#box akyu
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siscaliman · 2 years ago
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Finally, i did it!!! Hole In One!!!
Bisa dibilang ini salah satu tujuan main golf. Walaupun sebenernya setiap kesempatan dipar 3 ngk ngarep bisa HIO.
Trus pas dapet HIO rasanya gimana setelah main 1tahun2bulan???
Kayak menang LOTRE💃🏻 woiii yang happy itu bukan cuma diri sendiri, suami ikut kaget, om om seflight, caddie jejingkrakan katanya 4 tahun kerja belum pernah bawa cust yg HIO.
Rasanyaaaaaa ga bisa dibeli atw dibayar sekalipun 🫶🏻
Lucunya pas main kemarin 11/7/23 itu pertama turlap setelelah paksu gantiin stick iron dan pertama kali mantepin untuk main dari tee box PUTIH 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 apakah ini sebuah pertanda ahhkkk
Thankyou buat paksu my sponsor tunggal 🤍💜❤️
Thankyou untuk coach coach yang sabar ngajarin akyu ✌️
Tunggu kejutan berikutnya ya 👏🏻
#golf #golfswing #golfpractice #golfer #golflife #golfaddict #golfstagram #golfndonesia #golfer⛳️ #golfswing #golflife #golfing⛳️ #golftangerang #golfcourse
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supplierboxkayucustom · 4 years ago
Call/WA O8l2-l545-2533  Produsen box kayu 15 in, peti kayu jati
KLIK https://wa.me/6285868177004 Produsen box kayu 15 in,kotak kayu besar,kotak kayu buah,kotak kayu bulat,kotak kayu cendana,kotak kayu cermin,kotak kayu cincin,kotak kayu custom,box akyu,peti kayu jati
Kami adalah Produsen box kayu 15 in,kotak kayu cermin,kotak kayu cincin,kotak kayu custom,box akyu,peti kayu jati. Siap melayani pemesanan dan pengiriman box kayu, kotak kayu dan peti kayu custom
Pesan Sekarang Produsen box kayu 15 in Call/WA O8l2-l545-2533 (Telkomsel)
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Kami Juga Memproduksi Souvenir Kayu Seperti Centong kayu, Telenan Kayu, Sendok Kayu, Sumpit, box kayu, kotak kayu, peti kayu custom dll
Pencarian terkait : Produsen box kayu 15 in,kotak kayu besar,kotak kayu buah,kotak kayu bulat,kotak kayu cendana,kotak kayu cermin,kotak kayu cincin,kotak kayu custom,box akyu,peti kayu jati
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clarste · 6 years ago
Any highlights in FMW Complete Box so far? I can't play it myself just yet but I am curious. (Unless you don't intend to spoil, of course.)
1) Tons of new facial expressions for everyone, making dialog much livelier:
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2) Slick new pre-combat UI showing you tons of new information, including whether an attack is going to kill you or not:
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3) This whole page:
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4) Akyu is fully playable.
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5) It keeps an auto-save of each separate turn in battle.
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jasapembuatanboxkotakkayu · 3 years ago
O8l2-l545-2533 Pabrik Kotak Dari Triplek,  Kotak Kayu Vintage
Call/WA O8l2-l545-2533 Pabrik Kotak Dari Triplek,  Kotak Kayu Vintage,  kotak dari triplek, kotak box kayu, peti palet, kotak amal kayu,  kotak akyu jogja
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Untuk infomasi PEMESANAN Hubungi Segera! Call/WA O8l2-l545-2533 (Telkomsel) Auto KLIK WA https://wa.me/6281215452533  (Tanpa harus simpan nomor Hp)
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" #boxkayuhantaran #kotakkayujakarta #kotakkayuku #kotakdarikayu #boxkayuhampers #customkayusemarang #boxdarikayu #boxķayu #kotakrokokkayuotomatis #boxkayuexclusive Box Power Amplifier Dari Kayu, Box Jam Tangan Kayu, Harga Lantai Vinyl Motif Kayu Per Box, Nampan Kotak Kayu, Cara Membuka Box Kayu, Harga Kotak Kayu, Custom Kotak Kayu, Cara Bikin Kotak Kayu, Ketebalan Kayu Untuk Box Speaker, Jual Kotak Kayu Bekas
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fushigenplaythroughs-blog · 7 years ago
Fushigi No Gensokyo Part 0-2: Akyuu’s Tutorial
Last time on Fushigi no Gensokyo, we had our incident begin. Now before we head in to the dungeon, it’s time for a tutorial!
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Reimu: The shrine looks intact… Thank gods.
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Reimu: But wait…
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Reimu: I was sure parts of the shrine were flying everywhere thanks to that thing’s shockwave…
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Akyuu: Ah, Suika was fixing it up until this morning.
