goldenavenger02 · 11 months
I know it's pretty much a cliche at this point that I always come around every once in a while and pop in some s5 angst request (sorry if it's getting repetitive, but these are the tropes coming to mind... I also hope I've never sent a request for this trope to you... I don't think I did, but my memory is bad at this), but if the opportunity is open then I'd like to ask for something with this prompt:
Lloyd somehow manages to escape mid S5, but due to possession caused damage/illness, he's in horrible shape as he stumbles into the tea shop while everyone else is there holding a meeting about what to do next
So I tried. I really did try to write Lloyd whump. It became Nya angst instead. Your prompt is still in here, but not in the way you may have expected. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this.
“But Sensei-”
“No buts, Nya,” Wu interrupted her bargaining, his gaze flicking to the inside of the tea shop for a very brief second before looking back into her eyes, “I need you to stay here with Lloyd while we go after the realm crystal. If Morro comes for him, you are the best line of defense.”
“But I haven’t even unlocked my true potential yet!”
“You are staying here. I need you here, to watch over him.” Wu insisted and Nya had to admit to herself, no matter how annoyed it made her, that he was right this time, even if it meant that she would have to throw a bucket of water at Morro’s face if he showed up.
“Yes, Sensei.” She groaned, waiting until the Bounty left to go back inside, locking the doors behind her, only if it was to prove that she was needed on the ship, or at least would be more useful within the action.
Just a few hours ago, she was fully prepared to go with the boys into the tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master despite her lack of control over her elemental abilities, and now, just like so many times before, she was left behind to babysit. It was infuriating.
Even if she had grown to look at Lloyd like a little brother, and was glad that he was home without Morro looming over him, she was still angry when she knew that adding a large hose to her Samurai X mech would stop this problem in its tracks.
‘ “So when you arrive at the tomb, it is imperative to take the realm crystal and get back out. The less time you spend there, the better.’ Wu explained as the five of them listened intently, all adorning their gi’s and masks, ready to board The Bounty.
Well, even though there were five of them in the room, it did not include Jay, who had left once they had gotten the gist of the plan decided, citing the need to use the bathroom while Misako brought the Bounty around so they could go as soon as they were ready.
“You ready for your first ninja mission?” Kai asked, his hand on Nya’s shoulder bringing her back to reality.
“I’ve been on ninja missions before, Kai.” 
“Yeah, but that was Samurai X. This is different.”
“It can’t be that diffe-”
“Guys?!” Jay’s attention-grabbing yell echoed into the main room from outside, but before Nya could question why he was outside, she followed the others to where the call had come from, only to gasp when she saw the sight of a sickly, pale Lloyd lying unconscious in Jay’s arms as he added, “I don’t think he’s breathing.” ‘
He had been breathing, although it had been hardly noticeable to the naked eye, but those five words had sent the others into chaos while Zane, Kai and Wu had jumped into action to assess the situation.
Nya herself had been unable to move aside from the near automatic motion of helping Jay off of the ground; they hadn’t been together in awhile, but she would have been lying if she said that making sure he was okay wasn’t a reflex after all this time.
Even when Zane reported the scary words like “high fever” and “possible coma”, all Nya could focus on was the fact that he had started by telling them that he was alive. He was breathing, his heart was beating and there was zero indication of Morro inside of his body.
While she was relieved that Lloyd was safe with them, she was still annoyed that his arrival meant that she had been forced to the sidelines yet again when she had to stand her ground with Sensei in the first place to go with the boys to retrieve the realm crystal.
Knowing that Wu planned to shut down the tea shop indefinitely in order to pay Cyrus Borg to work on weapons against the ghosts, she didn’t worry about manning the desk for the closeout sale.
‘For all I know, Morro is on his way to fight me and finish Lloyd off.’
She knew that her thought process was morbid, but she couldn’t care enough to consider just how cynical she was; everyone else was allowed to go fight ghosts with very little elemental power to their name while she was a layer of security.
And if she kicked over one of the small displays in the front of the store out of pure frustration, Lloyd wasn’t anywhere close to awake so no one had to know.
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fishybehavior · 1 year
Yooo hey good afternoon!
I hope you're well!
Would you like some angst? Or some floof? Or weird HCs?
sure, i'd like to hear some angst!!
