#boxer!harry styles
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hsdiaries · 1 year ago
chapter three
5.5k words
Third chapter of eight count.
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I jumped rope quickly, counting in my head until I reached one hundred, dropping the rope and starting on my next set of burpees. I did thirty, dropping down to the floor for a quick minute and thirty break.
"So I noticed he likes to dance back right before he throws. It's like a habit I don't think he's aware of. He does it too often, you think his coach would have caught on by now," Brad called out from in front of the small tv in his gym. 
"He also always swings left last, I think his right is his weak side, that's why he uses it as his first jab, it doesn't need to be as hard as his second punch. So I have to get him to swing, then hit against his weak," I said, standing back up, reaching for my jump rope and starting another hundred.
"We can practice some of that in the ring tomorrow. I got Jacob to lend us the basement so we could practice. I will say though - you can't use a check hook on him. He's going to be expecting it," Brad said, standing up and grabbing some tape so he could prep my hands and we could spare. I finished my jumps and burpees, breathing hard as I walked over to Brad, holding out my hands.
"Most of them do though. Hasn't stopped me before," I said as Brad began to wrap my left hand.
"Yeah, but he lacks a technique the others have. Others concentrate on the fight, he concentrates on what he studied. He'll take hits waiting for that hook. He got you last time because he knew what was coming. The movement he was waiting for happened and he took it."
"So I have to change up my game for an amateur? Fucking splendid," I rolled my eyes as he moved on to wrapping my right hand.
"We will work it, you'll see, he'll be out in one round. I promise you," he said and I nodded, trusting Brad and his method of training. It had gotten me to where I was now, I wasn't going to start doubting him today, "So how did you get stitched up?"
"Um, my neighbor...I'm not supposed to say it was her, but, she had this kit and her dad taught her. He was a doctor...is a doctor - oh," I paused, suddenly realizing she only talked about him in past tense, never mentioning him in present time. Her mother I knew was still alive, but her father, I now wondered.
"You alright?" Brad asked, smacking my hands to let me know I could slip my gloves on.
"Yeah, I just...realized that I don't really pay attention like I should."
Brad chuckled, helping me slip on my gloves, "So is she hot?"
I rolled my eyes, "More than that actually. She's beautiful and....clean."
"Clean? I mean, I hope she's clean man," Brad hit my head softly, putting on his sparring gloves.
"No," I chuckled, "I mean, her life is so neat, so pristine and in place. She has everything and everyone it seems wrapped around her finger to make things go according to her plan. I swear she speaks in orders."
"Hmm, seems like she's got you smitten man," Brad said, setting up his stance in front of me.
"A bit. I'm not in love or anything, shit I've had just two interactions with her - just wanna know how her mind works. Wanna know her mind."
"And her body?" Brad teased, wiggling his brows and I quickly hit him with a left punch, sending him back a bit as he wasn't prepared.
"Shut the fuck up," we both laughed, Brad stablizing himself, hitting the two gloves together. We went back to practicing my hits and punches. Moving around the small space in Brad's gym.
Left, left, right, left, right hook.
Right, left, right, left.
Fake left, right, hook.
We went through each motion, my body dripping in sweat the harder I pushed myself, the more I imagined finally taking that weak ass down. I would be ready this time, reminding him why I'm the best at Birmingham's and on this side of Chicago.
"Does she know you fight," Brad asked, making me stumble as he broke my concentration.
I wiped my face on my arm, shaking my head, "No, why would I tell her. This isn't exactly something to be proud of. Some underground shit that pays the bills. It's not like it'll amount to anything and you know I stand firm on that," I said, walking over and settling on a weight bench, catching my breath.
"H, you know you could rule your weight class if you actually tried to make it something? Like that Maddox thing? Just imagine, Styles and Goulding under the guide of Percy Maddox," I could see the eager look in Brad's eyes. It was one thing to make it on your own, another thing to come as a package deal with a boxer you made great.
"Why does everyone forget about Louis?" I laughed, shaking my head, legs spread in front of me, stretching them out.
"Because Louis just wants money. You can make him your fucking water boy and he wouldn't care as long as it was a paid gig," Brad said, and I knew it was time to accept in my mind that he really didn't care about the sport the way Brad and I did. He really just cared about the financial aspect. I couldn't even blame him for it, he took care of himself and his younger brother. He didn't have a choice but to think with nothing but money signs in his eyes.
I nodded, pondering on the thought, on how great it would be to travel, to fight in a professional ring. To go up against the big names. What a loss in a big ring would even feel like - a big win in a big ring. I shook my head, as my fathers voice began echoing in my mind. 
Worthless, waste of space, piece of shit mistake.
"I'll never actually be good enough, Brad. But thank you. Thank you, for thinking I'm worthy enough," I shrugged, "Come on, let's finish up. Need to make sure my dad actually makes it to his fucking shift tonight or we are never going to catch up on bills."
"Pops, come on. It's one out of your only two shifts at the station this week. Just ring people up for their gas and snacks. You can fucking manage that," I said, throwing out his clothes on the bed, his hungover ass hanging over the edge, feet on the ground.
"I'm not fucking going kid, you ain't the parent. So shut your fucking mouth," ny dad groaned, attempting to lift his body from the bed, making me grow frustrated. I moved quickly to block his path as he moved to the room door, and I stood in front of it, "Move, Harry!"
"No," I heard myself growl at him, "We need to be able to pay the electricity bill, we need your full check. I'm not living in the fucking dark again!"
"Then you work!"
"I do work!"
He broke into a fit of laughter shoving me back, catching me off guard as he did it, again and again until I hit the hallway wall, "What? Your little bitch fights? You think cause you bring in a couple thousand you support this family? You think that's enough?"
"It's more than you ever do," I muttered, swallowing as I felt so small, his face pushing closer to mine.
"Get your ass out of my apartment, I don't give two flying fucks where you end up tonight but it ain't here! Fuck off! Now!" He yelled in my face, my hands quickly on his chest shoving him back, moving around him into my room.
"That's not the front door!"
"I'm grabbing my shit!" I yelled back, quickly grabbing my gym bag and throwing things in, clueless as to what I was actually grabbing my hands shaking from the amount of anger and frustration that ran through me. I finished up, yanking my phone charger from the socket and quickly moving through the house to the front door.
"Stay away until you can pay the electricity bill, you don't have the money, don't bother coming back!" He called after me as I opened the door, walking through and slamming it close behind me.
"Fuck!" I yelled out to the ceiling, turning towards the wall next to it and kicking it hard, yelling again, "Fuck!" 
"It's not the wall's fault that it's there, it can't really move from it's infrastructure," I heard Emilia say, embarrassment flashing over me at the sight of her, put together as ever. Hair in a tight bun, a matching olive yoga set on her body, a yoga mat rolled up under her arm.
I shook my head, turning on my heels, moving to the elevator when her quick footsteps moved to my side, "Hey, hey, I'm sorry. Hey. What's wrong?"
I felt her fingers gently wrap around my arm, muscles tensing under a kind of touch I didn't feel often, a gentle one.
"Nothing, I just, need to fuck off from my own home," I swallowed, tugging at my hair, harder than usual, trying to refrain from spilling out my anger towards her.
"You wanna fuck off onto the roof top with me? You can do yoga with me..," she suggested, earning her a pointed look from me making her giggle a bit, "or not. I also know the sun is about to set, and sometimes that's all you need. A reminder that the end of the day is beautiful and only leads to a new one to start fresh."
"You're too optimistic for your own good, you know that?" I smiled a bit and she shrugged, reaching and taking my bag from me. She opened her apartment quickly, placing it inside before locking up again.
"Try working in the ICU forty to sixty hours a week, you learn to find optimism even in the smallest change of a vital," she said matter of factly leading the way to the door I knew led to the roof. We weren't allowed up here as residents, but I figured she even had found her way around that rule.
"How do you not go insane? Seeing that much pain...death," I said as we headed up the stairs.
"I...I've just developed thick skin," she said, finishing her statement quickly. We walked up the two flights of stairs before the rooftop, an amazing view of the city skyline coming into frame, the sun setting behind it.
"Wow," I said under my breath, turning to see her smiling softly at me.
"Told you, the end of the day is always beautiful. No matter how crappy," she took a deep breath, closing her eyes before opening them and rolling out her mat. I moved to sit on an old beach chair up here, letting my eyes watch as she began her yoga, no further explanation in my direction. 
There was something about the way she moved through the moments we shared, like she could just add me on to her clearly planned out life and make it work. Even now, her body rolled forward, bending in perfect half as she crawled forward into downward dog, like I wasn't even here. It almost felt like I was granted permission to act like a ghost, to just sit here and wallow in the pity I felt for myself. If she also felt pity for me, I would never know. I could just assume she did. She carried herself in a way that didn't make you feel less than, but just made you feel like your problems weren't the only important ones.
I chuckled quietly to myself, looking back out at the skyline. I closed my eyes, swallowing as I counted the way I could split my money to make it work for both the electricity and house supplies. Either way, it didn't make sense, making my chest tighten, knowing I would have to touch my savings. I shook my head, opening my eyes as Emilia moved through her different positions, showcasing the long lines of her body. She was toned, not overly muscular, her bottom had a perfect round shape to it, her chest like perfect sized hills, rising and falling as she breathed through her exercise. I licked my lips wondering what her skin felt like, what it would feel like to sink my fingers into it. 
"Her body"
I heard Brad say, making me smack my face softly snapping me out of my thoughts. I pushed off the chair, walking over to her, laying on the floor next to her mat.
"What's your favorite thing to cook on your days off?" I said softly.
"Mmm, well..." she said, lowering her body into a cross legged position, closing her eyes, bringing her hands in front of her chest, inhaling deeply, "I love couscous. It's my favorite grain and you can eat it with everything. I like making it into a salad, with corn, arugula, red onion, some grilled chicken and I make a delicious red pepper dressing to go with it."
My stomach growled slightly at her words, my tongue running over my lips. After my workout and dealing with my dad, I hadn't found the time to eat and I was starved, "That sounds like a dream, arugula is my favorite. I call anyone who doesn't like it weak." I chuckled and she laughed too, glancing over at me.
"I was going to make that tonight, help me? We can play blackjack, make a fort in my living room and ignore any noises that cats may make in the night. I also bought two different kinds of juice." She smirked and I pushed up on my elbows, trying to fight my blush.
"I haven't played blackjack since I was in high school believe it or not, you are also speaking to an expert fort builder and I happen to like juice," I reached up, running my fingers through my hair at the mention of cats, wondering if I should even tend to my pops drunken antics tonight. Instead I let my mind ponder on the fact that she had bought two kinds of juice, wondering if it was because I said I didn't drink alcohol. 
"Then it sounds like neither one of us can pass up this opportunity," she shrugged and I chuckled nodding.
"I guess we can't." I smiled sitting up with a bend to my legs, elbows resting on my knees.
"Have you ever done yoga before?" she asked, laying back on her mat.
"I feel like I'm too...stalky? I imagine - like you have to be nimble, and fluid. I'm way too stiff I feel," I laughed and she did too, turning her face to me.
"That's actually what yoga is for, to help with the stiff and help you flow. Also a great destresser. After long hospital shifts or after a patient passes. I do this, in my apartment...or here, even at night, under the stars."
"Not that you don't seem like you can protect yourself, that sounds incredibly dangerous. Coming up here alone." I said, her eyes narrowing at me.
"You are right in saying I can definitely protect myself. My dad was in the Marines, remember? I've been trained in self defense since I popped out of the womb," she said matter of factly making me chuckle.
"How about we make a deal, you let me crash on your couch when my cat acts up and I'll come keep you company for moonlight yoga," I shrugged, knowing this offer was more for me than her, though I actually seemed to really care about her safety.
"I think that's a fair deal," she smiled.
"Good, good stuff, uh -.." I tugged at my hair, "What's your dad doing now? Still a man of service or?"
Her face dropped instantly, quickly turning to face out to the skyline, her body tense for once, bottom lip rolled between her teeth. She inhaled, looking down at her lap, "He uh - he died in service. He was serving at an on-site hospital, it was invaded and..." she just shook her head, scratching at her mat.
"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have asked. I just realized earlier, I didn't fully pay attention to how you spoke of him in only past tense...I wondered." I swallowed, feeling like an idiot. My palms began to grow sweaty, looking down as I moved to clean them off on my pants.
She looked up at me, her lips pursing until they settled in a small smile, licking her lips as her eyes narrowed, "You noticed my tenses?"
I peeked up, "Yeah. Does that make me strange?"
She shook her head, "No, just, adds a layer to you. A good layer."
I smiled, unable to stop my cheeks from turning a deep shade of pink, my tongue running on the inside of my mouth over my teeth, "Well...um, good then. I guess?"
We both laughed and she pushed off the floor, starting to roll up her mat, "Come on, bashful. Let's go cook, I'm starving."
She taught me how to cook the couscous, frying it first a bit with a rosemary olive oil she had shipped from California, adding a cup of boiling water, some chicken bouillon and letting it simmer until soft. While she cooked the chicken I chopped up the red onions and tomatoes, washing the arugula and straining the can of corn to add in. I cut up the red bell pepper and we made the sweet but savory dressing together. 
She liked to wash dishes as she went, even storing away the leftovers after she served our plates. I didn't fight her on anything, going along with her pattern of things, it weirdly brought me peace, purpose. Everything she did felt like it came with a purpose and a reasoning that differed so much from my life. I felt like I moved and made choices based on chance and circumstance. Nothing was for me or because it was the way I liked to do things. In contrast this felt nice, I could pretend it was of my doing, of my choice.
"Mango Orange or Strawberry Banana? I felt like they were different enough to be good choices," she smiled, holding both up for me to see as I started building us a fort in her living room.
"What if you mixed a bit of both into a cup? Just a tropical goodness really," I smiled.
"So you're a genius, clumsy, but a genius!" She giggled a bit, serving the juice, for herself as well and bringing it over to the living room, then the food. She stood with her hands on her hips, taking in my work so far, tilting her head, "We need another sheet. I'll be back."
She left, coming back with another sheet and what looked like a blanket. She placed the blanket on the floor, throwing the sheet over the two sides of the fort I had built with her couch cushions. 
"I know you're tall, but we can make it work right?" She tilted her head further so she could see in the tiny cave she had created.
"Sure let me just shrink, we got this," I said, stepping around to get the blanket and spread it in the fort before lowering myself down and in. I scrunched my body up as best as I could before holding my hands out for the plate of food and my drink. She was tall, but still able to fit perfectly in the fort, her food settled on her lap, drink between us right next to mine.
She smiled big, taking in the fort before looking down at her food, "I don't do stuff like this often anymore. Thanks for not thinking it's strange." She glanced up at me, popping a piece of tomato in her mouth.
"Mmm, I think acting like a kid is the best part of life. Remembering the freedom of being young. We felt so not free because we had rules in place, but I think that's when we were the most free. We didn't have a worry or a sense of reality," I tugged at my hair, moving my food around.
"True. Now life is just schedules and bills," she sighed, eating her food.
"I mean, there has to be other things you do though. Like - what do you do for fun for example?" I said, taking a sip of my juice.
"Umm, well yoga," she shrugged.
"That's not really for fun though? You do that for fitness and destressing. I mean, like what do you do that makes you feel young again, have fun, feel alive," I asked and she sat silent, sucking on her lower lip, releasing it with a pop.
"I - I don't do anything, really. I can't remember the last time I even went out for drinks. I have a hard time going against my schedule. I think it's cause, my dad was serving at a hospital that wasn't on his schedule that day. They just needed an extra hand..." she pushed her lips into the left side of her mouth, shrugging.
"I'm sorry, Emilia." I said, her name feeling so wonderful wrapped around my tongue.
"It's fine. Maybe this will be my fun. I'll build different forts, try and outdo the one before each time. Maybe you'll help me," she smiled and I chuckled, nodding.
"We can do that. I bet we can get real creative," I inhaled through my nose, smiling as I breathed out the nerves I felt in my stomach, in the form of weird things with wings.
"What about you, Harry? What's your idea of fun?" She said, getting more comfortable as she ate.
"Well, I um, box at the gym —..."
"...—nope! If working out didn't count for me it doesn't count for you!" She said, pointing her fork at me.
"Then I guess building forts is also going to be my new form of fun," I chuckled, pushing her hand away.
"Hmm, two boring people attempting fun, I like it," she smiled big.
We spent the next half hour, eating and talking about movies we liked, discussing our favorite movie theater snacks and what we wanted to be like when we were younger. I told her I had wanted to be a world traveler, no actual formal profession attached to it and she told me how she wanted to be president. She realized being president ages you, quickly giving up on that dream; while I realized I was poor and could never travel the way I wanted. She often tried to move the conversation to my job as a bar back, and since it was a complete lie, I had to work twice as hard to direct the conversation back to her.
"Have you ever had a favorite patient? Like an impactful one?" I said, pushing my body out of the fort, enough to move our plates and cups out, before coming back in and laying down. I rested my hand on the palm of my hand, looking over at her.
"Mm, well we aren't supposed to, but...I currently have a favorite. Her name is Tracy, she's five and she's constantly in the ICU or the cancer ward. Everyday is like...a horrible countdown. They can't control her cancer, they've tried but - God, Harry her family is so positive. She's so positive. Oh and silly! She's so silly. Always wants me to have a boyfriend, tells me to play soccer with them because boys like soccer," she giggled, laying down and mimicking my position, "She's the type of patient that makes me want to be even better at my job, you know?"
I nodded, taking in her face, how it lit up when she talked about Tracy. It made me wish I could tell her about boxing, about how good I was; but these were two different things. Hers was a profession, a real thing. Mine was where misfits went. It was unsafe and not responsible. She would always be going somewhere in life, while I was just stuck.
"Where's your mind at?" She said, surprising me by brushing my hair back, her fingers gentle as they twisted on my ends.
"What do you mean? I'm just here, listening to you?" I said softly, the annoying flutter back in my stomach again.
"Your brows were pushing so close together I thought you might form a permanent unibrow," she giggled a bit and I laughed, shaking my head.
"Sorry, my mind does wander, but it's unimportant. So, are you off tomorrow too?" I said, her hand dropping down between us.
She narrowed her eyes, analyzing me before nodding, "Yeah, and then I have 5am to 5pm shifts for the next couple of days. You work tomorrow?"
"Um, I might actually. I won't know until the morning, but I'm hoping. I have to figure out how to pay my electricity bill. My cat doesn't seem to understand the importance of work," I said, suddenly feeling frustrated again.
"Was he always this way? Always a drinker?" Her voice was careful, like she knew how easily I could close off.
"No, he used to be so different. Worked in an office, suit and tie everyday. Took me to every game at Wrigley Park every season. Then, mum died. He just never got over the heartbreak. Thomas Styles, office manager, became Thomas Styles, the drunk," I averted my eyes down, shaking my head. Her fingers were soon under my chin, lifting my face up gently, throwing me completely off as she leaned in and kissed my cheek gently.
"I hope you know you don't deserve the cards you've been dealt. No one ever does. I don't deserve a mom who's too high to remember that I even exist most days. You don't deserve a dad who's too drunk to realize he's placing the world on his son's shoulders," she spoke with such certainty, her fingers tracing my face gently. 
In that moment, I think it was the fact she was showing me a kindness I had never felt from someone, a warmth that was starting to take over my entire being. In that moment, that's what drove me to kiss her, it was a moment of weakness that felt so validating when I felt her kiss me back. It was like the universe knew that we, two broken strangers, needed the warmth of someone else in our lonely worlds.
Our lips moved desperately on each other, my body weight shifting to hover over her, trying not to rest too much of it down. Her hands cupped my neck, nails digging softly into my skin as my lips broke from hers; I gently knocked her head back with my nose, kissing along her jaw, down her beautiful neck.
She exhaled a soft giggle, making me laugh against her skin, eyes glancing up at her, her own dancing between mine, "You're not going to disappear if I let you have your way with me, now will you?"
I laughed, pressing myself into her, my hand wrapping around her face with a slight grip, thumb running over her lower lip, "We have too many forts to build," I said softly, leaning down and kissing her, slipping my thumb away as I did, our mouths open, tongues finding the taste in one another. Familiarizing myself with the sweetness of her taste, the whimper that built in her throat, escaping into my mouth.
Her hands traveled down my chest and stomach, gripping at the bottom of my shirt, slowly pushing them up. I moved my body up, allowing her room to remove my shirt, only knocking down the fort on top of us, sending her into a fit of giggles, my laughter soon mixing in with hers. I pushed my knee between her legs, allowing me to sit up, pushing the fallen cushions and sheets out of the way. 
