ship Zarie, that’s ok, but don’t come for us just because we’re excited that there’s a canon interracial sapphic ship on CAOS.
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sugainmycoffee · 7 years
Yoonmin Fandom Metrics
 Last month a survey was conducted to analyze the metrics of the Yoonmin fandom. Here are some of the responses:
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Of these 903 responses, 826 of them (92%) of the respondents had selected that yoonmin are their only ship, their main ship or one of their main ships. This group is the one that will be focused on for the rest of this analysis. (Also was that one person lost? Did you get home okay?)
Of this focus group who mainly ship yoonmin, the bias distribution was:
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Unsurprisingly, Min Yoongi and Park Jimin, the two individuals responsible for the YOON and the MIN in yoonmin, came out as the top two biases’. 
However, Min Yoongi, with a staggering count of 453 votes (55%) heavily outweighed all the other members, hereby proving that he was in fact not fucking around when he claimed “Sorry mom, your son’s too popular,” in his Mic Drop verse. 
As a follow up to these results, respondents provided their second bias (if any) to help the other members stand a chance against Rap God Min Yoongi. 
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(He still took a whopping 23% of the votes). 
The most interesting part about these graphs is that it alludes to the fact that most yoonmin stans bias Yoongi (not Jimin, although he is obviously second in rank). This is probably due to the fact that of the “popular” bangtan ships, Jimin’s name comes up multiple times. Thus Jimin stans are more evenly split in who they ship Jimin with, but there are not that many “popular” Yoongi ships.
A little more detail on the focus group and how they came to stan bts and ship yoonmin is summarized in the following graphs.
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BTS’ popularity has grown exponentially, with the greatest increase seen from 2014-2015 due to the release of their HYYH series. A parallel trend was observed in this analysis with the growth of the Yoonmin Fandom.
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The next part of the survey focused on “Secondary Fan Creations” as Mr. Bang likes to call them. This includes but is not limited to: fan art, fan fiction, photo edits, video edits, blog posts, memes and so forth.
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The results show that 99% of us are on Tumblr for the right reasons.
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In terms of creating fan content, 31% of the respondents bless us on the daily with their contributions to the fandom. (Amen.) The rest of the majority enjoys and wishes to contribute to doing the lord’s work. 2% of the respondents who consider yoonmin their main or only ship do not create or want to create fan content because they think it is wrong (and that’s okay - to each their own). 
The next question was the most revealing and one of the most important to this analysis. Of the 861 responses, 640 voted that the reason they ship yoonmin is due to their relationship / interactions themselves. Only 2-4% of the respondents said they shipped yoonmin because of how they look together/aesthetics, fan content, external influences, or the availability of yoonmin materials in the fandom itself. This outright disproves the common (and tired) anti-yoonmin stan (and “rare pair” stan) claims that yoonmin is usually shipped for these reasons.  
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Of the 30 respondents that chose “other” their reasons often eluded to specifics moments / interactions by yoonmin. Some of the more notable mentions are:
“They look like they understand each other’s struggles.“
“Their real and supportive friendship, they know each other's limits and share their vulnerabilities, so soft for each other, involve each other in the most intimate parts of their life.”
“Everything?? Idk they just vibe with me best, they're lovely and sift but also savage and have a really fun dynamic that i enjoy best.. they calm me when I’m upset as well which is like surprising bc I don’t calm down easily. +their soft moments like the earlier answer.” 
“Because Yoongi is so whipped for Jimin and they look at each other like they have galaxies in their eyes“ 
“They look like they are real / they act like they are married / they honestly seem like they’re in love.” 
“the way they are with each other in general. platonic or not, they love each other, care for each other a lot and it's nice to see. “
“From what I saw, it felt very real. Like yeah, I could get that super unbreakable bond with all of the BTS ships but for some reason, Yoonmin just stuck out for me and it felt really genuine and not just for fanservice.“ 
“Just...everything” (Many of you said this or voted for multiple categories from the above so everything x 10)
“You Know” (thank you Anonymous, I do know :’). 
There were so many other great ones yoonmin is such a soft ship with even softER STANS istg but I won’t post them all here but you can see them in this supporting post.
It is commonly believed that ALL yoonmin stans only ship them because of the “typical” subby bottom jimin/ dom top yoongi stereotype. The data below proves this is untrue - as 34% of respondents don’t care at all or like all dynamics equally, and 18% prefer a more balanced switch relationship dynamic. Combined, the votes for these categories make up over 50% of the responses, signifying that, no, not all yoonmin stans, in fact not even the majority of yoonmin stans, ship them for this reason. 
It should be noted though that, of the 48% of fans who expressed a preference for a specific relationship dynamic, 5% preferred top jimin and 43% preferred top yoongi (so yeah, top yoongi is more popular, but only to the minority group of the stans who actually have a specific dynamic preference).
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Similar results were observed for which dynamics yoonmin stans feel are most realistic.
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Special thanks to my partner in research @syubd​ ♡ who organized and compiled the below lists of fandom faves.
Note, I have removed the “N/A” and “All” from the rank to more accurately reflect individual favourites. Furthermore, I have removed myself from the rank to eliminate an obvious bias as it is my survey most of the people who took it would be my followers (but thank you to all the people who chose me as their fave!)
N/A - 260 votes
All YM Blogs - 107 votes
@yoonminist​ - 182 votes
@yoonmin​ - 97 votes
@foolsyoongi​ - 64 votes
@yoonminficrec​ - 48 votes
@parkjizzmin​ - 41 votes
@softeyoongi​ - 37 votes
@jimiyoong​ - 27 votes
@yoonminedit​ / @yoonminfiction​ - 25 votes (tied)
@mintysugasweet​ - 22 votes
@yoonminnet​ - 19 votes
Other - 217 votes - LIST OF OTHER MENTIONS
Comments: Congrats to all of the above! The real winner is “N/A” and “All YM Blogs” so tbh if you run a ym blog, don’t be discouraged, you all out here being amazing and we appreciate it!
