#botw traveler Hattie
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travelersofthewild · 6 years ago
Day Twenty-Seven
Entry Sixty-Two
The ‘Rito-down’ bed was beautiful to sleep on. I almost wonder if I could have one sent to my home. At least the Gerudo and Rito know how to run inns!
And with that, it was time to begin my journey home. I prayed at the goddess statue for a safe trip, and climbed down the several flights of stairs to go retrieve Buttons. I hope she’d been treated like a lady during her time at the stable.
When I returned to Hateno….I’d have to talk with someone to build a stable for her. I’m glad that on this journey, I was able to meet such a dependable friend. I’m sure now that I’ve experienced some of the world, I’ll continue traveling, but maybe not as far away. So Buttons won’t just stand around looking pretty.
I saw the snow on the ground at about the same time as I felt a cold breeze hit me. Even the warming food I had wasn’t enough, and I had to quickly put on another layer. I also put another layer on Buttons, just to make sure she’s comfortable too.
Shortly along the road…I encountered something that made my stomach drop. Village ruins… I wonder who lived here, once. This was more than likely a Hylian settlement. I mentioned days ago about the destroyed bridges, is this where they had targeted?
While there were no sign of humans, there were plenty of monsters. I dismounted Buttons and readied my spear-- I at least want to clear out the monsters and say a prayer for those who lost their lives--or just their homes if they were fortunate.
A dead guardian shows what had to have been the fate of this village. To think that they’d have been sent even this far north… I guess no-one was safe from the calamity.
It’s so cold, I can’t imagine people living here all the time. Surprising enough, I finally encountered a Yiga member. It feels like it’s been awhile since I last saw one. I feel a little bad for them to be wearing those red skintight outfits in this weather.
I didn’t even realize it was night until I reached the stable. I suppose snow has a way of tricking you into thinking everything is just dim. I immediately collapsed into bed, grateful for the extra blankets.
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travelersofthewild · 6 years ago
Day Twenty-Five
Entry Fifty-Eight
There’s nothing quite like sleeping under the stars, I suppose. Maybe, if the world ever gets a little bit safer, I’d do this more regularly.
The bridge right where I camped had a huge hole in it! Luckily Buttons noticed it before I did, and nimbly avoided it. Why has no one repaired it? People are wandering around without weapons to hunt truffles and find true love, but nobody can grab some wood to fix a bridge?!
Past the bridge, I saw the strangest….trees? Plants? They looked almost like giant mushrooms of a sort. They were very easily the strangest plants I’d ever seen, if they were actually plants. They LOOKED like some sort of plant life.
When I got to the stable, I spoke with a woman who was planning to head to Serenne Stable, and then Snowfield Stable. That way eventually leads to the Rito Village, but it’s the LONG way around. I’m just fine taking the shorter route, maybe I’ll take the long way on the way back.. If I want to trudge through snow that long, that is.
I had no intention in stopping here for very long, as it’s still very early in the day. Can’t waste daylight! Especially since I imagine it’ll be even colder at night up in the mountains.
Entry Fifty-Nine
The Tabantha Great Bridge seems to be just as damaged as the one I crossed earlier.. but from it, I could see the spire where the Rito live.
Oh boy, right on the other side of the bridge, I saw one of those flying guardians. Could I risk it, on Buttons? Would she be fast enough to outrun their beams? I dismounted to feed her the best energy-giving carrots I had, and then we began to run.
Somehow, possibly with the grace of the goddess herself, I wasn’t even spotted by the flying guardians. My pace and theirs were matched, and the spotlights they shown flew just in front of me, but never over me. That was….a miracle.
As I was trotting down the road, I saw one of those monster treehouse camps, and was keeping an eye on it so intently I didn’t notice the strange boulder in the middle of the path….until it stood up! It looked a bit like the lava rock monster, except without the lava!
Fortunately, it can’t move faster than a horse! I easily sped away, not even averting my path.
Oh goddess….on my list of terrible bridges, Kolami bridge is the absolute worst. It was just…..a thin bridge made by planks of wood. It was just wide enough for Buttons to ride. I made the mistake of looking down-- I’m glad Buttons is more surefooted than I am..
I guess I’m going the long way back, because there is NO WAY I am going over that bridge again. I finally reached the Stable in the later afternoon, and settled down their for the night.
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travelersofthewild · 6 years ago
Day Nineteen
Entry Forty-Eight
Floria bridge…like most of the area, it really seemed to exist at one with nature. As I was admiring the bridge, It showed up--the serpent like being!