Clearing everything to find her laying under me, hands wrapped around her stomach as she laughed brought a heat through me. It made me smile down at her like a damn idiot, wondering what took so long for our paths to cross how they had these past three days. She calmed her laughter, looking up at me, narrowing her hooded eyes, pushing into a sitting position. Her eyes stayed locked on mine, hands traveling up my sides then back down, slipping under my shirt pushing it up with her hands. I slipped it off and over my head, throwing it to the pile of sheets on the side.
She licked her lips, glancing down at my body, eyes traveling over my ferns as her fingers moved down to them, tracing them down the the band of my pants. Her hands settled there, eyes traveling up my body to my butterfly tattoo, before innocently glancing up at me as she pressed a kiss to it.
My hands wrapped around her neck, fingers tangling in the base of her tied up hair, my body bending down to kiss her deeply. She pushed me back softly, my body moving to adjust to that I started to lay back, watching the coffee table behind me. She moved up on my body, arms wrapping around my neck as I settled on my back, her legs straddling me as we continued to kiss. My free hand slipped under the band of her sport bra, right along her rib cage.
She inhaled a stuttered breath through her nose, pushing off of me to slip her sports bra of her body, her breasts escaping their confine with a bounce that made my cock twitch.
"Fuck," I breathed out, her asentuated waist on a long torso, holding her perfectly round supple breasts. I pulled her down towards me, my mouth welcoming her fullness into it, tongue grazing her nipple as my hands explored her bare back, the simple dip of her spine, my fingers tracing along it.
Her hips rolled on me, her ass pressing down into my cock, my hips pushing up into her. My lips moved up her neck, kissing and biting at her soft skin, her delicious pear scent matching her taste. She pulled my face to hers, kissing me like she was trying to figure out how much more she could take from me. 
Then, it all quickly ended, the sound of slamming and breaking glass soon filling the space. I could hear my fathers curses, more shattering, rough items hitting against the wall that separated this warm peace from that cold hell hole. I clung onto her at the sound, my face pressing into her chest, my breath heavy.
I felt her lips press into the top of my head, over and over as the sounds continued, "Hey, hey look at me," she said, my face pulling away to look up at her.
"I can never hear it from my room, it's always quiet there," she whispered through the sounds of shattering that made my eyes close. After feeling so lost in happiness with her, the pain of reality hit harder in this moment. The noise felt so close, like it was right next to my ears, like he was throwing everything directly at me.
I nodded, "Okay."
She moved off me quickly, grabbing my shirt and slipping it on her body, holding her hands out to me. I grabbed them, moving my body up as we moved quickly down the hall and into her room, the door quickly shutting. The silence was instant, my chest filling with air. I breathed it out, shaking my head.
"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," I stuttered, nervously yanking at my hair, eyes closed tight. I felt her hand on my arm, pulling it away from my hair gently. Her hands moved to my face, one on each cheek. 
"Why are you apologizing?" She whispered softly.
I opened my eyes, a soft smile greeting me. My mouth felt dry as I spoke, "I'm so embarrassed. It just all sounded so close. Like he was coming through the walls. You made me feel so...safe. I almost forgot my reality."
"You can forget here. You always can forget here, with me. Harry...I don't have friends, other than Jo, who works more than I do. I'm alone, all the time. These past days, I just - I just want to keep bumping into you. Getting to know you. You almost forgot your reality, but with you I feel like I can finally talk about mine; because in a really fucked way, you understand mine." She swallowed, tears welling in her eyes.
Wasting no time, I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her tight against me, hand on the back of her neck. "Such a fucked up union of two people," I chuckled, kissing her temple.
"Such a fucked up union," she repeated with a small laugh.
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freedomfireflies · 1 year ago
Summary: The one where Harry is a handsome stranger who always comes to your diner covered in bruises.
Word Count: 9.4k (jeepers, sorry!)
Content Warning: 18+, smut, slight exhibitionism, very brief violence
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Your stranger is here.
He’s sitting in his favorite booth, fifth one down from the first row, directly next to the window.
He’s got his usual hoodie pulled over his head, obscuring any view of his face. His clothes are dark and seem to cover nearly every inch of his skin. His knuckles are wrapped in white gauze, but are stained with streaks of red.
And he’s looking down. Staring at the menu on the table as though he doesn’t order the exact same thing every time.
A cup of coffee – black – and a slice of pie.
He’s like clockwork. He comes in exactly five minutes after midnight, takes a seat in his booth, and orders his usual.
Then, he pays his bill, and he leaves.
You’ve grown used to him. Comfortable with the idea of his face and his voice and the strange, but unsettling presence he brings with him.
You find that it’s more unnerving when he’s not here than when he is. 
“Hi, Cherry.”
Your stranger’s voice cuts through the quiet diner and forces your attention from the mug of coffee you’re pouring. 
You glance up, finally able to see his face now that he’s lifted his head. His skin is littered with deep cuts and vicious scratches. There’s a bruise just by his eye that’s dissolving into an unsettling shade of purple and his bottom lip is split down the middle.
Even still, he’s smiling. A gentle upturn that looks almost painful given the cracked fibers and dried blood.
“Hi,” you reply softly, feeling your heart race beneath your chest as his eyes find yours. “Would you like your usual?”
Somehow, his grin gets a bit brighter. As though he’s touched by the question. “Of course,” he answers calmly, in a voice you imagine you’d recognize anywhere. It’s deep and sultry, but it crackles like lightning. Sensual in a way you can’t exactly explain. “What have you made tonight?”
“Chocolate,” you tell him, glancing back toward the counter where the pies are displayed. “With extra whipped cream.”
“Mm.” His hum is playful, and it matches the glint in his eye. “How much extra?”
“As much as you want.”
He laughs, and you swear fairies are born. “Then I will have a slice of your chocolate pie, with as much whipped cream as you’ll allow.”
You feel your cheeks warm as you nod and turn on your heel to grab his order. Setting the coffee pot down before grabbing a small plate.
Once it’s ready, you return, sliding it across the table beside his mug. “Is that all?”
“No,” he says simply, gesturing now toward the seat across from him.
And just like every other time, you feel your pulse jump. “I’m…I need to get back—”
“You don’t need to go anywhere,” he interrupts with a wry grin. “Please?”
Your lips roll into your mouth, and your heart lands in your throat. Your stranger has always been good at getting you to do what he’d like, and it seems tonight is no different. 
So, with a sigh, you glance back toward the kitchen. Checking to make sure you aren’t needed too direly before you slip off your apron and slide into the booth.
“There,” he hums, placing his arms on the table to learn forward. “S’much better, hm?”
And you can’t help but smile as you nod and glance toward your cuticles. Avoiding that vivid green that always seems to send your stomach into a frenzy. 
“How are you?” he asks next, and his voice is soft, as if attempting to draw your attention back.
Braving a glance, you lift your head, and meet his eye. “I’m all right. How are you?”
“Good. Better now.”
The flirtatious remark sends a rush of heat to your cheeks. But you don’t respond, instead reaching out your hand toward his. Allowing your fingers to dance along the gauze that’s wrapped around his knuckles. 
“It’s bad again,” you whisper, and you feel him study you. 
There’s a gentle pause. And then, “Not by much. It’s been worse.”
You suck in a quiet breath and hold it deep within your lungs. Turning his arm around in order to inspect the wounds painted near his wrist. “You promised.”
Even without seeing the full of his face, you catch his expression fall. 
“I know, Cherry,” he murmurs. “And I’m trying, I promise. S’just…not that easy.”
Your throat constricts, growing dry from the implication. “I know.”
It’s almost inaudible, but your stranger still hears it, and he sighs as he slips his fingers between yours. Pulling your focus back to him. 
“You know you don’t have to worry about me,” he says, squeezing your palm as if to cement the point. “M’gonna be okay.”
“Are you?”
He looks gutted. Ashamed of your disappointment. “It’s just something that I have to do.”
He considers this before shaking his head once. “I don’t know.”
It’s the same answer every time. You ask him who does this to him. Why he does this to himself. Where he goes, why he keeps going back.
But he never offers anything concrete. Just enough to keep you hoping.
He leans closer. Desperate to make you understand. “I’m gonna be all right, Cherry. I promised, didn’t I?”
“But this isn’t ‘all right,’” you argue quietly, once again studying his scars. “You hurt yourself. Or you let somebody else hurt you. And I don’t know why.”
He takes in a breath before setting it free. “I don’t know why, either. But it’s not forever. And I promised you I would be okay. So, I will be.”
You release him and pull yourself from his grasp. Creating a physical distance much like his emotional one. 
“I have to be,” he adds, and that charming smirk reappears. Popping a dimple from his cheek. “I’d miss your pies too much.”
Even if your insides have twisted, you can’t help but laugh. “I suppose they’d miss you, too.”
“Good, I would hope. Might be my second-favorite sweet thing here. Only after you.”
Again, his coy remark leaves you entranced. Hands gathering on your lap as you look out through the large window beside you. “You’re quite forward tonight.”
“M’forward every night. You just don’t notice.”
“Is that right?”
“It is. Can’t really help myself, Cherry.”
The familiar nickname feels like home. It was coined after the first night he’d come in. He’d sat in your section – this very booth – and made small talk while you served him. 
He asked for your recommendation, and you suggested one of the desserts. The pies were your specialty, and you made a new one every evening. He seemed charmed by this and ordered two slices.
That night was cherry. He ate every bite between sips of his coffee and compliments to you. Leaving nothing but crumbs once you came to collect his plate.
He told you he loved cherry pie. It was his absolute favorite. But he’d never had a pie as good as yours.
And from that night on, you became his Cherry.
He never asked for your real name, and you never offered. You supposed this was intentional. A way to protect you from whatever life he led outside the diner doors.
And in the few weeks he’s been coming back for yet another slice of your pie, you’ve learned only three things about him:
He always pays with big bills.
He drives a vintage, black ’69 Mustang.
And his name is Harry.
Anything past that you suppose isn’t yours to know. Yet despite that, you feel drawn to your stranger. Even if he only seems to exist after midnight.
“You weren’t supposed to be working tonight,” he says, calling your attention back. 
You glance away from the window just in time to see his frown. “Joshua asked me to cover a few of his shifts,” you explain. “I’ll be here through the weekend.”
“You covered him last week,” he reminds you, with just a touch of disapproval. “And a few weekends before that.”
Your stranger is right, but you merely lift a shoulder and let it fall. “I don’t mind. The extra money is nice, and the night shift is always quiet.”
“Not always,” he retorts, and you notice the pull of his eyebrows. “Not everybody is as kind as you, Cher. Not in this part of town. Or this late.”
You can’t help but smile at his need to shelter you. “I know. But Owen is here, and he makes sure to check on me from time to time.”
However, Harry’s expression seems to settle into something hard and unnerved. “And what if he gets distracted? What if he doesn’t see some loser trying to grab for you? Or talk to you? Or take advantage of you?”
His voice is rising, a gentle but obvious crescendo that turns the heads of the few patrons scattered about the diner. 
You reach for his hand once more, squeezing it hard to implore him to listen. “Then I will use my extensive training as a waitress and kick their ass.”
You can tell he doesn’t want to, but he smiles. Brushing his thumb along your wrist before looking down. “I’m only trying to protect you.”
“I know,” you whisper, dipping down in order to find his eye. “But I’m not the one who needs protecting.”
The air is charged with a sort of tension you can’t explain. He feels so close and yet so very far away. Your heart aches for your stranger, and for his scars that never heal.
“Hey,” calls a loud voice, ringing through the small diner until you and Harry both turn. You find a man sitting near the counter, wearing a camouflage baseball hat and flannel shirt. His beard is long and scruffy, and his expression is wildly annoyed. “Do you fucking work here or not? Been waiting on a refill for ten goddamn minutes.”
Feeling rather embarrassed of the way you’ve neglected the other customers and deserted your post, you quickly slide out of the booth and stand. Cheeks warm and heart racing. “Yes, of course. I’m so sorry, sir.”
You rush to check on the coffee pot near the counter, making sure that it’s hot and fresh before you approach. Then, you tip the spout into his mug, and refill his drink that’s already three-fourths of the way full.
You can see Harry watching you from his spot. A similarly irritated look behind his eye as he studies the man sitting before you.
Once the coffee has been refilled, you nod an apology, and begin to retreat.
“Not so fast,” the customer grumbles, clearing his throat as he straightens up. Forcing you to hesitate. “I want my check. And a slice of pie on the house. For my troubles.”
Your heart leaps into your throat, but you nod again. The Starlight Diner doesn’t exactly offer free pastries, and anything that a staff member has to comp comes out of the employee’s paycheck. 
Granted, one slice won’t set you back too far, but the shame will. The idea that you left a customer waiting while you chatted with a man you hardly know. It’s unprofessional and not at all how you’d like to be perceived in the workplace. As a mindless girl who merely doddles her day away. Fawning over handsome strangers and daydreaming about a life she can’t have.
“Absolutely,” you tell him, rushing to grab him a fresh piece just as Harry begins to stand from the booth. “Will that be all?”
“Don’t be stingy with the whipped cream,” he instructs. “In fact, I’d like to see you put it on in front of me. So I can make sure you aren’t trying to fuck me over.”
The blood drains from your face. You feel humiliated under the warm hue of lights strung up around the restaurant. Grabbing the can of whipped topping in a desperate attempt to please and end the interaction all together.
“Why don’t you watch your fucking tone,” Harry grits, approaching the man from his left.
But the customer merely scoffs, refusing to offer him even a disinterested glance. “Yeah, and why don’t you mind your own business?”
Suddenly, Harry’s hand smacks down onto the counter beside him, inches from his plate while the coffee inside his mug trembles.
You can’t help but jump, arm recoiling away from the pie while the entire diner grows quiet. Everybody’s attention has turned to your stranger. Watching him closely as he leans forward, and dips down to catch the man’s eye.
“Wasn’t a question,” he murmurs darkly. “You watch your fucking tone when you speak to her. Or I’ll watch it for you.”
And you can tell the older gentleman is a bit off-put by Harry’s distressing demeanor. Yet he remains rather calm, clearing his throat again before leaning back. “And what are you gonna do about it, cupcake?”
Harry’s head cocks to the side. “Would you like me to show you?”
“Harry,” you whisper, just loud enough to force his eyes to yours. “It’s okay. It’s fine.”
“Yeah, she’s fine, buttercup,” the customer snorts, spinning around to face you once more. “Now let’s go, princess. I don’t have all fucking night.”
His fingers snap together before he points toward the pie. Instructing you to continue applying the fluffy cream until you hesitantly continue.
The whipped desert sprays out of the can in a steady stream, piling higher and higher atop the pie until it begins to spill over onto the side.
Yet he doesn’t stop you. He simply nods and mutters for you to keep going. To fill the plate until he’s satisfied. 
And you know exactly why he’s doing it. Not to satiate a sweet tooth but to demean you. To force you under his cruel, sadistic stare until you fold like a house of cards.
Your stranger fumes from his place a few feet away. You can tell he’s desperate to intervene, but he obeys your look of frantic insistence. Remaining quiet while you oblige the customer’s request. 
Soon, the can runs out. The last few drops spewing from the nozzle until you’re left with nothing but air and an empty bottle.
With a hitch in your breath, you begin to withdraw your hand. He’ll have to drop this degradation act now, and you hope that he only demands the rest of his check before going about his night.
However, before you can fully retract your arm, a collection of grimy fingers dart out and curl around your wrist. Keeping you in place while the man’s eyes narrow and he hisses, “Did I say you could stop?”
But the moment his palm touches your skin, Harry is stepping forward, grabbing a fistful of his collar, and hoisting him from his seat. Then, he shoves him back against the tile wall just behind him, the connection so forceful, it knocks the gentleman’s hat askew.
The other customers, including yourself, gasp from the sudden act of violence. Watching as Harry steps up to him and sneers in his face with the vilest look of disdain you imagine you’ve ever seen.
“Don’t ever…” he seethes through deep, even breaths, “…put your fucking hands on her…again.”
And he’s terrifying. So utterly terrifying, with his busted knuckles, his cracked lip, and his bruised jaw. It’s clear he’s a threat, and the man he’s holding goes deathly pale as Harry keeps him trapped against the wall.
All he can do is nod his understanding, choosing to end the fight before it can begin while Harry – after a very long moment – finally lets him go and allows him to flee from the diner.
There’s a stillness in the café that makes your heart race. The few regulars that are left watching on with a mixture of sympathy and embarrassment. It’s not until Harry shoots them their own venomous glare that they quickly turn away and continue on with their meals.
You slump into the counter, letting the can drop to your side while the sound of a door flinging open echoes from somewhere behind you.
“The hell…is going on?” Owen calls, exiting the kitchen in order to get a better look around. He finds you first, raking his stare up and down your frame before looking to Harry. “What happened?”
“You fucking left her out here, alone,” Harry barks. “That’s what fucking happened.”
Owen’s eyebrows raise as he moves his attention to you. But you quickly side-step into Harry’s path, attempting to end another confrontation before it can begin.
“Just…a customer,” you finally answer softly, reaching for the plate in order to clear your regret away. “It’s fine. He left.”
Your boss nods once. “But he paid first, yes?”
Again, your heart sinks into your toes. Lashes fluttering when you realize his bill will be coming out of your paycheck. “He…um, no, he…he left before I could collect it—”
“Darling,” Owen sighs, and it’s heavy with disappointment, “what did we talk about?”
“I…I know. I’ll…I’ll pay for it—"
Harry’s palm suddenly smacks down onto the counter for a second time this evening. Yet now, there’s a wad of cash beneath his hand. From the looks of it, well over a hundred dollars.
“This will cover it,” he mumbles, turning his unforgiving stare to your boss. “And it’ll cover the rest of her shift, too. She’s done.”
With that, his fingers are wrapping around your upper arm before you can even wrap your head around his offering. Blinking wildly while Owen glances from the cash to you in an effort to piece together Harry’s instruction.
 But your stranger leaves you no room for questioning or bargaining. He’s pulling you out the diner door and into the dark parking lot before you can even bid your boss goodbye.
He strides between the cars before hooking a left around the building. Leading you toward the back alleyway where he normally keeps his car, the wet pavement squeaking beneath his sneakers.
 And during this fervent stalking, his fingers slide down from your upper arm and into your hand. Grasping it tightly as if to make sure he won’t lose you.
Perhaps a part of you would like to feel miffed or ashamed of what just took place, but you can’t seem to fault him for his reaction. He’s always been nothing but kind to you – even if he doesn’t always lend that kindness to others. Expressing his desire to protect you, even if he doesn’t know you.
You wonder if this need to defend is part of the reason why you’ve only ever seen him covered in scars and bruises. If he comes to the diner in the dead of night in order to watch over you. Like a guardian angel or vigilante. 
Right now, however, he disappears into the shadows, gently pulling you along with him until you see his car only a few feet away. He releases you at the same time that he releases a heavy sigh, running a hand through his dark curls as his hood is pushed down. 
“Harry…” you begin quietly, tentative of startling him.
“I’m sorry,” he says before you can even finish. “M’sorry, I lost my temper. I know.”
You watch the way he turns away from you. Bracing himself against the hood of the Mustang while dropping his head in what you only assume is remorse.
And your heart aches for him. For the gentleman that lives beneath the outlaw. “Harry,” you whisper again, stepping closer in order run your fingers down his back. Feeling the way his muscles tense before melting beneath your touch. “I’m not mad, I promise.”
“I know you don’t like it when I interfere,” he mumbles, and it’s almost swept away by the cold, early morning air. “But he fucking touched you, and I—”
“I know,” you interrupt tenderly. “I know, and I’m not mad. I’m glad you did it. I’m glad you were here.”
He hesitates, face turning toward his shoulder. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You allow your chest to meet his spine. “Always feel safer with you.”
He exhales deeply, releasing something heavy before he’s turning around, and reaching for your cheeks. The soft, stained gauze slides against your skin, and his touch is firm. Keeping you in his embrace while he gazes at you warmly. 
“Are you all right, Cherry?” he asks now, thumbs sweeping beneath your eyes. “Did he hurt you?”
Your head shakes. “No. Scared me a little, but I’m okay.”
It’s clear he doesn’t like this, that familiar frown reforming as he holds you a bit tighter. “He never should have spoken to you like that. Much less put his fucking hands on you—”
“I know, but it’s okay,” you interject again, hoping to ease his stress. “I’m okay because you were here.”
And this is the only thing that seems to calm him. That familiar smile of his the perfect remedy for such a strange night. You don’t want to tell him how often this happens. Especially during the later shift. But that’s what you get for working at a 24-hour diner, and you’re starting to think this is merely part of the job.
And truth be told…you think he already knows.
His forehead meets yours, and you can’t help but grin yourself. Grateful for the comfort he provides – stranger or not.
