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I'm hard at work on the 2nd Ed of From Gigolo to Jesus. Dropping 2022 I realized my behavior towards women was groomed early in ask the wrong ways. Pre-Order info drops this winter #fromgigolotojesus #bravinpublishing #objectify #WeCanFixThis (at Delaware) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSvp_llLpje/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Tonight's We Talk About My Book From Gigolo to Jesus Tonight on my HAPPS Broadcast App I'll be discussing my book From Gigolo to Jesus I want to share how a man how's from Whore to loving husband and man of faith. here's the link👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 https://happs.tv/post/tVfdxp2bLBF19d3j2yTA #FromGigolotoJesus #wecanfixthis #bringmeyourpain #bravinconsultants #bravinpublishing https://www.instagram.com/p/CNsJ6epDwEG/?igshid=130d2o9ewgz22
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Thank You for the Love and Support. Nikkie on Bravin Publishing Guest Book said: I was blown away about from gigolo to Jesus and how transparent you were about the choices you made then and the man you are today such an inspiration to others its s great read that is life-changing that no you are change is possible; you just have willing to put in the work and making the necessary changes to trust God in the process I like how you said your wife is the glue to your writing I am writing again and finishing the works I started and didn't complete. Too many have asked where certain books are, and it's time I answer the call. As I help others with counseling, I can help with my writing as well. #writingfromtheheart #wecanfixthis #bringyourpaintome #fromgigolotojesus #bravinpublishing #bravinconsultants (at Delaware) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNhGfFnDbZw/?igshid=ta1toptqg7ze
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Currently due to the corona virus crisis all the books I'm my website are $9. If we have to be stuck in might as well have something to read. www.Bravinpublishing.com If you purchase 2 or more books use the code Bravinpub to take 20% off your order. Good bless #bravinpublishing #writingfromtheheart (at Delaware) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_rOXqmjEt1/?igshid=4tmjc7bpuobk
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if you want to offer support to the Young Kings Program, Bravin Publishing, or Bravin Consultants to help me keep trying to reach our children here you go $KBelvin on Cashapp My website is www.Bravinpublishing.com if you want to purchase a book to offer to a young man to try to reach him through reading or to give to the young men in the group. (Currently there are 8 members of the group, HS age) Bit.Ly/CoachKeith is my counseling page if you want to set up a counseling session for a young man who needs a brother to talk to. Our young men and women need more help and I am working to offer it to them. #YoungKings #BravinConsultants #BravinPublishing #Whatareyouoffering_insteadofwords (at Little Heaven, Delaware) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9dmEyCj4gl/?igshid=330keimuqj9q
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Old heads, these out of control young heads are a reflection of the bridges many of us didn't create, How about we as older "Men" climb in the ring and protect our sisters by teaching these young men how to be men instead offering the criticism from behind your phone and computer keyboards. We keep point fingers at these boys instead of saying,, "THIS ENDS NOW, LET "ME" GET OUT HERE AND STOP THIS MADNESS IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD, COMMUNITY, and CITY" I am sure there are some young men in your circles, mothers who needs your help, or young men programs which could use MALE volunteers or FINANCES which could use your support not your finger pointing, my brothers . I am not waiting on anyone to direct me on helping these young men, I have and still is putting in the work, are you? If you are "GOD BLESS" i\ If your not you're as bad as the kids stomping out the girl because you have knowledge, guidance, money, and love you're not passing on to our young men. if you want to offer support to the Me, the Young Kings Program, Bravin Publishing, or Bravin Consultants to help me keep trying to reach our children here you go $MrKBelvin on Cashapp My website is www.Bravinpublishing.com if you want to purchase a book to offer to a young man to try to reach him through reading. Bit.Ly/CoachKeith is my counseling page if you want to set up a counseling session for a young man who needs a brother to talk to. I am out here this is why I am talking and asking for help. Our young men and women need more help, and less finger pointing. #YoungKings #BravinConsultants #BravinPublishing #Whatareyouoffering_insteadofwords (at Little Heaven, Delaware) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9bGRbxDLUQ/?igshid=1x7sehyc6xwxf
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Shout out to the family and friends who supported @brappincrabsllc__ on their pop up in Brooklyn this weekend. It's proof we can support each other. I pray we continue to support businesses of those who look like us. They need our support. Blessings to everyone. #brappin #bravinpublishing #supportyourown (at Delaware) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9LEhfYDTyJ/?igshid=1ayl6w6f7eiw3
