#both in terms of sales volume and physical bulk
nevesmose · 5 months
The demand for a range of appropriately-weighted primarch body pillows has been clearly articulated by my mutuals and in this business plan I will (continues for 94 pages)
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18 Commercial Real Estate Trends To Dominate In 2019
Commercial real estate data
Goodbye 2018, hi 2019! As the new year approaches, Bishop talked with many industry execs, economists and researchers to discover the major trends expected to dominate the commercial real estate industry in the upcoming year. From the increase of opportunity zones to a downturn in industrial absorption, these are 18 trends experts predict for 2019.
commercial real estate trends
1. Opportunity Zones Craze To Persist
As investors await finalized advice from the Department of the Treasury and the IRS concerning the Opportunity Zone program, the search is on for resources and investment opportunities in those designated areas that present the most powerful upside potential. Investors are lining up to pour billions to Opportunity Zone Funds, using a report by Real Capital Analytics saying there is more than $6 trillion in unrealized capital gains eligible to be set up into potential zones.
Though the program was created via the departure of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act last year to induce economic growth in underserved communities in exchange for a hefty tax break, study reveals many of the census tracts classified as chance zones have already brought a considerable amount of investment prior to the launch of the new federal plan. Critics of the program stress it'll accelerate investment in areas already experiencing a surge in development activity, leading to a convergence of investment to burgeoning neighborhoods already in high demand, and a lack of investment in differently blighted communities.
2. Industrial Boom To Keep Thanks To High Demand From E-Commerce Players, Though A Few Headwinds May Surface
Industrial property demand soared to new heights this past season, also CBRE Head of Industrial Research David Egan expects more of the exact same in 2019.
"I believe the market has outperformed this year, at least from user action. There has been an overall expectation for a number of years that this can not continue, and it ends up that hasn't been true. We've got a huge quantity of demand in the marketplace for logistics properties of all kinds; obviously the most Class-A big-bulk warehouses are exactly what capture the majority of the attention, but the need is very broad-based and extending all the way down to secondary and tertiary markets," he said. "My anticipation in 2019 is that we ought to see less or more of the same dynamic."
Web absorption caused by e-commerce growth is expected to moderate between 75M SF and 94M SFexactly the same as this season, according to CBRE's 2019 Outlook report, and a lack of new supply has driven vacancy amounts down to 4.3 percent, a historic low.
"Based on the demand that we're seeing from the e-commerce industry -- as well as from conventional brick-and-mortar retailers that are entering or expanding into the online space -- we could fully expect that e-commerce will continue to drive the marketplace annually," Bridge Development Partners President Anthony Pricco explained. "This is particularly true for infill sites proximate to the significant population centers. While the increasing costs of construction and land could be seen as emerging economy headwinds, the upside of industrial growth is still exceptionally strong, as rents have been appreciating at a much quicker rate."
Egan told Bisnow that he wouldn't be surprised if net absorption tapered off in 2019 because of new distribution not keeping pace with strong demand levels.
"You can only absorb what is available," he explained. "While we hope to see supply-demand relatively in check, those growth metrics will still be positive."
3. Federal Reserve To Slowly Boost Interest Rates Due To The Power Of The Economy
With solid jobs expansion continuing to increase at a healthy clip and the unemployment rate steady at 3.7%, a 50-year reduced, Fed officials hint that they will likely continue their path of activity in 2019 to gradually boost short-term interest levels to temper inflation and maintain a stable market.
"Inflation exists over the Fed's target of 2% to 2.5%, with more job openings than jobless and more homebuyers than brand new home inventory. The Fed sees inflation forward first and foremost and will continue on a hike-pause-hike-pause pattern in 2019 provided that GDP remains above 2 percent and unemployment below 5%," CCIM Institute Chief Economist K.C. Conway said.
The Fed boosted prices three times this year to a range of 2% to 2.25 percent, and several expect central bankers to bump prices again in December. Big Wall Street banks polled by Reuters expect central bankers to increase rates another 3 times in 2019.
"Though the latest Fed advice has seemed less authoritative on its future path, the market and most analysts anticipate another hike this month and 2 to four next year, as both inflation and wage growth surpass their targets," Colliers International U.S. Chief Economist Andrew Nelson stated. "This may translate into declines in consumer and business borrowing and curb spending and investing."
4. Online Retailers Will Continue To Open Brick-And-Mortar Stores, Additional Validating That Physical Retail Is Far From Dead
With the retail sector stabilizing in 2018, CBRE Head Of Global Retail Research Melina Cordero expects retailers to start reinvesting in their physical footprints to accomplish the ideal omnichannel buying experience for consumers. Additionally, digitally native (or even e-commerce only) retailers will increasingly shift to open physical stores to cultivate their business and keep more customers, Cordero said.
"In relation to retail and real estate, I believe the retailers have finally sort of heard things to do. There is a good deal of investment, changes and closures that needed to happen to adapt to omnichannel. More than 2018 a good deal of these investments eventually started to pay off.
"What we think is going to occur over 2019 is a true return to the shop. Retailers are finally beginning to understand the value of their real estate -- they can not just close a shop and rely on internet, they really need the shop for profit margins, consumer care, customer acquisition, for lots of reasons. I think we are going to see a great deal of reinvesting from the store and a lot of reinvesting in strategies to attempt to get people into the shop," Cordero said.
5. Industry To Continue Reading The Tea Leaves To Predict The Next Downturn
Everybody is watching out for signs of the next recession, as the market nears its 10th year of expansion -- its longest period of expansion ever.
"In the history of U.S. business cycles, downturns have generally occurred within a couple of years after the economy has reached full employment," JPMorgan Chase Commercial Banking Head Economist Jim Glassman said. "A careful evaluation of this historical regularity indicates, however, that this routine has been the consequence of two imbalances -- a building inflation problem that needs the Fed to adopt a more restrictive policy position, or unprecedented financial imbalances.
"In that regard, there are not any obvious imbalances that have the potential to trigger a downturn, so the current expansion is likely to settle into a protracted period of balanced, noninflationary growth"
Although U.S. economic growth and job gains were strong in 2018, some economists and analysts forecast the market will likely slow in 2019 because of continuing short-term interest rate lumps by the Federal Reserve and waning financial stimulus from federal tax reductions.
"Inevitable disruption is most likely the right risk strategy mode to be in for 2019. Real estate is not immune from business cycles, economic recessions or tumultuous black swan events -- like a trade war, currency meltdown or cyberterrorism," Conway said.
6. Investor Demand For U.S. Assets To Keep Transaction Volume Strong
"Though property markets peaked for this cycle in 2015, sales and leasing trade activity remain robust and pricing firm," Nelson informed Bisnow. "Transaction quantity through Q3 2018 [has been ] 11% above its level for the comparable period this past year and is approaching the total closed in 2015 -- the peak sales year for this cycle.
"While all four core sectors have contributed in this year's profits, office and apartment -- perennial investor favorites -- have posted the highest sales totals and the most powerful price appreciation thus far. However, equally [will] probably slow sharply in the next two decades, together with price appreciation and lease growth, as the market slows or even turns negative"
7. Industrywide PropTech Adoption To Accelerate
Commercial real estate professionals -- from operators and owners to brokers and architects -- may no longer deny the impact technology is having on the industry. More real estate firms are embracing the most recent innovations to streamline perform tasks and make a more paperless, transparent approach to sourcing deals, managing resources, assessing data and closing trades.
Mihir Shah, co-CEO of JLL Spark -- JLL's PropTech division that has a $100M global fund dedicated to investing in real estate tech firms -- told Bishop that PropTech companies have become increasingly precious as their products have helped property companies further their initiatives.
"As part of the effort, we are seeing businesses that typically went through extended RFPs showing interest in new products to see which ones are workable. This helps them prove [return on investment] quicker and helps the winners grow faster," Shah said. "This willingness to try new things will help PropTech adoption in 2019 and outside."
8. Investment In Value-Add Assets To Help Assuage U.S. Workforce Housing Availability, Affordability Concerns
Requirement for accessible and affordable workforce housing options will remain a topic of interest from the multifamily sector, as expensive land and development costs make it increasingly difficult to construct affordable housing from the bottom up. This is particularly a pain stage in urban metros, JPMorgan Chase Head of Commercial Real Estate Al Brooks advised Bisnow.
"The ongoing job growth we have been experiencing in the U.S. is having a huge impact on workforce housing affordability in important cities. This influx of talent is still fueled by the need to be in close proximity to work, the ease of mass transit options, in addition to the allure of being at the center of this action in major metropolitan areas," Brooks said.
CBRE Americas Head of Multifamily Research Jeanette Rice said investment in value-add multifamily resources can help alleviate these concerns.
"Workforce housing will also stay appealing in 2019 due to demand outpacing available supply, thereby keeping vacancy rates reduced and leasing growth above the overall multifamily market.
"Investor interest will also stay very high in 2019. Interest is coming from all sorts of capital, including foreign and institutional capital as well as traditional sources like smaller private buyers. The desire for labor housing is very strong for the better property fundamentals and greater yields. Value-add investment will likely still predominate in 2019 and stay largely successful. Acquisitions of stabilized merchandise will also be appealing for some investors, particularly those with longer-term hold horizons," Rice said.
9. Millennials To Continue Flocking To Hipsturbias And 18-Hour Suburban Cities
Research and data has dispelled the long-held myth which millennials are city-flocking suburbia haters. With aging millennials now hitting their early 30s, many are turning to the suburbs with their households. Over 2.6 million Americans relocated from the city to the suburbs in the previous two years, according to the U.S. Census Bureau as reported by ULI. This has renewed investor interest and confidence in pick non-gateway markets, ULI reports in its own 2019 Trends survey. "Hipsturbias" or"Urban-burbs" have been used to classify these suburban markets with greater walkability and access to public transit which resemble urban metros.
A U.S. bank senior researcher advised ULI the following:
"The first phase is millennials moving to the suburbs for larger, more affordable homes and access to colleges, so decent single-family home and multifamily housing will be necessary. Retail follows rooftops, so retail development to meet the new occupants' needs will follow. Last, you might start to see more emphasis on job facilities as individuals decide they want to operate closer to where they reside." 10. Investors To Favor Industrial, Multifamily And Retail Assets From The New Year
It comes as no surprise that industrial property assets are an anticipated favorite for investors in 2019, along with multifamily assets, based on ULI's 2019 Emerging Trends report. Deep-pocketed investors such as Blackstone Group continue to gobble up entire portfolios of industrial resources at a rapid pace this year, for example its purchase of industrial REIT Gramercy Property Trust for $7.6B, also a portfolio of last-mile logistics resources from Harvard University for nearly $1B and also a portfolio of 41 warehouses from FRP Holdings Inc. for $359M.
More interesting is the fact that retail is expected to attract attention from shareholders in 2019, especially those assets ripe for redevelopment and updates.
"Many shopping centre properties are simply not going to return as successful retail resources. However, while few have been reduced in cost to a mere land worth, many are well below replacement cost and have good locations for alternative applications," ULI reports. "If a website is adequately big, mixed-use is a great option for close-in suburbs appearing to exploit maturing millennials' desire to input their next life-cycle phase. There is a chance to turn the tables around the e-commerce fashion that fostered the obsolescence by redevelopment into supply facilities."
11. Investors To Keep Flocking To Secondary, Tertiary Markets For Yield
Commercial property investors on the hunt for solid risk-adjusted returns continue to skip entry markets to gamble on assets in burgeoning secondary markets, as well as the trend is likely to last in 2019.
"Due to the high rates and limited opportunities in main U.S. metros, investors are continuing to concentrate more on secondary markets, that are appreciating double-digit increase in investment activity and also much stronger price increases than at the primary (mostly coastal) metro markets," Colliers' Nelson said. "But, those trends are likely to reverse if/when we see the economic downturn, and investors find the safety of bigger, more liquid markets."
This behavior is typical at a late-stage cycle such as this, CBRE Chairman of Americas Research Spencer Levy stated.
"The downside of the coin is it is standard of late-cycle investment action that you find a change from primary to secondary in search of yields. What's new is we've not seen a compression of yields that would be average in late-market activity," he said. "What occurs is cap levels in primaries and secondaries converge; we have not seen that in office and retail, but we have seen that at multifamily. The issue is, is that this trend durable during a recession which will occur within another couple of years?"
12. Construction Industry To Keep on Grappling With High Costs, Labor Shortage
Increasing construction costs were the No. 1 property and development concern for respondents that participated in ULI's Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2019 surveys. On a scale of one to five, five of the best importance, construction costs ranked 4.59, together with land costs and housing prices and availability following near at 4.14 and 4, ULI reports.
"Growing construction costs may be the most understood narrative of 2018 that has to become a substance narrative in 2019," CCIM's Conway stated. Conway identified a number of factors exacerbating cost and labour challenges in the building industry, such as a decline in immigrant construction laborers following the financial crisis, loony superstorms as a consequence of climate change which has resulted in massive rebuilding efforts across the nation, and tariffs and the transaction war.
"Key materials such as steel,... toilet fittings from China, timber from Canada, etc., are affected. Pay attention to the quarterly earnings reports from building materials companies regarding the kind of input cost increases being experienced. Caterpillar, for instance, reported solid sales in Q3 2018, however, a sizable rise in material inputs like steel. The outcome is rising pressure on margins.
"This is the key takeaway regarding construction labour and material costs increases -- margins will be squeezed, cost overruns incurred, and worth under pressure unless rents and [internet operating income] can be raised to cover the rising costs of new building," Conway said.
13. U.S. Office Real Estate Markets To Stay Stable, Though Demand May Slow
CBRE stated in its 2019 U.S. Outlook report which office net absorption is predicted to reach 37M SF in 2019, representing the business's 10th consecutive year of positive absorption. Should the nation continue to experience strong office-using job growth in the new year, it could cause strong absorption rates and renewed interest from shareholders.
