uzumakikiller · 1 year
Sadara arc done last ep.23
Ep.23Sasuke Naruto sadara chichi are all flying in sasuke susanno to find sakura.Sadara slips past the first group of shin uchiha’s to quickly get ahead leaving Naruto and chocho behind to deal with them to find sakura first.Sakura battling the first Shin uchiha.Sasuke and sadara find sakura and she injured by Shin chakra blades. Sasuke helps by pulling them out burning them with Amaterasu.Shin uchiha stabs sasuke by stabbing through he’s son.Sasuke whichs places witch sakura using he’s rinnagan.
Naruto fights the others trying to not hurt the children.All the other shin betray the father and kills him off and finds out they made more clones of themselves and now fighting all of Naruto clones.Naruto stops them with a one look going into karama mode. Sadara figures out what connects they’re parents love for each other. And all the rest of the Shins go to the orphanage to be taken care of by kabuto.Chocho still “searching for her real dad” to realize that the person she was looking for was choji skinny form. And it is made clear that SADARA is in fact sakura and sasuke daughter.Sadara says goodbye to her dad until next. 
this arc is a 10/10
ill do a review later
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uzumakikiller · 1 year
Boruto ep.1-15 review
This arc has a lot of things that are happening. 1 you see boruto entering the academy and getting introduced to all these characters. And seeing he’s relationship with he’s father. 2 we get to see sumire backstory vs in the manga sumire doesnt show up in the manga until chapter 18 pg.98. Now they haven’t shared Mitsuki back story in the anime but we see Mitsuki going thru the process of watching and trying to understand boruto and finding the conclusion that boruto is he’s sun.While vs in the manga Boruto sadara and mitsuki are all in a team and are already taking part in the chunin exam. And at the end of the manga of volume one we get mitsuki backstory. That is and done by complete written and drawn by masashi kishimoto. Which starts at Pg.161 Naruto:The path Lit By the Full Moon. I like how they are showing mitsuki meeting boruto and sumire like this vs the manga. It shows how close those people are to boruto.3rdly We see boruto skill set how he already master shadow clones before the academy and learn small things about he’s jougen eye which was said to be the star of hope by toneri Otsutsuki and that he is the key. We see that boruto can see chakra with this eye and at the end of the arc we see that Boruto was able to see he’s friends outside the dimension calling for him and when the portal dimension closed on him he punched a hole and opened up the dimension once more to get back home. I give this arc a 8/10. This arc may not seem important now but later on it will tie together nicely.
*I wouldn’t call this arc strictly filler arc even tho it is.It has to much importance to be quickly written off like that its a good arc.this arc sets the tone for boruto,mituski and sumire friendship. this arc gives them more history more detail about their connection with one either vs in the manga.
its 1-15 I’m sorry I didn’t realize that episode 15 also plays a big part in the end of this arc a huge one in fact talking about jougen part won’t be happening for awhile and that and that the gate that Nue had opened has been sealed.And that this is only a temporary delay. And that they are setting us up for momoshiki and sasuke which is later.
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uzumakikiller · 1 year
Ep.3- We get introduced to Metal lee. As being nervous around people.And gets everyone trouble for using a demon windshirken.boruto realized that metal is being controlled by that evil chakra like danki was and boruto sees this by he’s eye awaken to the chakra around metal. And metal goes and tries to attack boruto,shikadia,inojin.They all work to together to bring metal back but the chakra attach to metal goes away.boruto asks question about the byakugan.
Ep.4 Boruto learns about summoning. Sadara and the rest of the girls in the class complain about how boruto and the boys are always causing trouble. Boys vs girls battle starts. Boruto summoned a big monster. And boruto saves cho-cho. And destorys the school.
Ep.5 Boruto jougen continues to see more people being possessed by this evil charka through out the village now. And now is introduced to Mitsuki a new student.Mitsuki trying to figure out if boruto is he’s sun.Boruto sadara and Mitsuki try to stop a worker at the school that is being possessed.shino ends up getting possessed and draws boruto,shikadia,mitsuki out into the forest.