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nicolloyd · 10 months
a comic i drew based on The Splinter in the Blind Man's eye, an incomplete novel (fanfic??) by Tommy Andreasen that could be canon? it features our fav green boy lloyd and all his traumas :') highly recommend btw its from lloyds pov such a fun read!
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oh wow this is super late! but request for lloyd s5 angst by @bracedfangirl, i hope this counts because idk if its exactly what you wanted 😭
this is the text btw :)
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pufffinn · 3 years
For art requests can I mayhaps get some Lloyd angst?
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he miss him dad
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fluffyk97 · 3 years
Oh my god I just realized something
In case of lava happening, Cole would have to fight Lloyd (and maybe Nya too) to get cuddle time with Kai-
You have no idea how often I actually think about that lmao
I remember even making this one little silly chat of it too
Cole: Please Lloyd, I just want to cuddle with, you know, my boyfriend
Lloyd: Fuck off
Cole: Kai!
Kai: Hey I want cuddle time too, but he already hissed at you! I don't know what you expect me to do after that!
Cole: Ugh...
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rosiehunterwolf · 3 years
The other one that was posted is Nya's, called "raw meat test"
All that happened is that they put a plate of raw chicken on the kitchen counter and just sat Lloyd down near it and just recorded how he reacts.
And the way he looks gets funnier as the time passes... First he just gives the plate nervous looks, then by the end of it he full on stares at it with slitted eyes, slightly trembling, because he knows it's dangerous, but his inner dregon is telling him to pounce.
But what made it funny is Nya's caption under the video:
"My dregon gremlin brother vs plate of chicken"
XD he’s trying so hard to hold his composure.
Poor bean’s going to have more blackmail on him than you can shake a stick at lol
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only-lonely-stars · 4 years
If the fic title thing is still open, how about: "Scars of control"?
It’s been a while since I’ve posted one of these! I’m still working on all of them; after this I have three left. Thanks for the ask! 307 words.
There's something to be said about how your past comes back to haunt you. In the night, when all the lights are out and no one's awake to distract you, memories come to visit. They smile and wave, and take a seat, even if you want them to leave. Then they never do.
Sometimes, when the night was dark and the moon was hidden by clouds, Nya's mind wandered. Old things from years ago would greet her: meeting her mother, nearly marrying Nadakhan, giving up Samurai X. Sometimes the thoughts were older, like the Tournament or the Perfect Match debacle. They visited her with fear or shame, and relief that they were over.
This night, Nya's thoughts turned to her oldest hidden memory. The one that haunted her for weeks of sleepless nights when it was fresh. The ashen gray and evil purple, the all-encompassing rage… the stench and taint of the Overlord's hold on her mind, just before the final battle. It was an ugly memory, an old memory…
She closed her eyes tightly, rolling over in her bed and clutching the covers tightly to her chin. These memories were from when she was practically a kid. Why did they still haunt her? Why did she still feel it? The cold tendrils of possession on her mind, rending her free will… they were evil. She had been evil.
She sighed. It was past, now. She was Nya Smith– one day Nya Walker, if she had her way. The Overlord was dead by Lloyd and Zane's hands. She wasn't part of that stench anymore…
A single stubborn tear trailed her cheek. She hated nights like these. She hated these scars of control. She just wanted peace. She just wanted to be free.
These title drabble requests are basically already closed, but I’m officially closing them now. Thanks to everyone who’s still waiting on them; I’m working on it! <3
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boom-fanfic-a-latta · 4 years
Note: This takes place post-Season 4
Kai wasn’t quite sure exactly when he realized he had this ability. Though he had been made pretty aware of it while fighting in that Slither Pit as the Red Shogun, and it’d certainly helped him turn quite a few battles in his favor.
He wasn’t sure why he had it, either. It didn’t seem related to his element—he had Fire, while this seemed more like it’d be under Mind.
But all the same, it was a power he had. And no one else seemed too—not even Nya. If anyone else would have, it would probably be her.
And right now, he was glad he had it. Because, if it worked that way, he could help. He could help his brother.
He could help Lloyd.
“Hey, Lloyd? Are...are you okay?”
Lloyd shot up with a start, whirling around to face the figure in the doorway, trying to wipe the tears out of his eyes before they saw. Blinking as his eyes adjusted to the light pouring in, he managed to identify the person as Kai, and let out the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.
