#bradley is pretentious af
kkochang · 4 months
I just know that bradley's order is something like "grande ice matcha latte with a shot of espresso, one pump of vanilla and oat milk" and max definitely asks to try it each time even though he knows he won't like it. at this point it's just a mandatory habit
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hopeshoodie · 4 years
Hi! What do you think the s2 lis would name their kids?
I've been sitting on this ask for so long because I, someone who doesn't want to have kids, have SO many names that I keep on a word document of 'names I like and would name a child'. But I tried to be faithful to the characters with this one, instead of just names I like.
Arjun clearly values his family’s heritage and is very distinctly Indian, so he’d want to make his family proud and use Indian names for his kids. At the same time, he wants something that will be easy for them to grow up with, living in Britain. 
Riya for a girl and Kirin for a boy.
Carl doesn’t want kids, and I don’t think he’ll really get into prepping for them if MC gets pregnant. I imagine MC would pick out the names and he would just say ‘yeah’. But if she really pressed him to come up with names-
He’d suggest Liara for a girl and Saren for a boy (His favorite game is Mass Effect and he thinks both of those sound dope).
I’m sorry. I’m so sorry if you think FELIX is suggesting any names other than Tesla or Riot.
You already KNOW Gary will only agree to something generic and plain af. I’m thinking he would suggest John or Rachel, but he’ll see no problem with naming their kids McKarleighlyn and Bradley. 
Hannah has been picking out pretentious baby names from the books she reads since she was 8 years old (it’s me I’m Hannah). She has a certain snootiness towards ‘common’ names, and wants to use a really unique austere one. She’ll 100% get annoyed if people mispronounce or don’t get the reference even though like… girl… who names people that…
She wants Lysander for a boy and Gwyneth for a girl. 
I lowkey headcanon that Henrik is a lot more educated and well-read than one would assume, but unlike Hannah he’s got taste. He wouldn’t just find a namesake for the purpose of making a niche reference, he wants a name that he feels is a role model for the kind of kid he hopes to have. 
For a boy I think he’d suggest Carson after Rachel Carson, and for a girl he’d suggest Cordelia because he loves King Lear and she’s exactly the kind of daughter he’d want to raise. 
I’m probably making an assumption based on the arabic spelling of his name, but I think honoring that heritage and having a distinctly arabic/religious name would be important to him. Especially since I can’t see him having many if any children, giving them good namesakes and parenting well would be important. Especially with how he insists on being called his full name by non-friends, I think he’d pick out longer and elaborate names for his own kids. 
Dahma for a girl and Basharat for a boy (but he’ll affectionately call the boy Beshi, and I imagine the nickname will become Bas which Rahim will lowkey hate)
I can’t?? Picture Lottie seriously picking out baby names? Like even if her or her wife was pregnant, I feel like she’d say “oh we’ll think of it when they come”. She insists that they can’t pick out a name without meeting the baby and feeling its energy. I 100% see her taking that seriously and being like “we have to see the child’s vibes before naming them” which like… it’s a screaming flesh potato… Just pick something that will sound nice and has a generally accepted spelling lmfao. She’ll be really picky thought with any names her wife (or Shane) suggests, but not suggest many of her own, so the dynamic will be: 
Shane/Hannah: “Darling, I wrote you a list of 400 names and you’ve rejected all of them.”
Lottie: “I didn’t reject all of them, there’s 4 I circled that might work, depending.”
Shane/Hannah: “... You rejected 396 names, most of which were my favorites… And still can’t commit to one or two-”
Lottie: “I told you, we don’t know how it’s going to act or grow up.”
Shane/Hannah: “........And you can’t come up with a single one?”
Lottie: “Not before we meet them.”
Shane/Hannah: “I get the sentiment Lottie, I really do. But we have to fill out the birth certificate…”
Lowkey she’s really partial to the name Rowan, for a boy or a girl, and will casually suggest it if the baby comes out and has the right ‘vibe’.
He’s all about those generic names. Again, he doesn’t want kids, but if that ever accidentally happened he would suggest Oliver for a boy and Alice for a girl. 
The taste? Immaculate. She wants names that sound professional, austere, and unique enough where they’ll be the only one in the room. She kind of forgets that it’s a child first, though, and it’ll be weird having a baby with an old lady name. 
She suggests Blythe for a girl and Percival for a boy. 
Again, someone with TASTE. Like Henrik, his suggestions would all be references or namesakes that meant something to him. I could see him wanting to name the kid after one of his parents, if MC is okay with that. He wouldn’t be afraid to have a weirder name, as long as it flowed well with their middle and last name. Assuming the kid isn’t a namesake for his parents he’d pick out- 
Imogen for a girl and Erasmus for a boy. 
So I have this headcanon that Rocco would make a really mature, supportive parent because I think in 5-10 years he’s going to settle down and decide that his obsession with travelling is more of him trying to outrun his own mental illness/avoid his perceived failures. Plus he’s just going to get tired of living off the grid and start longing for some stability/consistency. Maybe he realizes that he actually did enjoy economics and school, just couldn’t handle the underlying pressure and mental health issues (I headcanon him as having untreated ADHD which would explain his academic success and then sudden crash). This is all a round about away of saying that I think in 8ish years Rocco will want to be a dad and will want to give his kids mature, reasonable names (because being a banker named Rocco is… Challenging for him). 
So he picks out Grant for a boy and Evelyn for a girl. 
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