#boruto ch 79 spoilers
kyriolex · 2 years
Did you notice this?
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Sasuke, Mitsuki, Shikamaru, Shikadai, Chocho, Inojin, Ino, Amado, Sai, Konohamaru
It seem as if all of these characters were shown in these panels to (presumably) symbolize all the characters close to Boruto (that are in the Manga at least) have been Affected by Eida's Mind Altercation
Did you also notice there are some characters missing from these panels?
Naruto and Hinata got excluded for obvious reasons but there are 3 other important characters who close to Boruto who were noticeably missing from those 2 panels above
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So we already know Sarada is confirmed immune to Eida's mind altercation
Sumire most likely is too given her previously established immunity to Eida's Charm
The biggest mystery here is Himawari. She's the only Major character who didn't appear at this chapter.
And I don't doubt it was intentionally so to keep people guessing on whether she got affected or not.
So what do you think? Could Himawari possibly be immune to the mind altercation?
A lot of people have been speculating and I have seen two camps for this:
On one hand, due to the "Intensity" Daemon sensed within her a little while ago it could've been a little foreshadowing that Himawari could be impervious to Eida's and Daemon's powers
And given how OP Daemon is, Boruto is gonna need all the help he can get. Sarada and Sumire can likely stop Eida but they likely aren't going to be enough to stop that Boy. (And the fact that Hima is the only person who has so far who has made Daemon feel somewhat uneasy makes me think she's the key to stopping him)
On the other hand, Himawari turning against Boruto while being under the belief that Kawaki is her actual Flesh and Blood Brother would send Boruto into complete despair as a part of him "Losing Everything "
The fact that Himawari is still completely out of the loop on what actually happened to her parents (and who did it) could support this side
I don't know if I could take Himawari going full-on Sasuke and trying to get revenge on Boruto for "Killing" her parents.... (Yes a lot of people are actually speculating on that happening) but sadly it's not impossible
I could see Himawari being immune. Whatever the criteria is for breaking Eida's mind control, it doesn't seem to be genetic, because otherwise Sasuke and the entire Hyuuga clan would also be immune. Himawari's mysterious "intensity" seems as good of a reason to have immunity as Sarada's sharingan or Sumire's summon Nue.
Actually, I'm not sure Sarada's Uchiha heritage is what's protecting her. It might make more sense that Sakura's strength of a hundred seal affected her in the womb, since it's supposed to be similar to karma. Sakura's not in the panel, so it's unclear whether she and Tsunade would also have resistance or not.
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kats-comfort-corner · 9 months
Unexpected Ch 85 Theory Post
Spoilers under the cut
*deep breath*
okay so i don't actually have any definitive proof or substantial evidence beyond this and almost 20 years of an obsession with this character's personality specifically
Chapter 79
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Key Points:
Shikamaru checks in immediately after seeing the weirdness and asks about what happened "when they were attacked by Boruto".
The translation might be a little weird here, 'cause I don't completely understand Eida's response - which is a shame because I think most of the analysis works better when you can grasp the nuance. Anyway, lol.
She starts off saying "Nothing really" - there's a pause where Kawaki tells her to tell Shikamaru that the Hokage's dead. So, jumping from, "Nothing, all good" to "oh shit actually the Hokage is dead, my bad" is maybe slightly suspicious.
Chapter 80
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Key Points:
Eida says rather bluntly that the Hokage has been killed by Boruto, but she's under duress with Kawaki's hand to her throat, so maybe she's not sounding like she usually would. Just a guess.
"There's a very high possibility" is not the same as "The Hokage has definitely been killed". I don't think Shikamaru 100% believes Eida, but I do think the possibility is upsetting enough for him to act on it regardless.
Shikadai is actually the main reason I am fairly confident Shikamaru knows something is up because this kid sees all this weird shit that doesn't add up and you know he talks to his dad about it.
Shikadai sees Sasuke take off with Boruto and you think he's not going to go to his dad like, "hey what the fuck?"
They're Naras, y'all. Come on now.
Chapter 81
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Key Points:
Shikamaru is the Hokage now, apparently.
Okay, that's actually a huge factor to consider as well because I don't think he would take that position if he didn't believe Naruto was still alive and able to take it back as soon as he was found. Shikamaru doesn't want to be Hokage, are you kidding me?
"The sanctions against Boruto were in accordance with regulations." "It's also the will of the Hidden Leaf's citizens." "No matter what I order, it won't convince them."
These are not comments that come from someone dead set on hunting down and punishing a criminal that murdered a political leader. This is the kind of thing you say when you're like, "listen, yes, but also bureaucracy is a bitch and I've gotta keep up appearances or someone else will actually hunt Boruto down and kill him".
He's less worried about the fact Sarada is trying to protect Boruto and more worried about how she's doing it. In my opinion. This is not a fact, I just wanted to point it out, lol.
