#braven was apart from that which i think might've been part of why they went for becho in s5 actually
laufire · 1 month
don't get me wrong I enjoyed zaven myself but. remember when bellarke shippers were tripping over themselves trying to convince us that they shipped zaven (before they ever met even) because uh... he was gonna be so good for her!! better than any love interest she ever had!!! (including that thing we don't talk about from season 1, what do u mean) no, seriously, we care so much for raven and her romances!!!
and then shaw let her get tortured to protect himself, and pulled that trick with the collars on her, and did fire the misile. and they still tried to argue that this was the best ship raven got because they acted as if there had been nothing in between zeke shaw, and dumb cheating teen finn (who they disliked because he wasn't the guy they preferred, BUT with whom they have soooo much in common with).
what's that? the guy who braved radiation to get her to safety? among other shit? no uh... we don't ship that because... well obviously bellamy will end up with clarke (🤭) so... we don't want raven to be second choice again!! because we care about her!!!
lol. lmao even. the issue, ofc, was that they knew raven would NOT be second choice lmao. they were so threatened about it ñalsdkjasfd. and the funniest thing? is that they put so much stock on bellamy's romantic preferences... all for the show to say FUCK THAT GUY and not give a damn about his opinion in any way whatsoever!! I fucking love it here.
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