kafkasgods · 4 years
halloween event: brandon & rafe
rafe olmos
the party was in full swing, and rafe was feeling it. he was thoroughly intoxicated at the moment, since his witches brew actually did have a high enough alcohol content to match his familial metabolism for about half an hour at a time. his special moonshine was still in its testing stages, but there were enough promising batches that he’d stocked up well in advance for himself and brandon-- not that he was feeling as charitable as he had twenty-four hours ago. 
 the gray was a familiar stomping ground, since he’d cheerfully lived there for a few months back in his twenties. he navigated through the crowds easily, giving his best energies to the people who were just here to let loose. even that grew stifling after a while, so he ducked out into the courtyard, where he came face to face with his brother. because he wasn’t sure what else he should do, like a good little minion he held out his flask for a toast. “to our fallen brutus.”
brandon chung
After his long and arduous search of Rafe and receiving text messages meant for his brother in order to try and locate him, Brandon had finally done so in the courtyard. Although, it wasn’t as hard as he’d thought because Rafe stuck out like a sore yellow thumb. Brandon wanted to laugh at Rafe, but he saw the flask first and was elated. Quick to toast their lab rat of a brother they no longer saw to get to the drink Rafe had concocted, Brandon raised his own bottle and drank. “Rafe, you are an utter delight and you have several messages from people you might want to text back, but most importantly, I’m glad to see the costume looks so good on you! An excellent hundred dollars spent.” He reached to feel the fabric of Rafe’s outfit, speaking thoughtfully. “Not bad for Amazon, I think.”
rafe olmos
rafe had his mask pulled down, resting around his neck as he took a drink. his mistrustful expression was obvious, to him, but maybe to brandon it wasn’t. “if you keep touching me i am going to bite you,” he stated explicitly, punctuating it with a deeper sip of his drink. in an uncharacteristic gesture, he grimaced a little as it made its way down. it was entirely possible his moonshine would fell a lesser demigod. “wouldn’t this have made much more sense to do if it wasn’t just the two of us? i would’ve changed if i’d known.” his waspish tone was fed by the newfound irritation he felt for his brother and the situation in general, and the ground beneath him began to give way to sprouts of gnarled vine roots without rafe paying much attention.
brandon chung
It was only in the middle of Rafe’s threat did Brandon sense any hostility. Quickly, he withdrew his hand and squinted at his brother. “It would have been if not for Brutus,” Brandon snipped back, equal in attitude. He didn’t see the issue. “We’re matching, are we not? I’ve never worn a matching Halloween costume and I think we look spectacular.” A huff from Brandon and another swig of his drink, let Rafe know of his irritation. But Brandon was the bigger man and he proceeded. “Is that moonshine? Have you a flask for me?” Tonight was meant to be their own little experiment.
rafe olmos
"we’re not matching, dude,” rafe pointed out, and if he wasn’t so hot under the collar he would’ve been pleased to note that he slurred a bit. “i’m like, your literal minion. it feels a little demeaning.” he did fish out a second flask as he was bid, still feeling like a moron, and the vines around his feet expanded silently, stretched slowly towards the starry sky. “apologize for tricking me first,” he commanded suddenly, the goods in question halting halfway between them. it was the carrot for his brother, the proverbial ass. “and you can have some.”
brandon chung
In a world where Brandon was a better person, he would have heard the sincerity in Rafe’s voice, but instead, it went awash. In one ear, out the other. “I humbly regret my lack of forethought in informing you of a change in plans even if said the new execution is more appealing to our demographic.” It was recited impatiently and without any consideration. But Brandon took the flask Rafe held out before he had a chance to take it back. The moonshine was strong, and even Brandon had to pull the opening away from his mouth for a moment to get adjusted to the burn of it. “This is delightful.” Glee was practically sounded off into a squeal midway through the compliment and Brandon went in for more.
rafe olmos
that wasn’t convincing at all. rafe weighed it for a moment, two, trying to play devil’s advocate and parse apart brandon’s multisyllabic dismissal. but as his brother drank from the flask greedily, like a little pig, he knew what must be done. rafe’s fist balled up and he threw it into brandon’s face. his other hand raised to snatch at brandon’s stupid top-heavy gru jacket. the vines on the ground had grown tall enough that the momentum brought them both toppling over onto the wet grass. “you’re such a dick!” it all felt blurry, but rafe had the higher ground and consequently the advantage as he punched at brandon again. that part felt good, atleast.
