#both are side characters. both are mirialans. both their names start with V. both are pretty good-looking
Pauletta's OC Sexyperson Tournament - Round 1, Pair 11
Vortunon Blachol (side character from Silver Claw crew)
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Vylneer (side character, apprentice of Darth Nox)
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figgiforever · 1 year
OC alphabet soup:
Some special characters: Q, V, Z, Y, W, X
I checked my notebooks and with surprise (positive) I realised that I have characters for all these letters! All of them are part of Figgiverse. Let's meet them :)
Qeila "Killer" Sichan - [I have mixed feelings about her and she might change in the future but I'll tell you what I have so far about her] Human female. Long, straight, black hair braided in small braids. Many piercings and tattoos. Hourglass body type, thin waist, generously curved hips and chest; she knows how attractive her body is and uses it to her advantage. She's not interested in stable relationships. More importantly, she's also an independent, strong woman. She runs her own mechanical workshop and is so good that Tiggi often uses her services even though Qeila flirts with all of her subordinates (at that time Tiggi serves in Special Ops and leads a small team of clones). I don't know if I'll keep this part but I thought that she would marry Mereel. Just imagine these two flirting with each other shamelessly causing a headaches to everybody in Kyrimorut and then everyone's surprise when they decided to stabilize their lifes and get married. (Fi would have to collect Tiggi's jaw off the floor) They would have 6 extremly pretty, strong and confident daughters.
Viriam Padé - Half mirialan half human female. Her family didn't accept her human side so only her Mirialan side is tattooed (in her case the border between two types of skins divides her body almost perfectly into two sides - human on left and Mirialan on right) so she paints one half of her face to make it fit the other one. She always felt like an outcast until she met a young Jedi - half Togrutan half human - called Tigg and found a new home among Skirata clan. Tigg is a son of clone commando Dev from Yayax squad and Gok'kie, Tiggi's favourite older sister. He's named after Tiggi, obviously. They met accidentally (or by the will of the Force) during one of his missions. Many members of Skirata clan joked that there is a romance sparkling between these two but they stayed friends. Tigg was devoted to Jedi Order and he decided to not start his own family (at this point in Figgiverse Jedi are allowed to be in a relationships but most of them decided to stay unmarried, because it's hard to be a good partner, parent and Jedi at the same time; Tiggi admits that too).
Vuun "Iridia" Kirti - Jedi Knight, Zabrak female. She was given nickname "Iridia" because as a kid she was quite conceited and proud that she is from Iridonia and not Dathomira. As an adult she is composed, scrupulous, disciplined, obedient and a bit rough, especially towards men. There is a childhood trauma behind that. Not many know about this story but Tiggi does (she know many things but mostly keeps them for herself). Once during Clone Wars Iridia has been sent to 501. Legion for inspection, just a regular check-out of the state of the army (and Anakin's competence by the way). Only Dogma was happy about this. Until he realised he fell for this "colder than stones on Orto Plutonia" (as Lio stated) woman. He shouldn't feel attracted towards the Jedi officer and feels very conflicted about this. Fortunately or not Iridia leaves soon. I didn't decide yet how exactly but they will meet again, Dogma will save her during Order 66 and after the war they will get married. I already designed a son for them and I need him in the story in the future so it's sealed, they'll be together, that's their destiny :)
Zijka - light pink Twi'lek female. Tiggi's younger "sister" (another orphan from Coruscant Underworld; she didn't grew up with Tiggi but with the rest of her "siblings" who stayed there). As a kid she got badly hurt - both of her lekku got caught off. She's been outcasted for that and Dewrec took care of her, like he did with Tiggi and other orphans. Zijka was six at that point. It happend shortly after Tiggi left to join Jedi Order. During Clone Wars Zijka has a boyfriend that breaks up with every now and then but she always comes back to him because she's afraid nobody else will ever love her because of her scars. And because she is blindly in love with him. Her siblings try to persuade her out of this toxic relationship but she doesn't listen. It starts to irritate others because she never does her chores - she's either busy preparing for a date with her beloved or crying and depressed because he left her again. She also befriended Laseema at some point before the war so during Triple Zero events Tiggi already knew her through the sister. She also asked Laseema to help them and talk with Zijka. Eventually she manages to end with that toxic relationships. Close to the end of the war she even finds someone more worthy of her love who accepts her as she is... a clone trooper :)
Werda - Etain and Darman's second child, Force sensitive female. More similar to her mother but has black hair and brown eyes. Quiet, composed but deadly mandalorian warrior. As stated in book they planned a second child somewhere close to the end of the Clone Wars. In Figgiverse they decided to wait until they their new life in Kyrimorut gets more stabilized. Besides they already had many poeple to feed and weren't fully independent from outside sources of food. Also other couples wanted to start their own families too. Etain and Darman decided to not be selfish and wait. Which is why Werda was born in 13 BBY. She was always fond of Aku which she showed by throwing her toys at him. After he joined Empire and later came back home she greeted him by standing menacingly at the door in silence, he tried to explain but she rushed to him, kissed him on the lips then punched for leaving her without word. Later they got married and had a daughter named Kebii'tra. She gave him as many troubles as he gave Tiggi but she always obeyed Werda.
Worthy - a clone trooper Tiggi and her squad met during Clone Wars. His battalion got stuck in jungle and thought that their Jedi general left them there. Because of that they were hostile towards Tiggi (or any Jedi that would show up). [insert a scene similar to Order 66 here but with Tiggi]. Fortunately her team assured the suspicious lost soldiers that she is trustworthy. It took them long time to allow her in their camp. During their first shared meal she met Worthy, without a name at that time. She proposed him that name but he refused. He didn't feel worthy of it. Later he got sick but his brothers didn't allow Tiggi to heal him until last minute. She saved him with the Force but it was so exhausting she lost consciousness. Lio was mad at them for not allowing her to do it earlier when it would be easier. He also explained to the healed soldier why she sacrificed herself like this - because he was worth it. After that he took the name she gave him.
Heh, it got too long so I'll put the second part in the reblog.
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