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Bravin Publishing was born in 2010 as we come up on 10 years, I'm happy and frustrated with where we are having worked on 50 books. My focus will continue on being here for authors another 10 years and many more books. www.Bravinpublishing.com #BravinPublishing #stillhungry #notcontent (at Little Heaven, Delaware) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6uUdcclTZy/?igshid=d5jbwry1eljx
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Since 2010, I've made sure I've been here for authors who want to self-publish their books. www.Bravinpublishing.com #bravinpublishing #heretohelp (at Dover, Delaware) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6HOWjojtHn/?igshid=1d20hhnbwu3qc
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Owning a small literary service company I make sure I can offer what authors need to self-publish in peace, without the worry of losing your rights, your work, or your money. Bravin Publishing has been here since 2010 and will continue to be here to help authors with their dreams #bravinpublishing www.Bravinpublishing.com (at Frederica, Delaware) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6E3_vLDl43/?igshid=xuot6ubtxemb
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Thank you for all the Love and Support for the authors who have come to Bravin Publishing for help with their literary dreams. We're not a flashy company nor do we live on social media but we put in the work needed to honor the commitments made to the authors who trusted us with their work and the Lord who blessed us to be here since 2010. I ask all the Kingdom Folks to share the posts of all the books of the authors I've posted. This is how we spread the word of the talented spirited filled folks with literary aspirations. Bravin Publishing is a Faith-Based Company. www.BravinPublishing.com #bravinpublishing #afaithbasedcompany #50bookstouchedtodate (at Little Heaven, Delaware) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6EieWRjIuQ/?igshid=ckov0rmnkfhl
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Finally, with all the work Bravin Publishing is putting in to get ready for 2020 there is one more book left to promote. I will have Lukewarm Saint 2: Fox in the Hen House completed by the end of the year for a 2020 release. I know Tammy Harris can finally take her pump off my booty waiting on this book to be ready. Just for you Tammy I am on it. Check out Lukewarm Saint 1 if you haven't read the start of the story of Kevin Watkins. #lukewarmsaint2 #foxinthehenhouse #bravinpublishing (at Little Heaven, Delaware) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6EiG6TDBvP/?igshid=qm0s0e6pny2l
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Pastor Sandy aka Terrance N Sandy Roberts, your new book "Woman Adorn Thyself With Christ" is going to change lives. We at Bravin is honored to help bring your dreams to the Kingdom of the Lord. I am sure your books and preaching will touch many souls. I am sure folks will get behind the second book as they did the first, "Living Under Open Windows". If folks are smart they will pre-order your book and pick up book 1 if they haven't read it. Blessings Thank you for choosing Bravin Publishing to support your dreams. #womanadornthyselfwithchrist #livingunderopenwindows #bravinpublishing (at Little Heaven, Delaware) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Eh3ysDUof/?igshid=1fl3x0al27n0z
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Shout out to Lavell Heard, aka Lovely Lavelle who allowed Bravin Publishing to work on both of her books, her personal story in "The Aftermath" and her new children's book "A Child's Faith". We have been blessed to work with you and your projects. Blessings. #achildsfaith #bravinpublishing (at Little Heaven, Delaware) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Ehc18j7lN/?igshid=1epdmia0qy0r7
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Pastor Sandy your new book "Woman Adorn Thyself With Christ" is going to change lives. We at Bravin is honored to help bring your dreams to the Kingdom of the Lord. I am sure your books and preaching will touch many souls. I am sure folks will get behind the second book as they did the first, "Living Under Open Windows". If folks are smart they will pre-order your book and pick up book 1 if they haven't read it. Blessings Thank you for choosing Bravin Publishing to support your dreams. #womanadornthyselfwithchrist #livingunderopenwindows #bravinpublishing (at Frederica, Delaware) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Eg3jbDuxE/?igshid=1l7f3k9qmhqjo
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We're waiting on the proof copy of "Broken But Whole" by new author @mwilson45 We at Bravin Publishing is honored to work on her dream. She is telling her story and its a deep one. She is going to lift the Kingdom with this book. Blessings Sister. "Broken But Whole" Coming in 2020 #brokenbutwhole #bravinpublishing (at Little Heaven, Delaware) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Ef8N7jUyL/?igshid=k46it9u7vz85
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