boochandesu · 2 years
tighnari didn't understand at all, he really didn't.
first of all, cyno found you unconscious in the desert, and brought you to him in hopes that he can cure you, or something, but he didn't expect that you'd wake up with no memories. you only knew your name, wasn't even sure about your age or where you came from, or what's your story.
tighnari thought of you as a normal patient, (well at least in the beginning) he didn't really know if it was because of your memory loss, or is it because you were truly dumb to the point that you didn't know how to hold your spoon and eat properly, but yeah, he had to help you with that.
he had to adjust to the fact that he had to care for you, he could've sent you to anyone else, but no, no, you were too precious, too innocent for him to leave you in anyone's else's care, and hey? he has collei too, she can help.
he stared at you in disbelief when you asked if you could rub his ears, you've only knew each other for what've been about some weeks, but he couldn't resist your innocent gaze, he couldn't get himself to refuse, or to push you away, so you got that privilege; you can rub his ears, you can touch his tail, without even knowing him or yourself well. he secretly enjoyed it though..
after months passed by, the fennec fox boy became a little too protective, more like attached to you, while he tried to help you regain your memories, he also hoped that you wouldn't remember, because you don't have to, right? you have him, and collei , cyno comes to check up on both you and collei too, you four are like a happy little family, you don't need your memories, do you?
he'd catch himself worry if you caught a little cold, or if you tripped over something and hurt yourself, he'd notice that he might be overreacting, but in the end it's you, the mysterious girl found in the desert, so innocent with no memories at all.
he'd cuddle with you if you feared the thunder, it rains a lot in the forest after all, you'd rub his ears if you get nervous or anxious and he'd smile and lean into your touch, it became such a normal everyday interaction between you two.
the other forest rangers love, I mean really love your presence, you're so amusing and fun to be around, but somehow, tighnari won't let you hang out with them for too long.
when a year passed by, and you still haven't regained your memories, however oh; you have made quite a lot of memories with your new little family and the forest, and you got attached to this place, it's your home now, so why bother about your previous memories? you're here for life, at least that's it for now. right?
cyno would bring some treats for you when he comes back from the desert, it became a habit of his since he enjoyed your reactions to the small gifts he'd come back with, and come on, you're the only one that laughs at his jokes.
sometimes when you go visit the desert with cyno, he'd be as protective as tighnari is, he'd keep you close by, you get to wear his cloak if you were feeling cold, he'd enjoy looking at you playing with those animal ears attached to it, you look adorable after all.
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