"One part of office property expansion is the requirement for more office space near amusement venues and other comforts. These office buildings are relying on smaller, more flexible workspaces. Working spaces also are becoming more common as professionals choose other working procedures," Gerken informed Bisnow.
That said, Colliers' Nelson anticipates office demand will taper off in reaction to a downturn in job development and strong supply levels.
"Demand for office space will medium in response to slower job development, just as a significant quantity of projects already under construction starts to enter the current market," Nelson stated. "So vacancy will trend up and rent growth will ease as market conditions become more aggressive for landlords."
14. Retail Bankruptcies To Slow, Retailer Earnings To Stabilize
"The real estate business has undergone significant change in recent years, and the transformation is deep and will continue throughout 2019. The convergence of brick-and-mortar and internet retail will continue to create major seismic changes in the industry," TD Bank Head of Commercial Real Estate Gregg Gerken told Bishop.
Though a tide of merchants filed for bankruptcy and shuttered stores this season -- including Sears, Mattress Firm, Nine West and Claire's -- the situation surrounding most shop closures next year ought to be vastly different, CBRE's Cordero explained.
"I feel that the general industry opinion is that 2017 was likely the summit [for retail closures]. I think there will continue to become closers in 2019 -- it is hard to say whether we will have more or less -- but I would say a lot of the closures that we will find in 2019 will be about that which we call portfolio rationalization or optimization than they're about retailers that are failing.
"Retailers in many cases do need to close shops to reorient their portfolios -- therefore I really do anticipate closures at 2019, but I don't actually [connect ] a lot of those closures as dying or neglecting retail, it's more of morphing and adjusting retail," Cordero said.
15. Multistory Warehouse Development From The U.S. To Accelerate
Requirements have ripened for multistory warehouse development from the U.S., and this trend will continue into 2019. Facilities are detained or have already delivered in Seattle, San Francisco, New York, Miami and Chicago. Even though multistory warehouses are nothing new in Europe and Asia, the U.S. is in the beginning phases of developing these kinds of facilities today that building costs are not as cheap and there is less available land than in earlier times CBRE's Levy explained. Unprecedented demand for logistics and warehouse space now has changed this dynamic.
"The rents which are being achieved in such multistory industrial [centers ] may be two or three times what you're seeing in conventional industrial. We believe this particular tendency is only at the beginning in the United States," Levy explained.
Although the lumps in lease are substantial, CBRE Head of Industrial Research David Egan said these multistory facilities can also present operational challenges for consumers.
"The users are going to have to alter how that they function in such buildings to make it work efficiently," he explained. "The operational problems are not small -- to change how they move inventory in and outside of those buildings is not a small little tweak."
16. Grocery Chains To Proceed Additional Online Expand Their Online Offerings With The Help Of Tech
Up to now, delivering fresh markets to consumers' doors has turned into a rather nascent concept -- and it's no simple job. Grocers already combat low profit margins because of increasingly declining food costs and new low-cost competitions like Aldi entering the marketplace. These challenges, coupled with expensive online delivery costs, has maintained online grocery delivery in its infancy. However, CBRE's Cordero sees that tendency changing in 2019.
"Grocery is probably, one of all the retail classes, one of the lowest for online penetration. We believe because of a mixture of technological progress, investment on the part of retailers and customer demand, that we're likely to see a pretty significant shift next year at grocery going online and retailers offering more to consumers in that domain," she explained.
17. Economic Development Teams Round The Country Continue To Feel The Effects Of HQ2 Competition
"An open competition like the Amazon HQ2 search is an opportunity for communities to redefine their own legacy image and showcase what's different in their economy today versus 10, 20 or 30 years back. The 238 communities which competed for the Amazon HQ2 are winning economic growth as a result," CCIM's Conway stated.
"Amazon is using the data to site select new fulfillment centers in places like Tucson, Arizona, and Birmingham, Alabama. Other significant transport and e-commerce businesses, like Norfolk Southern Railroad, have used the data to create a relocation decision (in Norfolk Southern's instance, to Atlanta, that was one of the 20 finalist cities for Amazon HQ2). In other words, the Amazon HQ2 research was to economic growth what the census is to demographics"
18. U.S. Hotel Occupancy To Split Records In 2019
The hotel sector is expected to undergo a record-breaking year of occupancy degrees in 2019, according to a prediction from CBRE Hotels America Research. Occupancy levels are expected to surge to 66.2% following year, the 10th successive year of growth. This growth will be driven with a 2.1% growth in demand to offset the incoming supply.
That strong demand may not be felt equally across markets, Quadrum Hospitality Group President Foiz Ahmed stated.
"Though the hospitality sector continues to grow, the economies where Quadrum is active will remain relatively horizontal given their higher-than-national average occupancy prices. While average daily rates are increasing nationwide, the industry will likely face some challenges as a result of rapid adoption of apps that provide discounted rates."
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mana05 · 2 years
Ultrafast Laser Market Development Trends, Competitive Landscape and Key Regions 2027
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Ultrafast Laser Market size was valued at US$ 1.45 Bn. in 2021. Ultrafast Laser will encourage a great deal of transformation in Consumer Electronics and Medical Industry.
Ultrafast Laser Market Overview:
The goal of this MMR report is to estimate the market size for Ultrafast Laser. The global industry is covered in both qualitative and quantitative detail in this MMR Ultrafast Laser Market Report. Learn about the most important Ultrafast Laser market drivers, constraints, opportunities, success pressures, problems, and issues. Regions such as Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, and others will be split and anticipated further (ROW). In each region's major countries, these regions are further split and anticipated. Using secondary sources like as encyclopaedias, directories, and databases, Maximize Market Research found and compiled information for this large commercial investigation of the Ultrafast Laser market. We contacted important industry and supplier experts as a primary source to get and evaluate critical information and assess the future prospects for the sector.
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Ultrafast Laser Market Segmentation:
Mode-locked lasers are divided into three categories: diode-pumped bulk lasers, dye lasers, and diode lasers. The fibre lasers segment dominated the market in terms of revenue in 2020, and this trend is expected to continue throughout the forecast period.
Ultrafast Laser Market Competitors:
• Clark-MXR, Inc • Coherent Inc • DPSS Lasers Inc • EKSPLA • Epilog Laser • IMRA America • IPG Photonics • JENOPTIK Laser GmbH • Laser Quantum • Lumentum Operations LLC • Newport Corporation • NKT Photonics • Resonetics • Rofin-Sinar Laser GmbH • Sheaumann Laser Inc • Spectra-Physics
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Ultrafast Laser Market Regional Analysis:
Maximize market research Ultrafast Laser North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa are all covered in market reports. MMR investigates significant market segments and sub segments, as well as main market sectors, as part of this research. Use market research to its full potential Ultrafast Laser Market reports rank creative nations in terms of market size, share, and volume. Quantity, area, sales, market chain systems, and trends are all included.
MMR used both direct and secondary research to provide a 360-degree analysis of the Ultrafast Laser Market. This helped in understanding current market dynamics such as supply-demand imbalances, pricing trends, product preferences, and customer behaviour, among other things. Primary research with industry professionals and opinion leaders from around the world backed up the findings. Various market estimation and data validation methodologies are used in compiling and validating the data. MMR also has its own data forecasting system, which predicts market growth till 2027.
COVID-19 Impact Analysis on Ultrafast Laser Market:
During 2020 and 2021, the COVID-19 Rule had a significant impact on global, industry, and labour expectations. COVID-19 is a threat to society and way of living that requires prompt industry help and innovation. For Indian expats, COVID-19 creates a plethora of problems. Millions of migrant workers have lost their jobs as a result of the embargoes, are facing food shortages, and are anxious about their future.
The MMR study's overall goal is to improve our understanding of the current economy, COVID-19, and its consequences for the commercial sector. In most industries, sectors, and fields, the COVID-19 is followed by MMR. You may assess how COVID-19 will impact industry losses and growth with the Maximize Market Research Report (MMR).
Key Questions Answered in the Ultrafast Laser Market Report are:
Which product segment grabbed the largest share in the Ultrafast Laser market?
How is the competitive scenario of the Ultrafast Laser market?
Which are the key factors aiding the Ultrafast Laser market growth?
Which region holds the maximum share in the Ultrafast Laser market?
What will be the CAGR of the Ultrafast Laser market during the forecast period?
Which application segment emerged as the leading segment in the Ultrafast Laser market?
Which are the prominent players in the Ultrafast Laser market?
What key trends are likely to emerge in the Ultrafast Laser market in the forecast period?
What is the expected Ultrafast Laser market size by 2027?
Which company held the largest share in the Ultrafast Laser market?
If You Have Any Questions About This Report? Please Contact Us On the link mentioned below:
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funnydove-blog · 4 years
Walk This Way: To Be Or Not To Be
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We’ve just discussed Preparation. Our next topic under ‘Presentation’ is ‘Comportment’, the manner in which you comport yourself: the way you walk, speak, and interact with others, both verbally and nonverbally. This includes posture, your diction and voice, etiquette and manners, and the mannerisms you use when you’re talking or listening to someone. Comportment speaks volumes, before you ever utter a word.
It’s important to understand that we’re starting from ‘the inside’ and moving ‘outward.’ We began with Preparation, the work you do before you step outside your front door or present yourself or your skills to the outside world. This is the ‘work’, the process no one else really sees.
In this chapter on Comportment, we’ll discuss how you carry yourself, after you’re prepared. The way that you carry yourself and generally conduct yourself will remain constant, regardless to whether you’ve just put on a ball gown for an evening out or just finished a ball game with friends.
As I’ve mentioned, the third important aspect of Presentation is ‘Clothing and Grooming’: these things will be discussed last because these are things you can easily change. Being prepared and carrying yourself with grace and a certain reserve are things that you must work at. Know this: it is you who must decide, based on your goals and objectives in life, what ‘being prepared’ means for you. You must decide what image of yourself you’re most comfortable with, and how much preparation is associated with that. That preparation will extend to how you carry yourself…and how you present yourself to the world. I’m simply highlighting some strategies to get you started. So…do the work first. Worry about appearances later.
A key part of Comportment is posture, the position in which you hold your body upright, against gravity, while walking, standing, or sitting. Posture communicates confidence and dignity, or the lack thereof. It is also important for your health, as it impacts the function of nerves and the flow of blood through the body. An easy mental exercise to help with posture is to imagine that a string runs through your spine and that an invisible hand is gently pulling the string through the top of your head, straightening your spine effortlessly, lifting your chin up. Once you visualize that, let your body react to the image, and hold that posture. That’s your default position, sitting, standing or walking. Yoga will strengthen your torso and make good posture easier. You may want to find a yoga regimen that works for you and practice it daily, first thing in the morning. Personally, I do the Five Tibetans each morning. 15 minutes, 5 poses, good to go. You can find photos and instructions online if you’re interested.
Now, let’s talk generally and briefly about your health. You can’t carry yourself with dignity and confidence if you’re lethargic from sitting at your desk or on the sofa all day. You need to adopt an exercise program that works for you. Recently, a doctor was asked what the best kind of exercise was for a person to do. His answer was brilliant: the best kind of exercise for a person to do is the exercise they will do every day.
Weights. Using light weights consistently (1 to 3 pounds each) will give your arms some shape and tone, which is nice if you like to wear sleeveless dresses or punch your brother on a regular basis. Look online for an easy routine that keeps your shoulders, biceps, and triceps in good shape. Light weights, lots of repetitions equals tone without bulk. Heavy weights with fewer reps will pump you up. Use weights with those realities in mind.
Walking. A brisk walk several miles a day is great exercise which doesn’t cost a dime. It will strengthen your legs and torso, as well as benefit your heart and internal organs. It also offers the opportunity to ‘clear your head’, provided you do it without earphones in your ears. Music may motivate you, but it prevents you from being completely aware of your surroundings when you’re out in public, which is not always safe. A good walk, alone with your thoughts and unplugged from emails, phone calls, and social media is a good thing. Early morning is best. Think about it.
Bike. It’s possible to pick up a stationary bike—used, often on Craigslist or yard sale—which can provide you with a great cardiovascular workout in 15 to 30 minutes of daily riding. If you live in a climate where bad weather can make outdoor exercise challenging to do every day, think about this option. Ride it every day, burn calories and sweat out whatever’s bugging you. Watch self-improvement videos online as you ride in order to avoid getting bored and feeling like you’re going nowhere. You are. (Wink, nod.)
In order to develop and maintain proper comportment, discipline will be required. You will need to be vigilant and aware about how you stand, walk, and sit. You will  need to be consistent with exercise. However, the rewards in terms of health and appearance will last a lifetime.
Note: consult your doctor before beginning any physical regimen, then get your butt in gear.
Next, let’s address behavior and mannerisms: if you’ve adopted a dumb-blonde, sex-kitten, militant-feminist, faux-intellectual, or any other personae, it’s time to drop it. Shakespeare famously wrote that all the world’s a stage and each of us play a part. It’s fine to play your part, just be yourself as you do. It will be easier to remember your lines, take direction, and act with integrity.
Understand that people, not just women, sometimes behave in quite inauthentic ways in order to try to get attention, to be considered attractive, to be accepted, to protect themselves after getting hurt, or because they don’t think their genuine personalities are good enough. Intelligent and aware adults see through these shallow performances and find them fatiguing, even if they’re somewhat sympathetic to the emotional pain beneath them. So let’s shelve the facades. Be confident enough in your genuine, getting-better-everyday-self to be who you are without pretense or affectation.
Recently, women have been encouraged to reject or mask their femininity in the workplace and adopt the worst behaviors of men: being rude, crude, pushy, or domineering. Resist this temptation. Be yourself. Be your best self. Use your femininity to your advantage. Strength, dignity, and grace are preferable. Avoid vulgarity. Don’t be obnoxious or abusive.
Women don’t have to ‘grow a pair’ in order to compete with men in business. Your awareness of who you are and the value you have—intrinsically as a person and with the skills you’ve developed as a professional—are your greatest assets. As a woman, you can open more doors with a smile than a threat.
