hayatmasali · 5 years
Yillar ne çabuk geçmis
Aśkimiz çoktan bitmiś
Geriye ne sen kaldin
Ne Ben nede aśk
Šarkimiz radyoda
Son ses
Gözlerim nemli
Aglatirmiś hatiralar insani
Yaninda kimbilir Hangi güzel
Sevda śarkilari dinliyorsundur
Šimdi Sen Ben siz
Kader ayirdi bizi
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hayatmasali · 5 years
Güldürmedin beni
Piśmanim sevdigime seni
Zamansiz bir aśki ti bizimkisi
Geceler gündüzler sensiz geçmedi
içimde sevdan bitmedi
Aśkina adadim kalbimi
Gülmek haram olsun bana
Yeniden sevmek yok
Aśk defterimde Sen son Nokta
Gel bu gece
Bum bum bum bum
Kal bu gece
Sarilip sarilip öpüśelim
0 notes
hayatmasali · 5 years
Pp. 31
Already heating Zaros’s father, he knew he needed to do something to damage his credibility. Make everyone laugh at him, pity him. He was hating him since their father gave him the ruling of the whole planets. Alko the brother of Zaros, felt like no one. He was close to Zaros, so he knew most of the coding. He created a virus. A satanic gene, and infected the traveling new souls and change the system from test to live. Everyone was socked and blamed Zaros. This is what Alko planed. He thought they would ask Alox to step down from his power. But they didn’t. Alox convinced everyone that, they should allow this planet to continue, because it is beatuful and unique and he said, deep down somewhere they will find goodness despite the Alko’s code. But Alko knew, it would be a big challenge and he will win this game. His dark code, corrupted the pure white energy Alox has created. It will be test angels against devils. The fight between the dark energy and pure white energy. The planet was going on, Aika the planets name was. Years went by, no one knew who did this, but one day Alko tried to poison Alox but his wife was poisened instead.
In Zaros’s planet. Time was moving past. Mothers delivering minks babies. Hang them on their arms with the babies tails and carry them like a bag. If the baby good looking people relatives/friend gave them cold coins. If babies not good looking everyone ignored them. Zaros still couldn’t find the code but he knew he needed to find soon. As the purple world can’t cope for ever, as minks mothers pushing out minks children Every minute, just alone with nappies plastic could end the planet. Minks babies were shitting like there is no tommorrow. 30 Napies a day sometimes. Minks mothers loved their green shits. Some even tried it on or would mix into the guests food. No one fucking wanted a guest on their house, mostly they were f.in rapist or crazy dengerous mothers who wants to friend you so that you have to go their kiddies birthday and gave them a fucking gift to celebrate their f. Up life’s. Anyhow all the minks were the same, all the ugly, pycopath horrible people in the best position. Getting richer by each day. Ganging up on anything beautiful or indocent.
Zaros thought Almera was long gone and dead. Like everyone else. But he didnt know that it wasn’t her real sisters and angels brought her to him saying that it will be her destinity rule all the planets for eternity. When Zaros taken over the control room and pretty much burned alive the whole planet Almera with the chosen 7 and as much as people and animals they can save move to a secret planet. It was only revealed to her by her father. Zaros was not ever of such a planet, never even heard of it. In this planet, every morning multi colored birds will knock her window. Almera gave them Some food, all the other animals visited her daily. The threes leaves were like gold, shiny and beautiful. When rained it calmed her soul, when sun shined all the flowers bloosemed over night. She sang music to the birds, cooked nice food for the people they brought with them. But Almera was not sure, whether she should try to kill Zaros and give minks another chance or let them all burned when the planet ends. Since, forest managed to change some people’s hearts there were some people a bit nicer. They suffered immsenly under the hands of minks, as minks never can tolerate good or beatuful. She wasn’t sure whether a a risk, leave behind this planet and try to destroy Zaros for good and give another chance to the minks, especially to the forest minks or let them all burn and disepearcthe the thin air like Zaros did to her ancestor and even to her father. Almera couldn’t decide, she was contemplating but her brain and her heart was in dilemma. Her father tought her that always help someone in need. But looked like the only way to get rid of Zaros was to go and find him and touch him, that means that that would be the black and the white energy crush and both will be the end of Zaros and Almera. It would be change of climates, so that Almera would try to shifht the souls of good to the hidden planet. In the end Almera decided to shit the form of Zaros and destroy his plans, she Maged to go the old planet, sevurity was almost Zero since there was no threat to Zaros. When Almera said Zaros and touch to him, they both turned into a massive light ball. All planets shaken with the power. Until the end of the purple planet, Almera would search anyone with a good