#bout to put this on All my blogs so fair warning on that lmao
mudskip-muses · 1 year
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while im thinking of it add me on discord boiiiiiii
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violetwolfraven · 4 years
40 for sprace?
We’re playing love interests in a play and long story short I think I might actually be falling for you.
Ooh! Fun! Also lmao my blog is kinda turning into a Newsies blog. At least for now. Until I get obsessed with something else. Don’t worry, though, guys. That ain’t gonna happen for a while the way I’m currently going. I’m pretty sure I’ve lost followers because of my current hyperfixation but somehow I don’t give a single fuck
Hope you don’t mind some background newsbians. Also that I don’t actually have a Cinderella script, so I’m not using any actual lines from it.
Race had to appreciate how chill Miss Medda was, because he didn’t think just any theatre club advisor would let the kids change the genders of a bunch of characters just so they could make it all gay.
Oh, well. Theatre was gay culture. There wasn’t a straight person in their club, and they might as well reflect that.
Basically, they were doing Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella, and with Bill and Darcy as their rewriters, they’d changed Prince Topher to Princess Tina (which was no easy feat, given that he had about a million middle names they had to find feminine versions of) and put Katherine in the role, as the only girl who could hit the lower notes.
Sarah played Cinderella, Albert played one of the stepsisters, Charlotte (which were now brothers) and Race played the other, Gabrielle. Or, Charles and Gabriel, now, with the two of them.
Jack was Marie, the Fairy Godmother, Smalls and Romeo tumbled as the fox and raccoon, and Davey hung back as the student director.
And Spot Conlon was playing Jean-Michael, the revolutionary, and Race’s love interest.
That totally wasn’t a problem because Spot totally wasn’t Race’s type and singing a duet with Sarah about him and Katherine totally didn’t hold any truth at all.
Yeah... Race had a deal with her that as long as she didn’t tell anyone about him having the hots for Spot, he wouldn’t tell anyone how whipped Sarah was for Katherine in real life.
Unfortunately, that deal was definitely not going to work to Race’s favor, now that he’d accidentally let slip about it.
To. Katherine.
While Sarah was within hearing range.
Fortunately, everyone else was on break while Race (being dance captain) helped Saz and Kath out with some hard waltz choreography, but still...
Shit. Shit, shit, shit.
“Hey, Spot?” Sarah called.
“Saz!” Race yelped, “Saz! Sarah! I’m sorry, okay? You don’t have to do this! I have so much to live for!”
Sarah rolled her eyes, as if that would make her be blushing less as she refused to look at Katherine, “Spot Satan Conlon, where are you?”
“My middle name ain’t ‘Satan,’ Sarah!” Spot yelled from the catwalk.
Oh yeah. Spot was primarily friends with the crew kids. Hotshot, Bart, Bluebird... those kids. The ones who would straight up murder you if you touched something you weren’t supposed to on the sets.
“Well, until you tell me your real one, I got nothing else to use!” Sarah yelled back, “Can you come down here?”
“Physically? Yeah! Will I? No!”
With a mischievous glance back at Race, Sarah ran for the stairs up to the catwalk.
“No, no, no—“ Race gave up on trying to stop her. This was kind of fair, after all, actually.
Katherine gave him a mildly afraid look, “So... what was that about?”
“We had a deal that long as I don’t tell anyone ‘bout her likin’ you, she don’t tell anyone ‘bout me likin’ Spot.”
Kath laughed suddenly and loudly, mostly just sounding nervous, weirdly.
“What?” Race asked.
“Nothing,” Katherine said quickly. Too quickly for her to actually have nothing to say.
“Race,” Katherine sighed, “Look, you’ll find out soon enough. With any luck, within the next few minutes.”
Spot came down from the catwalk suddenly and Race lost his train of thought. Sarah wasn’t far behind him with a shit-eating grin.
Spot pointed at Race, then at the door out of the theatre, “Higgins. You and me. Hallway. Now.”
Race was already following, but he couldn’t help but shoot a kind of terrified glance back at the girls.
“We’ll send a search party if you don’t come back within ten minutes!” Sarah called.
“Oh, you and me are having a talk, too,” Katherine said pointedly.
Race laughed at the look on Sarah’s face, but his inner monologue was definitely still 90% swear words right now.
Spot was waiting for him out in the empty hallway. Most of their friends were out in the lobby, but they still wouldn’t be overheard if they used their inside voices.
“So,” Race said awkwardly, “I don’t know what specifically Sarah told ya, but—“
“Shut up, Race.”
Race shut up.
“We ain’t practiced one part of that scene toward the act of act 2.”
“What scene?”
“You know the one.”
Race did know the one. It was the scene where Spot and Race were supposed to kiss, but Davey had said that nobody had to kiss until hell week if they didn’t want to.
Davey, being Sarah’s twin brother and Race’s close friend, knew about both of their crushes, so he was probably just trying to give them time to make a move, but Race hadn’t been planning on making one. He’d figured it was just a stage kiss. It didn’t have to mean anything.
“Spot, are you sure we shouldn’t talk about this or—“
Spot just got into character and recited his line.
God, that was still weird. How Spot was absolutely nothing like Jean-Michael, and yet he still managed to sell the character completely accurately.
He said the line right before their kiss.
It would not be hard for Race to refuse, to stay out of character and say no. That was probably the point; that Race could get out of this situation easily, but if he wanted to stay in it, Spot didn’t have to talk about his feelings. At least, not yet.
It was a situation they both felt comfortable in, oddly enough. They were both in their element.
Race took a deep breath and said Gabriel’s next line.