Was…this the dragon the woman was talking about? I couldn’t admire it like last time, on the Bridge of Hylia, because it swooped down right under the bridge and shocked both Buttons and myself. I was thrown from her as she convulsed from shock and ran. She didn’t go far, thankfully, but she was clearly very spooked by the dragon.
It was majestic at a distance, but up close it seems to be every bit as frightening and dangerous as every other big thing I’ve encountered so far. I did not stick around to see it return-- I just left.
It began raining…anywhere else this would have cooled me off, but here it’s just warm and wet. It didn’t last long, fortunately, and the forest gave way to rolling fields-- a sight I am far more used to!
I saw a loiter-er on the side of the road….at least it’s obvious the Yiga don’t like humid places!
Entry Forty-Nine
I finally reached Lurelin! I admit, I kind of assumed it’d be a bit more like Hateno, which has a beach itself…but in reality, the entire town is ON its beach. While I wasn’t ready to sleep yet--it was noon after all-- I did peek at the beds in the Inn. They…just look like blanket covered boards. I’m…not looking forward to sleeping on one of THOSE.
While exploring the village, I found the resident goddess statue and gave a prayer at it. This place, truly is beautiful. Even with the uncomfy looking beds.
I met a gerudo woman just outside the village named Flavi, apparently she wanted to go to an island off the coast, but found it impossible. I would have liked to speak to her more…but then it started raining. A pleasant rain, but rain just the same. Combined with it getting dark, I found myself heading back to the Inn to get some rest.
Right before I headed to the Inn, in the distance, I saw something incredibly strange. It looked like a multi-color balloon. I can’t fathom what it might be, as it certainly wasn’t there earlier..I want to investigate but the rain proved too miserable.
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travelersofthewild · 6 years ago
Day Thirteen
Entry Thirty-Five
After a nights’ rest, it’s time to figure out where to go next. Perhaps it’s time to visit the gorons, although…well, if Zora’s Domain was uncomfortable because of the water, I imagine Goron City will be uncomfortable due to the lava. Even if it’s a short stay, I do want to see it though.
So that’s that! The journey continues, to Goron City! I’ll miss this region, it really is beautiful. Every part of Akkala looks like a colorful painting…
With all the stonework I’ve seen in Akkala, and the old stone paved roads, I wonder if this place was once bustling with life.
As I was going through the parade ground ruins, I saw something HUGE, and heard it’s snoring from the road. I have no idea what kind of monster that huge thing was…but I certainly don’t want to find out! I slowed Buttons to a walk, careful not to make much noise as I fled the area.
Now I’m back to Foothill Stable, again. My stop was brief-- just a wave and a purchase of fireproof elixir before I continued onto Goron City, not wanting to waste daylight.
Entry Thirty-Six
Almost immediately, I encountered hot springs. Right at the ‘maw’! I’ve heard in the past that bathing in a natural hot spring is good for the skin, maybe I’ll try it someday. Not right now, of course…I don’t want to be any hotter than I’m going to be in the near future.
It occurred to me--not too late, fortunately-- that bringing Buttons with me to a literal volcano was a bad idea. Especially with the Fire Chu’s popping out of the ground. I immediately turned back to leave Buttons at Foothill Stable. I’m just glad I figured this out before she was burned…
The daylight I was hoping to save, was wasted by my own foolishness. On foot though, I did decide to check out the hot springs. Just a short dip-- maybe the combination of being wet and if there’s a breeze…perhaps it will keep me cooler! 
I. I saw a guardian. A walking one--- like the dead ones in Fort Hateno. Except VERY much active and alive. I immediately hid from it-- behind an actually deactivated one.
I stayed close to the ground, sneaking past it. Why did no one warn me about this? How…were people using this road? WERE people using this road? I feel my heart beating in my throat as I slowly continue, not quite sure where it is. If I turn the corner, will it be there? What…will I do if it is?
I spent some time just hiding behind rocks, scooting along them to get around the Guardians’ path.
IT SPOTTED ME! I thought I was far enough away…I thought I was out of it’s area…but then it turned red, and even shot a laser at me! I can’t believe I’m running for my life AGAIN. I…I essentially played ‘ring around the rosie’ with the thing until it lost interest. I feel like those blue and red lights will haunt me in my sleep in nights to come… When it walked off I broke into a run-- anything to get away from it.
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travelersofthewild · 6 years ago
Day Eight
Entry Twenty-Three
I've decided to go further north, to Akkala. I don't know of any villages in the area, but I'm sure there will be plenty of stables. I have to return to Foothill Stable....and that means....down the path I just ran from....ugh.
Maybe it'll be better on the way down? I can only hope.
Well, it was a bit better. I had to face the moblins I snuck by the first time.