heart, so one will be left behind. Even if it is just one person. She will guide the forest and forest people. So that more minks can turn to the pure light energy and their souls can be saved when they are dead. The minks bodies will be shredded like a paper. Some even made family dinner out of it, the others gave to it to their animals. There were so many minks that the graveyards were expensive and full. Only rich could effort. So, minks decided to shred the bodies and consume. But minks generally didn’t taste well. It was chewy like a crocodile and salty like pigs. The minks who hasn’t changed, would be just shereded and eaten like other animals. Their souls, won’t raise. Unless Zaros can save and raise them up somehow. Almera didn’t believe so. When her to,e finished on the purple planet , she will raise again and rule all the planets and bring them to all its old glory. Zaros and minks will be defeated. But the war unti the planet end will continue viciously, al, the 12 kings be a coming richer, exploiting their workers, e-plotting sick and vulnerable for their gains. All the raipists, abusers, vicious and horrible minks would do anything to you to turn bad and join in their army. To worship Zaros. Minks will be minks until their death, when they are dead there won’t be Xaros to save them. There won’t be no one. They would be in someone’s stomach. Bu they always believed in Zaros and believed that he would theiepr savior. Minks life continued millions and millions years, Almera saved as much as souls she can save. Minks were at their worse states and in the end one day unexpectedly, the sky fell down, First the stars hit the ground like massive boms, the moon, the rocks, the birds what ever on the sky was coming down. Then the waters raised and mountains moved.....
0 notes
hayatmasali · 5 years
Aśkina doymadan
Ben senin olmadan
Çekip gittin buralardan
Aśk bitince bitermiś
Tüm güzellikler
Solarmiś kopartilmiś
Gitme deyip aglasaydim
Gidermiydin yine Sen
Firlatip atip sevgimi
Küsermiydin bana Sen
Aglatma gel hadi
Kaldi içinde bir parça aśk seninde
Küstünse bariśalim
Istersen seviśelim
Sabahlara kadar seninle
Aśksiz olmuyor
Sensiz olmuyor
12den vurdun kalbimi
Sensiz atamiyor
Hadi hadi çik gel
Kapimida çal gel
Sever aśk suprizleri
Çabuk çabuk koś gel
0 notes
hayatmasali · 5 years
Pp. 18
Life was almost the same everyday in the pp. Minks doing some work during the day, at nights fighting over money or lack of it, fathers waking the kids up at night and telling them how evil their mother is. Even if you die and you need 5$ she would not give it to you. She will let you die. And mothers would talk fathers back how evil he is and caught him sexing with another wonen on action. This and that. No one really loved each other really, in fact they hated and felt sick at home. Couldn’t even put anything into their mouths she cooked, she cooked little really and rare. If she touched their spoons their stomach churned with disgust. How they can love this evil creature showed no love to them, drove their fathers away and stingiest monster on earth. She would cry day and night she doesn’t have any money but had 10 properties. And minks fathers was evil as well, they were munipilate kids. No one really cared about minks kids that much. Boys were in a better situatuion of course, more freedom and power. But in the end they would send them to protect borders and receive their coffeens. They would cry a day throwing themselves to the floor and back and the next day is same again. They forgot about them quickly. Everyone in it this game for themselves. All the minks were almost the same. They taught they were so unique and special but they weren’t. All them them were selfish, money grabbing, lying, cheating horrible creatures. But they loved taking nice pictures and hanging around everywhere showing everyone how happy they looked. What other people thought of them was the most important thing in their lives. All these pills 12 kings brought changed some of their looks over the time. They didn’t all look like satanic monkeys anymore but even the good looking were very bad. Minks mothers ere the worst. Zaros gave them enourmous power even greater than man’s. To protect children against other minks man but generally women used that power to beat up or kill their own children or they attract the other wonen whom they saw as enemy, competition. Minks mothers felt that they are the god and can do anything. After all they were the creators of this life which mainly benefited man but never the less. Zaros also liked them as they provided him with new dna combination everyday. Zaros was happy, minks mothers were overjoyed and papas as well. Everyone was happy, they all loved it. No one was complaining. But in reality, life was rotten. It was only good to 12 kings and their children and grand children. They were given nice presents, going on nice holidays, going to very nice schools. The other minks were chucked in crowded schools where they can hardly breath from the farts of others and poor meterial they used to build their schools and their houses damaging their lungs. Old the mold and bacteria, they could hardly breath. On top of it jeoulusy, bullying, beating up from teachers, sexually harassing each other and more. But never the less they all loved it, most went to school at the age of 1. Minks mothers were given 1 year of breast feeding time as they believed that baby will be stronger. But most mothers would sit at home and not feed the babies until their husband beats them up, because they are tried of babies crying and mothers ignorance. Hardly any of them used breastbmilk anyway, they used 12 kings baby powders. 