#both me nd my sister have wonderful relationships with my mom. when dad was alive my sister had a great relationship with him so neither
dreamcast-official · 8 months
honest to god. i think i understand my sister a lot better now.
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dailyaudiobible · 7 years
04/05/2017 DAB Transcript
Deuteronomy 28:1-68 ~ Luke 11:14-36 ~ Psalm 77:1-20 ~ Proverbs 12:18
Today is April 5th.  Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible.  I’m Brian. It’s great to be here with you today. It is a big preparation day for us. The More Gathering for Women begins tomorrow, but we’ll talk about that maybe in a little bit.  We’re reading from the New International Version this week, Deuteronomy chapter 28, verses 1 through 68.  
Father, we thank you for your word.  We thank you that day by day it instructs and guides us, speaks to the deepest recesses of our hearts and identity, changes the course of our day because it invites us to consider the choices that we make.  So we thank you for your word and we thank you for this community, that we can enjoy the counsel of the scriptures while enjoying the camaraderie and fellowship of our brothers and sisters.  So we invite you, Holy Spirit, to come.  Help us in the way that we choose to use our words today as we are counseled by wisdom herself in the book of Proverbs that recklessness with our words is like swords, but the tongue of the wise will bring healing. Help us to be people who bring healing today with our words and not reckless people swinging aimless swords, cutting down whoever happens to be nearby.  Come Holy Spirit, we pray.  In Jesus’ name we ask, amen.
Www.DailyAudioBible.com is the website.  It's home base.  It's where you find out what is going on around here, so tomorrow, tomorrow begins the More Gathering for Women and so we invite this entire community to pray over this event because it is of this community and for this community.  So pray over the women as they are packing up today, making sure everything is all set to go for tomorrow.  We’re kind of doing the same thing and so prayers specifically over all the technology involved, over safety in travel, that a canopy be raised over that camp, and that it might be an oasis, a place where lives will be transformed not because of anything that we do.  We’re just setting the table, but that space was given for Jesus to come.   So thank you for your prayers over all of this.  These are our prayers and love to wrap them all around the world.  
Then the other thing that we’ve been talking about for a couple days is Israel 2018.  So we’ll be making the next pilgrimage to the land of the Bible in early ’18, February 19 through March 4, and that is going to be epic as ever.  It is most fascinating to watch the stories of the Bible come alive in their geographical location.  It is fascinating to just stand in places and turn around and just look in all directions and understand where you are standing, that these stories that we’ve been moving through this year, but for many of us have known for a long time, to just see them kind of take a new shape and texture because you’re standing in the middle of it is remarkable.  So you are invited and you can get all the information you would want to know at www.DailyAudioBible.com.  Just look for Israel 2018 in the Initiatives section or you can visit www.DailyAudioBibleIsrael.com.  That will take you there as well.  
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, then thank you.  Couldn’t thank you enough.  We’re all in this together.  Thank you for your partnership.  There is a link that is on the home page of www.DailyAudioBible.com.  And if you’re using the Daily Audio Bible App, you can press the More button in the lower right-hand corner.  Or, if you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.
As always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today.  I'm Brian. I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports
Good morning, Dabbers.  This is Walta calling from Charlotte.  I usually call as the burning bush that will not be devoured for the glory of our God and King and I feel now, you know, like God sees me and he knows my name and I think that season is over.  But anyway, I'm calling just to praise God for this prayer line.  I'm going to pray for our sister from the Bahamas and pray about the Bahamas election.  Father God, I pray that you protect your people in that country.  I pray for peace and stability.  I come against every spirit of chaos that would want to cause confusion in that country, Lord.  I pray that, Lord, that you who select the kings will select a leader, Lord, and prepare the people to receive the leader, God.  I thank you for protecting your people.  I thank you, Lord, for peace.  I also pray, O God, for Liberia that is also going to go through elections this year. And every other country that struggles through this period I pray for peace.  I pray for stability, in Jesus’ name.  Father God, I also want to pray for all the single people out there.  I pray, O Lord, that you will help them to find you in the middle of their solitude, God.  That they are not alone.  I pray that you would find them community, O Lord.  Guide them to your children, into community, in Jesus’ name. Family, I just want to thank you for your prayers and your prayer requests and just sharing the word of God. I listened to today's, April 2nd, and it really moved me, especially Jaymie from Phoenix.  I love you guys and I will be in touch. Bye.  Have a great Sunday.