Bring your ‘lived experience’ as a nurturer and giver of life to work. You don’t have to be emotional, but you can certainly be empathetic. You can be effective without being artificial. Bring your insight and intuition into the boardroom. These ‘feminine’ attributes have tremendous value in business, politics, and society. Bring your insights. Bring your instincts. Know your stuff. Stand your ground.
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pixelproductions · 4 years
How to Maximize Productivity for Your E-Commerce Business
The time to focus on your E-commerce business is now! Learn how to maximize efficiency, productivity and capitalize on COVID-19 for online sales potential.
With people staying at home to help curb the spread of COVID-19, the time for e-commerce businesses to thrive is now. The question is, how can you appropriately capitalize on these circumstances when online shopping is more popular and more essential than ever before? If you are looking for ways in which to maximize efficiency, profits, and productivity, here are some helpful tips to keep in mind.
Focus on streamlining operations management
Well-coordinated operations management will make it quicker and easier to fulfill customer orders when they come in, ultimately ensuring that you get their goods to their door fast and without issue. So, what aspects of operations management should you be investigating and perfecting?
Find a way to aid you in judging productivity and planning workloads. A good way in which to accomplish this is to carefully measure the number of orders, lines, and units completed on an hourly basis every day.
Schedule your order picker shifts based on your busiest days. For the majority of e-commerce businesses, the busiest day by far will be Monday due to the massive flow of orders that comes in throughout the weekend. In many instances, order volume will slow down from Tuesday – Thursday and then pick up again on Friday. To boost productivity, it is wise not to schedule the same order picker to handle all of the busy days in one week.
Invest in an order management system and double-check that this system comes equipped with productivity measurement software and tools for streamlined labor-management planning.
Consider investing in a delivery fleet
A significant portion of e-commerce businesses will rope in a third-party delivery service to courier goods from the warehouse to the consumer. The reason why they opt to outsource this crucial aspect of the business is that they believe it to be more cost-effective. While it certainly is more affordable in the short-term, it is almost guaranteed to cost you thousands more in the long run. If ever there was a time to invest in a robust delivery fleet for your online enterprise, it is now when orders are pouring in, and consumer interest is reaching its peak.
There are various essential advantages to investing in and maintaining a fleet of your own. Firstly, you are in complete control when it comes to ensuring that your customers receive their orders on time and in perfect condition. You are also in control over how well the vehicles are looked after to avoid any potential mishaps on route that could delay deliveries or increase costs.
Along with a fleet of delivery vehicles, don’t forget to purchase the necessary tools and software to empower you to effectively manage a fleet. A great example is the advanced fleet management platform known as OnFleet, which allows for optimized route planning, effortless integration of apps, ordering systems, etc., and automatic dispatch.
Improve relationships with suppliers and vendors
Stock shortages can result in extremely lengthy delays in terms of fulfilling customer orders. In many cases, if your customers are not happy with how quickly they receive their goods, they are likely to look into buying from a competitor to compare experiences. Obviously, this is something that you want to avoid at all costs.
One way in which to lessen the impact of stock shortages is to improve your relationships with your suppliers and vendors. If the relationship is favorable, not only are you sure to benefit from more attractive bulk pricing, but they are also likely to go out of their way to quickly replenish your stock in an emergency.
Treat your suppliers and vendors as your partners, and don’t hesitate to ask them what you can do to make their jobs easier.
Pay attention to cleanliness
You should be warranting maximum cleanliness throughout the times of COVID, but did you know that optimal hygiene is a clever way in which to boost and maintain higher productivity levels, too? A dirty, cluttered workspace or warehouse definitely isn’t conducive to streamlined order processes and deliveries, after all.
Along with dusting and cleaning the floors, it is also essential to remove unnecessary items that are taking up space. If you have a few items of remaining stock that you want to get rid of, consider running a special and encouraging your customers to buy them. That way, you can allow for additional room for fresh, new stock, and more opportunities to prove to your customers that you are ahead of the curve.
Embrace omnichannel retailing
As always, keeping customers happy is key regarding omnichannel retailing. Essentially, this approach to sales and marketing means concocting a creative combination of streamlined engagement channels, both physical and online, to maximize sales and satisfaction. You need to ensure a consistent experience when it comes to all of these channels through brand messaging, timeous delivery/pick-up, and a reduction in issues relating to admin, payments, and logistics.
An excellent example of successful omnichannel retailing is when a customer buys a beautiful, hand-crafted piece of jewelry from your store, placing their order via their tablet. They are then given the option to have the item delivered straight to their door or to pick it up themselves from their nearest store or your warehouse. Once received, if they wish to return their purchase for whatever reason, they can then opt to send it back via mail or scheduled pick-up via your fleet of vehicles. The quality and convenience remain consistent throughout the transaction, and the customer’s shopping experience is enhanced as a result.
Ask for feedback
The most straightforward approach to keeping customers coming back for more is to ask them for their feedback regarding your products, your e-commerce website, and the payment/delivery process. In doing so, you will receive actionable insights to allow you to improve the consumer experience and your workflow, resulting in improved customer retention and an even more significant number of orders.
You now know everything necessary to maximize productivity within your e-commerce business. Now all that’s left to do is put this know-how into practice. Good luck!
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everexinfotech-blog · 5 years
Export documentation software
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1. What is the meaning of export?
Exports are sale of goods out of Indian custom barriers. This is not a secret, that in export-import business, people in India and in other developing countries can make the biggest profits. This is the most profitable business in India now and in the coming years.
There are many reasons for this. In short, India manufactures a wide range of products and because India is still a developing and low-cost country, then the costs to manufacture the products are very low. But the prices for those products in western developed countries are much higher.
India is becoming a new “China”. Indian Export grows fastly and India is replacing Chinese exports in many different product categories. Profit margins can be very high, sometimes 100%-300%
Currently most of the exporters of the Indian goods to the European countries. Europe is also the best market for India now. Read- where you should export.
1. What products you should export, to gain maximum profits from International markets.
2. To where you should exactly export your products?
3. How to find and reach to the buyers.
Exporting software products to foreign countries
The top 10 commodity exports in 2017 to Dubai were as follows:
1. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious items
2. Mineral fuels, mineral oils, and products of their distillations.
3. Electrical machinery and equipment
4. Ships, boats and floating structures
5. Articles of apparel and clothing.
6. Articles of apparel and clothing
7. Machinery, mechanical appliances, nuclear reactors
8. Cereals
9. Organic chemicals
10. Articles of iron or steel
Like you see on the chart, the biggest unmatched export potential is again for diamonds, pearls, precious metals,India steel exports, leather export from India, coffee export from India and also gold items. Additionally, telephone sets & other voice/image transmission apparatus are the product that faces strong demand increase and export opportunity for Indian exporters.
There is also a stable demand for food products. Importers from Dubai are regularly importing huge volumes of rice exporters in Mumbai, coconut exporters in India and vegetables from India. Also, seafood products like shrimp exports from India are in demand by Dubai’s importers. Seafood exporters in India have great potential because Seafood has “0” import tax applied, which raises its demand by Dubai's importers.
Other exporters include red chilli exporters in India, paper exporters in India, turmeric exporters in india, indian sandstone exporters, karur home textiles exporters list, marble exporters in india, onion exporters in Mumbai, top 10 rice exporters in india , non basmati rice exporters in india, basmati rice exporters in india, spices exporters in Mumbai, turmeric powder exporters, sesame seeds exporters cashew nuts exporters, red onion exporters, wooden handicrafts exporters, textile exporters in Mumbai, cotton yarn exporters, dry fruits exporters, honey exporters in india, granite exporters in india, spices exporters in india, jute bags exporters,fresh vegetables exporters,meat exporters in india, flower exporters in india, agro products exporters, stainless steel exporters, artificial jewellery exporters, chemical exporters, fabric exporters, denim jeans exporters, leather exporters in mumbai ,garment exporters in Mumbai, pharmaceutical exporters in india, shampoo exporters, food exporters in Mumbai, designer kurtis exporters, coriander seeds exporters, cumin seeds exporters, mushroom export from india, car export from india, chemical export from india, fruit export, furniture export from india
an opportunity exists also with handicraft items because now the construction speed in Dubai is growing rapidly, leading to the demand for interior decoration products.
Exporting software products to foreign countries
This business model is especially lucrative for people from India. In India, there are a lot of qualified software engineers. Because Average Indian software engineer still earns much lower, that he/she could earn in European countries or In the USA, then there exist good business opportunity.
Build a small team of IT engineers and start producing software products to foreign companies and export software products to foreign country companies. A lot of European companies need apps, websites and other software products and they agree to outsource it from foreign countries. India software exports are in demand across the globe. They include India’s biggest export and India main exports.
This classifies as a export service, in this case, you do not need any kind of export license. You are developing software and delivering that to your client online.
What Is export documentation?
The documentation required for export of goods is known as export documentation.For export sales there are export registration required.Companies are required to pay export tax in India at a specified export rate. Export subsidy rate is given to eligible exporters. There are various export intensive scheme by export promotion council registration.There is lot of export benefits in India.
Introduction to Export Documentation Software
• Sky Export as the name it self represents it is software designed to take care of all your export Documentation.
• The export document software covers all the bill of export operation,from start to end.
• The software for export documentation is well divided in to two parts ,one take cares of your preshipment activity and second will take care of your postshipment
• Various reports are designed for data mining.
Transactions( Preshipment Postshipment )
Master are used for entry automation
Once the entry is placed in master it will display the same entry at the time of the respective transaction.
For ex:-When you add marks entry in the marks master it will display the same entry at the invoice ,you can select different marks from the master hence it avoids the entry duplication and saves your precious time.
Order Acceptance : It is generated when an order from a foreign buyer is accepted.
Proforma Invoice: It can be used as sales contract or as invoice for items sent on approval basis.
Pre shipment Details
It is Pre – Documentary Hub which act as a Parents of all Export Documentation Invoice that creates in favor of Seller obligation
Invoice, a commercial document issued by Exporter to Importer, relating to a sale transaction and indicating the products, quantities, and agreed prices for products the seller had provided the Exporter.
Packing List
It shows the details of the goods contained in each parcel/shipment.
Custom Invoice
Mainly needed for countries like USA, Canada, etc. It is prepared on a special form being presented by the Customs authorities of the importing country. It facilitates entry of goods in the importing country at preferential tariff rate.
Certificate of Origin (7Chambers)
A certificate of origin (CO) is a document declaring in which country a commodity or good was manufactured. The certificate of origin contains information regarding the product, its destination, and the country of export service. Required by many treaty agreements for cross-border trade
Shipping Instructions
A shipping instruction (SI) or the shipping bill for export document, is provided by an Exporter to the customer, containing details of the cargo to be shipped and the requirements for its physical transportation.
E – Way Bill Bulk
Bulk e-way bill generation facility is a simple solution for generating multiple e-way bills/consolidated e-way bills as well as to update multiple e-way bills in a one-time process.
Post-shipment Document
Commercial Invoice
Document required by customs to determine true value of the imported goods, for assessment of duties and taxes.
Commercial Packing List
A packing list is used as part of a customs declaration to document the number of items within your shipment, along with their dimensions and weight, and the number of cartons that the goods are shipped in
Bank of Exchange
It is a document contemplated by or consisting of a contract, which promises the payment of money without condition, which may be paid either on demand or at a future date
Shipment Advice
Letter sent by an exporter to a foreign buyer informing that the shipment of the ordered goods is on its way. Its helps to track the goods as per details and importer can plan import clearance procedures accordingly
Letter to Bank
It is a commitment of the importer's bank to pay a specified amount in return for the documents stipulated in the letter of credit and presented by your company through Bank Millennium
Letter of Credit: This term is more secured for both the parties.This is term which majority of exporters and importers prefer.L/C is opened by the importer party and is forwarded to exporter.The bank of importer party after import export registration would give letter of credit stating that the payment for the goods will be made by the bank on receipt of goods.It means that the exporter party is secured for money and the importer is secured for goods.
Commercial Invoice:
Commercial invoice can be generated for Buyer and for the bank.User can change the details of commercial invoice as per buyer requirement.
Reports, Registers and Returns
Sky Export Plus" creates all the reports that you would require in your export business. The facility of generating various MIS Reports keeps you in control of the performance of your business or organization. Following reports can be created by Sky Export Plus
• Import Export Registration
• Currency wise Exports
• Consignee master printing
• User defined reports
• Incentive Registers
• LC Register
Advance License Status report
• Council returns
• Consignee wise Exports
• Country wise Exports
• Item wise Exports
• Pending Order details
• FOB Sales report
• Outstanding payment report Advantages of Sky Export Plus
• It offers excellent flexibility at different stages of documentation
• Systematic flow of data avoids duplication of work
• Faster generation of documents
• Validation avoids the chance of errors
• LC Expiry and last date of shipment alarming
• User friendly interface makes the understanding of the software easy for layman as well
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Application Integration Trends in 2019
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Enterprise Application Integration is the science of connecting software applications and hardware systems within a complex enterprise IT environment. It also entails seamless integration with external entities like customers and vendors, adopting a strategic collaborative approach. The integration enables free access and flow of information across devices in a secure and agile manner while overcoming the barriers without any data transfer.
Middleware technology and APIs are used for app integration at functional levels, regardless of app types and service provider domains. App integration enables the power of simplifying the complex on-premise and cloud server’s ecosystem, an integral part of technology deployment for an agile IT infrastructure to function consistently and in a unified manner across various business units.  
Let’s explore the latest Data Integration trends governing the enterprise apps this year.
Data-Centric Integration
Although all the data is not important, yet huge bulk of data is produced daily across various systems, applications and services. However, enterprises have woken up to the criticality of useful data and its gravity for their business in long term.
Businesses have started deploying latest data integration and data management solutions, such asdPaaS (Data Platform as a Service) to manage and secure their data from the boundaries of applications. Application integration solutions will be accommodating data integration solutions even furtherfor a streamlined and better centralized platform.