2 persent nutrion and 98 percent profit. A lot of the babies were sick, obese, hairy and ugly. Minks babies were all born demonic Light blue eyes but their skin and eye colored changed depending on the environment. To collect present they often made parties for the minks kids, mothers pressuring people to come and cooking the guest domething from the 12 king products. Most poisones and cheap. Everyone loved it. Especially the minks kids, all that suffering at home and at school. Some little break with sugar puffs and unnesesary plastic toys or some clothing for their minky shapeless bodies. Other minks thought they looked really cute with their wondering eyes. Trying to figure out this purple hell they have ....
0 notes
hayatmasali · 5 years
Gidenin ardindan aglama
Dur deyip yalvarma
Herkes Kayip gidiyor gökteki yildiz gibi
Gülümse śu Ana
Gök ten inen yagmurlar gibi
Dönüśümüz topraga
Aglama sus
Yorma kalbini
Yürüyoruz hepimiz bu yolda
Hayaller gerçek olsun diye
Düśe kalka yürüyoruz
Aglaga aglaya büyüyoruz
Yorgun argin yürüyoruz
Artik pek de gülmüyoruz
Kaç gün kaldi elveda ya
0 notes
hayatmasali · 5 years
Hiç bir śey istedigim gibi gitmiyor
Hayat nedense beni sevmiyor
Gönül yorulmuś acilardan
Artik hiç bir śey teselli etmiyor
Gitmek istiyorum bu śehirden
Kimseye birśey söylemeden
Yanlizlik korkutmuyor beni
Sensizlik ürkütmüyor beni
Artik anladim kalabalikta bile
Tek ve yanlissiz aslinda
Öyle aglayan gözlerle bakma ardimdan
Yalvaran sözlerle gitme deme
Çok geç biliyorsun
Dönmek için geri
Yüremek yeniden
Tükenen aśkin küllerinde
0 notes
hayatmasali · 5 years
Pp. 14...
Not believe or mess up the evidence.. even if they did then they have to justify and fight against in the court... for those reason no one really reported any crimes.. the policing system called Monks was a bit a joke really.. is some one killed after 15 murder or something they will finally catch up with them, in many cases indecent was locked up because rich paid off.. Monks was there to guard the 12 kings and guard their wealth really, So they had to play the good cop to hide behind the real real reason for their existence ... and of course if Zaros sensed a bit of good in someone else’s heath he will desingn them as girls and sent it with 10 man cousins, a toy for them. So, their life’s would be worse then hell, they would run away from homes or marry someone to escape.. but then the similiar story would continue because it was really hard to find someone good... only the forest people were a bit better, since they breathed the good people’s ashes and magical forest gave them some dreams at nights to change them to good. But they were hidden away I. Deep forest and it was hard to find them to join them. Since it look years to change their hearts by forest, who ever managed to came in a secret land they generally ere attacking others when they get a chance. For that reason forest people put strong rules, and people couldn’t get away as much as in the other lands. In the other land where minks lived, was bad especially for girls but sometimes even boys. If minks man managed to catch a little boy they would suffer like little girls. It was heart breaking. Everyone tried to forget and present that nothing happened. One big family, one big society. Forest people however reported them, they knew there could never be a justice gor a crime. But more, because they did not want these type of people damaging others. So that they stayed strong. Zaros was watching all these, working on the architecture of the new planets and it was getting there but his main problems were the minks dna. Before they were removed their DNA’s were altered, most looked like satanic monkeys ready to jump on you and attack. The others looked like giants with furry ears a FPS some small minks with hairy tongues. But then again when he looked at the forest people he noticed that as well as their hearts their bodies were changing as well. It reminded of him his beautiful sister Almera with her long blue hair and green eyes, in some days with her long pink hair with stars attached to it rosy lips. They could change their hair colours and eye colors depending on their moods. Only girls could do that. Zaros knew that he could not kill the forest people, just in case they might have the code he needs. Some of the planets were already built and the others were ready to complication. It wasn’t like the old planets but it was how he wanted. A blue planet, where everywhere covered with ice and water, minks living in ice houses, riding on white bears, praying to him. Worshiping him and telling how great and gracious he is. It was all