#bottom!chanyeol is underappreciated
goopeculiar · 2 years
Black to the Pink chanyeol/kyungsoo, NC-17, 3045 words. Chanyeol loves feeling small. He wears sweaters and hoodies that are multiple sizes bigger just so he can drown in them, loves to pull up his legs so he can curl up and look smaller, and absolutely loves being carried around, though that hardly happens because he's too big and heavy. Kyungsoo, despite his smaller stature, always knows how to make him feel small in all the ways he likes.
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marshmallow-phd · 5 years
Crash Course
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Guardian Angels are everywhere. They look out for their charges and keep a distance. But why? What happens when they get too close? The answer is love. And between an angel and a human, it is the most forbidden connection.  
Genre: Angel!AU
Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader
Summary: Chanyeol wasn’t the most graceful angel. He could be loud, clumsy, and a little overbearing. But he usually could keep himself secret from humans. That is, until things go very wrong when you discover him in your apartment in the middle of the night....
A/N: Part 5 of the @wolveswithblackpearls angel series! (moodboard made by the adorble admin S!)
Kyungsoo I Sehun I Baekhyun I Jongin I Chanyeol I Junmyeon
This is what happened to Chanyeol since he wasn’t paying attention. Granted, he wasn’t the best when it came to the finer details of things like Junmyeon or Kyungsoo, but he thought he was doing a decent job in sneaking around your house quietly. Even if he did accidentally make a small noise, you wouldn’t be able to see him, right? 
All he was trying to do was scare away the real burglar. And he’d done a good job, making the potential thief think the owner of the apartment had come out and opened the sliding glass door. He’d gotten a kick out of watching the criminal scurry down the fire escape, slipping several times on the old metal steps. But Chanyeol’s concentration was completely broken when he accidentally tripped over his own feet after laughing a little too hard and sent one of your plants crashing down to the floor, breaking the terra cotta pot and spilling the soil all over your cream colored rug. He stared at the disaster he’d created. 
“Oh, no.”
He scrambled to put it all back together when he heard the creak of the box spring and careful footsteps coming from your bedroom. Debating back and forth, Chanyeol weighed his options. He could just disappear, but leaving the mess he created might cause you unnecessary panic. So did that mean he should stay? Should he let himself get caught? That was completely against the rules. He’d be in so much trouble….
Chanyeol still hadn’t made a firm decision when he heard the squeaking of the floorboards from the hallway. Every muscle was frozen, unmoving as he tried to command them to shift from their current position. He needed to leave. Fast. 
You rounded the corner, a steel baseball bat held high in the air. Chanyeol wanted to laugh at the sight of you, but he had to keep his full concentration on not being seen. With the current state he was in, he could easily slip and accidentally reveal himself. However, he wasn’t the only one not paying full attention. 
Barefoot and still in your pajamas, you made your way around the living room. You barely glanced at the broken pot before searching the rest of the room. Chanyeol watched closely, worrying about the shards of the pot scattered around. 
“Shoot!” you hissed. Falling to the floor and landing on your backside, you whimpered as you inspected the cut. 
Chanyeol jumped forward, forgetting all about staying invisible, and reached out to take care of his charge. “Are you okay!”
Yeah… that just made things worse. 
“Holy crap!” 
You scrambled and swung the bat at his legs. Chanyeol jumped in time to miss being hit with the steel bar. He stayed floating there in case you decided to try again the other way. Your eyes grew big at his anti-gravity abilities. 
Several times you opened and closed your mouth in a humorous fashion. Chanyeol wanted to giggle at your expression, but he was able to hold it back. Right now probably wouldn’t be the best time to start laughing at you. 
“W-what… are you?” you asked between heavy breaths. The bat had fallen from your hands and you were leaning back, almost… afraid of him? Why would- oh, right. To you, he was a stranger. A stranger who could fly. 
Right, Chanyeol, think. 
“How did you get in here?” you demanded, feigning a bit of bravery. 
Chanyeol pointed to his right. “The sliding glass door.”
You pulled your eyebrows together, flickering your eyes between the space where his feet weren’t touching the ground and the balcony door. “What are you, some overgrown Peter Pan?”
