#boyz bitz
hunters-hobby-log · 9 months
Day 1: new beginnings
Sooooo starting a hobby streak literally two days before my busiest season may not have been the wisest move. We startin fresh in 2024 with a new army, Traitor guard
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With some christmas cash, I snagged one of these bad boyz with the infantry box in transit (no idea when it'll arrive as its currently out of stock on amazon)
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I built the first team outta this box, and I've reached the conclusion that I need more bitz. They need more spikes, more chaos, MORE HERESY. I feel like mwgdave right now.
I'll resume building when I commission my 3dprinting buddy to print me some traitor heads and other bitz. I already found an stl pack.
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I also kitbashed a nurgly leader guy using the frostgrave wizards box and some plague marine goodies. I might take his free arm off and replace it with a power fist or a mutant fleshy ork arm and have him proxy as iron hand straken. Then he'll go with my poxwalkers that I'll proxy as catachan infantry.
We'll see. Regardless this army really has my hobby juices flowin. Im excited to see what the year holds.
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New + old, metal + plastic, all Orks!
Bought a new Painboss (plastic) and he came with an alternate claw arm and metal head. I have a pile of old ork Nobz (metal) but some bitz are missing so I was able to make one of them into a Cyb-ork with the extras. While digging around I also found the bits to kit out another of the Nobz bodies, and found a fun base for the Painboss. The metals are really heavy and when they were made they were supposed to tower over regular boyz, but with the benefits of scale creep they are now about the same size as the newer plastic boyz. The sculpts are all great though so this'll be fun.
And there's a Grot orderly with a mono-wheel. :)
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Passangers/Hires on
Archonis and Sariel
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No one knows their face or if they are a man or woman. They boarded the ship a while back. Many believe Archonis is here to guard someone because they are destined for something special, but has refused to say who it is. Others say Archonis has become one of the Custodes who act as the eyes and ears of the Emperor and has chosen to make this ship the base of operations. No one knows. What they do know is Archonis usually waits for some kind of danger to appear before striking it down instantly. And never far behind is their closest companion, Sariel. A Sister of Silence who always has their back against any threats, be they psyker or otherwise.
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Most were apprehensive about letting an Eldar on board. Let alone a Farseer. But she has shown herself to be very useful. Often times granting visions to aid the crew with dangers yet to come. They just wish she wasn't so vague and cryptic all the time. She seems to enjoy their frustrations, which annoys them more. But she, her Gyrinx Nightseeker, and many of her people who came with her on board have been of great aid.
Aethash and Antyn
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These siblings are the Prince and Princess of Aeldari Corsairs and have had dealings with the Drakon family many times in the past. And so, they feel it is only right to treat Samuel like family, regardless if they view him as a primitive or not. Besides, his family has always been good partners for them. So how could they not? Especially since they come across a lot of nice loot with all the trouble they get into on board.
Vior Or'es
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A member of the earth caste who had escaped the rule of the ethereals. She is now scared and on the run. She was happy that Samuel had allowed her and other Tau, Kroot, and a few Vesper who had come along with her late parents on board his ship. She has eagerly been helping with engineering. It had been a... chore getting used to working with such low-grade tech. But she has been able to manage. She is very young, even by Tau standards, and often sees the Captain as a father figure. She had also built up quite a bit of muscle training with an ork named Gaz and has taken to using a sword, a unique thing for a tau.
Gaz 'Eadkrakka
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An ork mercenary who was kicked out of his warband with only his pet Squig Chompy and his Gretchin sidekick Bitz, along with a few Boyz loyal to him, and decided to be a hire on with whoever offered him the best fights. He had definitely enjoyed his stay on the Celestial Dragon since the Captain can't seem to stay out of trouble. So he has been having a blast.
Dra'vak Nar
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A sergeant of the Salamanders, he has offered to act as security aboard the ship and has been of great help. Him and his brothers have gotten to know the crew bit by bit. Eventually, they stopped seeing him as a space marine and more like a part of the crew, actually.
