#botw2 theory
bahbahhh · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
line art for “As Above, So Below” totk brain rot
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[finished piece here]
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eleanor-v02 · 1 year
Another crazy Tears of the Kingdom theory:
I just properly realised today watching NintendoBlackCrisis’ video that the only use of the word “Zonai” that we have seen so far is the name of the Zonai Ruins and the recently revealed Zonai Charge. This got me thinking that maybe “Zonai” isn’t actually the name of the tribe that the word is associated with. It could possibly be something like the name for the green energy we see, or some other thing that connects to the tribe but isn’t the tribe’s name.
Or I could be completely wrong. I did just think of this after all. It’s also highly likely that someone has thought of this before me.
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weareswords · 1 year
Zelda fans losing our minds over Ganondorf returning, Zelda becoming Hylia, the Zonai tribe origins, and the potential infinite time loop
Polygon: HUMMUS
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ganondoodle · 3 months
i cant lie, im also beating myself up about not being able to get excited for the new game, or anything anymore it seems, while it can be fun to criticise things, some things you just dont like so badly that the frustration knowing it could be so much better but isnt and you not able to change it outweighs any fun- i dont like being a 'hater', i hate totk, but not bc i hate zelda but bc i LOVE it and want it to be better (though im starting to doubt my ability to do anything good with it too..)
and with the new game trailer (like, i still hope its better than im fearing rn) i feel similarly as when the next totk trailers dropped after the first one (which DID excite me), all of them gave me a sense of dread bc it seemed to go into a direction i wouldnt like, i tried to tone that voice down to enjoy the game, but then .. i was right
i dont want to be an annoying complainer about everything new, but maybe i am and i dont like that thought, i dont want to spoil anyones fun, i want to partake in it :(
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uraniumm00n · 1 year
Just wanted to put this out here. In the Gameplay trailer Link only has one green vile/light
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This is from the other Trailers ⬇️
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He usually has 4! And I thought they could possibly be the new ability we will get like, Fuse, Ascend and UltraHand and that we had to collect them but even if they showcase all Links new ability he still has only one light. So it couldn't possibly be that
What do you think it could be?
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and a little overwhelmed but thas oki
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onesunofagun · 2 years
Guess who was watching through the TotK trailers agonisingly slow again because of a hunch
spoilers it’s me
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I used like 3 refs to try and make these as accurate as I can.... generally get-- I did Ganondorf just because I’m not gonna NOT do him. I am pleased about calling the trident early.
Anyway, I mostly want his army. I assumed they were all Gerudo, given the archers (and what looks like another spear thrower), but I wanted to see if there were also some matching the Barbarian Armour set-- perhaps even a mixed army, if you will, of human tribes who generally sided with Ganondorf here. 
The Gerudo, at least in OoT era, happened to have a bit to do with skulls and dark magic and being warriors and all. As in, they decorated the entrances of the fortress with feathered skull motifs that always reminded me of warding or something auspicious. Phantom Ganondorf, of course, has a skull mask as well (and I always presumed the real Ganondorf did have and wear a mask like that, especally in his pre-triforce witchy bastard days-- because he really was just an edgy prat back then). 
Anyway, as it happens:
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I could have something. The bottom one looks more or less Gerudo as expected. The top one looks like a very similar outfit style to TotK new green tunic, plus a skull helmet.
It could be absolutely nothing of course, rock and weird stone textures, but I like the possibilities.
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179 Days since Tears of the Kingdom Released. So I’ve recovered a bit from the movie announcement yesterday. Today I’ll share my belief about where Totk is placed on the timeline. I’ve been turning it around in my head but the Demon King Ganondorf, while appearing similar to Demise, is not Demise. The imprisoning war that’s talked about in Skyward Sword is not at all the same as the imprisoning war in Totk. So my belief is that Sonia and her husband are not the first Queen and King of Hyrule. At least they aren’t the first king and queen of the first Hyrule. I think that Skyward Sword happens and that Link and Zelda begin the creation of the Kingdom of Hyrule. After Twilight Princess, Spirit Tracks, and pretty much every other Zelda game besides Botw/Totk happens, the timeline converges and the old Hyrule is destroyed (or Hyrule is destroyed before the timelines merge, your pick.) There’s a period of time with no Hyrule and then the Zonai descend and Sonia and Rauru found Hyrule again . This new Hyrule Kingdom is the same that continues until Botw Zelda’s time. Hence this Ganondorf is imprisoned beneath the castle for so long except for the two Calamity events. That’s my theory (cough a game theory.)
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thunderstruccc · 2 years
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Okay I got a theory!
We got this beautiful picture of zelda..BUT.. she isn't holding a Sheikah slate!!
I have a theory that it will function like a Lens of Truth!