“Huh?” Chanyeol shook his head. “No! I was keeping a thief from breaking in here. He had a knife and I didn’t want you to get hurt.”
“So, Superman, then?” you mocked. 
Landing back on the floor so he was now sitting cross-legged in front of you, Chanyeol sighed. “No, that’s not it either.” He scratched his scalp as he weighed his options. He could lie. Maybe say that he was just a ghost or this was all a dream, but that didn’t sit right with him. “I’m not really supposed to be telling you any of this….”
You scoffed. “You broke my pot. You owe me.”
Chanyeol pouted at that. He didn’t think that the revelation of the existence of his species really amounted to a fallen plant, but he couldn’t really argue that without giving himself up anyway. 
“So...” you egged on. “Are you going to come out with it or do I have to get the bat again and chase you out of my home?”
 “It’s not nice to threaten an angel with a bat,” Chanyeol snapped. Then he cringed. Oops. 
But rather than looking at him with awe or amazement, you laughed. “An angel? Yeah, sure. Okay. I think I’d believe the Superman story a little easier.”
Chanyeol’s jaw dropped. “An alien with superpowers is easier to believe?”
“Than an angel? Yes.”
Well, now you were just revving up his competitive spirit. He reached for your foot, determined. “Here, I’ll show you.”
You dodged his grip. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing?”
“I’m going to heal your cut,” he stated matter-of-factly. 
“Are you serious?” you asked as you eyed him suspiciously. 
“Yes,” he nodded. He held out his hand, palm up. “Now, give me your foot.”
For a moment, it seemed like you wouldn’t give the appendage up. Chanyeol waited and fought with his patience. He needed you to trust him. Why? Well, he didn’t really have an answer, just that he couldn’t leave without knowing that you believed him and didn’t think he was a mad man or some made up superhero. 
Eventually, you slowly began to lift your foot, placing your ankle in his hand. “Just don’t plant any alien eggs in there, okay?”
He laughed at your absurd reference. As he kept his eyes trained on the gash, he lifted his other hand. A warm, golden glow surrounded his fingers before spreading over to your foot. Your eyes widened, finally giving him that sense of awe he’d been waiting for. When he was done, you took back your foot, inspecting the now pristine area, save for the slight coating of soil. 
You let out a short laugh, then smiled up at him. “You know, that just supports the superpower theory, right?”
Chanyeol groaned. “Are you kidding me? I just made a cut heal in a few seconds!”
“Yes,” you agreed. “But that could be an explanation for a lot of things. It doesn’t necessarily scream ‘angel’.”
“You nearly died after being stuck in an elevator last year.”
Chanyeol scooted closer to you. What he really wanted to do was to grab your hand, but that didn’t seem like the best idea. It was a traumatic experience for you and it was cruel enough just to bring it up again. “Last year, you were in an elevator at work when it suddenly stop. At first, you thought the power was out, but then it shook. Then it tilted. You were alone and scared. It took nearly an hour for the firefighters to break the doors open. As soon as you were free and back on the floor, it crashed down to the basement.”
You swallowed thickly, glassy tears pooling on your bottom lids. “How did you know that?” 
“I’m your guardian angel,” he said. “I was there.”
Rather than giving him thanks, you scoffed. “Then why didn’t you get me out of there sooner?”
“Who do you think was holding up the cables?”
You stared at the giant strange man sitting across from you. The options as what to believe or even think at the moment had you at a complete loss. 
“If you were there,” you said slowly, “why didn’t you just get me out? Use your angelic gifts to poof me out of that death trap?” To this day, you couldn’t take the elevator without having flashbacks. The very idea of stepping into one sent you into a panic attack. 
A guilty look came across the angel’s face. “We’re not supposed to interfere to that degree. Not in a noticeable way, at least. I would never have let anything happen to you, though! I made sure you got out!”
Your head was spinning. The man – angel – who’d woken you up from your sleep was insisting that he was also the reason you’d survived the accident last year. And you believed him. The inspectors afterwards had said that the cable had snapped fairly quickly and you shouldn’t have been rescued in time. A real life miracle, they called it. 