“Oh, h-hi, Kai...” he said, his voice shaky as he tried to keep from crying any more. “What-t-t do you n-need?”
“I came to check on you,” the red ninja explained, giving him a worried look. “I...I had a feeling...are you okay?”
“I—I’m fine,” the blonde lied with a forced smile, not wanting to worry his teammate. “Just...c-can’t sleep, that’s all...”
He heard Kai give a sigh, watching as the master of fire sat down beside him on the bed.
“Lloyd, you don’t sound like you’re fine,” he solemnly countered, giving the green ninja a concerned look. “What’s wrong?”
“...I...I...” Lloyd gulped, trying not to choke on the words. “...I miss my dad,” he finally admitted, feeling the tears starting to well up again. ““Just—why did he have to...w-why did he...h-h-he...” He broke down into sobbing.
Kai set a hand on his shoulder, and he instinctively reached up to grab it, as if it were an anchor.
“I miss him,” he repeated, finding himself unable to say more.
“I know,” the brunette replied empathetically, wrapping his other arm around the ninja in a hug. “I miss my dad, too. I never really even knew him, though, while you...this must be really hard.” Lloyd looked up at him, still trying to dry his eyes. “I just...I can’t sleep, I can’t stop thinking about it...!”
Why did Kai seem to smile slightly? “I think I might be able to help you,” he said, ruffling the teen’s hair.
“You—K-Kai?” he asked nervously, unsure what was going on.
Suddenly, without any warning, Kai’s touch seemed to become strangely...warm. Not in a fiery kind of way, but more of a...soft, calm warm. Spreading through him. The red ninja’s eyes also appeared to change, glowing an unnaturally bright amber.
“Just calm down, Lloyd. Right now, it’ll all be okay. I’m right here for you.” The words seemed to resonate with something inside his head, making everything else start to fade into the background. “You’re safe, I’ve got you.”
Unconsciously, Lloyd found himself leaning into the touch, becoming more and more relaxed as he did so. He was feeling safe now, even if he didn’t really understand what was happening.
What...was happening?
“K...Kai? Whad’re you...” he tried to ask, his voice soft and slurred as he found it harder and harder by the moment to think clearly. It almost felt like he was being wrapped up in a warm blanket, not just physically, but mentally.
“It’s just a little something I’ve picked up, don’t worry. Just relax. I’m here. I’m here for you, Lloyd. You can rest.”
Rest...he felt more than heard the suggestion, with a sleepy haze that was already forming inside of his mind, causing him to feel even more comfortable and loose and peaceful. His eyelids were already fluttering, just barely open, and the only thing he really could see through the small field of vision he had left was the warm golden glow, like candlelight but brighter, emanating from his brother’s gaze.
“You can let your eyes close now, everything else can just fade to the background. I’m here, and I’ll keep you safe. I promise.”
Lloyd’s eyes snapped all the way shut, and he let his head droop limply onto the red ninja’s shoulder. The older teen seemed to be the only thing left that was real at this point, as his senses seemed to go all fuzzy, nothing else really registering anymore. It was just him and Kai.
“It’s all slowing down, got it Lloyd? You can feel it all coming to a stop, letting you go, letting you fall asleep in peace. You can feel it. You are.”
He could feel himself being embraced, and he let himself fall slack into it, letting the other support him. He was so tired now, and he did want to just fall asleep.
“Let yourself drift off. Everything is calm and comfortable now and I’ll make sure it stays that way. You just sleep, got it?”
“Y...y-yeah...” the boy managed to whisper, unable to hold on any longer. A small, almost purring hum of content escaped him as he sluggishly cuddled up against his brother, a small, dreamy, almost dopey grin appearing on his face that grew steadily larger as he relinquished the little control he had left to the peaceful feeling enveloping him. Letting himself go, letting all his fears and worries and everything he didn’t want to be feeling right now go, letting his conscious mind shut down and fall victim to the sleepiness of this daze he was now in.
It would all turn out okay.
He was safe now.
Kai smiled as the young teen nuzzled up against him, almost seeming to be purring as he fully succumbed to the hypnotic spell he’d been sent under.
