#boot-leg merch my beloved
drawer-of-socks · 1 year
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So I found something today..
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ZZZ Headcanons
Help this game has taken over my free time I love these characters sm <3 Billy Soukaku and Ellen my beloved
Nicole: has a not so secret hobby of bedazzling anything and everything. It’s a real problem in the Cunning Hares apartment, nothing is safe from pink rhinestones and stickers
Anby: cracked at rhythm games to an alarming degree. Can do a 2 person extremely hard DDR song all by herself
Billy: I don’t know how they did it but they programmed an android with autism. Has his own version of a skincare routine which is basically just maintenance on all of his tiny mechanical parts. Can also gain power multiple ways, including solar power. The apartment complex where the Cunning Hares live had a blackout once and everyone used Billy as a personal charging port. Nicole promised to pay him in Starlight Knight merch.
Nekomata: cuts her own hair and offers to do it for other people. DO NOT trust her when she says she’s good at it
Grace: did gymnastics as a kid which is why she’s able to pull off a ton of backflips and flexible maneuvers in battle
Anton: uses actual cement to keep his hair spikes in shape. Koleda caught him in the act once and instead of chewing him out, she decided to apply some to her own hair and now they’re cement combover gang
Ben: is completely vegan and loves chilling at hot springs a lot. Still sleeps with stuffed animals btw
Koleda: I’m making it canon right now Koleda is trans and you can’t do shit about it. Also has welding as a hobby and made most of her accessories from scratch
Corin: when not in Victoria Housekeeping Co uniform, is a Jfashion junkie. I’m talking super dedicated Lolita fits, menhera inspired clothing, the whole shebang. She ofc designs a lot of her own stuff like her bear backpack and is also responsible for a lot of the accessories Victoria Housekeeping Co wears (Rina’s bows, Ellen’s shark jaw head and neckpieces, Lycaon’s eyepatch and tail straps). She also has a massive crush on Ellen and is too scared to admit it
Rina: has a fur allergy and can’t keep animals around. Which also means she’s allergic to Lycaon. She has to take so much Zyrtec before clocking in but has such a good poker face that Lycaon has no idea. Ellen knows tho
Lycaon: specifically wears the heeled boots and has his odd posture because he’s self conscious about his digitigrade legs, he thinks they’re unsightly for a butler of his standing to have. He also tries to encourage Ellen to wear a long maid dress like Rina does to hide her tail.
Ellen: coincidentally falls into a lot of shark stereotypes. She loves seafood, has to constantly be fidgeting or she feels like she’ll go mad, and the kicker, she gets frenzied around blood, or if the thing she’s fighting puts up a struggle. Corin accidentally cut her hand while repairing her saw blade once and both Lycaon and Rina could barely hold Ellen back once Corin began bleeding. Ellen feels awful for scaring the already timid girl. Corin secretly thought it was hot and would die on the spot if anyone knew that
Soukaku: despite being a huge foodie this girl cannot cook for shit. Is also physically cold to the touch and during the summer her coworkers will ask her to hold their drinks because they’ll stay cold. Soukaku always secretly sneaks sips every time they do this to her.
Miyabi: has the worst sleep schedule known to man. Sometimes you’ll find her awake at 3AM and conked out by 4PM, other times she goes to bed at 8PM and wakes up at 4AM. It’s inconsistent and irregular and a gamble trying to contact her outside of work because she might not even be awake
Harumasa: GAY GAY HOMOSEXUAL GAY. Also pretty cracked at chess and other strategy games. Is also a major old fashioned guy and doesn’t own a lot of modern technology. He’s not into retro or old stuff, he just doesn’t like new stuff
Yanagi: her glasses are fake. When she was younger she needed them, but her vision had naturally gotten better over the years, so she now wears contacts, but for some reason still insists on wearing her glasses. Loses them constantly during battle.
Lucy: even though she was forced to play piano as a kid, she really wanted to be a sporty girl and play stuff like soccer and baseball. Now she has the freedom to take part in the sports she likes and watch them surrounded by the people she likes
Piper: insanely picky eater to the point it drives Lucy up a wall. Is also picky about a lot of other things, like how different fabrics feel, different comfort levels of chairs and beds, girl is a complainer and will always find something to complain about
Lighter: has a side gig as a tattoo artist, has really stable hands too
Soldier 11: has 5 younger brothers, a younger sister, and 2 older siblings who she doesn’t see super often. Has divorced parents who also liked to adopt, which is why she has such a huge family. Her younger brothers love it when she comes home and plays secret agent military with them
Seth: can’t drive. That’s it send tweet.
Qingyi: is outwardly dismissive of meditation tricks and hacks and tips but utilizes that shit in private ALL the time.