“Thank you,” you whispered. 
The angel’s eyes grew bigger than they already were, shocked at those two small words. “What did you say?”
 “I said ‘thank you’.” Sure, you’d said it quietly, but you figured he’d be able to hear you with ears like that. “You know, for saving my life. I guess, twice now if there really was a burglar.”
“Huh,” was his only response. 
You frowned. “What?” 
“Nothing,” he replied, quickly waving his hands in front of him to chase away any doubt of honesty. “I’ve… never been thanked before, that’s all.”
“Nope.” He shook his head and then shrugged his shoulders, “It’s just… part of the job.”
“A rather underappreciated one, don’t you think?” you teased with a small smile. This angel, with his goofy grin and soft features, was… well, he was kind of cute. And the way his expressions jumped from one emotion to the other with such ease was drawing you in. 
You groaned internally. Only you would start this situation out ready to start swinging a bat and then end up with a crush on your guardian angel. Clearing your throat, you asked, “So, um, do you have a name? Or am I supposed to just call you ‘angel’ from now on?”
That small, sideways smile bloomed into a full blown grin that outshined a full moon. “It’s Chanyeol.”
“Chanyeol,” you repeated, liking how the syllables flowed together, like leaves on a creek. Oh, great. Your thoughts were starting to get poetic with his name. You should get out of there. “Well,” you stood up to your feet, faking your tiredness with stifled yawns and overdramatic stretches, “I think I should head back to bed. Work in the morning and all.” 
Chanyeol’s smile dimmed noticeably. “Oh, okay.”
“But I’ll see you around?” you asked hopefully. 
He nodded, the light coming back. “Yes. Absolutely.”
“Good,” you smiled back. “See you around, tiger.” Before you could change your mind, you marched on back to your bedroom and shut the door. 
Where, exactly, you’d be seeing Chanyeol was the real mystery. 
When you woke up the next morning, the plant was cleaned up. Its new place in the trash bin was the only evidence that last night wasn’t a strange dream you had from that different tea flavor you tried before bed. Shrugging it all off as unimportant, you made yourself a quick breakfast and got ready for work. 
It was an odd feeling, going through your normal routine while knowing of the possibility that there was an angel watching over you. And what if he wasn’t the only angel around? Were there dozens on this floor of the company building, just hanging around and making sure nothing happens to the humans they’re charged with? What embarrassing things had those strangers seen you do?
“Holy crap!”
The sudden voice right next to your ear made you jump, spilling the steaming coffee from your mug onto your arm and stinging the skin. You glared up at Chanyeol while trying to lightly pat the throbbing area. 
“I’m sorry!” Chanyeol quickly took hold of your arm, placing his warm palm over the skin. That strange glow was back and the pain subsided in seconds. Little drops of coffee still fell from your arm, but at least you wouldn’t have to go find some ointment for it later. 
“I’d say you come in handy, but really it’s only when you’ve caused the injury in the first place,” you grumbled as you refilled your mug. 
Chanyeol dropped his head in shame. “I’m sorry.”
Why did he have to look so vulnerable like that? 
Placing a knuckle under his chin, you lifted his head just enough so you could look him in the eye. “Hey. I was just teasing. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Accidents happen.”
A ghost of his usual smile was beginning to appear, making you sigh. Then he frowned again. “Is something wrong?”
You shook your head, plastering on a smile. “No. Not at all. Why?”
“You seem… down,” he explained. 
“I’m at work when I’d rather be doing something else,” you told him. It was partially true, but it was also partially a lie. It wasn’t the reason for your heavy heart at the current moment. Wanting to change the subject, you glanced around, remembering where you were in the first place. “How did you even get in here? It’s the tenth floor of a high security building.”
A boastful gleam sparkled in his eyes. “The angel way, of course. Don’t worry, you’re the only one who can see me right now.”
Your jaw dropped. “You can do that?”
“Yes,” he nodded proudly. “It takes a lot of concentration, but I can make sure that only you see me.”
“So, I look like I’m talking to myself? Fantastic.” Because everyone here didn’t think you were weird enough as it was. 