DevOps will be Highlight
DevOps stands for “development” and “operations”, the concept that stresses on the significance of communication and collaboration among product management, software development and operating team.
DevOps has already been ruling the roost and will continue to do so in 2019 too, since it enables enterprises to follow an agile and lean approach to deliver a successful finer final product to the users while meeting their expectations.
Cloud-based Solutions
Modern business enterprises employa variety of cloud-based applications and services in tandem with on-premise systems; although, the free flow of information across applications and services can be a daunting task.
Cloud-based Integrated Solutions are already in vogue among major organizations to integrate back-office systems while shift their SCM systems from on-premise to cloud servers.
These agile solutions will be embraced with open arms by many more businesses, given the cost-effective cloud elements, effectiveness of cloud API and flexibility and rapid connectivity while efficiently running numerous business-critical applications.
Adoption of Hybrid Integration
An amalgamation of on-premise systems and cloud integration of applications, hybrid integration employ secure technology like Transport Layer Security (TLS), to patch the gap between enterprise systems and SaaS/PaaS/iPaaS services.
Following the cloud integration trends, many more clients are embracing hybrid integration technology as it enables users to access both on-premise data and cloud application-based data in addition to incorporating new systems within the business enterprise. Such advanced and robust solutions are cost-effective and efficiently transfer data while giving a competitive edge and drive innovation.
Focus on Mobile and Real-Time Integration
Application integration is not mere connection of two or more applications to enable data flow, it must be result oriented and value-add to end-users. Modern users expect a seamless experience across various devices – be it for shopping, data storage or data access.
By mid-2019, integration solutions in e-commerce landscape will steer focus towards ensuring real-time data synchronization between systems across various POS (Point of Sale) – desktop PCs, laptops, handheld devices or store purchase for an enhanced shopping experience to buyers.
Focus on IoT, Mobile and Cloud
Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming ubiquitous. The cutthroat competition among enterprises in big data space where the sheer volume, variation and velocity of data are overwhelming. The world of IoTis flooded with new applications and devices against rising demand of real-time data analytics and insights.
Integration solutions will make moolah by incorporating IoT technology in a full-sizematured infrastructure to bring together all the connected and next-gen devices and applications within the existing IT system.
iPaaS, Latest Golden Standard
Enterprise operate in quite a complex environment, mainly with advent of cloud solutions and Pass/Saas. Integrating various platforms and applications is not an easy task for vendors. SaaS integration will not suffice to meet the requirements of increasingly complex IT infrastructure.
iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) is a cloud integration solution that can be deployed for a cohesive IT environment. iPaaS will witness an incredible demand among businesses due to its ability to deliver simplified point-to-point integrations along with developer tools to design and implement customized integrations.
Integration of Chatbots with Mobile
Chatbots, a common name in customer support, primarily in the e-commerce landscape, heavily depend on written or spoken messages to interpret what shoppers want and based on that communicate with them, the function that heavily relies on the robustness of the message platform.
Seeking assistance from integration middleware, chatbots can be integrated with company’s mobile applications and databases to draw the desired information spread all over the organization with just a click of a button. Such development will provide umpteen business opportunity in understanding the customer needs much better and grow the e-commerce on different devices.
BYOD Policy
With expanding businesses, rising workforce and struggle for office space and physical devices, many organizations encourage employees to use their own devices, bring your own device (BYOD) to perform multiple business functions in a securely fashion using business applications. Mostly the applications are connected with company cloud server, accessed via a security code. BYOD policy empowers employees from anywhere anytime in a cost-efficient and flexible manner thus encourage cloud adoption and increase efficiency. Therefore, businesses are pushing for BYOD-focused integration in the existing IT infrastructure. Focus on BYOD driven policies will be a priority.
Outsourcing Application Integration
With increasing IT complexities, often, in-house IT teams struggle due to lack of expertise and time to facilitate business workflow and data exchange between multiple applications and software packages. Data security becomes a key concern that CIOs cannot forsake their integration solutions nor experiment with it.
Enterprises are turning to third-party and IT partners to outsource app integration services. Outsourcing companies efficiently leverage evolving technology, integration maintenance and provide secure and scalable solutions while performing event exchange, routing and workflow implementation.
Companies must ensure they are effectively implementing app integration in order to bring about a successful digital transformation before their competitors do. Application integration offers best of service providers to cater to varying integration requirements. There is rapid adoption of cloud-based integration, in lieu with key elements like mobile, e-commerce, and real-time synchronization.
IoT-focused and data-centric integration have gained the center stage in the integration network to counter the big data challenges. Apart from that DevOps, iPaaS, chatbots and integration outsourcing will be the trends to watch out for into 2019, showcasing an intriguing phenomenon against the rapid evolution of application integration.
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novanaelites-blog · 6 years
Pure and Refined Edible Sunflower Cooking Oil/crude sunflower oil
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Product Description We offer both Crude and Refined sunflower oil in bulk. Crude sunflower oil is a vegetable oil that still needs to be refined, while refined oil is ready for consumption. For more information please see the product specifications below or fill in the contact form for any other questions or inquiries. To request a quote, please fill in the contact form. Product Specifications – Crude Sunflower Oil   CHEMICAL SPECIFICATIONS Parameters Grade Highest Sunflower oil process Mechanical (expeller) pressing Acid numer: 1,06 KOH/g    Moisture and volatile 0,08%    Free fatty acids 0,53%    Impurities 0.002    Unsaponifiables 1,2%    Color index 15 mg of Iodine    Iodine Value 125 -145    Saponification value 180    Refractive index at 40°C:  1.4770    Specific weight at 20°C: 0.9165 – 0.9180    Peroxide 5,5 micromole/kg    Phosphor number 0,40%    Flash Point C minimum 225 PACKAGING SPECIFICATIONS Origin Europe Packaging 1 L / 3 L / 5 L / 10 L / 25 L / 1000 L Storage Light protected and not above room temperature Shelf Life 15 months Product Specifications – Refined Sunflower  Oil   CHEMICAL SPECIFICATIONS Parameters Specific Gravity at 20°C Refractive Index at 20°C Iodine Value: 120-143 Unsaponification 2,5 Max Free Fatty Acid 0,1% Max Peroxide Value 1 meg/kg Max Colour 2 Red Max (on 5 Lovibond cell) Moisture 0,1% Max Appearance Clear and Bright Odour and Flavour Odourless and Bland PACKAGING SPECIFICATIONS Origin Europe Packaging 1 L / 3 L / 5 L / 10 L / 25 L / 1000 L Storage Light protected and not above room temperature Shelf Life 15 months Description Refined Sunflower Oil Sunflower Oil Processing Type : Refined Cultivation Type : Common Use : Cooking Oil Purity (%) : 100% Volume (L) : 1L,1.8L,3L,5L Certification : Haccp certificate, ISO certificate, FDA certificate...ECT. Grade : Grade A Condition : Refined Shelf life: : 24 Month Private label: : Allowed, OEM of labels & cartons Packing: : 1L, 1.8L,3L,5L/PET BOTTLE, 18L,20L/Jerry Cans, Bottle Shape: : As buyers' requirements Type: : Refined/Crude Payment Terms: LC or TTPrivate Label: Allowed, OEM of Labels & Cartons for buyers Physical properties 1. Appearance: No residue at 40 deg. C 2. Cold test: Min.48 hours at 0 deg. C 3. Color: Max.1.2 red, lovibond tintometer 5/20 inch 4. Refractive index:1.465-1.475 at 40 deg. C 5. Density:0.91-0.92 g/cm3 at 20 deg. C 6. Volatile matter: Max.0.07 % at 105 deg. C 7. Taste : Excellent 8. Odor : None - not sensed Chemical specifications 1. %free fatty acids (ffa): Max 0.1 2. % ash (*): Max.0.05 3. Saponification value:190.32 koh/g. Of oil 4. Iodine value:134.13 (wijs-hanus method) 5. Peroxide:0.2 meq/KG. Of oil 6. % soap:0.0005 7. % unsaponifiable matter: Max.0.12 8. Impurities: None 9. % saturated fat(-ty acids):8-12 10. % unsaturated fat(-ty acids):87-91 11. Feeding energy:900kcal 12. Iron : 13. Fatty acid composition : C14:0 :0.06 C16:0 :5.77 C18:0 :4.1 C18:1 :27.3 C18:2 :59.2 C20:0 :0.27 C18:3 :0.25 Packing: 1L,1.8L,3L,5L,10L/PET BOTTLE, 18L,20L,25L/JERRY CANS or as buyers' requirements Delivery Time: Prompt Crude sunflower oil specification The product has its smell and taste, free from rancidity or any strange taste or smell. The product is clear, free from foreign matter. The product is free from any foreign oil or animal fats. The product is fit for human consumption. Shelf life - 8 months Acidity mg KOH % gm oil max 1,6 Peroxide value mmol/kg oil max 7,5 Color value iodine, mg max 15 Moisture & Volatile % max 0,13 Phosphorus containing matter (P2O5) 0,1 Non-fatty Impurities, % max 0,0 Detailed Images
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aion-rsa · 4 years
What Does DC Comics Leaving Diamond Mean for the Future of the Industry?
Diamond Comics Distributors had what amounts to a monopoly on comic book distribution in North America for more than 20 years, so when DC Comics stood up two competitors after COVID shut down shops and warehouses around the country, it was enormous news. Now, DC announced that it is severing its relationship with Diamond entirely, distributing their books through those new companies, Lunar Distribution and UCS Distributors. What does this mean for regular comics readers? And what might this portend for the industry? Let’s take a look.
Diamond Comics Distributors has functionally been the only comic distribution service in North America since 1996. They publish Previews magazine, where the solicitations for new books are every month, and they’re the organization that all comics shops order their product from. They’ve been the subject of countless hours of kvetching from comic shop owners over the years, from complaints about orders being wrong to poor shipping practices and everything in between. But they’ve also been a source of great stability – even when they screw things up, they screw them up in predictable ways. 
Diamond is part of Geppi Family Enterprises, a holding company that also operates similar nerd-oriented businesses, like Diamond Select Toys, Diamond UK (handling European and UK distribution), Alliance Game Distributors, and others. 
Diamond had exclusive deals with all the major comics publishers for distribution. They worked as a middleman in the transaction – you would order your books from your shop, the shop would order them from Diamond, Diamond would put the bulk orders in with the publishers. The publishers would print them, send them to Diamond, who would package the books up and get them to shops, and the shops would drop the books in your pull box. You’d pay your shop, the shop would pay their Diamond invoice, and Diamond would get the money to publishers. 
That changed with the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic. When the pandemic hit, Diamond told publishers they wouldn’t accept new books at Diamond’s warehouse, and ceased payments to publishers. Two weeks after the halt in shipping, Diamond told publishers that they would only be sending 25% of their payments for six weeks, then spread the balance out over the next quarter. 
It’s not clear if this move was related to DC’s decision. In April, DC announced that they would be coming back before Diamond started shipping again, this time by putting comics out to shops through two new distributors, UCS and Lunar Distributing. Lunar, owned by online back issue shop DCBS, distributed to the western portion of the United States, and UCS, owned by New York City based megashop Midtown Comics, would handle the eastern half. 
Then DC announced it was pulling out of Previews. This was another sign that something big was changing – Previews is the monthly catalogue for comics publications and merchandise. Marvel and DC had pull outs within Previews, but many shops bundle them together and they all used the same order coding to select books. Changing that sent a strong signal that there were more changes to come, and that shoe finally dropped with the announcement that DC was terminating its relationship with Diamond.
OmG pRiNt CoMiCs ArE dEaD!!!1!1!!
Excellent use of the sarcasm font, disembodied rhetoric. 
No, print comics are not dead. To start with, it makes absolutely no sense for DC and two of the largest retailers of print comics in the country to start up new print comics distribution ventures with the express intent of turning around and shuttering 100% of their core business model. That’s just silly.
That said, it is a big change with very little time from announcement to implementation. And probably the most reasonable demand from business owners in any industry is predictability: change is mostly fine, provided there’s ample time to plan and implement, and every business owner I know values a regular, routine business interaction over periodic swings, even if the swings are really good. This upends 20 years of business practices in the middle of the steepest economic downturn the United States has ever seen. There are retailers that are angry with the change, like Dan Degnan of South Side Comics in Pittsburgh. “A shortsighted rushed move by DC,” he calls it. He’s most concerned with the “…lack of point of sale interfacing, no plan for international accounts, immediate burden on new [distributors] to field a massive volume of questions and concerns, and pulling August solicits after releasing are just a few of the ripple effects. Another source of freight costs will dig into retailer’s thin margins too. I’m ok with marketplace competition but DC needs to play the game within the constructs of the [direct market].”
Then there are the shops that are upset at how it went down but happy with the idea of it. “DC switching distributors is a pretty big move, don’t get me wrong, but shouldn’t really affect most stores or customers. We all use multiple distributors for all sorts of other lines of products, and this is just another order form to fill out,” says Ryan Higgins of Comics Conspiracy in Sunnyvale, California. “There’s obviously some concern that DC knows something we don’t and Diamond Comics might not be around much longer, but we’ll cross that bridge if and when it comes. I’ve had a great relationship with Diamond through the years and they’ve always worked with stores to keep them afloat and keep the industry going.”
The most concerning category are the shops that aren’t saying anything, because they closed unexpectedly in mid-March and won’t ever open back up. They, more than behind the scenes distributor wrangling, are the most potent worry for the comics industry. 
At the moment, if you are a United States resident, the only major systemic difference for you picking up your comics at the shop is that DC books are available on Tuesdays. 
The last time something like this happened was, oddly enough, the inciting event behind Diamond’s monopoly. Marvel bought HeroesWorld in the mid-90s, then one of the larger of several comics distributors, with the expectation that they’d be rolling in cash from all those sweet, sweet X-Men #1 reprints moving around. That…did not happen. The speculator market collapse pushed Marvel into bankruptcy, and retailers were already pretty pissed at how grossly incompetent HeroesWorld was at shipping books. Eventually, everyone ended up with Diamond, giving them a de facto monopoly. 
