#boots houston
chick-it-out · 2 months
song recs, king? 👀 👑
im helpin organize a pride event for our town (last year we had about 500 peeps at our all-ages event) and im puttin togetber a new party playlist this year! the list has a lotta nu disco, dance, pop, classics, etc.
lookin for tracks that are:
- not explicit (or have an ok radio edit)
- upbeat
- danceable and/or gay (hooray)
thabk you for ur time 🐥🎶
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inf3ct3dd · 8 months
yo bob….is fye.
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cozy-hours · 4 months
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Rodeo girl. 🤠🥂
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charlotte-of-wales · 2 months
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Princess Catharina-Amalia of The Netherlands attends the official state banquet on the occasion of the Spanish state visit to The Netherlands for a two day state visit | April 17, 2024
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blackmensuited · 2 months
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starsunderwaterr · 2 years
Sleeping with the Idols + Cap’n 3 + 8! (pt. 1)
Okay for all you dirtballs out there, this is NOT that kind of sleeping. I’m splitting this into 2 parts just because there’s 9 characters including 3 and 8 and I don’t want this post to be as long as my mental disorders
Update: I added more to these babies because my other parts are longer and I wanted it to be fair <3 enjoy loves!!
(Y/N) — your name
(N/N) — nickname
All characters involved are 18+
Minors DNI
Warnings: swearing
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girl is literally the cutest thing ever I stgggg
She has 2 settings when she naps/sleeps
Either she curls into a tight ball and cocoons herself into her corner of the bed
Or she is sprawled out all over taking up all the space
Don’t be surprised if she snags the blankets from you a lot
Or kicks them off
She requires likes when you kiss her forehead before going to sleep or nap because it makes her feel loved
Can get cuddly with you if she’s cold and really needy
Will nuzzle right up to you in tight ball form but will also shove her cold ass feet onto you and startle you awake
Is literally the queen of the burritoed girlfriend trend
Will make you hold her in a blanket burrito to fall asleep sometimes, especially if she’s had a hard day or isn’t feeling too well
Will whine if you don’t snuggle with her (for the most part it’s playful)
Like the princess she is, feed her snacks when she’s cuddled up with you
Girl has it rough enough as is, a little pampering here and there from her favorite person ever (don’t tell Marie) wouldn’t kill her
She will feed you too, because she’s just that much of a sweetheart
After feeding Callie a small cookie, she smiled, grabbing one for you
“Open, hun~” She cooed, and you obliged, rolling your eyes as you ate the sweet treat
“Such a cutie..” She mumbled to herself, making you die
Will occasionally be found in the weirdest sleeping positions ever
You found girlie with her body half off the bed once like she was doing gymnastics and she was unbothered, dreaming away
You had to pick her up and place her on the bed normally because her face was turning bright red PFFTTT—
When you did, this girl straight up wakes up and goes “I was comfortable!” “Babe, you were asphyxiating-” “Well excuse me if I want to be a gymnast when I dream”
Speaking of which, not the first time you’ve had to carry her to bed so she didn’t die
One time, she fell asleep at the recording booth over a bunch of sheet music and almost banged her head on a huge amplifier
Secretly loves when you carry her to bed bridal style and just melts into you
Wraps her arms around your neck and plays with the hairs on the nape of your neck and gives you a look with the most love ever
Overall, a needy lil baby, who’s a lil concerning, but so adorable
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Miss Marie man
She’s typically a side sleeper, so she really enjoys when your hands are on her waist or wrapped around
Doesn’t always like to cuddle but when she’s in the mood she’s very into it
Also loves to be the big spoon
She’ll literally hold you as you’re passed out on her chest, rubbing your head with one hand and will be reading a book or something with the other hand LMFAOO
Would literally do taxes with you asleep on her LMFAOO
When she’s needy, she loves to be kissed all over her face and held tightly
She will bury her face in your shirt and hug you so tight, like you’re going to disappear
It’s a side of her that not even Callie has seen, and don’t you dare tell a soul about it because she’s never this vulnerable with anyone
Typically doesn’t move much during sleep but will say some funny stuff from time to time
It’s because she’s so stressed, poor baby
One time, at a sleepover with you, her, and Callie, she went on a whole rant about why her charger should get a full course meal
You and Callie couldn’t breathe from how adamant she was about it
“*loud groan* Ugh, someone get me my charger!”
You and Callie, who were laying down in your sleeping bags, exchanged a look with each other before looking back to Marie
You had to be sure you were hearing this ish straight bc she was still asleep
“Mmpfh...give him the tuxy driver...the tuxedo driver”
You and Callie were so confused, but you didn’t realize how good it was going to get
“Make sure he has his cape!”
You both looked back at each other and began to laugh, not really understanding what was happening
Out of sheer amusement, you decided to try responding to her to see what would happen
Instant laughter from the both of you, cameras out
“This is not a laughing matter...it’s SERIOUS.” 