Zhu Yuan: shares the vegetables she grows in her garden with all her neighbors. Is also a REALLY good cook to the point people have encouraged her to potentially consider a different career path
Jane Doe: the rat girl has pet rats go figure. But in all seriousness she’d die for her little guys. She has a white one named Cocaine and a brown one named Tobacco and a gray one named Crystal Meth. She thinks the names are hilarious and every time she introduces the rats to other people their facial expressions are priceless
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witchthewriter · 2 years
I've been casually stalking your blog for a bit and loved the ship posts as of late. I'd like to join in and will be reblogging a fair few of your post on my main blog & BTVS side-blog (peroxidepoems) I'd like to request a Level Three tier for Stranger Things, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Marvel. Description: I'm 5'2, olive complexion, transmale (he/him/they), with a preference for males partners but demiromantic toward any gender. I have short brown hair, often unstyled - unless you consider bedhead to be one, and hazel-eyed with glasses. I'd say my physical build is average - not too lithe or toned. I have a fair few blemishes, some moles but mainly scars; on my hands, arms, and legs. The biggest and most insecure scar is on my lower back, wider than 3'' and travels up my spine by 6''. All gained naturally by being adventurous as a child and getting into trouble.
As wardrobe goes: I'd consider myself a misfit at best and a confused goth at worse. I'm often in worn-out ripped jeans, converses or boots that have seen better days, a black design logo/band shirt, with an equally noticeably well-worn jacket - leather and cloth. Even in extreme heat, I wear long-sleeved shirts or a hoodie - subconscious of my scars being visible. I'm usually lugging around a messenger bag that has pins and patches. Honestly, I always have a safety pin or a patch holding something together. I truly believe in using something until it can no longer hold its purpose. Even when an item can no longer be of use, be that a bag or beloved shirt, I'll hang it up on the wall or on a shelf. Personality: I'm introverted by nature; quiet and observant. Often choosing a homebody life, consuming media, rather than partying. Although I still enjoy drinks with friends and conversing about shared interests. I can be protective and hot-heated at times, blunt when necessary, and overly subconscious about how others perceive me. I try my best to not let it get to me but the thoughts are still there. I was once told, before the age of twelve, that I was an old soul. I struggle with selective mutism due to anxiety. It has been a part of my life since I can remember, once resulting in a whole year of not speaking in my early childhood. During such episodes, I fall back to ASL or choose to not converse at all. Likes/Dislikes: I have a fascination with macabre. Not necessarily the gore aspect but more along the lines of psychology. With this, I tend to study what is considered dark mythology; supernatural creatures, paranormal, and the deities associated with death. I watch true crime shows and documentaries as well, but in the sense of wanting to understand - not to romanticize what has been done. With that said, I do find interest in horror movies and shows alike. My favorite category is psychological thrillers. I enjoy a piece that makes you have to analyze, imagine, and contemplate. As for dislikes, there are very few things I show a distaste toward. Overly crowded areas, the deep ocean, spicy food, and the lack of passion that some choose to have are among the list. So many are willing to write a person off by sheer looks alone, not putting effort into knowing a person, and I find that sad. Everyone has a story to tell, a lifetime of knowledge to share, and should be given an opportunity to speak for themselves. Rather than being written off as a lost cause. Or worse, not worth the time or effort. Hobbies: Drawing is my main sense of expression. Often done as an outlet and show of affection. I enjoy reading and writing as well. There is not a time when I don't have a book or drawing pad on hand. I also dabbled in music. Having done seven years of high school band, marching and concert. I grew up with the piano too and picked up the violin later in life. Although I am a master to none. There were other times that I've done martial arts and skateboarding, but neither of those went very far. Now, besides art and writing, I mainly collect skull-like merch. From an hourglass, shirts, miniature gem carvings, mugs/cups, to wall decor like a dragon skull incense burner.
I apologize if this was quite a lot to read, but I do hope it is useful. Thank you for taking the time to match me with the character you see fit. I find these fascinating and look forward to the outcome. 💙
Want to be shipped? Here be the instructions 🦋
I love all this information - it is SO helpful! Both of your blogs are out of this world dude - they're literally so gorgeous🌷Also wow are you a writer because this is so eloquent! I hope we can be friends/ mutuals!!!
What each ship has in common:
⋆ Caring ⋆ Genuine  ⋆ Authentic  ⋆ Witty ⋆ Charming
𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬  
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I ship you with Steve Harrington. I think you would do well with someone that can be happily alone with you. Someone that doesn’t seek out heart-pumping adventure; someone like a parental figure... responsible in that sense. 
・Steve would always encourage you - in whatever you do. Whether that’s band/music, your drawing, etc. 
     “Babe, you’re a genius,” he would mutter against your neck. 
・Knows when you’ve had enough of other people, he can talk for the both of you. His extroverted nature makes it easy to be around because even when you do want to be around people, but don’t want to talk - he’ll step up to the plate
・Writes cute little notes and hides them in places. Your books, your bags, your drawers. He loves gift giving. 
・Would absolutely learn ASL. Hands down, no questions asked. He will spend hours learning everything about it and would surprise you when you didn’t want to talk 
𝐁𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫
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I ship you with Angel! He would absolutely understand your quiet and reserved nature. He’s similar in that aspect; he doesn’t enjoy a lot of people’s company and seeks out solitude. 