That may happen again, but it’s worth noting that while Midtown has an enormous footprint in New York City for physical comics sales, they also have a robust online operation, and DCBS is an entirely online comic shop. Both have a lot of experience with the logistics behind sending comics to disparate corners of the country. 
That may not be the case overseas – neither Lunar nor UCS ships abroad, and it’s my understanding that this severing of the deal with Diamond also includes Diamond UK, so comics distribution there may take a little longer. And the ordering process is likely going to be more onerous for shop staff now that they have to order from two separate systems. And while Diamond’s system is reportedly pretty shitty, even if the USC/Lunar systems are easier to navigate, shop owners will still have to use both.
But you should still be able to go to your shop on Wednesday (or Tuesday) and pick up your books, and this change won’t affect which books are going to your shop or how many books DC or Marvel is putting out. 
Despite what Diamond CEO and repeated thirst trap victim Steve Geppi would have you believe, it’s probably not great. 
According to Comicchron sales data, DC accounts for about 30% of total comic book market share. That all goes through Diamond. To have 30% of your business up and disappear is probably not helpful or conducive to the long-term health of your business. 
Furthermore, there’s reason to believe that everything at Diamond wasn’t peaches and cream before the pandemic. In a Facebook post quoted by The Beat, former DC President Diane Nelson strongly implied that Diamond as a business was teetering. “I can say purely as a private individual that Diamond has, for a long time, been unwilling or unable to modernize and support and grow the biz as needed for a healthy direct channel. And may not even be solvent,” she said. 
However, John Jackson Miller, the industry analyst at Comichron, has an interesting theory: Diamond could become a back issue clearinghouse. “…a nonreturnable comic book becomes a back issue the second it reaches a retailer’s store,” he says. “There’s nothing stopping Diamond from obtaining DC comics on the secondary market in bulk and making them available to other retailers.” Which would make Diamond remarkably similar to two other big names in the comics biz: DCBS and Midtown Comics. 
For more on changes to the comics marketplace, including a full listing of my ebay auctions for back issues (who wants some X-Cutioner’s Song! The bags are all open!), stick with Den of Geek!
The post What Does DC Comics Leaving Diamond Mean for the Future of the Industry? appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Comics – Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3hhmM37
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faizrashis1995 · 5 years
What is Big Data – Characteristics, Types, Benefits & Examples
Lately the term ‘Big Data’ has been under the limelight, but not many people know what is big data. Businesses, governmental institutions, HCPs (Health Care Providers), and financial as well as academic institutions, are all leveraging the power of Big Data to enhance business prospects along with improved customer experience. IBM maintains that businesses around the world generate nearly 2.5 quintillion bytes of data daily! Almost 90% of the global data has been produced in the last 2 years alone.
So we know for sure that Big Data has penetrated almost every industry today and is a dominant driving force behind the success of enterprises and organizations across the globe. But, at this point, it is important to know what is big data?
 What is Big Data? Gartner Definition
According to Gartner, the definition of Big Data –
 “Big data” is high-volume, velocity, and variety information assets that demand cost-effective, innovative forms of information processing for enhanced insight and decision making.”
 This definition clearly answers the “What is Big Data?” question – Big Data refers to complex and large data sets that have to be processed and analyzed to uncover valuable information that can benefit businesses and organizations.
 However, there are certain basic tenets of Big Data that will make it even simpler to answer what is Big Data:
 It refers to a massive amount of data that keeps on growing exponentially with time.
It is so voluminous that it cannot be processed or analyzed using conventional data processing techniques.
It includes data mining, data storage, data analysis, data sharing, and data visualization.
The term is an all-comprehensive one including data, data frameworks, along with the tools and techniques used to process and analyze the data.
Big Data Applications That Surround You
Types of Big Data
Now that we are on track with what is big data, let’s have a look at the forms of big data:
By structured data, we mean data that can be processed, stored, and retrieved in a fixed format. It refers to highly organized information that can be readily and seamlessly stored and accessed from a database by simple search engine algorithms. For instance, the employee table in a company database will be structured as the employee details, their job positions, their salaries, etc., will be present in an organized manner.
Unstructured data refers to the data that lacks any specific form or structure whatsoever. This makes it very difficult and time-consuming to process and analyze unstructured data. Email is an example of unstructured data.
Semi-structured data pertains to the data containing both the formats mentioned above, that is, structured and unstructured data. To be precise, it refers to the data that although has not been classified under a particular repository (database), yet contains vital information or tags that segregate individual elements within the data.
 Characteristics of Big Data
Back in 2001, Gartner analyst Doug Laney listed the 3 ‘V’s of Big Data – Variety, Velocity, and Volume.
These characteristics, isolatedly, are enough to know what is big data. Let’s look at them in depth:
 1) Variety
Variety of Big Data refers to structured, unstructured, and semistructured data that is gathered from multiple sources. While in the past, data could only be collected from spreadsheets and databases, today data comes in an array of forms such as emails, PDFs, photos, videos, audios, SM posts, and so much more.
 2) Velocity
Velocity essentially refers to the speed at which data is being created in real-time. In a broader prospect, it comprises the rate of change, linking of incoming data sets at varying speeds, and activity bursts.
 3) Volume
We already know that Big Data indicates huge ‘volumes’ of data that is being generated on a daily basis from various sources like social media platforms, business processes, machines, networks, human interactions, etc. Such a large amount of data are stored in data warehouses.
Big Data Roles and Salaries in the Finance Industry
Advantages of Big Data (Features)
One of the biggest advantages of Big Data is predictive analysis. Big Data analytics tools can predict outcomes accurately, thereby, allowing businesses and organizations to make better decisions, while simultaneously optimizing their operational efficiencies and reducing risks.
By harnessing data from social media platforms using Big Data analytics tools, businesses around the world are streamlining their digital marketing strategies to enhance the overall consumer experience. Big Data provides insights into the customer pain points and allows companies to improve upon their products and services.
Being accurate, Big Data combines relevant data from multiple sources to produce highly actionable insights. Almost 43% of companies lack the necessary tools to filter out irrelevant data, which eventually costs them millions of dollars to hash out useful data from the bulk. Big Data tools can help reduce this, saving you both time and money.
Big Data analytics could help companies generate more sales leads which would naturally mean a boost in revenue. Businesses are using Big Data analytics tools to understand how well their products/services are doing in the market and how the customers are responding to them. Thus, the can understand better where to invest their time and money.
With Big Data insights, you can always stay a step ahead of your competitors. You can screen the market to know what kind of promotions and offers your rivals are providing, and then you can come up with better offers for your customers. Also, Big Data insights allow you to learn customer behavior to understand the customer trends and provide a highly ‘personalized’ experience to them.
Who is using Big Data? 5 Applications
The people who’re using Big Data know better that, what is Big Data. Let’s look at some such industries:
 1) Healthcare
Big Data has already started to create a huge difference in the healthcare sector. With the help of predictive analytics, medical professionals and HCPs are now able to provide personalized healthcare services to individual patients. Apart from that, fitness wearables, telemedicine, remote monitoring – all powered by Big Data and AI – are helping change lives for the better.
 2) Academia
Big Data is also helping enhance education today. Education is no more limited to the physical bounds of the classroom – there are numerous online educational courses to learn from. Academic institutions are investing in digital courses powered by Big Data technologies to aid the all-round development of budding learners.
 3) Banking
The banking sector relies on Big Data for fraud detection. Big Data tools can efficiently detect fraudulent acts in real-time such as misuse of credit/debit cards, archival of inspection tracks, faulty alteration in customer stats, etc.
 4) Manufacturing
According to TCS Global Trend Study, the most significant benefit of Big Data in manufacturing is improving the supply strategies and product quality. In the manufacturing sector, Big data helps create a transparent infrastructure, thereby, predicting uncertainties and incompetencies that can affect the business adversely.
 5) IT
One of the largest users of Big Data, IT companies around the world are using Big Data to optimize their functioning, enhance employee productivity, and minimize risks in business operations. By combining Big Data technologies with ML and AI, the IT sector is continually powering innovation to find solutions even for the most complex of problems.[Source]-https://www.upgrad.com/blog/what-is-big-data-types-characteristics-benefits-and-examples/
 Asterix Solution’s  big data course is designed to help applications scale up from single servers to thousands of machines. With the rate at which memory cost decreased the processing speed of data never increased and hence loading the large set of data is still a big headache and here comes Hadoop as the solution for it.
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parent4hand-blog · 5 years
How much time does one waste signing documents?
That's where electronic signatures arrived at the rescue -- they permit you to sign documents in seconds.
Easily build your own professional email signature with his free Email Signature Generator here.
And companies are quickly realizing the huge benefits. The number of worldwide eSignature transactions jumped from 89 million in 2012 to 754 million in 2017. That's a large amount of contracts.
So, how could you get started? Here are the 100 best eSignature solutions you need to use. But let's clarify a couple of things, first.
What is undoubtedly an electronic signature?
An electronic signature is often a digital mark indicating agreement with a contract or document. For example, whenever you sign your reputation on a courier's mobile device -- that's an electric signature.
eSignature software makes it simplallows you to collect and store these types of signatures, usually by making it possible to put entry forms with your documents. They also add an additional level of security by ensuring signatures could be verified.
But think about digital signatures? Are the terms interchangeable?
A digital signature isn't the same as searching for signature. It's an encrypted "packet" of the document.
Digital signature software will provide a condensed version of an document -- known as the hash -- that is encrypted by using a key in a signatory certificate. This encrypted "hash" will be the signature. To validate the signature, the hash is decrypted with all the signatory's key and compared the first document.
Many with the solutions below offer features for both electronic and digital signatures, so that you don't have to pick relating to the two.
Are Electronic Signatures Legally Binding?
In anything, yes.
There a variety of cases during which judges have ruled in favor with the veracity of eSignatures. Whenever there's consent and intent, that is almost always the way it is, eSignatures are legally binding.
Trusted software providers add an additional volume of security by giving authentication and audit logs, among other functions.
11 Handy Online Signature Apps
1. PandaDoc
Mobile app: iOS | Android
Award-winning online software PandaDoc is renowned for its streamlined gui and ease-of-use. Its eSignature option would be offered as part of the larger document management tool that features drag-and-drop form integration, automated workflows, and full audit histories. A number of integrations can be found, including CRM, payment, and file storage apps.
If you are considering a comprehensive solution for your management of contracts and documents, by having a built-in eSignature feature, PandaDoc is worth considering.
Price: The professional plan costs $19.99/month per user. Business plans, that include automation, payment collection, and CRM integrations, start at $39.99/month per user. All options add a 14-day free trial version.
2. DocuSign
Mobile app: iOS | Android
With over 200,000 users, DocuSign is, hands-down, the most used eSignature solution out there. The software program is intuitive and easy-to-use and integrates which has a wide range of third-party tools. A suite of APIs even permits custom integrations with the current systems. If integration is a the forefront of one's mind, this would be the solution to select.
DocuSign also places a solid emphasis on security, both with the storage of information and the eSignature process and possesses many high-level security certifications in Europe as well as the US.
Price: The standard plan is $25/month per user. More advanced plans, including payment collection and bulk send, can start $40/month per user. All come which has a 30-day trial offer.
3. Adobe Sign
Mobile app: iOS | Android
Adobe was one on the first software companies to go in the e-signature space, and they are generally still a large player. The feature-rich platform will give you the power to control signing workflows from any location with any device.
Adobe Sign is notable for your breadth of integrations with third-party tools (Microsoft, Salesforce, Workday, and even more) and its increased exposure of global compliance. Adobe sign offers features for both electronic and digital signatures.
Price: The small strategic business plan is $24.99/month per user. Business and enterprise plans, with an increase of exhaustive features, start at $39.99/month per user. A 14-day trial offer is included.
4. HelloSign
Mobile app: iOS | Android
HelloSign brings an exclusive angle for the market by concentrating on customization, support services, along with the web's first entirely free eSignature plan. Their investor business plans are also one of several best-priced available on the market.
HelloSign's powerful API means that you can embed and fully brand signing options into the documents. The company can be compliant effortlessly major worldwide eSignature laws and provides an array of extensions.
Price: Free cover up to three documents on a monthly basis. Pro plan is $13/month and includes five senders. The strategic plan is $40/month and makes for up to five senders. Enterprise plans can be obtained. All plans come using a 30-day free trial offer.
5. eSignLive
Mobile app: iOS | Android
eSignLive positions itself because the eSignature software of choice for large enterprises that has a need for strong safety measures. The company comes with an enviable client list, such as BMW and IBM.
One intriguing selling point would be the option for businesses make use of the software on his or her premises or as part of any cloud-based service. Many integrations and APIs can be obtained, plus the software is both mobile and desktop compatible.
Despite its positioning for larger enterprises, eSignLive is without question for small business owners, as well as mobile apps are particularly easy-to-use.
Price: Only two plans can be found. The "Professional" plan is $20/month per user. The "Enterprise" plan creates an individual basis determined by volume.
6. SignNow
Mobile app: iOS | Android
SignNow has garnered numerous awards for the simple, mobile-friendly software. It's a reliable choice for small businesses because on the straightforward interface, the extent of the company's integrations (including a custom API), and it is focused number of features.
SignNow's main USP, however, is your money. At $5/month per user for unlimited document sending and templates, it's easily the best-priced option with this list. The more feature-rich "Business Premium" plan comes in at only $15/month per user.
SignNow's apps for Android and iOS are widely-used by over 40% of Fortune 1000 companies, for a simple reason. If you're intending to utilize eSignature software on your own phone, you simply won't find a better solution.
Price: The entry-level plan is $5/month per user. Full-feature plans also come in for $15/month per user. Enterprise plans can be purchased.
7. SignEasy
Mobile app: iOS | Android
SignEasy differentiates itself by giving a minimal gui intended to be easy to make use of (as possible guess on the name).