“Speaking of which…why are you here?” you ask gingerly. “I thought you didn’t come in on my days off?”
“I don’t. But…I saw your car.”
His smirk transforms into something coy. “I was driving by.”
“Oh, really?” you tease. “On purpose?”
The smile slips now, a more reverent look in his eye as he nods. “I like to check on you. Make sure you’re okay.”
And maybe in any other universe, this would strike you as odd. Perhaps even unsettling or disconcerting. 
But even if you don’t know him, you know him. You know his intentions have only ever been pure, and even without having much more than his name, he has always made you feel safe. 
You choose to believe in him. In the goodness of your stranger and the care he provides. Inside and out.
“You do?” you murmur, allowing your hands to rest on his chest. “How often?”
A beat. Then, “…every night.”
The alley grows quiet. Scattered streetlamps reflect off the pools of water that are sprinkled across the cement, warming the dark night with their sepia-toned beams.
And you stand there, just you and him, while the weight of the world seems to rest on his shoulders.
But instead of chastising him or asking any further questions, you push yourself up onto your tiptoes…and kiss him.
It’s not the first kiss you’ve shared, and you know, undoubtedly, that it won’t be your last. Your stranger has been stealing your kisses for weeks now.
And you suppose stealing isn’t exactly a fair comparison. After all, you’ve nearly pleaded with him to kiss you every time he’s come in. 
Not that there’s much need for begging when he’s so willing to offer them to you. Sneaking you away the moment your shift is through. Chasing you through the parking lot…pulling you into the backseat of his car.
It makes you giddy. You feel like a schoolgirl with a crush on the handsome senior. Slipping into the shadows where he waits. Letting him hold you, kiss you, touch you.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t know more than his name or what he does behind closed doors. You choose to share these special – albeit somewhat scandalous – moments with the mysterious gentleman in booth 505.
“My sweet girl,” he breathes against your lips. The wonderfully delicious nickname melting on your tongue. “Missed you.”
You want to remind him that it’s only been about two days, but you can’t. Because you missed him, too.
“And m’so sorry,” he says next, trailing his quick but fervent kisses down your neck. “So fucking sorry for being so bad. Never wanna scare you or make you anxious.”
A soft, delicate noise bleeds from your throat, and you cling to his much stronger frame as though you’re afraid you’ll simply disappear without him.
“Wanna make it up to you,” he whispers. “Will you let me, Cherry? Let me be good again?”
You nod, needing him to keep himself as close to you as he’ll allow. You want to settle him in your lungs, keep him snug inside in your chest. Against your heart.
And a large part of you just wants to keep him…always.
“Let me make it better,” he says, hands dropping to your hips in order to push you toward his car. Placing you against the door in order to trap you and deepen his kiss. “Let me be good, sweet girl. Be good for you.”
And he’s always good. Good to you, good for you. It doesn’t matter how he is with everybody else. 
“Please?” he asks again, leaning back just far enough to catch your eye. “Will you let me?”
He wants your explicit consent. Wants you to say the words before he continues, and you appreciate this stricter habit. 
“Yes,” you manage to answer, exhaling the word with the little strength you still possess. “Yes, please—”
He takes your hand before you can finish, guiding you over toward the backseat before swinging the door open and stepping aside.
“Lay down, baby,” he mumbles gently, pressing a kiss to the side of your head while guiding you in. “On your back, okay? Want you comfy.”
You do as instructed, dipping down into the vehicle before settling into the soft, leather seat. Flipping over until you can find a position you like. 
Harry is quick to follow, landing between your thighs before pulling the door shut. You both maneuver until he can hover his body above yours, keeping you beneath him as he runs a palm up the side of your leg.
His warm hand feels good against your bare skin, the dress you’re required to wear as part of your waitressing uniform bunching just at the top of your knees from the new position. But it’s like ecstasy, heating up your goose bumped skin from the nippy air outside. 
“How’s this, hm?” He squeezes your hip. “You all right, Cher?”
You rest your head against the door and nod, fingers already itching to reach for him again. “Yes, I’m okay.”
“Mhm. Promise.”
The side of his mouth curls up, and it makes your stomach flutter. “Good girl. Gonna go slow, okay? Earn my forgiveness.”
He continues the lazy strokes to your thigh, falling all the way down to your ankle before going back up. It is slow, and it almost drives you mad. Because he knows what you want. And he knows just how badly you want it.
Things with Harry never go further than you. Something you’re almost tempted to find odd, but he’s a giver. That was made clear from the first time. He derives more pleasure out of your orgasms than he apparently does his own. He only ever wants to touch you, taste you, feel you. It’s never about him. 
You often wonder if there’s a deeper reason for this. If he’s denying himself release on purpose or if he’s merely terrified of getting close. And occasionally you wonder if he simply just doesn’t want to fuck you, but something tells you that’s not the case.
Maybe one day you’ll be brave enough to ask.
Tonight, however, it seems he’s still determined to put the attention on you. Long fingers gently scratching at your leg until you shiver. It makes him grin.
“Can I see you, baby?” he asks softly, letting his eyes trail beneath the hem of your dress. “See how pretty you are?”
Again, you can only whine pitifully as you motion your head up and down quickly. Wanting to succumb to his strong touch. Only feeling grounded if he’s there to hold you.
“Thank you, sweet girl,” he breathes, using his scarred hands to push your outfit up a bit higher. Revealing your quivering stomach and the delicate pair of panties around your hips. 
They’re nothing special. In fact, you imagine they’re rather embarrassing. A simple, tan fabric that does absolutely nothing to make your pussy look more desirable. 
Perhaps it’s a little silly, but you like to look nice for him. On the nights you know he might be coming to see you (which has been every night you’ve worked since you met), you tend to pick prettier pairs. 
Some with lace, some with little bows. Sweeter colors, sexier colors. Anything that might make him smile.
But you hadn’t anticipated seeing him tonight, and now, you almost want to shy away. Lashes fluttering as you look up toward the roof of his car.
But he doesn’t seem to notice. Nor does he seem to care about the color around your waist, his eyes growing wide as his attention glues to the mesmeric sight before him. Pink, bruised lips parting with wonder while he moves closer. 
“Cherry,” he exhales, the feel of his breath sweeping against your bent knee, “missed you so much. Been forever, hm?”
You nod again, braving another glance just in time to see his hand lower. And then you feel him. Feel his thumb pressing gently into the front of your underwear, just above where your clit lies.
Your entire body seems to spark to life like the flicker of a flame. And you gasp, subtly bucking up into his touch in search of more. In search of him.
He smiles. “S’it feel good, honey?”
You let out a soft breath, chest nearly caving in as you whisper, “Harry…”
He looks up, eyes flicking to yours as that coy smirk grows. “What, baby? You okay?”
Of course you’re okay. He knows you’re okay, but you’ve noticed he likes to hear you say it. He likes to know he’s making it better for you. That he’s helping, that he’s doing good.
When you don’t answer, he returns to your pussy, fingers strumming up and down your covered cunt like he’s playing an instrument. Tuning your body to his needs. 
“Can I touch you?” he asks now, dipping down to nudge his nose beneath your jaw. Pressing a soft kiss to your throat. “Wanna touch you…be good for you, Cher. Was so bad…just wanna make it better.”
He’s attempting to atone for what he did in the diner. To apologize, offer his remorse.
And even if you know he has nothing to apologize for, you can’t find it in you to deny him. Reaching up to tangle your fingers in his curls as you tug him closer. Kissing him fiercely.
He’s hard on himself. You know he is. You don’t know why. You don’t know what the cause is. But you can see the repercussions. They’re painted all over his body, and he wears them proudly. 
He curses against your mouth, and you’re reminded then of his busted lip. Instantly pulling away while you mumble an apologetic, “I’m sorry. I forgot—”
“No,” he nearly groans, slipping his other hand around the back of your neck to keep you close. “No, it’s okay. I don’t mind, I promise. I like it.”
His kisses become hard again. Anxious, desperate, and rushed. As though he needs you in order to survive. His nose knocking into yours from the way he readjusts himself. Wanting to take you deeper, really taste you. 
You’ve never been so happy in your life.
He only pulls away in order to slip your panties down your thighs, pushing them to your ankles until he can really see you.
His entire expression softens the moment his eyes find you. Filled with a certain kind of hope and indulgence as he gazes at you almost tenderly. Unable to resist reaching out and letting his finger brush down your folds. 
You make another noise, but he doesn’t notice this one. Too content to be touching you. Feeling you. Spreading you open just to watch you drip.
“So fucking good to me,” he murmurs. “You know that, sweet girl? So perfect for me. Exactly what I need and far more than I deserve.”
You aren’t sure what he means, but the implication makes you frown. Pulling on his hair a bit harder while he moves to your clit and begins to press down.
The pressure of his thumb against the more sensitive nerves leaves you breathless. Squirming beneath him from the rush of pleasure that only serves in making you needier. 
“Always so warm,” he muses quietly. Almost as if to himself. “So soft. So sweet. Can’t ever get enough of you.”
It makes your head spin the way he seems to adore you. The way he talks about your body as if he can’t believe he’s lucky enough to behold it. To feel it, to get to indulge in it. Worshiping you like you’re his religion.
He begins to rub your clit in slow, teasing circles. Kissing you once more in order to taste your whines and feed off your desperation. Wet noises fill the car. Not just from your pussy, but from his frantic kisses that echo between the foggy windows. 
It makes you shiver, loving the way he nips at your bottom lip just to leave you restless. The way he whispers your nickname before moving to your neck, pulling your skin between his teeth and smoothing over the mark with his tongue.
He goes faster. Chasing after your whimpers and the way you arch your body into his. Loving how excitable you get from only a few flicks of his thumb across your sensitive clit.
Then, he slows down. Exhaling a heavy breath as if bracing himself to edge you. Like it hurts him more than it hurts you.
And you mewl pitifully as you cling to his broader frame and tug him down into your arms. “Harry—”
“I know,” he coos, and it’s gentle the way he speaks. Sympathetic almost. “I know, sweet girl. But m’not done with you yet. Just wanna keep you a little longer. Is that okay?”
You bury your face in his neck and make another noise. Something akin to his name that gets lost in the way he curses.
“It’s okay,” he tries again, allowing you to use his body like a lifeline. “I’ve got you, baby. All right? M’right here, I’ve got you.”
He proves this by resuming his sweet torture. Circling the nerves a time or two more before moving down. Smoothing through your folds and lowering toward the pooling of arousal that waits for him. 
You hear him hum. “So precious. S’this all for me, then? Mine to play with? Mine to taste?”
You whine, “Yes, yes, yes,” as quickly as your mouth will permit, and he chuckles. 
The tip of his finger dips inside, presumably to collect everything you have to offer him before he’s lifting it toward his lips.
And you settle back against the door to watch. Enchanted by the way he places you on his tongue and sucks. His lashes fluttering and cheeks flushing from the taste.
You don’t imagine you’ll ever get used to watching him do that. After all, you’ve never been particularly…unbothered by the idea of somebody tasting you. Not even with past partners. You get too caught up in your own head. Worried about the taste, the feel, the smell.
Truth be told, most of the men you’ve been with before were never interested in you. They wanted what you could give them. And then they wanted out.
By all accounts, Harry is nothing like anyone else you’ve ever known. Not just because of the mystery that follows his persona, but because of his endless attention to you. To what you need, what makes you feel good. 
He devotes every second to making you feel like you’re God’s gift to Earth. A gift to him. Praising you for simply existing. Indulging in your taste as though you're the sweetest dessert he’s ever had.
Like now, while a deep moan reverberates from the depths of his chest. Filling the car and your ears like music, making your thighs clench around his hips.  
“S’why I call you my sweet girl, you know that?” he murmurs, sucking on his fingers until you’re sure there’s nothing left. And even then some. “So fucking sweet for me. Can’t ever get enough. Gonna get me addicted, baby. Might already have.”
The moment he takes his hand back out, you’re lifting up, and pressing your mouth to his. And you don’t even care if you can taste yourself on his tongue because all you really taste is him.
But the mixture of him, and you, and the slight tang of blood from the busted fibers of his lip is euphoric. Strange but lovely in a way you hadn’t anticipated. 
He seems to understand this despondency, growing a bit more frantic in his need to please. No longer focused on edging as he drops his fingers back to your cunt while his other hand moves for the buttons on your chest.
He pops them free one by one until your equally plain bra is revealed to him. But again, he doesn’t take notice of such things. Instead swallowing thickly at the sight of your breasts that swell behind the cups.
He kisses you again. And again, and again. Then he moves to your cheek and down your neck. Trailing his tongue toward your collarbone and along your sternum. 
You feel restless. Waiting for something – for him. You already know how magical his touch is. You already know the kind of pleasure he provides, and it nearly drives you mad to simply sit in anticipation. Stuck on his time.
Eventually he reaches your chest, lips moving for the curve of your tit before he’s making another noise and sucking into the tender flesh. Nipping at it, pulling it between hungry teeth. Smoothing over the marks with the warmth of his mouth while you reel.
Your hands disappear back into his hair. Stroking the curls almost fondly, nails lightly scratching at his scalp.
He’s always seemed to enjoy this. Instructing that you pull on him as hard as you’d like. That you tug and scratch. That you use him to inflict your pain and your pleasure. That you think of him first and foremost.   
Now is no different. He nuzzles himself further into your breasts while simultaneously sighing with contentment at the way your hand feels against his head. The way you keep him close to your heart. 
You’d keep him forever if you could.
You hardly even notice the way his finger has slipped inside. The way it strokes your delicate walls that flutter from the intrusion, tensing before relaxing in order to allow him in.
“There,” he whispers, pleased with the way your body obeys him. “S’okay. Gonna make it better. I promise.”
And you know he will.
“So tight today, baby,” he says, leaving another kiss to the swell of your chest. Open-mouthed and messy. “Has it been that long?”
You don’t know. You can’t remember the last time he touched you, although you’re almost sure it hasn’t been more than a week. The two of you have become rather insatiable for each other. Chasing after a kind of release you only seem to find within the hands of the other.
Those beautiful green eyes flitter up to yours, studying you closely. Benevolently. “Have you not been taking care of yourself, sweet girl?”
You take a moment to consider what he means before you feel your cheeks warm. Offering him nothing more than a quick shake of your head.
He frowns, brows pulling together. “Why not, hm? Thought you promised you’d try for me. Help make things better when I’m not around.”
You shrug, growing a touch embarrassed. “I know, but…it’s not the same. Don’t like it.”
“Is that right?”
Another shake. “Get bored.”
“Bored,’ he repeats, and there’s a certain glint in his eye. But instead of disappointed, he seems empathetic. “Cause it’s not the same, yeah? Your fingers too small?”
Now you nod, making a noise of agreement. 
He nods along with you, beginning to smirk. “Yeah,” he whispers. “Bet it’s just so frustrating, isn’t it? Trying to find all your sweet, little spots, but just not quite being able to reach?”
You cling to him as he stretches you a bit further. Doing everything you can’t do for yourself. Effortlessly curling his finger into that one spot until you begin to shake.
“Just like that, hm?” he mumbles, pressing another kiss to your collarbone. “S’that what you can’t find, baby? S’that what’s so achy?”
And it is. It’s so infuriatingly sore that it almost makes you cry. Wishing you could chase after that feeling until your heart gives out. 
“I bet.” More kisses to your chest. “Don’t worry. I’m gonna fix it, okay? Make it all better again.”
“Please?” you whimper, nails scratching down his broad back. Attempting to pull him closer. 
“Mhm.” He leans forward and brings his lips to yours now. His kiss quick but full of promise. “Always gonna take care of you.”
He begins to thrust the longer digit in and out. Slow enough to work you up but fast enough to leave you wanting more. Coaxing the muscles open before bringing a second finger into play.
The sounds of your wetness being pushed and pulled by his hand are sinful. Sending a chill down your spine and directly into your cunt.
You moan when you feel them, writhing a bit beneath his body until he has to press his leg into yours to keep you still.
“Shh, it’s okay,” he mumbles. Leaving another kiss below your jaw. “Know you can take it, baby. You always do. Don’t you?”
And even if that’s true, you aren’t opposed to the slight sting. Instead invigorated by it and the way he uses great care with you. Wanting to make sure you’re all right so he can please you the way he wants.
Yet somehow, it’s still not enough. Even with the way he curls, and pumps, and thrusts those beautiful digits into your pussy, you feel empty. Barely scratching the surface of that itch as he presses his chest to yours to calm you.
Your noises are becoming more pathetic. Your entire being heaving with the weight of promised pleasure in a way you can’t seem to understand.
His thumb presses into your clit every few minutes, attempting to guide you closer to your release, and it works. The combination making your stomach coil until you nearly see stars. Every cell in your body tightening.
“You close, Cherry?” His free hand moves for your face. Palm pressing into your jaw as the bandage on his knuckles sweeps across your cheek. “Hm? You gonna cum for me?”
And you are. You are, you are. You can almost taste it. Can feel it bubbling up from between your thighs, ready to unravel like the seams on your favorite sweater. 
“Yes,” you gasp, arching from the leather seat. “Yes, please…please don’t stop. Please—”
“Won’t stop,” he promises in a soothing tone, lips ghosting atop yours. “Never stop, I promise. M’gonna be right here until you do, okay? Go ahead. I’ve got you.”
And this is all you need. It happens suddenly and yet far too slowly. Pulling you apart from the inside out. 
You moan so loud, your chest shakes. Eyes rolling back and nails scratching down his spine as it hits you. 
Instantly, he moves his hand from your jaw to your lips. Palm pressing hard against your mouth in order to silence you as he whispers, “Shh, baby. Gotta be quiet for me, okay? It’s okay, you’re all right. Just let go—"
And you do. Allow your body to deplete itself of all energy as he works you through every goddamn second. Dragging it out as far as it’ll go. Increasing the speed of his flicks and thrusts. Pumping your orgasm out of you until it sits in his waiting hand.
“Good,” he breathes before finally removing his hand in order to kiss you quickly. Fingers squeezing the back of your neck as he brings you closer. “So fucking good, there you go. S’okay. Keep going, come on.”
And it’s so good, so wonderful. You feel like you’re floating, high up into the clouds. You decide then that he must be an angel, carrying you in his wings and setting you on a sunset.
But you’re still squirming, seemingly discontented, and he notices far too easily. “You okay, Cher?”
“More,” you whisper faintly. “More…please…”
“More,” he echoes. “My sweet girl wants more. More what, hm? What do you need?”
“More,” is all you say. Once again wiggling your hips down as if to sink his fingers in further. “More, Harry, please.”
“Oh. You want another one. Is that it?”
You nod silently, too strung-out to think in coherent sentences.
He chuckles again, kissing your other cheek before pinching your chin. “All right. Give you as many as you want, baby.”
Feeling incredibly grateful, you allow your trembling limbs to fall slack. Once again settling beneath him as he works to get you to your second.
But even as he resumes the languid but practiced thrusts of his fingers, you feel unsatiated. Eager for something else, but you aren’t sure what.
He realizes before you do. “S’not enough, is it?” he coos. “Need something bigger, don’t you?” 
That’s what it is, and you nod eagerly as your nails scratch down the sleeves of his hoodie. 
“Think you can take something bigger? Think you can take another finger, baby?”
Another nod. Faster, more fervent. Eyes pleading with him to give you anything he has to offer.
He obliges this, glancing down before lining his fingers up, and slowly slipping all three inside.
This stretch is a bit more prominent. He’s deliberately gentle, never giving you more than he assumes you can handle. 
And he watches you closely. Searching for any grimaces or winces of discomfort. 
When he finds none, he seems relieved, kissing up from your chest to your throat once more. “Good girl. There you go.”
You begin to writhe a little more ardently until he has to bring his other hand to your knee in order to press it down into the seat. Keeping you spread and still until you settle.
“Easy,” he coos gently, placing some of his weight onto your thigh. “Gonna have to be good, baby, and relax for me. Let me make you feel good, okay?”
You want to obey. You do, really. But the overstimulation and sensitivity from your first orgasm is almost too much. Making you choke on the heated air until you can hardly breathe.
“Like it when I take care of you, don’t you?” he asks you now. Licking a stripe along your jaw. “Like it when I steal you away from them?”
He’s right, you do. Perhaps you shouldn’t, but there’s something about the way he makes you feel as though you deserve more than this. As though you’re meant for more than the diner. He makes you feel invincible.
“Maybe one day I’ll take you away,” he decides. “Fucking take you from them and make you mine. Forever. For always.”
And you decide you like the sound of that.
Another moment of his strenuous torture passes before he leans back to watch. And you notice something in his face. Utter fascination and lust over the way your body bends to his will. Over the way it stretches around his fingers, the way he pulls it open.