・He would do everything for you - if you needed groceries, anything to do with your car, tasks around the house. Angel is on it. He likes that he has someone to look after, other than himself. 
・Angel has seen everything and been around nearly every type of person there is. So nothing can scare him off. I say this because some people don’t understand neurodivergent people, but he would definitely get you. 
・You would relax together alone, but together. Oh god I could have worded that better. But basically, you would be in the same room, him on the lounge with a book and you at the table with your tablet, drawing something (probably him.)
・Type of bf to frame any sort of drawing or artwork that you do. He beams when he sees what you’ve made 
   “That is definitely going in the hallway.”
・Loves showing you everything he knows, he’s experienced. You would always feel safe with him, so your anxiety was getting too much, he would know how to calm you down. You’ve made plans and shared techniques on how to do this. 
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I ship you with Druig! I just think he would completely understand you. He has darker thoughts about humanity (because of what he’s seen), and you give him hope. Your thoughts, your dreams, your hobbies. He understands humanity more because of you. 
・He would love to show you the best books, and make Phastos create the best technology so that you could draw/create with even better utensils. 
・Druig loves just being around you. You’re steady aura makes him feel at ease. Which is actually how you feel around him. 
・He doesn’t like the general population, and only goes out when he needs to. He’s rather reserved and stoic, but he does tease you a lot. 
・Druig loves music and would ask about your favourite songs. He’d ask about your playlists, which era you like the most, favourite artists etc. And then he would make a playlist with all the songs that remind him of you. 
・He would lean his forehead against yours a lot; and definitely wants to hold your hand. I honestly think Druig is affectionate but in little ways. Like bumping his arm against yours, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, sitting with your thighs together. 
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finnglas · 5 years
replied to your
number one on the “inconsequential things sure to...
I am torn between finding out what’s going on and knowing that the answer will further erode my faith in humanity
so the classic Pirates of the Caribbean ride features a scene in the town where there are ladies being auctioned off in an attempt to keep the pirates from plundering the whole town. (I don’t remember right now if it’s framed as the kind of “buy a lady’s picnic basket and win a date with her” thing or not, but my memory says not, because I remember it being played as kind of raunchy.) Anyway, the lady currently being auctioned in the scene is this chubby, matronly type, but further down in line is a buxom redheaded lady showing a lot of cleavage. The auctioneer is gently encouraging the matronly lady to try to look more seductive ( “Strike your feathers, dearie, show ‘em your fluff,” like, show off your petticoats, etc.) and one of the pirates yells, “We wants the redhead!”
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Well, a couple of years ago, Disney wisely decided that this wasn’t exactly a family-friendly experience. (You’ll notice that there’s a rope tied around the redhead’s waist that a pirate behind her is holding, thus reinforcing my memory that this wasn’t a cutesy kind of thing.) So they decided to revamp the scene.
Now, instead of ladies being auctioned, the townspeople are auctioning off their belongings to try to pay off the pirates. People are lined up holding heirlooms, pieces of artwork, etc. The matronly lady is now holding some chickens and a basket of eggs. (Thus making the “strike your feathers, dearie, show ‘em your fluff” line WAAAAAY less creepy.)
And what happened to the redhead?
Well. My baby, my precious darling Redd, JOINED THE DAMN PIRATES. (Presumably to get revenge on the townspeople for trying to sell her into human trafficking.)
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She got some new clothes (although she’s still wearing her pink dress), some new jewelry, some new guns, a bottle of rum, and a new animatronic with more articulation, A NAME, and -- importantly -- actual spoken lines. Instead of being a passive seductive lady awaiting her fate, she’s a pirate, and she talks. “Send those hens to Davy Jones! It’s the rum they want!” is the one she’s speaking here as she gestures with her bottle of rum with a goddamn shotgun resting on her hip.
Now, it’s worth noting that a) she’s still beautiful and sexy, b) she’s still showing cleavage, and c), she’s actually still showing some leg. Here’s a fuller picture of the auction scene.
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(LOOK AT THOSE BOOTS!!! Style icon!!!)
And yet, invariably, whenever Disney social media (or any social media) posts pictures of either the old redhead or the new Pirate Redd (who currently has a wanted poster, a T-shirt, a Funko Pop figure, and a Christmas ornament, all of which I bought the second they were released), the comments are full of people complaining about Disney being “too PC” or “giving into SJWs” or bemoaning the change to a beloved ride (hint: it’s not the first time Pirates has been updated to be more family friendly! The original ride included a scene where the pirates were chasing women through the town, and they decided that was maybe too rapey, so they changed it to amorous women trying to chase down sexy pirates with both of them giggling flirtatiously), or saying something stupid like “So much for historical accuracy!” (hint #2: Pirates of the Caribbean has never been concerned with historical accuracy, and also, Mary Read and Anne Bonny would like to have some very protracted words with you at the end of their pistols.)
But whatever. Pirate Redd has merch, a walkaround character in Disneyland (BRING HER TO FLORIDA!!!!!), and my heart.
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