Spot still hesitated, leaning in close, but hovering a couple inches away.
Race closed the distance between them, leaning in for the quick kiss the scene called for.
When he pulled away, the other boy’s face was unreadable.
“Spot..?” Race whispered.
Spot grabbed him by the back of his neck, pulling him down to kiss him deeper this time.
Race was... surprised, but he managed to kiss back, bringing his hands up to Spot’s shoulders.
“It’s about damn time.”
They jumped apart just in time to see Davey standing in the doorway to the lobby with a shit-eating grin.
“Oh shit,” Race groaned, hiding his face in his hands.
“Don’t worry, I ain’t gonna tell Jack or anything. You might want to, though. Anyways I’ll be inside if you need anything.”
“I wouldn’t do that if I was you,” Spot warned, “Katherine and Sarah are probably makin’ out in there.”
��Seriously?” Davey and Race yelled at the same time.
Spot shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal, “Kath and I had a deal that I wouldn’t tell ‘bout her crush if she didn’t tell ‘bout mine.”
“Are you kidding me?” Race asked, “That’s what I had with Saz!”
After a couple seconds of processing this, Davey chuckled.
“Well, at least the chemistry onstage will be real.”
The chemistry was very real. And Kath and Sarah were totally making out on the stage of the empty theatre.
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lynxalon · 3 years
1, 3, 15, + 25 !! — dreamsclock :]
:O ty for the ask!!! oooooh these are so exciting to answer!!!! This does get a little long so after the 1st q I put a read more lmao
1. Tell us about your current project(s) – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
- My current project aaaaaaa!!!!!!! Okay, so it's a witch/supernatural ranboo-centric au called The Mystery of Deofell, (I also have a blog for it that I'll begin posting more behind the scenes for TMOD and fun tidbits!! @the-mystery-of-deofell ) I actually have all of the plot marked down, unwritten as of rn cause I wanna complete my character outlines. I'd hate to retcon a characters backstory just cause I didn't realize it'd clash or cause a big 'ol plothole in the story later on, plus I wanna have a handle on who these character are!! Since the plots most of what I have rn, I can't talk about it much, but I will say in all my years of writing, I consider this my greatest plotline yet!!!!!! It's kept me hooked for months now, and I still get beyond excited about it :D
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
- This actually ties back around to TMOD! There's a scene I've always wanted to write, one that tears everything in a story apart and puts it back together like Frankenstein's monster, one that takes all the hard work gone into writing and shreds it to pieces, and then it's the reader and the author working together to understand what happened. And yeaaaah this is vague af, why? Because I finally get to write this!!!!! It'll be a biiiiiiig scene in TMOD, and I'm so happy cause this is a particular scene that I've wanted to write since I Started writing, but I didn't feel I had the skills to do it justice before.
15. Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
- How about all of the above 😫 titles are a lil bit easier than the other two, with that I can take from the story and it's chill. Or hell, I could slap on a very self explanatory title and be done with it lmao but summaries aaaaaaaa tags aaaaaaaaaaa creating the summary for TMOD was pure pain fueled by 3am exhaustion that led to an actually decent summary that I've since cleaned up, but that's a rarity for me! I'm notoriously shitty at summaries but I try my darndest. And man. I created a draft for TMOD on ao3 and waaat the hellllllll do I even tag this as !!!!! I'm a big hater of the rpf tags, so I refuse to use those even if it'd give the story more reach. Tbh if as many people as possible converted the rpf tags to character tags, it might just really outline the problem we have with the hecking tags for dsmp. Anyways what else do I even describe this story with, like. should I use ao3 tags like I do tumblr tags? Cause I sure talk a lot in tags. Eh, problem for another time.
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
- Fair warning, I'm bout to get real sappy lmao For me, Every part of writing is so sooo much fucking fun. I adore analyzing writing, figuring out the gears that make a story tick. I love researching absurd and mundane things for stories, learning about things that might not even make an appearance in the story, but I think that learning about them adds an undertone of knowledge to the writing that gives it a certain solidity for the reader. With TMOD I want to build my outlining skills, as I used to only keep pages of info on stories so I would cross over events, but I never truly outlined, and thus far it's been so so rewarding to see my story laid out, to have a word count I want to reach (50,000) and an estimated word count I may reach once the story is complete (with each chapter being around 5k words and there being a min of 30 chapters that's like. a lil biiiit more that 50k lmao)... I'm keeping it all on a physical copy, and I just love having it in a notebook and marking things I like with my green pen and going through and taking my red pen to things that no longer fit into the story or checking off my lil boxes and putting lil hearts round the edges of the pages. I love writing different forms of dialogue, analyzing how each character would speak based on background, world building, and their own personal traits. I love describing the scenes, being the person that breathes life into a world of my own creation, I love prose and letting myself get carried away in the magical, flowery tone it creates. I love limitations in writing, learning how to say everything that needs to be said within a certain word count, learning to utilize different povs to aid to the method the story is told, taking my lil writers camera and being the director of the story that says "By god this scene just needs to be in first person!!" I love practicing writing scenes. There's a short scene in TMOD that I've written several times over, 3rd limited with past tense, 3rd limited with present, 3rd limited that focuses in on the character's pain or focuses on the character's surroundings. Once I'm finished toying around with 3rd limited I want to try out omniscient, and then 1st, and using the tense to decide how to best portray the character and world. I love learning about all of the gears of writing so much, just as much as I love using them in my writing!!!
Thank you for the ask Sparrow <3<3<3
This is from the writing meta ask game if anyone wants to send some in :D
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