N/A - 474 votes
All YM Artists - 107 votes
@knart95​ - 144 votes
@artofennun​ - 52 votes
@yuniizu​ - 42 votes
@kkumri​ - 30 votes
@finny-red​ - 22 votes
@NanoNoonie - 19 votes
@askjeon​ / @min_x_minmin - 14 votes
@kharys​ - 10 votes
@colorcalamity​ - 8 votes
@thaidesu - 7 votes
Other - 109 votes - LIST OF OTHER MENTIONS
Comments: Congrats to all of the above! Special shout out to literally all fan artists that share their talent with us on the daily. You make this fandom what it is!!
N/A - 342 votes
All YM Authors - 122 votes
@MissterMaia - 161 votes
@Sharleena - 71 votes
@sugamins/BabyLove - 70 votes
@mintsoda - 43 votes
@PrettyBoyKiller - 35 votes
@springrain21 - 29 votes
@momora - 28 votes
@staticscreen- 22 votes
@jflawless - 19 votes
@Elemir - 16 votes
Other - 475 votes - LIST OF OTHER MENTIONS
Comments: Congrats to all of the above! LOOK AT THE DAMN OTHERS LIST. SO MANY GOOD AUTHORS TO CHECK OUT!
N/A - 9 votes
All -  23 votes
Spring Day - 41 votes
Intro: Serendipity - 24 votes
Tomorrow / Blood Sweat & Tears - 20 votes
Autumn Leaves / Save Me / Mic Drop 16 votes
Young Forever - 13 votes
Rain / I Need U - 11 votes
Pied Piper - 10 votes
Let Me Know / Baepsae - 9 votes
Lie / Sea - 8 votes
Love Is Not Over / House Of Cards / BTS Cypher 4 - 7 votes
Others - 140 votes
Comments: This category was added to the survery much later and therefore did not have as many responses as the others above. Nonetheless, there’s seems to a correlation between who you ship (yoonmin) and fave BTS song. Many of the songs on this list have “yoonmin parts in the MV/Choreo” like Spring Day and BST, or are song’s where the two have particularly shined and / or produced. (They might also just be on this list because they’re lit songs in which case truuuu I agree). 
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Overall, there were ym stans from 74 countries and/or regions that participated in this survey. The below countries were home to 10 or more respondents:
USA - 292 respondents
Germany - 44 respondents
Canada - 33 respondents
UK - 29 respondents
Brazil - 26 respondents
Australia - 24 respondents
Philippines - 24 respondents
England - 20 respondents
Indonesia - 20 respondents
Mexico - 20 respondents
France - 18 respondents
Portugal - 18 respondents
Italy - 14 respondents
Singapore -12 respondents
Sweden - 12 respondents
Turkey - 10 respondents
In addition 15 respondents declared “N/A” to opt out from providing their location information. 
Other - 195 respondents (Click To See Complete List of Respondent Countries)
Argentina - 5 Armenia - 1 Austria - 7 Bahrain - 1 Belarus - 1 Belgium - 2 Chile - 9 China - 2 Colombia - 5 Costa Rica - 3 Croatia - 5 Czech Republic - 5 Denmark - 5 Ecuador - 1 Estonia - 6 Finland - 9 Great Britain - 1 Greece - 6 Guatemala - 4 Hong Kong - 2 Hungary - 5 India - 8 Ireland - 7 Israel - 1 Jamaica - 1 Japan - 1 Kuwait - 1 Lithuania - 1 Macedonia - 1 Malaysia - 9 Maldives - 1 Malta - 1 Morocco - 2 Nepal - 2 Netherlands - 4 New Zealand - 5 Northern Ireland - 1 Norway - 3 Pakistan - 2 Palestine - 4 Peru - 1 Poland - 8 Romania - 6 Russia - 1 Saudi Arabia - 2 Scotland - 2 Serbia - 2 Slovakia - 5 Slovenia - 1 South Africa - 3 South Korea - 1 Southeast Asia - 1 Spain - 9 Switzerland - 4 Thailand - 3 Trinidad and Tobago - 2 Ukraine - 2 Vietnam - 2
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4jimin · 8 years
Risky asks: 3, 7
oh bby thank u so muchh 💙
3. the last text you sent to someone?i sent “already know i’m gonna die” in the group chat bc my friend is going to dye her hair red and it’ll look 100% gorgeous bc she is 100% gorgeous7. tell an embarrassing memory or story.oh god. okay. i was having my history class, and my teacher likes to sing about the subject we are currently studying, bc he thinks it makes the class funnier and it makes us learn faster and stuff. anyway, he was singing the song he created for a specific period of brazil’s history and suddenly he said a word i didn’t know. (i have no idea how to say it in english, but it’s ‘bacanal’ in portuguese.) so, as i dont like to not know things, when he finished i raised my hand and asked out loud “teacher, what is bacanal?” and he and the entire class started laughing and i was like “what???” so he started saying “sweetheart, bacanal is another word for orgy. an orgy is…” and by this point i was already blushing like crazy so i cut him off with “yeah, yeah i know what an orgy is, thank u very much” it was deadass embarrassing, this moment still haunts mehe and my friends kept teasing me like “omg she’s a pure angel, so innocent this bby girl…..pls protect her” and i was almost like “i read and write about guys fucking all day long, this sounds innocent to you???” but i just turned into a tomato instead
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