along his dream. To rule to all. If anyone refused or questioned him they would be panished in burning flames, screaming and criying. Some others believed that he will forgive everything and they can live hapily for ever. Minks were mainly simple creatures. They were selfish as hell. Never considered others that much. You could never trust what they are saying. They would consistently talked about how great they are. Jealous about others possessions and looks. They were toxic and dengerous. You could never win the games against them. They would shout and scream, threat you like an idiot and tell you horrible things. Even mothers and fathers to their own kids, they would say your face looks like a dead person if you are a bit whiter then them. Or if you are a girl they call you bitches and make you clean their homes while they give you hardly any food and clothes. Whereas for boys they generally wake up early and prepare nice food for them to eat. Minks boys were mainly alholics, and sex offenders and liars and that’s.....
0 notes
hayatmasali · 5 years
Pp. 13
The richest kings represent the worse more corrupted nations. The richer the king and the ruler, the more corrupted nations. And each nation’s people were like twins. They thought they were very different to each other but they weren’t. Maybe small percentage was different, if they suffered a major depression or ilness. Or if they lived in another kingdom more 10 / 15 years. The rest was as bad as each other. Cutting each other throats, and youngest when they get a chance an taking pictures and posting them proudly. For any reason really, mainly for money of course, but it can be so called honour or jealousy. Even to little kids, they will put them into a tick bags and throw them into deep water well. No one could find them. Child would eventually die off in pain and agony. Parents did that to u wanted children and of course in particular to girls and if they were disabled. Or infact if they caused any inconvenience. I don’t know if anyone truly loved their kids, but they all said they did. But they were all a bit crazy, perhaps due to intense inbreeding. They could see the suffering of their kids in front of their eyes. Some living with 8 injections a day with a death sentence. They would just do 7 of them with the same destiny. Every time one dies, they will burry them and try for a new one. When they become pregnant they would all dance and cry in joy. They all loved it so much. Couldn’t get enough of it. There were some kind of motherhood greed was around for sure. Was it Zaros alone programmed this madness, who knows. But little Minks babies were popping up everywhere day and night. While coffins was carried to graveyard. They all saw it, they all knew it. But no one gave a shit that much. They Hoped that the next life will be better. It was like little pets, they thought minks babies look cute. And they wanted someone to look after them when they are old. When they shit on their pants, and can’t find the way back to the toilet. You need someone for sure if you don’t want be covered in your shit. You can really trust anyone either especially when you are that valnurable. They will kill you and take your money and would move in. Your own, hopefully take care of you a bit better but no guarantees really. This Yonki’s under the one star loved their celebrations as well. They caught secret animals from the forest months before the celebrations. Minks kids, fed them and fastened them up. So, they will become even more meaty and tasty. When the celebration comes, these massive animals were slaughtered in the streets in front of everyone. Including the kids who fed them over a month. A few Mink man jump up and down the animal and would bring them down and one would cut his throat. Blood running through the street. Then they will mark themself with the blood for good luck. Of course you would get plent idiots with not a sharp knife, or animal would escape with dangling head on the street. They loved it. Catching him and chopinh his head off and eating the meat with joy and talking about village gossip. The forest gave them mashroo ms and other alternatives but Minks didn’t find then tasty enough. They love the joy of cutting the throat of indecent. It made them feel like a hunter. A reall ruthless one. Everyone visited everyone during the day an in the evening women prepare a nice alcoholic table with fresh meat and man of the house would gather with their friends and realtives and women would go out to another part leaving the kids with all the man. A house with garden, and drunken man, it will be in the mercy of that man what would happened. No one really didn’t care. Even if something happened, from the shock and emberasment child would not say anything. Even if she did, she wouldn’t know the right words. Even if she did, no one would believe her. Even if they did, they would stil beat her up, tell that she/he is a liar and covered it up. And labeled her liar stupid kid and bully all their life’s. They would not risk their reputation or cause frictions with their relatives or friends. Even if they did, then police ...