Luto's Crossing during the daytime was beautiful, I'm glad I was able to see it during the daytime. Maybe going down this path again during the day isn't so bad.
Ugh, I was shocked again. It really is an awful feeling, that takes so much out of me.
I felt pretty relieved when I reached the main road. Although...almost immediately a HUGE Yiga member attacked me--he was way bigger than the thin ones I'd ran into previously. He had a huge sword, and one hit from it hurt hard. REALLY hard. Like, 'requiring days of healing' hard.
I had no choice but to, again, run for my life, holding my bleeding wound as I ran. Unfortunately I wasn't paying attention to where I was running, and now I'm off the path... I'm too afraid to go back. I'll just...continue on. It's more important that I get someplace I can rest and heal-- my horse is safe, I very clearly am not. 
The same Yiga shows up later, clearly he is tracking me. I don't know why! I'm not doing anything wrong, I'm just adventuring!
I have to get to safety, or.....I'm going to die.
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travelersofthewild · 6 years ago
Day Seven
Entry Twenty
I collapsed as soon as I found a bed, and slept the entire day and night, recovering from my journey. They had originally wanted to offer a 'water bed'-- to sleep in water, but I was so exhausted I'd be afraid of drowning in it...a plain bed would be just fine for me.
I have to admit, the Zora children are very cute. I feel this is true of all children, but I suppose it's a bit different when they're a different race.
Also....I met the Prince of the Zora's, Sidon. He is..quite the sight to behold, towering over everyone else (including me). Apparently he's very handsome by Zoran standards. Although really....even by hylian standards...he's rather handsome.
I also met a goron that told me a bit more about where they live, and their rock eating habits. Goron city....it might be on my list of places to visit, although it being near a volcano is a little intimidating. I mean, Zora's domain was by a river and it was filled with monsters! It's 'super hot', as the goron said. I think a woman at the stable I left Buttons at mentioned an elixir that would help a person go to Goron City...I might have to check that out.
I encountered something a tad disturbing though-- a Zoran child with a hylian man. Apparently the two are 'in love', despite the vast difference in physical age. Apparently, Zora can live a very long time, so this child is older than the man already, but it simply doesn't sit right with me to see a child in a relationship with a grown man... (where on earth are her parents??)
Entry Twenty-One
While Zora's Domain is beautiful, I spend most of the day with wet shoes...it's hard to walk around without at least accidentally stepping into water...let alone when I 'found' where the Zora sleep the hard way. I thought it was just a shallow pool like many other places and found myself splooshing into it. I wonder if this was the 'water bed' that was described.
It's definitely a good thing I didn't opt for it.
I also saw the King of the Zora. Who was...incredibly large and easy to see from a distance. I wonder if Prince Sidon will eventually grow to that size. I learned a little about the champions of old, considering one of them was the Princess Mipha, who had fallen in love with the Hylian Champion.
Apparently their love...never had the chance to grow. That's incredibly depressing.
I said a little prayer to the goddess--one of those little statues were here too. Hopefully when I find someone to love, tragedy won't strike us.
Not knowing where to go next, I simply...explored the area. Mostly because it seems the only path is the way I had came...
Entry Twenty-Two
A Zora mentioned that another had left the domain and gone to the Akkala region. While it's got nothing to do with me, it IS someplace I could go in the future.
I've never even given Akkala a thought in the past, it just...seemed so far away. Is it something I could reach someday? Someday soon, even?
I went up to visit 'East Reservoir Lake', which was both huge and beautiful. Just the thought of how deep it had to be...I wonder if it was like a playground for the Zora. Being able to swim like...well, like a fish-- it has to feel amazing. I admit I swam a little myself, but never too far from the edge.
I then traveled on top of the mountain, and I admit I was terrified of how high it was...I didn't want to get to the edge at all. I felt like if I tried I'd fall somehow, it felt like a 'pull'. How frightening!
I returned to the Domain, already planning to pack and leave. The place was utterly beautiful...but far too wet. Which isn't the Zora's fault! It's their home, and they are fish people. Of COURSE there'd be water everywhere! I would...just like to have dry shoes.
In the morning...it's time to go.
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travelersofthewild · 6 years ago
Day Six
Entry Seventeen
It'll be much slower going on foot, returning to the site of the rocks, but it should be safer...for the most part. I just have to avoid talking to anyone loitering alongside the road.
Clearing the rocks was pretty easy, and the sight I was met with after climbing them was...beautiful. Towers and bridge in multi-blue colored stones. Is this Zora craftsmanship? I've never seen anything like it before this! It looks strong, but almost delicate at the same time.
Of course, while I was admiring the work, it immediately started raining. Because of course it did.