 Ep 6 shino is possessed by the evil chakra is attacking the students boruto,shikadia,mitsuki.Shikadia doesn’t trust Mitsuki and thinks Mitsuki is up to something.Mitsuki and boruto shikadia work together to take down shino. Mitsuki frees shino from the evil chakra and boruto tries to saves Mitsuki from drowning.
Ep 7.Boruto try to figure out why or what is controlling these people.Someone is following the class rep.sumire.boruto question the person that is following sumire.because he a crush on sumire.sumire stalker continues to bother sumire.boruto sees the evil chakra possessing the guy that has a crush on sumire. boruto tries to protect sumire.Chocho talks the guy down.mitsuki is also investigating the situation and speaking to someone secretly.And wonders why boruto is the only one that can see it.
Ep 8.Toneri otsutsuki says the time of the harvest is soon.and that he is the key.boruto tries to figure out how these evil chakra are possessing people.Boruto thinks he awakens the byukgan.Boruto has a dream where Toneri Otsutsuki talks to boruto through a dream. And tells boruto that he’s eye is the star of hope against the upcoming destruction and the power  oh hope slumbers within him and will shoulder the faith of this world.boruto says that he awaken the byukgan and that he and Naruto are going to see if he actually awaken it.
ill give a full summary 1-14 of this arc and rating
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uzumakikiller · 1 year
Boruto eps.1- Boruto makes a new friend name Danki.Danki then gets possess by a evil chakra. And only boruto Jougen eye can pick up on it.A group of kids are picking on danki n danki is being controlled by this chakra n boruto is trying to snap him out of it. And he’s jougen eye resonates with the evil chakra.Before he joins the academy.
Episode 2: He starts the academy.We get introduce to characters like sadara,sumire,cho-cho etc.Boruto meets a repeater Iwabai and challenges boruto. In a fight. And with different in opinions about strength. And that boruto isn’t riding on the hokage coat tails. boruto ended up winning the fight and started making new friends and becoming friends with iwabai 
I think people should realize first is that boruto anime was first before the manga and that’s why their are so many fillers to begin with. But what isn’t made clear is that yes they are filler but they are not at the same time. What we think are fillers is based on the people who watched Naruto. Cause Naruto fillers were completely useless to the story compare to boruto fillers they are using the novels and build up on the story especially since we are seeing things before the time skip. Honestly if you want to enjoy the character more MOST of the filler are worth it tbh. I say most cause you have your few that arent my favorite  
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uzumakikiller · 1 year
Boruto filler 16-19
Ep.16-iwabia and denki struggle in studies and ninjutsu so they help each other in order to pass together and move to the next grade to met graduation. iwabia n denki are running late to their test because of a house fire and they end up saving 3 little girls that were stuck in a fire.Shino ends up passing them for what they did and saving people lives.
Ep.17Sadara offered to returns a teddy bear that sakura forgot to do before she lives.Sadara forgets the teddy bear on the train and now runs for it.Chocho helps sadara find her teddy bear.Sakura wonders where sasuke is while being at the nice spot she was on her first date with sasuke.Sadara ends up giving the teddy bear back to the little girl as sadara promise.
Ep 18-Boruto is taking care of hima while she sick.Boruto remembers the hokage Inauguration the day that hes sister awaken the byakgun.Naruto comes home to take care of him.Hinata kicks both them out for being to loud and both Boruto and Naruto go to get ramen.Boruto getting caught up with and Naruto trying to hide the fact he likes it when Naruto is around and wanting to spend more time with Naruto.
Ep 19-Sadara questions the word ninja and thinks its pretty lame.Chocho question if sadara about whether she and her father are alike.Sadara asks questions about her father to sakura.Asks when her father is coming home.Sadara try to learn more about her clan at the library.And about her father.Sadara question sakura again about sasuke about where is he and why doesn’t he come home.Sadara finds a old photo of sasuke with a another women next to her dad.A women wearing glasses. And sasuke comes back.