He releases a deep, coarse groan through clenched teeth. Fixated on the way his fingers disappear into your pussy. “Taking me so well, baby. Know you’d take my cock, too, wouldn’t you?”
You whimper miserably, undone by the thought. You can’t deny that you’ve wondered what he’d feel like. All of him, stretching you open. Fucking into you while leaving you a panting mess.
You often imagine what he’s like in bed. In an actual bed and not in the backseat of his car or yours. What he might be like when he’s truly lost himself to the pleasure. Guiding his hips to yours, bending you into a hundred and one positions meant just for his indulgence. 
You wonder if he’d be just as careful as he is now. Just as devoted to you. If he’d be hard and fast or soft and slow. If he has dirty kinks, secret fantasies. If he likes the lights on or off. If he likes the bed or if he likes it up against the wall. 
You hope one day you get to find out. 
“Think you would, yeah?” he continues, sliding his digits all the way to the knuckle. The fibers of the gauze brushing against your clit. “Know you would. Be so good for me. This sweet little pussy would treat me so well, wouldn’t it?”
You nod quickly, pouting at him anxiously.
“I know,” he tuts, finally leaning back over to kiss you again. “Know you’d be such a good girl for me. Let me work you open until you could fit me…let me stretch you just right.”
You reach out for his wrist in search of something to squeeze, and it makes him chuckle. Teeth sinking into your bottom lip until you moan.
“Might take a while,” he muses. “Might take hours. Days. I’ll have to just keep you in my bed until you can fit me, hm?”
He attempts to pull away, but you chase after him. Looping an arm around his neck in order to yank him back to you. 
His smirk feels good against your lips. “M’not going anywhere, sweet girl. Just like to watch you. Bet it’d be fun to watch you take my cock, wouldn’t it? Watch it sink right into this tight little hole.”
He’s evil. Absolutely sadistic and it makes you groan against his tongue until he has to soothe you.
“I know, baby. One day,” he breathes. “I promise. M’gonna take you away and do it right. Make it worth it.”
The thrusting of his fingers becomes more poignant. Enough to drive a plethora of desperate moans from your chest as he nuzzles his nose below your jaw and simply breathes.
“Gonna worship you. Give you everything you deserve.” He sucks in a quiet inhale before dancing his lips along your throat. “Have you sit on my face until I can’t breathe.”
The image has your eyes rolling back. Even if you aren’t sure you’d ever feel comfortable doing so, you’re enamored by the idea. Of the thought of him holding onto your thighs, pressing you down to his mouth. Completely controlling you. 
“Can never breathe when I’m with you, anyway,” he whispers, and you almost don’t catch it. You wonder if you were meant to. “M’gonna do it right, sweet girl. I promise.”
And this is the vow that pulls you through to the other side. Large digits curling up into that one spot that makes your legs shake and you’re falling apart for the second time.
But he still doesn’t stop. Stroking, pressing, pumping even after the tears have begun to slip from your eye. 
“Keep going, there you go. Does it feel good? Feel so good, cumming all over my hand?”
And it does, but you can’t exactly answer. Can’t seem to do anything but cry out as you ride the wave and his fingers as though your life depends on it.
“Doing so good,” he murmurs gently, raising up to kiss you once more. Swallowing your pitiful mewling. “So fucking good, baby. M’so proud of you. Took me so well. So beautiful when you cum, Cherry, you know that? Could watch you forever.”
The sentiment makes your entire body grow warm. You’ve always wondered what you might look like when you orgasm, and truth be told, you imagine it’s not very pretty.
But to hear him say it now – so earnestly – makes your stomach wrench. Nails curling into the seat below as you lift off the leather and knock your chest into his.
He holds you as tight as he can before slowly pulling his fingers out. Relieving you from the overstimulation before putting you back in his mouth. Sucking until a string of saliva drips down his into the gauze on his knuckles. Painting it a much prettier picture than the red has.
After swelling every drop of you with a lewd groan, he finally pulls his hand out, and takes you into his arms. Kissing you through the remnants of the blissful rush.
“So good,” he says again, face burying back into your neck while stroking your thigh with his soaked fingers. “Always make me so proud.”
Your limbs tangle with his as you both slouch into the backseat. Allowing your heart beats to synchronize into one, steady rhythm. 
And once they have, you begin to grin. “Harry?”
“Thank you.”
He exhales a soft laugh before leaning back onto his knees to get a good look at you. “What for, sweet girl?”
“Just for…this, I suppose,” you mumble shyly. “For all of it. Tonight. Standing up for me and…you know, this part.”
His chuckle becomes a bit more smug. “Are you thanking me for making you cum?”
“I’m…trying. I think.”
“Hm.” His grin is playful and so damn charming as he dips back down to hover his lips near yours. “Don’t have to thank me, Cherry. Believe me. It’s my pleasure.”
His teasing remark makes you giggle, and you kiss him hard before he has the chance to leave you again.
You kiss for a while. A long while. Until you can hardly breathe, your muscles beginning to ache and your eyelids beginning to grow heavy from the lack of sleep in this early morning hour. 
It’s not until you actually yawn that Harry finally remembers to pull himself away and reach for the panties around your ankles. “Shit, it’s late, isn’t it? Know I’ve kept you longer than I should have.”
With a quick shake of your head, you push up onto your elbows. “No. I’m fine, I promise. Just…cumming makes me sleepy, I guess. And you’re so warm. It’s nice.”
This makes him smile again, and that dimple of his makes your heart ache. “You know I’d keep you in this car until the sun came up if I could.”
“I know.” Your fingers outstretch for his hoodie, tangling into the material on his stomach while he guides your underwear back up around your hips. “Maybe one day, yeah?”
His expression softens, and you almost swear you see a flash of sadness behind that sage green. “Yeah. Maybe.”
It’s quiet as you rebutton your dress and pull the hem back down. And even quieter as Harry opens the door and slips out of the car, extending his hand toward you in order to help you out as well.
But once you’ve straightened up and turned to face him, you see that something has changed. A look of longing that hadn’t been there before etched between those scarred features.
His thumb brushes just beneath your eye and then down to your lips. Tracing the lines and dips before he sighs and cradles your cheek in his palm. “Are you gonna be all right?”
You place your hand over his and squeeze. “Are you?”
Another deep breath. Heavier and more forlorn. “You know I’ll try.”
His forehead meets yours, and you both still. “I promise.”
And you choose to believe him.
You say goodbye, and regretfully let him go. Shaky legs carrying you back to your car as his eyes follow you all the way. Making sure you get there safely before you take off down the road and leave him behind.
A few nights later, you’re back for your next shift. And truth be told, you’re almost excited. Because having to go so long without him feels like a form of punishment. Like your days aren’t nearly as bright without him. And neither are your nights.
You can’t help but count the seconds as you go about your evening. Unable to distract yourself with the pastries no matter how hard you try. Thoughts drifting back to those chocolate curls and that devilish smile.
When midnight strikes, you feel relieved. Releasing a breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding as you grab your notepad and slip out of the kitchen. Ready to greet him in his favorite booth.
But the moment you slip past the door, you find that the diner is empty. Not a single customer to greet you as you scan the floor in search of that familiar face. Even a glimpse of his shoes or the sound of his voice.
But the booth is empty, the diner is quiet, and it’s 12:06. 
Your stranger isn’t here.
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I know not too much has happened yet but we are building up to tons more smut and plot and angst and fluff, I swear!! 😭💞
Next Part:
~ Whiplash*
~ Main Masterlist
~ Blurb Masterlist
Amazing divider by @firefly-graphics! 💞
Taglist: @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @keepdrivingkisses @swiftmendeshoran @tiredinwinter @straightontilmornin @justlemmeadoreyou @harrysdaydreams @tiaamberxx @peterparker1sgf @myfavfanficsever @littlenatilda @vamprry @fdl305 @tchalametishot @ssaama @indierockgirrl @likeapplejuicenpeach @vane28282 @lukesaprince @closureesny @lc-fics @0nlythrowharrybeaux @hannahdressedasabanana @lovebittenbyevans @caynonmoondreams @amberbambridge
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1d1195 · 1 year ago
In this corner: a twenty-seven-year-old woman, sprinkles in her hair, someone who wouldn’t know an upper cut from a left hook, and is desperately in need of a good book and a vacation.
And in this corner: a twenty-five-year-old man, a dented car, teaching self-defense classes, and finds a good luck charm in the form of a baker with sprinkles in her hair.
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Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
Round 5
Round 6
Round 7
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stellarboystyles · 3 months ago
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Coming November 29
AU: boxer!harry
a story about blind optimism, true betrayal and how much you're willing to sacrifice for what you want.
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“You want me to kiss you? 
The words are soft, not a trace of ego in his expression or voice. It might come as a shock to others, when they see them together. She brings out a side in him that no one else has seen in a long time.
“What if I did?” she challenges. 
He feigns a gasp, dramatically clutching his chest earning a heavy eye roll from her. “Well, I don’t think your father would approve of you hanging around someone like me.”
“Someone like you? What does that mean?”
“I think you know exactly what that means.”
Of course she knows. But it’s a fact she’d rather leave unsaid. It's a sore subject between the two of them. The elephant in the room. It's not brought up a lot.
“No one controls who I hang out with.”
“Mhm.” he takes his baseball cap off, just to shake out his hair and put it back on as they walked. He didn't hesitate when he saw the building they were walking by as an opportunity to pull her around the corner.
His hands pushed her against the brick wall by her hips, but she always took notice of his softness with her, even in the heat of lust. He was never rough to where he might hurt her.
“What about who you kiss?”
Their foreheads are touching and it feels like this moment should be reserved for an upstairs bedroom at a party, or her front door after a date. Heated and passionate
“That’s reserved for special clients."
“Oh yeah?” he hums. “And how do I book that?”
Violet's learned quickly that banter gets her pretty far with Harry.
“I think I can pencil you in for…” she lifts her wrist to look at her imaginary watch. “Now.”
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harryistheonlyoneforme · 2 years ago
warnings: smut, masturbation, oral sex, allusions to sex
pairing: boxer harry x reader
summary: yn is needy after seeing harry come home after a match, but he needs his rest
masterlist | taglist
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yn tosses and turns for what feels like the thousandth time in the past few minutes, a quiet groan leaving her lips when the throbbing between her legs just won’t go away. heaving out a sigh, she tosses the blankets off her body and climbs from the bed, begrudgingly reaching into her bedside table and grabbing her vibrator in hopes of some sort of relief.
she then quietly makes her way from the bed with a glance back at harry to make sure he’s still sound asleep before heading toward the guest room. closing the door behind her quietly, she tosses the vibrator on the bed before sliding her panties down her legs and discarding them somewhere beside the bed. no more time is wasted as she climbs on and gets comfortable against the pillows and spreads her legs. the chill of the air on her wet centre sends a shiver down her spine but she couldn’t care less as of right now.
there’s no time for teasing, so she grabs the toy and turns it on her favourite setting before simply pressing it against her throbbing clit, a small cry of relief leaving her lips at the feeling. the vibrations instantly plummet her into her own mind, memories of her boyfriend above her and taking her just the way she needs flooding her mind. unbeknownst to her, harry had woken up shortly after she’d gotten out of the bed and was in search of her with sleep dazed head.
she doesn’t even know that he’s walking down the hallway listening for her when he hears the buzzing sound and her soft mewls from behind the guest room door, stopping to investigate.
when he pushes the door open to the room, his cock stirs to life in his boxers as he sees her in the centre of the bed pleasuring herself. “oh, angel,” harry tsks, the sound of his voice breaking yn from the confines of her thoughts of him. she’s shocked to see him standing there, embarrassed even, as she hastily snaps her legs shut and fumbles around with the buttons on the toy. “why didn’t you wake me?” he questions, climbing onto the bed with her.
she’s quiet for a moment due to her embarrassment, averting her eyes until he places his hand on her thigh to coax her to look at him. when her eyes return to his and she sees no judgment in them, she feels comfortable responding. “you need your sleep. you just had a match,” she explains, her voice small.
“i know, sweet girl, but if you need me i can help you,” he responds, words genuine. his response pulls a scoff from her, making him raise his eyebrows in shock.
“i was not going to wake you up because i was horny,” her voice is firm now at how ridiculous he sounds.
that’s when his normal cheeky, dimpled grin forms on his face and he pulls her thighs apart. “okay, that’s fair, but i’m up now. you know it’s hard for me to sleep anyways when i haven’t had a taste of you,” he teases, reaching up with his dominant hand and running a finger through her soaked folds. he gathers some wetness on his fingertip before immediately honing in on her sensitive clit, a hum falling from his lips when he feels it twitch against him.
“no, h. your hand,” she manages to gasp, remembering the bruising and pain he’d received from the fight today. she’s squirming away from his touch, much to her dismay at the situation, but she knows he needs to rest that hand.
“i’m fine, angel. but if it makes you feel any better i won’t use it. how’s that sound, hm?” he questions, all playfulness gone from his voice as he knows she’s genuinely concerned for him. she thinks on his suggestion for a moment before she’s nodding her head and relaxing into the pillows once more. she’s not relaxed for long, though, as he immediately takes her clit into his mouth and begins to suck on it before flicking at it a bit, causing her body to tense and a gasp to leave her.
it doesn’t take long at all for her to get close, her orgasm creeping up on her just minutes after he gets his mouth on her. he’s alternating between sucking on her clit and licking into her folds, occasionally pushing his tongue into her somewhat neglected entrance. when she wraps her thighs around his head as she gets closer, he can’t help but groan against her, and the action immediately flings her off the edge with a loud cry of his name.
her body is stock still as her orgasm moves through her body in intense waves, and by the end of it she’s choking on her breath and pushing him away as he hasn’t stopped licking at her sensitive flesh. he reluctantly pulls away with that same grin on his face, not even bothering to wipe her cum off of it.
climbing up her body, he cages her in before craning his neck to press his lips to hers. they both marvel at the taste of her arousal on him, and soon he feels her tongue make its way into his mouth, pulling away before things escalate as she needs sleep as well. he gives her one last peck before speaking up. “there we go. are y’gonna be able to sleep now?” he teases, but he’s soon choking on his breath as he feels her hand quickly reach into his boxers and wrap around him.
her words are innocent as she responds. “no, not yet.”
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harrysarchive · 1 year ago
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚em's masterlist˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
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masterlist key:
☾ angsty
ᡣ𐭩 fluff
ִ ࣪𖤐ִ smut
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a fight for us ☾ᡣ𐭩
harry's fighting for respect for his girl
i'm okay baby ☾ᡣ𐭩
harry's injured and y/n's his emergency contact
grovelling ᡣ𐭩
a silly little blurb
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girls who drink espresso martinis ᡣ𐭩
where he's an asshole but she's pretty
be mine bee ᡣ𐭩
harry officially asks bee to be his.
Pleasing Pâtisserie ᡣ𐭩
a silly little story about the business name
happy birthday my moon ᡣ𐭩ִ ࣪𖤐
it's harry's birthday!
so you wanna marry me? ᡣ𐭩 ִ ࣪𖤐
harry's overworking himself for money to afford for the future.
no big deal ☾ᡣ𐭩
something so small can mean the world to the other person.
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fratboy!harry x professor!reader
after class ࣪𖤐
fratboy harry has a hot professor and she calls him in after class.
Harry Styles
always come back to you ᡣ𐭩
harry finally comes back to her.
if only you knew, bunny ☾ᡣ𐭩
always can count on your dorm mate
just the two of us ᡣ𐭩࣪𖤐ִ
dorm mates becomes more
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hstylesficrecs · 2 years ago
Model!y/n & Boxer!Harry argue before his match
Sucker Punch
Black and Blue
In the Ring
Boxer!H Imagine
His Whiskey, Her Ring
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humandyke · 3 months ago
public service announcement: if u haven’t read my fic death cup yet (or if you wanna read it AGAIN) now is the best time!! chapter one is set right after thanksgiving and the final chapter is at new years! tis the season and all
I was really really hoping i’d be able to have pbs meet the death cup timeline right about now but unfortunately every day off of work for the next month or so i have some doctors appointment or physical therapy, so im trying to be kind to myself for needing rest. i’m endlessly thankful for the kindness of my readers as well ❤️
happy death cup season ⛄️
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cinemastyles-blog · 1 year ago
Come On, You Got It.
Summary: an anon request on Wattpad - "Personal trainer Harry???"
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, unprotected sex, oral (both), finishing in readers mouth, fingering, squirting, hair pulling, choking, filth
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"Come on, love. Give me a few more then we can take a break." Harry says as he leans around the punching bag, "You got it. Just a few more, please."
You sigh and drops your glove covered hands to your sides, "I'm tired, Harry."
He chuckles at your whining and shakes his head, "Fine. Go get some water."
You smirk as you undo the Velcro with your teeth and it makes Harry's eyebrow twitch. He runs his hand over his face as he walks over to grab his white boxing gloves off of the bench.
You walk over, sitting down as you grab your water bottle. Your eyes stay on him as he moves over to in front of you, "Can you wrap my hands?"
You know damn well Harry can wrap his own hands, but you don't argue. You grab the wrap from his grasp and move his hand to how you want it.
You've been training with Harry for months now, and you kinda of have a thing for him, so you know exactly how he likes it done.
"You're a fast learner." He jokes as his eyes follow your hands. You glance up at him and his eyes meet yours, "Only been doing this for how long."
He smirks as he brings his wrapped hand up, inspecting it, "Damn near perfect."
You scoff, "That is perfect."
"I know." Harry hands you his gloves to help him get them on, "I just like getting you riled up." He winks and you can feel your face get warmer, "Shut up."
"Make me."
Your head snaps upward and you sigh, "I could kick your ass any day." You squeeze your water bottle, squirting water in your mouth.
He watches as water dribbles down your chin and he quickly wipes it away with his thumb, "I'd like to see you try."
"Come on, y/n." Harry walks around the bag, admiring your punches, "You got it. Jab cross, jab cross cross." He nods in approval and grabs the bag, holding it still.
You step back, wiping sweat from your forehead onto your arm, "How was that?" He leans out around and smirks, "Good, that was good. But.."
You tilt your head as you take your gloves off, "What?"
He steps out from behind the bag and crosses his arms, "Still don't think you can beat me."
You raise your eyebrows, "Mm. I see."
"What?" He laughs as you walk to grab your water, "Come on. Loser buys dinner."
You turn to look at him before putting your gloves back on, "You are so on, Styles."
He grabs his gloves, putting them back and walking over to the mat, "C'mon." You smirk as you walk over, standing infront of him, "Ready to lose?"
He tilts his head and shrugs, "I should be asking you that."
You both get ready, moving around in a circle as you wait for your moment to strike. You used the combos that you learned today and end up popping him right in the nose.
By total accident.
"Oh my god.. are you okay?" You rest your glove over your lips as you step towards a doubled over Harry, "Hey I'm so- whoa!" You let out a slight scream as Harry flips you, pinning you to the ground.
His body is slightly pressing against yours and you look at him from over your shoulder, "Hey now."
He rolls you over onto your back and pins your arms down by your biceps, "Hey now." He says in a mocking tone which makes you laugh.
His eyes move over your face as he licks his lips and smiles, "So whats for dinner?"
"A knuckle sandwich if you don't let me up." You fight back a smirk but fail as he helps you stand up. You take your gloves off and unwrap your hands as you think, "Whatever you want is fine with me."
He nods, "I'll think about that while I shower."
You bite your lip and nod as you bend down to grab your bag, "Alright." You look at him with a smile before you disappear into the locker room to shower.
The whole time, the thought of you and Harry being the only ones in the gym settles into your mind.
You push them away but each time they come back, they're stronger and dirtier than the last.
You walk out, drying your hair off with a towel.
"About time." Harry says with an over exaggerated groan, "I'm starving out here." You laugh, "Sorry. I wanted to make sure I didn't stink like sweat."
He laughs, "Girls and their long ass showers."
"Hey. Can't hate it if you haven't tried it."
"What? A shower with you?" He raises his eyebrows and it causes you to stumble over your words, "Wh- no i di- not what I meant, Harry."
"Again. I just like to get you going." He chuckles and throws his bag over his shoulder, "I just have to stop over here at my office quick, so just give me a sec."
I nod and follow him over, watching as he sits down at his desk. His fingers tap the top as he tries to remember why he went in there.
"What are you looking for?" You ask as you lean against the door frame. He blows out air and leans back in his chair, "Come here."
Your heart starts beating fast as you step in and walk over to him, "What's up?"
He bites his lips and looks up at you, "So.." he laughs slightly and shakes his head, "Nothing, we can, uh. We can just go get dinner."
He stands up and you put your hand on his chest, "No. Finish what you were going to say."