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The Spikes!!! The EYE!!! It just makes sense!!
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legendofzoodles · 1 year
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Has anyone seen these theories?
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yikes077 · 1 year
Someone needs to figure out what they put in the shampoo in Hyrule bc all of them have such fantastic hair
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TOTK Deity! New Theory (read below!)
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First I present my design for the mysterious deity, I didn't want to give her specific colors but I hope to soon! Now let's move on the new theory!
This theory comes from the fact that I'm replaying some Zelda games in these weeks, but I want to start from the beginning.
Majora's Mask: during the very first stages of the game the Mask Salesman tells you the story of the Majora's Mask, where he mentions that the mask was used for rituals by an ancient people that no longer exists. This made me think that the ancient people mentioned on MM are the same spoken of in Botw. Also in the game it is mentioned that the ancient people used magic.
Twilight Princess: Link arrives in the realm of twilight and during his adventure there he obtains the power of the Sol which enhances his sword, at this point Midna tells Link that is the power of the Sol, an ancient patron deity of theirs.
That this deity of Totk is in fact the one mentioned by Midna? There's a very good chance this is the case, as the sculptures, the outfit of the deity in question, the light emanating from Link's arm and the Master Sword which features green runes make me think so! Many similarities connect the realm of twilight to Totk, but this is obviously only a theory!
We'll just have to wait for the game to come out to find out, but I'll definitely keep theorizing!
What do you think? What is your thought regarding the divinity? Let me know!
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theimpalatales · 2 years
this is just a little fun I had because I'm a little obsessed with the mystery of the 8th heroine statue in BOTW and I love the idea of this linking to TOTK somehow. also I've only ever played BOTW so I don't really know much of the lore, this is just for fun
Many years ago, the royal family of Hyrule made a decision to end the cycle of hatred by defeating Ganon: not by killing him, but by containing him. To break the cycle they decided that, rather than Link killing Ganon, resulting in his eventual, inevitable rebirth, the demon king would have to be trapped.
In order to do this, the people of Hyrule enlisted an unlikely ally: the Twilight Princess.
Accessing the Twili realm through a little-known portal kept hidden in the Gerudo Highlands, the races of Hyrule came together with the shadow realm to defeat Ganon. Midna agreed to help their cause, having previously seen how important Link and Zelda's tasks were.
So it was that Midna sacrificed herself to spend all eternity using her power and spirit to contain the powerful demon king.
Thus, the cycle was stopped: no more Gerudo men were born, and Hyrulians could try to rebuild after the terrible damage to their land. A statue was erected in honour of Midna's sacrifice and used to hide and seal the entrance to the Twili realm.
Seven other statues were created to commemorate the actions taken that day. Plans were made to situate all eight statues together but were eventually scrapped due to fears that this would lead others to seek the power of the shadow realm for themselves. Work ceased immediately on all the statues, even though Midna's sword had not yet been finished, and the Gerudo were encouraged to remember only the seven heroines as their saviours. They weren't even taught what the seven heroines had done to save them. And so the identity of the eighth heroine was purposefully forgotten, Midna's statue left to stand alone.
The dragons still fly by Midna's statue in honour of the Twilight Princess' noble deed; at least, Naydra did before being corrupted by malice. And a tapestry still exists showing Ganon being defeated by a blonde-haired Zelda and a hero with turquoise skin and orange hair.
Sadly, this sacrifice was not to last. As time went on, Ganon's hatred grew, fuelling his power until it became too powerful for Midna's spirit to hold back. As Link and Zelda travel to unearth the truth of what happened 10,000 years ago, the evil they seek to defeat once and for all is awoken.
And so, the cycle begins anew.
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eleanor-v02 · 1 year
I’m just going to say this now:
I’ve thought for a while that the Zonai are descendants of the Twili that came to Hyrule at some point. They lived in the Thyplo ruins at first and used their magic to make it safe for them to live in (considering they can’t physically exist in the light world) while they acclimatised. After that they gained the ability to live in the light world again and spread out to other places.
It could be that this is completely disproved when the game comes out but I still wanted to put this out there just in case, by some miracle, I end up being right lol.
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weareswords · 1 year
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You got an Amber Relic! These amber-colored chunks of precious stone are found everywhere. No one knows where their strange shape comes from.