Ugh, the pathway up is absolutely littered with monsters. From those ugly octoroks spitting rocks at me, to the lizalfos. Maybe I picked the wrong place to visit? Will it be like this the entire way up? Wet, and full of monsters??
The answer might surprise you. (It's yes)
It dried off momentarily, just in time to run into a camp of lizalfos...all wielding shock arrows. I have no idea if I'm good enough to sneak past them, considering they...seem to be right smack dab in the way.
I quickly had to abandon the road, running very much for my life as shock arrows rained from the sky around me. One did graze me, shocking me so hard that I felt my entire body clench up. It was probably the worst pain I've ever experienced-- far worse than the one time I dropped a plank onto my foot.
After running back and forth, twisting around trees, I finally left their range of vision...thank the Goddess.
I briefly rested at one of the Lizalfos camps....after dispatching the lizalfos. It was getting closer to nightfall, and raining...but it was clear I'd have nowhere to rest with so many monsters around. I'd have to run all the way to Zora's Domain.
Entry Eighteen
Even in the rain, the zoran bridges are beautiful. At first I didn't understand where they might have gotten that blue stone, but as I traveled farther down the path the natural rock changed.
The dark blue stone, blue bushes, and green grass, it's certainly a sight to behold.
One of the lizalfos had a spear that clearly wasn't something they had made--- a zoran spear! I gladly knocked it out of its hands and took it. It's very fashionable-- and I've found I like using spears a lot more than swords. Just...the extra distance from the enemy is comforting.
Luto's crossing looked beautiful, even at night. Even greater of course, was the fact I was getting even closer to Zora's Domain. This long journey....almost over. I HOPE there's an easier way to get out of Zora's domain. I don't want to use that road again!
Right when everything seemed peaceful, a yellow, lightning wielding floaty monster attacked me, hitting me with lightning. Again, being shocked feels terrible. No wonder why I didn't see ANYONE along this road, this is terrible!
Entry Nineteen
Upon reaching the top of one of the many hills, I saw-- Zora's Domain, shining in the moonlight. Despite walking all day, and being injured, it took everything I am not to sprint to the entry. Relief washed over me like the river itself.
Yes...almost began sprinting, right into a huge monster-- a moblin. Much bigger than the bokoblins. Luckily the thing was asleep, and I attempted to sneak by it. Instead of sprinting like I wanted too, I all but crawled by the sleeping moblin. But I did it!
Honestly, with the sleeping monsters, maybe it was a good idea to push through this at night instead of waiting until daytime.
And then, finally, I reached the bridge leading to Zora's Domain. It was even more beautiful than the other work I'd seen on the way. I'm sure it's beauty was amplified by all the danger I'd lived through-- I really was relieved to have finally made it.
THIS was the adventure--the trip between Hateno and Kakariko was a walk in the park compared to this. Although it's an 'adventure' I hope I wouldn't go through again-- if I had stopped running at points, I surely would have been killed.
The knowledge of that, after living my entire life in the safety of Hateno.. I think I'll stay at Zora's Domain for a bit. Not a 'time to live here' bit, but....awhile.
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travelersofthewild · 6 years ago
Day Five
Entry Thirteen
 Fortunately the weather was nice in the morning, I could continue my trip.
 I immediately encountered a bokoblin on horseback, but could easily outrun him on Buttons.
 Traveling on horseback..it's completely different from walking! It's faster, obviously. But at the same time, it really feels like traveling with a partner. A teammate, if you will. I have to have Buttons back just like she has mine.
��Alongside the road, I saw a tent and a campfire and decided to investigate. Close by, there was a man talking about....shield surfing? I declined to try it myself, even with the explanation. Not really sure why people would do it...boredom maybe?
Entry Fourteen
 I met a Gerudo! She was so tall, and introduced herself as Karsh. She talked about meeting 'voe' of all kinds on the road, and that she liked gorons the most, even wishing her 'hide' was as tough as theirs were. I'll have to take her word for it, but...what's a voe?
 I met a man selling bananas. I wasn't interested---all of my supplies are meant to last and bananas tend to bruise and go brown very quickly and easily. BUT THEN he turned into one of those Yiga members! What if I had bought a banana...? Would he have stayed okay? Or would he have taken my money and tried to kill me anyway? I just road away as fast as Buttons would carry me.
 It seems like talking to strangers who aren't walking themselves is too dangerous. Anyone seeming to 'loiter' could be a potential Yiga member!
 As I was running away, I saw a massive monster fort on the water. I didn't need to be told twice to avoid it!
Entry Fifteen
After doing a lot of avoiding, it seems like as I travel up Zora's domain I might have to actually fight monsters.
