Have you have a mutual just ghost? I’ve been a mutual with a Colonel Klink rp deal for five years... I know they’ve not been active but I was oblivious as to how long. It’s 5 days shy of 13 months. Like, Old Blood and Guts, you good?
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frau-wilhelm-klink · 2 years
Last Sentence Tag Game!
Write the latest line from your wip (or post where you last left off in your art) and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don’t reblog.
Thanks for the tag: @sunalwaysatyourback!
I’m writing a two-part, self-insert Hogan's Heroes novel 'cause I can. I have a strong need to give Hogan more headaches than Marya ever did, tell Hochstetter about himself (repeatedly) and flirt shamelessly with Klink.😏
“You will be safe, liebchen,” Wilhelm promised. Upon seeing Newkirk grab his woman, he had quickly strode over and taken her into his own arms instead. “I may disapprove of your colorful metaphors, but that does not mean I will allow Hogan to harm you in such a matter.”
Tagging: @badassbiburgerbob, @benevolenterrancy, @captains-and-corporals, @whatisthismandoinghere, @good-evening-mr-kaplan, @cardinalrose13, @roemerschanze, @wandering-wolf23, @pendragonoflibraries, @pazithigallifreya, @xxwingsfly, @original-character-chaos, @silverbackwolf14, @planningconquest, @acanofpeaches, @belphegor1982, @trekkiehood, @that115richtofengirl, @i-see-nothing, @cheyanne-chan, @codenamepapabear, @crazy-n-lazy-vivviii, @evilunderthesun, @cplredberet, @cpl-newkirk, @frau-werner, @khantoelessar, @perilsperil, @prisonerofstalag13, @bossasbatch, @feldwebel-schultz, @allied-hero, @inyourdreamsyouwillfind, @lanibb, @little-shit-soph, @sorrel-scribbles, @meanwhile-at-stalag-13, @mairesaoirse, @not-your-housekeeper98, @noahkalina, @oldshowbiz, @the-tea-and-book-nook, @rose3095, @saintwaffles, @snideoctopus, @the-permanent-blur, @usualgangofidiots, @unserhermanngoering & @visual-poetry
P.S. I found out after doing this that the maximum number of mentions in one post is 50.
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colpapabear · 4 years
[ ASK ] @bossasbatch
[  play  ] muses  play  a  board  game  /  card  game  together [  skill  ]  receiver  tries  to  assist  sender  in  learning  a  new  skill
“No, you can’t do that, bishop can only go diagonally.” 
Rob leaned back in his chair with a badly supressed sigh and threw a glance at his watch. Still hours to go that had to keep Klink distracted. This would end up being a long evening. When he had spotted the dusty chess set in Klink’s office and had asked if he played he hadn’t expected the answer to be ‘no, not in a long time’. 
To be fair there were probably worse ways to spend and evening than playing chess and drinking schnapps. Far worse.
“And you’re not protecting your queen.”
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therapardalis · 7 years
Post 8 Facts About Your Muse
Then Tag 8 People to Do the Same.
She’s not a picky eater (having lived through ages where it was eat anything or starve) but she draws the line at brains or genitals (the cooked kind, get your minds out of the gutter).
Despite being around when classical music was evolving, she’s never known a lot about it. She’s learned more from Loki since 2012 than she did at the time.
She knows what happened at Tunguska.
She has an altar to Gaia and a secret storeroom hidden behind a wall in her apartment.
She was one of the first people to test out the ‘new’ repeating rifles when they were being developed.
Was once thrown out of the Oracle at Delphi for asking embarrassing questions.
Was banned from formally learning ballet in the 18th Century and hasn’t tried since.
She was the ‘model’ for Katerina at the start of ‘Taming of the Shrew’ after she and Will Shakespeare had a falling out.
Tagged by: @bossasbatch
Tagging: Whoever would like to.
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Yo todo el tiempo…
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southernbellum-blog · 7 years
                              “Du bist mei’ Sonne,
                                             Mei’ nuere Sonne,
                                                          Du machst mi’ gluecklich, wenn Himmelgrau
                                            Bitte nicht--“
The light humming was cut short as Jon heard footsteps approaching, and he soon scrambled to his feet, hastily putting out the cigarette that had been lit earlier - it was just about finished anyway. Look busy. Look busy, Lanier.
Panick had set in and there wasn’t much he knew to do but just stare at the approacher, eyes wide. Hopefully it wouldn’t be someone who might gain some anger from hearing an American PoW singing a German - well, Austrian - lullaby to himself.
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bertievi · 7 years
Though he very much hated the idea of it, so many hours spent alone in the cell in the Tower meant that some part of him looked forward to seeing another human being when one felt the urge to grace him with their presence. Of course the visitors he had were nearly always on the wrong side of the war which was far less than favourable.