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ganondoodle · 16 days
(idk if anyone wants to keep hearing my opinions on totk book stuff but-)
apparently it says that rauru DID have kids, multiple even, which yeah... is kinda necessary for zelda to even be connected to them so much so that sonia can SENSE a blood connection (which, even with all the excuses with magic, is just a little too far for me to suspend my disbelief bc its over, OVER, ten thousand years worth of generations that seperate her from them that one lil touch of the hand can sense that (feels more like an attempt to make you care about them or .. see them as zeldas "better" parents just bc they exchange a few nice words, i never got the feeling they were 'better' parents and its also kinda disrespectful to her actual parents, like sure rhoam wasnt the best but i wouldnt call rauru better just bc he was polite)- i could see maybe the light power of hylia or sth but since its the coolest dude that ever lived rauru now that had it which still doesnt make sense and makes me unreasonably annoyed and she can sense BOTH of their powers in her? nah) the fact theres NOTHING about them in the game itself is just so ... no way they planned any of this
i dont think theres anything they can do or say that wont make be believe they either
are making it up alla 'fix it in post' mentality trying to hastily explain stuff the game never bothers to do to try and appease fans or let it appear as if they thought about it at all
something went really REALLY wrong during development, which kinda seems likely given how the game turned out (im sorry i cannot let go, its not just the writing, the game design too and how little was changed in the map while being so damn expensive, i dont know how people dont feel scammed q_q)
given that they (allegedly) spent the last entire year of development on polish (where??? where????? huh??? like it would make it more understandable (EXCEPT for the price) if there was alot of trouble, which was also bc it got delayed and ... turned out like this, but they dont want to say it, especially given their reputation, with that quote i have heard way too many times 'a delayed game blah blah') i just??
are they just gonna go and do it like they did with kashiwa (kass)? "they uuuh where flying around the whole time ony cool sonau tech maschines, you just dont see or hear from them ooooorrr they were uuuuh out of the country at the time" (sending invitations to other continents to join their glorious kingdom ;) )
(bet they are also gonna say they did all the stuff like ... moving the shrines around (lol?) and lifting the islands up into the sky- which is still weird bc ... didnt they also say they were living in the sky before coming to the surface?? so where?? did they park all their islands on the surface and the mystery kids had the keys so they had to repark them back into the sky after they returned off camera?? xD also why are the islands so different as an environment if they where from the surface? like even the STONE up there is different- and if they were first in the sky then on the surface and the nback in the sky .. why is there not a single yellow tree or grass in the past- you cant really argue that it changed bc they were up there so long bc .. nothing else changed, the suddendly and totally always there sonau buildings are largely in prime condition, only some slightly moldy, and what we see of the glorious past looks barely any different from the present, aside from like ... some standard trees shuffled, no castle yet and that glowy uwu filter DESPITE that stupidly long time frame between it)
#ganondoodles talks#zelda#ganondoodles rants#idk if others feel like that too but i cant shake the feeling there was something that either went horribly wrong during development-#-or the entire thing was neglected the whole time which is why its so .. i hesitate to even call it bare bones#...which is WILD given that its the supposed sequel to their best seeling zela game#like wtf where you doing#i get that the pressure can be immense but imo it wasnt that hard to make a sequel to thats better than totk#like i think it was harder to make totk like it is NOW bc it scraps and throws away so many things you could have easily used-#-as sequel material#its all so weird to me#my tin foil hat theory is still that they saw the success of the mario movie and immediately shifted everything to make more movies#bc it made so much money#and a movie is easier to make than a good game#so totk or botw2 at the time got the short end of the stick#which is why everything feels like .. so ... bare bones .. untested .. unfinished .. non sensical...#like an alpha build that got enough visual polish to look like a full game when its still an alpha build at its core#some main ideas like the abilities implemented and the basic map layers#mechanics functioning but untested on how it feels to play#like the sage controls and arrow fusing and ... contradictory game mechanics that dont work together#like the bulding WORKS but its clunky and underused- everything can be cheated so easily you dont even feel good cheating-#-bc it feels like the teacher just allowed you to mark your test with a green circle and you still got an A (or however USA grades work)#despite not even reading the questions- why attempt to solve a puzzle if you can just skip it#and how they tell you to be creative with it yet creativity gets punished and only efficiency is rewarded#which completely undermines the entire thing#...theres so much more you know i have ranted about it all before#ALSO rauru and sonia seemed like a rather newly wed couple to me- not one that had multiple kids that never appear-#since it only mentions rauru ..... if its only his then ... that doesnt explain anything bc zelda needs both sonia and rauru dna#................do sonau leave eggs to incubate somewhere heavenly or sth#watch out the springs where built to hatch rauru eggs bc they need the gods holy blessing bc they are oh so holy to hatch
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confusioncorvid · 2 years
In tears of the kingdom, I think it would be really cool if they included a species descended from the loftwing.
Maybe something less feathers? More reptilian/amphibious in appearance?
(like a twist on the bird from dinosaurs thing)
This way we could get a new take on loftwings {with personality and liveliness (not a machine, or stone)}, while keeping the integrity of the skyward sword loftwing.
New and different, but still paying homage to original
Maybe they could be called glidewings.
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