Again, Shikadai hears Naruto's daughter, and who is currently perceived as being Kawaki's sister, say she wants to protect Boruto who supposedly killed her dad. She also said she feels like he's alive somewhere, and I'm willing to bet dollars to donuts that is something a lot of other folks, including Shikamaru, feel as well.
Shikamaru's reaction to when Boruto arrives pretty much solidified my belief that he knows something is up and he doesn't think Boruto killed Naruto, or at the very least that Naruto could still be alive and there's more going on with this whole situation, so he's not eager to jump the gun and kill a child. Which is more than I can say for some of our pol- nevermind ignore this
Shikamaru's reaction to hearing Code is there and attacking people: Orders an evacuation and tries to figure out why Code is attacking, immediately concerned about the safety of the villagers.
Shikamaru's reaction to hearing Boruto just showed up: Prioritize Code and the claw marks, but keep tabs on Boruto without suggesting any kind of attack or restraint or anything like that. He's not worried about Boruto. But he is wanting to gather more intel on the situation as a whole, which makes sense, all things considered.
Chapter 82
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Key Notes:
Very intentional frame of Shikadai seeing Kawaki show up, Kawaki shouting for Himawari and Inojin to move out of the way so he can attack a claw thing, not worrying about their safety at all.
Himawari calls him "Big Bro" and Kawaki tells her not to call him that. Not very big brotherly. Again, Shikadai is there for this. Along with everyone else, so. You know, things are kind of weird. These are weird dynamics that are not matching up with their false memories.
Chapter 83
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Key Points:
Shikamaru, again, wants Kawaki to focus on eliminating Code - who is an actual threat - and pretty much ignores Boruto because he's not a concern.
Focuses on getting rid of the claw things even after Code has run off, prioritizing keeping him away and protecting the villagers instead of "trying to bring a Hokage killer to justice" or whatever the fuck people are trying to do with Boruto.
Chapter 84
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Key Notes:
What Shikamaru took away from Kawaki's breakdown of the situation was that Boruto only came to the village to deal with Code. Meaning that Boruto was never a threat to the village, and there's no reason to worry about him, but it also probably indicates that there is something worth doing more digging into to figure out what the fuck is going on with all of the discrepancies in his memory that I'm sure are pissing him off.
"It better not be someone in the sensory unit."
Kawaki doesn't trust Shikamaru, and probably not anyone else in Konoha. That's not a very "Naruto's son" kind of attitude to have. The fact Shikamaru doesn't seem phased by that distrust means he's either been dealing with it for three years already, has been suspicious of Kawaki this whole time, and more likely both of those things.
Also, what the fuck, that sounds threatening? Ino would kick Kawaki's ass. I'd love to see him try though, lol. No I wouldn't, don't do that please.
Weird tensions between Kawaki (supposedly Naruto's son) and Sarada (Sasuke's daughter). If it were a rivalry, that'd make sense. But the hostility between them? Nah, that don't track.
Sarada basically confirming that Boruto was after Code and most likely trying to find a way to save the people who have been turned into trees. A very "Naruto's son" kind of attitude.
Chapter 85
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Key Notes:
His face is hidden and he's not surprised or saying anything because if he's been trying to figure this shit out without tipping anyone off WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU SAY
Especially if he doesn't want Eida to know that he knows, because jesus christ her powers are scary and he's probably not eager to have to add that into the mess of variables he's already tangling with.
In Summary
Main Points
Shikamaru has been suspicious of this shit since omnipotence went off and fucked with people's heads.
Shikadai has been privy to some strangeness around Himawari, Kawaki and Boruto at the same time, and I can't imagine that he hasn't asked his dad about it or something. So whatever Shikadai has seen, I assume Shikamaru is somewhat aware of or we'll see a scene where something Shikadai saw or something he says makes it all click into place when his dad hears about it.
Shikamaru's language and attitude around Boruto have been intentionally vague and avoidant. It's the "will of the village", following the system's rules, etc. etc.
Shikamaru's more concerned with Code as a threat than with tracking down Boruto, which conveniently gives him an excuse to not pursue Boruto and prioritize the safety of the village at the same time.
Amado knows? Then Shikamaru has known. No doubt. There was a whole ass chapter where Shikamaru outsmarted Amado. Narratively speaking, we've got a point of reference for why there's a parallel here with Amado talking about this out loud and getting to see Shikamaru's reaction - or in this case, lack thereof - to hearing it.
Shikamaru continues to be the coolest man alive. Thank you for coming to my TED talk, byyyeeee
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neesieiumz · 2 years
y'all everyone was talking about boruto and I was curious cause I haven't read the manga in a while cause it was getting really confusing for me but I was curious so I read what everyone was talking about,
boruto ch 79 spoilers:
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