Even worse, it seems like there's a bigger problem. Right at the beginning of my path, there are rocks that I simply cannot get Buttons over. I...can't bring her with me. I don't want to go all the way back to the Wetland stable, so I take a detour to bring her to the Foothill stable, where she'll be safe.
I don't want to, but I can't bring her with me. I'll pick her up later, before I figure out where to go to next.
On my way there, I saw a strange...blue, floaty monster. I wasn't sure what it was, so I just sped by before it tried to attack me.
Unfortunately, again, my nature to greet passer by leads me to running into a Yiga member again. I'm getting to really detest them...
I also met a goron for the first time.....his name was Boldon, and he called himself an 'ambassador of tourism'. I'm not sure what I expected a goron to look like, but frankly...a big rock man is pretty close. Looking at his skin though, I can understand why Karsh would like it-- it looks like they're already heavily armored! 
I also saved a young woman from some bokoblins. To think...I was so worried about being prepared for this, with having the right armor, and supplies, and decent weapons...when some of these people I've encountered just...run around unarmed.
I don't get it.
Entry Sixteen
We arrived at the stable around nightfall, and I had to temporarily say goodbye to Buttons.
I encountered another Goron, who explained that....they eat rocks. Like, they literally mine rocks and eat some while they work. I guess that makes sense, if I was farming and got hungry, I might eat some of what I'm harvesting, if it's possible. I think it's more impressive that their teeth are just that strong.
That blue Rito seems to be here as well. I imagine being able to bypass the roads by flying means you can travel around much faster, without the risk of monsters and Yiga.
I could get used to these stables--or rather, the beds they offer. I've had to sleep outside once since I started. It's definitely convenient! The only downside is that...it's all very open. You're sleeping in the same area as strangers.
And another day passes....
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travelersofthewild · 6 years ago
Day Four
Entry Ten
I've learned a lot about the people living in Kakariko, even if it's only been a short time. I've listened to peoples woes, played with the children, spoke with a shy girl named  Papaya, met the silly man who chose a bunch of cucco's over his wife, and the leader of the village-- Impa. I feel like I've done everything I can in Kakariko as a traveler.
So I've decided to make the trip to Zora's Domain. There's a good chance that this will be even MORE dangerous than the trip from Hateno to Kakariko. I think I'm ready though.
I'll set out as soon as I finish this entry, before it gets too late in the day.
(Apparently a 'Blood Moon' happened overnight....It should be okay)
Entry Eleven
 Upon leaving Kakariko, I had a truly beautiful view. It really seemed like you could see everything. From the castle, swarmed by the calamity, to the volcano where the gorons lived.
 There were also some wild horses....dare I try to catch one to make my journey faster? Hmm...I'd be afraid of it getting hurt though. Maybe I'll just continue on foot...
 There are two travelers, a merchant with a donkey and a treasure hunter. We seem to be going the same way, so perhaps I'll travel with them!
 Walking in the tall grass with a beautiful view of so much of Hyrule...it really is amazing. Or WAS until some bokoblins on horses attacked us! I was able to dispatch one, and the others ran away. Back to walking, I suppose.
 OR NOT!! Even though I did say I wouldn't pick up a horse, after saving the horse from the bokoblin it just...stood there. After soothing it, it let me ride it. While riding bareback isn't the most secure, I didn't want to just leave her there.
 She's a blue-gray, with a gray and white spotted butt. I think I'll name her Buttons.
Entry Twelve
 I saw a giant skull-- well, it was almost cartoonish, skull wise. It seemed to be a monster camp. Did they...carve it out of stone themselves? If they did, that's kind of impressive. I'm not about to investigate their craftmanship though, I'd like to avoid a literal monster nest.
 I stopped under a tree to rest my horse, and to decide what to do next. If I cut through the wetlands, it'd save me some time....but wetlands. If I took the long way I'd at least have road to ride on.
 When it suddenly rained, my mind was made up for me-- the long way at least had a stable to spend the night in, out of the rain.
 The Wetland Stable is filled with strange people-- including a bird person- a Rito, but it's a warm bed, I guess.
 I wanted to get back on the road, but the rain just didn't let up.
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travelersofthewild · 6 years ago
Day Three
Entry Nine
After a full night's sleep on a wonderful bed, it's time to explore Kakariko! It only took about two days to get here, and that night out sleeping under the stars was my first real experience with traveling. I think I did prettty well!
I bought some supplies to replenish what I used during traveling. But now that I have that itch in my feet....where should I travel to next? Also-- ALSO! I found out that those red clothed hoodlums are called the Yiga clan! Apparently they're trying to dispose of everyone who'd go against 'ganon'--which I guess means literally any random traveler on the road.