0 notes
hayatmasali · 5 years
P.p. 12
And his people eyes all looked as black as the stars assigned to them. Black small dimonic eyes. It shined at night with red pupils. They will stick to you like a snot and would not leave you. They would follow you everywhere, try to grab you and hit you. Act dangerously vicious and crazy. Like a parrot they will copy you everything you do. They didn’t have any personality of theirs. They can lie for anything. Truly you want to puke onto their charecters. It wasn’t any5hing they wouldn’t do for money even marrying a man older than their own dads. They called it love and they would tell everyone, I love my husband so much. So much. As if anyone interested in their life. They were jealous, vicious liars. Like everyone really but o e of the worst kind. Really creepy and scary sonehowcand very strong for a little women. The man who are really old and ugly and cannot find anyone in their country would go and exchange them for an gold bracelet. Glad to get rid of little boy looking skinny vicious minks. The man who brought them wasn’t particularly nice either, they would only het them because their bodies looked like a little boys and some of them literally. The worst part and the sad part is that they really felt pretty. They were saying how beautiful and good looking they felt when carting their monsters babies in their belly. But in fact they didn’t looked good and mostly their husband always went to other boys and girls. Mainly boys, as it was easier to get a boy then girl. Meeting up in parks at night. Doing all sought of things in the dark. If nothing available sometimes even with animals. There wasn’t a single good soul. They would f*ck and cut the heads of animals similar to the dogs, cats and sometimes donkeys and take them to their gives to cook. Their wife’s would be so happy. They loved the taste of meat, like real beasts. This type of animal called Hochocks and the meat tasted chewy and salty. Beasts loved it. The old ones generals,y chocked on it, some also had heart attacks. The kings wouldn’t want anyone to die, so they can keep selling them medicine. So, the A team went and try to save them. Even 130 years old man. Jumping up and down on his chest. Trying to bring them to life. They didn’t let Anthony to die, even the ones who suffered terrible pain. They screamed day and night as the pain medicines was not enough. They were terminal and could move but still kings kept them alive as much they can. They broke a natural process, by keeping everyone alive and when they breath, they also breeded. They just didn’t care that much about the suffering in fact the most sin was to kill someone. Devils who killed you inside everyday, were well respected in the community. Minks world everyone was dark inside even the supposedly nice ones. The other site of the planet where Zaros put one black star the king called Yonki. It was hot as hell. There was no drinking water. People would walk and bring muddy waters from miles away. And wait until the mud goes down. Often worms would swim inside and when you shots they would come up o. Your back site. Long thin worms. Especially Minks kids had it but they didn’t have any other choice. Drink or die. There wasn’t much food either. They were in the schools most of the time. Stuck on a chair, listening to teachers smelly breath. After, if the go out to get some air. Neigbours big dogs would bite up from their legs and after their parents would beat them up for causing them problems and for being stupid. Life was only started for sone minks and it was already hell. Deep endless hell. The only escape was to kill yourself but at a young age they told you told Zaros for it that and in the next earth you would suffer more. So, people were scarred to even kill themselves. They just prayed to Zaros to take their life. Life was unbearable. Zaros above looked down and laughed. He just them them suffer. The only winners on this planet was the 12 kings Zaros choosed. They were the richest and had improved dna before sent to the p.p
They were getting rich and their generations already ahead of everyone else’s.
They had different type of schools where the kids were attending. Where teachers dindt looked and act like dengerous monkeys jumping up and down on top of the tables. Hitting pieni kids. It was all different.
0 notes
hayatmasali · 5 years
Part 11. Pp.