“Do you want me to be seen so you don’t look crazy?” he offered. 
“No!” You grabbed hold of his arm as if that would be the one thing that kept him invisible. “The last thing that needs to happen is you being dragged out of here by security.”
“Alright then.” That boy even had the audacity to wink at you. His demeanor changed then. Tilting his head as if he was trying to listen in on a faint conversation, his eyebrows pulled together and he frowned. “I have to go. I think I need to check on another charge.”
“Another charge?” So, you weren’t the only one he was looking out for? Well, there went your specialness. 
He nodded. “I’ll… be back. Okay?”
“Yeah, sure.” You didn’t quite believe him. What need would he have to come back?
Chanyeol gave you a small wave before disappearing with a pop!
For the millionth time, you reminded yourself that he was an angel, a higher being that was simply meant to look out for you and make sure you didn’t die before your time. In no way was it appropriate to start crushing on him or be sad when he had to leave. 
But damn if he didn’t make it hard. 
And he just made it harder with his frequent visits at work. And your apartment. And random times when you were out and about. 
You were sure that he just wanted someone to talk to. He wasn’t actually popping by because of you necessarily, but you were the one human being who knew of his existence, so it made sense for him to take relish in having someone to talk to. That didn’t stop you from looking forward to his appearances, though. Which was why today you were in such a sour mood. 
You hadn’t seen Chanyeol since yesterday morning after weeks of having him randomly show up multiple times a day. His presence and frequent drop ins while you were at the copy machine or reaching on your balcony or even one time right when you were getting out of the shower. Yes, you were wrapped securely in a towel, but you’d never seen someone’s face get so red before. 
Did you do something to scare him off? Was it something you said? Did he get in trouble by a higher up for talking to you too much? All these questions and more kept bouncing around in your head, making you completely unaware of your surroundings. 
“Hello? Earth to (y/n)?” A hand blurred in front of your face, making you jump. 
Yoon, a fellow coworker, was smirking at you. “Daydreaming?” she teased. 
You rolled your eyes. “Got to have dreams to do that. What’s up?”
Yoon motioned with her head to the big office behind her. “Mr. Kang wants to see you. Urgently, he said.”
You groaned. Mr. Kang preferred to use you as his errand runner for some odd reason. He seemed to like you, but when he was constantly making you run files and papers all over the building, you had to wonder sometimes. 
Pushing your chair away from your desk, you stood up and headed over to the big, open office of Mr. Kang. You knocked lightly on the door before pushing it open and peeking your head in. 
“You wanted to see me, Mr. Kang?”
Your boss looked up from his computer. “Yes! Come in!”
You obeyed, coming to a stop in front of his desk. Mr. Kang handed over a very official looking portfolio and you took it cautiously. 
“I need you to go up to the sixteenth floor and have Miss Havard sign that so we can close this deal. It needs to be her only who signs it and I need you to bring me back the original, if you would.”
You nodded once. “Of course, Mr. Kang.”
Before you could exit the office, he called out to you one more time, making you suppress a sigh. 
“Yes, sir?”
“I need that done as quickly as possible. The client is waiting to hear back from us and I don’t want to keep them waiting any longer than they have to.” He face melted to a soft, sympathetic look. “There’s construction going on in the stairwell and so… the elevator would be faster. You’re the one I trust to accomplish this, so please, try, at least.”
Oh. Fantastic. Breathing in deeply, you nodded again and headed out. 
It was a huge probability that it would be faster for you to run up the six flights of stairs and dodge the construction workers than you just standing there in front of the elevators, frozen. You hadn’t even pressed the button yet. 
“Come on,” Yoon urged, pressing the “up” button for you. “I have to go up to the fourteenth floor,” she explained when you gave her a confused look. “I’ll travel up with you and show you that it’s completely fine. Then you just have two floors to make it on your own.”
“Okay,” you whispered. You could already feel your breath becoming shallow and that haunting, familiar tightness in your chest was creeping up. Oh, please don’t let me throw up. 