Inquisitor Czevelle Rathgun
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Even for an Inquisitor, she can be quite secretive and manipulating. The only reason she hasn't had Samuel and his crew killed for the xenos he had on board his ship is due to the fact she finds him interesting. She has on multiple occasions tried to make him a permanent member of her retinue. But he has declined each time. And each time has only made her more determined. She often walks along the ship with her retinue, acting as if she owned the ship, because if she had her way, she would own not only it, but it's captain as well.
Reikul, Wrythe, Madwen, Selaina, Leona and Zabyn
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Known as the daughters of death, they serve as the bodyguards of the inquisitor. They hardly ever leave her side unless absolutely necessary. They don't say much unless spoken to directly. And usually only when it is the inquisitor herself. But they are always ready to kill at a moments notice. Each hailing from different assassin temples, each is trained to kill differently than the last.
Sister Palatine Katheryan Celestita
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A proud Sister of Battle, she and many of her sisters ride aboard the Celestial Dragon, as they believe it is the will of the Emperor that they must. They have seen no end of battle since coming aboard, and so she is affirmed in her belief it is part of His plan.
Sergeant Caleb, Brokk, Bron and Emil
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An Imperial Guard Sergeant, and his squad consisting of, an Ogryn, a Ratling, and a Squat that managed to remain in the Imperium, had been transfered aboard the Celestial Dragon to guard it, as many assets of the Militarum are often placed on it for transport. They had basically become unofficial members of the crew and had been a decent amount of help aboard.
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hyunjae · 3 years
@official_theboyz: THE BOYZ_WHEN_BE_YOUR_OWN_KING
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incorrecttheboyz · 6 years
#KePain #BbangKyuTeasing
kevin: i don’t know how to say that in english-- bbangkyu: sadjfjskflasjfafjfaj kevin: yeah! we’re super excited. he’s-- bbangkyu: sadjfjsk kevin: they don’t-- they forgot how to speak younghoon: i say “kevin,” you say “ooo.” kevin! jacob: OOO younghoon: kevin! q: ooo kevin: it’s kevin moon!
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salty-pop-corn · 6 years
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[BOYZ BITZ]#The Boyz #Hwall_Mukbang
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kyhxhearts · 6 years
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jaehyunjae · 6 years
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warsmith-wolf · 3 years
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Give ‘em a Zzap!
Ork Mekaniaks are known for their legendary ingenuity and resourcefulness, so long as said genius is related solely to building things wot go dakka-dakka, freeeeem, and zzzap. Mekboy Killzap, a Spanna Mek by trade, is one such greenskin, having constructed his pet kustom mega-blasta, ‘Lil’ Zzappy`, from a truly nightmarish compote of mutually incompatible components. Appearing to be some manner of ‘zzap muskit’, the weapon utilises charged ammunition as evidenced by the magazine and spare supply belt, yet appears to possess an energy projector rather than a bullet orifice - quite how this madcap device functions is perhaps best left to the imagination. One shudders to think what manner of heinous contraption this Mekboy would consider ‘Big Zzappy’...
Back when my entire Japanese bitz box consisted of a single Boyz kit, making a Mekboy ended up being something of a bodge job! In a way, that probably makes him the orkiest Ork in the collection...
