marisa-writes · 6 years
@boricuamermaid replied to your post: last line challenge
i will do this…….eventually…….but for now BIH AHELSHSKS
I’m already super excited about sharing this scene because I LOVE their dynamic! Rolly and Robles are...everything, tbh
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fromherlips · 7 years
boricuamermaid replied to your post: what the f**k is fran reading
Read my newest drabble lmao but also if you /haven’t/ read the newest giam idk wyd Fran!!!!
I’VE READ BOTH!!!! i was too shook by your drabble that i forgot to message you so hold on one second because i have SOME THINGS TO SAY 
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booksncoffee · 7 years
boricuamermaid replied to your post: i really need to catch up on arrow now that i know...
Ok I wasn’t excited about this season until I read this
me. too. i saw some gifs and i was like damn i really need to start watching it again
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ipoddymouth · 7 years
boricuamermaid replied to your post: me tryna figure out how my girl ariana my lil mama...
where is moonlight’s grammy tho
i would literally die for moonlight
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nightingiall · 7 years
boricuamermaid replied to your post: i’ve deadass been watching the manchester concert...
One more time and when ari started tearing up after singing with the choir messed me all the way up
i kno omg i was SOBBING during one last time it wrecked me
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stylesmyth · 8 years
determine, both, house
nothing for determine :(
The facade I know I have to keep, both for him and for my sake, slips,just like the tears rolling down my cheeks.
This small realisation allows me to breathe a bit easier, but there is,of course, the fact that I snuck out of the house in the middle of the night tocome to Harry’s room after indirectly telling him I couldn’t love him back. 
I personally think @allison0446 will enjoy this, love you wifey :*
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leesh · 8 years
boricuamermaid replied to your post: wavesthatcalm replied to your post: ...
the fact that y'all call it a spider doesn’t even surprise me lmao
i just googled the meaning and it says once the fizzy hits the ice cream it forms a spider web like reaction
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☼ ✄ ♡ for silver springs!
☼: how i came up with the idea
lol i ended a super long relationship and was sad so one night i just thought up these characters and i had just recently gotten into 1d fic, and it was just something i had a word doc and would add stuff to! but it really came around when i was creeping around on youtube one night and watching old band performances and i was watching stevie and lindsey singing silver springs (i think back in the 90s??) and i was just watching and then all the sudden it clicked into place and i just kinda went, oh holy shit, and then it really took off form there i guess 
✄: something i deleted before the final draft
lots of things, the notes on my phone was filled with so many random convos between willow and harry and all the other characters, i think before i realized i couldn’t write some massive 200k fic i had plans for willow to have a friend that still stuggled with drug use, the biggest was probably the relationship between willow and her mum which i cut out in the end because i knew i needed to focus on only a few things if i was only going to write around 10 chapters. OH lol i forgot this, originally in the first chapter i was gonna have willow walk into the studio and find harry with a girl going down on him….#wild
♡: my favorite part 
  chapters 7 & 8, i’m not really one to think a lot about what i write or to think it’s any good to be honest, but i love those fucking chapters. the conversation between willow and harry after she sings silver springs at the bar still makes me want to scream at myself in some way??? willow finding harry’s tattoo, kings row performing again for the first time in years, and this bit right here
Willow hit the chorus and her fingers flew over the strings of the Fender. Creating notes that blended perfectly with the chords Harry was playing. Both of their voices coming together, to create harmony. For the first time since they had walked onto this stage, Willow looked at Harry. Really looked at him.
He was magnetic. Watching him, hunched over the keys, sweat stained shirt clinging to him. The silver of his necklace glinted off the lights and black ink peaked out from the stretched neckline. Everything about him drew Willow in. Always had. Maybe always would. Harry was raw and real as he played, his eyes shut for a moment as he went to wherever he went to when he played.
And as she sang the lines to the first song they ever wrote together, every word hit straight through her. Piercing into her chest like Harry’s gaze, now on her.
Suddenly, Willow felt newly nineteen; in a dorm room with tequila stained lips and kohl rimmed eyes. Tangled with a boy she barely knew, but who blew her away in the morning light.
And now she was 25. On stage with those same kohl lined eyes and nicotine stained lips. Staring at that same boy from all those years ago. Maybe they had both had enough. Six years had passed since Willow woke up that morning in Harry’s bed. Six years gone. They had both added some lines to their faces. Both become a little worn from the world. They had grown up.