.. broke their legs and put in a bag and throw them and walk away with a smile on their face. The cruelty was unreal and so common. People were also poor, no one was going to spent all that money to fixing an animal. A cute furry Mordes they were like cat ant dog type animal with long rabbit ears. They would instead listen to their screams under the purple moon. As the night gets darker evilness will continue, some minks parents would try to get into their kids panties, some would beat them up, some will leave them hungury and some will cage them. Because they found them unbearable money grabbers. An annoying prats. A dna failure. Zaros’s curse on them perhaps. In their eyes it was children’s fault. A useless piss of sh*ts. Ehy they cannot be as perfect or as good behaved like some other kids. Zaros watched above. He didn’t care that much about the pain or suffering of the minks, breathing alone was a gift. Parents felt the same, we gave you life you little sh*t, you owe us. I carried you in my stomach 13 months. Never forget that. Children were mostly obedient, but they still found any excuse to beat them up. For anything little, even for a paper or something. They had no shame, no guilt. They felt superior and powerful and felt that can do anything. A child or animal surely can’t defend themselves to these monsters minks. Some lost their mind with these beating ups and mores. Then they tighed them up with a rope on their legs. So that they can run away. Like a tight dog on a garden. They would scream and laugh and sometimes cry laudly. If they make so much noise they would be beaten up. So somehow they would learn to stay quite. Mostly Hungary and wet. All Zaros cared about was his dna production. A perfect gene and these minks were not producing a perfect dna. Most of them was sick and disfigured to the inbreading. So were mentally not quite there. No of the bodies were ok for Zaros to transform. The best DNA’s were only 60 close so far. And he will take their life before the age of sixteen. Sometimes as young as 3 years old. Then he will anayse and improve the new coming generation. New babies codes. But it was taking longer than he expected and he wasn’t happy about this. When he got angry he sent Maddie waves to drawn them all. Sent the big earthquake so that ground will shallow them up. When this happens Zaros was very angry with them a g generasly they blamed the women for not producing good offsprings. They beat them up. Man could Mary multiple wife’s and leave them all pregnant while still cheating outside house as well. Women were vicious to each other as well. There were plenty of women but not very fit man if any. They knew that all the good looking women will take the man. Their husband would rush to young good looking girls. So they have targeted them and labeled them as bad women. In fact they were just a competition and their man and sons wouldn’t leave the good looking girls alone. So, many killed themselves or run away from their homes. Even their mom wouldn’t trust them with their fathers and brothers. So, leave turn to house to a hell for them. Drive them crazy, drive them insane. There is nothing more dengorous and vicious then an ugly women. They will beat you, they will bite you, they will poison you just because you look better and perhaps that is the biggest sin. Because almost all minks man will try to get into your pants. This drives the other women crazy and insane. It will be no hope for them to go to heaven if they cannot produce babies for Zaros and there is no way they can do that if in a village or a town a good looking girl existed. It was already scares of man they would even marry a rally old ones like twice their ages and go and grab other women and man out of frustration and jealously. Small women who targeted the old man moved from all the from the far north. They live under the king Darman and in their land on the sky there were 3 black stars. When Zaros asigned him to land he assigned him with this black stars. Darman was one of the darkest and richest king on the planet.
0 notes
hayatmasali · 5 years
Bende sevdan hep vardi hep olacak
Bende aśkin hep sakli kalacak
Zannetme ayrilik siler herśeyi
Öyle kolay degil seni unutmak
Her baktigim yerde
Her baktigim gözde
Her söylenen sözde bir parça sen
Unutmak mümkünmü severken
Gel yagmurum ol islat beni
Güneśim ol isit beni
Öyle yanlizim ki sensiz
Bilsen ne çok özledim seni
Geceleri rüyalarimdasin
Uyanmak istemem düślerimden
Tut elimi birakma kalalim rüyalarda
Hayallerde bir serüven
Düśkerde buluśaldim
Gel hadi seviśelim
Hayaller bizim, masallar bizim
Gel hadi artik kavuśalim
Dönmezsin biliyorum geri
Benimki sadece teselli
Hiç olmassa gel rüyarima
Yine çok özledim seni
Sevdan beni
Hayalperest yapti sevdan bana
Düślerde aśk yaśatti
Sevdan bana neler neler yapti
Gelsen anlatirdi Kalbim
0 notes
hayatmasali · 5 years
Part 10. P.p