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betabites · 3 years
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[Image ID: eight photos of painted miniatures of Warhammer 40K orks. In all cases, the primary colors are blue and steel, with purple, blued steel, brass, and copper accents. Creatures have green skin, and a red-painted left boot. The first photo is of a helmeted ork with a glaive in one hand. He has a gold-painted halo of metal mounted to his armor behind his head. The second photo is of a ork with a horned helmet and red metal armor. He has a glaive held in two hands and a horned skull mounted on the pole on his back. The third photo is of an ork with a topknot and a lascannon instead of a right arm. He holds an axe in his left hand, and has two poles on his back: one with a horned skull, the other with a metal ork skull and bone. The fourth photo is of an ork with heavy cybernetics, including half of his face, and both arms. His arms end in large metal cutting claws. He has a metal plate on the pole on his back that reads “Sz Klaw.” The fifth photo is of an ork with cybernetics, including a tesla-coil instead of a left ear. He holds a very complicated blaster, has a wrench over his shoulder, and a pole with a crossed wrench and hammer on his back. The sixth photo is a composite of two orks with very large, over-the-shoulder guns. The ork on the left has a goblin in his backpack, feeding ammo into the gun’s hopper. The seventh photo is a composite of two orks with full face masks, fuel tanks on their backs, and flamethrowers. The eighth photo is of an ork with cybernetic eyes and smokestack built into his head. He is carrying a fuel tank on his back, and has a belt-fed machine gun with an underslung flamethrower and a shield mounted over the barrel of the gun. An inset detail shot of the shield shows that it is in the shape of an ork face. It reads “ZOG” on the shield, with the ‘o’ being formed by the barrel of the gun. End Image ID.]
Orktober products, 6/6
Yeah, I don’t have legal numbers of lootas and burnas, but I wasn’t ever planning on using them in the by-the-books game, so no big deal. Maybe in a kill team.
I had fun with the box of nobz and my bitz box, thus the living orkon of Saint Nika, and the surprisingly small but much angrier boss of the red-armoured beetle boyz. And the cybernobz. And Mr. ‘what if I had a combi-weapon, but MOAR?’ I think they’ve got lots of character, even if only one of them earned a name by the end of painting (Ghostglaive, Beetleboyboss).
Another successful Orktober, all told!
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dabigmek · 3 years
Boss Nailz studied the burning drop pod, he was fascinated by what he had just witnessed during the battle. Mek Bignutz strolled over, cutting torch in hand ready to start salvaging.
"Dat woz awesome," said Nailz. "Da way it slammed onto Goffgitz Boyz and den all da beaky marinez piled out ta finish off da remains."
"Sure woz boss." Answered Bignutz, not really listening, disassembling the advanced machine in his mind, planning ways to use the various parts to kill something with.
"Wotz it called?" Queried Nailz.
"A space trukk I fink," said Bignutz shrugging his shoulders.
"Wotz dis bit do?" Asked nailz, grappling with one of the drop pods hinged doors.
"It shoots open ta let da beakies out."
"An dis bit?" Continued Nailz interrogation.
"Da rocket booster, makes it go fasta dan a mad flyboy on speedsquig juice."
Nailz nodded intently.
"An dese yella and black stripes on da doors?" Nailz raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "Wotz dat for?"
"Dems da 'careful now' marks, ta make sure da beakies don't trip when dey comes out da space trukk."
Nailz thought about this for a while.
"So, dey jumps in a little trukk dat is in space. Dat trukk is shot at da ground fasta than a really fast thing with a special reason ta go fast, all da while deyz been shot at with da biggest gunz and when dey finally slams into da ground in da middle of all da ardest enemies, dey needs help not to trip and urt demselves?"
"Weird boss, I know." Answered Bignutz.
"Can ya build me some a dem?" Asked Nailz, "but without da girlie stripes?"
"Wiv extra spike bitz boss, no problems," said bignutz dropping his welding mask with a grin.
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orkyadvice · 4 years
I needz sum advice! Iz tyrry-nid teef a valid kurrency? Me and da boyz on Oktarius just trashed sum Karnifex, but dat stingy Mek git at da fort won’t take itz teef az payment fer our shootaz. Karny teef iz big n’ sharp ya see, but “Orky teef or bust”, he sez!
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ask-jaghatai-khan · 4 years
“I’m bored!” Gurz bemoaned through his helmet’s face-guard, as he pried up his red-hot choppa from the smoldering corpse of a mutilated human, “Nuffin’ but deze lil scrawny ones! It’s like da humies don’ even respect us! Gork, da red ones don’t even ‘ave dat much blood in ‘em! Where’s da fun of it all?”
“Dey’z either runnin’ outta good fightas or dey’z tryin’ ta make us bored! Now dat’s some cruel kunnin’!” Darg agreed, the hulking Nob setting his armored behind down on the wreck of Chimera transport.