The ding of the elevator scared you but you didn’t fight when Yoon guided you into the tiny death box. As soon as the doors closed, you pressed yourself up against the wall and kept your eyes on the glowing numbers, watching as the floors slowly move up. By a miracle, it didn’t stop on any other floor, prolonging your ride of terror, before hitting the fourteenth level. 
“You got this,” Yoon encouraged as she held the door open. Of course she could say that. She was safely off the elevator and in the hallway. To try and make you laugh, she held up her fist and shook it once. It only slightly worked as the door slowly shut closed. 
Closing your eyes, you focused on your breathing, hand squeezing the metal bar that ran around the inside of the elevator like a belt. 
Two floors, you told yourself. Only two floors. 
Then the elevator stopped. 
You opened your eyes, thinking you’d arrived at your floor, but the red lights still read “15”.
Then the lights flickered. 
“No, no, no, no, no, no.” You pressed the “open doors” button over and over again, trying anything to make the elevator move or let you out. 
Nothing helped, nothing worked. 
You began pounding your firsts on the metal barrier, crying out for anyone to hear you. “Help! Someone, help! I’m stuck in here! Help! Chanyeol!”
On the other side, you could hear the faintest of voices gathering somewhere above you. Great. You weren’t even fully on a floor. 
“Who’s in there!” someone yelled. You were barely able to say your name as the sobs broke out. “Don’t worry! We’ll get you out of there!”
The elevator shook and you scrambled back into a corner. Not again. How could this happen again?
Grunts and muffled orders carried on in the space above you. The trembling you felt all over refused to stop and silently in your head, you began to say your goodbyes. 
But you saw light again. A hole just big enough for you to crawl through emerged as several men pried the doors apart. You scrambled up to the space and climbed out with help from your rescuers. 
“Don’t worry,” one of them said as they tried to comfort you by rubbing your arms with their palms, “you’re free. Paramedics are on their way to check you out.” 
Even though he was trying, you weren’t soothed at all. Looking around, you searched for the one face you really wanted to see, but he was nowhere to be found. Some guardian angel he was. 
Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. 
Chanyeol appeared in your living room, spinning in circles to try and find you. He knew you were here. When he’d gone to see you at work after chasing around a few other charges who were trying to be the next Evel Knievel, he’d heard about what happened only a few hours earlier. He should have known something was wrong. That gut instinct had kicked him, but he thought that you were fine and maybe just accidentally cut or burned yourself again. It was a habit he’d witnessed more than a few times over the last few weeks. But he was dead wrong. 
The odds of being stuck in an elevator twice – in the same building no less – were astronomical and yet it happened to you. And he wasn’t there to protect you. 
No reply. 
Slowly he made his way down the hallway to your bedroom. He called out for you again, but still he was met with only silence. However, when he opened the door to see if you were in bed, he was met with a pillow to the head. 
“Get out!” you ordered. 
“(y/n), I’m so so-” Smack! Another pillow met its target – his face. Chanyeol rubbed his nose as that one particularly hurt. Who knew you had such a strong arm?
“I said get out!” you sniffed. Now that he had a proper look at you, Chanyeol could see that your eyes were puffy and the tip of your nose was raw from crying. You were in an oversized t-shirt and shorts. The covers were scrambled about on top of the mattress as if you couldn’t find a comfortable way to lay. Yes, you told him to get out, but Chanyeol elected to do the opposite. 
Taking off his shoes and jacket, Chanyeol slid into the empty spot next to you and pulled you into his embrace. You didn’t fight him, but you remained stiff against him. Chanyeol rested his cheek against your forehead, rocking you back and forth.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there,” he whispered. “I should have been. And I want to take it back. But I’ll stay here with you. I promise.”
Slowly, he felt you relax against him. Soon, you were bringing your own arms up and wrapping around his waist to pull in closer. 
“I was so scared,” you hiccupped. “Why me?”
Chanyeol felt so defeated as he admitted, “I don’t know. But you won’t take another elevator in your life, even if I have to fly you everywhere.”
You actually chuckled against his chest. “I like the sound of that.” Leaning back, you wiped away the tears that rolled down your cheeks. “And I’m sorry. I know that it’s not your fault. You have other people to look after too. I can’t blame you when something goes wrong.”