He looks down at your hand planted flat on his chest and back up to you, "I want you."
His words make you freeze for a moment, but only because you were sure if he'd ever go for you, he is your trainer and all.
"Really?" You bite your lip and slowly slide your hand down his chest, slipping your fingers into the band of his shorts, "Because I want you, too."
In a quick motion, he spins you and sets you on his desk, "Glad we feel the same." He pulls your shorts and panties to the side, slowly slipping two fingers into you as he watches your face scrunch up with pleasure.
He slides his other hand up and grabs the back of your neck, "You're so fucking hot." He crashes his lips onto yours, swallowing your moans as he thrusts his fingers in and out quickly.
"Fuck, fuck. Yes yes yes." You whine out as you push your chest forward.
"Fuckin' hell. Thats it, baby." Harry groans as he watches the liquid drip from his hand and off your body onto the floor, "Never had anyone do that before."
He looks at you with a proud expression, "That was fucking perfect." His lips find their way to yours but he quickly kisses down your next and drops to his knees with a grunt, "need to see if you taste as sweet as you look."
He hooks his arms under your thighs, holding your shorts and panties to the side as he just goes for it. You throw your head back, moaning as you rest your hand on the back of his head, "Fuck, Harry."
He hums as he works his tongue in and out of your pussy, causing you to gasp and move your hips forward, "Shit, h-Harry."
Your legs lock over his shoulders and he has a tight grasp on your thighs keeping them spread as he devours you.
"I'm gonna cum.." you announce in a breathless whisper, "Shi-" you let out a loud moan, knocking stuff over as you grasp the edge of the desk.
Harry continues to eat you out through the high of your orgasm, causing your legs to shake and jolt with each time his nose bumps your clit.
He leans back, looking up at you as he continues to grip your thighs, "You taste heavenly, baby."
He moves one leg off your shoulder, kissing up to your knee as he sets it down and he gives your other leg the same treatment before standing up.
He slips his shirt off, now, you've seen Harry shirtless multiple times, but it never fails to take your breath away.
You lick your lips, still panting from the tap orgasms back to back, "You are so fucking hot."
He smirks as he pushes his sweats down, "Yeah?"
You nod and reach out for him to come closer. He smiles and moves in, resting his thumb and pointer on your chin, "Pretty sexy yourself, love."
You slip your fingers into the band of his boxers as he kisses you. You slowly pull them down and wrap your hand around his cock, pumping slowly as you make out.
"Gonna get it wet for me?" He asks smirking against your lips. You smirk back and nod, "Of course."
He steps back, helping you down off the desk before he  rests against the desk. You kiss down his chest, over his torso, and down the one v-line until your chin rests on his cock.
You plant little kisses from the base of his cock to the tip and wrap your lips around. Harry is in awe watching you so what you're doing, he doesn't say another word.
He just moans, slightly loud as you start bobbing your head in a steady rhythm. His hand rests gently on the back of your head, but pushes every so often to tell you he wants you to take him all in.
You take a deep breath through your nose and relax as much as you can before sinking your head all the way down on him.
"F-fuck, thats.." he groans and tilts his head back, "That's it."
You pull off, a string of saliva connecting you to his cock from your bottom lip. He looks down, bringing his hand around to swipe it away, "Up."
You move to your feet and he pulls you into him, kissing you roughly as he spins you around, planting you on the edge of his desk, "Thought about this the moment I seen you throwing those punches."
You smile and bring one foot up to rest on the desk, "Mm." He pushes your shorts and panties to the side and nods, "You're a fucking natural out there."
His compliment makes you blush slightly but that's quickly forget as he slips the head of his cock past your folds and into you. You gasp, digging your nails into his shoulder, "Harry."
He licks his lips before parting them, watching as his cock disappears inside of you fully. Your eyes roll shut and you moan out at him stretching you, "So big."
He smirks and grabs a handful of your hair, "You like that, huh?"
You try to nod, but the grip Harry has makes you unable to, "So fucking much."
He pulls his cock out slowly before thrusting back in, quickly building up to a harsh, but very pleasurable speed.
"Fuck." Harry groans and grips your throat with his other hand and pushes his cock fully into you, "You're going to make me cum."
That comment makes you feel incredible.
He shakes his head, smiling as he leans down to kiss you. His hand that's holding your hair, moves to hook under your thigh, bringing it up to his bicep.
He starts thrusting again, squeezing your throat slowly as he watches your face, "Does that feel good?" He rests his forehead against your temple and you whimper out a quiet, "Mhm."
"Where do you want me to cum?" He leans back, letting go of your neck, "I'm close." His thrusts slow down a little and you lay a hand on his arm that's holding your leg, "Mouth."
He moans as he pictures you on your knees, cum on your tongue and he pulls out, "Fuck, okay. Okay."
You move down to the floor, resting on your calves as you stick your tongue out, waiting for him. He jerks his cock a few times, moaning out as he watches it pool onto your tongue, sliding back towards your throat.
"Such a pretty girl." He breathes out and taps his cock on your lips as you close them to swallow. He stares down at you, smirking as you stick your tongue back out to show him that it's gone.
"Dirty girl, too." He smirks and rubs your cheek with his thumb, "Come on. I'll buy dinner tonight." He winks and helps you stand up.
He pulls you in by your waist and kisses you. You smile and laugh slightly against his lips, "Before we do that, I need to change."
"Oh yeah?" He chuckle, "Why's that?"
You roll your eyes and push his shoulder gently, "You know exactly why, Mr. Styles." You walk over and grab your bag, shuffling through to grab a new pair of panties and shorts, "Could have just taken them off."
He shrugs, "I'll take them off next time."
Thank you for the request and thank you for being so patient. Hope you liked it!
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wonderlandficarchive · 2 years ago
boxer/personal trainer
143 by @havethetimeofyourstyles 
NFWMB by @sunflowervolvimp3
black & blue by @lovemepleaase 
in the ring series by @hrina 
part one: jab
part two: cross
part three: hook
part four: uppercut
personal trainer
make you sweat by @atlafan 
harry is y/n’s much older personal trainer by @haaarry 
- part two
360 series by @sunfleurry 
- part two
- part three 
his blood sun series by @looselucy 
143 notes · View notes
hsdiaries · 11 months ago
The Secret Spot
5.1k words
Golfrry, quick escalation, shy Harry into vocal Harry, oral m recieving, p in v, quickie situation.
I didn’t edit this at all, just written in a whim lol.
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“Cassie! You’ve been assigned to a party today!” Martin called out as he walked through the locker room handing everyone their assignment slips. I brushed my hair up into a ponytail high on my head so I could slip my visor on.
“Is it a big one?” I said, pulling out my white apron and tying it around my waist, slipping in my small order pad and favorite green pen with the small golf ball topper. It was always a conversation started with the club members; and conversations always led to good tips.
“It's a small three person party, I heard it's a big name, haven’t confirmed who yet - you'll have to pick up your slip at the front desk. It's a bit hush hush.” He shrugged and I nodded, making sure my shoes were tied properly as my friend Kyle came up to me.
“Hush hush, huh? I hope for your sake he’s hot,” He smirked, pushing all his weight onto his left hip. Whoever thought it was a good idea to let Kyle interact with the older men at the golf club had no idea how many sugar daddies he would end up by his second week on the job.
“Kyle, sweetie, I don’t need them to be good looking to get good tips, I just need them to have heavy pockets,” I said standing up straight and slamming my locker shut. Pushing him out of the way gently with my shoulder I made my way out of the room heading out to the front desk.
“Be a good whore!” I heard him call out, making me shake my head and laugh. The lunch time crowd was beginning to flow in quickly; lunch time was the prime time to have a shift, people hardly ever wanted to let go of these shifts for that reason. Small waves were thrown my way from the usual crowd, I made sure to make note of my usuals, sending them extra greetings especially since I wouldn’t be assisting them today. As I approached the front desk, Cedric, the club manager spotted me, perking up instantly.
“Well if it isn’t my favorite little waitress,” he smiled, eyes back on the computer screen in front of him.
“Well if it isn’t my favorite little boss. I heard I have a part assigned today?” Leaning on the front desk, I reached over the counter, grabbing a mint packaged in the signature green of the Ocean Wells Country Club, earning me a soft smack on the hand. I pulled the mint to my chest, quickly opening it and popping it in my mouth, Cedric rolling his eyes.
“Yes actually, and I’m sure you will thank me for it. I had to pick wisely and my soul told me you would be the only one to not act like a crazed fan girl when I told you who you would be serving today,” I watched as the small slip printer started printing out our usual assignment slips, he quickly ripped it off the machine and slid it across the front desk to me.
Raising an eyebrow, I slowly picked up the slip and looked it over, my eyes widening at the sight of the names on the slip.
Niall Horan
Harry Styles
Mitch Rowland
I looked up at him, jaw slightly dropped, “You’re fucking joking right?”
“Nope, not a joke at all. As a matter of fact, they are walking in at this very second,” he smiled, pointing his chin in the direction of the front door. My body seemed to turn quicker than my head, but once it followed, my eyes were instantly drawn to Harry. He was wearing a navy sweater over a slightly brighter blue dress shirt, matching slacks and brown golf shoes. He has recently cut his hair, a frenzy in the media, but it had grown out to perfection, short on the sides, a swoop of curls wanting to remake their appearance on the front. His face was perfectly layered with growing facial hair, it made him look so mature and well cultured. He looked like money, and well, he was. It wasn’t until they were almost in front of me that I noticed the three of them had made their way to the front desk - and that I had been staring like a gawky girl in love.
I quickly cleared my throat and turned to face Cedric who chuckled a bit as I made myself busy organizing the business cards on the desk, chewing on the mint in my mouth. I felt their presence next to me soon after, Niall standing the closest to me, Harry doing most of the speaking for the party.
“Hello, we had reservations under Styles?” He said kindly, his voice so soft spoken and kind. I didn’t expect anything less if I was being honest.
“Yes, Mr. Styles, Mr. Horan and Mr. Rowland, we are all ready for you. You have been assigned to start on the left, two golf carts have been assigned, one for you and one for your caddies. Your personal waitress, Cassie here, will also have her own cart to bring drinks, cigars, food and any other desired items here at the club,” Cedric spoke, his hand gesturing over to me, causing all three men to turn their eyes to me. Each smiled, making eye contact, but only Harry’s lingered just a moment longer than the rest.
“Nice to meet you all, I’m here for whatever you may need, even making sure that the other isn't cheating,” I smirked, making them chuckle a bit.
“She's a club favorite, you’ll enjoy her ever present company,” Cedric said in a slightly condescending tone.
“I’m sure her services will be appreciated,” Niall said, clearly noticing Cedric's tone.
“Very well then, here are your keys, golf clubs should already be loaded, enjoy your time here at Ocean Wells Country Club.”
I nodded at Cedric, turning to the front door and holding my arm out to let the gentleman know they could carry on ahead of me before I began walking slightly behind them. I noticed Harry’s pace slow a bit more than the others as we made our way over, his attention turning to me for a moment, clearing his throat.
“Would you mind starting us off with some whiskeys, over ice please. We will need lunch reservations at around two, we should be finished with our game by then,” he said, unable to make eye contact fully.
“Might I suggest 2:15 to make room for any delays and travel time back to the cafe?” I said politely, his eyes shifting to meet mind more predominantly. They were a beautiful shade of green, tricking the eyes to think they were blue, crystal clear in certain lights - glimmers of aquamarine.
“You know the place better than I, 2:15 is fine,” he smiled small my head nodding, for some reason my cheeks found themself washed over with a flush of pink.
We exited out into the warm summer sun, a sigh instantly leaving me, eyes closed as my face moved to look up into the sun, taking in its heat. Summertime was my favorite time of the year, it’s when I thrived most, when I felt most alive. Bringing my face down, I opened my eyes to find Harry already looking at me, quickly looking away when he noticed my eye contact.
We all stepped into our individual golf carts, they drove off to their first hole as I drove to the cafe to pick up their first round of drinks. I placed the order, waiting until they were brought out, throwing in some complimentary pretzels and beer cheese to start them off right. I carefully loaded everything into the cart, driving my way over to where they were. By the time I had made my way over, they were on the second hole, Niall currently lining up his shot before swinging effortlessly, the ball landing right next to the hole but not quite making it in.
I watched as he handed Harry a twenty dollar bill, Mitch and Harry laughing at how upset Niall looked. I pulled up behind their carts, Harry’s attention quickly moving over to me. He walked over as Mitch chose his golf club for his turn, reaching for the tray of drinks as I moved out of the cart.
“Oh you don’t have to do that, I got it,” I smiled, both our grips steady in the tray.
“Truly, I got it,” he smiled, his hand brushing my hand away. I felt my breath get caught in my throat as I swallowed, turning back to grab the tray with the pretzels and cheese.
I faced him, smiling shyly, “I figured you all would do well with some post game fuel? No one has ever hated our pretzel and beer cheese. It’s a club favorite,” I smiled, his eyes took in the food as Niall and Mitch made their way over to us.
“What’s all this?” Niall smiled, Harry’s eyes staying on me as he spoke.
“Cassie brought us a club favorite apparently,” he finally broke his eye contact, handing a drink to each of the boys as I nodded.
“I could drink the beer cheese if it wasn’t frowned upon,” I shrugged as Mitch reached over, ripping off a piece and dipping it in the cheese. He took a bite, eyebrows raising, nodding as he pointed to the tray with the remaining piece in his hand.
“Holy shit, let the stuck up pricks stare at us cause I’ll down it with you in a second,” he exclaimed making the rest of us laugh.
Niall and Harry took a piece each, copying Mitch in every single aspect, quickly praising me for my choice in game starting fuel. For the next few moments they stood around me, eating and drinking to their satisfaction before agreeing to move onto the next hole before anyone else began the same course, though I of course knew that wouldn’t happen. They were elite guests, no one would be assigned to this side of the club until two hours in so they would take all the time they wanted.
I loaded the empty glasses and trays into the back of my golf cart, hearing Harry yell out as my eyes caught Niall and Mitch driving off without him, middle fingers in clear sight, “Fuckers!”
Covering my mouth, I bit back my chuckle, shaking my head, “Need a ride?” I called out, his body shifting to face me, an eye roll following.
“I swear they know how to act proper,” he shook his head, shy dimples imprinting on his cheeks.
“Proper isn’t exactly my style, so, eh,” I chuckled, getting in my cart and patting the seat next to me. He walked over, getting in, hands wiping down his thighs. I took in his actions, my eyes taking in his face with a soft smile, before facing forward and starting up the cart.
“So how long have you been doing this for?” He asked softly, facing forward.
“Umm? Three years? Trying to make enough money to pay for college. The goal is to finally start this coming spring, but we shall see,” I shrugged, glancing over at him. He turned to me for a moment before we both looked forward again.
“What are you wanting to study?” He continued the conversation, his voice a bit stronger than before, almost as if he was slowly getting more comfortable.
“Social work, work with youth in the foster system. I want to be able to help people in a way I wished someone helped me when I was in foster homes,” I swallowed, my grip tightening slightly on the wheel as I drove. I could see Niall and Mitch in the close distance.
“That sounds like a beautiful full circle moment?” He said, questioning if that’s what it really was to me.
“Uh…sort of? I guess. I mean, you’re not the first person to tell me that, but I’m not exactly sure if I see it in that light. Just because, I don’t know if it’ll give me the healing most people think it will,” I said as I parked behind the other carts. We both turned to face each other and he nodded slightly.
“Mm, that’s understood. Your trauma isn’t healed just because you helped others avoid the same,” he said softly, a smile pushing into my left cheek.
“Exactly,” I breathed out, his lips rolling into his mouth. I couldn’t help but linger there, linger on the plumpness, the perfect rosey pink, the perfect Cupid’s bow. I shifted in my seat, “Um, shall I get you all some iced tea? Or water? Second round?”
He cleared his throat, moving to exit the cart, “Um, water and another round please, thank you.”
I watched as he moved towards his friends without another word and I drove back to the cafe to pick up their next round.
I walked towards Niall and Mitch, willing myself to not turn back towards Cassie. Since laying my eyes on her upon arrival, something struck my heart in a way I hadn’t been struck in a while. She radiated electricity, not warmth, not light, electricity. She seemed to shock my entire system by just standing there. It didn’t help that I was aware it wasn’t just my eyes lingering for too long - hers on my lips just now shocking my soul.
Running my fingers through my hair, I approached Niall and Mitch, Niall’s hand slapping Mitch’s chest, “Told you!”
“Told him what?” I said, raising an eyebrow, walking over to my caddy and picking out my next club.
“You’re already smitten, been smitten since we walked in,” Niall said, my eyes narrowing in his direction.
“What the fuck are you going on about? I’m just being polite, she’s treating us well,” I said, picking my club and walking over to prep my swing.
“Full of shit, you both are eye fucking each other any moment you get!” Niall said, my eyes rolling and Mitch just laughed.
“He kinda has a point,” he said, standing next to Niall, arms crossed in front of his body.
“You both are idiots,” I said, turning back to the ball, pulling back and taking my first swing. It was such a lousy swing, the back of my hand meeting my forehead. They were wrong, it was obvious they weren’t, but I didn’t want this to be just another damn hook up situation. She seemed like a good person who didn’t deserve that, even if she didn’t mind it.
“That swing shows me that we aren’t,” Mitch teased, and I shook my head.
“Look, she’s beautiful, there is no damn denying that, but I’m not letting it get to my head, alright? Let’s just play the damn game.” I pushed past them, switching clubs so we could just continue playing.
We finished up the hole and moved onto the next when Cassie finally joined us again. She brought over our drinks and water, making conversation with Niall. I tried to avoid her this time around, watching her from a distance. At least this way I could take her in, and not deal with the teasing from my mates.
She was so animated when she talked, often twirling her long brown hair as she spoke, the white uniform, trimmed with green making her tan skin pop against it. She smelled like an apricot, something I noticed on the drive to the previous hole with her. Sweet, fresh, something I would gladly bite into. I shook the thought from my head, bringing my hands behind my head, linking my fingers together. I closed my eyes, inhaling the summer dry air, it was my favorite season to bask in, just taking in the sun, letting it warm my skin.
“Seems like they left you again,” I heard Cassie’s voice next to me, my left eye opening to peek over at her.
“I feel like it’s going to be a thing for the rest of the game,” I let my arms drop down next to me, a small giggle coming from her.
“Well, it’s okay, you have the best golf cart in the entire club to save you,” she winked playfully.
“Thank goodness for that,” I smirked, as she shrugged, walking backwards to the cart before turning around completely. I followed like a lost puppy behind her, watching her full hips swing from side to side as she walked away from me. I licked my lips, biting down on my lower lip, walking around the cart as I reached it, getting in.
“So, are you enjoying your break from work?” She asked, her eyes shifting towards me, and I let mine meet hers instantly.
“Yeah actually, nice to not have to be moving constantly unless it is my choice to do so. I like that I can just settle for a bit,” I said, her eyes shifting down to my hand then back in front of her.
“I like settling. Just knowing somewhere is home. Moving around so much when I was younger, it made me crave stability, you know?” She said, and I nodded.
“It’s like, rooting your feet somewhere long enough to actually make it feel like it’s your home,” I responded, bringing a big smile to her face.
“Exactly, exactly that,” she giggled a bit.
We drove for a bit longer, trying to find the boys at the next hole but they were nowhere to be seen. She came to a complete stop, pulling out her phone, “Maybe I went the wrong way? But I doubt it, I know these pathways like the back of my hand.”
I rolled my eyes, tossing my head back knowing exactly what they were doing, “I’m sure it’s not you. I have a feeling those assholes are long gone right now.”
“Oh..,um, I can head back if you want? You don’t have your clubs so…” she suggested, her face glancing over her shoulder then back at me.
Staying quiet for a moment, I took in the situation, analyzing the possibilities and that one that stood out the clearest was - I didn’t want to leave her just yet. I brought my hand to my lower lip, pinching it softly as I turned to face her, “You know this place like that back of your hand right?”
“You have a place you like to hide out, that no one knows about?” I said, her eyes narrowing a bit, before a slightly devilish smile appeared on her face.
“I do actually,” she said, putting the cart into drive without another word.
“Going to show me?” I said, and she nodded.
“An adventure on company time? Why not.” She giggled, making me laugh with her.
We drove for a good five minutes, the golf cart cutting through different courses, avoiding people’s games and paths. We reached what seemed to be a back corner, a giant tree settling into the corner. It’s long thick trunks and branches seemed to bend, creating perfect nooks to rest in the shadow away from the sun. She park just to the side of it, turning off the cart, holding her hands out.
“Voila!! My secret spot,” she smiled, getting off and walking over to the tree. I watched her climb on top of it, effortlessly finding her perfect spot, settling into the curve that seemed shaped perfectly for her.