Well, maybe I'll explore the village a little more before I decided to leave.
A lady, estranged from her husband, asked me to light some torches using flaming arrows. I did so and, well, she was thankful I guess. A little weird, but I hope she can reconcile with her cucco loving husband.
Apparently, the sheikah believe that Kakariko is protected by the goddess. I offered some prayers to the goddess myself. I'd like if she'd, you know, keep me safe as well.
I sat at a table on the platform, thinking about what to do next, pouring over my map. Zora's Domain is the next closest area, although that's being kind-- there doesn't seem to be a road for much of the trip out. I'd have to go through the wetlands and frankly, if a rain shower made things miserable, what would a wetland do?
I AM curious to see a Zora for the first time, however. I've never seen one in person, due to Hateno being far from their home.
Hmm...I'll explore a little more around the village and sleep on it.
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travelersofthewild · 6 years ago
Day Two
Entry Four
It's day two, and after a nights' sleep I woke up to miserable weather and sore muscles. I'm SO glad I chose to make camp under a large tree. It at least made sure that I didn't wake up soaking wet. Although I was a tad cold.
My cloak is great, but it's not keeping the chill from the rain out.
This might make me sound like a child, but I...kind of want to go home. I have to press on, I know, but the rain doesn't seem like it's going to let up anytime soon... Do I wait under the shelter of this tree, or do I continue on into the rain? I suppose the sooner I set off, the sooner I'll reach the warmth of Kakariko village...
Entry Five
In the end, I continued in the rain. Fortunately the cliffs did offer some dry rest stops that I took full advantage of when I felt chilled to the bone.
But then-- I had completely forgotten about the area, but I stumbled into the ruins of Fort Hateno. I had grown up hearing stories about it, and what occured there. If it wasn't for the hero and the princess...well, it'd be unlikely that Hateno village would still exist.
A researcher lives there now, in a wonderfully dry house. It was far better to wait it out in there than under a tree somewhere! Luckily the man didn't mind me sitting in front of his fireplace, drying off. My journey will continue once the rain passes!
Entry Six
I can't believe I lost most of the morning to the rain... it was noon when it finally let up!
I...don't know what I was expecting when I finally approached the decrepit walls-- when I passed to the other side. It was so much more...not frightening, but maybe 'awesome' in the not great sense. Perhaps 'awe-full'? The guardians were all frozen, mid-attack. Some were at the wall itself.
Even with the sunshine shining down on, the site of so many guardians chills my blood. A man there, named Garill, echoes my own thoughts on the place.
We're still here, because of the stand the hero and the princess made at this fort. Because of them, I even exist to make the decision to travel.
It's all incredibly humbling.
I pass through the place quickly-- practically running. Even if the guardians are 'dead', I'm afraid of them. I hope I never have to see one of them activate-- something travelers say have happened recently.
Entry Seven
Getting REAL tired of these red jumpsuit assholes. At least the bokoblins are consistent and avoidable! These jerks just poof in out of nowhere!
I honestly thought about making a detour to a stable, just to see one for the first time but I chose to continue on. I'm sure I'll see plenty in my future travels!
Kakariko bridge was beautiful in it's destruction. Clearly Kakariko is still standing, so I wonder what stopped their village from being attacked. Were the guardians sent to Fort Hateno first?
Right on the far end of the bridge, a man commented about the weather....and then changed into one of those red assholes! UGH. Am I going to be attacked every time I greet a stranger?!
Entry Eight
It's getting dark, and I know I'm pushing it a bit, but with how close I am to Kakariko. A part of me is on the lookout for a nice bunch of trees to camp out under, but my map tells me I'm so, so close!
I'm sure it'll be fine if I press on.
Addendum; I! FINALLY! ARRIVED!! Safe and sound! I can't tell you the relief I felt when I first saw the gate to the village! It was after 8pm when I arrived, and my first and only goal was to find the Inn so I could get a night's sleep on a real bed!
I splurged a little bit and paid for a 'soft bed' instead of a regular bed. Because I earned it!
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travelersofthewild · 6 years ago
Hello! I really enjoy reading you travel entries and I was wondering if there's any info on Hattie or if you're planning to write up a post detailing them! I'm curious about the sort of person I should be envisioning when reading the entries. c:
Thank you so much! I haven’t written anything creative in Quite A While, so the fact that you’ve enjoyed reading my writing means a lot to me!
I’ve only thought of the most basic info for Hattie, hahaha. She is a short, fair skinned hylian with brown hair and eyes. She wears the Hylian armor set, dyed purple, with the hood up always because it rains a LOT during her travel. 