“Yes, you can,” Chanyeol declared as he cupped your cheeks. He couldn’t stand the crushed look your eyes were giving him. While he’d always had a slight fondness for you… lately, you’d become the most precious thing to him and he’d almost lost it. “I should have been there. But don’t worry. From now on, I will be.”
You tried to shake your head, but Chanyeol’s hands kept you mostly in place. “You don’t have to promise me that. You said it yourself that you have others to look after.”
“But they’re not you.”
Your breath audibly hitched in your throat. But unlike the movies he’d seen where confessions like this led the other party to be frozen in place, you acted. 
You had absolutely no idea what came over you. There was just something in Chanyeol’s words that kick started your bravery and the next thing you knew you were leaning in and connecting your lips to his. It was supposed to be a quick, chaste kiss, something prompted by your highly emotional state and his pretty words encouraging you. But you didn’t even get a chance to try and break it up before he was pulling you back in for more. 
An angel shouldn’t be able to kiss like this. He definitely shouldn’t be pushing you down onto your back, pressing you deeper into the mattress. But every touch was gentle, treating you glass and letting you take any chance you wanted to end it. Of course, you didn’t. This was a situation you’d allowed yourself on more than one occasion to think about. Not a single one of those daydreams amounted to this, however. 
When Chanyeol slowly pushed himself up onto his elbows and effectively ending that heated first kiss, your breaths came out shallow and your head felt dizzy. He stared down at you with those big round eyes so full of adoration that you shrank back.
“What is it?” he said, his breaths just as quick. 
You shook your head. “Nothing. I just… I don’t think I’ve ever been looked at like that before.”
“Well,” he smirked, “you’d better get used to it. Because I won’t look at you any other way.”
Soaring on your own cloud nine, you snaked your arms around his neck and pulled him back down. If he was going to look at you like that then you were going to give him a kiss worthy of it. 
“Chanyeol, slow down!”
But the big idiot did not slow down as he soared through the air, spinning around and laughing at your fear as you buried your head in his chest. The solid mass you were clinging to for dear life vibrated as he kept releasing teasing chuckles. He tended to forget that falling from this height would actually kill one of you. 
“You can look now, (y/n).”
You whimpered, afraid that it might be a trick. 
With only one eye, you peeked out over your shoulder. You were surprised to find a brick wall obstructing your view. Venturing out a little further, you realized that you were in a safe spot between two buildings near downtown. Releasing a sigh of relief, you put yourself sound on solid ground once again. 
“Let’s not do that again,” you huffed, looking up at Chanyeol with a glare. 
He ruffled the top of your head, making you swat his hand away. “Are you saying you didn’t have fun?”
“Yes,” you snipped. “That’s exactly what I’m saying. I’ve almost died twice by elevator, remember?”
“But you’re with me,” he reminded you. “Nothing will happen while I’m-”
A smoking black arrow fired out of nowhere, barely missing you as Chanyeol spun you into his embrace and faced his back towards the danger. The arrow stuck itself into the crackling mortar between the bricks of the building. Little wisps were still floating of the charcoal neck and the feathers were blacker than a raven’s.
Chanyeol kept you close as he searched around the area for the marksman. But the area was clear. 
“What was that?” you asked worriedly. 
“Demon,” Chanyeol hissed. He marched over to the arrow, pulling it out of the wall and inspecting its details. 
“Those are real, too?”
He nodded. “This isn’t good. I’ll have to tell Junmyeon.”
“Who’s Junmyeon?” You were fairly certain you hadn’t heard him mention any others by name.
“Though not officially, he’s sort of our leader in this district.” Chanyeol grabbed your hand and held it tightly. “Come on. I’ll take you home.”
“How bad it is, Chanyeol?” He knew what you meant. You could tell by the way his shoulders dropped and the heavy exhale he pushed out through his lips. 
“I don’t know, (y/n). I don’t know.”
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goopeculiar · 3 years
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goopeculiar · 3 years
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goopeculiar · 3 years
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goopeculiar · 2 years
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