Their tools permit you to create documents from the inside the platform or integrate drag-and-drop functionality that has a variety of third-party tools. Other features accommodate self-signing, in-person, and remote signing.
Price: Standard plan with document signing (no in-person signing) is $10/month. Plus policy for small business is $15/month. Premium arrange for up to three users is $60/month, and $20/month for each and every additional user.
8. RightSignature
Mobile app: iOS | Android
RightSignature is Citrix's contribution to your eSignature space, plus the biggest benefit could be the speed through which documents is usually sent to clients. RightSignature's apps and desktop solutions enable users to upload, format, and send documents in a mere a few clicks. A suite of integrations plus an API can also be offered.
Price: The personal plan is $12/month for example user. The "most popular" business strategy plan is $60/month and allows approximately three people. Additional plans start at $90/month.
9. KeepSolid Sign
Mobile app: iOS | Android
KeepSolid makes a speciality of security. As such, its eSignature software has an increased exposure of secure storage of web data and the legal verifiability of signatures.
KeepSolid Sign has each of the features you would expect, including mobile-compatibility, drag-and-drop forms, along with a host of integrations. You can also take advantage with the workspaces.
Price: $39.99/month per 5-person team, $71.99/per/month per 10-person team. Enterprise plans and annual subscriptions can be obtained. All options possess a 14-day risk free.
10. Signable
Mobile app: iOS | Android
Next through to our list is Signable. It's the only software used on the pay-as-you-go basis (together with monthly options). The company caters mainly to your U.K. and European market, rendering it uniquely placed to help keep up-to-date with E.U. law. Signable boasts many high-profile European clients.
If you are looking for simple eSignature software with usage of U.K. support plus the flexibility of any pay-as-you-go model, Signable may be the one for you.
Price: Pay-as-you-go costs £1 per document. Small strategic business plan (for as much as 50 documents) costs £19/month. Corporate plan (for around 750 documents) costs £149/month.
11. GetAccept
Mobile app: iOS | Android
GetAccept permits you to integrate with CRM tools (like HubSpot) to produce record-keeping absolutely seamless if your sales reps are building and closing deals. The Starter version permits you to pay month-to-month, if you decide to upgrade on the Pro version, it permits you to send documents using your own email client.
Price: Starts at $35-40/user/month; custom quotes accessible for enterprise or API
Ditch Paper Signatures with the Faster Alternative
Many folks are reluctant to transition from physical signatures to electronic signatures. There's something inherently satisfying about squiggling that mark at the bottom of your page. But there's an essential point to create, at night time you and the team will save you.
There will also be many positive benefits for the customers. Making it simple for them to quickly sign contracts, coupled together with your ability to monitor activity and send reminders, usually directly impact your bottom-line with the better. Something as simple as providing the option to work with eSignature can bring about more customers, fewer mistakes, and even more secure agreements.
That's tough to argue against -- satisfying squiggle or otherwise.
To get more info, read our listing of sales apps that each and every rep needs on their own phone. Learn more about Electronic signature
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vibhutitech · 5 years
Hire Best Shopify Developers
E-Commerce has evolved as one of the major revenue-generation models in recent times. Online trials, price comparison and above all, zero physical efforts for purchasing the same product; e-commerce was an instant hit among the consumers and thus the owners. The inclusion of the model in the e-Commerce business has particularly helped to boost the services, further adding a sense of perfection to the entire workflow.
And, why not?
Manufacturers understand that while the best of their individual efforts towards a direct B2C relationship, can get them a handful of on and off customers; B2B as a medium can channelize a more outspread revenue stream. Major e-Commerce platforms prominently Shopify and Magento helped the business owners propelling their leads. They were quick to realize the potential and readiness of the merchants to be using e-Commerce as a  major tool for their B2B sales.
As per Statista, 84 percent of distributors and 79 percent of manufacturers favored e-commerce and are keen to invest more on e-commerce in 2019. Most of the B2B firms constrained their scope to offline models only.  Lack of coding knowledge being the prime reason for staying conventional. The prevailing tools were highly code-dependent. The time has changed now. With Artificially Intelligent tools taking the lead, E-Commerce platforms like Shopify make it easier for the users to set up stores with predefined blocks and customizable functions. How does Shopify ease the mammoth task? Shopify is the home for several apps that are specifically designed to fulfill the wholesale needs. The merchants can witness a simplified sales channel that offers a self-service, B2B e-Commerce experience. As a site owner, you can enlist B2B specific products, utilize your existing assets and customize prices only for your high volume buyers,  with a few clicks. The Shopify apps make your job that easy. With the Shopify apps, your B2B e-Commerce website empowers you to: → Quick purchase, track and reorder → Set Minimum and maximum price → Create custom-price lists and volume-based discounts → Streamline the inventory, orders and the customers automatically with the third party apps As per, Shopify has eventually grown into the largest e-commerce platform in the world in 3 years. Your online store needs to compliment your B2B business model. With that in mind, our Shopify development company accumulate the essential features your store deserves. 1. Smart Search & Instant Search [Highly optimized internal Searching] The internal search engine is unarguably the most engaging part in an e-Commerce website. It turns more discerning when you are responsible for managing a plethora of similar yet different products. We can relate that as many people rely on Google than Bing for their searches in regards to almost everything. Similarly, you need to acquire an efficient internal search Engine that can reduce the efforts of your buyer, thus having them retained for years. Shopify keeps updating itself with the trends. Smart Search &  Instant Search is one such example among Shopify B2B apps. You type a  “Sh”, and it indexes the Shirts, the Shoes and everything that needs to be there. The Shopify search app is trusted by e-Commerce behemoths like Durex,  Phillips, Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Mediamarkt, National Geographic, and  Sennheiser.
Features: → Quick Searching → Quick indexation → Smart recommendation- for and cross-sell → Offers flexible Customization through CSS and HTML → Reminds the Buyer of his recent searches, thus saving efforts and enhancing the customer experience. The best part about this Searchanise app is its integration with other handy apps. You can integrate the Currency Converters, Storefront apps, Wishlisting and the leading Product reviewers to the Search Index. Isn’t that something we are looking for- keeping the things more sorted and streamlined. 2. [for Drop-shipping businesses] The drop-shipping model is one of the most popular B2B models. While the rest of the models mandate the presence of a warehouse or shipping unit or maybe both; with Drop-shipping, you are entirely cutting the charges involved in shipping and managing a dock. In the Drop-shipping business, you will only need the right negotiation skills to deal with the manufacturer and the buyer. Play as an intermediate, focus on generating the right leads, and there you earn. However, Managing things in real life are easier said on paper than in real life. Not every product that you own has to be essentially sold.  The market trends keep changing with time. You need to find the right product, that can generate money during and after the sales season. The Shopify drop-shipping app categorizes the products that are particularly in high demand during the sales seasons.  It helps you judge the right product that can boost your earnings. With this B2B e-commerce Shopify App, you can find products manually, as well as by various filters. The custom data field can help you calculate your overall profit during the process. Features: → Easily Find Products to Sell → Connect with Suppliers across the world → Offers the variants → Customized searching → One-click Order Shipping → Product page customization → Automate pricing rules → Helps tracking order → Sales-tracking → Switch between suppliers offering different prices 3. Tradegecko E-commerce Platform [Analytics, Order Inventory and Customer Management] Tradegecko is mainly known for its immense potentiality to assist the e-Commerce business. The app unites multiple functionalities like Order Management, Inventory Management and Customer relationship under one roof. You can customize the rates for specific buyers and manage the contacts with them altogether. Features: → Manage products in the Inventory → Add and manage customer details → Keep track of your orders, shipments, and returns → Adjust, transfer and keep track of your Stocktakes The best part about E-commerce platform is- data analysis. Business is all about data; how about a tool that not only tracks your previous data but also predicts your future graphs? Along with the record of your sales, orders, and reports; the intelligently powered Analytics previse the future market demand and your readiness towards it. With a highly automated app helping you manage the products and the customers, you can even look forward to border e-Commerce. 4. Frequently bought together: [for Upsell, Cross-sell and bundling] There is a reason why every offline retail shop place chocolates near the counter. The customers won’t exit empty-handed, even if they fail to find the desired item. So does our next Shopify Application. Frequently Bought Together recommends products relevant to the searched item, if not exact; technically called “Cross-selling”. Meanwhile, it also encourages the buyer to order the desired items in larger quantities, in return for lower rates. We know it by the term   “Upselling”. The app also helps you with “bundling” that lets your buyer purchase the correct item plus, the cross products at cheaper rates. In every form, the app makes sure by the time the exit, they end up paying you happily. 5. Bold Custom Pricing: [Wholesale, categorization, Email Marketing] B2B Suppliers have perfected this art called Custom Pricing. An old buyer and a new buyer have one essential difference- market acquisition or exposure. Custom pricing plays a significant role here. You can set a lower price for your old buyers and thus offering a better profit margin and retention for ages. With Bold Custom Pricing, the buyers can log in and can avail themselves with the same products at far cheaper rates. Features: → Manage wholesale pricing → Create bulk discounts per individual product variant → Integrates with ERP’s and 3rd party applications → Create rules for tagging customers under various segments → Auto-tag customers based on the country and the products The best part about Bold Custom Pricing is Email Marketing. As per   Forbes, it is imperative to engage your customers through your services,  in the current times. With this Shopify B2B App, the buyers are regularly updated with schemes and offers, as per the tag they own. 6. Charge me later: [Order now, pay later for wholesaler] A Seller-Buyer relation is inevitable in a B2B eCommerce process. The trust and the payment go hand-in-hand. If you are new to the process,   prepare yourself for a position where your old buyer might lend your products for a post-sell payment. Charge me Later helps you at this. The Shopify Wholesale app takes the help of the secured “Draft order” system and lets your buyers order the products without payment. Under the Net30 or Net60 system, you can generate an invoice, weeks or months after the order date. The  transaction is done through Shopify. You can click the checkmark when  the payment is received. With the system, your buyers are eligible to allow themselves a discount  of up to 2%, if paid within the first ten days (Weekends inclusive).  Being offered a discount, you can expect a recurring business with the  other party. 7. AfterShip Returns Center : [For easy return] Top e-Commerce websites like Amazon and Flipkart are preferred over the  lesser known websites for several reasons. Easy return is one of them.  As per Invescpro, more than 30% of the ordered online are returned for  innumerable reasons. In fact, a majority of the customers prioritize the  return policies of the e-Commerce websites over the rest. The E-Commerce business models, especially the B2B is complex due to the  involvement of multiple levels in the process. An easier return-model with lower return charges can encourage your buyers for recurring   business from time to time. AfterShip Returns Center application in the Shopify App Store can help  you at this. The application offers fixed free returns per month.  Charges as low as $0.5 is applied on every return, once the maximum  quota is breached. Features: → Easy return and exchange → low return costs → Customizable branded returns center → Manage all returns and RMA requests → Track the returns → Set up eligibility rules to prevent your customers from returning any old order or product in some categories. → Automatically select a return method and set shipping rates based on the region and reason of returns 8. SEO Manager: [For good ranking] What is the purpose of having an online store if it is not showing up in  your search page? With the growing competition across the globe, it is  difficult to stay on the first page of the search. While this is   something that can’t be automated, there are specific tools that can   assist you in achieving better search ranks. SEO Manager is specifically designed to boost your store rankings. It  takes a quick look at the key ranking factors your site lacks and comes  up with the desired solutions. Features: → Keyword suggestions → Edit titles and description → Google result simulator → Google sitemap, Console and trends → SEO issues scan suggestions → Image ALT text issues scan → Index/No Index → Advanced meta settings → Google page speed integration → Google mobile-friendly test → Product “unavailable after” meta → Managing “out of stock” and 404 error → Sitemap management → Google knowledge graph support → JSON-LD Data Support → Local business structured data That covers every aspect of Search Engine Optimization that your B2B e-Commerce business deserves. Final words on the best B2B Shopify Apps Managing the functions manually might prove as a cheaper option. However, with customized automated apps you are offered a better coverage with lesser efforts. Above all, they save us a lot of quality time for better productivity. The cost involved can be easily covered by the accelerated outcome your site generates in a few days. The highly automated apps discussed above have solved the chief puzzles for our B2B e-Commerce clients. Vibhuti Technologies, we have helped our clients with the much-needed apps and the desired customization at every step.
Our understanding of the Buyers’ persona and the ways to nurture the right Shopify apps has helped them generate more leads. Hiring a Shopify Developer from Vibhuti Technologies has a major advantage; we offer the desired back-end support to keep all the apps in the right synchronization. We keep in mind the latest trends and the basic human psychology at every step that promotes conversion in the most natural way.
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madcoindealer · 5 years
Strategies in Aggregation and Decomposition for bulk purchases
In a previous post, I briefly mentioned that dealers engage in aggregation of other dealers inventory for sight-unseen trades. I would like to explore the sight-seen bulk trading business, and introduce a term called “aggregation and decomposition”. This is a common variation of wholesale purchasing activity by coin dealers and generic vendors alike where we aggregate bulk inventory, and decompose it in an algorithmically efficient manner, such that the resulting individual sales and bulk sales result in the most revenue and an adequate inventory turnover.
One key opportunity for bulk aggregation is classic albums of US coinage: Whitman, HE Harris, etc. folders. Typically, these albums were assembled by collectors in the 1960s-1990s, and then are being sold off after inactivity. These can range from only common dates, to more experienced collectors who assembled a nearly complete collection, or may have used more permanent archival type storage such as 2x2 cardboard holders, or Dansco or Whitman albums. One of the many sins of coin dealers is that they will lowball a price on these types of bulk purchases, because it would take a lot of time to evaluate the wholesale pricing of 30 to 100 coins. Dealers therefore use a heuristic and look for key and semi-key dates, and then extrapolate non-key dates as if they were the most common dates. This can result in the overall set being valued at melt value, and a huge gain for the dealer if the customer agrees to that price. This may work for small time pawn operations or unknowledgeable persons, but for persons within the industry, it leaves a sour taste as collectors feel that dealers are simply not interested in their coins by ways of a lazy evaluation strategy. A common date in a higher grade and thus commanding a price equal to a semi-key in a lower grade could easily be missed in a quick scan.