All about the retinue of black-armored orkz there was nothing but the devastation of a resolved battle. The mainline of the human defence force had been smashed by the greenskin assault some hours ago, and most of the WAAAGH! had since gone back to camp to prepare for the next big push. Big Nob Skargrut’s gang - of which Gurz and Darg were members - hadn’t been content to wrap up so soon. As grizzled mega-warriors of the Goff clan, their bloodlust was never quite sated. They’d taken to the killing fields to try and hunt down survivors, but now that most dreaded of orkish foes was rearing its disgusting head - boredom.
“Normally I’d krump ya fer moanin’ like a coupla grots-” Skargrut rubbed at his half-metallic chin, the power-armored bulk of that senior ork officer dwarfing the already substantial forms of his comrades, “But I gotta say yer right. I’z gonna ‘ave words wit’ da boss when we get back ta camp. Maybe he finks dis is alright, but if I’d signed up for Big Ghazz’s WAAAGH! an’ dis is da kinda fightin’ I was left with, I’d be right fumin’!” He brought down his power-claw on the mangled corpse of a Skitarii Vanguard, the crunch of metal offering little satisfaction to the incensed alien.
Warriors under Boss Urgron, Skargrut’s boyz were but a handful of the legions upon legions of greenskins who now counted themselves under the banner of Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka’s galaxy-spanning horde. They’d landed on this world - some humie dump by the name of “Benny-dikshun” - to conquer its forges for the Big Boss’ war effort. Yet all in all the fighting had been a massive letdown. To start it had been fun, of course. The initial clashes had seen the skies turned to fire with dogfights thicker than a cloud of squig-flies, and the ground had been a mash of Goff vehicles and sturdy warriors contending with the mechanized human defenders. Yet despite their technological help, the humans could do little to hold off the sheer unkillable brutality of the seasoned Goff horde. The pitiful pink-skins and their red-cloaked allies had retreated to the major hives or even into orbit, leaving the droves of ork infantry with little to do.
“Back in my day ya didn’t ‘ave ta be a flyboy to get all the fun! A proppa ork don’ need anyfing but his choppa an’ a good boss to lead ‘em to a scrap!” Skargrut did some more whining of his own, his colossal size and bellowing tone at odds with his petulant, childlike attitude.
“Urgron listens ta us!” piped in Furgga, their mob’s lead heavy-weapons specialist, launching off a plume of flame from his combo flamer-grinda, “I say we tell ‘im da mob oughta push on. We need ta get to da siege! An’ if he won’t go an’ just wants ta sit on his bitz pile - well, we’ll ‘ave yer back Skargrut!”
A round of grunting agreements and a few cheers went up. Skargrut commanded a sizeable mob of ‘ardboyz who might have been considered for Ghazz’s own retinue had they not been stuck in Urgron’s WAAAGH! The Nob wasn’t one for insubordination in the middle of a campaign, but he had his standards. When he’d heard rumors that they’d be fighting the red-cloaks on this planet, he’d expected big humie stompas and kustom tanks, not just droves of pitiful cyborg dregs. He figured they were hiding the good stuff somewhere, but he and his boyz would never enjoy that kind of scrap if they were stuck pulling up the rear of the main assault.
“Datz it, den!” Skargrut announced, “Stretch dem legs, boyz! We’z headin’ back ta camp, an den da camp is comin’ wif us!”
The clamor of some thirty power-armored orks thundering across the killing-fields together was enough to send snotlings scurrying a mile off.
“Almost dere ladz!” Boss Skargrut hollered, at least to those warriors close enough to hear him. The warboss took a moment to admire his new power-klaw, eager to give it a proper testing in the battle ahead. There were even still bits of red and green gore mashed into some of the joints - Skargrut hoped Urgron’s “lukky klaw” would bring him more luck than its prior owner.
On the horizon, the red glow of war could be seen.