“How many people actually know about this?” I said, walking over, trying to pick the perfect place for me to climb up and settle.
“Just my friend Kenny, but he wouldn’t know how to actually get here. Just knows it exist….so like please don’t kill me or anything cause then I’ll never be found.” She pointed at me, making me laugh as I found my spot directly in front of her, our legs extending out next to each other.
“I won’t, I promise, I wouldn't know how to get back without you,” I said, sitting up for a moment to slip on my sweater before settling back. Unbuttoning the sleeves on my dress shirt, I rolled them up to my elbows, finally relaxing.
“Did the tattoos have stories?” Cassie said.
“Some. Others were just crazy ideas, things I thought would fit the bare spaces. A couple friends have chosen,” I smiled over at her.
“So if I said to get a turtle near your palm tree you would do it?” She asked, my head tilting slightly knowing my palm tree wasn’t currently exposed.
“And how do you know about that?” I crossed my arms in front of my chest, both eyebrows raised at her. I watched her eyes widen, reds and pinks covering her sweet cheeks.
“Oh….I just…um, Niall he uh —…”
Bursting into laughter, I cut her off, shaking my head, “Cassie, I’m aware some people know more about me than I may know, I’m just twisting your arm.”
I kicked her legs softly with my foot, her eyes narrowing and returning the same gesture. For the next moments, we just sat in silence, taking in the small noises of the golf course, the bits of wind on the tree leaves. Every now and then we would ask one another questions about our personal life. I had no problem opening up to her and her with me, letting her tell me about the things that seemed to just magically pop into her mind.
As we sat, our bodies also seemed to scoot further down, feet and legs sharing soft touch against one another, knees rubbing gently against her thigh, her fingers also moving to dance around my calf. I let my own do the same, small chills forming on her bare legs. We stayed this way until she let me know we needed to head back soon, the time we were meant to be out on the course was almost over, and she would have to finish the rest of her shift.
I nodded in agreement as we both moved to begin our climb down. I made my way first, extending my arms out towards her to help her lower herself the rest of the way down, her perfect self landing perfectly in front of me. Her eyes locked on mine, tongue licking over her lips, breath heavy from our proximity.
“How much longer did you say we have?” I said softly, my hand moving to push her hair behind her ear.
“I didn’t specify,” she said, her voice shaky, my head nodding as I bravely closed the distance between us and kissed her. It’s what I wanted, and though her movements were hesitant at first, her eagerness in kissing me back let me know she wanted it too.
I wrapped my hand around the nape of her neck, gripping at it, pushing her closer to me, her mouth opening up and letting my tongue meet hers. I ran it across the roof of her mouth, pulling away as my teeth pulled her lower lip with them. She shuddered softly, a soft moan escaping her pretty pink lips.
“And to think I thought you were shy,” she whispered, hands trailing down to my hips, fingers tapping softly against them.
“Mmm, being shy doesn’t mean I don’t know what I want, and what excites me,” I quipped back, earning me a small raised brow.
“And what do you want?” She pushed up on her toes, kissing nose as her hands began pulling my dress shirt out of my pants.
I inhaled sharply through my nose, fire growing in my stomach, blood beginning to rush to my prick, “Fuck sake, you really wanna know?”
She nodded, undoing my belt buckle and pants, working the zipper down as her hand slipped into the band of my brief without question.
“You. You on top of me in that golf cart. Fucking me until you can’t anymore,” I groaned as her hand wrapped around my length, freeing me from the restriction of my clothes, pumping up and down my length.
“Mmm, get in the cart, Harry,” she said, releasing her hold on me, pushing me back. I watched as she began stripping free of her clothes, and I did the same as we walked over to the cart, sliding into the back seat. She climbed into the space next to me, bending her body over to take me in her hand, pumping up and down my shift before slipping me in her mouth. Her tongue rounded around my tip, teasing along my slit making my abs contort, my legs shooting up slightly, body tensing at the feeling.
She chuckled, the vibrations adding to an additional sensation around my cock, as she pushed her mouth further down me, bobbing up and down until she took me completely, nose meeting my happy trail. I felt her swallow me further down her throat, my hand instinctively wrapping around her ponytail, holding her there as my hips bucked forward.
She pushed against my hold, pop off me with a gasp of air, her spit covering my cock, her hand replacing where her mouth was as she wiped her mouth with the other. She moved closer to me, kissing me deeply, my hand curling around her jaw, not able to get enough of her, of her taste.
Of her sweet apricot scent.
My hand moved down to her hip, gripping at it and directing her over my body, her legs straddling my hips, her hands both moving to my shoulders. I pushed her wet center onto my shaft, guiding her hips up and down it, her slick and spit creating enough lubrication to guide her movements further.
“Oh fuck,” she gasped, her hips rocking back and forth on me, her thighs clenching as she did, “Mm, I need you.”
She moaned, her eyes moving to mine, pants falling from her lips as her movements grew incredibly sloppy, her face was so flushed, nails digging into my shoulders.
“Yeah? Where do you need me? Huh? Tell me where,” I pressed into her lips, her moans growing more frequent, lips pressing an open kiss into my chin as I felt her come on me, arousal coating my cock thickly.
Her body trembled, her teeth biting at my chin, my hand moving up to her face, gripping under her jawline tightly, “Hmm, you need more than that?”
She nodded, “Please.” She basically begged.
“Mm? What more do you want, huh? Tell me Cassie,” I groaned at the thought of her saying she needed me inside her, at what that would feel like.
“Fill me up, please. God, Harry, please,” she breathed, pushing body up, gripping at my cock, bringing it up to meet her wet cunt, rubbing the tip against it before slipping herself down on me. It was a slow moment of taking me inch by inch, each moment further down met by the tight squeeze of her walls. She finally took the last bit of me in, each of us groaning out in pure ecstasy, before she began to lift her hips again, bouncing up and down on me effortlessly. Her perfectly round tits were in front of me, bouncy with her, begging to be in my mouth, my hands wrapping around them and bringing them to my lips. My tongue flicked at her nipples, pulling at them between my teeth, her moans escalating just like her pace on my cock.
“Fuck you do that so good, that wet cunt is so good,” I groaned into her tits, biting at the plump fleshy skin, kneading it with my hands. I slipped on arm around her waist, pumping my hard cock up into her, matching her pace.
“Oh, yes, Harry, just like that. Fuck just like that….god,” she moaned, her hands pulling my face to hers, kissing me deeply, our tongue sloppily running against each others. I slipped my fingers between us, rubbing her clit as I continued to pump in and out of her, her movements hardly existent, her legs trembling, her head knocked back in pleasure.
I could feel her tight cunt fluttering around me, pulling me deeper into it, her arousal already soaking down my thighs and hers. I wanted to taste every bit of it, I wanted it to coat me completely, make me filthy in it.
“You wanna come for me, Cassie? Come all over my hard cock, sweet girl? Hmm? Cock so hard for you, wants to fill you up. Can I do that? Can I fill up that wet cunt? Watch you squeeze me out after? Yeah?” I whispered into her neck, kissing along it up to her ear.
“Oh yes, Harry, fu-fuck, yes, yes, fill me up, oh…Ha-Harry I’m going to…I’m..” she gasped, her walls clenching around me, her hips pushing forward, legs clenching around me tighter, “Oh fuck, yes.”
She breathed out in relief, a moan so damn sexy I could have came at the very sound of it. I kept bucking my hips up into her, letting her ride out her high on my hard cock, taking in the way her body and face reacted to the feeling, only turning me on more. Both my hands gripped at her hips, fucking into her harder and quicker until I came, my hips bucking up and holding place their, shooting warm ropes into her fluttering walls.
We both came down from out high, her face nuzzled into my neck, my hips final relaxing and lowering back down, bring her carefully with me.
“Cassie baby, do something for me?” I whispered, a tired nod coming from her. She carefully sat up, eyes locking with mine.
“Pull off me sweet girl, squeeze out my come for me, let me see it drip out of you? Yeah?” I breathed out and she nodded, lazily doing as I instructed. She pulled off of me, both of us groaning. My eyes locked into her sweet cunt, watching her squeeze my come out of her, “Fuck, yes.”
She smirked tiredly, reaching down and covering her fingers in it, bringing it to her lips, licking them clean slowly. I met the other side of them, helping her, until she pulled them away so we were sharing the mix of our arousals on our lips.
Pulling away, she sighed, pushing her forehead on mine, “Mmm, I’ve never christened my secret spot before. Must be my lucky day.”
I chuckled, pressing one more kiss onto her lips, “We can do it again tomorrow. I have time. Find other places in this club to christen.”
“Mm? Sounds like a challenge.”
“I never liked when things came easy anyways.”
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freedomfireflies · 10 months ago
Summary: The one where Harry comes back from a boxing match to find you overstimulated on the bed.
(Based on this concept!)
Word Count: 3.1k
Content Warning: 18+, smut, pain kink, size kink, overstimulation, squirting, daddy kink
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By the time Harry returns home, you’ve already cum 5 times.
It’s been a long few hours. Three and a half to be exact. And in that time, you’ve been edged, teased, tortured, and spent. You’ve been left to sweat, writhe, cry, and drench the poor sheets beneath you. 
The vibrator between your thighs is relentless. As cruel and sadistic as the man controlling it from somewhere across town. A pre-programmed punishment that only ends for a few minutes at a time, giving you just enough peace to catch your breath before preparing to do it again.
When you hear the apartment door open, you’re thrilled. Your aching muscles call to him as you strain against the silky ropes keeping you trapped to the bed. Your voice is raw from the excessive whimpering and whining but you cry out his name, nevertheless.
And he’s fucking thrilled.
His smirk is wide and condescending as he leans against the doorframe to watch you. You catch his newest marks through the tears in your eyes. Tonight doesn’t seem to be as bad. He’s got a subtle bruise beginning to form near his eye and a faint cut along his eyebrow. 
But he doesn’t seem too concerned with his appearance. Rather yours. The way your skin is damp, the way your pussy is red and swollen, and the way your lips quiver as you plead his name and beg for mercy.
“Hi, sweet girl,” he murmurs in a soft, low call. And somehow, even just the sound of his voice helps calm you. “What’s your color?”
“Green,” you answer weakly, fingers curling into your palm. “Green, but…but please, Har…”
He chuckles to himself and glances toward the ropes around your wrists. He left them loose enough that if you had felt scared or wanted to stop, you could easily slip yourself free, turn the toy off, and call him. Something you were almost tempted to do at one point, but…the truth is, you loved the pain. You thrived off the idea of him coming to find the mess you’d made. That you’d been a good girl and done what he’d asked. That you took your punishment and you took it well.
He strides closer. Slow, like stalking prey. He looks now toward the vibrator between your thighs as it buzzes and hums in a rhythmic pattern, giving you just a taste of pleasure without ever actually letting you swallow. 
He smiles brighter. “Oh, you poor thing. S’all red, isn’t it?”
You nod weakly. “Can’t…can’t take it anymore. Hurts. And s’empty.”
“Empty, huh?” He tuts to himself and takes a seat near your left leg. Close enough to send chills down your spine as you catch a whiff of his cologne. You nearly cum for the sixth time right then. “I bet.”
You whine harder and attempt to reach him. But he’s still too far and your chest aches. “Harry, please—”
“What, Cherry?” He brushes a piece of hair from your cheek and the gentle touch of his hand makes you want to cry. “Do you need some help?”
You nod again, fast and fervent. Desperate to feel his skin on yours. Overstimulated or not, he’s the only one who can fix you. Make it better, make you whole. Fill you to the brim the way only his cock can.
“Yeah? Well, let’s see.” His eyes trail down your naked chest, along your stomach, and back to the toy. Studying it almost curiously before he reaches for the tie keeping it snug to your thigh and flicks it free. 
The vibrator is taken away, turned off, and discarded. Leaving your pussy to clench and unclench around absolutely nothing while he moves to the foot of the bed in order to see.
Slowly, his large hands push your legs further apart, allowing him just enough room to settle his body between. His face is inches from your throbbing cunt and the collection of arousal that’s drenched the sheets below and he seems thrilled. Exhaling a pleased breath that fans across your swollen clit and makes you jolt.
“Shh,” he coos, pressing your hips back down almost forcefully. “You’re okay, Cher. Just wanna check on you, hm? See how she’s doing.”
His thumb finds you first. Reaching out to swipe down your clit and through your folds as you arch from the mattress and gasp something pitifully close to his name.
“So sensitive,” he muses, almost to himself. “And so wet. Just can’t stop soaking yourself, can you, honey?”
You only gasp for air, desperate to squirm away from the painfully sweet sensation.
He flicks the digit across the delicate nerves and sighs to himself when he sees a large drop of your arousal drip down onto the sheet. “There you go,” he whispers. He shifts a bit to get closer before parting his lips with a gentle exhale.
And the feel of his breath on the swollen bud brings tears to your eyes. You’ve never felt this kind of pleasure before. The kind that hurts and feels euphoric all in the same wave. You want to push him away and drag him closer. It’s strange but addictive and you peer down at him through stained lashes pleadingly. 
He does it again, taking hold of your thighs in order to lift them toward his cheeks, as though caging himself between your legs and suffocating himself with your pussy. Giving you no other choice than to let him have you.
“S’so pretty,” he says between torturous breaths. “God, could stare at you all day, baby. Your little hole looks so sweet like this.”
He brings his hands back to your folds and spreads you. Giving him the perfect view of the way your hole flutters and begs for his cock. His finger. His tongue. Anything.
You mewl to yourself and watch the way those pretty green eyes of his glaze over with lust. “Harry…”
“What?” He glances up and smiles. Feigning oblivion. “What’s the matter? You don’t mind me playing with her a bit, do you?”
You find the strength to shake your head.
“Good girl.” He pulls your pussy back again before dipping down to ghost his mouth along your clit. “Taste like fucking heaven. Always taste the best when you’re desperate.”
He makes a V with his fingers to keep you spread and lets his tongue do the rest of the work. He flicks and licks and savors the taste. The slurping sounds are sinful and pornographic, and your entire body begins to shake as you’re teased.
“Har…Harry,” you mewl, desperate to reach for his curls. “Harry, it hurts—”
“I know. But this is what you wanted,” he reminds you, glancing up while you drip from his chin. “Color?”
You swallow thickly. “Still…still green, I just…I need…need…”
“Need…more?” That arrogant smirk returns. “Oh, I know, sweet girl. Just aches without me, yeah?”
“Yes,” you gasp. “Yes, please—”
He hums, one large digit slowly pushing past your fluttering walls. “How’s this?”
A sigh catches in your throat. It’s good, but it’s not nearly enough. And after 5 orgasms already, you don’t want to be teased any longer. You want the main event.
And he knows this, which is why he pushes and pulls his finger from your cunt at a tortuously slow pace before adding a second. 
“Harry,” you wail. “Harry, please—”
“Uh-huh. If you complain, I won’t give you anything at all,” he tuts. He licks your clit while adding a third finger, too. “I’ve already been nice enough to let you have all this fun without me. Do you really want me to stop?”
Your bottom lip quivers. “No…”
“Didn’t think so.” He sucks you into his mouth before nipping at your clit with his teeth. Your back arches from the bed, tits covered in a glossy sheen of sweat, and his lashes flutter as he looks at you. “Fuck.”
You feel proud. Even when he’s trying to dominate you, he can’t help but be mesmerized by you. Desperate to adore you. Appreciate you. Let you know just how much control you really have over him.
Your fingers twitch, desperate to thread through his curls. And sure, you could slip yourself free now, but where’s the fun in that? You know eventually he’ll set you free and that moment will make everything else worth it. To hold him and be held by him. 
Still, this consistently slow thrusting of his fingers inside your used and abused cunt doesn’t scratch that itch. So you whisper, “Please…Harry, please I need you. I can’t…I can’t, it hurts, Har…please.”
“I mean…I’d love to, but m’having so much fun like this,” he coos with an air of false sympathy. “Besides, I don’t think your little cunny can take me right now.”
Your expression falls as you look down your body at him. “What…? Why?”
“Think she’s too sensitive,” he says, running his thumb back over your pussy while you whine. “Look at her. All swollen and pitiful. Think I’d split you in half if I tried, baby.”
“No…no, I can take it—”
“Can you?” He meets your eye while reaching into his sweatpants to pull his cock free. And the sight of him—red tip leaking pre-cum that’s just begging to be tasted—makes your mouth water. He is big. And maybe he’s right. Maybe it would ruin you, but the truth is…you want him to. “I’d have to go slow, and it might hurt with how overstimulated you are.”
You pout again. “I can take it,” you blubber, tears returning to your eyes. “Just let me try. Please…please let me try.”
He seems genuinely touched now as he watches you cry, moving up your body to press his lips to your cheek. The first time you’ve felt truly close to him in hours.
You sigh happily at the feel of his mouth near yours, even if he’s not directly kissing you yet. In fact, the warmth from his body is enough to slow the racing in your chest, and you whisper his name as he leans back.
“My good girl,” he praises, cupping your jaw and tilting your head up. “Brave girl, too. Just wanna make me proud, don’t you? Even if hurts.”
“Yes,” you agree softly.
“I know, Cher.” He kisses your other cheek, right over the stain of tears. “You know I don’t actually want to cause you any pain, don’t you?”
Another nod.
“Good. Because I’d never forgive myself.” He plays with your bottom lip a bit before smiling. “And honestly, I hated leaving you here like this. Knowing I wouldn’t get to watch.”
You nuzzle into his palm and trail your eyes down the parts of his body you can see. “Did the fight go okay?”
“Mhm. I won.”
“Obviously.” You giggle. “Are you in any pain?”
He dips down to brush his nose against yours. “Not anymore.”
You frown. “Har…”
“Not bad pain, I promise.” He shuffles back down between your legs and lines his cock up. “Plus, you know I like it.”
“I know…but I worry,” you tell him. “Some of those bruises look bad, Har.”
“I know,” he echoes. “But I’ll take some painkillers and be fine. Until then, I can pretend they belong to you.”
You feel a deep sigh leave your lungs when he brushes the tip through your soaked folds. Even now, despite his condescension…he’s careful with you. He knows what you’ve been through, and he never wants to give you more than you can take.
“Want you to do something for me, okay?” he calls softly before getting into position. “If it starts to hurt…I want you to bite down on my lip. As hard as you can. Deal?”
Your eyes widen as you nod quickly, anxious to have his mouth on yours. 
The moment he pushes in, he kisses you. Swallowing the heavy moan that melts from your throat.
You do as instructed, clamping down on his bottom lip when you feel that poignant stretch and he groans in response. And the two of you are nothing but a mess of noises and animistic fucking. His nails scratch down your skin, tongue dancing circles around yours. 
Then, his hand comes to your throat. The same hand that causes so much harm to the men inside that boxing ring. The same hand that’s been shattered, broken, and torn. The same hand that wears a variety of scars and scratches, and the same hand that you love more than anything in the world.
It closes around your neck, gently and purposefully. Enough to excite you but not enough to scare you. Instead, you succumb to it. To the weight of his body on yours. To the peaceful trance you feel lulled into as your mind grows distant and all you really understand is the feel of his hips slapping against yours.
“Cherry,” he calls after you’ve gone quiet. “Baby, are you with me?”
You nod lazily, lashes fluttering. “Yes…feels good.”
“Yeah? S’it making your little ache go away?”
“Uh-huh…feels good.”
He smirks. “Good. S’it getting hard to talk to me?”
He chuckles to himself before kissing you again. “Honey, I think you might be going into your subspace.”
“S’okay, don’t worry,” he assures you gently. “Not a bad thing. Just means I’ve been playing with you so long that you’re starting to feel a bit…spacey. Needy, in a sense.”
“Oh.” Your brows furrow. “But I’m always needy for you. Does that mean I’m always in it?”
 He shakes his head. “This is a special kind of needy. And it means I need to be extra careful with you.”
“Okay, Daddy.” You stop, sucking in a sharp breath. “I’ve never called you that before.”
“No, you haven’t,” he agrees. “Do you want to call me that?”
You think. “I don’t know. Do you like when I do?”
He rolls his lips into his mouth before nodding once. “Honestly? I kind of do. But that name can mean different things for different people. And I don’t want you to say it if it makes you uncomfortable. I like to hear you say my name, too.”
Another pause. “I like it,” you decide. “Feels…dirty. But good.”
“Just like you.”
You giggle. “Then you can be Daddy?”
“I can be Daddy.” He squeezes your tit in his palm. “Fuck, I never thought I’d like that so much. But I really love the way you say it.”
“Yeah.” He dips down to take your nipple in his mouth, giving it quite a bit of attention before moving to the other one. “Just reminds me how fucking sexy you are. Cause you are. You know that, right?”