brandon chung
It had been a long time since Brandon had been in a fight. A real proper fight with another demigod or something just as strong and not some dude on the sidewalk. That was why when Rafe punched him squarely in the nose, he didn’t see it coming in the slightest. The flask crashed into his face before flying haphazardly as Brandon fell to the ground from Rafe’s onslaught of attacks. “You’re the dick!” Brandon reeled his own fist back to fight. A swing and a miss. He barely grazed Rafe’s chin. Vines tightened around his ankles and Brandon knew they weren’t his, but it gave him the brought idea to utulize a tool he’d only ever use for being lazy. At once, a large, thick vine protruded from the ground circling itself around Rafe’s throat in hopes of having his brother’s fists stop pummeling him.
rafe olmos
it was a bit of a thrill to see brandon go down so quickly, looking so thoroughly surprised. however, there wasn’t any time for rafe to cherish the moment. the vines he’d brought to life were new to him-- usually rafe could settle things with his fists-- but brandon had the same sway. on his brother’s command a vine snaked around his throat and cut off his air supply. not a bad idea. with brandon far closer to the ground, rafe’s vines made short work of holding his older brother down, twining around his body from the neck down to tether him more fully into the dirt. “just.. say... you’re... sorry...” rafe managed to gurgle out, hands scrabbling at the vine around his neck.
brandon chung
Taking from Brandon’s own ingenious tactic, Rafe’s vine twisted around his throat. Though Rafe had stopped punching him to try and pry Brandon’s vine off his neck, Brandon was stuck trying to do the same. “You’ll!” Choking, he could only gasp out every word. “Have! To Kill! Me!” And from the way his eyes felt like they were bulging and how it seemed like he was swallowing his own tongue with every breath, it appeared it was going to end that way. “I’m sorry!”
rafe olmos
rafe really hadn’t planned on things escalating this far-- even though he was mad, he certainly wasn’t fratricidal-- but the moment before he released his vines’ grip on brandon, he got what he wanted. the vines retreated back into the ground, and rafe took a gulp of fresh air himself, appreciating it more because he was the winner. “i forgive you,” he managed to respond after a moment or two of steadying his breath. he got to his feet, a little unsteady, and held one hand out to brandon to help him up. dusting his knees off, he sighed wearily. “that was horrible, wasn’t it? you should take these, as a gesture of goodwill.” fishing into his costume’s admittedly spacious pockets, he pulled two flasks from their depths and offered them without the same bitterness as before.
brandon chung
Rafe was a worthy opponent. The gravity of his brother’s anger, or the upset he felt, hadn’t really been processed by Brandon until the vine had been wrapped around his throat. He took a few moments to catch his breath, rubbing the soreness away. “I’ve had worse.” And as Rafe offered him the flasks, Brandon couldn’t help but think about every brother he had. He loved each of them dearly, but he hadn’t ever come to blows with them as he had Rafe. Maybe this meant they were different. And maybe it would be better for it. Taking only one of the flasks from Rafe, he gestured Rafe keep the other by toasting them together. Brandon gulped down half of it before he had to stop, choking a little on laughter. There was a tickle against his chin and wiped it away with his arm, barely noticing the smudged alcohol and blood that was left against the sleeve. “Rafe, I hope we get to be brothers for a long time.”
rafe olmos
he accepted the gesture of goodwill offered right back, swigging some of his concoction down, though the adrenaline surging through his body really blocked the reaction he was hoping for. brandon’s words puzzled him, and rafe shot his brother a long look. brandon was a strange one, sure, but the way he talked sometimes made rafe want to pry for more information, some explanation for the cryptic thoughts he actually voiced. but he could very well remain an enigma forever. “i hope so, too, bud. nobody’s ever used the vines against me before. it was mostly for guerilla warfare and impressing girls growing up.” a deep tiredness settled over him, and rafe wanted to sober up some before staggering home. he heaved a deep sigh before continuing. “i think my fun meter’s maxed out, i’m going home. don’t get into any fights or burn your place down.” he pointed sternly in brandon’s direction. “i’m serious.”
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