Minks were different personalities as well. Mostly they were pure evils and always talked about money and always talked about how great mother or father they are compared to others. But in the end mostly were really shit. They looked ugly but they told others how ugly they looked. They were selfish, if they can steal your money they would, if they can make you sad with saying something bad, they would. Some even sold their daughters to man in the name of marriage. The man were nearly over 100 years old and the girls were generally young. Freaks her meat for the beasts stomach. They were deeply unhappy inside and felt satisfaction seeing other minks to suffer. So they were not alone. They were raising kids for the system as well, to please the 12 kings and their kingdoms. They built schools and put the most psychopaths as their teachers. Who would always compare and make them race with each other. O looked she can do it, why can’t you not do it. Oh she is really clever but you are not. She is really talented but you are not. If you don’t want be here just leave the school there are millions would die for this opportunity you prick. You stupid numb head. Some of the abuse children went through from the young age. They couldn’t realy leave the school, because the 12 kings and system wanted the dtrongest, cruluest and the most durable slaves. When the kids were as bad as their teachers, they did generally well at the school. Some continually bought presents to teachers, some even gave money to get good scores. The ones who were a bit quite and the parents didn’t gave a slightest shit they struggled the most. Constantly bullied by their teachers and school mates. Most killed themselves. No one didn’t care. They just continuing gossiping even after their deaths. No one didn’t feel responsible, not their families, not schools, not teachers or classmates. It was how it was, strongest, most evil generally won. Minks who had slightly change of hearts due to magical dust from the forest with more awareness and a bit of conscious were in the worst state. Mink’ constant talk, their evil eyes, the food they have created, constant gossiping were making them sad and sick. They were chaing monkeys and cats to make them looked more beautiful. Them later cutting them and eating as one of their celebration dinner. You could see the happiness in their eyes. When the poor monkeys trying to escape for their lives. It was because they were ugly and put 10 layers of make up to look a bit more beautiful. That’s why they chained all those monkeys injecting them day and night to look a bit better so that one one will have sex with her and can deliver babies for Zaros. They didn’t felt that they have to look after them well. They just needed to bring them to pp. if satisfies Zaros with a good promising dna he will give them a blessed life. If not, he possibly will die or end up in a prison. No one didn’t care. The only one minks cared was with money and power. If they saw someone living in a good house they wii all harass her or with beauty they will all try to f*ck her. That’s why there were so many women died. Since Zaros created them a bit weaker especially around the child birth an unwanted sex. He then sent some of his male souls into the p.p. They were worst of evil. They did not have any emotions, their souls were darker than any black. Zaros gave if a child have any good heart to these type of families. A mother with no emotion, only cares for herself and she enjoys hurting her own kids anyway possible. Zaros also would make sure father was not much different either. So, the children either would learn and turn exactly like their parents or if they cannot change their hearts they would suffer in the eyes and hands of evil behind the closed doors. Almost everyone was a pure monster. Kids and adults putting animals and other creatures inside bags and throwing them to garbage bins. You could hear their painful screams at night sometimes. Really deep, with all broken legs put into a bag and thrown away. They just broke their legs...
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hayatmasali · 5 years
aśk içimi yakiyorsun
Beni benden aliyorsun
Hiç mi Acimiyorsun
Korkuyorum Senden aśk
Tehlikelisin zehir gibi
Öldürmessen rahat etmez için
Ya aśkimi ya beni
Kim sevmiśte kavuśmuś
Layla Kerem
Hep izdirap
Aśk varmiśda ne olmuś
Yanmiś bitmiś kül olmuś
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hayatmasali · 5 years
Hayat bu çok aglayip üzülme
Çok kendine dert etme
Geçsin günler neśeyle
Sen gidince küstüm herkese herśeye
Kendime bile
Agladim agladim
Kimse görmedi gözyaślarimi
Anladim o zaman
Bośuna dert keder
Oysa Sen bir damla gözyaśi bile
dökmedin Benim için
Bir damla piśmanlik duymadin gidiśin için
Öylesine yalan bir aśk
Öylesine sahte bir aśk
Seninle benimkisi
Seven kaybeder
Sevilen gülsün
Anladim dönsende çok geç artik
Zaman uçup gitmiś
Aśkin içimde bitmiś
Agladim agladim
Geceler boyu
Görmedi hiç kimse
Yalvardim tanri ya
Dönmedin yinede
Hayat bu degmezmiś
Sevgiye, derde
Kendine dert etme
Gül eglen
Geçsin günler neśeyle
0 notes
hayatmasali · 5 years
Herśey istedigin gibi olsaydi
Hayat sana hep gülseydi
Aśk yaninda kalsaydi
Herśey çok güzel olacak ti
Hayat seni can evindenvurmassa
Hayat seni itip kakmassa
Hayat böyle acimasiz olmassa
Herśey çok güzel olacak ti
Herśey çok güzel olacak
Herśey çok güzel olacak
Herśey çok güzel olacak
Dediler Ama yalanmiś
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