You feel your skin warm and you try to hide in the crook of his arm. However, he quickly snatches hold of your jaw to force your eyes on his.
“Baby, you’re beautiful,” he tells you earnestly. “You’re so fucking beautiful and I still don’t know why you waste your time with me. But I’m very grateful. And I love you. A lot.”
“I love you, too, Daddy,” you whisper, pushing your lips together as though begging for a kiss.
He obliges. “Think I should let you cum now?”
“Yes, please.”
With that, he fucks you. Hard and deep into the mattress with a tenderness you don’t imagine you’d ever find anywhere else. Because even when he spanks your leg and squeezes your throat and sucks on your tongue while demanding you cum undone for him…he loves you. You can feel the way he loves you through every brush of his body against yours. Every thrust of his cock into your rather abused pussy. Every promise of his adoration.
And it’s everything. You bite so hard on his lip, you taste blood. And he loves it. He curses to himself and begs you to do it again. So, you do.
He plays with your clit, pinching it tight between his fingers that are slightly stained with blood from tonight’s fight. He rubs and he presses and he uses you like some sort of toy. And maybe you are. Maybe you’re his to use and abuse any time, day or night.
And maybe you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Shit, know you’re close. Huh, baby?” he hisses in your ear. He moves his hand to your chest and gropes it in his large palm. “You trying to hold back for me?”
You nod. “Want…want to feel you first.”
He laughs before his features twist with pleasure. “Well, that’s not our rule, is it? And I know you want to, so…let Daddy feel you, okay? S’gonna feel so good…gonna soak my cock and clean it up. Make me proud.”
And you do wanna make him proud. Wanna do anything to make him feel good. Wanna make him throw his head back as he fists your hair and fucks himself down your throat. Stomach clenching…thighs flexing…back muscles rippling.
The image is lewd and beautiful and everything you’ve come to adore about your stranger from the diner. And just the promise of getting to be witness to his pleasure tips you over.
And you cum.
But you don’t just cum. You squirt. All over his cock, and his bedding, and his thighs, and your thighs, and you make a noise that sounds so depraved, you don’t even recognize yourself.
And through this orgasmic fog, you hear the way he moans your name and gives you two sharp thrusts before following suit. Along with soft whispers of, “Holy fucking shit, Cherry. My god…y’just squirted, didn’t you? Fuck me…fucking hell, baby, m’so proud of you. Did so good…so good, honey. Feel amazing…that was the best thing I’ve ever seen. You’re so goddamn hot.”
You feel proud, truthfully. Exhausted…but pleased. Because he’s so happy right now, a dopey little smile on his face as he drops his face into your neck in order to catch his breath.
“Was that…okay?” you ask softly, desperate to run your hands over his body the way you always do after he cums. 
“Baby,” he nearly sighs, “that was so much more than okay. That was perfect. Why, are you okay? You feel all right?”
“Yes, Daddy,” you whisper. “That was…fun. Don’t think I’ve done that before.”
“Don’t think you have, either.” He lifts up to run his thumb over your cheek and study you. “Lot of firsts tonight, hm?”
“Mm.” You nudge yourself back into his hand and he laughs. “Daddy?”
“Yes, sweet girl?”
“…can you untie me now? So I can touch you?”
“Fuck—shit, yes. Sorry, baby.” He quickly reaches up to undo the knots and gently guide your hands out. Once your arms are back beside you, he offers a rather guilty look. “Does it hurt?”
You shake your head and run your fingers down his back. “No…this is much better.”
“Good.” He gives you a quick peck. “I think you deserve a bath, hm?”
“Ooo, yes, please!” You pause. “Will you stay with me?”
“Cherry,” he nearly tuts. “Of course I will. Where do you think I’m gonna go, hm? I’m yours.”
Your eyes brighten. “Mine?”
He kisses you again and it makes your heart soar.
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~ Full Knockout Masterlist
~ Main Masterlist
Amazing divider by @firefly-graphics! 💞
Taglist: @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @keepdrivingkisses @swiftmendeshoran @tiredinwinter @straightontilmornin
@justlemmeadoreyou @harrysdaydreams @tiaamberxx @myfavfanficsever @littlenatilda
@vamprry @fdl305 @ssaama @indierockgirrl @likeapplejuicenpeach
@lukesaprince @closureesny @lc-fics @0nlythrowharrybeaux @hannahdressedasabanana
@iguessyourejustwhatineeded @dylanobandposts21 @butdaddyilovehim-hs @floral-recs @itjustkindahappenedreally
@samanddeaninatrenchcoat @laelamarley @lovebittenbyevans @caynonmoondreams @percysaidnever
@prettydelilah @ripesinner @fairytale07 @hannah9921 @tenaciousperfectionunknown
@buckybarnessimpp @lomlhstyles @be-with-me-so-happily @daphnesutton @ribbonknives
@stylesfever @slutforcoffein @harringtonhundreds @kaybee87 @youcan-nolonger-run
@tobesocoldasyou @becauseheartsgetbroken-hs @cherryshouse @harryscowgirl @hsbabygirl22-blog
@mypolicemanharryyy @snwells @hermionelove @cherryluvhobi @kittenhere
@nominsgirl @lovrave
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1d1195 · 9 months ago
Ding - Round 6
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Read Ding here | ~6.3k words
Warnings: some smut 18+ only, oral, fingering, cockwarming if you squint; angst, car accident, trauma dumping, sucky parental figure. Please read with caution. You might also see one of my cliffhangers.
From me: I feel like the beginning is messy to read--almost like it's out of nowhere? But it's pretty intentional, tbh. I hope it doesn't detract from the story. Hope you like it 💕
Summary: Cupcake and Harry are busy. Harry has his big fight. Cupcake was right about throwing her life out of balance by adding in a boyfriend. They miss each other. They don't know how to deal with that either. At least not while they're apart.
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It was not Harry’s fault. Even though he thought it was.
But to be fair, it wasn’t her fault either. Even if she felt it was.
Harry grew into adulthood knowing he was stubborn. Everyone in his life told him so. It was obvious. He didn’t get to be an undefeated champion without grit. His entire gym was named as a near synonym of the word. But she continued to surprise him, and it was clear that he had very much met his match—she was competing for his crown of stubbornness. If Harry wasn’t so mad about his current state, he might even acknowledge that she was winning.
At first everything was new and completely fine. He was enamored with her. Finally she was all his. He took her on a real date—several real, authentic dates. He danced around with her in the bakery kitchen. Brought her food for movie nights in her apartment. (He also licked her when the movie lost his attention, and she looked too good to be sitting there without his head between her legs.) He even brought her bouquets of flowers simply because it was Monday.
She stayed at his place, wrapped close to him. It was as if they had done it for years. When he woke up early for a run, she joined him, assuring him to go ahead and circle back for her since he ran way better and faster than she did. But he enjoyed the way she massaged his muscles in the shower most. (The way she wrapped her hand around his dick most of all.) She made him breakfast before they left for work and Harry thought if the bakery wasn’t to her liking she could open a breakfast place as a second choice.
She chatted with Sarah while he worked out and trained. Without any kind of asking, she helped clean equipment when he needed to focus more on training. She organized his desk in his office because it was a disaster and it stressed her out. Whenever she cleaned, she hummed and didn’t notice. It made Harry fall deeper in love with her. Every moment he was with her was magical.
Until she was exhausted.
He missed her. For the first time in his life, he had felt completely in love with someone. The way he wanted to be in love. He finally had that. They were inseparable. Nights spent cocooned under Harry’s covers. His finger tracing her features in the dark. “So pretty,” he murmured.
“You can’t even see me,” she whispered.
“S’how I know you’re so pretty. Can feel it.”
So not having that for two weeks was like trying to swim through cement.
She had what could only be called a complete meltdown. Frosting and cupcakes everywhere. She was overwhelmed—said yes to too many functions in a row and spread herself too thin. She was frustrated with Harry and his time training and just missed him.
But she didn’t say it.
Because Harry was frustrated too. He tried to help her, but she didn’t let him in. There was the whole not knowing her family—even though she had effectively wormed her way into Mum and Gemma’s heart. Though he wasn’t surprised in the slightest; honestly, he thought his niece liked her more than Harry and she had only met her twice.
So, when she exploded, for lack of a better word, it was magnificent. It was nothing he had ever seen before. The exhaustion in her eyes, the worry on her face, the tears that spilled down her cheeks. Harry was sick with worry and frustration just to hear her cry but was nearly impressed. The cupcakes overturned on the floor were nothing in comparison to the way she cried.
“Cupcake, you are overreact—”
“Do not finish that sentence,” she hissed at him. That was entirely on him. Gem had taught him better than to tell a woman she was overreacting.
“Lemme take something off your plate, kitten,” he tried instead. He was ignoring her frustrated tears even though he wanted to brush them away. “Tell me what’s going on,” he figured it had something to do with her dad because she kept checking her phone and she hadn’t mentioned going to see him in over a week. But her car was overdue for an oil change, and she didn’t want to drive it that far but hadn’t a moment to deal with it. She also complained about something regarding her eyebrows, but Harry didn’t fully understand it because quite honestly, he had never thought about her eyebrows.
But if it meant caring for herself, he wished he pushed further.
Their schedules hadn’t lined up in two weeks. No more than an hour or two alone. She saw him plenty while she chatted with Sarah at the gym while he trained or worked. He and Maeve had started a competition of who could sprinkle the most cupcakes in fifteen minutes (Harry was willing to admit defeat once in his life—he would never beat Maeve) even though she didn’t like that they were having fun when she was stressed.
They hadn’t practiced her self-defense moves in nearly a month.
So, it felt like her fault.
But what she hadn’t anticipated was Harry’s sour attitude reflecting right back at her. Harry didn’t take her frustration lying down. He snapped back at her which felt so heinous to do but he was grumpy.
But he was tired of arguing with her. Tired of feeling frustrated, begging her to let him in when it was obvious she didn’t want to. So, for the first time in his life, he stopped fighting.
It pained him to no end. He could see in her eyes that she was exhausted. It hurt him so badly. Each time he said, “Whatever, Cupcake,” he felt like the worst boyfriend in the world for not taking her frustration away. But she wouldn’t let him in. She wouldn’t let him take away her frustration. It was like she wanted to argue with him. It was entirely unfair, but she was mad about his indifference. It didn’t make any sense for her to be mad when she had just as much blame to take for his sour mood.
“Why don’t you just go home?” She suggested. Bitterness coated every word.
“Yeah?” Harry looked up at her from his phone, his eyes narrowed. She could see his muscles tense like they were in the ring, and she was aiming for his head. “Jus’ leave?” He repeated.
“Obviously you don’t want to be here,” she muttered.
He slid back from the table, the chair scraping against the floor with a screech that made her teeth hurt. “No, cupcake,” he shook his head and made his way for the door. She hated itwhen he said the sweet name like that. She knew it wasn’t her nickname when he said it. It wasn’t filled with the love he liked. It was sarcastic. Mean. It hurt her more than an actual punch would have, she was sure. “You don’t want me here,” his voice was low. She closed her eyes, trying to keep as calm as possible. It was hard because she was anything but calm. But she said nothing. “You don’t want me in your life,” he snapped finally letting all the emotion out that had been building over the last week. “You keep things from me. You build up walls that I can’t break down. Every time I get to the top y’add another layer of bricks.”
She stayed silent.
“Go on, cupcake. Say m’wrong,” he challenged. “Say y’let me in.”
But both knew she couldn’t say it.
It was eerily quiet in the kitchen. The pinch of Harry’s brow made her sad. She wanted to smooth it out with a kiss. “Tell me to stay,” he whispered quietly.
But she couldn’t say that either.
“Yeah,” he sighed and turned. “S’what I thought.”
Maeve wondered if her best friend was going to have a heart attack a lot during her time at A Pinch of Sprinkles. The opening in town nearly sent her to the ER. She was running on fumes at the time. Christmas always made her anxious. Anytime they were chosen for a wedding also had Maeve worrying about her medical history. But in comparison, those were nothing. If Maeve had known what not talking to Harry would do to her, she would have told her that Christmas was a tropical vacation.
Harry stopped coming to see her.
“Did...” she swallowed, nervous to infuriate her best friend further but out of care for her, she had to know. “Is... Harry still...”
She glared at the cupcakes she was frosting, squeezing the icing bag a little too tightly. “I don’t know,” she grumbled. She hadn’t gotten a text from him nor seen him in a week after she told him to leave.
Maeve’s heart cracked. “Babe,” Maeve murmured softly.  “He... he adores you... what happened?”
She shook her head unwilling to go over it again. The nights were filled with tear-soaked pillowcases, and she was exhausted from stress and crying. “I just can’t be in a relationship. It’s too much.”
Of course.
Maeve was sick of her best friend’s loneliness. “That is bullshit,” Maeve rolled her eyes. “Did you push him away?”
“Maeve, shut the fuck—”
“Oh, good luck pushing me away, babe. No,” she shook her head and grabbed the bag of frosting from her hands and threw it at the sink to gain her attention.
“I was wor—”
Maeve ignored her words and continued on with her own. “I might not be a boxer, but I can take a punch or two all the same. You pushed him away. Now you’re sulking. You’ve been punishing yourself for so long because you think you don’t deserve to be happy. Harry did nothing but love you and try to help you and you wouldn’t let him—”
“I am going to fire you,” she muttered bitterly. Harry never said he loved her anyway. How could he love her after all that? How could he love her if he didn’t even know the truth?
Maeve continued anyway, immune to her threat because she knew that wasn’t true at all. “You deserve to be happy, and Harry made you happy. That scares you,” she finished.
Angry tears filled her eyes and she ground her teeth together.
“You’re not going to say anything?”
Maeve was her best friend and knew more about her and her family than anyone. “I don’t get happy things.”
“But you do. You have me, number one,” she snorted, fortunately. The tension eased just the slightest bit. “You have this bakery. And more importantly, you have a guy that is so crazy about you, he has been calling me every night to make sure you’re home safe and sound.” Her heart fluttered. She didn’t know that.
“Every time I love someone, they go away,” she whispered.
Maeve felt nothing but sympathy for her sweet friend. “You have to give Harry a chance. You have to tell him why you’re doing this. I have a good feeling about him,” Maeve reminded her. For the first time in a week, she felt her body untense.
“He calls you?” She asked.
“Every night.”
She bit the inside of her lip. “That’s nice,” she whispered.
Maeve nodded. “Really nice,” she agreed. “Plus, he’s like super hot. Did you even sleep with him yet?” She blushed at her words and reached for a new frosting bag out of the fridge. “You bitch! You didn’t tell me?!” Maeve screeched. She smacked her arm repeatedly. “Tell me everything! When did you do it? Where did you do it? Harry must have a massive dick, right? I feel like he’s—”
“Maeve,” she laughed. The first time in a week. It felt good to laugh. “I...”
“No, you have to spill. Something.”
Her cheeks were flaming. “I think I’m addicted to it,” she whispered.
“Thank. God.”
Harry refused to go back to the bakery for the rest of the week uninvited. His workout sessions were horrific. Louis yelled at him for missing his marks and he felt everything about his footwork was sloppy. The way she ignored him made him feel terrible. But naturally, he didn’t help either. He hadn’t texted her in over a week.
But it didn’t stop Harry from waking up to a call at eleven thirty at night.
“What?” He grumbled. He didn’t want to fight. He was tired of arguing with her and was tired of being frustrated. She would have to do the work if she was going to try and fix this when he needed sleep.
The sound of her shaky breath snapped his eyes open. “Can you come get me?” She croaked.
That did him in within seconds. The vulnerability in her voice. “Cupcake, s’matter?” He was awake instantly. It wasn’t sarcastic. It was her name. The one he used that made her feel adored. It was sweet and made her feel better almost as if he was already at the bakery. He quickly slid into trainers that he didn’t even untie; the back of the heel was smushed down and uncomfortable against his foot, but it didn’t matter. Her sniffling made him insane with worry. It was like the last few weeks hadn’t happened. “Kitten, talk to me,” he ordered. His heart racing and his fear taking over. He wasn’t sure he locked his door, and he was lucky he even remembered to grab his car keys before he descended the stairs to the parking lot.
“I’m alright,” she promised, tears filling most of her voice.
“Y’don’t sound alright.”
“I’m fine,” she repeated.
“Cupcake, I swear t’God,” he threw his car into drive before it was fully turned on.
“I just miss you. I’m sad and scared. Okay? I’m physically fine, but I’m a mess. I want you here,” her voice wobbled, and Harry felt like he was breaking. “Please,” she sniffled.
Harry felt crushing relief and he watched the needle on Clay’s speedometer lower from a felony charge to a healthy speeding ticket.  “M’five minutes away, kitten. Stay put.”
“Okay,” her voice was quiet, sad but Harry didn’t mind.
“You’re okay?” He repeated. She nodded. He couldn’t see that though. “Cupcake?”
“I’m okay,” she promised, it was punctuated by a sniffle.
His heart felt so broken feeling the anguish in her voice. “I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he whispered to the phone. “I wasn’t nice,” he mumbled.
“It’s hard,” she whispered. The remainder of his drive was silent. Just her sniffles and the hum of his tires on the road to accompany the small miles between them. Harry sprinted to her bakery door. She was there pacing the front and unlocked it as he approached. Harry dropped his phone right inside the entryway, the bell signaling his arrival, finally.
Within one second of crossing the threshold, she was in his arms. The door only clicked shut once he was around her. His face buried in her hair, his arms tightening around her like he was trying to keep her afloat in the middle of the ocean. “M’here,” he hummed. “M’here, Cupcake,” he promised. She squeezed her eyes shut, her heart finally slowing after so much anxiety had plagued her over the last couple of weeks.
“I’m sorry.”
“I know, baby, I know,” he assured her. “S’okay.”
“It’s so hard,” she repeated, herself from the phone call. Harry wished they were home. Even though it was late and private Harry wanted the comfort of her bed or his sofa to let her fall apart. The bakery was warm, but he wanted pillows for her head and blankets for her body to comfort her while she whispered secrets to him.
“I know, kitten. I know s’hard. But I... I adore you, Cupcake. Don’t y’know that? What do y’think all this is between us? I want t’meet your dad. He’s obviously a huge part of your life... and keeping secrets from me? S’not fair.”
“I know it’s not fair.”
“You know everything ‘bout me. S’like I don’t get t’know anything ‘bout you. Do y’think I’m suddenly not going to like you? I assure you that’s never going t’happen.”
“You don’t know that. You don’t know what I did.”
“What could you possibly have done? You’re made of sugar, Cupcake. You have to let me in. I told you everything. You know my family. You know my friends. You know why I bought Driven and why I have been fighting since I was ten years old. You have kept me out of everything. I don’t even know why you opened A Pinch of Sprinkles. I know you have a dad. You never talk about your mom. I don’t know about your childhood best friend or your favorite pet. There are these walls you keep up and I don’t know why, and I don’t know how to break them down.”
“You don’t eat cupcakes when you’re sad,” her jaw shakes as she pulls from him. The space between them feels worse than the last few weeks without her combined. It’s cold and lonely. More so than not speaking to her. More so than not sleeping beside her. His heart hurt instantly. But not as much as it hurt to watch her lower lip move almost independently of the rest of her face.
“Cupcake, what does that have t’do—”
But before he could finish his thought Harry could see it did have to do with what he just asked about. The way her eyes were shining with tears. It felt like someone clipped his vocal cords. All words escaped him, and he just stared at her as she continued. “You eat them at baby showers, weddings, and at birthday parties,” she listed. Harry stayed quiet. “You don’t eat them when your mom leaves when you’re six years old because it’s too much to be a mom,” her voice was so broken as she spoke. Harry felt her pain in the air. Like needles stabbing every inch of his exposed skin. It seemed impossible that someone wouldn’t want her. To willingly choose to leave her. Her mum no less. She was looking at her hands like they were going to give her the answer to a test she forgot to study for. “You don’t eat them at funerals or when you break your arm,” she continued. Harry wondered who had died and which arm she had broken and how. “You eat them when you get a good grade on your math test or on an anniversary.” Harry’s heart was breaking. He always wondered about the things she kept hidden in her personal life and she laid it out right there for him. In the one place that she probably loved more than anywhere else on earth. “You don’t eat them when you’re sick or sad. They’re for when you’re happy. You can’t be sad while eating sprinkles.”
It clicked effortlessly. Obviously. “A pinch of sprinkles,” he murmured softly. He crossed the space that separated them. Immediately, he cupped her cheeks in his hands, they felt cool compared to the warmth that emanated from her skin. Hot, frustrated tears started to spill over. He swiped at them with his thumbs below her eyes in tandem. He caught as many as he could but there was an overwhelming number of teardrops. It was impossible for him to keep them all from falling in rivers down her face.