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Reimu: Oh, you’re here.
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Akyuu: Yeah, pardon me.
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Reimu: By the way, I forgot that Suika was sleeping from her hangover…
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Akyuu: Where did that “only use for first aid” compress from earlier go?
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Reimu: I thought it flew away along with me…
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Reimu: Well, I’m fine without it.
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Reimu:… Now what are you doing here?
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Akyuu: …I was near the village at the time of the incident.
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Akyuu: I was weary of the village’s state, and I quickly headed there…
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Akyuu: There weren’t any humans there…
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Reimu: Not a single one!?
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Akyuu: So to be safe and gather info…
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Akyuu: I came here this morning.
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Reimu: Not a single human in the village…
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Reimu: If the non humans suddenly increased, it wouldn’t be the Human Village anymore…
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Reimu: I knew it, it’s totally relevant to the incident!
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Akyuu: If you go to the village, you’ll definitely understand!
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Reimu: Yeah, I was planning to do that…
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Reimu: I’ll be heading to the village now…
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Akyuu: Ah, Reimu!
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Reimu: Huh?…What now?
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Akyuu: I forgot to explain the shrine!
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Reimu: Explain the shrine?
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Akyuu: Yep!
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Akyu: It’s really important, so please listen carefully.
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Akyuu: You have three options in the shrine: “Donations”, “Storage” and “Suspend”.
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Akyuu: Now, “Donations”…let’s you take a look at your donation box.
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Akyuu: You might get a result that pleases you…
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Akyuu: Or you might end up felling sad instead.
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Akyuu: You can check your “Donations” freely, Reimu, but…
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Akyuu: Checking them once per visit is enough. Please remember that.
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Akyuu: Next up is “Storage”.
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Akyuu: “Storage” lets you deposit items you may have and withdraw them for later use.
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Akyuu: You can also discard items, but you can’t recover discarded items, so be careful.
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Akyuu: You can keep your important items safely there.
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Akyuu: However!
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Akyuu: Currently, you can only take stored items from the shrine.
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Akyuu: So if you leave something important there…
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Akyuu: …There’s nothing you can do to take them.
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Reimu: It’s fine, if I forget something I’ll just come back.
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Akyuu: Um, about that…
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Akyuu: Once you the shrine, you can’t return until you’re done investigating.
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Akyuu: If you give up or fail to complete your investigation, you’ll also return to the shrine.
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Akyuu: In those cases, you’ll lose all Items and Money you acquired thus far.
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Reimu: So in other words…
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Reimu: If I want to keep my items and money without completing the investigation….
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Reimu: I just can’t return to the shrine at all?
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Akyuu: Not exactly…While there’s no way to bring money, there’s two options to send items.
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Akyuu: The first is the “Storage Gap”.
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Akyuu: You can find this while investigating… or it might be on sale at Kourindou.
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Akyuu: If you use this gap, you can send any items up to its capacity to storage.
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Akyuu: But can’t use this for items that cannot be inserted into gaps.
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Akyuu: So be careful.
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Akyuu: The other way is to use the “Murasa Delivery Service”.
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Reimu: ….Murasa Delivery Service?
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Akyuu: Yup.
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Akyuu: It’s a business started by the Palanquin Ship’s captain, the bound spirit Minamitsu Murasa.
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Akyuu: She runs her service at Kourindou, its branches and the shrine.
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Reimu: Hey... that’s not too convenient.
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Akyuu: Here’s a flyer from today’s paper/
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Reimu:...For all your cash?
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Akyuu: That must have sounded bad...
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Akyuu: If you think the other way, you might still be able to send items even without money.
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Akyuu: ...It’s fair to take it that way.
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Reimu: So it seems.
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Reimu:....Wait a minute!
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Reimu: That flyer says that “The service will begin operating soon”?
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Akyuu: Now that you mention it, it does say that...
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Reimu: So then...I can’t use this during the investigation this time.
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Akyuu: Then you’ll just have to use it after you’re finished your investigation.
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Akyuu: S-so then...
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Reimu: ...
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Akyuu: Let’s get back on topic...
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Akyuu: Ahem.
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Akyuu: Last is “Suspend”.
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Akyuu: You can save your current state and stop investigating.
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Akyuu: I’ll record your activities perfectly, Reimu.
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Akyuu: Don’t worry about it.
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Akyuu: This concludes the explanation of the shrine.
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Akyuu: Well...did you understand my explanation now?
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Reimu: Uumm... I did, roughly.
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Reimu: I’ll remember by using it afterward.
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Akyuu: Yep!
And thus, Reimu’s Dungeon Crawling adventures begun... in the next post.
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