personally Im not going to count ep.19 as filler but as anime cannon just because that episode sets the tone and transition for the next cannon arc Which is The seventh Hokage and the scarlet Spring which is a story& art by masashi kishimoto follow my tiktok for videos a clips and pictures ill post a few here later. (: thanks for the follow and likes <333 Tiktok:uzumakikiller7
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uzumakikiller · 1 year
Ep.11 Sumire gets hurts and ends up in the hospital.Boruto feels bad that he wasn’t there to do something for sumire and Naruto explains and shows boruto what has happen to all the those who have been effected and had all their chakra taken from them.And that he’s only been lucky this far.Boruto still searching for this evil chakra throughout the village. Say believes that someone in the anbu is doing this and that sai wants to help them.Boruto figures out that its a person behind it controlling this evil chakra. And tricks them in order to finally catch up to them.Mitsuki ends up find the person after escaping and lets them go without telling them.
Ep.12 Mitsuki is speaking to someone in secret about how they were right and that its a heirloom from the anbu. And mitsuki still doesn’t know who is using it.mitsuki is trying to learn more about boruto.Mitsuki goes over boruto house to have dinner.Boruto struggles with Naruto always having to leave for work and boruto will never understand why he’s dad has to be the hokage and misses the times before he was hokage and how he was always there for boruto n himawari.
12-Mitsuki goes to talk to boruto. Boruto struggles with Naruto being the hokage and questions the meaning of hokage and why does it mean sacrifice those close to them for village.And that’s why boruto will never abandon those close to him.and show Naruto the light.
And Mitsuki resonates with that and tells boruto that he knows who it is behind the attacks of the evil chakra. 
EP.13 Mitsuki tells boruto that he’s his sun and that he has been watching him and been wanting to see how he will react for when he tells boruto who’s behind the attacks.Sumire attacks the leaf.And boruto goes to find sumire and ask for myself.Mitsuki asks boruto which said will he chose saving everyone in the village or sumire and choosing to save both without question.Boruto finds sumire by seeing her chakra and has to stop mitsuki from killing sumire.Sumire tells boruto that all sumire has lived for was for revenge against the leaf.Boruto goes after sumire in another dimension.
Ep.14 Kakashi figures that this beast is not from this world is from another dimension.Boruto finds the monster and contines to look for sumire.Boruto can see the chakra of the monster with he’s eye.Mitsuki and boruto work together to defeat the monster.Boruto is trying to convince sumire that the that war she fighting is her fathers war and has nothing to do with her.Sumire father made her a weapon make her the summoning for Nue and get revenge on the leaf.Mitsuki battles sumire and boruto intervenes.Boruto refuse to believe sumire never cared about anyone.Boruto figures out that sumire was being consume by the evil chakra herself.Boruto talks about choosing your own path and its never to late.and saves sumire.Boruto can see shikadia,inojin,danki out side the other dimension with he’s jougen and in order to get back boruto punches a hole into the dimension in order to get back home.
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uzumakikiller · 1 year
ep.9 Boruto grandpa wants to battle him in order to test him to see if he really awoken the byukgan.and that the byukgan did not manifest in boruto while in battle with henabi.Boruto and sarada run into someone that is possessed by the evil chakra. And battles he’s idol and sadara helps him.
Ep.10 boruto working hard to try to find the evil chakra and trying to get he’s eye to work.and go to vist a job cite in order to find the evil chakra.people have gotten hurt on the other side of the village.Sai is investigating the situation and that harshirama cell is involved.to gather chakra.Boruto finds out one of he’s classmates are in trouble.And rushes to find out and help.  
ill be posting 11-14 either today or tomorrow and to be completely done with the first arc of boruto (: on my tiktok I post this and pictures feel free to check out (:Tiktok-uzumakikiller7
* thank you to the small few that already view my posts I'm hoping to again more followers and community of boruto fans and make a safe space for the anime and within the anime community.
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uzumakikiller · 1 year
boruto filler and what I understand
I like to share my thoughts on first how boruto first started. The anime start a week after shippuden ended and at the same time BOTH anime/manga were both release at the same time. which is WILD! that's why there was so many fillers before they got to the manga content. And they Release a small amount of anime content. but the also used the novels like the first they did was. ACTUALLY manga and story completely written and drawn by Masashi Kishimotto Naruto the seventh hokage and the scarlet spring. (which ill get into later as I go thru the list of episode)
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