“It’s all going to be okay, Lloyd,” he assured under his breath, running a hand through the green ninja’s hair and trying to stifle a laugh when he sleepily leaned into it like a cat. “I’m here for you. We’re all here for you. We’ll help you through this.”
“Kai? What are you doing?”
Startled, the master of fire jolted upright, wrapping his arms around Lloyd to try and keep him from waking up at the unexpected change in position.
“Nya?! What—what are you doing?”
“Uh, looking for you? You just—disappeared, without warning. You need to stop doing that, Kai!”
“I—I was helping Lloyd get to sleep, okay?! I just—I—“ Trying to think of a good excuse for the situation, he came up blank. “I just...”
As if sensing his discomfort, Lloyd snuggled up further further against him, once again letting out what sounded suspiciously like a purr.
“Did Lloyd. Just. Purr?!”
“Um...I don’t know. Maybe?”
“Kai, what’s going on. You’re acting suspicious.”
“No I’m not!”
“That just makes you even more suspicious.”
“...Fine...Promise you won’t tell anyone, though?”
“I promise. Now tell me, what are you actually doing?”
“I...I maybe...sort of...hypnotized him.”
Nya blinked, the disbelief on her face evident. “WHAT?!”
“Yeah, I...might have discovered recently that I could do that, and Lloyd was having trouble sleeping, so—“
“Woah, woah, woah, back up, you—how?!”
“I’m not really sure, okay? I just—I learned I have the power to do this kind of thing, I don’t know why!”
His sister just sighed, shaking her head. “Man, am I sorry I asked...”
“Look, I’ll explain everything I can, but later, understand? It’s just—now isn’t really a good time. You know, because...” He gestured to the sleeping master of energy leaning on him. “This.”
“...Alright...but I will get back to you on this. This is just...Man, I’m going to need some time to process this...” Shaking her head a second time, she walked out of the room. “Goodnight, Kai.”
“Goodnight, sis!”
(Welcome to the Hypno Bro AU, peeps.)
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thesoundofmadness · 4 years
() mutual
( ) friend 
( 🐯 ) close friend
you intimidate me:
( ) yes
( 🐯 ) no
do i want to talk more:
( ) yes
( 🐯 ) no
we already talk everyday-
have i ever had a crush on you:
( ) yes
( 🐯 )no
best feature:
( 🐯 ) @
( 🐯 ) layout
( ) posts
() you’re very funny
( ) you’re adorable
( ) i freaked out when you followed me
( 🐯 ) i feel like i annoy you
( ) i love seeing your posts on my dashboard
( ) you’re so pretty
( 🐯 ) i love you a lot
( 🐯 ) you’re so relatable
( 🐯 ) i’m grateful for you
( ) i wish i could meet you one day
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 4 years
4:44 am and it is time to ask a great question... How angsty would you make season 5 if you got the chance to rewrite it?
Horrible screams. Torture that’s not quite shown but just onscreen enough to know how bad it is. Lloyd shoved to the back of his own mind, begging and kicking and screaming to get out.
A temple full of terrors that leave a grown adult shaking. A boy turned ghost who nearly kills himself on the principle that he’s not really alive anymore anyway. Nothing too graphic but horrible things happening all the same.
People dying in Stiix on that fateful night.
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lloydskywalkers · 5 years
Covers the last two episodes of S5 and has a whole next season... Also covers Misako's past, and some lore on how possession works, and about souls... (Also I finally decided to reveal myself) I already have a few scenes written out, so if there's anything you wanna see from it early I can submit one. Have a nice day!
souls and possession and Misako’s past ooOOH! s5 leaves so many doors open to explore and I love it when people go into that 👀I’d love to see where you’re going with it! You don’t have to just submit to me though, I’d say go for posting it yourself! It’s your AU after all, and I can always follow it from you :D
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goldenavenger02 · 2 years
If you're still taking requests for Ninjago whump, could I ask for some Lloyd angst with the prompt:
“This is going to hurt, so you just focus on taking deep breaths, ok? I’ll handle everything else, you just breathe.”?
hush (they said the end is near)
But all he could do, despite how much his face hurt, was blink his eyes open to try and grasp some sort of idea of what was happening in the chaos of his own mistake.
Takes place after the episode True Potential
“-oyd, Lloyd, can you hear m-!”
“-hat are we gonna do?”
“-needs to be in a hospital.”