And sometimes when you grow up, you lose the things you love.
like….again, i rarely think anything i’ve written is decent, but i wish there was a video of my face when i wrote that last line, because it’s probably my favorite combination of words i’ve ever put together
fic writing meme
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wokeuptired · 8 years
5, 11, 13, 18, 21, 22 :)
5. Share one of your strengths.
i use a lot of commas.
11. Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
it’s a passion that has to be a hobby because i don’t have the time necessary to write a publishable book right now.
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
it’s advice for life that i’ve turned into advice for writing: listen to your head and follow your heart.
18. Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
not anything pre-made but i usually draft out some kind of outline for myself at some point during my writing process -- not usually first, though.
21. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
i revise as i’m writing but i don’t usually do a final read-through before i post unless it’s something that i’m really nervous about.
22. Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit it into your current writing style. 
this is such a cop-out but i can’t find anything i want to rewrite -- the oldest thing still posted is the panic cord, which is really old and a bit sparse but has this kind of hopscotch pace to it that i can’t really do anymore, and in a lot of ways i think my writing hasn’t so much improved since then as it has changed.
fic writer questions
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loveinthewriteway · 8 years
1, 4, 9, 29 :)
Woohoooo thanks RJ! 🤓
1. Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.A romance/humor fic about young adults LMAO so typical and what I’m writing right now, goes to show that I need to challenge myself!
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?I feel like I have hundreds in a Google doc that I don’t even know I’ll come around to starting😪One that I hope to post eventually (preview coming soon maybe!!!) is a uni OU about Zayn pursuing his English degree after his solo album👀
9. Which fic has been the hardest to write?Oh god, Never Been Kissed was by far the hardest shit I’ve ever written. What the HELL was I thinking with writing a damn OT5 love hexagon??? It was so difficult trying to develop each relationship and character, I was always so stressed lmao (which is why the sequel is on hiatus and probably will stay that way lmao)
29. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?Hmmm... I took awhile thinking about this question, and I would say Different Strokes by boats and birds. A bit of an older fic, but one of my top favorites! While I understand why it ended the way it did (I don’t wanna spoil anything in case anyone wants to read it), I feel like a sequel is still possible and I really miss the characters :(
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roselirry · 7 years
@boricuamermaid replied to your post: does anybody have any suggestions on where to find...
I think we have bodysuits at target!! Check online tho
oh i’ll check! thank you!
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marisa-writes · 6 years
@boricuamermaid replied to your post: I’M CRYING REAL TEARS JBFA IS BACK, MY DUDES
Me in 2960: omg 1dff is back guys
kjgagia SHUT UP I KNOW
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fromherlips · 7 years
this is probably obvious bUT cake is my favorite!! vera is so relatable esp now that i've graduated lmao.
RJ MY HEART 💖 oh vee, our fave stressed out post-grad! 😭
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busynothings · 8 years
boricuamermaid replied to your post: Does anyone listen to audiobooks? I’ve got a few I...
If you have Spotify they have free audiobooks on there! I haven’t tried it yet but I know they have a bunch of older books.
ooh good call! I didn’t even think to check spotify. thanks for the tip!
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ipoddymouth · 7 years
boricuamermaid replied to your post: boricuamermaid replied to your post: ...
listen your tag is why i always bleep my harry slander out. i don’t need people running up in my inbox
usually the people who do comment are the ones who just throw me some lame insults like no ones ever really tryin to fight
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ogmancerelle · 5 years
tagged by @malicebertha​ & @rozapast little while ago but ily thnks <3
rules — answer 17 questions & tag 17 people you want to know better
nickname — pao
zodiac sign — cancer
height — 5′3″
hogwarts house — hufflepuff <3
last thing i googled — i don’t remember but it was something about a celebrity
song stuck in my head: time for a checkup from doc mcstuffins (don’t ask me why)
following — 200+
followers — 200+ (i think?)
amount of sleep i get — 7/8 hours
lucky numbers — 7
dream job — writer
wearing — pajamas
favourite songs — (like ever???) highway 20 ride by zac brown band & heaven is a place on earth by belinda carlisle
instruments — no :(
random facts — hi, i love dcoms and want to make staged musical adaptations of the musical ones
aesthetics — pastels
i tag: @ipoddymouth @boricuamermaid
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