Hello Daily Audio Bible community.  This is Drew from Dallas.  I’ve been listening since October 2016 and this is my first time to call. Brian and Jill, thank you so much for creating this helpful podcast and this wonderful life-giving community.  I would like to encourage and pray for Stanley from Maryland.  He's a first year teacher in Washington, D.C.  Stanley, I’ve been a teacher for more than 10 years and I understand what you’re going through.  There are times when teaching can be such a thankless job and the students challenge and stretch you beyond your limit.  You should know that you very well may be the only positive influence in the lives of these students and that they are pushing back against you because they need you and they need Jesus.  Father, thank you for giving Stanley this opportunity to serve you and his students.  Help him to know that you have called him to be where he is today.  Help him to rest in your presence.  Holy Spirit, give Stanley confidence, patience, and wisdom to plan meaningful and relevant lessons that will engage his students. Grant him the faith to know that he is working in this school to minister to students who need him and who need you.  Help him to build positive relationships with his students that will lead to a healthy classroom full of learning.  Jesus, let your light through Stanley.  Walk with Stanley through this.  Help Stanley to follow you and to trust you.  Sustain and strengthen him through this.  Help him to rely on you each and every day.  Thank you, Jesus.  It's in your name we pray.  Amen.  
Family, Biola from Maryland.  I hope you’re all doing well.  Brian and Jill, God bless you.  Jill, I'm praying for you and the More Conference and every single woman that will be going.  I'm praying for your team and I'm praying for all the speakers, equipment, everything, in the name of Jesus.  Father Lord, I begin to pray order into every event that will be happening, O God.  I pray safety, O God, for everyone that will be going, in the name of Jesus.  There will be no accidents, O God, in the name of Jesus.  And Father, Lord of Heaven, I decree and declare, O God Lord, that every woman that will go there will not remain the same way, O God, that you will meet with each person at the point of their need, in the name of Jesus. prophetic Intercessor, I heard with such anguish your prayer request.  Sister, I'm praying that God would comfort you.  Look, give yourself time, okay?  I'm praying Psalm 18:32 over you.  The he Lord is your rock and your fortress.  Your deliverer.  Your God. Your strength.  In him you will trust.   He is your shield and the horn of your salvation.  Your stronghold.  And Psalm 18:32  says it is God who arms you with strength and makes your way perfect.  Sister, I want to encourage you to look for a Divorce Care support group in your area.  Just go to that website, www.Divorcecare.org and plug in your zip code.  And you know, get into a community of people who are going through the same thing and who can also help you and empathize with you.  I’ll keep praying for you, sister.  God bless you.  And Rich or Rick, the guy who said he fell off the wagon, Victorious Solider has already told you everything that I had on my heart.  Way to go, sister!  So brother, I'm praying for you even as you get up, that you will grow stronger.  In the name of Jesus.  Jonathan, I'm praying for your dad, Pastor Ted, and I'm praying for you. Jacqueline, I'm praying that every cancerous cell in your body will die, in the precious name of Jesus.  God bless you.  
Hi, this is Denise calling from California and this is my first phone call and I’ve just recently started to listen to the Daily Audio Bible on my podcast and it has been amazing.  But I'm calling specifically for my mother and for my family.  My mom who is 83 years old has been falling lately and is in the hospital and nursing home and I'm just asking and the whole community, if you would just pray for her, healing of her body, but most importantly for her heart and her mind and her spirit.  It has gotten her very down and that is not the woman I remember for all my life.  So I so thank you all because I’ve heard the different prayer requests and the people calling and it is just amazing to me and I so enjoy it. I so thank each and every one of you who do call in and make this requests.  So I pray for Ethel Q., for her healing, both physically and mentally and spiritually and that she would be well because she is a true and faithful servant.  I also want to pray for my sister, Toni, and my Aunt Diane and the rest of my family members, that they too would come to know God personally and always walk in his steps to bring him glory.  I pray for my family locally, that they would be healed both physically and mentally and also come to know Christ as their personal Savior. Thank you and God bless each and every one of you.  Have a blessed day.  
Good morning DAB.  This is Loralee.  Heavenly Father, I would like to lift up all the women going to the More Conference.  I pray that you bless the worship of their hearts, souls, minds, and bodies.  I pray that you give them rest and reprieve in Christ Jesus.  I pray that you bring personal healing and holiness in their lives where they have more perfect sight of you, the more beautiful object, Jesus, where they have the more perfect appetite of you, the sweeter the food of your word, the more musical in the ears, the more pleasant in the melody of you singing over us, the more complete of their soul and the more happy, the joy that brings.  And grant them more full knowledge of you, Lord Jesus.  And I pray that they will dwell with the family of God, standing in your presence, in your chamber, being the bride of your kingdom, the spouse of Christ and a member of his body with him.  We are all one with you and the Father.  Please exercise all the spiritual powers, gift of grace, body and soul in the enjoyment of you.  And we praise you, all of us women, we thank you and our families while they wait for us to just be like Mary and sit at your feet and choose the better portion this weekend.  I pray for all the safety and just a more deeper walk with you, our Lord Jesus Christ. In your name and for your glory and our good, amen.  You all have a great time.  
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