He heard the precursor echoes of a visitor coming up to his cell and leaned a little against the bars to see who it was that was approaching. Seeing it was a face he did not know, he waited where he was instead of turning his back, and did little more than raise a single brow expectantly as if the other might know that he was expecting an introduction. 
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pierre-renaldi · 7 years
@bossasbatch | x
Klink was one to rarely lose his head. He may be nervous or caring at times, even frustrated. But, only rarely does the German blow up about anything. But, when he does, he makes quite the scene.
“Was meinst du damit, du hättest es mir nicht früher erzählen wollen?” he demanded, nearly yelling into the phone. “Vor vier Monaten?? An diesem Punkt hättest du schon nach dem Krieg warten müssen, um es mir zu sagen!” Not wanting to hear his brother’s voice anymore, he slammed down his phone.
He didn’t know how to react. For a moment, he just stared at his desk. Then, as if something in him snapped, he was clearing his desk. He was throwing things, ripping papers, and smashing anything else. If anything backfired, Wilhelm couldn’t feel it. Physically, he was numb. Emotionally, he was shattered. It wasn’t until his desk was empty that he collapsed back into his chair, hid his face behind his arms on the desk, and melted into sobs that shook his whole body.
If he took a moment to look up, he might of saw Pierre in his office door.
Pierre had asked to see the Kommandant, he hadn’t just turned up and barged in. He had been rasied better than to do that, even to an enemy. Although he held Colonel Klink in low regard he knew when it was useful to show respect - like when he wanted information from the camp Kommandant. The secretary had told him to just knock and go in, it wasn’t his fault. 
So he now stood with wide eyes and certainl speechless at the sight of the German losing his temper and letting it out on everything within reach. “I...” he stammered, wanting to take a step back but somehow finding himsefl still frozen on the spot. “Colonel...?” This was none of his business, why was he sticking his nose into it? 
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Tagged by the wonderful @hadesrebelofadaughter
Tagging @bossasbatch @fear-my-giggles
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michelleloc17 · 7 years
Tumblr media
Frieza is a fabulous tyrant. ❤ HIS THEME SONG: https://youtu.be/CN6FMblQNcs @awesomepersonofme
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colpapabear · 4 years
Rob looked around the room with a blank expression on his face. In his hand he held a half empty glass of champagne . He didn’t really feel like champagne but he wasn’t sure he’d make it throught evening without the lulling effects of alcohol. As he looked around the room he wondered just how many of the people here actually felt like celebrating and how many were just doing it for show. 
All he knew was that he really didn’t feel like being jolly on the tenth anniversary of the day he’d lost everything. Taking a nother sip, he let his gaze wander around over men in Luftwaffe uniforms like his own and their pretty wifes and girlfriends who hung on their arms like accessories. 
He froze, however, when he spotted a familiar face, one he hadn’t seen in decade. Just as he thought of ducking away to hide in the crowd, their eyes met and Rob cringed inwardly as he prepared for a meeting he really wasn’t looking forward to. 
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quietresistance · 7 years
@bossasbatch like for a modern Katherine starter
Her confusion was plain to anyone, forehead furrowed and hands on hips.  “What on earth are you doing?”
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hipstersbleedroses · 7 years
bossasbatch replied to your post: tipsymaple: I may not be a perfect person but at...
//who yelled at you???I’ll fly over there on the wings of freedom and smack them with a Hillary penT^T
lmao people treat servive workers like shit did no one tell you?
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therapardalis · 7 years
//Muse Aesthetic, tagged this time by @bossasbatch;
Answered here.
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southernbellum-blog · 7 years
💕 (to return the favor XDDD)
“Herr Kommandant- Is standing so close necessary-“ Part of him said it was fine, he was just getting a closer look at the scars on his neck, another said flee before he got a better look at the shape of his chest. Neither one held true, as was made evident by warm lips suddenly pressed against his. Schnapps and potato- He could taste little else, and somehow found comfort in the warm touch. He placed both hands on Wilhelm’s chest to gently push him back, eyes wide with shock. “Herr- What-“
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bertievi · 7 years
With the German surrender, it was time to see the true horrors his and his allies troops had endured passed boarders originally beyond their reach. Arriving with a huge escort of armed guards, the King stepped out from the car and cast his eyes over the camp, seeing the wire fences, the various cabins, the dirt floor, the numerous tracks of perhaps a whole pack of dogs.
He straightened out his jacket, tightened his cufflinks and walked towards the cabin he had been told still held an officer. He didn’t knock, paid no heed to the formality of the situation and set his eyes right on the Kommandant the moment he entered. “ Wilhelm -Klink?”
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