The weapons she tends to gravitate towards (almost exclusively, later on) are spears.
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travelersofthewild · 6 years ago
Day Twenty-Eight
Entry Sixty-Three
It certainly wasn’t as nice as the Rito-down bed, but at this point I don’t think anything will ever top that comfort. I immediately set off, eager to continue (and leave this cold area). According to the map, I was halfway through the area, I’d hopefully reach warmer temperatures before the day was over.
While I was traveling, I felt a strange heat above me that seemed to change the snow into rain. It was the same overall feeling I got at the bridge of Hylia and Lake Floria-- a dragon was near.
I looked everywhere, craning my head to find where the feeling was coming from when I saw a red dragon--not the same one as before-- traveling overhead. I watched it fly in the distance as Buttons trotted on. I’m not sure what sort of penalty there was with this dragon if you got too close, but fortunately it was far above me, flying away. It’s pretty wondrous that such a being can exist in our world. It seems like a very neutral sign that magic still very much exists--and not all of it is the evil of the calamity.
It was nice to see green grass again, and while I wanted to ride through all the way until dark, the ominous storm clouds in the distance encouraged me to settle down at Serenne stable until it passed. It’s kind of amazing how the weather can go from beautifully sunny to an ugly lightning storm in just a few minutes.
I hope no one gets caught out in it, thinking that the sunny weather was going to stick around all day!
And just like that, the weather turned back to beautiful sunny skies.
Entry Sixty-Four
I found myself riding under strange--incredibly strange rock formations. I’m not quite sure what kind of material they were made out of, but they reminded me almost bones and sponges and maybe holey cheese…except without the holes going all the way through.
Not an impressive explanation, I know, but I can’t think of any other way to describe them.
Even though it had reached nighttime, I wasn’t very interested in camping in this area. The rocks looked too much like bones, it gave me the heeby jeebies. So I continued on. Though it’s dangerous, there’s a lot of beauty in riding a horse along the road with the moon shining down on you.
Everything gets a silvery glow. Which is a little eerie, but still beautiful.
I wanted to settle down for the night--make a campfire and sleep but….it started to rain, and the wood wouldn’t light. I let Buttons rest a bit before we continued on. I hope she’d forgive me for riding at night, but the only dry place in our future seemed to be the next stable.
We’re both exhausted, but that’s only temporary.
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travelersofthewild · 6 years ago
Day Twenty-Six
Entry Sixty
It was difficult to sleep, as overnight the sky turned red with a blood moon. I’m glad that I haven’t been caught outside in one of them…they’ve only occurred when I’m someplace safe.
I never considered myself afraid of heights-- after all, my trip has led me to high places and giant bridges, but something about these slim bridges…why couldn’t they have made them bigger?!
I rode Buttons as far as I could, but she just couldn’t go up the stairs. I had to turn back to the stable to board her there. Truthfully, I probably should have anticipated it. There are probably a lot of steps in my future.
Boy was I right. I left a prayer with the goddess after plenty of steps, and continued further into the village.
The buildings here are so incredibly…open. It reminds me a bit of Zora’s Domain in that sense, except without the water everywhere.
It’d be more beautiful, if there were actually closed spaces. I’ve stayed in enough stables over the past month to know that the tent like structures are pretty sturdy. Just….how do the Rito get privacy? Does it not matter as much to them..?
The views are beautiful however, and while it’s cool, it’s not freezing cold here like it gets in the desert. I imagine if I went further into the mountains the temperature would drop like a stone.
Entry Sixty-One
While I was exploring, I encountered five little Rito girls, singing on one of the landings. Apparently they are all sisters, and together they are a rainbow of colors. I wonder who their parents are, for each of them to be a different color of the rainbow!
I sat down and listened to them as they sang, looking over my map. Now that I had finally made it to the Rito Village, it was finally time to plan on returning to my home in Hateno. Even if it’d take me through snow, I wanted to take the long way around.
Mostly because I don’t think running into the flying guardians or the stone monster was worth it. I’d rather trudge through snow-- it’d be a new experience!
And my last journey..the journey home…might as well make it as long as possible. I like the places I’ve visited, villages and stables, but I’d kind of like to home to the privacy I have there. No sharing rooms with other people, no wide open spaces. Just my own house and my own room and my own bed.
I’ll leave in the morning.
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travelersofthewild · 6 years ago
Day Twenty-Four
Entry Fifty-Six
Wow! I don’t think I’ve ever felt so relaxed in my life! This spa…was so incredibly worth it! I feel like a million rupees! That really made coming all the way to the desert worth it.