The humie factory-hive was besieged from all angles, the full might of the greenskin horde turned against their stronghold, Skargrut had been sure to let every Nob know over the shouta-channels that he was in charge now, and that anything short of a full-out assault on every last humie bastion was unacceptable. They’d done a good job, the humies, for being a bunch of weaklings. Numerous concentric tiers of fortifications, from barbed trenches to full-on citadel walls had been prepared for the xenos attack, but still the orks pushed in yard by yard. Nothing could stand in the way of a Goff mob on the warpath. Maybe the humies had better shootas here and there, or more flash vehicles, but at the end of the day you couldn’t put a Goff Nob down with anything less than a grenade to the mouth.
As Boss Skargrut gave his orders, sending out bikers and stormboyz on the flanks to take out entrenched guns, he and his melee horde pushed up the middle. Even before the human defensive turrets had been crippled, but a paltry few of Skargrut’s mega-boyz had fallen to the sustained fire.
Yet just as the sheer bloodlust was building in the Warboss’ chest, his beady red eyes set on those outer fortifications where he knew some proper foes to sink his klaw into were huddled, there came a blaring noise that almost managed to deafen the iron eardrums of a greenskin.
Following that klaxon call, there was a thunderclap and a blinding light, and when Skargrut shook the stars from his vision, he noticed a good forth of his vanguard horde was no more. Instead, there was but a heap of bubbling slag.
The Warboss’ gaze shot to the source. A great figure had appeared from behind the ruins of a half-fallen outer bunker - a giant which made even Killa-Kans and Deff-Dreads look like fledgling boyz in comparison.
Its red and white armor gleamed despite the smog of battle, and its skull-face carried cold rage. From some unseen horn within its mechanized guts, another sound pierced through the din of war. To the orks, it was little more than unappealing noise, but all those servants of the Imperium in the vicinity recognized the Hymn of Donna Valkiriya, from the liturgies of the Martian Obikhod. That war-song of the red planet announced the arrival of the first cavalry.
Baron Korsakov of House Taranis lead his knight lance from out of the exurb ruins about the hive, charging forward to meet the orkish assault. Behind his Cerastus Knight-Atrapos came a company of similar machines, tall and swift and outfitted with a mix of enormous lances and devastating heavy weaponry. As if they intended to meet the orks in a straight assault like their primitive namesakes of old, the mighty colossi loped towards Skargrut’s lines as the greenskins reeled and braced in equal measure, unsure of what to make of this new enemy.
Though he’d just watched a great many of his warriors vaporized by just one of these machines in an instant, Skargrut’s brute face split into an eager grin. Now this - this was what he’d been waiting for.
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hyunjae · 4 years
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incorrecttheboyz · 6 years
kevin: i have no idea what i’m doing. how do you guard? jacob: just go crazy... just go crazy! kevin: *goes crazy* jacob: *takes over* kevin: oh, it switches players
kevin: are you sure? no, we’re steve! jacob: really!?? kevin: yeah! are we not? just kidding. wait wait wait, hold up. let’s-- let’s not do anything & see what happens jacob: we’re not even playing! kevin: ..........??? kevin: OH NO WE’RE JAYCEE! WE’RE JAYCEE! WE ARE JAYCEE jacob: really??? kevin: or not???? jacob: no, we’re not playing kevin: no, wait wait wait, we are tho...... right? yeah, we are we are we are.... aw, what the heck! kevin: oh no, we’re-- ayyyyy woo! oh, it’s not dead yet
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juyjae · 5 years
deobi challenge!
a fan challenge for the boyz ! feel free to personalize it to your liking by adding different categories and making more than one set per category - this is just a skeleton for deobiz to use as a reference ! use the tag #deobichallenge so other deobiz can see your stuff !
bias wrecker(s)
fav mv(s)
fav era(s)
fav pairing(s)
fav line(s)
fav look(s)
fav choreographies 
fav bside(s)
fav performance(s)/special stage(s)
fav youtube series (the play, off the boyz, boy bitz, the boyz.zip, mission the boyz, boylog,etc)
fav come on the boyz season 
fav jacket shooting/aesthetic teaser
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