#brain droppings
gracelesslion · 1 year
Am I drunk and watching howls moving castle for the 77382728 time? No you are!
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anotherlostcausealc · 6 months
My Day With Linus
Early in spring when I first met Linus, he asked me not to ridicule him because he likes to “live simply,” as he put it. Running the farm is hectic, and by summer I was already sick of the pressure. In the middle of fall, I finally acted on my desire to spend a day with Linus living the simple life. Of course I had to start the day by watering my plants and emptying my tappers before I left the farm in search of Linus. I found him around 10am staring at the wall to the right of the bathhouse entrance. We stared at the wall from 10am-2pm. Maybe he’s looking into the window? Is he a perv? At 2:10pm he got a little question mark above his head and promptly dipped from this location. At 3:00pm we arrived by the lake side. I slowed my walking speed to match his. Sebastian smoked a cigarette a few feet away until 4:00pm. That’s enough nature for him today. The lily pads bob methodically. Linus’s shoulders move with his breath. Mine don’t. We left the lake at 6:00pm and got back to his tent at 6:30pm I watched him all night. He never went to sleep.
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abs0luteb4stard · 1 year
"Please stop sucking my dick or I'll call the police!"
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keira-incognita · 7 months
I don’t want a job. I want universal basic income and the freedom to create art that I don’t need to monetize.
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cuadratique · 10 months
I just realized that if dinosaurs are thought to have been feathery, insulated with soft tissue, and bird-like in behavior, dragons would be, too if they are conceptualized as mythical dinosaur counterparts.
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kyliafanfiction · 11 months
Might doesn't make right.
But without might, without someone's might somewhere in the mix, it doesn't really matter how right you are, if someone who has might contests your view of right.
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TW body image, transphobia, meandering thoughts not meant to be some major gospel or polemic.
As a white, fat cis woman with a very long, complicated, poor relationship with my body and self-image that I am sometimes (not nearly as frequently thankfully these days) triggered to the point where I am mentally and emotionally incapacitated for hours or even days, I have been curious about how this might overlap with experiences others have.
I've begun to wonder about the overlap with the gender dysphoria that trans women and trans femmes experience when their bodies fail to meet white supremacist, ableist, fat phobic and transphobic standards. Not at all trying to equate them one for one, but more like, the degree to which non standard, non marketable, non acceptable bodies are treated as shameful, disgusting, and unworthy.
Put another way, it heightens my empathy towards others, of course, when it can use my own experience as a bridge to imagine another's experience. It also raises complicated questions, as decreasing gender dysphoria is a useful and important part of managing self-care for trans people, but in contrast weight loss as a goal is unsustainable and unhealthy in almost all circumstances.
I don't have a point, exactly, it just makes me wish for more grace, love, self-compassion towards self and others, and less treating the body as a sacrifice towards some capitalistic, patriarchal end.
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qupritsuvwix · 2 years
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modern-major-wonka · 1 year
I think when one is looking to buy a new bed, in addition to testing and checking for a desired comfort and support, mattresses should come with a fuckability rating: as in, how good (or bad) it is to have sex on.
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infectedmetaphysic · 3 months
Sometimes as I sit in my apartment, my brain supplies me with a thought: I want to go home.
But I am home, ostensibly. This is where I live. It’s where my bed is, my food, my stuff, and so on.
Sometimes I wonder if I miss my old home, and to a degree I suppose I do. It was simpler then, no rent to pay and parents to take care of running the household.
But even there I would still sometimes think: I want to go home.
I wonder where this nebulous “home” is. Is it homeostasis? Is it sleep? Is it childhood? Is it whatever comes before and after life?
I wonder if I’ll ever find it.
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droppincofdrops · 8 months
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i needa stop forgetting to post things on all my platforms … anywayz hiii ^_^^^ <33
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gracelesslion · 8 months
idk ive had it man.
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theboyskisser · 2 months
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The double triple quadruple take from HL during this scene gets me good
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cuadratique · 9 months
There’s gotta be some kind of damn arms race for pay-to-be-first price tiers on every airline. There are so many boarding groups with special names that by the time they get to numbered ones, only a few people are left. And this goes for check-in and ESPECIALLY for security too
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kyliafanfiction · 2 years
Murder mystery game where whoever your character accuses turns out to have been the guilty party, and the game then reveals how all the clues you found fit together, and it’s thus different depending on who you accused.
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world's longest staring contest GO-
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