Okay, that’s it
You and Callie laughed so hard that you ended up waking up Marie
When she got out of her sleep daze, you both showed her, and she evaporated in shock
That Marie’s breaking point regarding stress LMFAOO
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Wowie it’s the skrunkly creature
She is exactly that when she goes to sleep
Will emerge from thin air and will stand in your doorway at 3 AM in her big ass hoodie demanding she gets in bed with you
Doesn’t care if she scares the shit out of you, she’ll just stand there menacingly until she gets what she wants #richkidcore
You were sleeping soundly, just enjoying your rest when you felt the urge to wake up, you felt like someone was there
When you finally did and sat up, you almost shit your pants
In your doorway stood Pearl, her arms crossed in her oversized hoodie and socks
Her expression was sharp, but her eyes showed you how she really felt
You jumped, holding your chest, “Pearl?! What the hell?!” You had given her the key to her apartment in case she ever needed it, but you didn’t think she would come this late
“I tried texting you and calling you to see if you were up, but you didn’t answer, so I came.” She said, matter-of-factly, making you sigh
If you could SEE you would notice that there was a small smirk on her face
You made a gesture for her to come forward, and like wildfire she ran to you, getting into bed and settling in
Instantly, she hugs you, her arms gripping the fabric of your shirt tightly
You rested your chin on her head, feeling her sigh with content into your neck as she finally relaxed
“You’re such a shrimphead, you know that?” You sighed, giggling a little near the end
Pearl only grumbled, mumbling a “shut up...” somewhere in there
Don’t you dare ask her why, she doesn’t want to explain that she’s needy and wants attention 
Let her come to you unless prompted otherwise
Rub her head, bro
She loves that shit sm but she hates to admit it
If you stop, she’ll grab your hand and put it back so you can continue
And you know damn well that she’ll give you that look too
Usually will wrap her arms around your torso super tight or will climb into your hoodie or shirt and just stay there
Will sleep like that while you do other stuff like go on your laptop or scroll through your phone
Sometimes if she wakes up, she’ll glance at what you’re scrolling and make a comment or will watch videos with you all the while she’s literally underneath your shirt in the crook of your neck
Minding your own business with your skrunkly girlfriend sleeping in your shirt, you scrolled online, watching some random art video
Out of nowhere, you hear a quiet, “I like the colors they used”
You almost shit yourself
You jumped, looking down at her as she smirked up at you like “haha, yeah, I did that, bitch”
Girl knows exactly how to give you heart attacks and your sleep paralysis demons inspiration but she’s adorable and a whole 10/10 
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bruh you ain’t sleeping with Marina, Marina’s sleeping with you—
Girl is almost always the big spoon and is unapologetic about it
She absolutely loves giving physical affection to her loved ones, so if she can hold you from behind or even have you rest on her chest boobies, she’ll be the happiest girl alive
Is the type of girlfriend to ask you how your day has been when you’re getting into bed
If the answer is not a favorable one, she’ll give you a hug and try to get you to open up about it because she genuinely cares
You got into bed, just wanting to go to sleep and get the day over with when you heard the velvety voice of your beloved, “How was your day, (N/N)?”
You glanced over at your girlfriend, feeling tears instantly swell in your eyes
Noticing, Marina’s face grew concerned, and she placed a soft hand on your blanketed thigh, “Are you okay?”
That’s all it took for you to burst into tears and be swooped up in a hug
Made sure that you got your tears out and let you rant out your woes while also giving you plenty of kisses and damn good advice 
Will 100% read you to sleep if you want
Her voice is just,,,HHHGHGHGHGHGH
It’s literally perfect and soft asf, so you’re able to drift off within minutes
Although, her favorite thing you do at bedtime is when she’s reading to you, and she thinks you’re asleep, but then she’ll hear a super sleepy, “Why did you stop? It was getting good...”
With that she will literally smother you and tell you how cute you are there is no denying it
Will always make sure that you’re warm and cozy
She definitely sleeps with a plushie and if you aren’t there, and hugs it when she sleeps because she misses holding you
When you come home from a trip or vice versa, she gets super needy and cuddly because she’s been without her bub for awhile!
Will be borderline sobbing when she can hold you again because you mean that much to her
Literally sleeps like an angel and is always looking her best when she does
You have so many pictures of her saved on you phone of her when she’s been sleeping or napping because she’s just so adorable
When you two were cuddling once, she saw that your lockscreen was a photo of her sleeping in a pile of blankets, the sun hitting her face in the perfect angle
Girl was so flustered she couldn’t speak a proper sentence
Overall, a soft angel who only wants the best for you
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streamsofstardust · 1 year
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the way i fully shrieked when i saw this picture
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Shaiya Donohue-Brennan | Garrett Yut | Nicolas Gongora | Christian Arroyo | Houston Ballet Academy
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villenelle · 2 years
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killing eve, season 3 episode 8 "are you leading or am i?”
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frostysfrenzy · 3 months
This has to be one of the weirdest games I've seen in a while
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puhpandas · 11 months
I'm so sad rn bc I had a dream where a really good Ruin song came out and it was called, like, "Call and Response" or something similar? And the basis of it was Cassie and "Gregory" were the singers and as the song went on "Gregory's" audio grew more distorted and odd. You could occasionally hear the real Gregory speaking but it was always more like an echo of "Gregory's" speech, like it would be like "Go that way! (Don't go! Run away!)". Anyway it was such a banger but it doesn't exist and I'm sobbing because of it
wtf dawko needs to make this asap
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bavarianmillionaire · 2 years
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benjamin pavard for gq sports usa 🖤🤍💙
photography: julia sellmann
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simplysummers · 19 days
After finishing X-Men 97 I’ve realised I’m a much bigger Storm stan then I thought I was
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blackmensuited · 2 months
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theres-a-bea · 1 year
it’s the way they gave inej both the knife wife and sword girlfriend status 
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stanleystar · 1 year
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