She nodded. Her tears continued to spill over, rolling down her cheeks and sliding down his thumbs as he tried to stop them. “A pinch of sprinkles,” she repeated softly. She inhaled sharply. Turning against his hands holding her in place. A new wave of anguish crossed her face that Harry didn’t know could exist on someone’s face—especially not her perfect features. All the art museums he went to in university for his art history requirement made sense. The distortion of features on someone so beautiful was right before him. He understood. “You don’t eat cupcakes when your dad is in a car accident and becomes paralyzed from the neck down because you were too tired to drive even though you were the one that wanted to go to the drive-in and the only thing you can do is bring him to an entirely new town with a place to help him the way he deserves because it’s never going to be enough to thank him or repay him or—” the words were cut off by sobs that she could no longer control. Her heart was breaking right in front of him.
Harry knew how to fight. He knew how to stand with poise and grace that no one would expect a boxer to have. He knew how to throw punches that could knock a grown man out in one hit. The correct form to kick was ingrained in his mind from when he was ten years old.
Harry didn’t know how to begin to fight her sadness.
“Cupcake,” he whispered. She covered her mouth and the noise that came out of her body was so sad, so broken. Harry wondered how she could still be standing. Harry always thought he was pretty tough. That stubborn nature of his thought he was one of the toughest people in a room.
But he wasn’t. Not even close.
The pretty, sweet girl who was constantly covered in sugar and frosting—she was the strongest person he knew.
He couldn’t begin to imagine what she went through—how she still coped with it. It was a miracle she got in a car ever again. She was braver than he ever was or could be. “And he doesn’t hate me,” she whispered through her sobs. “My mom left him because of me. He is in a wheelchair and unable to live a normal life because of me.”
“Kitten,” he warned worried she would work herself up too much beyond his ability to help her. Harry was an idiot for making her feel this. He couldn’t leave well enough alone. If he only knew...
“Why doesn’t he just hate me?” She whimpered and Harry finally pulled her into his embrace. Her tears immediately soaked his shirt. She got snot all over him and Harry just kept her close to him he let her cry for longer than he ever wanted her to, but it felt good to hold her again. Regardless of the pain.
“How could anyone hate you, Cupcake?" he asked after a minute.
“I hate me,” she whispered. The question was rhetorical, but she responded anyway.
He kissed the top of her head. “If I had a kid like you... S’not anything I wouldn’t do for them. Your dad doesn’t regret that.”
“Of course he does,” she sniffled. “I couldn’t even take care of him.”
“It wasn’t your job, Cupcake.”
“But it was my faul—”
“Take me t’meet him,” he interrupted.
She blinked, confused. “What?”
“Take me to meet him. Y’go every week, yeah? Take me,” he asked. She felt so vulnerable. Her heart felt heavy.
“Meet him?” She whispered. Harry didn’t even comment that she repeated him again.
He nodded. “He saved your life for me, Cupcake. M’sure of it. S’least I could do t’meet him.”
Her heart felt something dangerously close to hope enveloping it. It was too good to be true. Her dream job, a cute apartment, a best friend, and the perfect guy. “You don’t hate me?”
He scoffed and buried his face in her neck. He missed her smell—vanilla and sugar (although he wasn’t sure that was truly her natural scent but merely from spending so much time in the kitchen). He missed her voice and the warmth he felt just holding her in his arms. “Christ, Kitten. Course not.”
“But I was so... awful. And I... I ruined his life. I'm cursed or something. I'll... I'll ruin your life too.”
"Sweetheart," he cooed. "Y'don't really believe that, do you?"
"I'm not a good luck charm, Harry."
"You are, Cupcake. You are the luckiest thing s'ever happened to me."
She looked at him miserably. "I've done nothing but made your life confusing and hell."
He pulled back a little so he could get a clearer look at her face. He smiled. The first genuine smile he felt in a week. “I can take a punch every now and again,” he promised. “Think Louis would say I could be knocked down a peg or two every once in a while,” he winked.
It wasn’t fixed. But she looked slightly less broken. She felt a little more whole. Harry’s smile did wonders for her.
The next day, Harry stood in the hall outside of the dining room. Other residents were in various activities, but her dad sat in his chair, slumped slightly, and he smiled at her entrance.
“Dad,” she said softly sitting across from him.
“Busy week you had it seems,” he smiled.
She blushed. “I know. I’m so sorry. I should have called. It was one thing after another—it’s no excuse I should have been here, and I was—”
“Honey,” he shook his head slightly, one of the few movements he retained from the crash. “You’re living a life. It’s okay.”
Her heart broke to see him in his chair. Unable to live the same kind of life.
“I... brought... something.”
“Something or someone?”
“How do you know?”
“I don’t see a cupcake box, so this must trouble,” he joked, smiling brightly.
“Harry is here. He wanted to meet you,” she explained.
“He wanted to? What about you?” He asked. She looked at him nervously. Her eyes said everything she didn’t say out loud. Her dad continued to smile. “Well, it’s about time, honey.”
She rolled her eyes and waved him over. Harry hurried, stepping right beside his wheelchair. Without hesitating, he grabbed her dad’s limp hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you sir,” he said shaking it firmly with both hands. When the handshake was through, Harry ever so gently placed his hand back on the arm rest of his chair.
Her dad smirked and winked at the sweet girl. “I’d offer you my seat, Harry, but I’m afraid I’m stuck in it.”
“Jesus Christ,” she covered her hand over her eyes.
Harry chuckled, taking the seat on the side of the table between them. “No problem, sir,” he assured him, taking the joke in stride. Adoration for them both squeezed around her heart. “Cupcake, do y’mind getting us some water?” She blinked in surprise. Normally, Harry wouldn’t let her lift a finger.
“Oh... um... sure,” she said and hurried off to find a nurse to help.
“Cupcake?” Her dad repeated.
“Yes, sir. She’s quite sweet like one,” he smiled gently. Her dad stared Harry down for a moment. Not maliciously. Just watching. Waiting. If they were in the ring, they would have been eyeing one another waiting for someone to make a move.
Her dad made the first one. “She said you wanted to meet me.”
Harry nodded. “I adore your daughter. With everything in me. M’going t’protect her every moment of every day. I wanted you t’hear that from me. I wanted you t’know that.”
“She can be a little feisty sometimes,” he warned, but the smile didn’t leave his face.
“M’aware,” he didn’t want to tell him about their stalemate over the last few weeks. That didn’t matter anymore and it wouldn't paint either of them in a good light.
“She said you have a big match coming up.”
He nodded. “Yes, sir. Biggest one of m’career.”
“Think you’ll win?” He asked.
Harry was confident. But he didn’t like to let his confidence overinflate his chances or make himself sound presumptuous. Anything could happen. But he was going to try his hardest and best. That would be good enough for him. “I believe so. I’ve worked hard for this. I want it more than most anything,” he promised.
“Most?” Just like his daughter, he caught the key word.
“Most,” he repeated. There was a significant pause as Harry considered his next thoughts. The words he didn’t want to explain but what he wanted her dad to know anyway. “Did she tell you about Jack?” Harry asked quietly.
The name didn’t ring a bell. He shook his head. “No. She doesn’t always tell me everything.”
Harry smiled sadly. “At least she’s consistent,” he murmured. “My manager Louis and I teach self-defense classes... she joined one several months ago,” he let another pause tell her dad the words he didn’t want to say. The story he probably shouldn’t be telling him in the first place. “M’confident she could protect herself. But m’hoping she won’t ever have to. M’going t’keep her safe,” he assured him. “I promise.”
He could only imagine the wave of emotions that took over his brain. Harry obviously wasn’t a father, but he didn’t need to be one to know he would murder someone for his daughter. Paralysis or not. “And you?” He asked quietly. Digesting the bit of information Harry alluded to.
“Me?” Harry repeated.
“Are you going to hurt her?”
“Never,” he assured him. “I’d... I’d take a bullet for her,” he promised.
“Speaking from experience, that might hurt her more than just letting her take the bullet,” he chuckled and winked. Harry snorted but nodded.
She returned with three glasses of water and an extra long straw for her father. “You guys sharing war stories about me?”
“I was jus’ ‘bout t’tell him how you’re trying t’fatten me up with raspberry lemon filling,” Harry stood and held her chair out for her to sit.
“You are more than capable of saying no to cupcakes, Harry.”
“I beg to differ, honey. It’s a sin to say no to them,” her dad smiled. “A sin to say no to you,” he winked again.
Their reunion in Harry’s home was carnal to say the least. Harry missed being inside her. He wanted to fall asleep with her wrapped around his dick. Harry had spent many years of his teens taking care of his own sexual needs and yet somehow the weeks apart from her were worse than all those years combined.
Perhaps it was the noises she made. Begging Harry for a release. Her body craved his. It felt like a part of her had been missing for the duration of their silly stalemate. It may have only been a few weeks, but it was a few weeks without orgasms made possible by Harry’s mouth, fingers, and dick.
“I wanna stay inside you the rest of m’life,” he moaned into her ear in the middle of the night. They would both be tired in the morning. Louis would probably hate her (even though Harry assured her that was impossible) but it was worth it.
They started going over her self-defense moves again in between dinner and TV shows. Harry was encouraging. Making sure she followed the right move and not her instinct. Correcting her form and making sure she knew he would always be there for her. She told him more secrets that made Harry feel so whole.
She watched him train. Harry walked her to her car after falling asleep on the table in the bakery kitchen. They hadn’t spent a night apart since Harry met her dad. They fell asleep watching a movie or show nearly every night. Harry would simply lift her in his arms and carry her to the bedroom. She would coax him out of his slumber and snuggle up to him as they made it to a more comfortable position in bed.
That was the case one week prior to Harry’s big fight.
He had fallen asleep in her lap (after he had lazily brought her to orgasm with nothing more than stroking his finger messily around her clit. Simply because he could and thought her sleep shorts looked lonely without his hand inside them). Now he had an arm wrapped around her waist, face nuzzled against her T-shirt. “I love you, Cupcake,” he mumbled sleepily. She ignored it. Thought that maybe he was asleep because surely someone so big and strong—someone so scary yet boyish—couldn’t love her after all she put him through. No matter how good her mouth was on his dick. “Hear me, kitten?” He asked rolling to look up at her.
She smiled, blushing. “I heard you, thought you were sleeping.”
“Well, I love you in m’sleep, too,” he turned again, rubbing his nose against her shirt. She giggled, rubbing her fingers through his hair and massaging scalp. She was so enamored and so surprised she felt speechless. “So you’re supposed t’say it back,” he turned and looked up at her. “Unless...y’don’t feel the same way...or I said it too soon or something and it’s—”
“Oh no way,” she assured him. “I love you very much,” she laughed and brought her face down to his and kissed him.
The morning of his fight, they woke up early. Harry headed into the shower, and she followed right behind him. With a sleepy smile he enjoyed the feel of her mouth on him as he always did, gripping her hair in his hands while he thought about how a $100,000 would change his life and allow him to spoil her.
But after a healthy breakfast (and another blowjob from beneath the table while he ate because she simply thought he deserved a relaxed morning) there was no use denying it.
Harry was grumpy.
By the time they got to Driven, he snapped at her a few times (more than a few times) and she took it like a champ. In fact, she was planning on ignoring it entirely. It wasn’t his fault. Stress was natural on a day like today. His warmup wasn’t supposed to be heavy the day of a massive fight like this even though he tested Louis’ patience to no end.
“Again,” he snarled at Louis. Louis looked at her for support.
“Baby, you need—”
“I said, again. I know what m’doing,” he growled ignoring her.
Louis let him have one more round of practice. But it was Louis’ comments on his attitude that he found her around lunch time in his office setting up a light lunch from one of his favorite restaurants nearby. Tail between his legs. “M’sorry I snapped, kitten. S’jus’ the nerves.”
She smiled. “I know, baby. It’s okay.”
“S’not okay, though.”
She shook her head grinning at him. “I’ll yet at you later when you eat the frosting off my cupcakes.”
He nodded. “M’gonna hold you to that,” he promised.
“I know it’s silly to say. But don’t be nervous. You’re going to win, I can feel it,” she assured him and draped herself in his lap while he ate his carrot sticks.
“Course. M’good luck charm will be there,” he brushed his finger on her cheek.
“You know, I hate when you get hit. It's been my least favorite part of this whole experience.”
He shrugged. “So, I won’t get hit,” he smiled knowingly.
She laughed. “I don’t think I’m much of a good luck charm when you were already undefeated when I met you,” she reminded him.
He felt everything soften in him. The tenseness, the anger, and the frustration all disappeared. “Oh, kitten,” he shook his head. “You have been m’good luck charm for so much more than boxing matches.”
Louis was ready to explode with anger. Part of her wondered if he had ever followed through on his threats of getting in the ring to throw punches at Harry. She thought it might be cathartic for him. Before she can blink, the introductions are over. The sound of the bell chimes through the arena room.
Round one was over and she was holding her breath so she seriously considered the idea that she had blacked out and missed it. But Niall had murmured to her that he didn’t get hit once and she felt so proud, so excited. The kind of money Harry was going to win would do incredible things for his life. Maybe in addition to holding her breath, she had squeezed her eyes shut and turned to Niall.
His opponent was big, strong. He wasn't facing Harry because he wasn't good. It terrified to think the kind of damage an opponent like him could do to him.
“Looks like he forgot extra towels,” Niall murmured to her bringing her back to reality. She could see the irritation in Louis’ eyes and Harry holding his hands up with the gloves. How did y’expect me t’grab them? She could imagine him grumbling back only further irritating Harry. There was enough for the time being but she knew they would go through a stack of them in no time at all.
“I’ll get them,” she offered standing waving at him in some silent sign language neither discussed but Louis knew what it meant. He looked the slightest bit more relaxed by her standing. Part of her thought for the first time in their relationship he didn’t hate her. Even though Harry assured her repeatedly that he didn't. (He was utterly kind to her throughout the self-defense classes and when Harry reminded her of such, she alluded to the fact that she paid for that kindness.)
“Cupcake, you’re the best,” Niall squeezed the back of her arm as he stayed put. “Want me to come with you?” He asked.
“No, I got it,” she smiled. “I’m going to use the bathroom and hit the concession stand too. So, if I’m not back at the end of the next round I didn’t fall in the laundry basket,” she promised. Niall chuckled and waved her off.
After going to the bathroom and making her way back to the locker room, flashing her badge around her neck, she found the extra towels laid out. The noise was deafening—even from inside the locker room. She grabbed an armful's worth and made her way toward the entrance to the arena.
When she turned around, the last person she ever thought she’d see was waiting just inside the door. The volume behind him hadn’t changed. But she swore in that moment, the crowd, the bell, the thudding of her heart, everything got louder.
She knew he was trying to intimidate her just by standing there. There wasn’t a single person around. Everyone was in that arena. Her legs felt like lead, but she walked forward anyway. The towels in her arms provided extra space between them as she started to walk right past him. “Excuse me,” she muttered.
He’s just trying to intimidate me. She repeated to herself.
“Round two is about to begin!” She heard announced from behind the door followed by a delighted cheer.
It was nothing.
Jack was just trying to scare her. She hadn't done anything wrong.
All she needed to do was walk by him confidently. Then she would watch Harry win life-changing money. She was home free. Leaning into the door, the metal bar squeaking as it released the hold on the frame to let her through to the main room.
But at the last second, the towels fell from her arm in a heap as he grabbed her arm and yanked her away from the door. “I don’t think so.”
Round two was starting.
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stellarboystyles · 21 days ago
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a/n: ahhhh chapter two girlies!!!!!
“I think that last tequila shot fucked me.”
“Or the last twelve tequila shots.” Josie laughs. “I stopped after two.”
“And that’s why you’re the sensible one.” Shay groans, pushing the sunglasses up onto her face. “And I’m the tornado.”
Shay and Josie’s attention turned to see who was coming down the stairs, preparing themselves to channel their inner kiss ass if it was Emerson coming down those stairs.
“What’s up guys.”
Two sighs of relief were made as Aly’s feet shuffled across the kitchen floor.
“I was gonna make pancakes.” Josie answers. “Seriously, this house needs hangover food.”
“I agree.” Shay lays her head on the island counter. “A breakfast sandwich is the only thing that’ll prevent me from yaking all over the floor right now.”
“Coming right up, your majesty.” Josie snickers.
“This place is disgusting.” Aly leans her head back in agony before tackling all the plastic cups scattered in the living room.
“Remind me why we throw parties, again.”
“Because college is the only acceptable time in our lives to throw ragers.” Shay mutters. "If we were doing this in two years our families would be holding an intervention.”
“Yikes.” Aly cringes at two bodies on the couch. “Someone had fun last night.”
She motions to the couch as she walks by, picking up some of the random cups off the coffee table.
“Who is it?” Shay whispers.
“Cole,” Aly mouths. “And Izzy.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Shay impulsively grabs the water bottle in front of her, taking off for the living room.
“What are you—Shay, don’t!”
Ignoring Josie’s protest, Shay did indeed splash the passed out duo with zero remorse. It did a pretty good job of waking them up, though. Despite what people say, waking someone up with water is oddly satisfying when they deserve it.
“Get out.”
“What the fuck, Shay?!” Cole shrieks, the two immediately standing up in shock of their soaking wet clothes.
“This is Emerson’s place too, which means neither of you are welcome here.” Shay . “Get out before I make you.”
Izzy grabs her phone and rushes out the front door, leaving Cole staring at Shay. He was fuming, probably because he couldn’t hit her.
“None of you even know what really fucking happened between me and Emerson.” Cole snaps. “I loved her—”
“Save the crocodile tears for Emerson. Now get on with that walk of shame like the ten dollar whore that you are.”
Josie’’s jaw was on the floor.
He scoffs before storming out and slamming the door behind him.
“He needed it.” Shay grumbles.
“What the hell is going on?”
The three heads turn to see Violet had just come downstairs.
“You just missed it, Vi. Shay gave Izzy and Cole a front row seat at SeaWorld.”
Violets face changes from confusion to realization after hearing Aly’s words.
“They slept here? I kicked them out last night.”
“Apparently not—Oh.”
There wasn’t a girl in the house, except for Violet, who’s jaw wasn’t dropped when they saw who came down the stairs next.
Harry fucking Styles.
Now, there are a few things you need to know about Harry. He isn’t just some small town cutie with boy next door energy, he’s hot. Like, next level hot.
“Oh, hey Harry.” Shay greets, trying to dissolve the awkward silence that blanketed the room.
“Hey Shay.” he waves back.
“Ahh, d’you guys want some breakfast?” Josie asks.
“Ah, no. M’just heading out.” Harry steps forward. “See you later, V.”
“Yeah, I’ll walk you out.” Violet nods before turning back to her friends.
We didn’t, she mouths.
Her friends’ reactions are a mix of eye rolls and sexual motions…you can use your imagination.
“Let me take you out.”
Violet’s eyebrows raise slightly, a small smile on her face. “For…”
“On a date,” he tries. “For Valentine’s Day.”
“Oh, so you’re asking me to be your Valentine?”
“I…Yeah, I guess.” he chuckles, looking down at his shoes. “Yeah, that’s what I’m asking.”
“I’m just kidding.” she laughs. “Yes, I’ll go on a date with you.”
“I’ll pick you up at 6.”
“We didn’t.” she repeats.
“You really expect us to believe that? Look at him.”
“Believe what, exactly?”
“That you spent the night with McDreamy and didn’t have sex.”
“Don’t ruin my favorite show for me.”
“We didn’t do anything.” Violet repeats. “Seriously. I was waiting for it, but not one move.”
Josie raises her brows. “You guys didn’t make out or anything?”
“Not even a kiss.” Violet confirms, shaking her head.
“Awhhhh, that’s so sweet. He’s a gentleman.”
“Yeah,” Shay smiles. “He’s probably just waiting ‘till the third date to get in your pants.”
“Shut up.”
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purplecoffee13 · 6 months ago
new series brewing…😈
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jlf23tumble · 2 years ago
The small dick heretics must be stopped!!!!Some people just win the ✨genetic lottery✨
Since I’m a pervert, do you think harry waxes or got laser hair removal? Damn those shorts were low and I know the photos are grainy but NO even hint of a happy trail (kinda disappointing tbh)
Lmao, I got four asks about Louis's dick, so I figured I'd just answer one to spare us too much dickourse, plus I love the second half of this? My hunch is waxing--it still looks kind of fine, downy, which I don't think you get with shaving, but that's just a wild guess! (I think there IS a hint of it, the skin looks a bit lighter on the ole trail, you have to fill in the blank space, ha)
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