My strategy here has been to write software which quickly evaluates an entire set of coins and assigns a suggested set purchase price as a percentage of aggregated wholesale bid. Of key importance in the initial aggregation is to manage risk of any one particular coin in a bulk set, especially when that set may not be in the physical presence to closely examine the coin to view both sides, or view the coin at an alternative angle to examine for damage or improper cleaning. Thus, if a coin would result in an unnecessary risk, it is evaluated at a grade lower needed to bring the coin’s potential purchase price  of the set to an acceptable threshold (ex. one person’s risk level may be ‘this coin should only be a max. 30% of the set”). This results in each coin being assigned a apportioned purchase price at bid which over time should result in more common dates being assigned a value with less variation in profit, and semi-key and key dates resulting in a higher variability of profit and higher overall profit. On the decomposition front, this allows for assembly of sets and individual sales. Some basic statistical analysis can be used to determine the suitability of an assembled set from many decomposed sets. One key indicator for knowing whether to sell a coin as an individual component is the standard deviation of possessed specimens at this grade, and grade of this particular coin. Semi-key and key dates will not follow a normal distribution for grades; they are skewed to the left. (An interesting note is the 1909 VDB cent, which many were saved in higher grades, and thus does have a less skewed distribution) However, for these sets, one can expect that over a minimum test set of 30, you can approximate a normal distribution of each unique date/minmark’s grades. This can be a better indicator than the NGC population for calculation of rarity at lower grades, given that certification is unlikely for anything below $50.
A recent example: I was planning to aggregate a 1912 D wheat cent @ AU into a higher grade set. However, it was found that given the sufficiently large set of 1912 D cents, the standard deviation in grade was around 6, and the mean was around 20 (VF). This put the “extreme” variant at 38 (near XF), thus a AU would be deemed highly unusual for the coin. When examining the proposed set as a whole, this and 5 other coins examined this same pattern of extreme deviance, thus were marked for individual sale instead. From a psychological perspective, allowing for less deviance in a set as a whole also allows the new set to be sold at a less surprising price, given that no explanation would be needed for why there is an extra $100+ added on for a few deviantly graded coins.
Decomposition strategies are used by many big and small vendors on eBay when sets are offered that revolve around a theme, ie. “all years of Buffalo nickels” (mintmark not specified), or “all 1920-1929 wheat cents minus 3″. These allow newer collectors to start assembling a set while allowing a relatively stable profit over time from tightly packed variance in sets. For even a smaller volume of business, automated software is needed to calculate statistics as well as track profit per coin. If dealers do this manually, they either truly do not know their actual profit, or they spend a lot of precious time tracking a few literal cents.
This is the Mad Coin Dealer. Leave your ethics at home.
0 notes
cleancutpage · 6 years
Pricing Models and Negotiating Tips for Brokers & Vendors in Real Estate
Pricing is never easy.
Especially as a vendor approaching the real estate industry. Having done this a few times for various levels of the industry (and as a buyer from the broker side), either at Trulia, RealScout or now at LocalLogic, it’s always a fun conversation to dig into the complexity of pricing within the real estate space. I don’t know what interest is out there for this topic, but as a sales leader in the real estate industry for over 17 years, I wish someone told me this stuff long ago. So hopefully this will help both brokerage leaders and their vendors arrive to better conclusions on pricing.
Price models, as much as value propositions, can be the reason a brokerage doesn’t purchase necessary tech, or the reason a start-up fails. On both ends, there are things to weigh. Pricing in real estate tech has taken many flavors. My goal with this post is to help with many negotiations —and hopefully save people and their companies from wasting valuable time.
Here are several models for pricing in the real estate industry. For the most part I am positioning this towards enterprise sales; in some cases it may resonate for agents.
Pricing By Agent (license/user):
What is it: Pricing based on total agent count. Usually seen with software or SaaS businesses like a CRM, etc.
Pitfalls: The 80/20 rule is alive and well in real estate. This pricing model makes it very difficult for brokers with already thin margins to provide good tech to their team. For example, a broker with 100 agents, on average, only has 20 or maybe 30 agents that are truly profitable contributors that incentivize the broker to provide more tools. Yet these are the same agents who are “capped out” or on high splits. A broker may opt out of technology they need because this pricing model is unfriendly to their business model. Other things to consider are part-time agents, or agents on the “books” that don’t sell, like assistants. Makes for messy bookkeeping and difficult negotiations with the buyer.
Best Practices: In fact, pricing by agent may ONLY work if the broker has a “tech fee” model where all the agents pay in—or some pay in to tiers for group rates. This allows the broker to be a partner and add value to the agent relationship. For some companies, I have provided licenses to all users, while discounting the “working/active” agent count, OR have priced only on transacting agents and given newer/non-transacting agents software for free (at times with a limited service).
Pricing by Office:
What is it: Pricing based on office count.
Pitfalls: Difficult for sprawling companies. Also weird for the vendor if one office has 500 agents and the other has 20. Getting the price point right can be confusing.  What do you do when you get to virtual offices?
Best Practices: The only way this makes sense is a shared resource that may be physical in an office—say a 3D camera, and the software license that powers it. I have seen SaaS companies that aren’t pursuing massive revenue goals also price this way as a way to avoid agent count arguments. However, I would advise against this model because too many variables exist among physical offices.
Pricing by Listing:
What is it: Pricing based on listing count, usually for a time span.
Pitfalls: Okay, this is much easier for a broker to count the cost against (assign ROI). But do you count MLS listings or just company-owned? Do you count listings on the market for one day or do you snapshot the last 12 months and price accordingly?
Best Practices: The latter is likely the best call (annual listing count) and is the way many listing marketing services price today. This allows the broker to recoup costs since most listings will sell, but profit margins are tight. Increased costs here often get passed down to agents or recouped via some kind of fee. NOTE: A listing in NYC and a listing in Albany, NY have much different ROI implications. Pricing by listing should take into account median list prices for areas served.
The “Razor” Approach:
What is it: When a software or service is provided cheaply, or for free at an enterprise level, but upgrades or usability has a pay wall or limit.
Pitfalls: Broker gets the razor for free or a low flat “access fee” or bulk license fee which is stable, and the agents pay for the “blades.” In some cases the vendor and the broker split upsell fees. In that case, two parties want to extract value and are exerting pressure and agents can feel pressure from both sides to buy something. This can make for overwhelming sales pitches and meetings that agents don’t want to go to (which is already a problem). Brokers have not historically shown that they are a great sales channel (on their own).
Best Practices: In this model the vendor truly adds value to their clients’ bottom line from whatever value the tech is bringing and the revenue from shared success—difficult for the vendor to manage, but financially friendly to the client. The main risk for the broker is agent burnout. I have seen situations where there is great alignment from the broker and the agent, with a plan for communication and a well-thought out launch plan. For example; pre-marketing -> soft launch -> focus on success with key early adopters -> Launch -> marketing success internally and then continuing the cycle. Don’t forget webinars, handouts and live trainings. Like I said, more burden on the vendor, but if the product actually works, you can see great adoption and sales. This requires a true partnership between the vendor and broker to work. Great for SaaS models that require agent participation.
The Success/Referral Fee:
What is it: Free software, lead or service in exchange for a fee.
Pitfalls: Less common, but still around. It just lends itself to a lot of arguments and requires trust and accountability—and lawyers. In this model, services may be provided for free in exchange for a portion of the success fee. This is less common due to RESPA, etc. An example is a company sending a listing lead for a referral fee (paid if the company gets the listing or sells the home).
Best Practices:  This is not very common from a true vendor. And as mentioned above, this is rife with issues of legality. Better off to charge a flat lead fee and be fine with it. Some states may require a brokerage license to collect a referral fee.
Free (Freemium)
What is it: Completely free level of service. Possible upgrades at certain level(s) of use.
Pitfalls: Nothing is truly free. A favorite quote floating around Silicon Valley is, “If it’s free, the product is you”. Meaning, your data or interactions are providing value to the platformin exchange you are receiving some value. A great example of this is posting on a listing portal. Your listing being there is free, but they get to make money around your data. In exchange, you get the marketing ability associated with that brand. This creates distrust at times, and can embitter early adopters because, as value increases in the platform, the freemium bar moves farther and farther away. Any early user of Trulia/Zillow likely remembers a time when it was $99 for unlimited featured listings on the platform, or when it was totally free to be the listing agent on your own listings.
Best Practices:  Know what you are getting into. Vendors need to be transparent. Everyone is in business to make money, so establish early adopter benefits that last. Inevitably, contracts can be altered, but work with the vendor to establish “friendly fences.”
Flat Fee / Monthly Fee
What is it: Fixed price, usually based on cost/value pricing models. Cost based pricing means that the vendor assesses the cost of creating the tool or service, and adds a layer for profit. Value based pricing, takes less into account the cost of creating the tool or service, and more into the ROI or perceived value received by the buyer.
Pitfalls: Most vendors aren’t going to tell a broker their costs to create the service or tools or their profit margins. For SaaS there is a high cost up front in creating the tool and service, often recouped over a volume of subscriptions. I think these pricing models are hardest for a buyer to understand – especially cost based pricing models. At the end of the day, ROI or Value based can be the easiest to explain and most common. This is especially true If the product can directly be tied to a metric (leads, closings, recruitment, traffic, etc).
Best Practices: In this model you should take into account the avg. listing price point per customer, or market as a way to balance your pricing per market. It can annoy a client to know that the same service somewhere else is cheaper, but logical customers understand that the implications of their market typically impact price – i.e. $1M avg market vs. a $250K avg market, usually has pricing that scales similarly.
Negotiating deals – besides pricing, you also need to know where you can negotiate. Here are some recommendations for both sides.
Contract Terms:
Cancellation clause: As a vendor in this space for years, and as a broker tech buyer early in my career, there was one clause I loved to ask for—and provide. I called it the “Good Neighbor” clause. This clause allows both parties a mutual cancellation with 30 days notice. Sometimes I packaged this in the first 90 days, or even the first year. These kinds of terms establish trust on both sides. If a vendor fails and can’t cure in 30 days, you can leave. And for the vendor, if a broker doesn’t deliver on expectations, pay their bills, etc, you can part ways as well.
Delayed Payment: Some vendors don’t need to start billing day oneIt doesn’t hurt to ask for a month free vs. a discount. For example, sign a 15-month contract so you have 3 months to ramp up your agents. Note, you may lose your cancellation clause or need to establish principals to cancel within the first 90 days.
Bulk Payment: Some vendors value cash, especially early stage startups. Offer cash payments, in full for discounts. (watch cancellation clauses here)
Price Protection: Love your vendor? Negotiate a longer agreement with price protection. Lock in 2nd, 3rd, 5th, year pricing in advance—try to get upgrades in too.
In closing, I hope this helps everyone get to the best answer and help our industry transform into the future. I tried to be as inclusive as possible, but I may have left some strategies out by accident.  If you think of something I missed or have other thoughts, please leave feedback below—and share this if you found value in it.
Onward and Upward!
[Editor’s note: Originally published on LinkedIn]
The post Pricing Models and Negotiating Tips for Brokers & Vendors in Real Estate appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.
Pricing Models and Negotiating Tips for Brokers & Vendors in Real Estate published first on https://greatlivinghomespage.tumblr.com/
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yourchoicepage · 6 years
Pricing Models and Negotiating Tips for Brokers & Vendors in Real Estate
Pricing is never easy.
Especially as a vendor approaching the real estate industry. Having done this a few times for various levels of the industry (and as a buyer from the broker side), either at Trulia, RealScout or now at LocalLogic, it’s always a fun conversation to dig into the complexity of pricing within the real estate space. I don’t know what interest is out there for this topic, but as a sales leader in the real estate industry for over 17 years, I wish someone told me this stuff long ago. So hopefully this will help both brokerage leaders and their vendors arrive to better conclusions on pricing.
Price models, as much as value propositions, can be the reason a brokerage doesn’t purchase necessary tech, or the reason a start-up fails. On both ends, there are things to weigh. Pricing in real estate tech has taken many flavors. My goal with this post is to help with many negotiations —and hopefully save people and their companies from wasting valuable time.
Here are several models for pricing in the real estate industry. For the most part I am positioning this towards enterprise sales; in some cases it may resonate for agents.
Pricing By Agent (license/user):
What is it: Pricing based on total agent count. Usually seen with software or SaaS businesses like a CRM, etc.
Pitfalls: The 80/20 rule is alive and well in real estate. This pricing model makes it very difficult for brokers with already thin margins to provide good tech to their team. For example, a broker with 100 agents, on average, only has 20 or maybe 30 agents that are truly profitable contributors that incentivize the broker to provide more tools. Yet these are the same agents who are “capped out” or on high splits. A broker may opt out of technology they need because this pricing model is unfriendly to their business model. Other things to consider are part-time agents, or agents on the “books” that don’t sell, like assistants. Makes for messy bookkeeping and difficult negotiations with the buyer.
Best Practices: In fact, pricing by agent may ONLY work if the broker has a “tech fee” model where all the agents pay in—or some pay in to tiers for group rates. This allows the broker to be a partner and add value to the agent relationship. For some companies, I have provided licenses to all users, while discounting the “working/active” agent count, OR have priced only on transacting agents and given newer/non-transacting agents software for free (at times with a limited service).
Pricing by Office:
What is it: Pricing based on office count.
Pitfalls: Difficult for sprawling companies. Also weird for the vendor if one office has 500 agents and the other has 20. Getting the price point right can be confusing.  What do you do when you get to virtual offices?