I should have anticipated that warrior women would know how to ease the weariness of fighting and traveling…
Though, despite being told this place was free from men, it really does seem to be largely controlled by the concept of them. I guess I can understand, the only way for more Gerudo to exist is to find men from other places, but I didn’t expect most conversations to be ABOUT them.
As I have no interest in men, clearly this is not the place for me. So..it’s time to move on. I don’t have to spend much time thinking of where to go to next-- the only real village left to explore is the Rito Village.
This will take me to a climate that’s complete opposite of the gerudo desert-- the frozen mountains of Hebra.
As I was heading back to the stable to get Buttons, I passed a man wanting into the Gerudo Town. He’ll be turned away, but I find it just as disturbing that men are trying to get in, and the women inside are constantly talking about men.
Well, I suppose if any of the ladies in town want the low hanging fruit, it’s there.
Entry Fifty-Seven
I’m glad to see Buttons again! I’m not looking forward to going past that giant monster again, but I know how to get by at least.
I pushed Buttons to go faster thank our usual trot, I want to get to the Outskirt Stable with plenty of time to spare. I got passed the monster easily, even when it began to rain, it just…didn’t stop snoring. Sometimes I wish I could sleep that heavy, haha!
On the road, I saw something bright and shining in the distance. I think I’m going to investigate, the worst that can happen is I camp out tonight. After the spa treatment, I’m pretty certain even sleeping on the ground won’t bend me out of shape.
I reached an interesting place-- Sanidin Park ruins. It seems to be a very horse friendly place, given the ramps and the statue of a horse. It..gave me a very clear view of Hyrule castle, the ominous red lights swarming around it.
I tried to find where the bright light might have came from, but as I traveled on it seemed to disappear. What could have it been? None of the people at the stable mentioned anything about it…
While the light of the crescent moon at least keeps the night from being too dark, I turned Buttons towards a group of trees to camp out for the night.
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travelersofthewild · 6 years ago
Day Twenty-Three
Entry Fifty-Four
The heat is strange- it isn’t the humid misery that I had just come from in the Faron region. It was a dry heat that doesn’t make the air itself feel like hot soup. I’m not too fond of the sand, but perhaps it could be worse?
After eating a chill mushroom and meat skewer, I continue into the desert, to reach Gerudo Town. I briefly spoke with the guards before entering-- the town certainly had a different feel, despite being part of the desert itself.
I learned a bit about the champion known as Urbosa, because a little girl was running around, pretending to be here. I also spoke with some of the shopkeepers, one who mentioned her husband outside the walls.
One of them mentioned a ‘class’, and I followed her to check it out. I wonder what kind of classes the women here take..
Okay, the class is apparently on how to deal with men. While I personally will never need such a class, it was interesting to hear some of their answers. And maybe a little amusing… One woman always seemed to have…borderline violent approaches to the scenarios. Hopefully she doesn’t hurt anyone in the future. I also hope that none of them are fooled by Yiga in disguise, but I have a feeling the Yiga would quickly regret trying to fight one of the Gerudo.
I’m…very concerned about Risa’s ideas of how to interact with men. I hope Ashai can talk to her and explain why violence and kidnapping is probably not the best way to get a husband.
After I left the class, I decided to check out the gerudo training just outside it. I really like the spears that they use, I wonder if there’s anywhere I could get my own…
I went looking around, and found one! I’m sure nobody will mind me just…taking it. Hopefully nobody notices. I don’t think I’d want any of these women angry at me!
Apparently the Inn here has a spa plan….that sounds so much better than the massage the goron inn wanted to offer.
Entry Fifty-Five
I spoke with an elderly woman who was sitting next to the goddess statue. Apparently nobody here really believes in the goddess anymore, and the statue has been here since even before the woman was born.
I heard her story…she apparently searched all over Hyrule for the Lovers’ Pond, because she believed she’d find her true love there. But she never found it, and eventually she grew old. It was unsaid, but I assume she never found a lover.
That’s sad.
Many of the Gerudo I speak too seem to be set on--sometimes obsessed, with the idea of finding a husband. It’s…really weird. This town is free of men, but men seem to have ‘invaded’ it nevertheless. What’s the point of them not being allowed, if so many of the women here are obsessed with them? Even the children talk of love and marriage.
I was able to meet the chief-- Lady Riju, and her protector, Buliara. Buliara…was stunning! The guard outside said that she was a master of the spear, and that Buliara inspired her (the guard) to take up the spear herself. As someone who’s favored them since I started traveling….I would love to see how a master handles it!
It’s doubtful, as Buliara doesn’t seem to ever leave the..throne? Room, but I’ve at least seen the others train.
With everything explored, and it getting dark, I decided to finally head to the Inn and treat myself.
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