Lloyd’s head throbbed with an extreme ferocity as he slowly regained himself, but it wasn’t just his head; it seemed like as the seconds passed, so did his pain tolerance. Every single bone, muscle and joint pounded with the feeling of having been bruised.
The worst part though, was his heart which he could have sworn that he felt breaking as he recalled the events that had led up to now and the battle in the prison.
“I have no son.”
The taste the words had, the bitterness with no sign of his father in them, made Lloyd want to throw up to expel them from his mind and forget about the fight so he could continue to live in denial that maybe, just maybe, his father was alive inside of that thing.
But all he could do, despite how much his face hurt, was blink his eyes open to try and grasp some sort of idea of what was happening in the chaos of his own mistake.
“Hey, hey guys! His eyes are open!” The voice was loud enough to make his ears ring slightly, but it was comforting all the same because he knew the voice all too well and knew that it was Kai who was right by his side.
The comfort was quickly replaced by guilt from locking all of them out while trying to fulfill his mission, going so far as breaking his radio so they couldn’t talk him out of saving his father. In hindsight, he knew that he was wrong and he should have waited for them to help him figure out a plan.
But when he tried to speak, to apologize, his tongue felt heavy and a stabbing pain flooded his chest with a fiery intensity that nearly caused him to black out with a pitiful squeak escaping his lips as his eyes filled with tears.
“Hey, hey, save your strength, Lloyd.” Cole’s voice cut in through the blinding pain, followed by Kai’s.
“Yeah, don’t try to talk. Just let us take care of you.”
He managed to nod in response as the pain diminished in strength slowly. Despite just how chaotic everything around him was, however, he could feel himself drifting back into unconsciousness.
“Lloyd?” A muffled voice asked, but everything was starting to hurt again and the darkness was almost comforting to him, knowing that it meant that he didn’t have to focus on what was going on around him.
“Lloyd?!” The voice was louder and the panic was evident around him, but he just couldn’t stay awake any more with how overwhelming the dark was.
‘Just gonna close my eyes…’
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fishybehavior · 2 years
OOOO I have a few!
Lloyd sometimes makes the cat activation noise when woken up
Zane can make heart eyes. Like literally shape the shutters of his eye cameras to form any shape
If your head is lower than Kai while both on the couch, he will absent mindedly ruffle your hair (yes this even happens to Jay)
Lloyd can purr but only in his sleep or when nearly asleep... If you give him scritches in his sleep or suddenly cuddle him, he will purr
Love Kais brotherly instict to ruffle hair
And Lloyd is just a big cat
Zane needs to display emojis too. Hearts, :D, >:], the whole nine yards!!
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serpentfever · 3 years
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Black Sikol Lloyd fighting Morro, requested by @bracedfangirl
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pufffinn · 3 years
Ooooo maybe some oni Lloyd angst for the october requests event?
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mmm watcha sayyyy 😔✌️
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fluffyk97 · 3 years
I've always been so puzzled about Monkie kid... Like where does it air? It ain't on youtube on the LEGO channel...
Is it as universally dubbed as Ninjago, Chima or Nexo knights are?? Or is there only an english dub??
Cause it surely doesn't air on CN here (the only channel that airs LEGO shows where I live)... And the fact that it only seems to have an english dub doesn't make me too confident that it's good...
It definitely isn't that easy to access and I personally don't understand the whole thing with releasing it, but it is dubbed in other languages! Which ones? I cannot remember- Only S3 is the one season not dubbed yet because it is brand new to my knowledge
As for where you can watch it I did watch it all through Google Drives! However, Season 1 & 2 are also up now on Amazon Prime if you have it!
I definitely understand your worry of it being good or not, and while I am no critic, I just can't help but say with confidence that it is a FANTASTIC show despite how poorly It's being treated with airing it and such!
The characters are all so lovable, Mk has become a big comfort character for me even! The comedy is great! The ANGST MAKES ME WANNA RIP MY HEART OUT IT'S SO GOOD-
Then of course there is no denying the animation is just *CHEFS KISS*
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And I'll be honest in my own personal opinion, even if I grew up with Ninjago and love it to death, so far I find Monkie kid a much better show in terms of its writing-
If you ever want to sit down and watch it though I'll drop the Google Drives right here in case you ever want them!
S3 with Subs!
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