Best Practices: The only way this makes sense is a shared resource that may be physical in an office—say a 3D camera, and the software license that powers it. I have seen SaaS companies that aren’t pursuing massive revenue goals also price this way as a way to avoid agent count arguments. However, I would advise against this model because too many variables exist among physical offices.
Pricing by Listing:
What is it: Pricing based on listing count, usually for a time span.
Pitfalls: Okay, this is much easier for a broker to count the cost against (assign ROI). But do you count MLS listings or just company-owned? Do you count listings on the market for one day or do you snapshot the last 12 months and price accordingly?
Best Practices: The latter is likely the best call (annual listing count) and is the way many listing marketing services price today. This allows the broker to recoup costs since most listings will sell, but profit margins are tight. Increased costs here often get passed down to agents or recouped via some kind of fee. NOTE: A listing in NYC and a listing in Albany, NY have much different ROI implications. Pricing by listing should take into account median list prices for areas served.
The “Razor” Approach:
What is it: When a software or service is provided cheaply, or for free at an enterprise level, but upgrades or usability has a pay wall or limit.
Pitfalls: Broker gets the razor for free or a low flat “access fee” or bulk license fee which is stable, and the agents pay for the “blades.” In some cases the vendor and the broker split upsell fees. In that case, two parties want to extract value and are exerting pressure and agents can feel pressure from both sides to buy something. This can make for overwhelming sales pitches and meetings that agents don’t want to go to (which is already a problem). Brokers have not historically shown that they are a great sales channel (on their own).
Best Practices: In this model the vendor truly adds value to their clients’ bottom line from whatever value the tech is bringing and the revenue from shared success—difficult for the vendor to manage, but financially friendly to the client. The main risk for the broker is agent burnout. I have seen situations where there is great alignment from the broker and the agent, with a plan for communication and a well-thought out launch plan. For example; pre-marketing -> soft launch -> focus on success with key early adopters -> Launch -> marketing success internally and then continuing the cycle. Don’t forget webinars, handouts and live trainings. Like I said, more burden on the vendor, but if the product actually works, you can see great adoption and sales. This requires a true partnership between the vendor and broker to work. Great for SaaS models that require agent participation.
The Success/Referral Fee:
What is it: Free software, lead or service in exchange for a fee.
Pitfalls: Less common, but still around. It just lends itself to a lot of arguments and requires trust and accountability—and lawyers. In this model, services may be provided for free in exchange for a portion of the success fee. This is less common due to RESPA, etc. An example is a company sending a listing lead for a referral fee (paid if the company gets the listing or sells the home).
Best Practices:  This is not very common from a true vendor. And as mentioned above, this is rife with issues of legality. Better off to charge a flat lead fee and be fine with it. Some states may require a brokerage license to collect a referral fee.
Free (Freemium)
What is it: Completely free level of service. Possible upgrades at certain level(s) of use.
Pitfalls: Nothing is truly free. A favorite quote floating around Silicon Valley is, “If it’s free, the product is you”. Meaning, your data or interactions are providing value to the platformin exchange you are receiving some value. A great example of this is posting on a listing portal. Your listing being there is free, but they get to make money around your data. In exchange, you get the marketing ability associated with that brand. This creates distrust at times, and can embitter early adopters because, as value increases in the platform, the freemium bar moves farther and farther away. Any early user of Trulia/Zillow likely remembers a time when it was $99 for unlimited featured listings on the platform, or when it was totally free to be the listing agent on your own listings.
Best Practices:  Know what you are getting into. Vendors need to be transparent. Everyone is in business to make money, so establish early adopter benefits that last. Inevitably, contracts can be altered, but work with the vendor to establish “friendly fences.”
Flat Fee / Monthly Fee
What is it: Fixed price, usually based on cost/value pricing models. Cost based pricing means that the vendor assesses the cost of creating the tool or service, and adds a layer for profit. Value based pricing, takes less into account the cost of creating the tool or service, and more into the ROI or perceived value received by the buyer.
Pitfalls: Most vendors aren’t going to tell a broker their costs to create the service or tools or their profit margins. For SaaS there is a high cost up front in creating the tool and service, often recouped over a volume of subscriptions. I think these pricing models are hardest for a buyer to understand – especially cost based pricing models. At the end of the day, ROI or Value based can be the easiest to explain and most common. This is especially true If the product can directly be tied to a metric (leads, closings, recruitment, traffic, etc).
Best Practices: In this model you should take into account the avg. listing price point per customer, or market as a way to balance your pricing per market. It can annoy a client to know that the same service somewhere else is cheaper, but logical customers understand that the implications of their market typically impact price – i.e. $1M avg market vs. a $250K avg market, usually has pricing that scales similarly.
Negotiating deals – besides pricing, you also need to know where you can negotiate. Here are some recommendations for both sides.
Contract Terms:
Cancellation clause: As a vendor in this space for years, and as a broker tech buyer early in my career, there was one clause I loved to ask for—and provide. I called it the “Good Neighbor” clause. This clause allows both parties a mutual cancellation with 30 days notice. Sometimes I packaged this in the first 90 days, or even the first year. These kinds of terms establish trust on both sides. If a vendor fails and can’t cure in 30 days, you can leave. And for the vendor, if a broker doesn’t deliver on expectations, pay their bills, etc, you can part ways as well.
Delayed Payment: Some vendors don’t need to start billing day oneIt doesn’t hurt to ask for a month free vs. a discount. For example, sign a 15-month contract so you have 3 months to ramp up your agents. Note, you may lose your cancellation clause or need to establish principals to cancel within the first 90 days.
Bulk Payment: Some vendors value cash, especially early stage startups. Offer cash payments, in full for discounts. (watch cancellation clauses here)
Price Protection: Love your vendor? Negotiate a longer agreement with price protection. Lock in 2nd, 3rd, 5th, year pricing in advance—try to get upgrades in too.
In closing, I hope this helps everyone get to the best answer and help our industry transform into the future. I tried to be as inclusive as possible, but I may have left some strategies out by accident.  If you think of something I missed or have other thoughts, please leave feedback below—and share this if you found value in it.
Onward and Upward!
[Editor’s note: Originally published on LinkedIn]
The post Pricing Models and Negotiating Tips for Brokers & Vendors in Real Estate appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.
Pricing Models and Negotiating Tips for Brokers & Vendors in Real Estate published first on https://medium.com/@YourChoice
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everexinfotech-blog · 5 years
Export documentation software
1. What is the meaning of export?
Exports are sale of goods out of Indian custom barriers. This is not a secret, that in export-import business, people in India and in other developing countries can make the biggest profits. This is the most profitable business in India now and in the coming years.
There are many reasons for this. In short, India manufactures a wide range of products and because India is still a developing and low-cost country, then the costs to manufacture the products are very low. But the prices for those products in western developed countries are much higher.
India is becoming a new “China”. Indian Export grows fastly and India is replacing Chinese exports in many different product categories. Profit margins can be very high, sometimes 100%-300%
Currently most of the exporters of the Indian goods to the European countries. Europe is also the best market for India now. Read- where you should export.
1. What products you should export, to gain maximum profits from International markets.
2. To where you should exactly export your products?
3. How to find and reach to the buyers.
Exporting software products to foreign countries
The top 10 commodity exports in 2017 to Dubai were as follows:
1. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious items
2. Mineral fuels, mineral oils, and products of their distillations.
3. Electrical machinery and equipment
4. Ships, boats and floating structures
5. Articles of apparel and clothing.
6. Articles of apparel and clothing
7. Machinery, mechanical appliances, nuclear reactors
8. Cereals
9. Organic chemicals
10. Articles of iron or steel
Like you see on the chart, the biggest unmatched export potential is again for diamonds, pearls, precious metals,India steel exports, leather export from India, coffee export from India and also gold items. Additionally, telephone sets & other voice/image transmission apparatus are the product that faces strong demand increase and export opportunity for Indian exporters.
There is also a stable demand for food products. Importers from Dubai are regularly importing huge volumes of rice exporters in Mumbai, coconut exporters in India and vegetables from India. Also, seafood products like shrimp exports from India are in demand by Dubai’s importers. Seafood exporters in India have great potential because Seafood has “0” import tax applied, which raises its demand by Dubai's importers.
Other exporters include red chilli exporters in India, paper exporters in India, turmeric exporters in india, indian sandstone exporters, karur home textiles exporters list, marble exporters in india, onion exporters in Mumbai, top 10 rice exporters in india , non basmati rice exporters in india, basmati rice exporters in india, spices exporters in Mumbai, turmeric powder exporters, sesame seeds exporters cashew nuts exporters, red onion exporters, wooden handicrafts exporters, textile exporters in Mumbai, cotton yarn exporters, dry fruits exporters, honey exporters in india, granite exporters in india, spices exporters in india, jute bags exporters,fresh vegetables exporters,meat exporters in india, flower exporters in india, agro products exporters, stainless steel exporters, artificial jewellery exporters, chemical exporters, fabric exporters, denim jeans exporters, leather exporters in mumbai ,garment exporters in Mumbai, pharmaceutical exporters in india, shampoo exporters, food exporters in Mumbai, designer kurtis exporters, coriander seeds exporters, cumin seeds exporters, mushroom export from india, car export from india, chemical export from india, fruit export, furniture export from india
an opportunity exists also with handicraft items because now the construction speed in Dubai is growing rapidly, leading to the demand for interior decoration products.
Exporting software products to foreign countries
This business model is especially lucrative for people from India. In India, there are a lot of qualified software engineers. Because Average Indian software engineer still earns much lower, that he/she could earn in European countries or In the USA, then there exist good business opportunity.
Build a small team of IT engineers and start producing software products to foreign companies and export software products to foreign country companies. A lot of European companies need apps, websites and other software products and they agree to outsource it from foreign countries. India software exports are in demand across the globe. They include India’s biggest export and India main exports.
This classifies as a export service, in this case, you do not need any kind of export license. You are developing software and delivering that to your client online.
What Is export documentation?
The documentation required for export of goods is known as export documentation.For export sales there are export registration required.Companies are required to pay export tax in India at a specified export rate. Export subsidy rate is given to eligible exporters. There are various export intensive scheme by export promotion council registration.There is lot of export benefits in India.
Introduction to Export Documentation Software
• Sky Export as the name it self represents it is software designed to take care of all your export Documentation.
• The export document software covers all the bill of export operation,from start to end.
• The software for export documentation is well divided in to two parts ,one take cares of your preshipment activity and second will take care of your postshipment
• Various reports are designed for data mining.
Transactions( Preshipment Postshipment )
Master are used for entry automation
Once the entry is placed in master it will display the same entry at the time of the respective transaction.
For ex:-When you add marks entry in the marks master it will display the same entry at the invoice ,you can select different marks from the master hence it avoids the entry duplication and saves your precious time.
Order Acceptance : It is generated when an order from a foreign buyer is accepted.
Proforma Invoice: It can be used as sales contract or as invoice for items sent on approval basis.
Pre shipment Details
It is Pre – Documentary Hub which act as a Parents of all Export Documentation Invoice that creates in favor of Seller obligation
Invoice, a commercial document issued by Exporter to Importer, relating to a sale transaction and indicating the products, quantities, and agreed prices for products the seller had provided the Exporter.
Packing List
It shows the details of the goods contained in each parcel/shipment.
Custom Invoice
Mainly needed for countries like USA, Canada, etc. It is prepared on a special form being presented by the Customs authorities of the importing country. It facilitates entry of goods in the importing country at preferential tariff rate.
Certificate of Origin (7Chambers)
A certificate of origin (CO) is a document declaring in which country a commodity or good was manufactured. The certificate of origin contains information regarding the product, its destination, and the country of export service. Required by many treaty agreements for cross-border trade
Shipping Instructions
A shipping instruction (SI) or the shipping bill for export document, is provided by an Exporter to the customer, containing details of the cargo to be shipped and the requirements for its physical transportation.
E – Way Bill Bulk
Bulk e-way bill generation facility is a simple solution for generating multiple e-way bills/consolidated e-way bills as well as to update multiple e-way bills in a one-time process.
Post-shipment Document
Commercial Invoice
Document required by customs to determine true value of the imported goods, for assessment of duties and taxes.
Commercial Packing List
A packing list is used as part of a customs declaration to document the number of items within your shipment, along with their dimensions and weight, and the number of cartons that the goods are shipped in
Bank of Exchange
It is a document contemplated by or consisting of a contract, which promises the payment of money without condition, which may be paid either on demand or at a future date
Shipment Advice
Letter sent by an exporter to a foreign buyer informing that the shipment of the ordered goods is on its way. Its helps to track the goods as per details and importer can plan import clearance procedures accordingly
Letter to Bank
It is a commitment of the importer's bank to pay a specified amount in return for the documents stipulated in the letter of credit and presented by your company through Bank Millennium
Letter of Credit: This term is more secured for both the parties.This is term which majority of exporters and importers prefer.L/C is opened by the importer party and is forwarded to exporter.The bank of importer party after import export registration would give letter of credit stating that the payment for the goods will be made by the bank on receipt of goods.It means that the exporter party is secured for money and the importer is secured for goods.
Commercial Invoice:
Commercial invoice can be generated for Buyer and for the bank.User can change the details of commercial invoice as per buyer requirement.
Reports, Registers and Returns
Sky Export Plus" creates all the reports that you would require in your export business. The facility of generating various MIS Reports keeps you in control of the performance of your business or organization. Following reports can be created by Sky Export Plus
• Import Export Registration
• Currency wise Exports
• Consignee master printing
• User defined reports
• Incentive Registers
• LC Register
Advance License Status report
• Council returns
• Consignee wise Exports
• Country wise Exports
• Item wise Exports
• Pending Order details
• FOB Sales report
• Outstanding payment report Advantages of Sky Export Plus
• It offers excellent flexibility at different stages of documentation
• Systematic flow of data avoids duplication of work
• Faster generation of documents
• Validation avoids the chance of errors
• LC Expiry and last date of shipment alarming
• User friendly interface makes the understanding of the software easy for layman as well
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